Terrencourt is a variety. Terrenkur: a special technique for walking along paths and paths. Basic rules for using the health path

Patients who hear this term for the first time are eager to know what a health path is. It is important to remember that this is not a separate procedure, but a whole complex of recreational activities. They are very popular because they are highly effective.

What is a terrenkur?

The name of this healing technique was given by the German doctor Max Ertel. The term used here helps to understand what it is. So, from the French language “terrain” literally translates “locality”, and “cours” - “treatment”. In other words, it is a special landscape therapy. Terrenkur is a complex program based on therapeutic walking. This technique has many advantages:

  1. During the procedure, the patient breathes clean (often saturated with esters of forest trees and seaside iodine) air. Vehicle exhaust, industrial smog, and increased doses of radiation are all non-existent.
  2. Therapeutic walking activates the metabolism and promotes weight loss. For an hour of such a walk, up to 35 g of body fat is burned.
  3. This procedure, unlike running, does not create additional stress on the spine and joints. These exercises are considered very valuable in the recovery period for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. With therapeutic walking, breathing becomes deep, so this procedure is an excellent cardio workout.
  5. With such a walk, the blood circulates faster, due to which all the cells of the body receive nutrition and oxygen more intensively. This helps to strengthen bones and muscles, as well as increase immunity.
  6. The patient experiences additional pleasure from the landscape opening before him.

What is a health path in a sanatorium?

This is a non-drug therapy. It involves dosed climbing the mountain at an angle of 3 ° - 20 °. Terrenkur for the elderly, as well as for the young, is prescribed individually. The therapy program is developed by the doctor, taking into account the physical and psycho-emotional state of the patient. Every day, the doctor monitors how the practitioners feel and, if necessary, makes adjustments.

What is a terrenkur in a preschool educational institution?

These are specially organized routes for children. During such walks, kids visit play areas on asphalt, walk along health trails and engage in educational and research activities. Terrenkur in kindergarten is aimed at providing children with physical activity in the fresh air. The program is developed by educators. It depends on the season, the weather in the yard or the chosen theme. Terrenkur in the preschool educational institution is designed to solve the following problems:

  • fosters curiosity in children;
  • instills in the crumbs a sense of collectivism;
  • develops endurance;
  • forms useful skills, for example, self-organization;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Terrenkur - testimony

Hiking is very helpful. Their high efficiency has been proven by not a single generation of those who have experienced it for themselves. For this reason, more and more people are thinking, health path - what it is. However, there is a certain group of people for whom these exercises are very important. The path of health has the following indications:

  • recent stroke, heart attack or other pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • metabolic disease;
  • obesity;
  • hypo- or;
  • pneumonia;
  • injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle;
  • the presence of bad habits, such as smoking;
  • severe stress.

Terrenkur - contraindications

Although these exercises are very useful, they are not shown to everyone. For example, a health path for children is not recommended for too small babies (under 2 years old). The crumbs will quickly get tired, and besides, the fascinating stories of educators will be of little interest to them. As for adults, there are also restrictions for them. Therapeutic walking has such contraindications:

  • fever;
  • diseases occurring in the acute phase;
  • when organic lesions are in the stage of decompensation;
  • pain of unknown etiology.

Terrenkur - what needs to be done?

During a walk, moderate activity harmoniously alternates with rest. Terrenkur - the path of health - is carried out taking into account the following rules:

  1. Regularity - you need to practice daily. Besides, you can't stop there. In other words, gradually (under the supervision of a doctor) you need to increase the pace and duration of walks.
  2. If the procedure is prescribed for patients undergoing rehabilitation, it is imperative to count the pulse.
  3. During the health path, it is advisable not to talk, otherwise your breath will go astray.
  4. You cannot climb on a full stomach. After eating, at least an hour should pass.
  5. If other manipulations are prescribed to the patient (for example, massage, mud therapy), it is recommended to make an interval of at least 1.5 hours.
  6. For those who are prone to increased sensitivity to changes in weather conditions, it is advisable to adjust the time of classes (select those hours when you feel good).
  7. It is important to learn how to breathe correctly. Experts recommend taking short breaths and long exhalations. So, if the first lasts 2-3 steps, then the last - 4-5 steps.
  8. You need to dress according to the weather.
  9. Those who smoke will have to give up this bad habit for the duration of the walk.

