Austrian curtains to order. We decorate the kitchen with Austrian curtains Austrians for different styles

Austrian curtains- This is a combination of two popular types of curtains in one form, namely: French and. From the French curtains, the Austrian ones took the pomp and sweetness, and from the Roman ones - a laconic mechanism and a rise in the horizontal plane.

Austrian curtains in the straightened position look like a solid and even canvas, when the curtains are raised along their lower edge, slightly draped assemblies or lush arc folds (scallops) are formed. It should be noted that these folds in the curtains appear only when they are lifted and pulled together with heavy cords decorated with luxurious tassels, while French curtains have folds along the entire length of the curtains and in the straightened state. In addition, if you want the curtain to cover the entire window, and lush, luxurious scallops remain along its lower edge, then you should choose a length below the windowsill.

History of occurrence Austrian curtains

Austrian curtains appeared in the 18th century, and at that time they were called scalloped. Such curtains were distinguished by luxury and splendor, due to the fact that they were sewn from woolen or cotton fabric. These curtains came into fashion at the Austrian court, which was famous for its pomp. Since such curtains were first made for aristocratic dwelling decorations They didn't go out of fashion. Since the end of the 19th century, it has become fashionable to hang Austrian curtains in doorways. By the way, since the 18th century, the design of these curtains suggests that they are almost never made of completely transparent fabrics. Most often, they decorated windows, which most of the time were closed with shutters. Today, Austrian curtains are used in various interiors when it is required to emphasize their exclusivity and chic.

control mechanism

Austrian curtains are mounted on a rail cornice. In order to give the curtains the desired shape is used special cord system passed inside the web through loops or rings. These cords are also attached to the eaves. The Austrian curtain is controlled by a chain mechanism with self-braking, with which there is no need to touch the canvas with your hands, you just need to scroll the chain down and stop the curtain at the desired window level. In addition to their practical function, the cords also carry a decorative load. Thanks to the cords, a finished look of the entire composition of the Austrian curtain is achieved.

Fabric for Austrian curtains

Almost any fabric is used for Austrian curtains, but fabrics of light and translucent textures with pastel shades are most often in demand. It should be noted that Austrian curtains made of fabrics will look most impressive. having a shiny surface - polyester, rayon, taffeta, organza, cambric, veil. In general, the type of curtains largely depends on the type of fabric used in their manufacture. Thus, if the curtain is made of moire, dense silk or satin, then their folds will be deeper and clearer, and elegant tassels are hung under vertical assemblies to highlight the splendor of the scallops. If the Austrian curtain is made of hard chintz, then during assembly it forms wide folds. We recommend using lighter and thinner types of fabric than those used, for example, for . Also, you can easily refuse a lining, because Austrian curtains in a modern interior are often used not for their intended purpose - protection from daylight, but rather as a decorative element to emphasize the style of the interior and the status of the owner of the house.


Installation methods Austrian curtains

The Austrian curtain is installed on the window sash or on the whole opening, fastened to the aluminum cornice with Velcro tape. Very often, the Austrian curtain can be seen not only separately, but also in combination with lambrequins (at the bottom of the curtain), curtains (on the sides of the curtain) and lining (under the Austrian curtain). Curtains can be installed inside the window opening, like Roman blinds, or outside, like curtains.

The most suitable rooms and styles for Austrian curtains

The classic design of curtains involves warm pastel colors, visually large window openings (that is, curtains are used in large rooms) - it is in such rooms that they can fully reveal their potential and give comfort and luxurious nobility to the interior. Typically these rooms are living room, dining room and bedroom . Such curtains look very advantageous with beautiful lighting: a lot of folds allow the light to play on them and draw very interesting patterns. The soft smooth lines of the curtains soothe and create an atmosphere of comfort in the room.

Despite the fact that many design textbooks praise the versatility of these curtains and their relevance in interiors of any style, in our opinion, Austrian curtains will look most appropriate in traditional interiors or in interiors in style or provided natural fabrics with bright floral patterns are used. like the picture below:

Photos of interiors with Austrian curtains:

Properly selected design and decor elements create a feeling of comfort in the house. Curtains are an integral part of a successful interior that will delight all households and guests. In this article, I would like to pay special attention to Austrian curtains, which are highly valued in the design of a wide variety of rooms, these can be ordinary apartment rooms, luxurious halls of mansions, and, of course, country apartments. Austrian curtains can easily be called universal due to the fact that they are suitable for a variety of stylistic trends.

