How to make a big fire. Bonfire for the New Year's performance. We kindle the fire correctly

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    Types of fires, firewood for a fire, a campfire.

    it is done more often

    There are two approaches to lighting a fire: the theoretical (as in the book), and the practical (comes with experience).

    In the pictures in the books, the fire always looks perfect: a beautiful "house" or "well" made of branches, which, according to the authors, burns in any weather. But in reality, things are somewhat different. The branches are not so even, the well is falling apart every now and then, and the fire does not always want to light up. So what is the secret of a good and warm fire?

    Making fires for some has become a whole science. Of course, in a city where you can always “splash solariums”, you don’t have to think about making a fire. Another thing is in the wild, where every match counts, and your fire is rapidly falling asleep with snow, flooding with rain and blowing with the wind. Here it is necessary to approach the matter much more seriously.

    The main types of fires are a hut and a well.

    There are many types of fire. Moreover, this set is so infinite that experienced campfires sometimes have their own, completely original methods of kindling a fire. However, the easiest way to start a fire is in the following ways:


    Hut. Firewood is stacked in the form of a house or a hut. Kindling is placed between the logs at the bottom. The easiest way to make a fire, suitable for both cooking and lighting the area.


    Well. Firewood is stacked in a "well" - a square, one log on top of another. In the middle, the fire itself burns, perhaps another smaller well. Convenient for breeding in wet / snowy weather (firewood that is laid out on top dries quickly). Gives a lot of heat.

    You can easily find other types of fires on the Internet, but most likely you will not need to know them. Let's tell you a secret, making a fire according to the rules is worth it at first. When it flares up, and there are enough coals in the fire, firewood can be thrown there as long as it is - and it will still be effective.

    In addition, with experience, you will notice that most often you will intuitively build a fire-hut, surrounding it with firewood in the form of a well to dry it. So the main thing is to learn how to make these two types of fires, and all the "variations on a theme" like a fire-nodia or a "hunting" one will come with experience.

    How to light a fire quickly and efficiently?

    Of course, there are many ways, but we will limit ourselves to the simplest.

    Prepare a lot of small dry twigs 1-2 mm thick. There should be a lot of them if the weather is dry, and a lot if you make a fire in bad weather. After the fire slowly begins to flare up, put in larger firewood. If the twigs are wet from the rain, and they really don’t want to flare up, the problem can be fixed with wood chips.

    The fact is that large dry firewood, even in wet weather, gets wet only on the outside, and in the middle of it contains a dry, pleasant to the touch core. You need to get it with a knife - and plan a lot of small chips, which you can safely set on fire. Just prepare more shavings (hiding it from the rain, say, under polyethylene), otherwise the fire will burn out and go out while you cut out the next batch.

    You can also clear moss and bark from campfire branches. The main supply of moisture on firewood is located there, and branches without bark flare up much faster. As it flares up, surround the fire with raw wood around: let it dry. Just don’t immediately put huge logs into a cozy little flame: the fire will go out and you will have to start all over again. It is better to increase the size of firewood with the size of the flame.

    Dry grass, pine needles, paper, dry fuel, or any other easily combustible material can be used instead of wood chips for starting fuel.

    What kind of wood will help you quickly start a fire?


    Regardless of whether you are going to build a fire without improvised means, or want to build a pyramid of dry fuel, you will need firewood, and you need a lot of it.

    The main rule for collecting firewood is that it must be dry. Any tree with green leaves or needles, as well as with buds, is immediately excluded, regardless of whether it grows from the ground or lies on it. In autumn and winter, when you can’t tell which tree is in front of you without leaves, it’s better to examine the bark, in extreme cases, break a few branches to make sure that the tree has long rested in the bose. Otherwise, you will get a lot of smoke and a minimum of heat.

    It is better to apply more firewood - so that it is enough for the evening and for the morning. Believe me: in the morning you really don’t want to go into the cold forest and look for dry goods there. Especially if it's raining...

    Yes, and do not take rotten firewood. They only smoke when dry, and in rainy weather they are so filled with water that they do not burn, but, on the contrary, extinguish all your hopes for a hot meal.