It is better to entrust the development of the route, the intensity of the load and its duration to the doctor. An experienced specialist: he knows, health path - what it is in general and what results can be expected in each case. More often prescribe 1-2 workouts per day. In summer, climbing is recommended to be carried out in the morning and evening hours (this helps to avoid the sun). In winter, walks are planned for lunch hours.

Terrenkur - equipment

Nothing should constrain or cause discomfort during the ascent. For this reason, walks on the health path require that the equipment is properly selected. The following recommendations will help with this:

Terrenkur - dosed walking

The intensity of the load is adjusted individually.

Walking health paths can vary in pace. It is defined as follows:

  • 60-80 steps per minute - slow movement;
  • 80-100 steps in the same unit of time - the average pace;
  • more than 100 steps per minute - fast movement.

Terrencourt - routes

Trails may have different surfaces. More often it is gravel, paving stones, grass or soil. In addition, benches for rest are located along the entire length.
The trail path can vary in difficulty.

Providing for dosed physical activity in the form of walking, climbing in mountainous areas along certain, marked routes. Terrenkur develops endurance, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, stimulates metabolism, and nervous activity. Usually done under medical supervision. Currently, the term terrenkur is more often used to refer to specially laid routes intended for therapeutic walking.

From the middle of the 19th century, doctors began to master methods of treatment based on a combination of climatic factors and movement. As early as 1845, the physician Hartwig recommended daily walking both at sea and in "higher regions" for treatment. Since 1862, Prof. Werber has called active movement the most important addition to the influence of the mountain climate and has recommended therapeutic walking along the paths of the mountain resorts in Germany and Switzerland to patients. In 1885, the German doctor Ertel (Max Oertel), thanks to whom the term appeared health path, proposed a method for the treatment of obesity and cardiovascular diseases, based on metered distance, pace and inclination of the route on foot. Ertel's method quickly became widespread in Europe.

see also


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See what "Terrenkur" is in other dictionaries:

    - [it. Terrainkur Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Ascension Dictionary of Russian synonyms. health path n., number of synonyms: 3 ascent (8) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (from the French terrain terrain and the German Kur treatment), walking dosed by distance, time and angle of ascent; method of training, as well as the treatment of patients with certain forms of cardiovascular and other diseases ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from French terrain terrain and German Kur treatment) hiking ascents dosed by distance, time and angle of ascent; a method of training, as well as the treatment of patients with certain forms of cardiovascular and other diseases ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Terrencourt- (from the French terrain terrain and the German Kur treatment), walking dosed by distance, time and angle of ascent; method of training, as well as the treatment of patients with certain forms of cardiovascular and other diseases. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from the French terrain terrain and German Kuhr treatment) a method of sanatorium treatment with dosed (distance, pace of walking, etc.) climbing along marked routes. Develops endurance to physical exertion, improves functions ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    BUT; m. [it. Terrainkur] Med. 1. Accurately dosed in time and distance therapeutic walking. Prescribe daily v. 2. A specially equipped path for such a walk. Walk along the terrenkur. T. sanatorium. * * * health path (from the French ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (French terrain terrain + German Kur treatment) a method of physical therapy, which consists in dosed walking along specially laid and equipped routes on rough terrain ... Big Medical Dictionary

    M. 1. Accurately dosed in time and distance therapeutic walking. 2. A specially equipped path for such a walk. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Health path, health paths, health path, health paths, health paths, health paths, health paths, health paths, health paths, health paths, health paths, health paths (

Published: 27.08.2017 Category: Author's essay

To begin with, you need to imagine that the health path is a concept that directly explains how landscapes affect emotions and health. Northern hemisphere or southern - both are equally ideal for the construction of paths such as health paths. In Russia, there are especially many of them in the Northern and Western Caucasus. So what is a terrenkur? This is a well-equipped "bridgehead" for walking, inscribed in a wild landscape, there should not be any traces of serious anthropogenic activity - roads, enterprises, residential areas.

