How to wash grease from kitchen furniture using folk remedies. How to wash the wall, furniture, kitchen hood from fat with folk and household remedies How to remove soot from the top of the kitchen

The kitchen is the only place in the house where greasy stains inevitably appear. pollutionappear on work surfaces,cupboards and towels. If aprons and towels are sent to washing typewriter, then the headset will have to from wash by hand. The question of how to clean the kitchen is an urgent problem. You can wash the furniturechemicals or home remedies.

Proven homemade recipes

Before the appearance on the sale of detergents from fat in the kitchen, our compatriots somehow coped with this task. Helpers were used.

Fat cabinets are difficult to clean with folk remedies, it dries quickly.To make it easier for yourself, you need to know, how to wash the fat in the kitchen, how to do it faster.

Baking soda

Remove grease stains with MDF, plastic, wood glass will help sea salt b or vegetable oil mixed with soda.Means universal.

Cannot be used on varnished surfaces. Baking soda is abrasive and will scratch countertops and cabinets.

How to wash and how to clean dried fat:

  1. Clean the surfaces of the headset with hot water. She will soften the plaque. Grind 100 g of salt, mix with 100 g of baking soda, add a little water. Cover all surfaces with a thick mass. wash away through 20 minutes after application.
  2. You can clean kitchen furniture with oil and soda in a ratio of 1: 2. Scrub wood furniture. With light movements R wipe off. It remains to wash the chipboard with water.

Every cleaning is done 3 weeks. Plaque is completely removed, the color of the tree becomes brighter.A mixture of soda and vegetable oil protects the furniture from high humidity in the room and from overdrying.

Baking powder for dough - wood

food baking powderfine, so the surface is good from washable and leave no scratches.

How to remove fat, procedure:

  1. Dilute the baking powder water up to creamy state.
  2. Rub the cabinets with gruel. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Remove gruel and stubborn fat with a microfiber cloth.
  4. Wipe thoroughly furniture.

Baking powder for dough is used onwooden and varnished surfaces.

Salt for stains

Salt effectively removes greasy stains. Fits for processing wood and plastic.

How to wash kitchen furniture with salt:

  1. For apron cleaning preparing a solution: salt (1 tsp) is diluted in a liter of water. composition wash off the cover. wash away saline solution of pure water oh .
  2. For abrasive action (wood cleaning) use edible salt.Can not be diluted with water, do not rinse. Apply with a damp cloth.

Salt disinfects and prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms. Apron, facade and countertop are processed every week.

Soap with soda

Clear the kitchen set will help ordinary laundry soap and soda.Works best on fresh stains that have not had time to harden. Before use, test on an inconspicuous part of the surface. Soap and baking soda lighten the paint.

How to wash the kitchen from grease:

  1. Grind soap, place in a deep container.
  2. Mix with water the liquid will become cloudy. Process the solution front and countertop.
  3. While the composition is not dry, add soda.
  4. Remove after 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse with water using a clean sponge.

Only laundry soap is suitable for cleaning.

Acetic acid

How to care for cabinets and an apron with vinegar.

Effective ways of application:

  1. Prepare solution:1 cup vinegar and 4 cups water. Sponge process the tile, leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with water and wipe dry. Vinegar does not leave streaks on tiles.
  2. A mixture of vinegar, vodka and essential oil will help from ingrained dirt on cabinets. The first two components are taken in equal amounts, mixed, then 0.5 tsp is added. ether. The mixture is poured into a spray bottle spray . Leave for 15-25 minutes, wipe with a napkin. No need to rinse with water.
  3. wet surface with a solution of vinegar, apply soda. An active reaction will begin, during which all ingrained contaminantsget away from the tree. Put away leftovers with a damp sponge.

Mustard powder fights stainsold faton metal and ceramic surfaces.

How to clean:

  1. pour a small amount of powder on a cloth.
  2. Apply dry, wipe the handles thoroughly.
  3. If it was possible to remove the dirt, delete remaining mustard powder with a damp sponge orrepeat the procedure.

This method is not suitable for wooden and varnished surfaces, mustard acts as an abrasive.


No matter how durable modern sets are, caring for kitchen furniture requires attention and accuracy.

From ammonia make a good hand sanitizer.

Cleaning the kitchen from grease with ammonia:

  1. Dilute water in a ratio of 1:1.
  2. First you need wash kitchen furniture from grease with plain water, thereby softening it.
  3. Spray composition on dirty places, wipe with a sponge and dry microfiber cloth.

Cannot be used on wood surfaces . They require delicate care. too it is forbidden process with ammonia, there will be stains.

Other surfaces (plastic, glass and metal handles) should be cleaned in this way. can .

Hydrogen peroxide

A mixture of baking soda and peroxidehelps to restore the whiteness of a white apron. P hydrogen heresy brightens, so it is not recommended to use it for dark facades.

How to wash the kitchen set from fat:

  1. mix soda peroxide. Received mass cover by dirty places, can be used to remove grease on the hood mesh. Grate sponge, then with a damp cloth and wipe dry.
  2. Salt solution with hydrogen peroxide will help clean kitchen cabinets. The chipboard is processed with the following composition: 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. salt and 10 drops of peroxide. facade abundantly process, leave for 15 minutes. Wipe doors and walls with a soft cloth.

Use for glass surfaces, mirrors, wood panels.

Melamine sponge

Get rid of greasy marks cabinets will help melamine sponge. Cleanses grease, ink stains, traces of a marker and soot from a tile.Should get wetmelamine sponge with water squeeze without twisting. Wipe the surface thoroughly.After processing, pieces of melamine will remain.Removed with a damp, then dry cloth.