What are they?

Austrian curtains are a very successful combination of Roman and French curtains in a single form that has been around for a very long time, despite the opposite of their designs. From the famous French curtains, their fellow Austrians have luxurious folds and splendor, and from the Roman ones - the presence of a special mechanism and rise.

When the curtains completely close the window, that is, they are straightened, their appearance resembles a uniform canvas, and when they are raised, folds and gathers immediately begin to appear. When lifting Austrian curtains, decorative and heavy cords are often used, which not only make them fluffy and allow folds to appear, but also serve as original decorative elements and perfectly complement the curtains.

If it is important for you that the Austrian curtain in all its splendor with folds covers most of the window, make sure that it is longer than the window sill when unfolded.

A bit of history

Elegant and pompous Austrian curtains, as their name implies, originated in Austria and mainly decorated the prestigious houses of Europe, the palaces of various nobility and the apartments of the local elite. They were invented in the 18th century, their distinguishing feature at that time was the use of heavy and dense fabrics, which always attracted the attention of guests. In addition, dense fabrics perfectly protected the windows from sunlight and prying eyes, and luxurious assemblies caused great delight.

Since then, this type of curtains has become widespread beyond Europe, thanks to which today we can decorate the windows of any room with them and give it some zest, chic and sophistication.


At first glance, it may seem that the Austrian curtains are not very troublesome to operate, you just need to purchase and bring them, but there are also some nuances that can not be ignored:

  • Austrian curtains require a special cornice with a special lifting mechanism, which is needed in order for the intended folds to show off on them.
  • Equally important is the presence of tight and stiff cords that are attached from the inside for uniformity of fabric and folds.
  • For this type of curtains, it is best to select materials that are not very rigid so that they drape easily. We recommend paying attention to tulle fabric, silk, satin, organza or cambric options.
  • Austrian curtains go well with fringes, decorative tassels, lace and ruffles along their edges. There are a huge number of options for decoration.
  • It is important to know that this type of curtain does not move apart along the edges of the window, since the “canvas” with assemblies is one-piece, it can only be lifted up or down.
  • This type of curtains can be used as an independent decorative element for windows or supplemented with lambrequins or curtains. It always looks very expensive and elegant.

We select fabric

To successfully choose the fabric to create these amazing curtains, you first need to decide on their purpose. If the Austrian curtains will serve as a translucent tulle, for example, for the kitchen, then you should give preference to light and airy fabrics, besides, as mentioned above, such materials are very easy to drape.

If you want the curtains to fully cover the window, for example, in the bedroom, then you can choose a slightly denser fabric. It is recommended to choose very rigid materials for cabinets, living rooms and offices, they are difficult to drape, sometimes they look rough and broken, but a few decorative accessories can completely make them look more graceful, and Austrian curtains will always set the tone for the interior, give it a touch of elegance, aristocracy and grace .


We care correctly

To make the curtains less covered with dust, although this is an inevitable process, do not forget to regularly ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning. However, these methods only save your window decorations for a while, then they still have to be washed. Austrian curtains made of lightweight fabrics can be machine cleaned at home, using delicate powders and gentle temperature conditions, but it is preferable to dry clean them.

Of course, it will be harder to clean thick curtain fabrics at home, so you definitely can’t do without specialists here.

You should very carefully iron the curtains after washing, for this it is best to use a steam generator, which will carefully smooth the curtains not only in their usual state, but also when they are already tied up.

Proper care will not only update the curtains, but also allow them to serve even longer and delight you with their appearance.

Where to place?

It is believed that Austrian blinds should be placed on large windows in spacious rooms, for example, in halls, dining rooms or living rooms, as well as in bedrooms. Despite these criteria, which were relevant in the old days, today many designers choose this type of curtain for apartments and small private houses. The main thing is to do everything skillfully so that the curtains blend perfectly with the interior and decor of a particular room.