    • In order to quickly cook food, prepare more brushwood. Brushwood gives a lot of heat, but burns out very quickly, so the fire will need to be constantly monitored, constantly throwing firewood. If you are not in a hurry, feel free to throw in more logs: gradually the heat from them will be even stronger than from brushwood.
    • The best firewood for a fire is birch. They give the most heat and burn even raw (in this case it is better to split them into several parts). In second place are spruce and pine firewood, the only drawback of which is a large amount of smoke.
    • Spruce needles produce a huge hot flame, burning down in a few seconds. But only if they are dry. Green needles are best used for signal fires, as are green leaves.
    • When making a fire using dry fuel and other improvised materials, it is necessary to gradually spread twigs around the fuel tablet, gradually increasing their thickness. It turns out a "nest", in which firewood gradually dries.
    • In the morning, in good weather, there is a chance to light a fire on old coals. To do this, it is enough to throw dry deadwood on the coals and inflate the fire, without bothering to build huts and wells.
    • In anticipation of bad weather in the morning, it is best to dry the firewood in the evening and put it under an awning / polyethylene. Even if the weather is fine in the morning, dew can fall and make breakfast difficult. And so - dry kindling will be very handy.
    • Before leaving the camp, be sure to put out the fire. If there is not much water at hand, you can throw it with earth (only without twigs and leaves!) Or lay it with stones. But in any case, the fire should not burn after your departure.

    For experienced campfirers who are wise in life and who want to learn more about making fires

    How to make a campfire cozy

    Choosing a place for a fire, its arrangement, how to light a fire in the wind.

    An article for those who know how to make a fire on a camping trip and want to learn how to do it even better. Useful tips. Read the first part of the article: How to light a fire on a camping trip.

    How to find a place to make a fire?

    A place for a fire must be chosen. It is in the yard that it can be bred even on the roof of the neighbor's garage (without the consent of the neighbor, of course). And in the forest, nature should be treated with care, and safety should be remembered.

    First of all, the fire should be at least a meter away from nearby trees. There should be no low branches above it, and roots below it. Otherwise, you will have a real chance to burn half the forest. In addition, when breeding under branches in bad weather, there is a certain chance that an unexpected stream of water (or snow) will gush from the leaves and extinguish all your hopes for a hot dinner.

    If the wind blows towards the tent,
    everyone is getting warmer

    Also, look out for nearby tents. They should be located 3-5 meters from the fire. Otherwise, not only the warmth from the fire, but also cheerful sparks will reach the tents. Remember: the tent burns at a rate of $10 per second!

    How to set up a fire pit.

    After you have decided on the place, it is best to dig a fire pit 10-15 centimeters deep and overlay it with stones - so that sparks do not fly at your feet. If there is no shovel, you can simply loosen the earth so as not to kindle a flame on wet grass. If there are no stones - it does not matter either. Just burn the grass around the fire for some distance. So that because of the sudden expansion of the flames do not get unwanted experience as a firefighter.

    If there is already an equipped fire pit next to the camp, it makes sense to cook on it. Firstly, nature for several more years (or even decades) will not be able to “remove” the black spot from the green, sunny meadow. Secondly, it will take much less time to work with a fire, which will allow you to warm up faster from the desired flame. Just don't forget to clean up the ashes: sometimes strange things like glass bottles and batteries come across in it, which tend to explode at high temperatures.

    When the fire pit itself is ready, do not forget to think about how you will prepare food. Choose a pair of strong spears and a crossbar in advance so that you don’t rush around at a time when the heat of the fire is completely wasted.

    After the place is chosen and equipped, you can start collecting firewood, making a fire and cooking.

    How to light a fire with wind correction.

    Plenty of firewood and a low hanging pot
    The wind is not a hindrance to such a fire

    The first thing to do is protect the fire from the wind. Otherwise, the time of making a fire will tend to infinity. That is, it is important, where the wind blows, to build a fence of at least 30 centimeters high from stones. And already in this secluded place, light matches and fiddle with branches.

    After the fire has flared up in order, all these stone walls can be removed. You still throw firewood above the fire, and in any case the fire will sway from the wind. Only leave the fire itself laid out so that the sparks from the coals do not fall on your feet.

