The power supply began to get very hot. The computer's power supply gets hot. BIOS and operating system settings

Sergey Semyonov

I contacted the company for laptop repair, Windows did not boot. Arrived promptly and repaired within 2 hours. Very satisfied, I recommend it to everyone.

Ekaterina Maksimova

I suffered for a long time with the problem that the computer was constantly stupid and finally decided to call the master, I was very lucky that I contacted REMIT. A nice young man came to me and quickly determined what was wrong with my computer. Now everything works fine, the only drawback is that the master was a little late and 15 minutes late. so I put 4, but otherwise everything is super.

Andrey Frolov

There was a problem that photos disappeared for 5 years, I was very worried and thought that it would not be possible to restore them. I decided to consult with a specialist on this issue and immediately came across the REMIT website. There, they immediately told me not to worry and offered to place an order for a data recovery service. The master turned out to be highly qualified, he fiddled with computers for about 4 hours, as a result, all the data was saved. I am very grateful to him, if you have a problem with your PC, please contact this company.

Galina Matveeva

There was a strange breakdown in the Samsung laptop, it turned off after 10-15 minutes of work, I decided to call a specialist and determine the cause of the breakdown. The master immediately said that the problem is that I have never done preventive maintenance of the processor cooling system. After a short break everything started working great. I am very satisfied with the quality of services and their inexpensive cost. RECOMMEND

Elena Fokina

I did not expect the Internet to disappear in my laptop, I called the providers, they said that everything was in order on the line, most likely there was some kind of breakdown in the computer. I called the wizard, after the diagnostics, it turned out that I myself clicked the switch to turn off WI-FI, this was the reason for the lack of Internet. The master immediately turned everything back on and said that everything was in order with my laptop. Many thanks, I recommend to everyone. The guys know their work perfectly and the most important thing is the honesty of specialists. If you have any problems with your laptop, I recommend you go here.

Katerina Frolova

Many thanks to the Remite team for prompt assistance! I recommend it to anyone who, like me, often has sudden software crashes and needs to set everything up in a new way. On my first call, the guys quickly come and install everything.

Irina Novikova

I recently bought a laptop abroad, it was necessary to Russify it and install human Windows. I contacted RemIt - the master immediately came to my house and quickly fixed everything. Thank you very much, I wish there were more such good companies!

Ivan Girov

We bought a laptop as a gift for my father and did not realize what OS it was on, it turned out that it was Windows XP, which was outdated for a long time. I called Remite, the master quickly responded and came to our call. I reinstalled the OS and installed the necessary minimum of programs right at our house! Everything is of high quality and at a very affordable price. Thank you!

Nikolai Alexandrovich

I recommend Remite to anyone who needs any technical assistance with computers. I often call these masters to our office. There are a lot of teniks and from time to time either a computer or a laptop fails. The masters are sensible, they repair computer equipment right in the office. Thanks guys!

Irina Alekseeva

I am a student and work with a laptop all the time. Recently, he covered himself, just turned off and I could not revive him in any way. As luck would have it, all this happened before the session and I had all coursework on my laptop. I was in a terrible panic until I found Remite's company. Thank God, the guys immediately figured out what was wrong, reinstalled the system and restored all the data. This is a lifesaver, thank you so much!

Igor Litvinyak

Recently turned to RemIt because of the strange work of the PC. Turned out to be a virus. Luckily, I made it in time. Very pleased with the result. The masters removed viruses, checked the entire system, set up something there and now the computer is running much faster. Recomend for everybody!

Mikhail Myrzin

The Remite company has already helped me and my friends several times with problems with computers and laptops. Any, even the most abstruse breakdowns, they eliminate and give a guarantee for their work. In our time, this is very surprising and pleased. Thank you!

Denis Sameen

I turned to Remite for laptop repair and optimization of my old PC for new toys. Surprisingly, the masters worked quickly and very efficiently. I am satisfied and will recommend to friends.

