Barbie Doll Museum. Barbie Doll Museum The biggest barbie house museum

The Barbie Museum in Prague is a separate part of the Toy Museum, dedicated only to her alone, the legendary doll. PragaTrips tells you which Barbies you will see at the exhibition and what else is there.

About the museum

The private collection, exhibited in Prague, consists of several thousand dolls and all kinds of accessories. You will follow how the figure of Barbie changed along with ideas about the female, you will see rare and collectible items, clothes, furniture and vehicles.

Dolls. At the entrance you will be met by Barbie in full human growth, and you will also see the oldest doll there. Early Barbies have lush breasts and a wasp waist, and over time, the figure changes and comes to our usual long-legged look.

You will see the doll in sexy lingerie and stockings, beautiful evening dresses, real leather hats and mink coats. Barbie has many nationalities, there are black women and a Russian doll in a kokoshnik and sundress - it’s more correct to call her Varvara.

Professions, occupations and hobbies, the girl also changed the abyss - you will see her work history in costumes. Barbie has piloted spaceships and planes, worked as a flight attendant and waitress, played top-level baseball for the New York Yankees and Los Angeles Dodgers, and supported teams as a cheerleader.

Finally, Barbie was other people as well as fictional characters. She was all the James Bond girls, sang as Shakira, Cher, the Spice Girls and Britney Spears, appeared as Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe, was all the seven dwarfs, Shrek, Catwoman and Jack Sparrow.

Accessories. Here you will see everything that Barbie and Ken used. Skates and skis, video cameras and radios, chainsaws and dynamite. Handbags and dresses from famous fashion designers, decorated with jewels, as well as chic houses and cars are exhibited here.

Opening hours and tickets

The Toy Museum, where the Barbie Museum is located, is open daily from 10:00 to 16:00. A standard ticket costs 70 crowns, and on the official website of the museum it is written that the price applies to people from 15 to 99 years old. Children under 15 are charged 50 kroons, and a family ticket for two adults and two children costs 200 kroons.

How to get there

The closest metro station to the museum is Staromestska. Next to it there is a tram stop for daytime routes No. 2, 17, 18 and nighttime No. 93. The path from the bus stop “Marian Square” (Marianske namesti) will be two times shorter - the 194th goes there.

Good day to all! It turns out that in Moscow there is a very interesting, but little known Museum of Unique Dolls. We will present all the information about it to you now. We hope that Muscovites and guests of the capital will find this material useful, especially since the museum is located in the center of Moscow and admission to it is free.

This topic was created based on materials provided by Xenia (cxeniya), so this is a "co-production".

Amazing, unusual, charming, unique museum of unique dolls. If you haven't been here, be sure to visit!
It is almost impossible to convey the atmosphere of this museum in words. And the museum will interest, or at least surprise, even those who are completely indifferent to dolls and have never played with dolls.
The museum contains unique dolls from the world's leading manufacturers from England, Germany, France, Russia from the end of the 17th century to the middle of the 20th century. The earliest exhibit of the museum is a fragment of a doll dress from 1650. Porcelain, wooden, wax, metal dolls. The most famous doll, one might say, is a movie star. Everyone, probably, watched the film based on the fairy tale by Y. Olesha “Three Fat Men”. Here's a doll that "starred" in the movie, is now in the museum. Now the children take pictures with her. By the way, taking pictures against the backdrop of dolls is allowed, the cost of shooting is 70 rubles.
Chic showcases with doll accessories. Imagine, a girl used to buy a doll in a store, and then went to a special department of the doll store and chose clothes, shoes, and interior items for the doll house for the doll. This was also a separate industry - porcelain dishes for doll sets were made at the same factories where porcelain for people was made (for example, at the Gardner and Kuznetsov factories, which produced the best porcelain in Russia). And Zinger's sewing machines for dolls... And the houses... Real houses with interiors, copying the structure of "human" housing. And everything is so skillful, so beautiful! The plastic "splendor" of the Barbie house - just fades.
And what toilets on dolls!
This museum was created on October 22, 1996 by the famous collector and theater artist Yulia Vishnevskaya.
Entrance to the museum is FREE. You can, of course, pay, the museum has a special box where you can put money for the development of the museum.
The museum is open all week from 10.00 to 19.00 except Sunday.

Address: st. Pokrovka, 13, building 2. Kitay-gorod metro station

For your convenience, we marked the location of the museum with a black cross on the Yandex map. Sorry for being sloppy (Vikusya)

We hope that those who visited this interesting and wonderful place will share their impressions in the topic! All the best!

How often do you have to persuade children to go to the museum? Yes, almost all the time! But in Prague, exactly the opposite will happen: your children will buzz your ears about what you need, just be sure to visit the exposition dedicated to the most famous doll on the planet - the platinum blonde Barbie.

The Barbie Museum is located on the border of the Old and New Towns, a stone's throw from the Coal Market.

What can be seen here?

Firstly, Barbie herself in an amount that exceeds all reasonable ideas about the popularity of this character. The Prague Museum presents more than two and a half thousand dolls in different guises. And also - three thousand accessories. All this wealth belongs to the mistress of the exposition - Pani Katka, who assures that she spent 30,000 euros and 10 years on the collection.

Would you dare to do this?

Few people know that Barbie has German roots. The prototype of the doll was the heroine of the local erotic comics named Bild Lilly. The authors endowed her with parameters as close as possible to the standards of beauty of the middle of the 20th century - an airy creation was obtained, combining the features of Brigitte Bardot and Marilyn Monroe. It was Build Lily that the famous Ruth Hendler was guided by when in 1959 she created a doll, which she named after her daughter - Barbara.

