What is the difference between the new method of scoring CT and the old one and why is it better. We answer your questions How to calculate points for ct


Is paper issued for working notes (draft)?

During the centralized testing at all exams in educational institutions, paper for work notes is issued to applicants in the required quantity.

Will a tenth grader be able to pass the CT?

No. A tenth grader does not have the right to participate in centralized testing.

Is it possible to pass the CT without a passport, presenting a notarized copy?

No. On testing, the applicant must have with him the original identity document (passport, residence permit, refugee certificate).

Can I go to the toilet during CT?

Yes. You are shown to the restroom. However, the exit is a minus to your time allotted for testing.

Does the applicant have the right to make comments (in the course of centralized testing) on ​​the content of the tests?

Applicants' comments on the content of pedagogical tests are entered into the protocol for conducting centralized testing in the classroom, indicating the number of the pedagogical test option, the task number and the content of the comment (see Chapter 7, clause 58 of the Regulations on the CT).

Questions of applicants on the content of pedagogical tests in the classroom are not considered.

In what language is the centralized testing on the history of Belarus conducted?

Applicants have the right to take specialized entrance examinations in Belarusian or Russian (optional).

Applicants who have not studied the history of Belarus can take a test in the world history of modern times, except for the profile (direction) of the specialty “historical” (clause 16, chapter 3 of the Rules for Admission to Universities).

Are semi-correct answers in Russian counted?
Yes. Both completely correct and half-correct answers are counted in the CT in the Russian language. This only applies to (!) tasks from part "A".
For the correct answer, the applicant receives 100% of the score, for the half-correct - 20%.
Semi-correct tasks are considered where one extra answer is marked or one necessary answer is not marked.
Correct answers - 2.4. The applicant noted 1,2,4. This is a semi-correct answer, because it has one error: one extra answer is marked (1).
The correct answers are 1,2,4. The applicant noted 1.4. This is a semi-correct answer, because it has one error: one correct answer is not marked (2).
The correct answers are 1,2,4. The applicant marked 2. This is the wrong answer, because it contains two errors: two required answers (1 and 4) are not marked.
The correct answers are 1,2,4. The applicant noted 1,3,4. This is the wrong answer, because it contains two errors: the required answer is not marked (2) and an extra answer is marked (3).
Answers to tasks from part "B" are only correct or incorrect. If at least one mistake is made in the answer from part “B” (for example, A2B2V3D4 is written instead of A1B2V3G4), such an answer is considered completely wrong. The same goes for misspelled responses (e.g. incorrect suffix instead of correct suffix).

How is a question scored if more than one correct answer is possible? (1) if not all correct answers are given; 2) if correct and incorrect answers are given?)
You probably mean the partially correct answers that we use in tests in Russian and Belarusian. Even if you could not decide on all the correct answers for a specific task, the computer program takes them into account. But you will get a slightly lower score than if you selected all the correct answers. The same is true if you chose the correct and incorrect answers.

How are scores calculated for the CT in Russian?
Each task has a difficulty factor. This coefficient is determined not by the compilers of the test, but by the applicants. If many applicants coped with the task, it has a low coefficient of complexity, and vice versa, a high coefficient of complexity for tasks that only a small number of applicants managed to do correctly.
Therefore, people with an equal number of correctly completed tasks may have different scores. If a person made a mistake in simple tasks, but correctly completed complex ones, he gets more points.

If the answer in part B is given with a spelling error, will it be counted?
No. The answer (word or phrase) is given in the form (gender, number, case) determined by the condition of the test task, and in the language chosen for the exam. Spelling errors in the answer are not allowed.

This year, 325 people passed the CT for 100 points. Pinsk, Malorita, Minsk - yesterday's schoolchildren from different regions showed the maximum result. Some prepared from the 7th grade, others started a couple of months before the X-day. Someone is ready to open the door of any university with his foot, others are afraid that they will not enter. We talked to CT 100-pointers about how to pass the 100 test, not die of happiness, and what to do with these results next.

“For the first time I learned what it is to cry with happiness!”

Nastya Trubey scored 100 points each in the history of Belarus and the English language. Now the gold medalist of the 6th Pinsk school is afraid to fly with the translation department of MSLU. A year ago, the passing score there was 381 - the girl now has a total of 384.