    Speaking of the fire pit: when organizing a hanging structure on which the pans will hang, be sure to make an allowance for the wind. It is best to drive the horns into the ground after the fire has flared up properly. Otherwise, cauldrons will hang over the fire, but not over the fire, and you will have to wait a very long time for cooking.

    Particular attention should be paid to the "bonfires-stoves". In this design, the flame is protected from the wind from 3 sides, while firewood is placed there from the fourth. A saucepan is placed on top of the stones - and thus, oxygen does not enter the fire from anywhere. For such fires, a special person is needed who will continuously wave the seat into the flame. Or a wind that will blow with force clearly from the side where the firewood is placed (what is the wind protection for then?;)).

    "Stoves" justify themselves only in one case: with a lack of firewood, since almost all the thermal energy goes to heat the pan from above. In all other cases, it makes no sense to build them.

    Campfire set - necessary and useful little things

    How to properly pack matches? Do I need to take dry fuel? Useful tips.

    The use of specially prepared combustible materials, as well as some other little things included in the "bonfire kit" - the main tool for a firelighter. Useful tips. Also read the main article about kindling a fire: "How to light a fire on a camping trip."

    Campfire set, or how easy it is to light a fire?

    The first thing the future campfire should do is take care of the campfire set. He should do this even before the trip. And no need to spare effort and time in order to alleviate your future fate.

    So, there should be matches in the set - where without them? Only storage boxes are not suitable: the slightest rain - and even dry matches strike to no avail on wet paper. And if you wrap the boxes in polyethylene, it will still get wet sooner or later ... Therefore, matches in the campaign are stored in waterproof packaging: a plastic jar of film or tablets, which is hermetically sealed. Here, by the way, you need to put a couple of "graters" from the box, on which the matches are kindled.

    Matches are the only mandatory item in a campfire set. Everything else - is taken at will, depending on the skills of the campfire. But even the most experienced campfire-makers have little tricks to keep in mind.

    Such tricks are dry fuel, a piece of plexiglass or rubber (even pieces of a damaged bicycle tire are suitable), a small candle or a piece of paraffin. With them, making a fire is accelerated many times over. True, anyway, in this case, the fire will need care, it will not magically flare up ... The more tricks you take, the better: if something does not work, there is always the opportunity to try something else ...

    It is better not to take gasoline with you. Despite the fact that he will reliably fulfill his role, there are a couple of nuances in his carrying. Firstly, it has a weight greater than the aforementioned dry fuel, and this is clearly felt in a heavy backpack. Secondly, if a bottle with a combustible mixture bursts inside a backpack, at best the backpack itself and the things in it will smell like it. At worst, all the food carried by unfortunate campfires. And gasoline vapors are poisonous - so, by the way.

    Some thrifty campfires carry with them birch bark, pine chips, flint, etc. But this already applies to individual tricks, which you can come up with an uncountable number of.

    Of course, the standard (and, in fact, optimal) means of starting a campfire in wet weather is dry fuel. It does not spill, has no unpleasant odor, and burns even when slightly damp. In an emergency, they can bask in a tent if they periodically ventilate the released ammonia vapors.

    Dry fuel also needs to be able to use it correctly. In the hands of an experienced campfire, even half a white tablet works perfectly as the first kindling, which is so lacking in a thoroughly wet forest. In order for dry alcohol to work effectively, you need to prepare enough thin dry branches even BEFORE you set fire to the pill. And during combustion, just in time to put new and new chips and shavings, gradually increasing their thickness.

    In the photo campfire
    look carefree

    Good campfire for a campfire
    don't feel sorry for anything

    Answer from Igor Komarov[guru]

