How to make a paper acropolis. Paper models. Parthenon. Artistic and decorative design of the Parthenon

How to build the Parthenon?
Easy and simple, as always I will answer))
The main thing is to connect your imagination and not be afraid of difficulties (ggg))))

In general, as always, we are not looking for easy and boring ways. According to history, Kinder was asked to write a report about the temple of Athena, that is, the Parthenon, during the holidays, and we already drew a report about Athena and about the temple, in fact, they said there, in general, we didn’t want to repeat ourselves. And since it so happened that the holidays and I am sitting without work (not that I don’t do anything, but nevertheless), we decided to build a temple)).

What and how to do initially did not seem. The most difficult thing was to figure out what to make the columns from so that they looked at least a little believable. It is clear that it was possible to plan from paper, but such a small scale is difficult to glue. there was an idea to make pasta columns (by the way, this is a super idea - I give it away!), But the difficulty arose with the evenness of these products. Having shoveled a bunch of pasta in stores, I came to the conclusion that I need to buy more than one pack of expensive ones (107 rubles each) in order to choose the most even and beautiful ones. And you can’t just glue them together - you need to somehow fix them inside, that is, there must be a rod ...

We decided to take the usual straws for cocktails (IKEA, bring it!), Which we had at home, bought texture paste and a palette knife. What came out of it - look further.

The tubes were first cut to the desired size. On our scale, it turned out 10 cm - just half of the tube. About 60 pieces.

The tubes are easily cut with scissors.

Each tube was painted with primer and dried. The primer is necessary so that the texture paste lies on the tube and does not run away.

Then the worst began. Since there was no experience in creating columns, we had to invent something on the spot. A palette knife was used to put a thick layer of paste on the tube, and they also made several vertical "grooves" along the column. I hadn’t worked with pasta before, so I didn’t know what would happen next at all, I hoped to sand everything with sandpaper.

While the columns were drying, we prepared the foundation. I must say that David honestly helped me. He painted all the columns, plastered and sanded along with me, even more - for example, I had to cut thick cardboard at that time)

So, we cut 3-mm binding cardboard. The size of the upper step turned out to be 18x30 cm, 19x31 cm were cut out under it, and the third, lower one - 20x32 cm. We glue it exactly in the center - the steps should diverge evenly in all directions from the temple.

Here is a view from each of the 4 corners should be.

My cardboard was 30x30 cm in size, and the length was not enough - they glued it, it's okay. On a good note, each step had to be pasted over with paper, but in time we would have been digging for a long time, so we lightened the construction a little.

There should be 46 columns along the outer perimeter. All our dried blanks are now subject to trimming.
I measured the height of the column (10 cm) on cardboard, drew a line so that I would not measure each time, but navigate along it and with a shredding knife so that the cut was even.

An even cut is needed so that when gluing the column stands on the foundation. The ambush was that the plastic tubes are not glued by the Crystal (((Tears, tears ... Probably, in such cases it is necessary to use some kind of paper bases ... I don’t even know.

But nevertheless, the gluing took place! On the smaller side - 8 columns.

When the two short sides are lined with columns, you need to make two more steps inside for the walls. The lower one is 13x24 cm in size, the upper one is smaller - 12x23 cm. We also glue it exactly in the middle.

Here is the look.

Next are the walls. The height of the walls must be made such that it is flush with the already glued columns. We successfully missed this moment and therefore further difficulties arose with the alignment of the layout. Pay attention to sizes right away!

And then Ostap suffered .... We were so carried away by the construction site that at some point I realized that I was not photographing the process ... I came to my senses in time, but a few moments were missed ((Therefore, look what happened: after the columns on the short outer sides we proceed to the installation of columns on the second row of steps, here there are 6 columns on the short sides, and then the walls in accordance with the plan of the Parthenon.

The walls are easily glued to each other, glue Moment Crystal was used everywhere, but only press the surface well. To strengthen all the joints, they were additionally glued with strips of paper.

And when the skeleton of the walls is glued, it can be attached to the floor, that is, to the foundation.