- I started preparing for English in September, I went to a tutor twice a week, who gave a lot of assignments. At the rehearsal testing, I scored 80 points, so I didn’t expect a result of 100 on the CT! I took up history since last summer, then I saw my result in RT (80 points) and realized that it was time to go to a tutor too,- recalls Nastya.

She believes that in English she was lucky with the option: it was not very difficult.

- There were moments when I doubted, checked at home - everything turned out to be correct. I was only worried, suddenly I accidentally put a cross in the wrong place,- says pinchanka.

With the history of Belarus, Nastya had more doubts. She came home and did not find answers to a couple of questions at all - she says she was very embarrassed.

- In part A there was a question with cards - as for me, all the answers there are correct! When I was waiting for the results, I was very worried and still hoped for 100 points. I was afraid that there would be some one stupid mistake. English had to wait a long time - the results were only around five in the evening. I couldn’t do anything, I was waiting for a text message! Then I first learned what it is to cry from happiness! We cried with my mother.

The girl immediately called her tutor - to thank.

Another entrant handed over Russian and, just in case, social science. Scored 85 and 86 points respectively. She says that it took almost all the time to prepare - even during the holidays she studied every day.

“It’s hard to choose among such a range of specialties!”

But Vlad Yarmoshuk from Malorita didn’t really care for the whole year, but he passed mathematics with 100 points. I made one mistake each in the Central College of the Belarusian language and physics. In total, the guy has 391 points. He graduated from the Belarusian State University Lyceum with a gold medal.

- I kept postponing the preparation for later. At the first stage, RT received like 77, at the second - too, and at the third - in general 75! Then I realized that it was time to take up the mind. Two months before the CT, I solved the tests of previous years, and I also prepared at the lessons - there was no need for tutors,- says the guy.

He went to mathematics (Vlad speaks like an athlete) “in order to perform to the maximum,” but hesitated: he did not know if there would be a “cell”. He recalls that he solved the test in an hour and a half, then he solved it again: there were doubts about part B. He says that he was confident in the course of the decision, but he was worried about the result: what if he made a mistake due to inattention?

- I was a little disappointed that in Belarusian it was not 100 points, but 96. It seemed to me easier than Russian, and my mother is a teacher, she helped me prepare. The result in mathematics introduced me into a slight shock.

Vlad was the first to tell his friends about his success on VKontakte.

The average score of the applicant's certificate is 98. Now the guy has a dilemma between BSUIR (Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks) and BSU (Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics) - he says that both are good, but he is afraid to miscalculate.

- My results are high, I still face a huge choice: it is difficult to choose among such a range of specialties!- modestly laughs Vlad.

He advises future applicants to constantly solve tests of past years and go to all stages of the RT.

- In fact, this is an almost finished digital heating system. And I went to it just to solve good problems in the subject, and did not worry about the result, he says.

“I corrected several answers 10 minutes before the end of the CT”

Minsker Lera Yesis passed the history of Belarus with 100 points - she is closely connected with the subject from the 7th grade.

- My teacher helped to prepare for the Olympiads, and this year for the CT. I took notes and a reference book for testing Sharova and taught,- the applicant says that all June she studied for three to four hours a day without a break.

At the rehearsal testing, the girl received only 78 points: by that time she had not yet mastered the program for the 11th grade. But she came to the centralized one already in full combat readiness.

- There were tasks over which I thought for a very long time. I corrected something 10 minutes before the end of the CT. I checked everything at home - I didn’t find any mistakes, but I was still afraid: what if there would be some minor mistake? Especially in tasks about the development of cities in the Commonwealth, which is not paid special attention,- recalls the gold medalist of the Minsk school No. 42.

She says that she has not yet fully understood the new scoring system (recently she has been actively criticized: supposedly you can guess a good grade), but she is sure that this did not greatly affect the results.

- In principle, those who previously scored more than 80, took the same amount this year. 20-pointers scored 40 each, but they are still not competitors for the first,- the girl argues.

When Lera saw her result, she was very happy. Because of the surging emotions, it is now difficult for her to remember the details of that day.

- This is some kind of explosion - 100 points! I immediately called my teacher with shouts of "Hurrah!".

In addition to the history of Belarus, she took Belarusian (83) and Russian (86) languages, as well as world history (81). Her total score is 365, with which she is going to the history department of BSU. The passing score last year there was 318, so Lera will go to apply with a light heart.