    In the common people, such a fire is called underground. Making such a turret as in the photo is very simple, so we will not talk about it. Let's talk about how to build an underground fire (The Dakota Fire Hole) yourself.
    Its flame is imperceptible to others, it is convenient to cook food on it and, most importantly, after several hours of burning, the ground above the fire will be so warm that you can safely spend the rest of the night on it.
    In order to make such a fire, it is necessary to dig a well 25-30 cm deep and 15-35 cm in diameter. On the windward side (where the wind blows from), at a distance of 20-25 cm from the pit, another well of the same depth is made. but slightly smaller in diameter (15-20 cm), for ventilation. Further, two wells are connected by a tunnel at their very bottom.
    Bonfire "Pyramid" gives a large flame. It is suitable for quickly heating people, drying clothes, but quickly burns out.
    Bonfire "Yamka". To equip a fire of this type, it is necessary to dig a hole in the ground. To keep warm, it is advisable to lay out the bottom of the pit with stones. On such a fire you can boil water, cook food, bake roast in the ashes.
    Bonfire "Fence" ("Nodya"). To equip this type of fire, you need to drive four pegs into the ground, between which lay firewood in the form of a fence. The fire is lit from below. It can burn for a long time, while releasing a lot of heat, if you mix dry and damp firewood. Such a fire is very convenient for drying clothes.
    Bonfire "Lattice". At the base of this type of fire, two thick dry logs are placed, on which firewood of smaller and smaller diameters is stacked in several rows in the form of a dense lattice. Such a fire is best suited for joint events with the participation of the entire detachment of navigators.
    A slightly modified version of the "Grate" can be used for cooking, heating people, drying clothes, shoes, etc. Such a fire can be made in the presence of dry and damp firewood. Burning, dry firewood dries raw, so the fire can burn for a long time.
    A bonfire of three logs is equipped in such a way that the Pyramid bonfire serves as its filling. Please note that the bottom two logs for the formation of blowing are stacked on logs. On the same logs, the third log is laid on top. The advantage of this type of fire is that it can burn for two hours or more without additional firewood.
    The simplest device for installing flat-bottomed dishes over a fire is a tricycle stand. It can be made by placing three approximately identical stones around the fire or by sticking them directly into hot coals.

    Answer from Fleur d'Orange[guru]
    with a spark))

    Answer from Voron[guru]
    download, unpack and run....

    Answer from Victor V[active]
    ignite and all

    Answer from A A[guru]
    so we need a bunch of firewood, gasoline and matches, firewood on the floor (you don’t need to remove the carpet), pour gasoline on top, strike a match and freedom - the fire is ready!

    Answer from Edward Halford[guru]
    first you need firewood .... and so that the humidity in them is less than 106% .... otherwise, in order to ignite such firewood, a heating temperature of such strength is needed .... when the water begins to split into hydrogen and oxygen. (as a rule, only beginners manage to kindle such firewood, because they do not know this)

    Answer from Vladimir Nikulin[guru]
    Are there matches? Set it on fire, everything burns in the summer!

    Answer from YOREGA_[guru]
    First you prepare a place for ignition. It should not be under the trees. Since the temperature of the fire, can damage the branches. In general, I chose the place. With a sapper shovel you remove the turf with vegetation of about 80 cm by 60 cm. You lay the removed turf around the future fireplace. You also remove a layer of earth, a depression of about 10 cm - 20 cm. Made. Let's start looking for dry land. Spruce, pine, birch twigs are suitable for quick ignition. In order not to carry paper with you, alcohol tablets are ideal for ignition. (1 pack - 10 pcs). Well, then you lay the branches like a well, slightly sprinkling the middle with the smallest sticks. You take a pill and set it on fire in the middle of the well made. To be sure, you can set fire to another one. Well, then you start to collect brushwood a little thicker (but dry)

    It would not be bad to have a bottle of water for 3 or 5 liters with you, so that at the end of the rest you can put out the fire and sprinkle the fire back with earth. The turf is laid last. And you can also pour water.

    To make a fire from a stump is most often required not by a tourist or a person in the wild, but by summer residents or builders who need to remove an unwanted tree residue from the site. Nevertheless, even in the wild, a situation may arise when a stump is the only available or most convenient source of fuel. You can make a fire in it or completely burn it out in different ways. Let's look at a few of them next.

    An example of burning a stump when a “Finnish candle” fire is made from it.

    Stump as a source of firewood

    If there is an ax or a saw available, you can make logs from hemp for a future fire. But here it is important to consider that chopping or sawing a stump is not always as convenient as a dead wood trunk.. The fact is that due to the branching of the roots, the fibers in it diverge in different directions, which increases its strength and prevents easy splitting.

