Why dream of an ax? Meaning and interpretation. Ax: why dream

it ancient tool labor, which from time immemorial has helped man. Without it, they could not cut down a tree, chop wood and build a house. But just as this tool is beneficial, it can also be harmful. Killing with it is not uncommon even today, not to mention what happened before.

Therefore, the appearance of this object in a dream can have both a positive and a negative variant. It is worth paying attention to the details in a dream with his presence in order to answer the question of what the ax is dreaming of as accurately as possible.

What tool did you dream about?

A new tool in a dream indicates that you need to start working, and then the efforts will be crowned with success and lead to the desired result.

Seeing an ax in a dream can mean both a favorable event and a formidable warning. In the wrong hands, the ax dreams of the approach of a serious illness. It is worth paying attention to health. In his hands - portends victory in a difficult struggle.

A blunt instrument symbolizes difficulties that can only be overcome with the support and help of loved ones.

Rusty - to the breakup of the family. In personal relationships, disagreements and misunderstandings arose, which lead to a split.

Unfinished business and a negative result in current affairs symbolizes a broken tool.

In the hands of a dreamer

Did you dream about sharpening a tool? Such a dream speaks of an approach to an event on which great hopes are placed. Preparing for important business It will be completed. The main thing is to pull yourself together and boldly strive for success, while not forgetting to make the necessary efforts.

To fulfill desires and achieve goals, one dreams of working with an ax: chopping firewood, chopping trees, etc.. But all these favorable predictions will come true only thanks to hard work and ingenuity.

Chop with an ax or bones in a dream - a warning about caution. Blindly going to the goal can harm another person.

To kill a person with an ax in a dream - such a plot is interpreted ambiguously. If the victim of the murder is an enemy or competitor of the dreamer, this is a good omen. seen this dream will be able to achieve the desired result with the help of cunning and resourcefulness.

But to cut off the head of a loved one or a stranger is to bring on hard times. You will have to face misunderstanding from the environment. Lying and hiding secrets will lead to serious problems. In this case, it is worth thinking about why this could happen, and carefully analyze what is happening around.

Murder means to commit a grave sin. Be prudent in your actions.

In the wrong hands and not only

However, an ax in a dream can be not only a weapon in the dreamer's hands. Often the instrument is dreamed of in the wrong hands: men or even women.

Answering the question of why a man is dreaming or with an ax, dream books assure: in reality, in the near future you will have devoted comrades and true friends. If a butcher dreams with a tool in his hands, the vision warns of approaching diseases.

A sharp tool holds close person? A waking friend will help deal with current problems. But if this character tries to kill the dreamer, he should expect a "stab in the back" in real life.

A stranger with a gun dreams of a warning: you should be more careful with finances. Not now best time for investments and investments.

If an ax was stuck in the back, expect an unexpected blow that will bring a lot of problems. At the same time, the absence of pain suggests that everything can be overcome with little effort, but if it is felt, overcoming obstacles on the way will be difficult and may entail losses.

A severed head will result in loss of support. Such a murder with an ax dreams of the loss of support, which has been relied on for a long time. It will become very difficult to put your actions and thoughts in order.

A donated ax announces new acquaintances that will bring a lot of pleasant, but at the same time thrills. Find an ax in a dream - to problems and the collapse of hopes. You are waiting for the "black stripe".

Who dreams of an ax?

The ax in the hands of a woman speaks of the appearance of a worthy, but not too well-to-do materially narrowed.

A married woman dreams of an ax for the appearance of a lover in the near future.

A dream in which a husband chases his wife with this tool portends the spouse’s imminent departure for a while.. This will provide an opportunity to take a break from relationships that are in recent times began to get more difficult.

For a man to see himself with an ax in his hands means to realize himself in a purely masculine business. Chop wood or - meet old friends and relax in nature.

If a man dreams of a girl with an ax - in reality he will meet an extraordinary fan. If in a dream she tries to kill, in real life this person will cause many difficulties.