“I slept a couple of hours a day all year - I solved eight tests in a week”

Another girl from Pinsk - Vita Kurgan - got 100 points in mathematics.

- I have worked hard since the beginning of the year, so I expected a good result. At school, we solved a lot of tasks from previous years, but basically the tutor helped - she took them in quantity. I slept a couple of hours a day all year: I was sitting on math! I took eight tests a week!- recalls a graduate of the 12th Pinsk school.

The girl says that she went to all stages of the RT - at first she scored about 80 points, then it was up to 85.

- I am very inattentive, so I made mistakes. I was terribly afraid that this would happen again on the CT! Therefore, I checked and rewrote several times. When the text message came with the result, I opened it and just started crying! This is a very great happiness, because I had a lot of risks to make a mistake, Vita talks about her inattention.

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The new methodology for scoring centralized testing is more objective. This was stated on October 31 at a press conference in Minsk by the director of the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control (RIKZ) Yuri Miksyuk, writes BelaPAN .

According to him, the new technique is a mathematical system that completely excludes the human factor. It has been used all over the world for a long time, and from 2019 it will also be used in Belarus. The methodology is used by more than 6 thousand educational institutions in the United States, it is used to evaluate tests for admission to Swedish, Finnish, German universities, it is used by global companies in assessing the IQ test.

“It involves more complex processing of answers than simply multiplying by some pre-known coefficient,- said Miksyuk. “The methodology first distributes applicants by primary scores in percentage terms, and then, in accordance with this percentage distribution, converts the primary results into the final test score”.

For example, he explained, 10% of applicants received 40 primary points. “The statistical distribution is taken into account, how many percent of applicants received 40 points, how many - 50 and so on. And in accordance with this distribution, the final test score is formed. That is, if these 40 primary scores are almost the maximum result, then it will be, for example, 90 test scores.- said the head of RIKZ.

When asked why the new system is better than the traditional one, Miksyuk replied: “This is a classic scientific approach. It allows you to determine the level of knowledge objectively, regardless of the complexity of the test or other points..

Up to a certain point, the existing methodology for calculating CT scores suited everyone, but then questions arose why applicants receive such low scores, Miksyuk continued. “What is this score - 12? And no one could answer that 12 points is not a real assessment of the applicant's knowledge, but a rating score in a particular test, he noted. “If the test is replaced with another one, then the results of the applicants will be completely different.”.

Miksyuk said why simply assigning certain points for tasks of varying complexity is worse than the new methodology. “It's all subjective. One expert considers that this task is not very difficult, and sets 3 points, and for another expert the same task will be 5 points, for the third - 1 point,- he said. - And all over the world it is accepted that 1 point is given for a test task, and then - how much and how - is determined by the methodology. Everything is fair here. Those who know less will not get more of those who know better.”.

According to Miksyuk, in the 2019 admissions campaign, with the new calculation method, the minimum threshold scores will be higher than in 2018. How much, he found it difficult to answer.

To pass the DT online on the RICH website, tests with a new assessment methodology will appear before the end of this year, Miksyuk promised.

Applicants who have high scores in the CT certificates for 2018 do not need to worry, the head of the RIKZ assured. According to him, the new method will not affect the results of strong applicants who scored high according to the old method of counting. “After 70-75 points, both the old and the new methods give the same results. Others may need to try the CT again and get higher scores.”, - he said.

The average test scores of applicants have increased significantly, but not due to knowledge, but due to the transfer of primary scores into test scores. This caused criticism and outrage from both students and educational professionals.

It was not the DH that changed, but the counting system

As a well-known teacher and tutor in physics and mathematics told Belsat Evgeny Livyant, the previous system accurately reflected the level of preparedness of schoolchildren. Now you can do it without knowing anything.

“The tasks in the tests are similar to last year. But the calculation is different. It used to be like this: the simpler the tasks, the lower the points. Now all the tasks of part A cost the same. The same in part B, which in itself is unfair. Secondly, the mythical conversion table, which did not exist. For example, if a student scored 1 point, that is, he solved the simplest task in part A, he scores 9 points out of 100. Two tasks - 18. And eighteen points is enough to enter a university, since the lowest limit is 15.

Evgeny Livyant adds: according to the theory of probability, everyone has a chance to guess at a passing score.

“If I have 18 tasks in part A, and in each task there are 5 possible answers, according to the theory of probability, if you put all ones or twos, the chance to guess is 4-5 tasks. Previously, you could get a maximum of 12 points for this. Now it is 31-36 points. In many universities, this is enough to enter.