Removing dirt with a steam cleaner

Cabinets are well cleaned with a steam generator. Steam cleaner cleans dirt that has not been cleaned by other methods, removes residues of oil and scale, destroys fungus and bad smell.

The steam generator removes plaque from steel, glass, wooden facades and tiles. P walls and other kitchen equipment are treated with an aro cleaner.


Chemicals are quickly removedany stains, including soot and grease on the kitchen set.

How can you wash grease from kitchen furniture:

  1. Amway has a powerful cleansing formula. The tool dissolves fat from the inside. Detergent L.O.C.™ degreases surfaces. First pour 375 ml of water, then add 125 ml of detergent facilities . The composition is sprayed on the surface, wiped with a rag. Particularly stubborn dirt is removed with a 1:1 solution.
  2. Shumanite is suitable for all surfaces. Working with him must be worn respirator and gloves, Shumanite is toxic and harmful to the body. How to wash fat: apply spray on the surface, wait 5-10 minutes, remove with a damp cloth. room after processing ventilate .
  3. Silit Beng Anti Grease + Shine effectively removes oil stains and stubborn dirt. How to quickly wipe the furniture in the kitchen from greasy deposits: spray the composition on the cabinets, wait 5 minutes, rinse with water.
  4. Mister Muscle will save plastic surfaces, glass and tiles from accumulated grease and soot. It is also used for a headset, but it does not work as effectively (you will have to apply it several times). There are two types of spray and foam sprayer, the first type is for horizontal surfaces, the second is for vertical surfaces. Spread the composition over dirty surfaces, leave for 5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water .

Professional chemistry is an indispensable tool. It is important to distinguish products for metal, glass and tiles, furniture. How to wash the fat on the kitchen cabinet with folk methods or household chemicals, it's up to you the owner of the kitchen . The main thing is that after cleaning the room was cozy, clean and comfortable.

Regardless of the type of material from which kitchen furniture is made, every hostess knows how difficult it is to maintain it in proper condition. The task becomes more complicated if the cabinets are located near the stove. Drops of fat, one way or another, fall on the kitchen set, worsening its appearance and aesthetics. How to wash kitchen grease? There are many effective ways, which we will talk about.
In order not to damage the furniture and get an excellent result, it is recommended to try the selected product first on an inconspicuous area.

Use of special equipment

You can free surfaces from greasy deposits with special compounds, for example, such as Faberlic or Amway. They work very effectively, freeing cabinet doors from dirt, making them almost new. Wipe the surfaces with a sponge moistened in the product and wash with plain water after a few minutes. But the fact is that such progressive tools are not cheap, so you have to look for a replacement for them. Do not forget that compounds containing abrasive particles can leave scratches, and even worse, corrode the protective layer of the surface, so when choosing chemistry, familiarize yourself with the components that make up its composition.

How to clean your kitchen with simple recipes

There are many substances that can cope with the greasy coating on kitchen furniture, but you need to know which ones are best for your case. Baking soda is suitable for washing various surfaces. The only exceptions are polished panels.

How to wash cabinets in the kitchen from grease using this tool?

  1. To make it easier to get rid of fat, pre-prepare all surfaces. Soak a cloth in hot water and dampen thoroughly, let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
  2. For convenient application of soda to problem areas, you need to prepare a suitable substance from warm water and a few tablespoons of baking soda.
  3. Using a soft brush, gently rub the gruel into the surfaces, paying attention to areas with a sticky layer of dirt.
  4. It will take more time to dissolve the old grease, so allow time for the soda to dissolve the dirt, but not have time to dry out.
  5. After that, rinse everything with warm water and polish the furniture with a dry, soft cloth.

Many housewives for this purpose use a composition of vegetable oil and soda. It not only cleans well and helps to care for wooden furniture, but also prevents drying out, gives it a fresher and renewed look.

Vinegar remains a tried and tested and safe remedy for combating various raids. This weak acid also kills germs and adds shine to coatings. Moisten the sponge in the product and wipe all problem areas. To achieve a greater effect, you can add a few drops of dish gel to the vinegar. If your furniture needs polishing, do it only after cleaning and washing. Thus, you will keep the original look of the kitchen set.

Such a universal remedy as salt is used in many areas of life. When cleaning sticky deposits on plastic and other facades, it was also not without it. Prepare a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l salt. Soak a soft cloth in it and treat all surfaces of the cabinets to achieve the desired result, repeat the procedure several times.

, using laundry soap? This tool is safe for any kitchen sets. It not only copes well with fat, but also does not have a harmful effect on people. Rub the sponge with soap until a lush foam forms and rub all the problem areas, after removing all the dirt, rinse the furniture with clean water and polish to a shine.

The use of other products to achieve perfect cleanliness

To maintain kitchen furniture in good condition, you should prepare a mixture of alcohol, vinegar and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour it into a spray bottle and use to remove greasy stains.

Many housewives know how to wash dishes well using mustard. However, not everyone realizes that this tool can be used to clean kitchen furniture from sticky dirt. To do this, pour mustard on a dampened sponge and wipe all cabinets. As a result, you will be able to get fresher and cleaner surfaces.

To make it easier to take care of the kitchen set, experienced housewives cover the top of the cabinets with paper, which is periodically changed or pre-treated with laundry soap.

You can also clean your furniture with a steam cleaner, which does an excellent job of removing any greasy contaminants.
In order to less suffer with dirty cabinets, it is better to wash them in a timely manner, since it is much easier to deal with fresh splashes than getting rid of old grease and dust adhering to it.

The choice of purchased products for cleaning surfaces is quite extensive.

The stores have a wide variety of products. They are effective, produced in whole series. When choosing how to wash the fat in the kitchen, you should take into account the material from which the furniture is made, and give preference to gels and liquid formulations.

The lack of all store preparations in a high content of surfactants, which actively decompose fat on cabinets, but dry hands and can cause allergies. Safe and natural products of the network company Amway act gently and are harmless to health. But their price is very high. To remove dirt in the kitchen, Faberlic produces natural compounds. Their action is weaker, but the cost is commensurate with store-bought drugs.

All remedies for fat in the kitchen are used according to the same scheme:

  • apply to the surface;
  • withstand a certain time;
  • wash off;
  • wipe dry.

Be sure to thoroughly wash and wipe the furniture dry

Only the methods of application and the exposure time differ. They are listed in the instructions on the package.

How to wash kitchen furniture from grease and not scratch it. It is necessary to use only mild detergents, without abrasive, not containing bleach, acids.

How to wash old fat in the kitchen. Only sponge and napkins:

  • microfiber;
  • flannel;
  • cloth.

To remove especially greasy stains, a toothbrush and cotton swabs are used. Having applied the detergent composition to the kitchen furniture, it is given time to act on the dirt for 20 to 30 minutes, then cleaning is continued.

If you can’t wash the cabinets from fat at one time, you need to repeat the procedure after a few days. Rubbing harder and increasing the concentration of the detergent is not worth it. Scuffs, light spots are formed on the surface.

To remove grease from kitchen furniture, household wet wipes sold in the store can quickly. You don't even need to use detergent. The composition with which the napkins are impregnated, launder the dirt. Glossy surfaces may leave streaks. Their removal is done with a dry paper towel immediately, preventing the furniture from drying out. It is more profitable to buy household wipes in large packs with a valve. Then they will be enough for several cleanings and the natural moisture of the detergent will be preserved.

With the help of a steam generator with various nozzles, you can put things in perfect order. Remove grease from kitchen furniture, restore whiteness to the seams between tiles and gloss to the tile itself. The exception is the MDF kitchen set. It swells from steam and high temperature, exfoliates, loses its appearance.

Natural wood and plastic can be easily cleaned with a steam mop with the appropriate vertical cleaning attachment. After steaming, kitchen cabinets and tiles should be wiped dry. Ideally, use a microfiber cloth, if you don't have one, cloth and flannel will do. There will be no streaks left on the kitchen surfaces, and they will shine like new.

Steam cleaners are good for removing dirt.

Steam is easy to clean the tiles in the kitchen from all kinds of dirt and old grease, especially in the apron area. There, during cooking, most of the pollution gets on the wall. There are traces of splashes during cleaning and cutting of products, drops of water, steam and grease eat into the surface of the tiles, especially with a matte finish.

A variant of a beautiful and budget kitchen cabinets and cabinets from pressed sawdust - MDF. With the right and careful attitude, kitchen furniture will look good for a long time. The MDF facade has a different coating:

  • lamination;
  • PVC film;
  • staining.

Each type has its own advantages and weaknesses that must be taken into account when choosing how to wash grease from kitchen furniture.

Laminated furniture has many color options and imitates different types of wood. Lack of durability. The film covering the plates does not tolerate moisture, loses its luster and peels off. Even a mild abrasive such as dry baking soda can scratch the finish.

Among the disadvantages of laminated kitchens is fragility

How to degrease laminated MDF kitchen cabinets. The easiest way is a soapy solution.

  1. Grate the floor of a bar of dark laundry soap on a coarse grater, dissolve in 2 liters of water.
  2. Sponge apply the solution to contaminated areas, trying not to wet it too much.
  3. After a while, wash the softened fat with the same sponge.
  4. Remove soap residue and dirt with a damp cloth.
  5. Wipe dry and polish with a paper towel.

Soap easily removes grease from a smooth laminate film. If greasy stains are old, it will not work to remove them all at once. It is better to regularly clean the kitchen of dirt or try rubbing old grease with vodka.

PVC film coating is not afraid of moisture, aggressive detergents. The exception is acetone and other solvents. Despite this, before applying a new composition, it is necessary to test its effect on the coating. You need to choose an inconspicuous place and rub it with a napkin dipped in the product.

PVC coating is moisture resistant, but is afraid of aggressive detergents

You can wash the PVC coating from fat with folk remedies using laundry soap, vinegar with white clay.

  1. Dilute the clay by pouring it with vinegar, about 2 times more in volume. Pound and mix until smooth.
  2. Apply the composition to the dirtiest places that have not been washed off, or spread a thin layer if the fat has formed a fresh film.
  3. After about 20 minutes, the clay will dry out and absorb the fat layer dissolved by the vinegar.
  4. Rinse off the remaining clay with warm water, rinse and wipe dry.

Glossy surfaces should be rubbed with a dry towel, otherwise cleaning agents leave stains on them. Even handprints remain on the doors if the lockers are not constantly wiped.

For painted surfaces, do not use detergents based on acids, chlorine, solvents and abrasives. How to wash grease in a painted kitchen. Vinegar with clay, laundry soap and baking powder for dough.

  1. Pour a pack - 100 g of baking powder for dough in 50 g of vegetable oil.
  2. Mix until smooth.
  3. Apply a thin layer on greasy spots.
  4. Wipe off with a damp cloth after 20 minutes.
  5. Remove residue with water and wipe.

They mainly paint MDF panels, applying paint to the facade, then several layers of varnish. This must be taken into account before washing the kitchen from fat. Even a rough fabric can spoil the shine, leaving matte scuffs. Folk remedies - soda with vegetable oil - will help clean the kitchen set from old fat.

  1. Oil is added to the soda in drops and mixed until a thick porridge is formed.
  2. The mixture is applied to the spots with a soft sponge or cotton pad.
  3. After 30 - 40 minutes, the composition is removed with a paper towel.
  4. The place of contamination is washed with soapy water and wiped dry.