The origin of the health path

“Treatment by landscape” – this is how the German researcher Max Ertel called his teaching. Living among the beauties (alpine landscapes), he noticed that they constantly improve his well-being. A walk in the mountains strengthens the body, insuring against those diseases that affect his colleagues living in large cities. Having prescribed the health path to some fellow countrymen, he observed their recovery, noticed how their blues and depression disappeared. Many asthenics lost thoughts of suicide. He described all this in his work.

The benefit of the health path is that a person:

  • breathes exclusively fresh air (the industrial and transport smog of cities is absolutely excluded here, as well as an unacceptable dose of radiation);
  • conducts aromatherapy - treatment of the nasopharynx with the smell of useful plants (as well as salts, mud or seaside iodine);
  • constantly moving, driving blood throughout the body and strengthening the muscles of the legs and back;
  • observes successive panoramas (the effect of such visual activity was described back in the Middle Ages - in the "Salerno Code of Health");
  • switches thoughts from pessimistic reasoning to thinking about nature and ways to overcome obstacles that come across to him (especially in the mountains);
  • receives natural science knowledge related to flora and fauna (puts something new in the head, “switching” the brain from work-related procedures);
  • increases immunity and muscle strength before childbirth (this item applies to women);
  • makes the child more physically resilient and more inquisitive (which is worth watching life in an anthill, fishing, collecting herbarium and medicines);
  • collects healthy stocks for the winter (mushrooms, berries, sometimes fruits).

Terrenkur in Russia for the most part relate to the health resorts of the Mineralnye Vody region and the Western Caucasus. Equipped trails were created back in Soviet times. But in the Crimea there are old tracks - they were planned by Russian nobles (Vorontsovs, Golitsyns, members of imperial families). Such complexes are present in smaller numbers in the reserves of Central and North-Western Russia. If a vacationer who has fallen into them leaves the path, he should know. A favorite place for placing such boarding houses is reservoirs. Therefore, when planning, do not forget about Onega and Ladoga lakes, as well as the purest water bowls of Karelia.

Terrencourt. Indications and limitations

What is a terrenkur for beginners? Of course, these are sidewalks of boarding houses or sanatoriums, connecting the lower terraces of the complex with the upper ones. As a rule, the journeys associated with them take no more than 10 minutes. This method of prevention, first of all, is intended to strengthen the cardiovascular system and weakened muscles after an injury (prolonged illness). Receiving dosed loads, the body, as it were, “remembers” what it was capable of in its youth…

Overweight people burn fat. For an hour of "flat" walking (at normal temperature), 35 grams of fat disappear. With increased - 50 grams. A 30 degree tilt doubles this beneficial effect.

But for some, even the “flat” type of movement is not available (if it is too long). People with injured motor organs (or disabled people), as well as elderly citizens with severely worn joints, cannot go far from home at all. Overcoming rough terrain is also contraindicated for vacationers with impaired cardiac activity (meaning strong deviations). Finally, some types of mountain tracks are prohibited for pregnant women in the last months. But 100-meter "flat" promenades, on the contrary, are recommended. The fact is that the future woman in labor should not be "stale". You need to maintain good muscle tone. If she was going to give birth herself, and not “caesar,” he will come in handy for her.