"Doublers are pulled to the end"

The changes were adopted last fall. According to the teacher, they did this for one purpose: to artificially increase the scores of weak students, so that later they would not ask questions why the students do not know anything.

“The DH system was a mirror that was difficult for the Ministry of Education to look into, as it accurately reflected the very low level of knowledge of school graduates. Now those who scored 10-20 points get 30-60. Previously, it was possible to guess by 12 points. And now, without knowing anything, you can guess by 44 points.”

The specialist considers the system hypocritical and insincere, especially with respect to good students.

“To enter a university, it is not enough to score points on the CT. Take into account the average score of the certificate. Preference was given to those who by any means received a high score of the certificate. The system is unfair and discriminatory.

In recent years, everything that is done leads to more problems for responsible students. And those who do nothing had less. My colleagues, university professors, say that in most institutions, a strict requirement is not to exclude. Doubles are pulled to the end.

Innovations compromise the entire DH system, Yevgeny Livyant is sure.

“First of all, they discredit the work of the previous leadership of the Republican Institute for Knowledge Control (RIKZ). This threatens the country as a whole. Graduates who have received a diploma in some unknown way will build, treat, and maintain nuclear power plants. Thanks to the DH, the terrible corruption that flourished in 1980-2000 was broken. I am afraid that we are waiting for her return.

Poke experiment

Head of the project "People's textbook" Sergey Olshevsky Together with Yevgeny Livyant, they tried to prove to the Ministry of Education that the changes were wrong. Officials responded to criticism that they did not see any problems. Then Sergey Olshevsky decided on an experiment: he performed tests in Russian, mathematics, Chinese and physics using the scientific method.

“The Ministry of Education did not hear arguments about the leakiness of the counting system, since any person from the street will easily score a passing score. Therefore, we decided to conduct an experiment. The results in the Russian language - 25 points - did not really surprise us: this is a passing score for the philological faculty and two and a half times more than the passing score for other specialties.

BUT the results of the CT in mathematics were shocking: I ran into 49 points! And the average score in the country is 50 kopecks. I.e, a person with a zero in his head can score an average score in the country and claim even the budget.

"Work for a certificate"

“They even think about canceling my results in physics and Chinese, although there is no reason. The lower scores were raised, the upper scores were lowered: this is according to an analysis of dozens of current DH results compared to last year. Certificate plays an important role.

Due to the fact that the upper bar has been lowered, everyone in schools will “work for a certificate”. On the last day of enrollment there will be a mass transfer of documents where you can go. BUT this information stops updating three hours before the end of the appointment. As Rothschild said, who owns the information, he rules the world. And this information will cost money, because this way you can go on a budget».

Sergei Olshevsky believes that in connection with the innovations Belarus is waiting for not the most pleasant changes.

“Making lawlessness and lawlessness does not work due to the fact that everyone has access to information. BUT if everything is multiplied by the law on deferment, then a huge outflow of guys is expected from the country. I will say more: the situation in 2013 was not enough for the Ministry of Defense, when the Central Television showed that many guys could not get a passing score and went abroad to study. Later they were searched through the embassies.”

belsat.eu experiment

The editors of Belsat also decided to “poke” their result in the Central Television. And that's what happened. We assure you: we do not know either biology or physics.

From June 11 to July 1, applicants must be tested in 17 humanitarian and exact disciplines.

If you are applying this year, then you have probably already familiarized yourself with the passing scores of 2018. They were calculated according to the old method, and in 2019 the CT points will be calculated according to the new system. Awareness is never superfluous, he believes and hurries to tell you how the two methods differ and what to expect from the CT 2019.

How points were calculated for DH 2018

To calculate points for the CT, RICH used a special methodology that helped to objectively assess the level of knowledge and training of applicants. It was based on a 100-point scale, which takes into account the number of correctly completed tasks, as well as their complexity.

The methodology included the calculation of scores for centralized testing tasks with one correct answer and several correct answers. Recall that in the CT in Russian and Belarusian languages ​​in part A there are several correct answers, and in the CT in other subjects - only one.

By the way, the more applicants coped with any task, the less points were given for it.

How points were calculated for a test task with one correct answer

1 was assigned for a correct answer, 0 for an incorrect one. The combination of zeros and ones constituted a matrix of answers. It also included the number of applicants who completed a certain version of the test, and the number of tasks in the test.