Famous dream books about the cleaver

Denise Lynn

The dream of an ax suggests that it is time to take matters into your own hands. This is a sign of fear and loss.. Make sure you don't lose your job or miss out on something important.

If there is something in life that is worth getting rid of, but you just can’t decide on it, cut it boldly. Getting rid of the unnecessary will lead to the emergence of a new, beneficial and joyful.

The ax, as an instrument of execution, makes you think about actions. Feelings of guilt or doubt lead to confusion.


An ax in a dream symbolizes feelings about the work done.. Whether everything was framed correctly, whether the letter was written in vain, whether certain actions were needed.

It is also a symbol of a sharp mind. The dreamer is perceived as a person who "can make candy out of nothing."

To sharpen the tip of an ax is to commit a risky act that concerns documents. It is worth being careful, because those who support may turn out to be enemies.

If you are attacked in a dream - beware of the catch when signing contracts.


The more the dreamer makes an effort, the more he will be rewarded. This is warned by the appearance of an ax in a dream.

A tool in the hands of other people will tell about happy and friendly relationships..

A young girl dreams of an ax to meet an attractive boyfriend who is deprived of financial wealth.

A broken tool will lead to losses, a rusty one to poor health.

Longo, white magician

The ax speaks of problems that can only be avoided if all meetings are postponed in the near future.

Sharpen a tool - decide on a risky act.

A flying ax handle will warn of interference that can create difficulties in an important matter.

To be a butcher in a dream is to act too aggressively. Such behavior will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Whatever the ax may dream of in a dream - hard work, fulfillment of desires, losses, or even death, the main thing to remember is that in order to achieve the ultimate goal and avoid many problems, you will need to make an effort!

Old French dream book

Ax - interpretation of a dream

Interpretation of the dream book: Ax - They saw an ax - be careful: you are in serious danger.

Ax according to the Small Velesov dream book

Ax - Quarrel, debts, hard work; to chop - a fight, anxiety.

The meaning of the dream about the Tool (Russian folk dream book)

Ax - A symbol of a tool, but also a clear threat. To sharpen an ax in a dream, in reality to prepare for a risky step for a human being. You chop, and the ax flies off the ax handle, there will be unexpected interference that will greatly affect the outcome of the case. To cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, you act too rudely and straightforwardly, and this can greatly harm your business.

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about Axes

Ax - Such a symbol of sleep, like an ax, is associated in your mind with the expression: “What is written with a pen, you can’t cut it down with an ax”, in this case, your subconscious mind signals to you that you are experiencing, whether you did the right thing when working with documents , or regret writing a letter, telegram, note. An ax can symbolize the cunning, resourcefulness of a person who is able to make at least something out of nothing, as in a fairy tale about porridge cooked from an ax. They say: "He swims like an ax", and if your subconscious mind associates this image with this particular statement, then this means that you are unhappy with how someone from your environment performs the tasks assigned to him. To sharpen an ax - in reality, prepare for a risky step associated with papers, be careful, it may turn out that your partners will support you only in words, but in reality they will let you down. If at the time when you are chopping something, the ax flies off the ax handle, then you will have interference in your work that will not only spoil your mood, but also affect your income. To chop something with an ax is to achieve what you want with the help of cunning and resourcefulness. If you cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, this means that by acting directly, without precautions, you will cause mental pain to a person from those around you, so think before you do it. If in a dream someone threatens you with an ax, it predicts danger from papers, so be careful when signing documents.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about an Ax