The first Barbies were unlike today's counterparts. Then the main thing in female beauty was considered to be large breasts and a thin waist. Decades later, the beauty acquired long legs and a sugary-Slavic appearance.

By the way, not all Barbies received an American residence permit at their “birth”. Toys from the series "Dolls of the World" had different nationalities. In 1977, the Soviet Barbie was born. She was sold in a box, which indicated that this girl lives in Moscow. According to the creators, the series was supposed to help children learn geography.

Who has not visited Barbie in its history! She ran for president, acted in films, sat on the throne. The most expensive series was the collection line with Marie Antoinette, Josephine Beauharnais and Elizabeth I. Its auction value exceeded 4,000 euros.

Barbie had achieved such recognition that she could no longer afford to dress any other way. The doll had designers, stylists and marketers who made sure that the blonde was “in trend”. However, when the emo style entered the teenage fashion, the creators of the brand clenched their fists and vowed that this would definitely not happen to their girlfriend.

And for strangely enthusiastic kids, they developed a separate Monster High series. The main character was graciously allowed to "inherit" the Barbie figure.

Such is the story about the puppet story. And if you want to see everything with your own eyes, you are welcome to the museum.

The address: Rytirska 6 Praha 1.

Working hours: from 10 am to 6 pm daily.


Exactly 55 years ago in New York, a doll named Barbie was first shown to the public. In honor of the ageless plastic beauty's anniversary, we decided to tell you about the best museums that can tell a lot about the history of this iconic toy.

Unlike most doll museums, where Mattel products are simply given a few shelves, the museums included in the selection try not only to exhibit the first Barbie models, but also to tell the story of the brand's development and show the changes that have taken place over the decades with the most famous doll in the world. These museums are sure to appeal to girls and all those who, as a child, were partial to plastic blondes in pink.

Barbie Museum in Taishan, Taiwan

In Taiwan, a golden-haired busty beauty is treated with reverence and honor. After all, the puppet ideal of beauty fed and provided work for the entire city of Taishan for two decades, turning it from a modest agricultural village into a major industrial center. Until the 1980s, the Mattel Inc plant flourished: in order to get a more or less decent position here, one had to go through a tough competitive selection. When Barbie production moved to cheaper industrial sites in China, the factory workers did not blunder by opening the Taishan Barbie Museum. The exposition, located on the fourth floor of the city's cultural center, is full of memorable pictures of the happy "life" of a beauty in Taiwan. The first hall of the museum is dedicated to the process of doll production, while the second hall contains hundreds of miniature cuties in national clothes of the countries of the world: from strict English women in tweed suits to Chinese princesses in natural silks. The pearls of the collection are the Barbie bride, one of the first to come off the conveyors of Mattel Inc, the Barbie black woman, "born" in 1979, and the Barbie queen of Malibu. You can look here from 9.00 to 17.00 on all days except Monday. Although the exposition of the museum, numbering six hundred dolls, is inferior to its foreign counterparts in size, it has its own trump card - history.


Barbie Dream House, Minnesota, USA

Paris Puppet Museum, France

Statistics show that since the birth in 1959, more than a billion trendy blondes have already found their owners, and every second three more Barbies join their ranks. The Puppet Museum of the Fashion Capital, opened in Paris in 1994, has a special relationship with the glamorous beauty. Within its walls, seven exhibitions dedicated to the famous toy have already been held, and on February 1, the eighth, very unusual exposition unfolded. A new show called "Barbie Retro Chic" is aimed at adults who are obsessed with nostalgia. Its exhibits are vintage Golden Age Barbies brought to the exhibition from the bins of the largest private collections of Eric Châtillon and Sylvie Dantec. The iconic ensembles "Suburban Shopper", "Solo in the Spotlight", "Evening Glitter", "Golden Charm" and "Playful Parisian", which have already become a fashion icon and a source of inspiration, coexist with the very young children of Mattel and Magia2000, whose puppet beauty is emphasized elegant silhouettes of fashion creations by Robert Best. What else is interesting about the Barbie exhibition, which settled in the Paris Doll Museum until September 13, 2014, is written at .

Barbie Museum in Prague, Czech Republic

One of the few places in Golden Prague, where parents do not drag children tired of excursions, but on the contrary, was born thanks to one enthusiastic woman. According to the founder of the Barbie Museum in Prague, the search and purchase of collectible beauties cost her 10 years of life and 30 thousand euros. But Mrs. Katke does not lose heart - her collection of 1,200 dolls and 3,000 accessories is very popular. In what only hypostases does not appear here a chic blonde! There is a mother with a tiny baby twisted in her stomach, and an astronaut doll, and Barbie in the role of Jack Sparrow, and Marilyn Monroe, and a catwoman, and a baseball player from LA Dodgers. In addition to luxurious planes and expensive Ferraris, ideal doll houses and personal belongings of Barbie and her eternal beau Ken, the museum also hides a real treasure - the family tree of the doll family. Walking from window to window, from rare beauties to modern doll models, you can see how the ideals of beauty have changed over time. Over the years of existence, Barbie's breasts have decreased and her waist has increased, leaving only perfectly slender legs to the envy of film stars. The gallery, located on Rytizhskaya Street 6, is open daily from 10.00 to 18.00. Website: