Powder coating of wheels as a business. Powder Coating Business. Commercial Advantages of Powder Coating

The provision of painting services through the application of powder dyes is not yet a widespread field of activity, but is already in great demand among consumers. And so opening a business specializing in the application of polymer coatings can be a profitable business.

But not only the novelty of the service, but also the quick justification of investments, and the possibility of making a profit in the shortest possible time becomes an incentive to start working. The cost of equipping the shop for applying powder dyes and organizational measures will pay off within a year. But each case must be approached wisely. And when creating a paint shop, you must first decide what parts will be painted and who will become potential customers of the enterprise.
Recruitment is essential for the efficient operation of any enterprise. To work with powder dyes, special skills are not needed. Absolutely anyone with good eyesight can learn how to spray paint in order to avoid “gaps” in coloring. This became possible thanks to the powder dyes themselves. They are easy to use, do not sag, dry quickly, are economical, and are less toxic than liquid paints. Depending on the volume of production, a team of painters can consist of 4 to 8 people. It is also necessary to provide personnel for loading and unloading materials. And arrange transportation services. The situation is more complicated with the selection of a qualified accountant and manager, whose tasks will include work on the creation and maintenance of a client base.
According to preliminary estimates, the profitability of an enterprise for painting with powder dyes can be about 50%. This can be seen from the following calculations: on average, the price for 1 kg of powder dye is $5. For painting the surface in 1 sq. m. goes from 80 to 200 g of dye. The cost of painting is about $ 2 per 1 sq. m. In different regions, the final cost of painting services ranges from 3.5 to 8 dollars. So, having invested 20-25 thousand dollars in the business, you can return them in a year, or even earlier. In most cases, the powder coating point is designed for products of a certain type. In accordance with the characteristics of the products to be painted, the equipment is also selected. And the specificity of the painting equipment dictates the clientele. Of course, it is always profitable to cooperate with one or several large regular customers, but you should not refuse small orders and orders for painting parts of different dimensions. Therefore, before buying equipment, decide on an approximate customer base. And keep in mind that the range of applications for powder dyes is extensive. Powder dyes can be used to paint metal surfaces of any shape - from bicycle frames to car bodies and rims; from metal tiles and aluminum profiles to pipes for water and gas. As well as cases of household appliances, road signs, metal furniture elements, cases of commercial equipment, etc. Therefore, you need to buy equipment so that you can satisfy the maximum number of customers at the maximum workload of production capacities.
There are some criteria that can be followed for the preliminary organization of the client base. First of all, these are manufacturers of products that will retain an attractive appearance with prolonged exposure to external factors, such as weather. These are funeral services salons (painting gravestones and monuments), painting street lamps, etc. Then there are manufacturers of products that will be subject to mechanical damage during operation. This includes commercial equipment, and metal elements of furniture of various kinds. And of course, firms specializing in the sale of metal products: car body parts; cases of household appliances; elements of production structures.
Of course, first of all, you need to conduct marketing research aimed at studying the consumer market, and research the work of related or competing enterprises.

According to the materials of the Internet

Although this coloring method was developed in the 50s of the XX century, it still does not lose its relevance and popularity. Process powder coating consists in applying powdered paint (which is why it is called "powder") on the part to be painted, followed by polymerization. The popularity of the method is based on the unsurpassed decorative and protective properties of the resulting color layer. The only serious limitation of the technology used is the heat resistance of the workpiece. In the process of applying paint, the resulting layer must be polymerized, which is achieved by heating the product to high temperatures. Therefore, only heat-resistant products made of steel, ceramics, glass, MDF and similar materials are allowed for powder coating.

The scope of this technology is quite extensive. In addition to decorative functions, this coating carries utilitarian protective functions. The fact is that the powder paint coating withstands high temperatures, pressure and chemically aggressive environments, which makes its use indispensable in the processing of various parts of equipment and cars (shock absorbers, wheels, decorative elements, etc.).

Technology and process of powder coating

The process of applying powder paint and forming a layer takes place in several stages using special equipment. The basic scheme of powder coating is as follows:

  • The surface of the product is cleaned of grease, dirt and oxides. This is usually achieved by a series of chemical procedures.
  • Using a special gun (applicator), a layer of colored powder (paint) is applied to the surface of the product. The application of paint occurs due to the electric field. The paint particles in the applicator are charged with a positive charge, and the surface of the product to be painted is negatively charged. Due to this, the paint particles are attracted to the product and a reliable and monolithic layer of paint is obtained on the entire surface of the product. The process of applying paint is carried out in a special painting chamber equipped with a heat exchanger and an air purifier. The fact is that the particles of unsettled paint can be reused (which is impossible when using liquid paints), so these particles are collected in the recuperator from the chamber air.
  • The finished product is sent to the polymerization chamber (furnace), where, due to high temperature, the powder paint is melted into a liquid polymer, which reliably wets the surface. After drying, the final solid color film is formed, which performs a decorative and protective function.
Commercial Advantages of Powder Coating

Decorative Features. A wide variety of shades and textures obtained allows applying not only color films in a matte or glossy design to the processed products, but also imitating various materials (painting on marble, granite, etc.).