Cleansing occurs due to the softening of fat with oil. Baking soda absorbs all the dirt. It is not necessary to rub the composition, just remove the headset from the surface. Baking soda is a mild, fine abrasive and can scratch varnish.

Natural wood absorbs water and swells. In the manufacture of furniture, it is impregnated and coated with protective compounds. How to wash a kitchen made of natural wood and preserve the unique beauty of wood. We wash with home remedies:

  • laundry soap;
  • mustard;
  • rice water;
  • vodka.

Of the purchased compositions, furniture polish is used. It is sprayed on the surface and immediately wiped everything with a napkin. The wax contained in the composition covers the furniture with an additional layer and protects it from moisture. Polish solves the problem of how to remove scuffs and minor scratches in a wooden kitchen. You don't have to use polish all the time. It is enough to use it once a month, washing the furniture in the kitchen with other means in between.

Vinegar, mixed in equal proportions with olive oil, will also help get rid of scratches. The wooden surface is first treated with a detergent, then the composition is applied to a clean scratch and rubbed with a napkin across the defect. It is best to use microfiber and wipe everything dry.

Depending on the surface, cleaning methods are selected individually.

Mustard is suitable for removing grease on kitchen furniture from all materials. How to clean the headset with it? Horizontal surfaces should be lightly moistened with water and sprinkled with dry mustard. After a few minutes, wipe the countertops and covers with a sponge.

For vertical surfaces, a mushy substance is prepared from mustard powder with the addition of water. Sponge a thin layer on the furniture. Mustard removes grease and dirt without damaging varnish and paint on wood and MDF. Cleansing occurs quickly, so after 10 minutes you can rinse off with clean water - a damp cloth soaked in water, the remains of mustard powder.

After boiling the rice, do not pour out the water from it. You will have something to clean wooden furniture in the kitchen. It is desirable to wash with warm broth, it is easy to cope with a slight fatty coating. Old stains will not be removed in one go.

Some housewives use rice water to clean dirt.

Vodka is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed. Then wipe with a dry towel. The remaining stains of heavy dirt and old fat are moistened additionally, after 10 - 15 minutes they are wiped with a cotton pad, removing residual moisture with dirt.

In preparation for cleaning, the question is how to wash the tiles in the kitchen from fat. Waterproof tiles have a hard surface. Regardless of the matte or glossy version of the tile, when cleaning it, you can not use:

  • abrasive powders;
  • solvent;
  • metal washcloths;
  • acid based products.

How to wash the tiles in the kitchen from grease without damaging its surface. You can use purchased special products and natural home-made products used for furniture:

  • soap;
  • mustard;
  • White;
  • vinegar with soda;
  • vodka.

Use dry mustard as a cleanser

With the help of a spray can be applied to tiles and Whiteness solution. It is added 10 - 20 ml per liter of water, sprayed over the tile. Can be applied with a sponge, wetting it in the composition. When working with bleach, be sure to wear protective rubber gloves and a mask.

In addition to cleaning grease from tiles, Whiteness cleans dirt and whitens the seams between tiles. It can be replaced with oxygen bleaches. They act effectively and do not destroy the cement mortar of the joints.

For the tile, the housewives make their own detergent that cleans the fat. Mix lemon zest, dried and ground into powder, vinegar and vodka. Spray on the surface of the tile and wipe with a napkin. heavily greasy places are not cleaned at a time.

Apply the solution with a spray bottle and rub

Who does not tolerate the smell of table vinegar, it can be replaced with apple cider vinegar and mixed in equal proportions with vodka.

Plastic dissolves in acids and loses color when in contact with bleaches. Abrasives scratch it. You can wash it with special means and folk:

  • laundry soap;
  • rice water.

Suitable for plastic and any gel-like and liquid dish detergent. it should be dissolved in water, a few drops per liter, and wipe the surface with a soft sponge. Plastic should be washed well with water and wiped dry, rub it to a shine, removing all stains and traces.

Glass is easy to clean from grease. To do this, you can use dish detergent, soap, soda. For shine, it is necessary to wash off the detergent composition and rinse everything with a weak solution of vinegar. You can simply dilute 100 ml of vinegar in a liter of water and wash the glass covered with a greasy film.

Glass can be washed with ordinary dishwashing detergent.

You can quickly tidy up a glass backsplash or a window in the kitchen with a spray for windows and mirrors. You can wipe for a radiant shine with an old newspaper.

The most difficult - handles and other fittings

When it was possible to clean the kitchen and everything seems to be shining, handles, hooks, awnings are striking. From above they are clean, but in the corners, dirt is hidden under them. It is impossible to get it with a sponge or a napkin. Therefore, cotton buds and an old toothbrush are used.

First, prepare the composition:

  • soda with vegetable oil;
  • mustard with water;
  • vodka.

A universal remedy for removing old fat under the handles at home is ammonia anise drops. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

You can also use a purchased product designed to clean grease and dirt on the surface of this type of furniture. First you need to apply the prepared composition. Then, after a while, remove dirt from hard-to-reach places with a toothbrush. Where the pile does not reach, cotton swabs, toothpicks are used.

Most housewives in one way or another are faced with the need to remove dried fat deposits on kitchen utensils, household appliances or where food is prepared. Old grease stains smell bad and look even worse, and the bacteria feel at home there. But even when there seems to be absolutely no way to wash the dirt, you should use tricks that can change the situation for the better.

It is safer to use folk remedies for cleaning surfaces

The first thing a woman thinks about when she starts a total cleaning of the kitchen is to use store-bought detergents and cleaning products. This is convenient, but often expensive. Yes, and most of the "jars" that can remove long-term deposits of kitchen fat are far from harmless.

Folk remedies for kitchen fat

Therefore, it is worth considering the option of turning to folk remedies. They are generally cheaper and safer.