Eduard Melnov

"Remite" helps in the most difficult situations with breakdowns of computers and other computer equipment. I was lucky that I found this company at a time when I needed it badly. Thanks to the guys, they quickly responded to the order, came to the house and completed the PC repair. They even gave a guarantee for the subsequent service.

Yasmin Sevirian

I liked the work of the RemIt masters, they repaired my PC for me. I thought that I would have to buy a new one, because all the parts were already outdated, but it turned out that I just needed to buy a couple of new components and optimize the old ones. Everything works great, did not even expect. Thank you!

Erika Pavlyuk

I recently caught a virus on the Internet (be careful, there are a lot of them now!). I had to look for saviors. I am very satisfied with the work of the Remite company, the specialists completed everything in the shortest possible time and gave a guarantee. Now I will always contact them in case of any PC breakdown. Thank you!

Niikita Mayuk

When my computer broke down, I already thought that it could only be thrown into a landfill, but a friend advised Remite, maybe they could save it. I called the masters, looked, quickly figured out what the problem was and replaced the faulty parts. They always have a large assortment of any pieces of iron in stock. Thank you for resuscitating my friend!

Inna Yatsenko

I don’t know how I would live without my laptop if it hadn’t been repaired! Many thanks to the Remite company, which not only fixed the breakdown but also fixed some details, and the laptop began to work even better than before.

Andrey Antonyuk

My wife and I recently started to master the computer, we needed the help of a master. The children are far away, there is no one to help and tell, so friends recommended the Remite company, which understands everything related to computers. Everyone told me, installed Windows, checked the system for viruses, advised what to buy from the periphery (just as advice, they didn’t even take money for a consultation!). Later, they asked for help when a part broke down, they had everything in stock. They installed a new one on the spot. We are satisfied with everything and will recommend you to friends.

Svetlana Esin

I am very satisfied with the Remite company for the qualified and prompt assistance with laptop repair. I had to save my son before the session when his computer burned down. Specialists from Remite quickly got up to speed and revived not only the hard drive, but were able to restore the entire laptop. Thank you very much!

Marina Lavrinova

For a very long time I was looking for someone who could help me repair my laptop, for some reason it overheated and stopped turning on. After much torment, I found the RemIt company, which was able to help me quickly, and for little money. Thanks a lot guys! Prosperity to you.

Evgenia Ramonov

I advise everyone to contact the Remite company in case of computer breakdowns. I had to turn to them when there was no hope of saving my unfortunate computer. The guys came and actively tried to repair it for a good half day. Fortunately, they were able to find all the reasons for the breakdown (they replaced a burned-out fan and something else, I'm not strong in technology).

Stepan Kachur

Remight always finds a way out of any difficult situation with computers. A specialist came to us to find the cause of the breakdown of several computers at the company at once, it turned out that the whole reason was a network malfunction, which confused us the whole robot. Thank God, we were able to save our computers and improve our workflow, thus avoiding production downtime. Thank you!

Miroslav Panov

I had to upgrade my laptop to improve the performance of some video games and programs. Remite specialists were able to select the necessary parts for replacement (they were in stock) and install programs to improve functionality. Thank you very much!

Kostya Mirny

Many thanks to the RemIt team for the quick response to the problem. They quickly came to the call, repaired my laptop and installed antivirus programs. Respond to any request, help.

Alena Starchuk

I bought a new laptop and did not know how to install primary programs on it, which ones are better and what to do with them. I contacted Remite. The master arrived, quickly installed everything, set up Windows and told me where to start and how to use it. Thank you very much, I will recommend to my friends!

Alexey Verbov

RemIt specialists helped me figure out how to set up my computer and its peripherals. We picked up the necessary programs, checked the system for viruses. Thanks a lot! I didn't think that it was possible to find such adept, quick-witted and efficient guys who not only know their business, but also don't overcharge themselves.