The final score of the applicant for the test depended on primary score of the task, primary test score of the applicant and the weight coefficient of the complexity of each task.

When these elements are multiplied, we getmodified primary scoreapplicant(MPBA). By completing the tasks of one or another variant of the test, it was possible to get a certain numbermodified primary scores(MPB), reflecting the complexity of tasks in a particular variant.

Final test score was equal to the quotient of dividing the MPBA by the MPB, multiplied by 100.

The results were rounded to an integer according to the rules of mathematics.

How points were calculated for a test task with several correct answers

If you indicated an incorrect answer or did not indicate the correct one, the system considered this an error.For a correctly completed task (all correct answers are indicated), one was awarded, for an answer with one error (in addition to the correct options, he also indicated the wrong one) - 0.2, more than one - 0.

Zero points were given in the case when the applicant chose more than one wrong answer or did not choose more than one correct answer; indicated the wrong answer, but missed the right one. For example, in A12 the correct answers are 2, 3, 4. If the applicant chose 1, 2, 5 or 2, 3, 5, then he received zero points. Choosing 3, 4 or 1, 2, 3, 4, he received 0.2 points.

Taking into account these nuances, it was calculated primary score of the task and modified primary score of the applicant. Then everything was calculated, as in the case of one correct answer.

How points were calculated on the reserve day

You have already understood that before the score on the CT depended on the number of applicants who correctly answered the task. There are few applicants in the CT. Does it mean they have higher scores? No. The assessment of tests among the "reservists" was carried out according to the described methodology, only the average weight coefficients were taken, derived when calculating the results for the main stage of the CT.

The formulas themselves, according to which the score for the test was calculated, see.

The director of the RIKZ, Yuri Miksyuk, called the dependence of the final score on the number of applicants who correctly answered the question the main drawback of the old methodology.

Yes she [old methods - approx. ed.] qualitatively ranked well-prepared applicants who scored on difficult tasks. However, the error in measuring the level of knowledge of middle and low level applicants was significant.

Yuri Miksyuk, director of RIKZ

The new DH assessment system should not only effectively rank applicants, but also reflect the real level of their knowledge. The fact that the mark in the diary did not match the results of the CT was mentioned by teachers and tutors more than once. What was an additional motivation for the applicants to prepare for the CT.

How will points be calculated for TT 2019?

The basis of the new counting system is the method of normal distribution N (µ, δ). The most important difference of the new methodology is that now all correct answers are taken into account, including partially correct ones.

The result is calculated in two stages. First determined primary score- the sum of points for each correctly completed and partially correctly completed test task. After that, according to the results of statistical processing, the primary score is put in correspondence test score, which will be the final result.

Another innovation of this technique is maximum primary score- the maximum amount of primary points that an applicant can receive by correctly answering all questions of the test. The maximum primary score is known in advance.

How points are calculated for a test task with one correct answer

The applicant receives 1 point if the task is completed correctly. And zero points if you indicated an incorrect answer, indicated more than one answer, or no answer was indicated at all.

How scores are calculated for a test task with several correct answers

If the applicant indicated all the correct answers in the form, 2 primary points are counted to him. One mistake made - 1 point, more than one mistake or no answer - zero points.

You can familiarize yourself with all the rules for calculating points in.

What passing score should applicants in 2019 aim for?

It is expected that applicants will receive a real assessment of their knowledge, scores in the area of ​​low values ​​will objectively increase. The number of those who score 75 or more points should remain roughly the same. Consequently, the situation with admission to prestigious specialties, where the passing score already tends to the maximum value, will remain the same. And here, but by how many points exactly, it is not clear.

It is best to add 20-30 points to the passing score of 2018 and already focus on this figure. Use every opportunity to increase your scores: improve your certificate, prepare more carefully for the Central Test in the Belarusian or Russian language, and not just in core subjects. It's great if on RT you score an average of 70 points per test, while not preparing much for testing. But now there are many such lucky ones.

Dmitry Zaitsev, a teacher of history and social science at the educational center Adukar, after analyzing the new system for evaluating the digital transformation, believes that we are waiting for. But do not rush to despair! Yes, it is always harder for pioneers, but the world does not collapse on this.

Good luck and patience in preparing for the CT! Adukar will always support you with advice and will keep you up to date with educational news.

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