Ax - Seeing in a dream in a dream an ax in your hands marks the consciousness of absolute power over your partner, the complete subordination of his interests and desires to your own whims. You will continue to have a similar role of leader, initiator in bed. If in a dream they swing an ax at you or you see it in the hands of another person, this is a sign of danger looming over you. Perhaps ill-wishers are weaving networks of intrigue and gossip around you, which will cause significant damage to your reputation. Be careful. Transformation of the genital organs The dream of the transformation of the genital organs should be regarded as a symbol of serious changes in the dreamer's personality and worldview. Thus, a change in the genital organs of one sex to organs of the other means: 1) a feeling of inferiority due to sexual coldness; 2) feeling of inferiority associated with the performance social role(man, woman, husband, wife); 3) a feeling of pressure exerted by society on the dreamer, and a subconscious desire to get rid of him by changing his essence; 4) the desire to change the chosen role in sex (from active to passive and vice versa). Changing the genitals to the organs of an animal has the meaning of the fundamental impossibility of realizing secret dreams for one reason or another: perhaps you expect too much from life and demand from others. Moderate your requests in relation to the world around you, if you wish to live in harmony with it.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why dream of an Ax in a dream Axes

Ax - Ax - loss of property or debts; chop something with an ax - trouble, anxiety.

See add. Hack (in idiom. Sl.).

What did the Ax dream about according to spiritual sources (Bible dream book of Azar)

Ax - Unpleasant work.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of an Ax

Dream Interpretation Ax - If you dreamed of an ax in a dream, it means that in life you are in danger, which you can avoid if you do not arrange any meetings on this day. You saw an ax without an ax handle, which means that the intrigues of your enemies will be upset and they will not be able to harm you. To chop in a dream with an ax - in reality, you are solving the current problem with unsuitable methods, so nothing changes significantly.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Ax as an image in a dream

Ax - Dreaming in a dream - misfortune; working for them is a good salary; chopping a tree is disagreement.

Ax in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

Ax - For a woman, the appearance of a “real man” in your life, especially if you put the ax into action. For men, the opportunity to express themselves in a purely male profession, in the military field.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Ax in a dream why dream

Ax - Poverty, hard work, misfortune - to work with him - a good salary - to cut a tree - disagreement

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of an Ax

Ax, ax - An ax in a dream means that you will get pleasure and joy from life thanks to your efforts and energy. Seeing others with an ax portends energetic and cheerful friends, with whom life will be a real pleasure for you. For a young woman, a dream promises a poor, but very worthy admirer in terms of his human qualities. A broken or rusty ax portends illness, loss of money or some kind of property.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of an Ax in a dream

Ax, ax - Seeing an ax in a dream - portends that the pleasure and joy that you will receive depends on your efforts and energy. Seeing others with an ax predicts you energetic and cheerful friends and life next to them will be a pleasure. For a young woman, this dream predicts that she will have a very worthy, albeit not a rich, admirer. A broken or rusty ax means illness and loss of money and property.

The meaning of the dream about the Ax (Assyrian dream book)

Ax, ax - If a person in a dream holds an ax in his hands and destroys a house, temple, sanctuary, etc. with it. - this dream portends intercession for him from above.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with an Ax mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why dream of an ax in a dream - To violence.

In the summer, what the ax dreamed of - A complete break with the one you love will follow, in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream is about.

In the fall, why did the ax dream - To the threat.

In winter, why dream of an ax - Danger; end any activity.

dream book ax

Seeing an ax in a dream portends that all future merits directly depend on the efforts made and you need to try hard and work hard to achieve more. If it is not you who is holding the ax in your hands, but someone else, you will find cheerful friends with whom life will become brighter and more fun. For young girls, a dream about an ax is a sign that a very interesting fan will soon appear, but, unfortunately, not rich. A dream in which the ax is broken or very rusty does not bode well - illness, financial loss.

why dream of an ax

A dream in which the sleeper sees an ax promises misfortune. If he cuts a tree, then soon a squabble and disagreement will arise in the environment of a person. At the same time, working with an ax is a good omen: expect an improvement in your financial situation.

dreamed of an ax

If on the eve of an important meeting you dream of an ax, then you should cancel it, as you are in serious danger. The vision of an ax without an ax handle predicts that the intrigues that are built against you will not do any harm and the enemies will be defeated. Working with an ax - in real life, you are solving the problem incorrectly, in a rush.

dream book ax

Being wounded in a dream with an ax will bring good luck and success. If the sleeping person is handed or given an ax, then one should expect a promotion. But if you give someone an ax - misfortune lies ahead. A bad symbol, a falling ax into the water, is a harbinger of the death of a spouse.