Tatyana Ionova

Remighty helped me with OS reinstallation. Installed the necessary programs, Russified, connected to the Internet. I don't know what I would do without them! Thank you very much!

Andrey Tomilin

The old computer broke down, I had to call the masters from Remite. They quickly found a breakdown, replaced obsolete parts with new ones, installed Windows. I liked their work, and they took it like a god. Thank you.

Inna Voytuk

I turned to RemIt when the laptop began to behave very strangely. Turned out to be a virus. That one word made me feel uncomfortable. I was afraid for data, payment cards, documents... I can definitely say that removing viruses is RemIt's strong point. Everything is fast, without loss. I didn’t even have to give away the laptop, they did it on the spot. Cool, thank you!

Valery Urtov

Thank you very much for upgrading my computer and installing the programs I need to work on dmu. I liked the quality of work, the price and the attitude itself. I am pleased with the price of services, the fact that there is a guarantee and a service center with spare parts that may be needed in case of any sudden breakdown. Thank you for your work!

Anton Forsyuk

I was pleased with the work of the master from the Remite company, who installed Windows on the computer and made all the settings necessary to start. I don’t know what I would do without you, you are my saviors! From now on, I will only contact you in case of any malfunction, if necessary.

Karina Markova

RemIt helped me with setting up and reinstalling the OS on a new laptop, installing the necessary licensed programs and expanding functionality. Now my laptop seems to run somehow lighter and faster than it was originally capable of. I've been thinking about changing it. They did everything and saved me money. Many thanks to the masters who know a lot about their work!

Igor Kazakov

Called the wizard from RemIt when the computer got infected with a virus. Nothing worked, not a single document, not a single file could be opened, the computer just got up. The wizard helped with removing the virus and restored the damaged system with important data. There was very important information for work on the computer, you literally saved me from a huge failure! Thank you for your quality work!

Pavel Orlov

For the first time I encountered a problem that the laptop stopped working. Chose RemIt. They fixed it the same day.

Which it converts to stable 12 volts. When the power supply heats up, you need to take urgent measures, which will be discussed later.

Operating temperature and how to find it

Since the computer power supply does not have any thermal sensors, it will not work to take temperature measurements using the program. Therefore, you will have to use a physical method to determine why the power supply is heating up.

First, you should pay attention to the smell emanating from the computer's power supply, if overheating has already taken place, then the smell from it will come from a very unpleasant, reminiscent of burning. Another method is to simply touch the computer's power supply and determine if overheating is present.

An important role is played by the airflow that comes from the fan, which will help determine how hot the computer's power supply is. For this kind of measurement, you will need a thermometer, whose range can cover up to 100 degrees Celsius.

In some power supplies, a temperature increase controller is installed, which responds to overheating by completely shutting down.

The main cause of overheating is the dusty condition inside the PSU itself. However, there are also cases when the energy consumed by the system approaches the maximum and the power supply heats up simply because it does not have enough of its own power. Another item can be called a malfunction of the fan itself, which cools the radiators inside the power supply.


To begin with, it is worth disconnecting the power supply from the network, then disconnect the wires from the motherboard and other devices. After these manipulations, you can wrap the power supply from the case of the system unit.

Turning the bolts, you need to get rid of the cover and look at the degree of dusting of the device, because it is it that prevents the air flow from cooling it from the inside, while lowering its performance.

Dust can be removed in two ways - using a simple brush, and using a regular computer vacuum cleaner.

If the case turned out to be a malfunction of the fan, then it is worth taking the power supply to a service center, where the cooler will be replaced with a workable one. The fact is that if you just clean and lubricate the fan, then after a short time a vibrating sound will be heard again, which will cause the fan to break.

If the power supply heats up during the launch of games, then the point is the overload of the unit itself, since it reaches the maximum possible power consumption. In this regard, you should replace a low-power device with a more productive one. To choose the right one, you can use an online service called a power calculator. By entering the data of each component there, you can find out what power supply unit is suitable for your computer.