    In addition, the lower part of tree trunks can often be damp or rotten, which is not at all good for a future fire. Kindling a fire on such logs will be problematic, and wet or rotten logs thrown into an already large fire will smoke rather than burn.

    The photo below shows a rotten stump, which was relatively easy to chop for firewood:

    Finally, it is impossible to turn, lift and do other actions with it, and therefore it is necessary to chip logs from it in the position in which it is on the ground.

    Therefore, it is often more convenient to make a fire in the stump itself.

    Stump in the fire

    You can burn a stump, turning it into the coals of a fire, by overlaying it on all sides with brushwood and firewood. In this case, the outer walls of the fire will turn into burning coals, reflecting heat onto the fuel put into the fire. In order for such a stump to start burning faster, it is better to remove the bark from it and make notches on the sides.

    Moreover, it is possible to burn a stump not along the entire perimeter, but, for example, by laying firewood on only one side. In this case, the stump will reflect heat only in one direction, which is convenient for heating while saving fuel.

    This option is convenient for stumps of any height, since low stumps will completely burn out in a fire, and high ones will burn out in the lower part, forming a free log, from which you can also make a fire, for example, a Finnish candle.

    Finnish stump candle

    From a stump, without burning it in the lower part, you can make a fire, called.

    There are different options here. Let's consider a few of them.

    In the presence of a stump whose cross-sectional diameter is less than its height:

    1. On one side of the stump, the bark is removed and notches are made.
    2. Right next to this stump from the hewn side, a small fire is bred like a "hut".
    3. Two or three logs of the same height as the stump are cut, and preferably approximately the same diameter.
    4. On each log, on one side, deep notches are made with an ax or a knife.
    5. All logs are placed on the end and lean against the stump from the side of the fire and against each other by the sides on which the serifs are made. If necessary, you can prop up the logs so that they do not fall.
    6. Chips and small brushwood are thrown into the gap between the logs and the stump.
    7. The coals swell to ignite.
    8. The fire sets fire to the logs and stump from the inside, forming an independent fire.

    The video below shows how such a fire is made, only in the case of a stump, we use, in fact, a stump as one of the logs:

    If there is a chainsaw available (or a simple chain saw and a large supply of vigor and strength), then a Finnish candle can be made from a stump without special costs of brushwood and firewood. For this:

    1. With a chainsaw, four vertical cuts are made in the stump so that all the cuts intersect in the center of the stump with their middle.
    2. A little gasoline or ignition fluid is poured into the center. The container with flammable liquid is removed to a safe distance.
    3. The stump is set on fire with a long splinter, the fire of which falls into the center of the stump - the stump flares up.

    In this option, after a while, the burning slots will expand - and combustion will go into active smoldering mode. In order to resume combustion and burn out the stump to the end, it will be necessary to add fuel to it in the form of brushwood or firewood.

    The video shows how the log prepared in this way is actively burning, it does not matter if it is a separate log or a stump in the ground:

    If the middle of the stump began to rot and turned into dust, you can do the following:

    1. Remove the middle of the stump.
    2. If there are wide longitudinal cracks in the stump, great. If there are none, you need to cut them down with an ax. Through these cracks, air will flow to the fire.
    3. Above the central hole of the stump, put a fire "hut" and set fire to it. Burning coals will fall into the hole, filling the stump from the inside until flames appear from the center.

    In this option, you will also have to throw brushwood, chips and small firewood in order to burn it clean.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that a stump fire is, although not the best option, but in conditions of survival with an acute lack of fuel, it will also help to warm up, cook food and dry clothes. Still, the fire from it is no different from the fire of an ordinary fire. In the country or in the garden, burning stumps in this way allows you to get rid of them without the involvement of special equipment.

    A bright fire made of felt, smoldering coals made of sticks, foil and a New Year's garland - it is impossible to look away from such beauty. Be sure to do safebonfire for the new year at home or offer to make an interesting craft for friends for a school performance. New Year's decorations will certainly be appreciated by both guests and spectators.

    How to make a fire out of felt?

