The name is Dasha. Daria (Dasha): meaning of the name, character, compatibility, talismans. Daria and her personal life

The name Daria sounds very beautiful. There is a feminine element in him. And at the same time, one feels strength and power. What is she like? We invite you to find out. This story will be especially interesting for those parents who are currently choosing a name for their daughter.

The mystery of the name

When parents choose a name, they, believing in its magical power, want their daughter to have a happy destiny, so that her life is full of joyful moments. And it should be noted that the chosen option really affects a person’s future. Let's start our story by looking at the origin of the name Daria. It is Persian and very ancient. "she who wins." Although there is another version of the meaning. The name is said to mean “gift from above.” There is a legend that this was the name of the bride of Chrysanthus, the holy martyr for the faith. Daria was buried alive with him because she did not betray her beloved and did not renounce her beliefs and faith.

The character of little Daria

Let's study. What matters for a girl - and quite a lot - is how her family and friends treat her, and how open and honest these relationships are. She does not tolerate betrayal and lies. Being a little girl, Daria will never lie and always admits to her pranks, even knowing that punishment awaits her. Since childhood, she has been very demanding of her friends and girlfriends. In the company of peers he always enjoys authority. She is the leader and the ringleader. And it should be noted that the children in the yard obey her unquestioningly. She is on good terms with her parents and relatives. But do not think that the daughter will unquestioningly fulfill all parental demands. If something does not coincide with her opinion or worldview, then Daria will never go against her will and argue, defending her point of view. Yes, and she knows how to argue. This will be very upsetting for mom. But what can you do? That's her character. Therefore, think carefully when studying Daria - she is not one of the calm and obedient children. Although, on the other hand, she has a lot of positive qualities. This includes determination, the ability to remember new information on the fly, composure, and accuracy. Even little Daria always maintains order in her play corner. She's a neat girl.

School years

The name Daria will often be heard at school. The fact that they only speak about her in a good way is of great importance for a girl. Her parents will never have to blush and listen to reproaches from teachers. Daria will not allow her to find herself in the center of a conflict situation; she will never agree to disrupt or skip class. She is diligent and tries to get only good grades. Although she will never be an excellent student. In high school, Daria, like all girls, learns the power of feelings when she falls in love. But she will be disappointed in her first love. The chosen one will turn out to be a dishonest guy. This will make Daria stronger and tougher. After tears because of her first love, she will be distrustful of the opposite sex.


Believe me, her adult life will be as successful as possible. It will sound proud for the girl who once had truth and hard work. Now a woman bearing this name, in order to achieve success and win the favor of her superiors, will often resort to lies and all sorts of intrigue. It should be said that she will get away with everything. Nothing will tarnish her impeccable reputation. She will very quickly build a career and become a leader. She will get married late, but for love. Her husband will indulge his beloved in everything. But she will not abuse this and will never allow herself to spoil the warm relationships in the family. This is what you decided to choose for your girl? Maybe you're right. Still, it is not the name that creates a person’s destiny. A lot depends on the upbringing and environment of the child.

Daria - mom

It’s worth mentioning separately what a caring mother Daria is. You won't find anything better in the whole world. She is gentle and attentive. For her, children will always be the most important thing. Daria would never allow anyone to offend them. She usually gives birth to two same-sex children, usually boys. She will invest a lot of money and effort into their education. And it should be said that this will turn out to be right. Her sons will grow up to be smart people who will achieve a lot in life. And all thanks to upbringing and zeal for knowledge.


Daria Astafieva

What does the name Daria mean?

Persian name meaning "possessing, possessing, conquering."

Forms (analogues) of the name Daria

The most common forms of the name Daria: Dasha, Dashunya, Danya, Dashulya, Darya, Darina, Daryushka, Dashenka, Dashechka, Danechka, Dashuta.

Origin of the name Daria

The name Daria has several origins.

According to the first version, the name Daria is the female version of the male ancient Persian name Darius - the name of three powerful Persian kings (Darius I, Darius II, Darius III).

According to the second version, the name Daria has Slavic roots, is a modern form of the Slavic names Daryon, Darina, a related name for the names Daroluba and Daromila, therefore the meaning is close to the concept of “dar” - “gift given”.

The name Darius in the Christian name book correlates, first of all, with the name of the early Christian martyr Daria of Rome, who, according to legend, was executed along with her husband Chrysanthus during the reign of Emperor Numerian (III century). In addition to her, the calendar also mentions St. Darius, who suffered for her faith under the emperor Trajan (beginning of the 2nd century).

There is a legend about Daria of Rome, who, being a pagan, married Chrysanthus from Alexandria without her consent. Chrysanthus, while studying at a philosophical school, accepted Christianity and openly preached it with his priest friend.

Initially, Chrysanthos' father married Daria and his son in order to return him to paganism. But Chrysanthos, instead, converted his wife to Christianity, they led a righteous life and spread the word of God.

The inhabitants of Rome accused Chrysanthus and Daria of inducing people to live without satisfying their carnal desires. The couple were arrested and tortured in an attempt to persuade them to renounce their faith and return to paganism. But Chrysanthus and Daria did not give up their faith, after which they were thrown into a ditch and buried alive.

Compatibility of the name Daria

Incompatibility of the name Daria

Compatibility of the name Daria with the signs of the Zodiac

The name Daria is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Leo or Capricorn.

a lion(July 23-August 23) - a sign of proud and strong-willed people, therefore, under his patronage, Daria will be a good organizer, striving to lead people, an energetic, creative person who loves all kinds of ceremonies, demanding, a little vain, but careless with money.

Capricorn(December 22-January 20) is also similar to Daria, but will develop it from the other side, turning the owner of this name into a persistent, decisive, disciplined, success-loving woman who works law-abidingly to achieve her goal.

Daria - Aries. A straightforward woman, she thinks that the whole world was created for her alone. Thanks to this position in life, Daria-Aries often commits rash acts. She is fickle in relationships with men: she can fall madly in love at first sight, and after a short time completely lose interest.

Daria – Taurus. A very sociable woman, she will find a common language with anyone. She is quite stubborn, and thanks to this she often always achieves her goals. Daria is beautiful and sexy, and therefore there are always many fans around her. But, despite the many suitors, she is waiting for her one and only, with whom she dreams of spending her whole life.

Daria - Gemini. A cheerful and restless girl, she is burdened by routine and monotony. As a result, she often changes jobs, boyfriends, and is constantly in search of the ideal in everything. Therefore, very often, she cannot fully realize herself in any life or professional area. Although she has plenty of fans, because she is smart, open and loves to flirt.

Daria - Cancer. She tends to go with the flow and rarely shows initiative. Often prone to apathetic mood. She is quite closed, she hides all her suffering, fears and experiences deep inside. He doesn’t expect anything beautiful from life, he doesn’t expect sublime love either, he finds his happiness only in children.

Daria - Leo. This woman can take care of herself. She prefers to create her own destiny, without counting on anyone. Daria-Leo is a fighter in life, she can move mountains to achieve her goal. In relationships with men, he prefers honesty and frankness, does not like flirting and empty illusions.

Daria – Virgo. She is a very meticulous woman, everything she does is done carefully, correctly and slowly. She acts in exactly the same way in relationships with a man: at first she studies him carefully and for a long time, and only then, if she considers him worthy of her trust, can she open her soul and heart to him. She is a reliable and faithful wife, but the men next to her often lack affection and warmth.

Daria - Libra. Too hardworking person. She takes on everything at once, and most importantly, she is really able to implement it all. Daria-Libra is always attentive to all her family and friends. Therefore, her future chosen one will have to come to terms with and accept the fact that they will all always be in Dasha’s life. But Daria will fully thank her man for his understanding; she is capable of becoming a loving, devoted and faithful wife.

Daria - Scorpio. This is a completely unpredictable woman; you never know what to expect from her. She constantly changes something in her life: external image, work, place of residence. And this spontaneity attracts men to her like a magnet. But Daria is looking for an intelligent and extraordinary man who can make her happy.

Daria - Sagittarius. A brave and energetic woman, she knows how to subjugate those around her and impose her own opinion. Decisive, quickly solves complex problems. Daria-Sagittarius is an example of an ideal business woman. This is good for your career, but bad for your personal life. She often scares men, and they try to avoid her.

Daria – Capricorn. A secretive and impenetrable woman. Although this is just a mask, inside she is sensitive and gentle, and even a minor failure is very difficult for her. Daria-Capricorn is too sensitive to criticism and other people's opinions. A man who wants to share his life with her must make a lot of effort to win and impress such a difficult woman.

Daria - Aquarius. A sincere and open woman, she idealizes the world and people too much. Therefore, she is often disappointed, because she wants to see perfection in everything, and not the real state of affairs. Daria-Aquarius often feels deeply unhappy in her own world. A man who really looks at life can bring her down to earth.

Daria - Pisces. This is an ideal woman from all sides: beautiful, feminine, smart, has charm and charm. Daria-Pisces is the object of desire for almost every man. She does not tolerate arrogance and ignorance. This woman is looking for a man to match herself, and the man whom Daria chooses will cherish her all her life.

Daria Domracheva

The character conveyed by the name Daria

The owner of the name Daria will live a bright life and take a worthy position in society. Even at a young age, she undoubtedly attracts attention and brings smiles. With the arrival of baby Dasha, the house is filled with joy and laughter; it is absolutely impossible to resist the special energy that this girl radiates.

Daria constantly surprises her parents with her abilities, she assimilates any information on the fly, everything new arouses her interest. Little Dasha will learn to read on her own by watching older children.

Changes in mood for Daria are a frequent phenomenon that will accompany her throughout her life. In childhood, tears dry up in an instant and loud laughter sounds and vice versa.

Even very little Dasha is a leader in the family and home. The girl is naturally endowed with leadership talent, and quite often goes too far. Daria's opinion will have to be taken into account from infancy.

Daria is a dreamer, and this quality helps her to be a leader in the children's team; her peers are happy to support original ideas. Dasha attaches particular importance to the recognition of her authority in the team; if this means fighting with the boys, she will not flinch.

Daria cannot stand loneliness at all; she needs company like air.

She takes her studies responsibly and easily becomes the best student in the class. Dasha is the pride of the school, she takes part in various competitions and plays leading roles in theatrical productions.

From early childhood, little Dasha is distinguished by her wisdom and independently finds a way out of difficult life moments. She listens to the opinions of only the people closest to her and reacts very painfully to their criticism.

Dasha is very emotional, so she often gets into conflicts and argues with her parents and teachers. Sometimes Daria even gives the impression of being rude, but this is just a mask under which hides a sensual and gentle girl.

Daria has a talent for drawing; it wouldn’t hurt to take her to an art school; this girl can make a dizzying career in the field of art.

Daria is her mother’s assistant; as she grows up, she helps her family and friends, although laziness is still inherent in her.

Daria's talent as an artist and innate sense of style is manifested in her ability to shape her wardrobe, which ensures her a spectacular appearance in any society. She especially loves accessories and jewelry.

"Winter Daria" distinguished by regularity, thoughtfulness and calmness. She will never be the first to start a dispute, and will try with all her might to reconcile all parties to the conflict. Outwardly, winter Daria seems thoughtful and cold, but in reality she is a cheerful and simple girl. Her main drawback is that she takes everything that happens around her too close to her heart.

"Spring Daria"- a very pleasant and charming woman. There are always many friends and acquaintances around her, her charm attracts people to her. She is always cheerful, keeps all her problems and experiences deep inside, preferring not to take them out. She approaches the choice of a life partner very judiciously and seriously, scrupulously following the criteria that she has established. Her chosen one should be positive in everything, like the main character in movies.

"Summer Daria"- sentimental and dreamy nature. She prefers an active way of life, her life is full of travel, various activities and adventures. She won't sit at home for anything. In her youth, Daria can commit inappropriate actions, but in adulthood she becomes a serious and respected lady.

"Autumn Daria"- a powerful and confident woman, a leader in everything and always. At school she will certainly be a head girl, and in adulthood she will be a leader and leader. She is very responsible and does not seek power over everyone; on the contrary, she will help all colleagues with advice or action. As she ages, the autumnal Daria creates the image of a generous woman for whom there are no barriers. She prefers to choose her man without any special ceremony and becomes devoted to him all her life.

Positive traits of the name Daria

The name Daria has a lot of advantages, the main thing is to learn to accept the pros and cons of the behavior of an emotional person; a strong character cannot be changed.

Daria is a decisive and courageous woman, she will always come to the rescue in difficult times, life’s problems do not frighten her. Caring for loved ones, sincerely experiencing their failures.

Having flared up, he repents of his behavior and tries to improve relationships.

Achieves goals confidently and independently, never asks for help.

It is impossible to get bored next to this energetic woman; in any team she is the organizer of leisure time, a source of positive energy. Throughout his life he never ceases to amaze with new hobbies.

Negative traits of the name Daria

Daria's main negative character trait is a complete lack of intuition, and because of this, she is often deceived and is very worried about this.

Daria is very self-confident, considers herself to be the best in everything. Perhaps that is why she is so incurious, she believes that she does not need to know the details of the events taking place. As a result, he often makes incorrect conclusions based on superficial and unverified information.

She can show remarkable activity, spontaneity and unpredictability. At times he commits unprincipled acts.

Name Daria in love and family

Men cannot resist the energy of the emotional girl Daria.

Having fallen in love, Daria becomes a real predator, and the status of a married man does not hinder her in this. She cannot live without love. The lack of reciprocity is difficult to bear.

Dasha herself easily leaves men, not worrying at all about their emotional wounds. She strives for new bright impressions; long-term romances tire the young woman.

Daria takes marriage seriously, the future husband must meet many requirements and be able to provide for his family, with his loved one and heaven in a hut - this is not about Dasha.

But if Daria has already started a family, she becomes a real homemaker; for her husband, she creates a friendly home environment where he can relax and enjoy communication with his beloved wife and children.

The owner of the name Daria easily finds language with her husband’s relatives, but only under the condition of living separately.

Daria is the leader in her family, but a very wise leader. She does not advertise her superiority, respects and listens to her husband’s opinion.

Dasha will never forgive the betrayal of her loved one, will take cruel revenge, and will not live with a traitor under the same roof, even for the sake of the children.

Daria is a creative person in everything, she sews and knits beautifully, and those around her often admire her products. But Dasha doesn’t really like to cook and tries to delegate this responsibility to someone at home.

Sexuality of the name Daria

In the traditional game with men, the passionate and temperamental Daria has no consistency. She loves to fool her fans. Dasha can accept flowers and various gifts, but this does not mean at all that she is ready for an intimate relationship with a partner. She will commit herself to a serious relationship only with the man who turns out to be the most “competitive” and better than everyone else.

Daria Sagalova

The influence of the name Daria on business and career

If you ask Daria a question about her future profession, she will undoubtedly choose a profession with more money, one that can bring her a decent income. Dasha can realize herself in many areas, she can become a famous designer or artist, she does not like monotony, monotonous and boring work is not for her.

Ambition will not allow Dasha to occupy an ordinary position; a flexible mindset, combined with confidence in herself and her abilities, gives her very great chances for a rapid career and a leadership position.

The influence of the name Daria on health

Daria's health requires attention and care. She is predisposed to diseases of the bronchi and lungs, she needs to monitor her psycho-emotional background and skin condition.

In adulthood, she may develop a nervous tic in the muscles of the face and eyes, and there is a risk of injury or paralysis of the legs.

The meaning of the letters in the name Daria

D- reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.
A- a symbol of beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
R- the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the essence; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
b- the ability to classify, divide, put into shelves.
I- self-esteem, the desire to achieve respect and love from others and the ability to receive them.

Numerology of the name Daria

Soul Number: 3.

Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. With a patient mentor and advisor, who can be one of the relatives or just a loved one, the “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 6

Body number: 6

Signs of the name Daria

Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Black, olive drab, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, borax, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

Name Daria in other languages

him. - Daria (Daria), diminutive - Dari (Dari)

it. - Daria (Daria)

rum./mold- Daria (Daria)

Ukrainian- Daria, folk forms: Darina, Odarina, Odarka, diminutives - Darinka, Darіyka, Dara, Daronka, Darochka, Darka, Dartsya, Darusya, Darusenka, Darusechka, Darunya, Darunenka, Darunechka, Dasha, Dashenka, Odarya, Odaronka, Odarochka, Dora

Belarusian- Dar"ya, Dariya, Adar"ya, diminutives - Darka, Dasha

floor.- Daria (Daria), diminutives - Darka (Darka), Darunia (Darunya), Darusia (Darusya, Darusya)

Czech- Daria (Daria), Darja (Daria), diminutives - Darka (Darka), Darina (Darina), Daruška (Darushka), Darinka (Darinka), Darijka (Dariyka)

bol.- Daria, diminutives - Darka, Dara, Daria

Serb.- Daria, Darija (Daria), diminutives - Dara, Dara (Dara), Darka, Darka (Darka), Dada, Dada (Dada)

Finnish- Tarja

Daria celebrates Orthodox name days

Daria celebrates Catholic name day

Famous personalities

Daria Dontsova (1952) - (real name - Agrippina Dontsova, nee Vasilyeva) - Russian writer, author of “ironic detective stories”, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Winner of literary awards.

Dasha Mikhailova, known as Dasha Sevastopol (1822 - 1892) - the first military nurse, heroine of the defense of Sevastopol in the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

Odarka Romanova (1853 - 1922) - Ukrainian writer and poetess.

Irina Vilde (1907 - 1982) real name and surname - Darina Makogon, after marriage - Polotnyuk; Ukrainian Soviet writer, included by UNESCO in the list of famous people of the 20th century and the second millennium.

Daria Dyachenko (1924 – 1944) one of the leaders of the underground Komsomol organization “Partisan Spark” in Ukraine.

Daria Nauer (1966) - Swiss track and field athlete.

Daria Vasilyanskaya (Vasilyanska) - Bulgarian artist

Daria Polotnyuk (1907 – 1982) - Ukrainian writer.

Daria Domracheva (1986) Belarusian biathlete, three-time Olympic champion in 2014, winner of the large Crystal Globe of the Biathlon World Cup (2014/15), two-time world champion (2012 and 2013), winner of several small Crystal Globes of the Biathlon World Cup, Honored Master of Sports The Republic of Belarus. The most titled Belarusian athlete in the history of the Winter Olympic Games, as well as the world's first three-time Olympic champion, who won all her victories in individual races.

Daria Zykova (1981) - opera singer (soprano), soloist of the Bolshoi Theater opera troupe.

Daria Astafieva (1985) – Ukrainian model, singer, actress, TV presenter.

Daria Sagalova (1985) – Russian theater and film actress, choreographer.

Temperamental Straightforward Soft

Daria Dontsova, Russian writer and TV presenter

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Daria mean?

The meaning of the name Daria in translation from ancient Persian is “powerful”, “winner”. Daria is a strong personality, but she is often overly emotional and contradictory, and does not always control herself.

There is another version of the origin of the name, not so common, but more fully reflecting the character. “Big river” is what the name Daria means according to this version.

This phrase gives the owners of the name softness and femininity, and also, like a true river, allows them to always find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation.

The greatest success will be achieved by Dasha, whose patronymic is Leonidovna, Vladimirovna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna, Egorovna, Kirillovna, Glebovna, Georgievna, Robertovna.