Glued - let dry. While we're on the roof. Here again, I forgot to take a picture of the key points ((They consisted in the fact that it was necessary to cut out a rectangle from cardboard equal in size to the upper step of the lower tier. According to our dimensions, it is 18x30 cm. Next, three triangles are cut out with a base of 18 cm and a height of 5 cm. They are glued to the base of the roof and reinforced with paper strips.Next, the length of the bevel of the roof and the length of the base are measured - this will be the size of the upper halves of the roof.

Glue. Now you need to cover the lower flat part of the roof with gold. I did it with regular gold spray paint. You can use a brush or any other improvised means. We dry.

Now we cover the top of the roof. We cut a sheet of terracotta-colored paper 30 cm wide (equal to the length of the roof), along the length you need to navigate in size so that the entire roof is covered and about 3 cm is left for hem.

We coat the sheet with glue and put it on top of the roof, you need to press it tightly. We bend the sheet to the lower golden side of the roof.

Now on the golden part you need to draw an ornament. This is where colored acrylic contour paints come into play.
The pediments should be painted white. We did not have a suitable picture, it was possible to stick a bas-relief or even sculpt it)

While the roof dries, we will finish the building. From cardboard, you need to cut squares of 1.5x1.5 cm. Above, I wrote that they would mess up a little with the height of the columns, so I had to cut the squares out of 1.5 mm and 3 mm of cardboard in order to somehow balance our jambs.)))

Let's start painting. We used huge black cut garbage bags, put one on the floor, covered everything that could get dirty with the second, put the building and put squares next to it. Covered with an aerosol matte primer. If you don’t want to mess with a sprayer, you can paint with a brush, but it’s very long and tedious, we would go crazy))) Sprayed with primer and you’re done. Apply 2-3 coats to cover all areas outside and inside. After drying, the temple becomes white and beautiful. Many flaws are no longer visible.

When the soil is dry, we begin to decorate the inner walls. The wall opposite the entrance should be golden. We measure, cut out an even piece of gold paper and glue it.

We glue a golden path from the entrance to the wall and make a pedestal for the statue. We wanted to put a real statue, but nowhere did we find toys of the desired theme, we had to cut out the outline from paper ((

And of course, I forgot to take a picture of this (((

We glue strips of cardboard to the squares, this completes the structure, aligns the columns, serves as a support for the roof.

In conclusion, we carefully go over the elements that seem unpainted with a primer spray - we retouch, especially carefully you need to paint next to the golden walls, cover with a piece of paper so as not to stain.

That's all. Of course, I didn’t manage to take a good picture - our Parthenon ran away to school)))

Master class on making a three-dimensional architectural composition from Doric columns.

Author: Shamsutdinov Ramil Farukovich, teacher of fine arts MBOU secondary school No. 69.75, teacher of additional education MBOU DOD TsDTT No. 1, Ulyanovsk.
Description: This master class is intended for teachers of fine arts, art, teachers of additional education, students of the department of design and architecture, parents and creative people.
Goals: development of constructive skills and abilities; learning to model architectural objects.
- to teach the production of drawings, sweeps and assembly of architectural objects;
- to develop constructive skills and skills of interest in the profession of an architect, designer.
- to cultivate accuracy, a sense of collectivism.

An architectural order (Latin ordo - order, order) is a type of architectural composition that uses certain elements and is subject to a certain architectural and stylistic processing. It is the embodiment of a post-beam system, tectonically consisting of vertical (columns, pilasters) and horizontal (entablature) elements. Appeared in ancient Greece. The name order comes from the Latin "ordo" - order, order, was first used by an architectural theorist of the second half of the 1st century BC. e. Vitruvius, author of the treatise Ten Books on Architecture.
There are five classical orders: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian originated in ancient Greece, Tuscan and composite - in ancient Rome. Corinthian was almost never used in ancient Greece and became widespread in ancient Rome.
The researchers also call orders other canons in the style of architecture, for example, a giant order (columns across several floors) or a loose order (columns in front of the facade hold only segments of the entablature, but do not carry its entire load).
Doric column.

For our composition you will need:
1. A-3 paper or whatman paper
2. Ruler
4. Scissors
5. Stationery knife

Our work will consist of several stages.
The first stage is the preparation of the drawing.
The second stage is the manufacture of a sweep.
The third is sizing the resulting scan and obtaining a three-dimensional image.
The fourth is the assembly of the entire volumetric architectural composition from Doric columns.
Composition basis.
I. Preparation of drawings.
I.1. Drawing of the base of the composition.

I.2. Drawings of the main column with flutes
A) Drawing of 1 part of the central column.

B) Drawing of the base of the central column.

C) Drawing of the upper base of the central column.

Drawing of the base (base) of the side columns.

Column shaft drawing.

Drawing of the capital of the column.
II. The second stage is the manufacture of a sweep.

Let's start cutting the sweep with scissors.

It is necessary to cut exactly along the contour in order to avoid further distortions.

Cut out on one side first.

Then on the other, leaving the flaps for gluing.

The scan with valves cut along the contour looks like this:

Cutting all sweeps is done in the same way.

Carved scan of the capital of the column.

Cut out the circle exactly along the contour.

To complete the composition, we cut out four strips 40 mm wide and 75 mm long.

III.Third - sizing the resulting scan and obtaining a three-dimensional image.

In order to make it convenient to bend the scan, we put a ruler on the line of the drawing and pass along it with the tip of a clerical knife.

With the help of a ruler, we bend first inward, and then outward.

After the work on the fold, the scan will look like this.

Carefully apply glue to the valves and proceed to gluing.

After gluing the lower base, apply glue to the valves of the upper base and glue.

The glued base box will look like this.
The scan is cut along the contour and glued exactly as shown in the photo. When gluing, you can use pencils so that the bulges have a pronounced character and are equally beautiful.

Parts are glued as shown in the photo.

After receiving the base for the column, we glue it so that we get a round column with grooves.

Fluted column ready for gluing.

The glued column on top will look like this.

Side view of the column.

After that, in the upper part, along the dividing lines, we cut and bend the successively obtained parts inward.

The bent parts of the column will serve as valves for gluing the column cover.

Using a brush, apply glue to the valves of the upper part of the column and glue the cut out circle. We try to keep the column rounded.

This is how a column with a glued lid will look.

We take the resulting scans with both hands and carefully draw them from top to bottom at the edge of the table. This operation is done in order to facilitate the work of forming smooth columns. The paper treated in this way will easily and effortlessly take the desired rounded shape of the column.

The preliminary work done by us will help to easily cope with the formation of a rounded shape of the column.

Gently apply glue with a brush and glue.

The stacked column (trunk) looks like this.

In the same way we glue 4 capitals.

The glued capital looks like this.

Finished parts for assembling side columns: capital, trunk, base.

First, glue the trunk (column) onto the base.

Then the capital.
IV. The fourth is the assembly of the entire volumetric architectural composition from Doric columns.

View of the base of the composition and columns with flutes.

We apply glue to the lower base of the column with a brush and carefully glue it. To ensure the strength of the bonded base, it can be pre-treated with sandpaper.

The finished column is carefully glued to the base of the architectural composition.

This is how the column will look based on the composition after gluing.

After completing the work with the columns, we proceed to the assembly of the entire architectural composition. To do this, apply glue to the lower base of the column base and glue it to the base of the layout.

We glue the columns sequentially onto the base, leaving the same distance from the edges and from the central column with flutes.

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"Parthenon" do it yourself

I must say right away that I didn’t try to make an exact copy of this majestic ancient temple, I just took it as a basis and for inspiration, I just had to decorate the rose garden at their summer cottage.

To begin with, he poured the foundation along with the path, naturally before that he removed the soft soil, made a sandwich of sand and gravel, carefully tamping everything, and every day he poured one step until he reached the base where he poured the temple of Athena itself. In size, this nondescript concrete box turned out to be about 700 by 400 mm and half a meter high.

Unfortunately, I didn’t film the process of making the columns, for which I apologize, and this process, to be honest, is very boring, I bought several fan pipes with a diameter of 50mm, sawed them into 30 pieces of 400mm each, then cut them with a grinder in the center, glued them with tape, inserted fittings and filled concrete, in parallel with this, also separately poured 60 warrants with a hole in the middle for reinforcement sticking out of the columns, the process is monotonous and tedious, but the main goal.