    Soft and pleasant to the touch felt will be an excellent basis for creating a New Year's fire. And bright colors will not leave him a chance to go unnoticed.

    You will need:

    • yellow, red and orange felt
    • scissors,
    • thread or glue
    • filler (sintepuh) - optional,
    • paper templates,
    • sticks and stones.

    Hard felt 1.2 mm thick is ideal for work.

    1. Make three arbitrary patterns - tongues of fire: large, slightly smaller and very small. Transfer to felt.

    2. The fire must consist of two parts, each of which must have five layers. The biggest one is red. Glue two smaller parts on both sides of it: orange and yellow. Now make cuts to create a 3D effect later.

    3. Collect some sticks and stones outside, wash them and dry them. Gather the details of the hearth.

    Congratulations! Fairy bonfire is lit.

    But if you want to do soft toy fire, make six parts: two large, two smaller and two smallest. Sew, as shown in the photo below, and fill with padding. To create a fairy tale fire, you need to sew three volumetric parts together.

    If desired, make soft toys-firewood, cookies and marshmallows from felt.

    With such a fire, you can arrange various children's games: jump over it; “cook” food on fire, imagining yourself as fairy-tale characters; play Indians and even learn English - why not?

    Making a fire out of lace and garlands

    Mysterious atmosphere, flickering tongues of "fire" and crackling of foil... It seems that this hearth was lit by some kind of fairy fairy. Another moment - and timid sparks will spin in a bizarre dance and blaze with a bright flame. A bonfire made of lace and garlands is an excellent decoration for a New Year's fairy tale.

    You will need:

    • lace Ribbons,
    • branches,
    • foil,
    • PVA glue,
    • stationery knife,
    • white paint and brush
    • stones,
    • New Year's garland.

    1. Wrap the sticks in foil.

    2. Make a solution of PVA glue and water: one tablespoon of glue per liter of water. Cover the lace with several layers of mortar to stiffen the ribbons.

    3. Wrap each branch tightly with lace. Leave to dry overnight.

    4. When the glue is completely dry, cut the lace along the sticks with a clerical knife.

    5. Carefully remove the branches and the rest of the foil from the shell.

    Voila! Lacy firewood is ready.

    6. We light a fire. Make a small circle of stones, place a garland inside. Make sure you have a power outlet close by so you can turn on the lights easily.

    7. Throw firewood on the fire. If necessary, block them with stones. For effect, add more stones.

    A cozy fire is ready to warm You with its hot fire.

    Acting skills You, of course, do not hold, and with such decorations on the stage, the audience will certainly applaud standing.

    Happy holidays and may the flame of creative ideas never go out!

    No camping trip is complete without a campfire prepared, whether for warmth, cooking, or just to create a special atmosphere. If you have never lit a fire before, then this process may seem somewhat complicated to you. However, the key to success lies in using the right materials and understanding the purpose of the fire, so that you can start the fire in the way that works best for you.


    Preparing for a campfire

      Prepare material for ignition. To build a fire effectively, you will need a fire starter, a fine combustible material that ignites most easily. The material used must be dry, so it is best to take it with you from home, and not look for it on the spot in the forest. For ignition, you can take various materials, for example, one of the following:

      • sawdust;
      • crumpled paper;
      • cardboard;
      • paraffin;
      • cotton fiber;
      • ready-made purchased material for ignition.
    1. Gather the sickness. In order for the fire to flare up and not go out, you will need to supplement the ignition material with brushwood. Brushwood is a larger combustible material, but not as large as firewood, so the flame passes well to it. Look around your parking lot for small twigs and branches.

      • Choose twigs and branches with a diameter of about 3-13 mm or about the thickness of a pencil.
      • As with firewood, the wood must be dry. If there are damp areas on the branches you have collected, cut them off with a penknife.
    2. Gather firewood. For a fire that needs to burn for a long time, large pieces of wood, or firewood, are needed. As firewood, branches with a diameter of 3 to 13 cm in diameter or larger logs, chopped with an ax into smaller pieces, can be used.