Terrenkur routes. Criterias of choice

Having decided to master some landscape with the help of an equipped trail, we must first answer one question. What is the task we set? Elderly people involved in Nordic walking have enough lowland forest (exclusively health-improving purpose). Young people are more interested in the enriched complex. They want to take pictures of panoramas on good views, to find out how high they climbed. Specifically, schoolchildren and students will not hurt to explore the stands with information about the local flora and fauna, historical monuments (this is an educational direction). Finally, some alpine park inside the city is enough for children (the ideal place is Kislovodsk). This is a conversation about a children's health path. Let's start with him.

Children's health path

Terrenkur is also necessary as a preventive measure - especially for children suffering from metabolic disorders after any operations. It is also prescribed for those teenagers who cannot be torn away from the computer (children's physical inactivity is the “scourge of the 21st century”).

Health path routes that experts advise for children should take place in safe places - best of all on the shores of picturesque lakes or low mountains.

Educational health path

The educational health path is often part of the children's health path. Although in many protected natural areas there will be something to be amazed even by adults. In most of the Earth's reserves along the "paths of health" you can see stands with information about the plants and animals of the area. There are even houses with expositions consisting of glazed herbariums and stuffed animals, maps and dioramas.

Extreme health path

Travelers associated with extreme health paths call it “mountain trekking of a complex category”. The trails have ledges (which you have to climb), rocky canopies (under which you have to walk with your head bowed), wet stones (they will have to be used as a passage through a mountain spring), trees felled by the wind (the employees of the reserves know that they are forbidden to be removed - this is disturb the landscape). In many countries of the world there are tourist routes that include entry into through caves and descent into small gaps... In order to see a beautiful but hard-to-reach waterfall, many trekkers are ready to cross many kilometers of stone plateaus. As for the forest of temperate latitudes, the paths here are so narrow that the branches of the trees will hit the "terrenkur" in the face, and the signs can "disappear" in the foliage ... One such example is the natural park "Kotigao" in the state of Goa (India). The arrows here are noticeable only due to the fact that they are applied to the stones - dazzling white paint.

Terrenkur routes are classified by duration and complexity (angle of inclination). The rise, which has more than 30 degrees, goes beyond the health path, turning into an extreme health path (a trail for mountain trekking). Of course, there are paths of health that do not have a slope at all. They are intended for 70-100 year old people.

Wellness health path

Terrenkur is what makes a person get everything that is described above.

But still there is a main (therapeutic) benefit of the health path. The conversation will focus on strengthening the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract. The problem is more about people of mature age or the younger generation with poor heredity.

The effect and benefits of terrenkur

How does a health path help the lungs, heart and blood vessels? The fact is that our body is "sharpened" to constantly work. However, the current life (especially in prosperous countries) dictates harmful conditions. Often this is associated with sedentary work and the same immobile leisure activities (computer games and TV channels). As a result, those “details” of our viscera that are responsible for breathing and “pumping” fluids (blood, lymph, urine, glandular juice, and so on) “forget” about their purpose. The very first load makes the "office" person feel like an invalid - he has shortness of breath and excessive pressure. As for the gastrointestinal tract, then the wrong metabolism and constipation are “born” ... “So you can go to the gym,” you say. Firstly, for small children, disabled people and too elderly citizens, the training complex is already contraindicated. Secondly, in a city smelling of a harmful atmosphere, even dangerous air will penetrate into the gym ...

In such a situation, a sanatorium health path comes to the rescue - walks in the "wild" nature. The loads here are “soft”, and the air is absolutely clean, which is of paramount importance in the recovery of the body. As for the classic health path (and not its Crimean "great-ancestors"), it appeared in Kislovodsk - back in 1901.

The "Alpine" park, located on a hill, is still used by those who are undergoing a treatment course in local health facilities. At the moment, the location looks more like an entertainment area. On the other hand, new “wild” places appeared in the city, located closer to the Castle of Treachery and Love, as well as to Mount Ring. The health path in Nalchik became the second such complex. But it was destroyed by vandals.

Terrenkur in the sanatorium is distinguished by its location in a flatter area, more reliable equipment (in some places there are even handrails and steps), as well as the greatest equipment with visual communication signs (which do not allow even those who suffer from multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease to get lost).

