How much does a bathroom renovation really cost? Bathroom renovation How long does it take to do a bathroom renovation?

This is the most difficult part of all the work carried out and includes a very wide range of finishes. First of all, this, of course, is the dismantling of the box itself. Why? Yes, because almost all bathrooms have such a design feature and houses were built back in the Soviet Union, where all the features for finishing this room were not taken into account, I mean, decoration and equipment, which should meet the modern requirements of residents.

So, in order for the bath and toilet to meet all the requirements and wishes of the tenants, I, as a rule, break the bathroom, after which I bring this room up to modern standards.

Bathroom and toilet renovations

All preparation takes place as soon as possible. Dismantling of old plumbing and coatings is carried out quickly enough. The duration of each stage of finishing, cladding and installation of equipment is calculated based on technological standards.

The terms of repair are prescribed under the contract and cannot be increased for non-objective reasons. Incredibly, after 25-30 days you will be able to use the new bathroom and toilet, only remembering the old environment.

The repair period can be extended if the client prefers to independently develop a design project for his bathroom. This is a fairly common type of service that helps to see in advance all the shortcomings of the future interior and eliminate them in time. It often turns out that the time spent on drafting helps save time spent on repairs.

Call the number on this site, agree on an inspection of the premises, and together with me outline reasonable and realistic terms for repairs. They will depend on the size of the room, on all the wishes for functionality and design. And for each type of work you will receive a clear time regulation.

How not to pay twice

For example, by typing in any search engine the phrase, "renovation of a bathroom and toilet", you will first of all be provided with the websites of firms and companies. And everything would be fine, but 95% of requests from the customer to correct errors, improvements and the like, oddly enough, come after contacting them.

If you are faced with a firm where various problems began:

  • The initial stage - do not start on time.
  • The final cost is constantly changing, although it was originally agreed in the contract.
  • Not the coordination of masters in various finishing works, but, as a rule, there are several performers in the company: tiler, plumber, electrician, etc.

That decision to turn to a private master is the right choice!

True, there is one but, namely: I do not finish what has been started for someone and do not correct the mistakes of negligent masters, but I can only take a problematic object after a thorough study, give my opinion and offer my own version. Yes, you will lose some money, but you will get the end result of proper quality. After all, we, private traders, write on various forums for you, and not for ourselves.

On a note

Take note that many construction companies are engaged in repairs - mediocre. That is, thinking that when repairing an apartment, you can cope with the repair of a bathroom with the same methods, but this is far from the case.

A master who specializes in apartment renovation cannot always cope with the repair of a bathroom and toilet, and vice versa: - if a specialist works with bathrooms, then finishing an apartment with any materials is up to him, because all the work that is carried out during the repair of a bathroom, present in the repair of the apartment, but not vice versa!

In other words, I chose this direction because of its complexity and variety of options. It is more interesting for me in terms of design ideas, combination of materials, combination of different equipment and of course, the finished look of the renovated bathroom and toilet inspires me more than any, albeit well and professionally renovated apartment.


In addition to the above, I want to add the following: - Even in an apartment where there was no overhaul, but the bathroom and toilet are pleasing to the eye of any visitor, the price, when sold, increases significantly! The observation is based on personal experience and the experience of familiar realtors.

Price and quality are not the only parameters that concern a person when ordering repair services. Another serious issue is the issue of time. And in the case of the bathroom, it is especially acute. Indeed, during the repair period, the bath and toilet will function partially or become completely inaccessible. Therefore, it is very important to know how many days it will take for each stage of work and what determines the duration of the entire event.

The main stages of finishing the bathroom

It is impossible to give an exact date for the completion of repairs before the start of cooperation. The duration of work depends on the complexity of execution, type of finish, quantity and design of plumbing. But you can calculate the approximate repair time based on the technological requirements for the implementation of the main stages. These include:

  1. Dismantling of old coatings, wiring and plumbing.
  2. Distribution of water and sewer pipes.
  3. Preparation of surfaces for finishing.
  4. Electric installation work.
  5. Laying tiles.
  6. Ceiling installation.
  7. Final work.

The duration of each stage depends not so much on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but on the technology for its implementation.

Draft work: dismantling, piping, surface preparation

These are stages, the results of which are imperceptible at first glance. But the quality of their implementation directly affects the durability of the repair and the functionality of the room. This means that such work cannot be done in a hurry.