Would you name your child this name?

It is believed that "Daria" came from the name of the Persian king Darius. Initially, a masculine name affects the personality of the owner, so the characteristics of the name Daria are “unfeminine.” Hence the strength, the sharp mind, the luck, the logic, and, sadly, the complete lack of intuition.

The second version of the origin of the name Daria is from the name of the pagan god Gift, who introduced the words “gift”, “gift” into the modern language.

The bearers of the name fully justify its meaning. They can be anything, but never invisible. It is not surprising that today there are many parents who choose this name for their daughters.

Church teaching mentions the holy martyr Daria. The story goes that she was converted to Christianity and, together with her fiancé, the holy martyr Chrysanthus, was tortured and executed. Her memory is revered on April 7, which is also considered the name day of all her namesakes, whom she invisibly patronizes.

Name forms

Simple: Dasha Full: Daria Antique: DariaAffectionate: Dashenka

Daria is given a lot by nature: the ability to think logically, a sharp mind, a strong character, the ability to lead people. All of the above fully illustrates her inner world and the course of her life.

Like a powerful, full-flowing river, Daria can overcome a long journey in life, easily avoiding obstacles. Having all the data to build a dizzying career: determination, leadership skills, communication skills, she is often left behind simply because she was not passionate enough about her work.

The task may remain only half completed if she loses self-confidence, because she does not take criticism at all.

This description does not mean at all that Daria, as an employee, can be given up on. On the contrary, she has a strong enough sense of duty and does not want to let her colleagues down. In addition, Dasha is very organized and neat, this can more than compensate for laziness.

Daria has no golden mean - she is like a swinging pendulum. External arrogance often hides self-doubt and the need for approval from loved ones.

Despite the ostentatious bravado, Daria, like no one else, is dependent on others and their support. Without a firm conviction that she is loved and needed, she may not be able to cope with even the most trifling task.

The innermost secret of the name Daria, her main purpose is to find a fragile balance between her male and female “I”, accepting herself as an individual and understanding her true essence. After all, understanding Daria is not at all easy even for those closest to you.

Having a strong character, she can either build an ideal world for herself, where everyone will be comfortable, or turn her life and the lives of those around her into hell.

What Daria's life will be like depends only on herself. The only thing that will be required from friends and family is to convince her of their love.

Character traits


Quick wit









Being friends with Daria, and even more so living next to her, is not easy. She can drive you crazy with unexpected mood swings, turning from an affectionate cat into an angry fury or a capricious crybaby.

Daria is sociable, flirty and emotional. Sometimes her novels lack passion and sexual tension. The partner will never be sure whether his beloved wants intimacy with him or not, whether she feels good with him.

If Daria chooses a mate for herself, she will give all of herself to the chosen one. Without hesitation, obeying a single instant impulse. And he won’t change his decision.

A man will have to remain sacredly faithful to his wife, since she is unlikely to be able or willing to forgive the betrayal. But Daria will definitely become an excellent wife. She takes care of all household chores and loves to cook, sew, and knit. He will not ask about previous connections, preferring to build the future from scratch.

In addition, Daria will not compete with her husband for leadership in the family; on the contrary, she will willingly give up the role of leader. This is a real woman - capricious, unpredictable, and at the same time wise.

She will thank you a hundredfold for your affection and care, because the main thing that the name Daria means is “a gift, a gift from heaven.”

The meaning of the name Daria for a girl

Bearers of the name are their own company. And you don’t need to entertain them, it’s better to leave them alone. And give me that book. And close the door!

If you gave your baby the name Dasha, get ready for the fact that her independence will sometimes even be annoying. But no hassle.

Little Dasha is organized, neat, smart, but lazy. As a rule, he studies well. The child is hot-tempered, but quickly calms down; you just need to give her the opportunity to cool down.

Only after learning to recognize herself as an individual does Dasha begin to show leadership skills.

What will Daria achieve success in?

She loves to win, she will be happy to go to dances, to the sports section, and to martial arts classes.