Also, the sanatorium health path has advantages in the form of an instructor (trainer of physical exercises). He will oversee the safety of the load and diversify the short journey by calling for special gymnastics - sometimes on observation decks.

The path in the sanatorium is arranged according to the principle of the resort path. There are always stations here - sheds with benches, tables and stands with important information. However, in the territories assigned to medical institutions, a team of paramedics is often on duty in these attractive buildings, and sometimes there is even a pharmacy and a store!

Preparing for a walk

A health path (like any short adventure) requires some supplies, as well as comfortable - ergonomic - travel clothes. The ideal option is a sports or light hiking version of the vestment. And in a mini-backpack, keep water, some snacks and a camera (suddenly you get far - you get hungry and find an amazing observation deck for a small photo shoot). An elderly person can take 2 "staffs" with him. At a respectable age, it is advised to practice Nordic walking more often - walks during which you rely on ski poles.

Children's health path dictates its own terms. You need to take a cap with you (so that the baby does not bake his head), your child’s soft drink (it will give him strength at the most crucial moment), as well as adhesive plaster and brilliant green (running around in nature is always fraught with corns, abrasions and bruises). In the forest, you must have mosquito repellent.

An educational health path will sometimes require binoculars (often protected habitats of birds and rare animals are poorly visible from the bridges), a “magazine” for the herbarium and the same camera (after all, you want to examine the places of your “research” at home again).

Extreme health path is what will require the most things. You must have a reliable means of communication with you and appropriate clothing (see above), preferably equipped with elbow and knee pads (and sometimes a helmet will do). Since a long adventure may take place away from sources of water, in some situations a small bottle of cooling liquid will be needed. Advanced trackers take a pedometer, a pressure and heart rate recorder, and other “bells and whistles”. An important article for the “emergency promenade” is footwear that protects the feet. Ideally, these are tourist sneakers, but in some tracts there are enough sports shoes. They “fall into extreme sports” while chasing a beautiful view, which once again proves one truth. First of all, health path is a landscape treatment and only then a walk.

The future of hiking

Wellness health path is a prophylactic remedy not only for ours, but also for the coming centuries. He doesn't completely redeem himself. On the contrary, it is actively progressing.

Pay attention to those health paths of the world that are popular with tourists. There is everything here now - from camera traps that can fix you on a rock ledge and send a picture to the manager of the reserve on duty, to sky parks like Adler, where you can walk along an unusual "path" - along an iron structure hanging over a deep abyss. In the German and Swiss Alps, where the health path was born and developed, they plan to create equipped routes for climbing the three-thousander mountains. In Australia, trails are being built for jogging, passing along 10-kilometer spurs of deserts (wastelands occupy the entire continent). And the "cunning" Chinese have even more turned the pedestrian part of the Great Wall into fashionable trekking.

Sanatorium health path continues to develop in our country. Reading the review "", you probably noticed that the Eltonsky reserve, in addition to the sanatorium for pulmonary patients, also has several trails. Terrenkur in a sanatorium of this type is associated with independent 30-minute hikes to the lake brine, mud “plantations” (equipped with recreational equipment) and radon sources.

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Terrencourt is a method spa treatment, which combined climatotherapy and therapeutic physical culture, dosed (distance, pace of walking, etc.) ascents along marked routes. Develops endurance to physical activity, improves functions of cardio-vascular system and breathing, stimulates metabolism, has a positive effect on neuropsychiatric area.

When appointed health path dosed physical activity is provided taking into account the length of the route, the angle of ascent, the pace of walking, the number and duration of stops for rest, the use of breathing exercises during walking and rest, the number of walks along the health path routes during the day, the inclusion of days of rest in the patient's individual regimen along with days terrenkur, training.

First health path was marked by a professor of medicine from Germany Ertel for a sanatorium treatment of obese patients hearts in the 80s of the XIX century. Ertel recommended to his patients therapeutic walking dosed in the length of the route, pace and rhythm of movement, dosed taking into account the angle of the route.