  • Dismantling. Takes one to three days. The duration of the stage depends on what exactly needs to be dismantled. If you only need to remove the old finish, this is one thing, but if you need to demolish partitions and knock down a thick concrete screed, this is quite another.
  • Distribution of water and sewer pipes. It takes place in one or two days. Sometimes the process is delayed due to external circumstances. For example, in the housing office, they can coordinate or transfer the shutdown of the central riser for a long time.
  • Surface preparation. This includes leveling plaster, erecting new partitions, installing screed, priming walls, etc. Usually this is the longest stage of repair. For example, if the walls are very crooked, then you need to apply a thick layer of plaster, which dries for about 3-5 days. All surface preparation work can take from three to ten days.
  • To stretch a new electrical cable, it is necessary to pierce the wall under it, lay the wiring and then close the strobe. But a specialist can handle it in one day.
  • Tile laying. Almost as long a process as surface preparation. It requires accuracy and does not tolerate haste, so the average speed of the tiler is 5-6 square meters. m per day. Here you can calculate the approximate time required for lining your bathroom. As a rule, 20-30 sq. m of walls and floor, that is, in different rooms, it will take from three to five days to lay it.
  • Ceiling installation. Modern ceiling structures are installed quite quickly. Usually such work can be completed in a day.

Finishing and installation: electrical wiring, tiles, ceilings

Also, one should not forget that after the main stages of repair, the craftsmen will work on various little things for another day or two. This is the installation of furniture, electrical appliances, plumbing, grouting tile joints, etc.

What else you need to know about the duration of the renovation in the bathroom

According to the above terms, all repair work together can be delayed for 10-25 days. As practice shows, most often they take two to three weeks. And here the question arises for many: “Why is it taking so long ?! After all, the craftsmen managed to do it with a neighbor in a week ... ”Well, apparently, your neighbor ordered only a cosmetic finish - they removed the old tile, laid a new one, painted the ceiling.

If you want to make a major overhaul - with the change of pipes and wiring, leveling the walls and other "deep" work, then you can’t shorten the time. Otherwise, wet plaster will soon fall off, quickly laid tiles will turn out to be crooked, and hastily glued pipes will leak. In order for a repair to please with quality, it must be done as it should, and not as quickly as possible. Therefore, we indicate the actual terms of work, which fully comply with the requirements of the technology.

And the toilet is a rather laborious procedure, associated with many costs. Moreover, the matter is often complicated by the small dimensions of the bathroom, in which it is necessary to somehow place all the necessary plumbing and equipment. In such cases, quite often they resort to redevelopment, carving out additional space due to the kitchen, corridor or hallway.

Of course, with the help of a competent redevelopment, you can turn an old, cluttered bathroom into a spacious and comfortable room, but you can only make it worse. So, the main pitfalls of a bathroom renovation or the most common mistakes that must be avoided.

Irrational layout

Photo: irrational bathroom layout.

Secondly, when placing plumbing fixtures (there should be enough space between them for free use), one must take into account not only the dimensions of the room, but also the growth of family members.

The standard mounting height is designed for height 165-180cm. The location of sockets, communications outlets and electrical wiring also need to be thought out in advance.

Thirdly, in pursuit of additional space, it is better not to get carried away. Combining a bath and a toilet, of course, will increase the usable space, but will make using the bathroom less comfortable. This is especially true for a large family. Of course, if the house has an understudy bathroom, then the bathroom and toilet can be combined. Often this is done in cottages or multi-level apartments.

Wrong calculation of materials

When purchasing materials for repairs, you need to be especially careful. It depends on the quality of the purchased coatings how durable the repair will be and how long it will retain its original appearance.

First, be sure to make a small margin. The fact is that, for example, when laying tiles, the outer products will have to be filed. This means that the exact amount may not be enough for the entire scope of work and you will have to buy additional tiles. In turn, this is fraught with the fact that the newly acquired ceramics will differ in tone from those purchased earlier.

This is a very common occurrence.

Photo: incorrect calculation of building materials during repairs.

If the tiles are laid in horizontal rows, then its margin should be about 10%, with diagonal laying - 15%.

Secondly, you can not trust the manufacturer without limit. Often on the boxes one size of tiles is indicated, but in reality the dimensions of the products differ by a couple of millimeters. At first glance, this is a trifle, but with tiled work, such a “trifle” will lead to the fact that the length of the row will change quite noticeably.

Aesthetics come first

Chasing fashion trends can lead to exactly the opposite results. So, a spectacular, intricate sink may well turn out to be very uncomfortable, and a designer faucet will constantly splash water. Another aspect is the color scheme. Bright, saturated colors are best used in accessories, because they can be easily replaced when they become annoying. But changing tiles or plumbing will be much more problematic. Therefore, you need to think about personal convenience first.

First, you need to properly position the heated towel rail. It should be located near the bath or shower so that the towel can be easily reached.