So, what kind of folk remedies can help get rid of old fat in the kitchen?

  1. The most common folk method today is cleaning with soda. If the surface to be cleaned is difficult or impossible to scratch, this fine abrasive will do an excellent job of removing old grease and returning, for example, pots to their former shine and whiteness. To clean enameled pots, add vinegar, lemon or citric acid to the soda. The chemical reaction of their interaction will automatically break down the fat - and it remains just to wipe it with a rag.
  2. Almost the same effect on the old fat mustard powder. It is not only not harmful, but even beneficial for the respiratory system. The surface to be cleaned (dishes, stove or oven) should be soaked or, if possible, pour hot water from the heart, and then pour dry mustard on the stain in a thick layer. The powder, soaked in water, quickly and without problems corrodes body fat. After a while, the solution just needs to be washed off the surface - and it will shine brighter than a new one.

Delicate attitude to the surface

When washing old kitchen fat, one should not forget: each surface must have its own approach. Metal, ceramic, plastic and varnished surfaces will not tolerate the touch of an aggressive iron sponge or finely dispensed substances such as salt and soda. Such indelicate cleaning methods will inevitably lead to scratches on the item. And on the scratched surface, grease and dirt accumulate more often and more abundantly, which can even lead to the complete unsuitability of the thing.

Most surfaces cannot be cleaned with abrasive products

In this regard, I would like to draw attention to several proven cleaning products for various types of kitchen furniture.

  • To clean a wooden kitchen, you need to prepare a “scrub” of soda and sunflower oil in a ratio of 3: 2, respectively. The finished mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream. The agent is applied to a flap of soft, lint-free material, and the contaminated wooden furniture is rubbed with it. It is advisable to repeat the procedure about once every two to three weeks.
    Plastic furniture, despite its fashionable modern look and low price, is not at all resistant to mechanical stress. How to wash plastic furniture in the kitchen and not scratch it? Here, perhydrol or a solution of hydrogen peroxide will help the housewives. It not only breaks down the oldest kitchen fat, but also disinfects the treated surfaces. How to use: Apply a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide to the surface to be cleaned with a rag or spray gun, leave for ten minutes - and then rinse.

And a few more universal recipes

Old greasy stains from tiles can be washed with ammonia. Applying this method is simple: slightly dilute a rather sharp-smelling liquid with water and apply to stains. After the time has passed, rinse the surface thoroughly.

Advice. Ammonium chloride is not particularly safe for the respiratory system, so it should not be used in the presence of children, and it should not be “sniffed hard”.

Laundry soap and tooth powder will also help get rid of greasy stains in the kitchen. They are suitable for many surfaces.

Somewhat exotic looks - but works great - a way to wash the kitchen with ordinary clay. To prepare a detergent, clay is diluted with vinegar to the consistency of gruel. Diluted gruel is applied to dirty spots and left there until dry, after which it is removed with warm water. Clay, by its nature, absorbs all kinds of fat remarkably.

Baking Soda, Lemon Juice, and Regular Mustard Can Help Cut Grease in the Kitchen

After using one of the cleaners described above, it is important to thoroughly rinse the cleaned dishes, furniture or appliances. To do this, it is good to have a special sponge or brush. And by definition, the easiest way to deal with fat in the kitchen is to prevent it from appearing. To do this, it is enough to regularly wipe surfaces with a rag, on which steam from cooking food can settle, wash the stove every time after cooking and do not leave dirty dishes “for later”.

How to wash the kitchen from fat: video

Many home remedies do a better job of removing greasy stains and dirt on cabinets, tables, chairs, cabinets, countertops, and other kitchen furniture than industrial chemicals. These home-made cleaners can not only remove grease from kitchen appliances, but also save time and money.

  • Tamara GLOBATo escape from lack of money once and for all, in 2018 make it a rule to carry with you ...

1 Folk methods for cleaning furniture from plaque and dirt

If we compare household chemicals sold in stores with folk remedies, then the latter are safer for humans and can be an excellent helper in the fight against dirt in the kitchen.

Before you start removing grease from the surfaces of kitchen furniture, you should choose the right cleaning equipment. It is worth choosing a more gentle tool - a sponge, soft cloth, microfiber, cloth, flannel. Any of the materials can perfectly wash grease from kitchen furniture. Do not use metal brushes: the use of such products can leave scratches and other damage on the furniture.

Damaged furniture gets dirty much faster: scratches are clogged with grease, plaque and dirt.

Rubber gloves should be used when cleaning the kitchen for the safety of hands and nails.

Before washing the furniture completely from dirt, you should check the quality of the product on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe headset. Such a measure will protect the furniture from damage.

Cleaning furniture at home: effective tools and useful tips

2 Various cleaning agents

You can use a variety of tools that can be found in every kitchen. You need to choose one or another tool, taking into account the types of stains and types of furniture that you want to clean.

Quick carpet cleaning in the car and at home

3 Soda in the fight against stains

An easy way to clean furniture is to use baking soda. She can wash glass surfaces: dishes, inserts in the headset. It cleans plastic parts in the kitchen well (refrigerator doors, household appliances). Moisten the place of contamination and wipe it on top with soda. Wash off the remaining substance with a damp cloth.

Soda can be used to clean upholstered seats in the kitchen.

First you need to moisten the seat with water. Then generously cover the greasy stains with soda and start brushing them. After that, you need to leave the soda soaked into the furniture for 15-20 minutes. Then collect the powder with a vacuum cleaner.

If the stain remains, you can try diluting one tablespoon of vinegar with one tablespoon of dish detergent in 250 ml of water. The product is applied with microfiber to the stains. The seat should be wiped with a clean damp sponge.