If the room you have chosen for placing Austrian curtains is not very large, then it is best to choose curtains not for the entire length of the window, but only for part of it. This is done so that more light enters the room, but at the same time the curtains themselves do not “eat up” the total space of the room, but, on the contrary, visually make it larger. Also, for small rooms, it is recommended to choose light shades of fabrics for future curtains, and as a contrast to them, you can use decorative tassels or fringe.

Also, do not forget about the presence of a special cornice. It is best if it is made of wood, because such material is always in harmony with this type of curtains. Next, we will talk about some rooms where Austrian curtains will come in handy:

  • Curtains for the kitchen. Most often, kitchens do not have a very large area, however, even there I want to place something unusual to achieve even greater comfort. Austrian curtains will be a very interesting solution for decorating windows. It is very important for this room to choose such curtains that will not make it smaller and will not visually "weight". Many girls choose this type of curtain as light tulle because they do not take up much space and can be placed so that the windowsill is open. Many design experts pay attention to the fact that both plain curtains and translucent options with various patterns, drawings, flowers, stripes, etc. are equally well suited for the kitchen.

  • For the bedroom. Austrian curtains for the bedroom are the most popular in the design of windows. This design looks especially advantageous if the windows are large and wide. Delicate and soft flounces and folds of Austrian curtains will easily take care of creating a cozy atmosphere in the relaxation room during the day and, of course, provide an obstacle to the penetration of light at night for the most comfortable sleep. This type of curtain is perfect for a young man's bedroom - it is best to use a dense fabric of dark colors for this, but for young girls, lightweight options with large frills will come in handy.

For the bedroom of a married couple, unobtrusive shades of curtains with small folds are suitable, perhaps in nude or pastel colors to match the rest of the interior.

  • In the living room. This room is most often meant to be very spacious, so you can choose a variety of Austrian curtains on the windows in the living room and decorate them as soon as your heart desires, and in general, you can safely give free rein to your imagination. This is especially true if your living room is made in a classic, Baroque or English style, which always requires luxurious details on the windows.

  • In the children's room it is best to use non-rough and non-rigid fabrics when choosing Austrian curtains. This type of curtains is especially liked by girls whose rooms are decorated in a fabulous style, huge flounces of light fabric always attract the attention of children, and also make the room more spacious.

A lush Austrian curtain can perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen. We picked up interesting photos with curtains from different fabrics - simple and textured. Consider how to sew such an accessory with your own hands. The material is presented in the form of detailed step-by-step instructions.

Choice of fabric and design

More recently, Austrian curtains were used exclusively in rooms of a restrained classical style. However, now their use has expanded significantly: more and more often they decorate kitchen windows. They are not only beautiful, but also comfortable, because their height can be adjusted. Of course, you can order tailoring of curtains in the workshop, but it is much more pleasant to do it yourself. What's more, it's easy.

Austrian blinds, in fact, are a kind of Roman curtains, consisting of separate parts and having a lush lower edge with scallops. Such curtains make out:

  • ruffles;
  • shuttlecocks;
  • fringe;

  • braid;
  • lace;
  • brushes and other elements.

The height is adjustable with cords threaded into the rings. It is convenient to use a special curtain band for Roman curtains. The fabric from which you plan to sew must necessarily drape well. Heavy, dense materials do not hold beautiful folds, often form creases. Therefore, light, translucent, non-wrinkling, soft fabrics will be most suitable. Classic recommendations:

  1. Organza.
  2. Polyester.
  3. Taffeta.
  4. Atlas.
  5. Chintz.
  6. Microveil.
  7. Silk.

Do not choose fabrics, the edge of which is heavily frayed. They will be very difficult to handle. The shade of the curtains should support the color scheme of the interior as a whole. A recent fashion trend when curtains are made from the same fabric that was used for other textile decor elements.

When choosing a fabric, you need to pay attention to the illumination: in a room with northern windows, it is better to avoid very dark shades. In the case of Austrian curtains, one should give preference to plain fabrics or material with a small pattern. Since a large ornament on such curtains will be partially hidden by drapery and will lose its attractiveness. An interesting effect can create vertical stripes.

Materials, tools, pattern preparation

Before you get started, you need to prepare a simple set of tools and materials for sewing. Would need:

  • Main fabric.
  • Curtain braid (preferably special for Roman and Austrian curtains).

  • Scissors.
  • Threads.
  • Needles, pins.
  • Iron.
  • Additional elements (cords, ribbons, brushes, etc.).