      • You should not use living trees for firewood, otherwise you will harm the environment. Use dead and fallen branches and trees as firewood.
      • Suitable firewood should break easily. This will indicate that they are dry enough to be used in a fire.
      • Firewood should not be too large, as it will be more difficult for them to start a fire.
      • If you are not sure if the size of firewood you find is suitable for a fire, compare the firewood to your wrist or forearm. They should roughly match in size.
    3. Take a lighter or matches. When all the materials for the fire are prepared, you will need to light the fire. Therefore, it is very important not to forget to take something suitable for this purpose with you. Regular matches will suffice, but you may find it more convenient to use a lighter.

      Add brushwood and firewood to the fire as needed. As long as the fire is burning, you can keep throwing wood on it to keep the fire going. If the fire does not burn as strongly as you would like, then you can put firewood in it, which will help it flare up more. Start with one log. Add additional logs only if the fire does not gain enough power after the first log.

      • A "hut" type fire is well suited for cooking, as it does not burn very long, but maintains a stable burning.

    Bonfire type "well"

    1. Lay the brushwood in a small pyramid on top of the ignition material. In order for a fire like "well" to flare up, it is necessary to create a pyramidal structure inside it. Place the kindling material in the center of the hearth and pile the brushwood on top of it in a pyramid. You should definitely start with small brushwood, and then lay the larger brushwood in a second layer.

      • Your pyramid structure should not be as large as in a pyramid fire. Two layers of brushwood will be enough for her.
    2. Surround the pyramid with a square of four logs. First, take the two largest logs and lay them parallel to each other on opposite sides of the pyramid. Then take two smaller logs and lay them on the two remaining sides, forming a square. The last two smaller logs should lie on top of the first two large logs.

      • The resulting square will have two openings at the base. One of the openings should be located on the windward side so that the wind can feed the fire with oxygen when you light the fire.
    3. Continue laying the "well". On top of the square of four logs, start stacking smaller firewood in the same way. The goal is to build something like a well around the original pyramid.

      • The process of laying firewood for a fire in this case is similar to the process of laying logs when building a wooden frame.
    4. Cover the "well" with thin, light brushwood. When the "well" itself is ready, take thin, light brushwood and lay it on top of the deck. Then take matches or a lighter and light a fire from below.

      • For best results, it's best to light the fire from multiple sides at once.
      • Continue to put brushwood on the fire until the walls of the "well" light up.
      • A well-type fire provides a longer burning time, so it is ideal for basking near it for a long time.

    Extinguishing a fire

    1. Consider extinguishing the fire ahead of time. You are solely responsible for the fire you build, and the burning process often turns out to be longer than you would like. In order not to leave dangerous embers behind you and to do everything right, you must have a sufficient margin of time at your disposal. It will take about 20 minutes to extinguish the fire, during which you can make sure that the coals are completely extinguished. When you spray the coals with water, you need to make sure that the water gets to the maximum possible amount. Therefore, you need to move the coals as you water them. Don't forget to get to the coals at the base of the fire so that they don't smolder in its depths.

    2. It is wise to take several sources of fire with you on a hike. If matches or an ordinary lighter become damp, they will be useless. An electric lighter is a very reliable source of fire, as it is enough to turn it over and tap it on the palm of your hand to get rid of the water that has got into it. Also in tourist shops you can look for waterproof matches or flint and flint.
    3. If you are staying at a tented campsite, please read the rules in force there. In some cases, there may be certain restrictions on the construction of fires. It's in your best interest not to break the rules.
    4. Do not burn synthetic waste in a fire, take it with you for later disposal.
    5. Leave behind the territory in a better condition than it was before you. If you use an old hearth, be sure to clear the ashes out of it, as well as clear out the surrounding debris when you leave. If you made a fire in a previously untouched place, scatter the stones of the hearth, refresh the vegetation on it and try not to leave any traces behind.
    6. Warnings

    • Do not leave a fire unattended. Flames can get out of control very quickly.
    • Always keep a full bucket of water next to your fire in case you need it.
    • Do not try to contain the flame manually. You will just get burned.
    • Fire can attract curious animals. Despite the fact that the animals are unlikely to dare to openly approach him, they can watch what is happening from the shelter. Don't leave food in an accessible place, you can't imagine how resourceful raccoons and bears can be. It is better to hang food on a tree high above the ground.