Dasha will achieve success in music, drawing, and sculpting. May become interested in a “male” hobby, for example, wood burning.

Encouragement is very important for a girl; your attention will raise her self-esteem and add self-confidence.

You should be careful - Daria reads a lot, so it is important to teach her to distinguish her own fantasies from reality.

May begin sexual activity early because he does not understand the difference between attraction and love. And love is of great importance to her. But a wise, calm and benevolent mother-friend can easily prevent this.

What games will Daria like?

Little Dashas bring their mother and father more joy than worry. Lively, artistic, charming, smart - they fill life with laughter and meaning. Come up with games for your child where she is the center of attention: let her be an actress, a star, show herself in all her glory.

And, most importantly, give her love, especially when Daria herself is not very pleased with herself. But this does not mean that the child should be spoiled too much. Leave this honor to your grandparents.

Choosing a name for a child is a responsible step. It is important not only how euphonious the name will sound: each name has its own history, characteristics and meaning. Daria (Dasha) is a popular female name in Russia. It has been actively used in Christian and Catholic countries since the beginning of the 18th century, and its roots go back to the times of Ancient Persia. If you are thinking about naming your daughter Daria, or are simply interested in the origin of your own name, this article will help you learn more about the secret of the name Daria.

The popularity of the name Daria is now only growing. Phonetically, this name, with the emphasis on the first syllable, sounds bright and positive. For some, the sound seems a little rude - then the abbreviated form Dasha or multiple diminutive forms can be used. Let's consider where this name came to us, what it means, and what personality traits it is associated with.

Origin and meaning of the name Daria

The origin of the name Daryan cannot be determined precisely. There are at least two versions of the origin of this name.

  • According to one version, it came to us from the ancient Persian language, in which there was a male name Darius. This name, in turn, is a variant of the Greek name Dareios. In this case, the name Daria means “possessing good.” There is no exact information here whether material or spiritual good was meant. Therefore, the name Daria can mean “rich” or “good, kind.” This name is also sometimes translated as “victor.”
  • The second version is that the name Daria is a modification of the Old Slavic name. Our ancestors had common names Daryon and Darina, so Daria may just be a modern version of these names. What does the modern name Daria mean? In this case, the name Daria will mean “gifted, gift.”

  • According to the church calendar, the name Daria correlates with the name of the holy martyr Daria of Rome. Daria's Angel Day is celebrated on April 1st.

Character of the name Daria for a girl

In modern language, the name Daria is given a broader interpretation. The main character traits that may be characteristic of Daria are identified. Perhaps these observations will help you decide on a name for a girl.

  • What is the character of the name Daria? Daria is sociable, flexible and non-conflict, usually has good communication skills. Thanks to these qualities, she easily wins over people and is often the life of the party. This name is also associated with leadership qualities. People named Daria like to be the center of attention. Daria gets along well with people, knows how to convince and organize them. These talents manifest themselves in childhood, and over time, Daria often chooses a profession directly related to communication.

  • The name for a girl, Daria, according to reviews, is suitable for children who are curious and love to learn. Daria easily absorbs information, learns quickly and has a keen interest in everything that surrounds her. She has a good memory and developed logical thinking. This first helps you do well in school, and then build a good career. At the same time, Daria cannot be called diligent and hardworking - during her childhood, her parents will have to spend a lot of effort to convince Dasha to methodically do boring work. However, the owners of this name are considered purposeful: if Daria is really passionate about something, the result will not be long in coming.
  • Daria is distinguished by her courage and responsibility. She is not afraid to stand out from the crowd and does not depend on the opinions of others. At the same time, Daria never remains lonely, since her strong and interesting personality always attracts people. However, sometimes Daria can be too harsh and self-confident, which is why, having a wide circle of friends, it can be difficult for her to build strong close relationships.
  • Daria is a creative person. She often has many hobbies and finds it difficult to focus on one area. Daria is often interested in applied arts - she decorates the interior, knits, and sews her own clothes. She likes to always look individual and express herself even in small things.