Ertel system became extremely popular and conquered almost all the famous mountain resorts in Europe. To Russia this effective method of treatment came at the beginning of the 20th century. Doctor Oblonsky student of Professor Ertel studied the theory, developed and laid the first health path. He began by surveying several possible locations and chose the best option. Perfectly suited to the task Mount Tupaya in Kislovodsk and after schoolchildren and students, led by their teachers, planted thousands of pine seedlings on the mountain, the mountain was renamed Pine.

Basic rules for using the health path

Walks along the path should be carried out regularly, preferably daily, during non-hot times of the day (in the morning, before dinner, in the evening, before going to bed).

We do not recommend walks, including dosed ascent shortly after eating. When treating with the use of health paths, meteorological conditions are necessarily taken into account. Unfavorable weather conditions with increased meteorological sensitivity of patients dictate the need to limit the distance and duration of walking. Clothing intended for health paths should be light, not restricting movement, shoes should be comfortable, without heels. Walks should be accompanied by proper breathing, good mood, the appearance of pleasant fatigue at the end of the journey.

Terrenkur routes they are laid, as a rule, in beautiful rugged or mountainous terrain, protected from the wind, with clean, dry air. The degree of load during the passage of the route is determined by the distance, the angle of elevation (from 3 to 20 degrees), the pace of walking (60-80 steps per minute - slow, 80-100 steps - medium, more than 100 steps per minute - fast), the number and duration stops and other factors.

Terrenkur routes should be organized according to requirements and with varying degrees of complexity

    Route No. 1 - 500 m, easy route.

    Route No. 2 - 1500 m, medium route

    Route No. 3 - 3000 m, difficult route

On the way of movement, benches for rest are installed every 150-200 m. General resort routes for individual resorts differ both in relief and in length.

Therapeutic walking is an integral part of treatment and recreation at the resort, a simple and affordable method of healing and preventing diseases, eliminating the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle and nervous overstrain.

Therapeutic walking- stimulates and normalizes metabolism and work of the digestive organs. The alternation of tension and relaxation during walking creates favorable conditions for the work of the circulatory, respiratory and nervous system. During walks, a person is simultaneously affected by the climate and the surrounding nature, which greatly enhances the healing effect of therapeutic walking.

Breathing on the health path routes should be uniform, through the nose (when inhaling, you should moderately protrude the abdominal wall and expand the chest). It is necessary to combine breathing with the rhythm of walking and pace (on a flat road, approximately 2-4 steps - inhale, 3-5 steps - exhale, on the rise 2-3 steps - inhale, 3-4 steps - exhale). The step on the slopes should be shorter, it is not recommended to talk and smoke on the way.

Regardless of the feeling of fatigue, it is necessary to make stops for 1-3 minutes to rest, during which it is recommended to perform 2-3 breathing exercises and exercises to relax the muscles of the legs. At the end of the route, it is useful to rest in a sitting position for 15-30 minutes.

Terrenkur is a type of walking aimed at improving well-being, health and mood.

What is terrenkur in physiotherapy exercises?

The therapeutic effect is achieved by following certain principles: dosed walking, taking into account the distance and angle of ascent, proper breathing, the recommended speed of movement and the duration of stops. Doctors recommend this form of exercise therapy for improving the cardiovascular and digestive systems, and the respiratory system.

Classes are held outdoors in natural conditions - this allows you to harden and normalize psycho-emotional activity.

A photo:

How were health paths introduced into medicine?

To treat various ailments by combining movements and climatic factors was proposed by a doctor named Hartwig back in the middle of the 19th century. He assigned his patients daily walks along the sea and on the hills. During this period, Professor Werber was also studying a new technique, recommending long walks to patients in German and Swiss resorts. At the end of the century, the German doctor Ertel developed a system for the treatment of obesity and heart disease, based on a strictly measured distance, angle and pace of walking. The doctor called this treatment terrenkur (from the French terrain - terrain, cours - course of therapy). A wellness walk according to the Ertel method has rapidly spread throughout the world, still remaining an effective treatment for many diseases.