When I had already installed all the columns on tile adhesive, I filled in the ceiling, which is quite massive, 60mm thick.

Here's what happened)

Once again, I sincerely apologize for not filming the process of pouring the roof, it was already dark, but I did not want to leave for tomorrow what could be done today.

Under the concrete roof there is a frame made of foam, on it is a grid with cells 50 by 50 mm

I didn’t know how to decorate the porticos, and therefore I just made a mosaic from simple stones that I managed to find, and instead of statues on the roof, there are also beautiful white stones)

How to build the Parthenon?
Easy and simple, as always I will answer))
The main thing is to connect your imagination and not be afraid of difficulties (ggg))))

In general, as always, we are not looking for easy and boring ways. According to history, Kinder was asked to write a report about the temple of Athena, that is, the Parthenon, during the holidays, and we already drew a report about Athena and about the temple, in fact, they said there, in general, we didn’t want to repeat ourselves. And since it so happened that the holidays and I am sitting without work (not that I don’t do anything, but nevertheless), we decided to build a temple)).

What and how to do initially did not seem. The most difficult thing was to figure out what to make the columns from so that they looked at least a little believable. It is clear that it was possible to plan from paper, but such a small scale is difficult to glue. There was an idea to make pasta columns (by the way, this is a super idea - I give it away!), But the difficulty arose with the evenness of these products. Having shoveled a bunch of pasta in stores, I came to the conclusion that I need to buy more than one pack of expensive ones (107 rubles each) in order to choose the most even and beautiful ones. And you can’t just glue them together - you need to somehow fix them inside, that is, there must be a rod ...

We decided to take the usual straws for cocktails (IKEA, bring it!), Which we had at home, bought texture paste and a palette knife. What came out of it - look further.

The tubes were first cut to the desired size. On our scale, it turned out 10 cm - just half of the tube. About 60 pieces.

The tubes are easily cut with scissors.

Each tube was painted with primer and dried. The primer is necessary so that the texture paste lies on the tube and does not run away.

Then the worst began. Since there was no experience in creating columns, we had to invent something on the spot. A palette knife was used to put a thick layer of paste on the tube, and they also made several vertical “grooves” along the column. I hadn’t worked with pasta before, so I didn’t know what would happen next at all, I hoped to sand everything with sandpaper.

While the columns were drying, we prepared the foundation. I must say that David honestly helped me. He painted all the columns, plastered and sanded them on a par with me, even more - for example, I had to cut thick cardboard at that time)

So, we cut 3-mm binding cardboard. The top step turned out to be 18x30 cm in size, 19x31 cm were cut out under it, and the third, lower step was 20x32 cm. We glue it exactly in the center - the steps should diverge evenly in all directions from the temple.

Here is a view from each of the 4 corners should be.

My cardboard was 30x30 cm in size, and the length was not enough - they glued it, it's okay. On a good note, each step had to be pasted over with paper, but in time we would have been digging for a long time, so we lightened the construction a little.

There should be 46 columns along the outer perimeter. All our dried blanks are now subject to trimming.
I measured the height of the column (10 cm) on cardboard, drew a line so that I would not measure each time, but navigate along it and with a shredding knife so that the cut was even.

An even cut is needed so that when gluing the column stands on the foundation. The ambush was that plastic tubes are not glued by the Crystal (((Tears, tears ... Probably, in such cases it is necessary to use some paper bases ... I don’t even know.

But nevertheless, the gluing took place! On the smaller side - 8 columns.

When the two short sides are lined with columns, you need to make two more steps inside for the walls. The lower one is 13x24 cm in size, the upper one is smaller - 12x23 cm. We also glue it exactly in the middle.

Here is the look.

Next are the walls. The height of the walls must be made such that it is flush with the already glued columns. We successfully missed this moment and therefore further difficulties arose with the alignment of the layout. Pay attention to the sizes right away!

And then Ostap suffered .... We were so carried away with the construction that at some point I realized that I was not photographing the process ... I came to my senses in time, but a few moments were missed ((Therefore, look what happened: after the columns on the short outer sides, we proceed to install the columns on the second row of steps, there are 6 columns on the short sides, and then the walls in accordance with the plan of the Parthenon.

The walls are easily glued to each other, glue Moment Crystal was used everywhere, but only press the surface well. To strengthen all the joints, they were additionally glued with strips of paper.

And when the skeleton of the walls is glued, it can be attached to the floor, that is, to the foundation.

Glued - let dry. While we're on the roof. Here again, I forgot to take a picture of the key points ((They consisted in the fact that it was necessary to cut out a rectangle from cardboard equal in size to the upper step of the lower tier. According to our dimensions, it is 18x30 cm. Next, three triangles are cut out with a base of 18 cm and a height of 5 cm. They are glued to the base of the roof and reinforced with paper strips.Next, the length of the bevel of the roof and the length of the base are measured - this will be the size of the upper halves of the roof.

Glue. Now you need to cover the lower flat part of the roof with gold. I did it with regular gold spray paint. You can use a brush or any other improvised means. We dry.

Now we cover the top of the roof. We cut a sheet of terracotta-colored paper 30 cm wide (equal to the length of the roof), along the length you need to navigate in size so that the entire roof is covered and about 3 cm is left for hem.

We coat the sheet with glue and put it on top of the roof, you need to press it tightly. We bend the sheet to the lower golden side of the roof.

Now on the golden part you need to draw an ornament. This is where colored acrylic contour paints come into play.
The pediments should be painted white. We did not have a suitable picture, it was possible to stick a bas-relief or even sculpt it)

While the roof dries, we will finish the building. From cardboard, you need to cut squares of 1.5x1.5 cm. Above, I wrote that they would mess up a little with the height of the columns, so I had to cut the squares out of 1.5 mm and 3 mm of cardboard in order to somehow balance our jambs.)))

Let's start painting. We used huge black cut garbage bags, put one on the floor, covered everything that could get dirty with the second, put the building and put squares next to it. Covered with an aerosol matte primer. If you don’t want to mess with a sprayer, you can paint with a brush, but it’s very long and tedious, we would go crazy))) Sprayed with primer and you’re done. Apply 2-3 coats to cover all areas outside and inside. After drying, the temple becomes white and beautiful. Many flaws are no longer visible.

When the soil is dry, we begin to decorate the inner walls. The wall opposite the entrance should be golden. We measure, cut out an even piece of gold paper and glue it.

We glue a golden path from the entrance to the wall and make a pedestal for the statue. We wanted to put a real statue, but nowhere did we find toys of the desired theme, we had to cut out the outline from paper ((

And of course, I forgot to take a picture of this (((

We glue strips of cardboard to the squares, this completes the structure, aligns the columns, serves as a support for the roof.

In conclusion, we carefully go over the elements that seem underpainted with a primer spray - we retouch, we need to paint especially carefully next to the golden walls, cover with paper so as not to stain.

That's all. Of course, I couldn’t really take a picture - our Parthenon ran away to school)))

It is strange that the author is not surprised by concentric circles, like those of a tree. No, I'm not saying that this block has grown. I claim that it was filled (perhaps in 4 stages-layers, like a candle), and a hole in the middle was left either to remove air, or to pour the geopolymer solution into the workpiece, or there was a rod in it that held the first (central) element .

And if we assume that there was no polymer? What if the columns really materialized from the ether? What if some kind of quantum particle supercharger rod was inserted into the small central hole, compacting them as conceived by the architects? Why do we think this is impossible? Why we ourselves have been growing artificial crystals for a long time, but we do not even allow ourselves imagine that you can grow anything, because all matter is made of?

Why can't the supercharger rod be placed in a special mold and turned on until the mold is filled to the brim with the resulting matter of the required quality? And to control a constant density, do it in several passes, as you do with candles, to avoid air bubbles in the wax and give them a decorative aspect...