  • In relationships, Daria is energetic and unpredictable. Despite the need for emotional intimacy, she values ​​independence and personal space. Often it is Daria who becomes the leader in the family. At the same time, she is trying to create a harmonious, warm and comfortable atmosphere for her husband and children. Daria herself becomes very domestic in her family, preferring a quiet and measured life.
  • The name Daria is most suitable for girls born under the sign of Libra, Aries or Taurus.

Talismans named Daria

The name Daria has many talismans. Many of them can be carried with you to attract good luck:

  • Diamond is considered Daria's talisman stone. Its strength will protect Daria from any misfortunes and give her self-confidence. Also, bloodstone or hematite is often associated with the name Daria. This mineral is considered a symbol of courage and determination. In addition to these stones, opal, malachite, agate and citrine are suitable for Daria.

  • Daria's plant is rowan. It symbolizes perseverance, the ability to adapt to any conditions and bravely survive frosts.
  • The animal that is associated with the name Daria is the giraffe. The giraffe is considered a phlegmatic and proud animal, but it is also associated with childhood. The same can be said about Daria - despite her cold prudence and leadership qualities, at heart Daria often remains a child, capable of strong and pure emotions.
  • Daria's day is Wednesday.
  • Daria's planet is Mars.
  • Daria's color is scarlet, burgundy or red-brown. It symbolizes impulsiveness and brightness.

Compatibility of the name Daria

Daria easily falls in love, and there are usually many romances in her life. In relationships, Daria is unpredictable: she is often the unconditional leader, but at the same time, she can look fragile, weak and feminine. Daria values ​​independence, but is not prone to betrayal. She takes her choice of a man for life responsibly and spends a long time checking her feelings. Often Daria prefers to live in a civil marriage before officially registering the relationship. In the family, Daria becomes a good housewife, a caring mother and supports her husband in everything.

Daria needs a man who will respect her freedom, but at the same time will allow her to feel like a fragile woman and relax. He must be flexible enough and be able to give in, have calmness and patience. Daria is suitable for a man who values ​​spontaneity and bright emotions, but, in general, prefers the comfort of home to a busy social life.

Daria's stormy romance can happen with:

  • Igor
  • Nikolai
  • Nikita
  • Sergei
  • Alexander

For family life, Daria is best suited for:

  • Dmitriy
  • Valery
  • Paul

The fate of the name Daria

It is believed that a person’s name and his fate are always interconnected. What fate awaits Daria?

  • Having matured, Daria is in no hurry to live separately; she is generally not inclined to move frequently. Usually in Daria's life one can single out one move to a new city or even a new country, which will be associated with the beginning of a new stage in life.
  • Daria is amorous and tends to have many affairs. However, this period quickly ends for her, and Daria soon enough finds herself a man with whom she is ready to live her whole life. Daria approaches marriage thoroughly: she chooses her partner carefully and spends a lot of time testing her feelings. Daria often chooses men younger than her. She often also takes the leading position in relationships, but always tries to surround her partner with care and support. In family life, Daria is also faithful and quite jealous.

  • Daria often builds a successful career. Her strengths are developed in creative professions and business. At the same time, Daria tends to often change her place of work or even her field of activity. Despite possible career successes, family and children always come first for Daria.

Many famous personalities bear the name Daria or its derivatives:

  • Daria Domracheva is a native of Belarus, a famous athlete, world champion in biathlon.
  • Daria Leonova is an opera singer, soloist of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters.
  • Daria Dontsova is a Russian writer, author of women's detective novels.
  • Darina Griboedova is a famous Russian model and actress.
  • Tarja Turunen is a Finnish singer, ex-soloist of the popular group Nightwish.

The name Daria combines such qualities as confidence and determination - along with flexibility, gentleness and thrift. Daria tends to form strong relationships, have many friends and build a successful career. Despite her determination and prudence, it is usually comfortable for everyone around her to be around Daria.

Video: “The meaning of the name Daria”