Indications for terrenkur

It is a delusion to think that it is necessary only for people with certain diseases. Feelings after each workout - energy, pleasant fatigue in the muscles, "cleansed" mind, so walking health path is useful even for those who feel healthy.

The procedure is prescribed by a doctor for:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • weak endurance associated with a long absence of physical activity;
  • previous myocardial infarction, hypertension, hypotension;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis;
  • transferred pneumonia;
  • recovery period after damage to the musculoskeletal system;
  • stressfulness;
  • neurosis.


The doctor considers:

  • the state of the patient's cardiovascular system;
  • the nature of the course of diseases;
  • age;
  • height-weight ratio;
  • fitness.

Based on the data obtained, the doctor determines the degree of load: the angle of elevation (3-20 °), pace (slow - up to 80 steps per minute, medium - 80-100, fast - from 100), frequency and time of stops. Beginners are assigned easy health path routes - up to 500 m, more experienced travelers - medium (up to 1500 m) and difficult (up to 3000 m).

The patient must follow the following guidelines:

  1. Regularly attend training (preferably daily; the number of days is suggested by the doctor).
  2. Choose the right time of day: morning, before lunch, in the evening.
  3. Consider weather conditions. Weather-sensitive people need to limit the duration and distance of movement.
  4. Do not go for a walk immediately after eating.
  5. Choose comfortable, light clothing. Shoes are low.
  6. Breathe correctly.
  7. Be in a positive mood.
  8. Do not smoke and try not to talk while walking.
  9. Every day, gradually increase the distance of the route, while you need to focus on your own well-being.
  10. If after a walk there is a pleasant fatigue and a surge of energy, then everything is done correctly.

Terrenkur routes in Russia

In our country, health path walking began to be practiced at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to Dr. Oblonsky, a student of Ertel. He laid the first walking route along Mount Tupaya (Pine), Kislovodsk. Later, Kislovodsk Park became Oblonsky's favorite place for choosing routes, which to this day is the best area for useful walks.

The vast territory of the park allows the tourist to choose the most suitable scheme of movement, depending on the goal (weight loss, fight against diseases, increase physical endurance). Walks-health paths in this park turn into an unforgettable vacation. Surrounding beauties delight even children. With every step, new picturesque corners open up for review: plantations of fragrant roses and pines, shady groves and cozy meadows, a pond and waterfalls, observation platforms overlooking Elbrus, and that's not all! The park is unusually beautiful and fabulous in any season. In addition to the enchanting setting, Kislovodsk healing health paths are also attractive because they are located at an altitude of 800 m above sea level, and their total length is more than 30 km.

Path map:

Zheleznovodsk is another city where health paths have been laid. There are several routes with a length of 800-8000 m. The most famous of them is around Zheleznaya Mountain (0-5 degree elevation). The road offers breathtaking views of other mountains: Mashuk, Razvalka, Beshtau.

There is a health trail in many cities and towns: Sochi, Essentuki, Nalchik, Vladikavkaz, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Pyatigorsk, Listvyanka, Arkhipo-Osipovka, etc.

How is a children's health path carried out?

Introducing a child to a healthy lifestyle is one of the main tasks of any preschool educational institution. When organizing health paths in a kindergarten, schemes are laid across its territory for different age groups (for the younger group, middle, older and preparatory). Walking can be combined with jumping, running, sports games. Stopping at the flower bed, children are offered to smell and examine the flowers, guess their names. Periodically, you need to take breaks to rest on the benches in the pavilions. Having reached the sports ground, you can start light exercises to restore breathing: a deep breath, exhalation, torso twists. The teacher during the walk should arouse in the kids an interest in nature and physical activity.