Between need and want fb2. El Luna “Between need and want. Get ready to riot

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Published with permission from Workman Publishing Company

Translation from English by Anastasia Sukhanova

First published in the United States


© 2015, Elle Luna, illustrations copyright © 2015, Elle Luna

Published by arrangement with Workman Publishing Company, Inc., New York.

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2016

ISBN 978-5-00100-093-8

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by the law firm "Vegas-Lex"


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Leisure Edition


Find your path and follow it

Chief Editor Artem Stepanov

Responsible editor Maria Krasovskaya

Editor Elizaveta Tsygankova

Lettering Varvara Grankova

Layout Julia Rakhmanina

Binding Varvara Grankova

Correctors Yaroslava Tereschenkova, Nadezhda Bolotina

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Find your path and follow it

Dedicated to my family

We share our thoughts online. Every day. All the time. But this message was special. So special that in a few weeks it was shared on Twitter by over 5 million people, more than 250 thousand people read it.

“Quit what you are doing now and read this text,” wrote one woman. “This article changed my life,” commented another. “I wanted to send it to all employees,” wrote a certain boss, “but I realized that after reading this text, a third of them will leave. Do you know what? If they don't want to work here, let them quit, and I sent out this article."

A flurry of letters hit me. Twitter alerts kept flashing on my phone. The article spread across the internet in the blink of an eye, eventually becoming even more popular. And so she continued her journey...until this book. I decided to write it for the people who shared their stories; for the pain and courage I saw in their struggle. Thirty year old women. Twenty year old men. School graduate. Widow. Single mothers. "Poor" millionaires. People without money who were actually rich. Teachers. Lawyers. A musician pretending to be a lawyer. A poet who loved to drive a city bus. Women who did not want to have children. Fathers who wanted to raise children. People who understood that the work led them to a dead end, and people who are desperately grateful for the fact that they had at least some kind of work.

Everyone experiences pain, regardless of gender, age and place of residence. And in fact, this pain is the same -


I received letters from people who seemed ready to do anything to get rid of dissatisfaction with life, but did not know how.


Today is Thursday, 11:55 am. This is the last time I hit the Save button on this document before it begins its journey around the world. I noticed that everything comes to us at the right time. Not earlier. And not later. Imagine that this book was in your hands because you wanted to read it. And because one half of you has seen this life crossroads and you are ready for the journey. With respect and gratitude, I watch these words find their way from me to you, one way or another, in one way or another, at the right time. Thank you for being a part of this strange and wonderful journey. From one traveler to another: good luck!

Year of publication : 2016
Author : El Luna
Translator: Translation from English by Anastasia Sukhanova
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber
ISBN: 978-5-00100-093-8
Russian language
Format : PDF
Quality : Publisher's layout or text (eBook)
Interactive table of contents: Yes
Number of pages: 151

A vibrant book that will inspire you to find and follow your true calling.
Who among us has not wondered: How can I find my true calling? El Luna characterizes it as a crossroads between need and want. It's cool that Schwarzenegger probably came up with all this after spending enough time. Should is what we think we should do, or what others expect us to do. I want - what we dream about in the depths of our souls.
My own path inspired the author to write a manifesto about the difference between need and want, which was shared by 5 million Twitter users and read by hundreds of thousands of people. I wanted to send it to all my employees,” wrote one executive who read the article, “but realized that a third of them would leave if they read it. But you know what? If they don't want to work here, they should quit - that's why I sent out this article.
Now Elle's ideas about the difference between need and want are presented in this inspiring bright book, which will be useful for both the student and the artist, and any person who is looking for his calling and wants to change his life for the better.

Screenshots for review

The artist and designer El Luna wrote the book "Between Need and Want" especially for those who have long been unable to decide to change something in their lives.

Often all our “wants” are broken into daily adamant “musts”. How to solve this contradiction, and what way to follow to the goal and to the realization of one's potential?

Who is this book for?

This book is for those who cannot say with certainty that they have found themselves and are doing what they love. For those who want to realize their destiny and follow it. Most of us have forgotten our childhood dreams: to become a musician or a poet, a ballerina or an astronaut, an artist or a writer. What now prevents us, independent adults, from taking a step towards our dream?

According to El Luna, it's never too late to start. She gives very convincing examples, one of which was the story of the artist Anna Mary Robertson Moses, who was on the cover of Times magazine at the age of one hundred. And Grandma Moses started drawing only after she stopped crocheting due to arthritis.

One thing is enough for you - the understanding that everything is not going at all the way you would like. Then you will find yourself at the crossroads between “I want” and “I need”, from here you can start the thorny path to your dream. And inspiring examples from the book and colorful design will encourage you to take action and give you courage.

What is this book about

The author does not call the reader to revolution, does not advise to quit everything and run to his dream, headlong. On the contrary, he gives advice on how to achieve the goal without making global changes in life, without coming into conflict with relatives and with oneself.

The book is divided into 4 chapters, which sequentially list all the obstacles on the way to our “want” and possible ways to overcome them. Everything sounds very reasonable, and you understand: yes, I have 10 minutes for my dream every day.

Of course, the book does not contain answers to the question "What do I want?" However, the reader will find in it the "right" questions that should be asked to oneself in order to understand one's desires. Also, the author offers a number of interesting exercises that will help you understand your purpose. El Luna advises: call your mother, ask about what you liked as a child. Were you a loner or a company lover, an organizer or a dreamer, did you try to be independent or sought cooperation? After all, the purpose is most evident in childhood, when we are not yet limited by the framework of public opinion and thousands of "shoulds".

Will all these exercises help to achieve success, recognition and self-realization? Either way, you won't know until you try. Some exercises may seem strange (for example, talking out loud to yourself), others are fun and interesting. You will definitely succeed in enjoying the process, namely, in the process, gradually, as the author assures, your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe destination will form.

How the book is made

The very design of the book inspires and encourages action. In support of her words about “I want,” El Luna makes the book exactly the way she wants. All headings are written by hand, on each page there are illustrations made with multi-colored paints, motivating posters, painted from the heart. There are no restrictions here, the reader, if he pleases, can finish drawing anything he likes without spoiling the books.

You can leaf through the book over and over again during difficult periods of a creative crisis, and it will not fray: a reliable hard cover will allow the book to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time.


Many of us lack the courage to make decisions. The book "Between Need and Want" will not only help you realize your dreams, but also encourage you to take action. Bolder! It's time to realize your purpose and act. Many have already done it. You will get it too.

Buy the book "Between Need and Want"

You can buy El Luna's book "Between Need and Want" in paper form in the Ozon online store at a price of 780 rubles or electronic for 350 rubles.