  • Weighting agents (if necessary).
  • Sewing machine.
  • Ruler, measuring tape.

The width of the curtain web should be equal to the size of the cornice plus an allowance for side folds. The length can be different, depending on the desired result. The standard recommendation for Austrian curtains is to multiply the height of the window opening by two. However, for the kitchen, it is better not to make many lush folds due to the complexity of care and the need for frequent washing.

It is enough to increase the height of the window by 0.5 - 1 m, and you will get the optimal length of the canvas for the curtains. When calculating, it is important not to forget the increase for the formation of the pommel and for the hem of the bottom.

Advice. It is better to leave a lower allowance for bending about 12-15 cm. This will create a small margin of fabric necessary so that even when unfolded, the curtains remain slightly gathered at the bottom. In addition, such an allowance will allow leveling the possible mistakes of an inexperienced seamstress.

The product pattern is a rectangle divided into strips for laying curtain tape. They usually leave 30-50 cm between them, as shown in the photo. The easiest way is to buy lace for Roman blinds in a specialized store. It is a ribbon with rings already threaded through it. But if necessary, it can be replaced with a narrow curtain braid with sewn rings of a suitable diameter.

Sewing steps

Let's consider the creation of a simple version of Austrian curtains, without a second layer of purl, darts and other complicating details.

  • We cut off a piece of fabric of the required size, be sure to steam it first. This is necessary so that possible shrinkage after the first wash does not spoil the look of the curtain.
  • Next, you need to mark with chalk the places for laying the curtain tape to get folds. For this we use a pattern made in advance or, if there is some sewing experience, we apply markings immediately to the canvas.

  • Then we cut off the side fold. Its value depends on the type of fabric chosen. As a rule, 3 cm is left on a dense material, 2 cm is enough on a thin and weightless material.
  • With a basting seam, manually sew the ribbons of the ribbon into place. Those of them that are located at the edges are sewn as close as possible to the hem.
  • We iron everything with an iron and only then attach the braid to the curtains.

Important! The upper part of the Austrian curtain is flat, it does not drape or fold. Therefore, it is not always necessary to sew on the assembly tape along the entire length. This is necessary if you plan to frequently change the position of the curtain or purchase a special lifting mechanism or clamps.

  • The next step is to make the top of the product. To do this, 5 cm are folded onto the wrong side of the fabric and a seam is laid on a sewing machine with threads exactly to match the fabric.
  • We sew the curtain tape for the top (the width of the standard tape is 6 cm) on the front side along the seam made earlier.
  • Turning the tape inside out, attach it again. After the manipulations, only one even and neat seam will be visible from the front side.
  • After each line laid on a typewriter, be sure to iron it well with an iron. Only after such a heat treatment will the product have a neat appearance, without twisting or gathering with unnecessary folds.

It remains only to draw the bottom edge at your discretion. Depending on the idea, you can sew any decorative elements. Then the curtain braid is carefully tightened, achieving the desired density of folds, and the cords are fixed. Curtains with weights hang more evenly, look aesthetically pleasing. Such weights are sewn at the bottom of each assembly tape.

Making Austrian curtains with your own hands may require effort, patience and accuracy. But as a result, the craftswoman will receive a completely exclusive product, made exclusively to her taste and needs. A room with such curtains will reflect the features of the bright personality of its hostess.

Austrian curtains: video

Austrian curtains in the interior: photo

In the decor of the window in the kitchen, it is very important to combine aesthetics and functionality, because in most apartments and houses the dining room and kitchen area are usually located in the same room. Difficult task? It will be easier to solve it if you pay attention to the Austrian, or Viennese, curtains. According to the method of control, they belong to the lifting type, in length - to the family of short curtains, and their design can be both modest and refined.

Have you also decided to choose beautiful Austrian curtains for the kitchen? This selection of photographs contains fashionable and practical interior solutions in which kitchen windows are decorated with Viennese curtains.

Why Austrian curtains are good in the kitchen

Choosing the type of curtains for the kitchen window, it makes sense to take a closer look at the Viennese curtains. They are a good compromise between elegant curtains and functional rolls. Austrian curtains are characterized by a number of advantages that make this type of curtain an ideal solution for the kitchen:

  • They have a short length, and short curtains are preferred for kitchens: the area of ​​​​contamination is smaller and does not take up space. If there is a kitchen sofa, table or other furniture next to the window, it is better to choose short Austrian curtains.