Photo: aesthetics come first.

In small bathrooms, the dryer pipe is often placed on the wall near the door. If the bathroom has a shower with a hinged door, then the dryer is placed so that the open door does not close it.

Secondly, do not get carried away with built-in or walled-in bathrooms. In this case, access to communications under the bathroom will be limited, which will make it difficult to carry out minor repairs or fix leaks. Therefore, you need to take care in advance of having free access to all meters, pipe joints and other important nodes. If, nevertheless, the bath is walled up, then it is imperative to make a door for access to the pipes.

Thirdly, the neglect of storage systems can result in great inconvenience. Bathroom furniture must necessarily include hanging cabinets or shelves or special sanitary cabinets (they are placed under the sinks) for storing hygiene products and other necessary accessories.

Fourth, it is better not to get carried away with draperies. A seemingly ordinary bathtub curtain in a small room visually clutters up the space. Therefore, it is better to refuse it. And so that splashes of water on the floor do not cause any harm, it is enough just to make a good waterproofing in advance.

Lack of waterproofing

Photo: lack of waterproofing.

Cheap waterproofing will not be able to provide full protection against leaks and will ultimately result in serious expenses. But you don't need to get carried away.

Often, with a full-scale repair, contractors are advised to waterproof all subfloors. You don’t need to do this, otherwise, with a leak, the apartment will simply turn into a giant bowl of water. This, of course, will save neighbors, but all furniture, appliances, etc. in the house will be irrevocably damaged.

Lighting can be anything

Photo: lighting in the bathroom.

Secondly, it is better to stop the choice on fluorescent lamps, they will create the most comfortable lighting. In addition, LED strips are also perfect, they can be used for contour lighting of mirrors or furniture.

Thirdly, ideally, lighting should be multi-level. The best option is a combination of bright overhead lights and soft lighting by the mirror. From this point of view, special cabinets for sinks, equipped with mirrors, shelves and built-in lighting, are very convenient.

Ceiling from any material

A bathroom is a zone of high humidity, steam and temperature changes. Therefore, it is necessary to choose materials for it based primarily on these conditions.

Firstly, the type of ceilings and the way they are installed must be thought out in advance. This will optimize electrical workby making the pre-necessary wiring for the fixtures.

Secondly, plasterboard ceilings loved by many (even from moisture-resistant sheets) are not suitable for bathrooms. They still won’t protect against leaks from above, but they can lose their spectacular appearance pretty quickly.

Photo: ceiling made of any materials.

In addition, drywall can make a small room look even smaller.

Thirdly, for bathrooms, the best option is moisture-resistant plastic panels or stretch ceilings. They can be combined with spot lighting, which will visually expand the space. And in the event of a leak, water can be easily drained through a special hole. Moreover, since the stretch fabrics withstand solid water loads, they will not suffer even with severe flooding. True, specialists must remove water from them in order to avoid damage to the canvas.

Arrangement of floors - a simple step

Photo: arrangement of the floor in the bathroom.

Secondly, when laying heating pipes, you need to take into account the future location of furniture and plumbing. The fact is that the distance from the heating element to the furniture should be at least 10 cm, otherwise the cabinets and racks will constantly overheat and quickly lose their appearance. Such heating will not have the best effect on their contents (when it comes to household chemicals, hygiene products, cosmetics, etc.).

Thirdly, non-slip tiles must be laid on top of the warm floors. Using glossy options is fraught with serious injuries, because it is very easy to slip on such a floor.

Design is not important

It seems to many that if the room is small, then it will no longer be possible to make it visually more voluminous and spacious. In fact, this is not so, with the help of some design techniques it is quite possible to visually expand the bathroom and make it lighter and more comfortable.

First, you can not use dark tones. In a small bathroom, dark colors are acceptable only as decorative accents or accessories. Moreover, one should not forget about one interesting optical phenomenon. In a small room, the shade of the walls (especially black, dark blue, dark green, etc. tones) seems to “fall” on the face of a person looking in the mirror.

In other words, the skin takes on a darker, unhealthy tone that matches the color of the walls. In spacious bathrooms, this effect is almost imperceptible.

Secondly, you should not use large decor and tiles or borders with a large pattern. With vertical arrangement of borders and rectangular tiles, the room will seem higher. Horizontal placement will visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom.

Thirdly, you can actively use mirrors. Thanks to the correct arrangement of mirror surfaces (especially large ones), you can visually enlarge the bathroom several times! The main thing is not to overdo it and not to abuse the "multiple reflection effect". In addition, mirrors can be equipped with additional lighting (spot or tape). In this case, the wiring must be provided in advance.