Powering a laptop is much more complicated than a similar system in a desktop computer. First, it is worth noting that a laptop is a portable device that has its own battery, which needs to be charged periodically.

The power supply itself is located outside the laptop case, on the charging cable. It looks like a rectangular transformer that converts 220 volt alternating current into stable 12 volts. Normal heating is considered the period when the laptop is in working condition and is connected to the network. This happens because the transformer must not only charge the device, but also supply a charge for operation.

Consequences of overheating

If the laptop power supply is heating up, then it will not be difficult to identify the cause of its appearance. This usually happens from a broken network cable or damage to the transformer itself. Overheating in this case can lead to such irreversible consequences as a malfunction of the entire system of a portable device.

At the first detection of overheating of the power supply, you should contact the service center, where experienced people will diagnose and offer options for solving the problem.

In TVs of modern models, there is always a switching power supply. Its task is to supply voltage, designed for a certain power, which allows the device to function normally.

If abnormal operation or its absence is observed, then the fact is that the power supply of the TV is heating up. Despite the fact that frequent breakdowns of TVs occur in this area, it is necessary to follow some operating rules that few adhere to.

The causes of breakdowns can be different:

  • Violation of the temperature regime in the room where the named equipment is located.
  • Simple construction of circuits.
  • Poor TV repair.
  • Variable voltage in the power circuits.
  • Burning power transistor.

If the power supply is heating up, what to do, the specialist will tell you. Of course, it is better to call the wizard, but there is the possibility of self-diagnosis and repair.

To get started, you will need a pair of skillful hands, a soldering iron and a multimeter. When the tools are available, you can proceed directly to the repair.

The first step is to disconnect the TV from the network by disconnecting the plug from the outlet. Now it's worth waiting a bit, as it will take some time for the high-voltage capacitor to discharge. This usually takes no more than 15 minutes.

After the capacitors have lost their charge, you can remove the board from the TV. It should be carefully examined for physical defects or defects.

When measuring a resistor, you should pay attention to the resistance - if it is zero, then it is faulty and the breakdown is in it.

Capacitors, in the event of a malfunction, will look like inflated barrels. It is worth checking their fullness, and if the deviation is no more than five percent, then there is nothing to worry about.

As for the diodes, one unit of it should demonstrate resistance in the forward direction, which should be from 3 to 6 kOhm.

If you manage to unsolder the faulty parts, then it is worth replacing them, otherwise you will not be able to avoid the service.

Some TV models have an automatic overheating protection system that works when the TV reaches the maximum allowable temperatures.

The power supply is the most important component of the computer, which ensures the normal operation of the entire system by converting AC to DC. Below, the problem will be discussed in more detail when the computer power supply is very hot.
There are not many factors that can affect the overheating of the power supply, which will be discussed below.

Signs of an overheated power supply

1. Do not touch the power supply for a long time. Objectively, it is very hot to the touch;

2. The temperature readings went far beyond the norm. Moreover, overheating of the power supply will also affect other computer devices, such as the central processor, motherboard, video card, etc. (you can use the CPU-Z program to change the temperature indicators of the computer);

3. The computer is much slower;

4. Sudden reboots and shutdowns are possible;

5. Coolers in the computer make a lot of noise.

Why is the power supply overheating?

When faced with an overheating power supply, carefully read the following reasons, starting with the very first.

Reason 1: The power supply is clogged with dust

Perhaps this is the reason in most cases. Over time, any computer becomes clogged with dust, in particular, the power supply fan, which cannot spin up normally and, accordingly, cool the device.

The solution is logical - you need to clean the power supply from dust. To do this, use a screwdriver to open the case of the system unit, and then use a vacuum cleaner to remove all visible dust. Next, the system unit must be disconnected from the motherboard and carefully cleaned of dust first with a vacuum cleaner, and then brush off the remnants with a brush (it is convenient to use a brush for dyeing hair).