Methods for cleaning feather and down pillows

4 Laundry soap and soda

Both soap and baking soda are effective at removing grease from furniture surfaces. Both components and separately can cope with pollution, but together they allow you to achieve the desired result.

To prepare a soap cleanser, grate it on a coarse grater into a deep bowl. Add a little warm water to the soap shavings. The solution should become cloudy. The resulting product must be applied to contaminated areas with a sponge. Until the solution dries, apply a small amount of baking soda on top and treat problem areas. The consistency is washed off twenty minutes after application.

Soda in such a solution is an abrasive agent that will help to thoroughly wash contaminated areas.

Soap solution with soda is great for metal and plastic surfaces. Do not apply to glossy or lacquered finishes as scratches may form after cleaning.

It is important to remember that laundry soap should have a dark brown color. If the soap is bleached and perfumed, then it will not be able to cope with the pollution in the kitchen.

5 Cleaning furniture with vinegar

Regular table vinegar fights well with fat, you can use apple cider vinegar. In addition to furniture, countertops and tiles in the kitchen, you can also clean limescale from metal and ceramic objects and get rid of scale in kettles.

Add some water to the vinegar. Apply the resulting solution with a rag to greasy stains and wait until the fat comes off the surface. Then the headset should be wiped with a damp soft cloth.

6 Baking powder for greasy stains

A baking powder will help you quickly clean the kitchen set.

It is necessary to prepare a slurry of baking powder and water. The product is applied to a dirty surface and kept on it for half an hour. Then it is washed off with water.

7 Alcohol against greasy plaque

Grease stains are perfectly removed by alcohol or vodka. The tool washes well modular furniture and ordinary headsets, covered with a glossy surface. Before processing furniture, open the windows in the kitchen.

To make the remedy, you need to dilute one tablespoon of alcohol in one liter of water. For cleaning, you can use a sponge, a rag and a spray bottle. With the help of improvised means, process the kitchen furniture and leave it to be cleaned for half an hour. You can remove the solution with an ordinary damp cloth.

Vodka is also good for fighting pollution. In this case, you can simply moisten the sponge in vodka and wipe the greasy surface, and then rinse with water.

8 Disinfection and cleaning with alcohol and vinegar

An excellent tool that not only fights grease and dirt, but also disinfects furniture from bacteria and germs.

To prepare the solution, mix table vinegar, alcohol and vodka in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. You can add a third of a teaspoon of any essential oil to the mixture.

The resulting mixture must be used to clean dirt with a spray gun. The solution should remain on contaminated areas for ten to fifteen minutes. Then you should wash off the solution with a napkin or sponge. After applying such a mixture, the aroma of essential oil will come from the furniture.

9 Essential oils for cleansing and pleasant smell

Essential oils with other components perfectly cope with the task of cleaning furniture.

In order to get rid of an unpleasant odor and effectively care for surfaces made of wood, you will need spruce or eucalyptus essential oil. Add a few drops of oil to a container of water, and then wipe the wooden surface with a sponge.

You can prepare a mixture of orange and eucalyptus oil with vinegar and vodka. You should take half a glass of vodka, half a glass of vinegar, half a teaspoon of orange oil and a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Mix the solution thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle. Apply the product on oily spots for 20 minutes. Rinse afterwards with a damp cloth.

Such a recipe is able to cope with dirt not only on wooden surfaces: it helps to fight limescale on metal surfaces and launders parts made of plastic and ceramics.

10 Lemon as detergent

Effectively and safely fights fat with a slice of lemon. In addition to headsets and other surfaces, you can clean tiles with lemon, remove scale and limescale.

It is necessary to wipe the furniture with lemon so that the juice flows from the surface. After ten minutes, the headset can be washed with warm water and wiped with a paper towel.

11 Citric acid from all types of pollution

A solution of citric acid is an excellent remedy for dirt on furniture. To prepare the solution, you will need one liter of water, 15 grams of citric acid and a little detergent. The liquid should be applied to problem areas, and then wipe them with a damp cloth.

Acid can be used as a descaler in kettles, to clean lime deposits on metal and ceramic surfaces.

12 Vegetable oil and soda for all types of headsets

Furniture will be clean if you use a product made from vegetable oil and soda.

The product is excellent for washing wooden surfaces, furniture and furniture made of MDF and solid wood, cutlery, tables, chairs, shelves, doors, frames and dishes.

It is necessary to prepare a gruel, which in consistency will resemble sour cream. To do this, you need to take vegetable oil and soda in a ratio of 2: 1. Apply to areas with oily stains and treat them with a soft brush. Leave the cleaned surface for half an hour. Then remove lumps of fat with a rag. It may be necessary to re-process the headset, since the first time the greasy coating may not move away from the surface.

Using an oil and baking soda scrub to clean the kitchen, you can achieve a radiant cleanliness, as well as perfectly protect furniture from high humidity in the kitchen or overdrying from high temperatures.

This mixture should be applied once every two weeks.

13 A mixture of clay and vinegar

The resulting stains in the kitchen will be perfectly removed by a product made from clay and vinegar. The product is suitable for cleaning wood and solid furniture, floors, walls, tiled surfaces and pots.

To get a mass for cleaning, you need to add a little vinegar to the clay. The agent is applied to the sponge, and the surface of the headset is wiped with it. After the procedure, the surface should be washed with water.

The clay in the cleaner acts as an abrasive. You should choose clay without stones, as they can ruin furniture during cleaning.

14 Mustard powder for kitchen furniture

The product is suitable for cleaning any surfaces from dirt.

Mustard dissolves grease well, so after washing, dirt and grease will remain on the napkin.

In order to wash the surface of dirt and grease, you need to moisten it with water and sprinkle with mustard powder. Then wipe the furniture with a dry cloth. A damp cloth or sponge will help to completely remove the mustard powder.