Such a symbol of a dream as an ax can be associated in your mind with the expression: “What is written with a pen, you cannot cut it out with an ax”, in this case, your subconscious mind signals to you that you are experiencing, whether you did the right thing when working with documents, or regret writing a letter, telegram, note.

An ax can symbolize the cunning, resourcefulness of a person who is able to make at least something out of nothing, as in a fairy tale about porridge cooked from an ax.

They say: "He floats like an ax", and if your subconscious mind associates this image with this particular statement, then this means that you are unhappy with the way someone from your environment performs the tasks entrusted to him.

Sharpen an ax - in reality, prepare for some kind of risky step related to papers, be careful, it may turn out that your partners will support you only in words, but in reality they will let you down.

If at the time when you are chopping something, the ax flies off the ax handle, then you will have interference in your work, which will not only spoil your mood, but also affect your income.

To chop something with an ax is to achieve what you want with the help of cunning and resourcefulness.

If you cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, this means that acting directly, without precautions, you will cause mental pain to someone around you, so think before you do it.

A dream in which someone threatens you with an ax predicts danger from papers, so be careful when signing documents.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

Dream Interpretation - Ax

If you dreamed of an ax, it means that in life you are in danger, which you can avoid if you do not arrange any meetings on this day.

If you saw an ax without an ax handle, it means that the intrigues of your enemies will be upset and they will not be able to harm you.

Chop with an ax: in reality, you are solving the current problem with unsuitable methods, so nothing significantly changes.

Interpretation of dreams from

Miller's dream book

Why does a woman dream of an ax:

To see an ax - the pleasure and joy that you receive depends on your efforts and energy;
to see others with an ax - energetic and funny friends, life next to them will be a pleasure;
for a young woman - this dream - you will have a very worthy, albeit not a rich admirer;
broken or rusty ax - illness, loss of money and property.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

To see an ax in a dream means:

see - misfortune
working for them is a good salary
chopping a tree is disagreement.

French dream book

A dream with an ax in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

If you saw an ax in a dream, be careful: you are in serious danger.

Slavic dream book

Sleeping with an ax means:

Loss of property or business.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Sleep Ax Meaning:

unpleasant job

Ukrainian dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of an ax:

Ax - loss of property or debts; chop something with an ax - trouble, anxiety.

Esoteric dream book

What an ax may dream of:

For a woman, the appearance of a "real man" in your life, especially if you put an ax into action. For men - the opportunity to prove themselves in a purely male profession, in the military field.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

An ax in a dream means:

A dream where a drunken husband is chasing you with an ax is a harbinger of his departure for a long time, which will allow you to breathe a sigh of relief and calmly clean up the house. Chopping firewood with an ax is a sign of warm friendship, chopping trees - to a fun, riotous life to your fullest.

To dream of a butcher with a bloodied ax - to dangerous disease and difficult operation. Cutting off a head with an ax is a troublesome business or a minor fine. Drop an ax into an ice hole - to sensual pleasures.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

If a girl dreams of an ax, then this means:

If you cut something with an ax in a dream, you have enough energy for any accomplishment. Feel free to get down to business!

Imagine how skillfully you own an axe. You can cut down any tree, make any thing.

Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Why does a woman dream of an ax:

Symbolizes reckless determination.

Deftly working with an ax: a sign that by acting quickly, decisively and accurately, you can achieve significant success.

Chopping wood means that in the near future you have to work hard to deal with the accumulated problems and troubles. Often such dreams warn of an imminent conflict.

Any troubles that are in any way connected with an ax in your dream are a warning. The dream suggests that your peremptory and unwillingness to compromise can turn into big problems for you.