Lifetime. As we have already noted, the polymer coating is very durable and stable. Therefore, the operation of polymer-coated products can reach several decades without updating the paint layer.

Simple, reliable and economical technology. Due to the fact that solvents are not used (as with traditional liquid painting), the mass of dry paint settles on all products with the same density - the final layer on all products is almost the same in terms of its performance characteristics. High profitability is due to the fact that paint losses do not exceed 5% (reuse of non-settled paint particles). The cost of raw materials is not high. The main expense is the electricity used to apply and bake the paint.

Powder coating equipment and its cost

Powder coating equipment is classified by production volume. For a small volume (business), compact installations are used. For industries where more than 50,000 m² of surface are covered per year, in-line technological powder coating lines are used. Despite the difference in production volumes, the equipment in both cases is the same and differs only in power.

The set of basic equipment for powder coating includes (prices are indicated as of January 2017):

  • Spray chamber (from 100 thousand rubles) and recuperator (from 80 thousand rubles). A special chamber where the main process of applying paint takes place. The chamber is equipped with filters and a heat exchanger to capture unsettled paint and return it to the production cycle. As a rule, the walls of the chamber are coated with a special antistatic agent.
  • Sprayer and feeder for powder coating (from 60 thousand rubles). The sprayer is intended for drawing paint on the painted product. Feeder - prepares and sends a mixture of powder paint with air to the sprayer. There are two types of atomizers - the electrical charge of the paint occurs in the atomizer itself due to an external power source ( electrostatic), the electric charge of paint is carried out due to friction ( tribostatic). Both types of atomizers are equally used.
  • Polymerization chamber (from 150 thousand rubles). The heating chamber where the heating and melting into the polymer layer of powder paint applied to the product is carried out.

The total cost of powder coating shop equipment is up to 500 thousand rubles.

Powder coating as a business idea

Due to the advantages of powder coating, the demand for this service is steadily growing both among individuals and legal entities. The main line of income in this business is the painting of various metal products - automobile rims, metal structures for various applications (forged gratings, railings, metal frames of stairs, etc.), metal sheets and products (metal doors, instrument cases, safes, boxes, containers , coasters, stands, souvenirs, etc.). The cost of powder coating for 1 m² is from 100 rubles, for 1 running meter - from 40 rubles. On average, the monthly profit at 40% equipment load, excluding consumables and the cost of work, is 200-500 thousand rubles. Provided that professional equipment is used, with which you can achieve a stable quality of painting. Also, from time to time there is an advertising promotion of the business.

Exotic lovers can discover an interesting powder coating business- with its help they make high-quality decorative painting of various surfaces made of glass and metal. What are the advantages and how to organize a powder coating business, read further in our material.

Advantages of powder coating

1. Profitability. Powder coating does not require solvents. In addition, if it does not settle during spraying, it can be used for a second procedure. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce losses by up to 5%.

2. Ease of use. Powder paint is completely ready for use and can be easily removed from the equipment.

3. Speed. You do not have to wait for the powder paint to dry before placing the products in the oven.

4. Durability. When applied, an elastic polymer layer is formed, which perfectly adheres to the surface to be painted, protecting it from corrosion and the effects of electricity.

5. Environmental friendliness. No solvents - no harmful substances when painting.

6. Decorative. Powder coating can be done in any shade and any texture.

How to start a powder coating business

If it is not possible to organize a large-scale painting enterprise, you can limit yourself to manual painting. In any case, you will need a separate room, special equipment.

Powder Coating Equipment

1. Camera. Powder coating takes place in a special chamber - it is thanks to it that unused paint can be collected again for a second cycle. The size of the camera is selected according to the needs of the enterprise.

2. Furnace, gun. In the initial stages, an oven can be used instead of an oven, but for large-scale production, special equipment must be purchased. Instead of a gun, a compressor with a high pressure filter can be used.

3. Recuperator, transport system. A recuperator is needed to collect unused paint. Can be replaced with a cyclone type vacuum cleaner. The transport system will be needed to work with large objects of powder coating. In any case, the room must have appropriate wiring and grounding.


1. Preparing a product for powder coating is the most time-consuming and responsible process. Old paint, traces of corrosion and other substances are removed mechanically or chemically. The choice of method and means depends on the type of product on which the powder coating.