  • Viennese curtains are one of the few types of curtains that are suitable for windows located above the sink. This configuration of space is relatively new for domestic kitchens, although it is common in the west. But now, in our private cottages, this option is increasingly being used: many people like to do household chores, looking at the landscape outside the window. It is clear that you cannot place long curtains over the sink, but Austrian ones are easy.

  • From the point of view of fire safety, lifting Viennese curtains in the kitchen are also preferable to long curtains and even short fluttering curtains. Raising the Austrian curtains, you can safely cook even flambé dishes.

  • Short curtains are easier to remove and wash. This is also a big plus, because in the kitchen the curtains get dirty much faster than in the rooms.

  • However, Austrian curtains will be less polluted than sliding ones. After all, they rise with the help of a cord. You can install in the kitchen and automatic control of the curtains: press the button - and fix them in the desired position. Probably no one will be surprised by the use of a remote control for this purpose. In "smart homes" even voice control is possible!

  • In most cuisines, they not only cook, but also have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sometimes even receive guests. Therefore, not all owners are satisfied with the same practical, but more modest options for short curtains: roller and even Roman ones do not always create a sufficiently cozy mood. But the Austrian, in many ways reminiscent of the French, will give the dining area not only comfort, but also an element of sophistication.

What fabric do you prefer?

When choosing Austrian curtains for the kitchen, you should pay attention not only to aesthetics, but also to practical considerations. Now there is a rich choice of fabrics with special dirt-repellent impregnations. You can also buy ready-made Viennese curtains from such a material.

As for color, the usual design rules apply here: the smaller the kitchen space, the more light shades and discreet prints are preferable. Consider the decor of the walls: if the tiles or other finishes with expressive patterns, then the curtains should be chosen either with similar patterns, or plain. In small kitchens, the abundance of ornaments is best avoided, as the variegation will be tiring.

Don't forget about the location of the windows: the kitchen on the south side of the house requires more protection from the sun, which means thicker fabric shades.

Straight curtains, although they look beautiful, can get bored over time. To make the windows in the house look original, you should pay attention to such a spectacular one as Austrian curtains, which you can not only buy, but also create with your own hands. We present a variant of sewing curtains from scratch and a way to transform ordinary curtains into Viennese ones.

What are Vienna Curtains?

Viennese curtains are a synthesis of Roman and. When unfolded, they look like a straight canvas; when raised, they fold into lush waves, which are decorated with all sorts of decorative details. The purpose of these curtains is more decorative than practical, since they are sewn from translucent fabrics that cannot protect the room from sunlight.

Despite this fact, many owners of rooms in the style of country, Provence or classic choose just this kind of curtains. When sewing Austrian curtains, various fabrics are used:

  • polyester,
  • atlas,
  • organza,
  • silk,
  • taffeta,
  • batiste,
  • chintz.

The lower edge of the curtains is decorated with frills, tassels, lace, ruffles. Preference is given to plain fabrics, light shades are popular (cream, white, beige ivory). Too much weight of the product is unacceptable, as it should be easy to lower and raise using a simple mechanism.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you start sewing such curtains, you should study the advantages and disadvantages of this product so that it does not bring disappointment during further operation. The pluses include:

  1. Easy to use. To open the window to the desired height, you just need to pull the laces. And some models work from an automatic device;
  2. Virtually unlimited area of ​​use. Such curtains will perfectly fit into the kitchen interior, decorate the bedroom and living room;
  3. Ease of care. Vienna curtains are made from lightweight materials that do not accumulate dust or grease. Even if this happens, it will not be difficult to clean them, it is only important to pre-soak them before washing.

However, this piece of furniture also has significant drawbacks:

  1. style restriction. The canvases are suitable for rooms made in the style of classic, Provence, country and similar to them. They will look out of place in a minimalist or high-tech space;
  2. Fabrics will transmit light and heat, that is, the room will be unprotected from solar radiation and prying eyes when the light is turned on;
  3. A difficult manufacturing process that can scare the craftswoman.