Reason 2: Fan failure

If the power supply has been cleaned of dust, but the fan still hardly moves or does not move at all, this may indicate a malfunction. In this case, it is advisable to replace the fan in the power supply with a new one, or try to lubricate the old cooler with a drop of machine oil.

Reason 3: swollen capacitors

Capacitors are small barrels located under the body of the power supply, which are responsible for the accumulation and return of an electric charge. These devices can fail, which can be determined externally - they swell. In this case, the problem can only be solved by soldering old capacitors to new ones.

Many computers today are pushed to their limits as users often run resource-intensive games and programs. In this case, this phenomenon is quite normal, and you can reduce the heating of the power supply using additional exhaust fans that can be installed on the back of the system unit.

Reason 5: structural features of the power supply

Some power supplies, with their considerable size, are equipped with prohibitively miniature fans that cannot effectively cope with their task. You can solve the problem by installing a more powerful fan for the power supply or by making additional holes in the power supply housing.

Reason 6: dried thermal paste

Thermal paste is an essential component of a computer that needs to be kept fresh. This paste allows for better heat dissipation from the processor to the cooler.

It is possible that the thermal paste in the power supply has become “hardened” for a long time, so it needs to be replaced. To do this, you need to remove the radiator and cooler, carefully remove the old thermal paste with a cotton swab and alcohol, and then apply a new one with the thinnest layer (the “more is better” rule does not apply here).

Reason 7: Power supply failure

The power supply, like any device, wears out over time, failing. If the power supply has served you faithfully for many years, then it is quite possible that you need to think about replacing it.

As a rule, these are the main causes of overheating of the power supply. One has only to finally note that if you have not previously opened the case of the system unit and work with its contents, we recommend that you do not take risks, but immediately contact a computer wizard or a service center, where qualified specialists will quickly and efficiently fix the problem.

Today we will look at:

The power supply unit (PSU) is an important component of any personal computer. It is with the help of this device that the energy is distributed among all the working elements of the PC in the amount that is necessary for correct operation in a particular period of time. When using the power supply for a long time, you may notice how this device starts to get very hot. The first signs of this are hot air blown out by the PSU from the back of the system unit and a significantly slowed down computer. Let's take a look at this situation from different angles to clarify the reasons why this can happen, and also consider ways to return the operating temperature of the PSU to a stable state.

What indicates an overheated power supply?

First, let's go through all the signs that the PSU temperature is above normal:

  • constant hot air flow, which is blown out by the device;
  • the high temperature of the power supply itself, at which it is impossible to touch the PSU case with bare hands;
  • slow computer performance
  • frequent freezes and sudden reboots of the PC;
  • noisy operation of power supply coolers;
  • high temperatures, which you can check using the CPU-Z utility.

Causes of overheating and their elimination

Large amount of dust

The presence of dust on the working parts of the system unit is the factor that many turn a blind eye to during long-term operation of the computer. What can we say about the power supply, which, in order to get rid of dust, must also be untwisted. “But where does the dust come from?” - you say.

Imagine a situation that you are cold and covered yourself with a blanket to keep warm. Thus, being under a thick layer of fluff or other filler from which this very blanket is made, you do not allow warmth to come out. The same goes for dust: by covering a large area of ​​chips, contacts, capacitors and batteries, dust simply retains heat on the working elements, maintaining a high temperature.

The solution to the problem is tritely simple: unscrew the power supply from the system unit, open it and completely wipe it off the dust.

A good addition to this procedure is to wipe the dust inside the entire system unit. This will also ease the load on other hardware components of your computer.

Cooler failure

If you have completely cleaned the PSU of all the dirt on it, but the fan on the device still works very poorly or its blades do not move at all, then the cooler on your power supply is simply broken.

There is also a way out of this situation: you still need to unwind the power supply and replace the fan in it with a new one. When choosing a new cooler, pay attention to its parameters (rotation speed and size), because it is very important that the new cooler matches the size of the power supply. A good rotation speed will be an additional bonus to high-quality air purge.