Nothing like a candle?
And so:

And why it is impossible to agree with the consciousness of the stone, because we know that they are also "real", like ourselves, for example, the Trovantes:

In the center and south of Romania, far from the cities, there are amazing stones. The locals even came up with a special name for them - trovants. These stones can not only grow, but also ... multiply.

In most cases, these stones have a rounded or streamlined shape and are devoid of sharp chips. In appearance, they are not much different from any other boulders, of which there are many in these places. But after the rain, something incredible begins to happen to the trovants: they, like mushrooms, begin to grow and increase in size.

But back to the Parthenon:

From Wikipedia:
"The Parthenon (ancient Greek Παρθενών - virgin; pure) is a monument of ancient architecture, an ancient Greek temple located on the Athenian Acropolis, the main temple in ancient Athens, dedicated to the patroness of this city and all of Attica, the goddess Athena the Virgin (Ἀθηνᾶ Παρθένος). Built in 447-438 BC by the architect Kallikrates according to the design of Ictinos and decorated in 438-431 BC under the direction of Phidias during the reign of Pericles.
The temple was built entirely of Pentelian marble, quarried nearby. During production, it has a white color, but under the influence of the sun's rays it turns yellow. The north side of the building is exposed to less radiation - and therefore there the stone received a grayish-ash hue, while the southern blocks give off a golden yellowish color. Tiles and stylobate are also made of this marble. The columns are made up of drums fastened together with wooden plugs and pivots.
The masonry was carried out without any mortar or cement, that is, it was dry. The blocks were regular squares. They were carefully turned around the edges and adjusted in size to each other. The interior remained rough-finished, saving time and reducing labor costs. At the very bottom lay orthostats - large squares, on which much smaller stones were already located, making up a regular masonry. Horizontally, the blocks were connected with iron braces inserted into the grooves and filled with lead. Vertically, the connection was carried out using iron pins.
The ceilings were wooden. The ceilings inside, obviously, were cassetted, since it is believed that the outer ones - stone ones - imitate the inner ones.
Having examined the Parthenon, it became interesting how it was built and what technologies were used. The guards do not let you get close to the stones, but we managed to photograph something interesting.

The columns are made of massive blocks.

Column block. Absolutely smooth polished surface on which rough notches are made with a chisel. Hole in the center of the block! What for? If you fasten the blocks together and prevent shifts, then the rod must be made of good alloy steel. Wikipedia says about wooden corks and pivots :-)

Amazing stone, ancient "Lego". Marble round pins protrude by 5 cm. How many working hours are required to create such a design, and most importantly why. This can be done if it does not constitute technological problems, for example, by casting or on a CNC machine.

More Lego.

Apparently, for builders, the use of such grooves was not something unique.

Choose on a stone 4-5 square meters. meters of surface for the sake of several grooves, easily. I believe that it is made by hand by slaves :-)

Square slots on the column and cutouts on the block on the right.

Cutout in the base block. Why so difficult?

Did the slaves have a lot of free time?

Again, the circle of the original workpiece is clearly visible - a rougher surface around the hole

Another column element with a hole exactly in the center.
Wow! The hole is square. In an ancient turning marble-processing machine to clamp the workpiece? It is not suitable for positioning blocks relative to each other, if only a spike with a square section is inserted into the lower block with a square hole in the lower part and a block with a round hole is placed with a round one in the upper and top. The next questions are "why" and "how".

These are the samples on the column, allegedly made by hand.

Decor element. If cast into a stone in a mold, then it is a logical design, if a stone is cut from the entire surface for the sake of one element, then there are simply no words.

Old and new stones. Sampling on the upper stone with a cutter?

Square groove in the center and round on the side. What not to confuse when assembling? I really wanted to measure the size of the decorations on the column with a tape measure, how much they coincide with each other. The guard followed and drove away from the stones.

I lull the vigilance of the guard :-)

Top of the column.

Such a block will definitely not fit in an unnecessary place.

How accurately do you need to manually process the plates for joining with such grooves?

Protruding spikes on wall blocks.

Square holes for beams? What were the logs cut with? Isn't it easier to make a round hole in the stone and grind a wooden beam? Ancient builders thought differently.

Accuracy of fitting wall blocks.

Wall block. Were they also connected with spikes?