You can clean with mustard kitchen sets with a protective surface, stoves, sinks, refrigerators. Do not use powder for wooden surfaces and MDF sets.

15 Anti-Stain Salt

Salt is great for cleaning wood surfaces. It effectively removes greasy plaque and prevents the spread of germs and bacteria.

For cleaning, it is necessary to wipe the places with dirt and grease with salt.

Once a week, you can use a saline solution to treat facades and countertops.

16 Detergent for dishes

A regular dish detergent can also be used to clean tiles, appliances, kitchen sets and other furniture in the kitchen. It is enough to dilute a little of the product in water and get a foam. Treat all contaminated surfaces with it. It is advisable to wipe off stubborn stains and old grease with the abrasive side of the sponge.

This tool can be used after each cooking.

17 Conclusion

There are many cleaning products for kitchen sets, furniture, dishes, cutlery, various surfaces, floors and walls. All of them contain chemicals that can cause great harm to the human body. Many people are prone to allergic reactions, difficulty breathing while using such products. Therefore, the advice of mothers and grandmothers comes to the rescue, who used to use folk remedies to combat greasy deposits on various kitchen surfaces. They clean such products no worse than production ones. It is necessary to observe safety measures when processing the kitchen with one or another cleaner. Use gloves, ventilate the kitchen during and after cleaning, and keep children and animals away from substances.

In order not to waste your nerves, you should know exactly how to quickly deal with old fat spots

Not every woman with the current crazy pace of life has time to keep track of every speck formed in the process of cooking. But when the walls of the kitchen or the facades of the headset are covered with an impressive layer of soot, we move on to more decisive action. This is where many people have the question of how to wash greasy stains on kitchen furniture. I'll tell you everything I know for sure.

Household chemicals

Usually, in matters of cleaning, housewives are divided into two camps: those who prefer to use very effective household chemicals, and those who get rid of stains with folk remedies. If you fall into the first category, this section is for you.

The range of chemicals, as well as their price, is very extensive.

Household chemicals have one indisputable advantage - they act quickly, efficiently and are able to cope with almost any pollution. There are a lot of options for cleaning surfaces - you can buy Shumanit, Mister Muscle, Silit Beng or Amway. The type of agent will depend on the type of contamination and the surface on which it was formed.

For example, do not remove old grease from MDF or plastic facades with abrasive particles or chlorine. In such a situation, it is better to use furniture care products.

In general, when working with purchased substances, several recommendations should be followed:

Always check the instructions for the product

  1. The first thing after buying a particular cleaning product, its instructions are carefully studied.. She describes in great detail the features of its application.
  2. Never exceed the indicated concentration. So you risk damaging the surface.
  3. The use of detergent should only be done with rubber gloves. Otherwise, you risk damaging the skin of your hands and getting burned.
  4. Before cleaning, it is better to open the window in the kitchen so that the pungent smell of substances does not cause dizziness.

Cleaning with household chemicals should only be done with gloves

Proven folk methods

“If our mothers and grandmothers could somehow wash grease off kitchen furniture without chemicals, then why are we worse?” - I think many housewives are absolutely right. With the help of proven tools at hand, you can no less effectively deal with old stains. The main thing is to know what to use, and I will help you with this.

Recipe 1. Mustard Powder

Mustard will help remove fat in the kitchen

Not sure how to clean off grease in your favorite kitchen? Use the usual mustard powder, which for decades has helped restore any surface to its original appearance. All you need is:

  • moisten contaminated areas with water;
  • sprinkle them with a small amount of mustard powder;
  • wipe the surface with a clean dry cloth;
  • remove the remaining powder with a sponge dipped in warm water.

By itself, mustard is an excellent fat dissolver, so after cleaning it will simply remain on the napkin. Thus, you can easily wash the stove, refrigerator, sink or kitchen set (but only with a protective coating). A wooden kitchen needs to be rid of fat in other ways, about them below.

Recipe 2. Soap and soda combination

The combination of soap and soda is one of the most effective helpers in the fight against fat.

Washing the kitchen of grease with a combination of soapy water and soda is nowhere easier. This method is especially well suited for cleaning household appliances or kitchen utensils:

  • Grate the most ordinary soap on a coarse grater. This manipulation will allow him to quickly dissolve in water.

Soap shavings will dissolve in water faster than a regular bar.

  • Fill the resulting chips with water so that you end up with a slightly cloudy solution. Wipe down all contaminated surfaces.
  • Without waiting for the solution to dry, sprinkle a little baking soda on the sponge and wipe the previously treated areas with it.
  • Wait for about 15-20 minutes, then rinse the surface with a cloth dampened with water.

Soap and soda will help clean even pots

Baking soda is an excellent abrasive, and the soap solution not only helps to get rid of grease, but also disinfects the treated areas. But this recipe has one caveat - it should be used to clean stoves, tiles or metal elements. . Glossy or varnish coating soda will scratch.

Recipe 3. Oil and soda

You can get rid of fat on wooden cabinets with a combination of vegetable oil and soda.

Above, I promised to tell you how to wash a wooden kitchen set from fat. So, a combination of oil and soda will help to gently clean the tree:

  1. Mix vegetable oil and soda in a ratio of 1 to 2. You should get a thick mixture, similar in consistency to sour cream.
  2. Apply a homemade remedy to problem areas.
  3. Go over the surface with a soft-bristled brush, removing any remaining grease from it. Don't rub too hard, as you risk damaging the wood.
  4. Leave the gruel on the surface for another 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off with a damp cloth.

Recipe 4. Alcohol-acetic solution

If you are thinking not only about how to clean kitchen furniture, but also how to disinfect it, then this method is for you. It is perfect for washing headsets, household appliances and various kitchen utensils:

  • Mix together one part of table vinegar with the same amount of alcohol (it can be replaced with vodka).