2. To isolate the product and better adhesion to the paint, chromating and phosphating are carried out. For steel, iron phosphate is used, for electroplating - zinc, aluminum - chromium, manganese. Oxides are removed by chemical and abrasive cleaning. After that, the products must be washed well.

3. Passivation - treatment with chromium and sodium nitrate compounds. Then the product is washed and dried.

4. Actually powder painting, which is carried out in the chamber with the help of special spray guns.

5. Coating formation. After painting, the product is polymerized in an oven. For half an hour, the product heats up and the paint turns into a film. Duration and temperature depend on the type of product. After this treatment, it is dried and painting is complete.

Application area

This method is used for forged, aluminum, galvanized products. It is used in various fields: from medicine to the automotive industry. It allows you to paint even clay and wood.

Organization of your business

Despite the fact that starting a business will require a lot of money, such services are also quite expensive. Therefore, the costs will pay off quickly. You can start with small items in a small garage. And when the necessary skills and means appear, move on to more serious orders. Over time, it will become easier for you to develop own powder coating business.

With their help, paint medical equipment, roofing materials, household appliances, items made of ceramics, plaster and glass, furniture. Among car enthusiasts, powder coating of disks is gaining more and more popularity. Organization of business These works in specialized centers today are quite expensive. If you want to try yourself in this business, then if you have the financial means, you can quite start. Of course, not everyone can afford a powder coating line (automated system), but thanks to our recommendations, you can replace some elements with other tools at first. Start with small items. It can be plaster figurines, ceramic dishes and much more. Try painting something in your house first (start with something you don't mind ruining).

New business ideas

Actually powder painting, which is carried out in the chamber with the help of special spray guns. 5. Coating formation. After painting, the product is polymerized in an oven.
For half an hour, the product heats up and the paint turns into a film. Duration and temperature depend on the type of product. After this treatment, it is dried and painting is complete.

Scope This method is used for forged, aluminum, galvanized products. It is used in various fields: from medicine to the automotive industry.

It allows you to paint even clay and wood. Organization of your business Despite the fact that starting a business will require a lot of money, such services are also quite expensive. Therefore, the costs will pay off quickly. You can start with small items in a small garage.

And when the necessary skills and means appear, move on to more serious orders.

Powder coating - is there any prospects for this business?

For industries where more than 50,000 m² of surface are covered per year, in-line technological powder coating lines are used. Despite the difference in production volumes, the equipment in both cases is the same and differs only in power.
The set of basic equipment for powder coating includes (prices are indicated as of January 2017):

  • Spray chamber (from 100 thousand rubles) and recuperator (from 80 thousand rubles). A special chamber where the main process of applying paint takes place.

    The chamber is equipped with filters and a heat exchanger to capture unsettled paint and return it to the production cycle. As a rule, the walls of the chamber are coated with a special antistatic agent.

  • Sprayer and feeder for powder coating (from 60 thousand rubles).

    The sprayer is intended for drawing paint on the painted product.

Own business on powder coating of metal products

Powder coating is becoming more and more popular today. What is it? This is a modern technology designed to produce high quality decorative and protective coatings.

Polymer powders are used in the work (hence the name - "powder"). They turn into a coating due to exposure to high temperatures.

Because of this feature of the procedure, powder coating of metal and glass is most common. Advantages This process has a number of positive aspects.

These include: - Economy. The fact is that such paint can be reused if it does not settle when sprayed on the treated surface. Thus, the loss of material is no more than 5%.

By the way, this indicator for ordinary paints will be 8 times higher - about 40%. Also in this case there is no need for solvents.

- Ease of use.

business plan

Most often, the method of electrostatic spraying is used to apply paint. In this case, powder coating guns are used.

Such instruments are also called spray guns or applicators. This device is a pneumatic spray gun that applies an electrostatically charged substance to a pre-grounded part.

Formation of the coating Let's move on to the next stage of work. The paint has been applied, now you need to form a coating. First of all, the product is sent to the polymerization oven. Such chambers can be different: vertical, horizontal, again, dead-end or walk-through, single- and multi-pass. The mentioned equipment for powder coating provides heating of the surface to a certain temperature - 150-220 °C. Processing lasts about half an hour, resulting in the formation of a film.

Business plan: powder coating of metal products.

Instead, at first, you can use a cyclone type vacuum cleaner. In this case, you must first check the power supply in the room and make sure that grounding is present. If you plan to work with large-sized products, then you should also consider purchasing a transport system. In it, the workpieces are moved on special trolleys that move along rails.

Thus, a powder coating line is built. Such equipment improves the productivity of the process, ensuring its continuity.

Powder coating technology The process of performing the work itself is divided, as it was already possible to understand, into several stages:

  1. Let's talk about each stage separately. Preparation of the product, or rather its surface, for processing.
  2. Apply paint in powder form.
  3. Polymerization, i.e.