Fourth, you can use the "false window" effect. This most realistic imitation of an ordinary window will give the room a special originality and comfort. For these purposes, they usually use a photographic picture, which is placed on the bathroom wall or in a niche (if any). And to make it more natural, it is decorated with a frame, curtain or blinds. You can also use soft contour lighting.

Plumbing can be purchased later

The right choice of plumbing will significantly save free space and use it more rationally.

First, we must remember that all models have different dimensions, so the choice must be made in advance. Perfectly save space hanging options (toilets, sinks, bidets).

Another very rational solution for a small bathroom are showers. If the presence of a bathroom is an indispensable condition, then you should pay attention to mini-models, which are compact, but at the same time have sufficient depth.

Secondly, do not get carried away with corner options. Plumbing in the corners is located in small bathrooms, for which a free central zone is relevant. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, then move the bath away from the wall. This arrangement is very impressive and at the same time very convenient. And around the perimeter you can install, for example, lockers or mirror panels.

Thirdly, drain pipes should not be ignored. It is on their quality and compliance with the installation rules that the ease of use of the sewer and the absence of blockages in it will depend. Such pipes must have a minimum of corner joints (and only smooth ones, not more than 30 °) and without fail go at a slope to the drain hole. Otherwise, sewerage and water drains will not perform their functions.

Ventilation and dryer pipe can be removed

Photo: ventilation in the bathroom.

In the houses of the old building, they were very massive and significantly increased the thickness of the wall ceilings, but they played a fundamental role in the formation of a healthy microclimate.

Therefore, before demolishing wall partitions and eliminating the boxes, it is necessary to ensure their full replacement. By the way, the boxes are often demolished when repairing the hallway, in pursuit of extra space, which is also fundamentally wrong.

Secondly, additional measures must be taken. So, if the bathroom is transferred and the distance to the ventilation riser increases, then an additional vent sleeve must be extended to the bathroom, at the exit of which a fan will be installed. It will play the role of a kind of hood and is necessary to create additional traction, since the natural draft of the ventilation risers is rather weak.

Thirdly, a water heated towel rail is perfect as a bathroom heating circuit. That is, the same bent pipe extending from the riser with hot water and hanging on the walls of bathrooms in old houses. Such a dryer perfectly dries the air, prevents vaporization and maintains the most comfortable microclimate in the bathroom. Moreover, electric models are not a full-fledged replacement, as they consume a lot of electricity and are not designed for continuous use. This is especially true for apartment buildings, where the installation of underfloor heating is fraught with significant difficulties.

Usually, the repair of an apartment or a private house begins with the finishing of a bathroom, namely, a bathroom and a toilet, since these rooms play an extremely important role. Taking into account the specifics of such rooms - high humidity and constant evaporation of water, the requirements for finishing materials are high, not to mention the fact that they must be of decent quality. The same applies to the work itself, which is trusted only by experienced craftsmen with extensive experience behind them. In any case, the issue of bathroom renovation should be approached responsibly and carefully, since its durability directly depends on this.

Repair time is important

One of the important questions that owners are interested in is how long the renovation takes, since it is difficult to stay without a bath for a long time. It all depends, first of all, on the type of repair, its complexity, the finishing materials used, as well as the task. If it is required to perform cosmetic repairs, which include only the finishing of walls and ceilings, then usually such work takes from 2 to 5 days, but in the case when it comes to major repairs, the time for its implementation is already increased to one or one and a half weeks (depending on complexity).

As a rule, all issues related to repairs, ranging from cost to time spent, are discussed at the stage of concluding an agreement with a specific company that is going to perform contract work. A responsible company always keeps within the agreed time, however, there is always a risk of force majeure, so in some cases there may be slight delays. The repair time is determined not only by the skill of the performers, but also by the specifics of certain finishing materials, in particular, the curing time of the plaster mortar or adhesive for ceramic tiles.

The following factors influence the turnkey bathroom repair work:

  • Room area
  • The initial state of the bathroom, the need to level the walls, replace plumbing pipes and appliances, other major repairs
  • Type of repair (ceramic tiles, PVC panels, drywall, wallpaper)
  • The specifics of finishing materials

If you are going to repair a bathroom or toilet, you can give advice, do not save on finishing materials, and also be sure to replace old steel pipes with new ones - plastic or metal-plastic, which will surely serve their owners for 50 years. In order to order a comprehensive bathroom renovation at an affordable price, we advise you to contact our highly specialized company MasterSanuzov from the very beginning. Experienced and qualified professionals will be able to quickly complete the repair of the bathroom