Swelling of capacitors

A capacitor is a small barrel that is responsible for the accumulation and return of electrical energy. If you carefully inspect the disassembled PSU, you will notice that the power supply board is covered with several of these elements.

With a heavy load or long-term use of the PSU, the capacitors can swell, emitting an unpleasant smell, by which you can determine this. In fact, one swollen capacitor is enough for the power supply to simply stop working.

To fix this situation, you have two options: either solder broken kegs to new ones, while you must be perfectly aware of what and how you are doing, or simply buy a new power supply, which can hit your wallet significantly. The choice is yours.

Huge pressure

The main parameter that determines the quality and cost of any power supply is its power. It depends on the amount of power what load your PSU can withstand, and given that quite often home personal computers operate mainly at maximum power (take the same computer games), it turns out that a weak power supply may simply not be able to cope with the load put on his task.

The only way out of this situation is to buy a more powerful power supply.

Dried thermal paste

If you thought that it was used only on processors and video cards, then you are mistaken.

Who did not know, thermal paste is a substance that is a good conductor of heat and is used to transfer heat more quickly from working elements to a radiator. Long-dry thermal paste loses its properties, which can adversely affect this very return.

All you need to replace it is to pull out the radiator together with the cooler, use a cotton swab and alcohol to wipe off the old paste on the radiator, and then apply a new one in a very thin layer.

To help! Usually, in the kit, along with thermal paste, there is a special plastic brush, with which it is very easy to apply thermal paste to the surface.

Once you've done that, put the cooler and heatsink back in place, and put the power supply back in place.


Reducing the high operating temperature of the power supply is very simple. To do this, it will be enough for you to go through the steps described above and solve the problems that will arise as they become available. On this we say goodbye to you and wish you good luck in this matter. For any questions, please contact us in the comments.

The computer power supply (PSU) converts the AC voltage of the mains 220 volt into constant voltage 12 Volts, 5 Volts and 3.3 Volts needed to power the computer components. Power supply failures lead to unstable computer operation. Overheating of the power supply clearly indicates a malfunction in its operation.

How to find out the temperature of the computer power supply

In a computer power supply no temperature sensors, therefore, it will not be possible to measure its temperature programmatically. Overheating can be determined by touch or by the smell of burning. If the power supply is equipped with overheating protection, it will turn off when the temperature threshold is exceeded 50 degrees.

If desired, you can measure the temperature of the outgoing air flow. A thermometer covering the range up to 100 ° C is suitable for this. You can also use thermocouple, pre-insulated with heat shrink tubing. The thermocouple is inserted into the power supply through the air slots and connected to a multimeter that supports temperature measurement. If overheated, the temperature of the airflow from the power supply case will be significantly higher than the temperature of the rest of the computer components. To obtain more accurate results, it is advisable to move the power supply outside the computer case, as far as the wires are enough.

Why is my computer power supply getting hot?

The PC power supply can overheat due to several reasons:

  • Fan failure;
  • Dust inside the PSU case;
  • An increase in the power consumed by computer components (increased load on the PSU).

What to do if the power supply overheats

The system unit must be disconnected from the network. Then remove the side panel and disconnect all power supply plugs from the motherboard and other computer devices. Next, unscrew the power supply and remove it from the computer case.

After that, the PSU can be opened. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to unscrew the screws on the power supply cover. Dust accumulated inside the case obstructs the airflow and reduces the cooling efficiency.

Dust must be removed using a brush and a can of compressed air.

If the power supply heats up during games, it is probably operating in overload mode - the power consumption of the computer components is close to the maximum power of the PSU. In this case, you will have to replace the power supply with a more powerful one. To calculate the power, you can use one of the online calculators. In the questionnaire offered by the site, you need to specify the components that make up the computer. The calculator will calculate the maximum power consumed by all devices. When choosing a new power supply, you should be guided by this value.