It is necessary to take into account all these nuances before sewing curtains, so that the process of their creation brings only positive emotions.

Materials and cutting

Before you start creating a product, you need to prepare:

  • basis for curtains;
  • lining fabric (it is used only if you decide to sew a curtain with a lining);
  • braid or tightening tape;
  • tape for curtains;
  • nylon cord;
  • threads, scissors.

Before, you need to decide on its size. It is enough to make only 2 measurements: determine the height from the cornice to the floor and the length of the cornice.

The finished curtain in width should be 2 times the length of the cornice. It is necessary not to forget about the allowances for processing the edges, for this, another 3 cm are added to the resulting width on each side.

The length of the curtain is calculated based on its location on the window. If the curtain is straight when lowered, then the length is made equal to the distance from the eaves to the floor. If you need a different position of the drapery, then the length is calculated depending on how the curtain will hang. It is important to remember that Austrian curtains are traditionally "gathered" to the center of the canvas.

To determine the length of the cord, you need to multiply the number of assembly strips by the size of the canvas allotted for assembly. Next, you need to determine how much the cord will exceed the edges of the fabric, the resulting number is multiplied by the number of assembly strips. The two resulting values ​​\u200b\u200bare added, their sum is equal to the length of the cord.

If a mounting tape (curtain tape) is used instead of a cord, then the length of the fabric reserved for assemblies is measured, allowances are added to decorate the edge and the length of one strip is obtained.

After completing the calculations, cut the base and lining (if a thick curtain is planned). The scheme will help to cut the fabric correctly:

Sewing steps

Consider the main sewing steps that will help you sew simple Austrian curtains with your own hands. This option does not provide a second layer of matter for the wrong side, darts and other complex details.

Stage 1. A piece of fabric of the required size is cut off from the matter. It is necessary to steam it well to avoid possible shrinkage and change in the appearance of the product after washing.

Stage 2. With the help of chalk, the places where the curtain tape passes, which will form three-dimensional folds, are marked. Marking can be applied immediately to the canvas or use a pre-prepared pattern.

Stage 3. The side fold is sewn on the sewing machine. Its dimensions depend on the type of fabric. For a thin material, two centimeters is enough; on a dense fabric, three centimeters are left for bending. The seam must be carefully ironed.

Step 4. The braid is sewn on by hand using a basting stitch. Ribbons located at the edges should be sewn as close to the hem as possible.

Stage 5. The seams are ironed, and then the braid is attached to the curtain.

Important! The upper part of the Austrian curtain is usually flat, it does not form frills and folds, so the braid does not have to be sewn to the entire canvas, it can only be up to the middle. The ribbon is needed for the entire length of the curtain if you plan to frequently change the position of the curtain or buy a special lifting mechanism.

Stage 7. The pommel is processed with a special curtain tape, sewing it along the seam from the front side.

Stage 8. Turn the tape inside out, stitch it again. After that, only one neat line will be visible on the front side.

Stage 9. After each seam made by the machine, you need to iron it well. Thanks to this, the product will not twist and will look neat.

Stage 10. Making the bottom edge. Any decorative elements are sewn to it. After that, the curtain ribbon is carefully pulled together, and, having received folds, the laces are fixed.

You can use small weights, thanks to which the curtains hang evenly. Weights are sewn on the bottom of each assembly cord.

Curtains from ready-made curtains

It will be even easier using old curtains. A small master class on their manufacture.

At the final stage of work, the curtains are hung on the window, the folds are straightened and the updated product is enjoyed.

Product care

Caring for wavy curtains is quite simple. You can remove dirt with a washing machine. If the soiling is too high, you can briefly soak the curtains in a saline solution.

The curtains are removed from the eaves, folded, put in a bag for washing delicate fabrics, placed in the machine. Only the gentle wash mode is turned on, which excludes strong spinning and water temperatures above 30 degrees. After washing, the curtains should dry, after which they are carefully ironed and returned to their place.

Austrian curtains are an original decor element that appeared back in the 18th century, capable of giving a touch of luxury and nobility even to a modern room. To make such curtains on your own, you need to be patient and persevering, but in the end you will get an exclusive item that exactly meets the taste of the craftswoman. Curtains from Vienna are suitable for decorating any window space, even a non-standard shape.