Alcohol can be replaced with vodka, it also disinfects perfectly

  • Add two parts of ordinary water to the resulting liquid.
  • Pour a third of a teaspoon of essential oil into the mixture. I would recommend tea tree oil as it is known for its disinfectant properties..
  • Pour homemade product into a spray bottle and spray contaminated areas with it. Let the solution soak in for 10-15 minutes.
  • Now you just have to clean the kitchen furniture from grease with a damp sponge or cloth.

Essential oil not only disinfects, but also gives the kitchen a pleasant aroma.

As a bonus, after such processing, you will get a pleasant light aroma of essential oil flying around the kitchen.

Recipe 5. Ammonia

From ammonia, available in almost any first aid kit, you can get an excellent cleaning agent for grease. I warn you in advance - in the process of working with this substance, it is better to open the window.

Well-known ammonia (pictured) will save the kitchen from unpleasant stains

  • Mix a tablespoon of ammonia with a liter of water.
  • Dampen a sponge or rag in the solution and walk it over all contaminated surfaces.
  • Wait literally 5 minutes and remove the solution with a damp sponge.

With such an easy and affordable tool, you can instantly wash the kitchen set and household appliances.

Recipe 6. Hydrogen peroxide

A mixture of peroxide and soda will help wash the baking sheet to a shine

Not only household appliances and headsets, but also dishes suffer from fat. It is especially difficult to remove dirt from a baking sheet. Hydrogen peroxide can make this task easier:

  1. Add baking soda to a small amount of hydrogen peroxide until the consistency of sour cream is formed.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture on a baking sheet, leave it to sour for at least half an hour.
  3. Use a brush to remove any excess fat and rinse the baking sheet with clean water.

Steam cleaning

The steam cleaner will take care of any dirt in no time.

You can also use steam to clean kitchen cabinets from grease. However, for this you need a steam cleaner. I want to note that this is a very effective way of treating surfaces, which also disinfects them perfectly.

You can use a steam cleaner with your own hands:

  • clean the headset, household appliances and walls from drops of grease and other contaminants;
  • remove residues of burn, oil or scale;
  • restore shine to stainless steel or glass surfaces;
  • destroy harmful fungus, bacteria and unpleasant odors in the kitchen.


After the proposed options and recipes, you should no longer have questions about how to clean the fat in the kitchen. You just have to choose the appropriate option and enjoy perfectly clean surfaces.

If you want to learn more visual information about how to get rid of old stains, be sure to watch the video in this article. Feel free to ask any questions on the topic in the comments below.

A large amount of greasy layer on the surface of a tile, a hob often makes us think about “How to wash the fat in the kitchen?”. This is laborious work that requires the use of effective means.

Daily cooking is associated with the use of oil and fat, as a result of which they are splashed onto nearby surfaces, and the vapors rise and settle on walls, ceilings, furniture, household appliances, utensils.

The sticky greasy coating attracts dust, resulting in persistent dirt that cannot be removed by simply wiping the surface with water.

But how to wash the kitchen of grease and put it in order? There are many ways that involve the use of modern household chemicals. Not inferior to them and folk methods that have stood the test of time.

What tool to choose?

To combat fatty contamination, it is necessary to choose the best means for the kitchen, which will be effective and safe. If preference is given to household chemicals, then such compounds are sold in special containers of various packaging and have certain cleaning properties.

These are mainly high concentration solutions that can easily cope with any layer of pollution. In order to use the composition for its intended purpose, it is necessary to read the instructions for use.

But many housewives want to know how to wash fat in simple folk ways that are environmentally friendly and completely safe. There are a lot of options and it is worth talking about it separately.

Whichever method is chosen, greasy stains should be removed periodically, this will be the key to easy cleaning and quick tidying up of surfaces in the kitchen.

Folk remedies in the fight against fat

First of all, the remedy for fat in the kitchen must be safe, since this is a cooking area, which means that there must be environmental cleanliness. Relevant are folk methods, which provide for the use of natural cleaning products.

The most affordable are the food products that each housewife has in stock:

Mustard powder is an excellent cleaner and has been used in this direction for several centuries. With the help of the powder, you can quickly wash the tiles in the kitchen from grease without damaging the enameled surface.

The product is sprinkled on contaminated areas, previously moistened with water. To wipe the surface, a soft dry cloth is used, on which a layer of dirt remains. The mustard is washed off the surface with a stream of warm water.

The procedure for cleaning the furniture facade from greasy deposits is carried out in the following order:

The surface of the facade is wetted with hot water and after 10 minutes the contaminated places are wiped with a sponge dipped in mustard powder. Then the surface is washed with clean water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.


Effective and inexpensive folk remedies that help remove fat include rice water, which is obtained after washing cooked cereal. This tool is well washed porcelain and glassware - plates, glasses and other items.

You can clean the kitchen of fat with a homemade solution consisting of vegetable oil and baking soda. The ratio of oil to soda is 1:2. The finished mixture is rubbed on the surface to be treated with a brush and after 10-15 minutes it is wiped with a damp soapy rag or other degreasing solution.

Vodka or alcohol will help clean the walls of kitchen furniture from grease stains. Particular attention should be paid to stubborn stains, which are wetted and left for 5 minutes, and then wiped with a sponge with alcohol.

How to wash the tiles in the kitchen from fat folk remedies and video recommendations from a housewife

A handy food product that can cope with dried fat on the surface of an electric oven is a baking powder for dough. Baking powder is poured onto the previously wetted inner walls, a pause is maintained for about two hours, after which the coagulated fat is easily removed.

Effective fat removal

Time-tested fat removal products include:

  1. Citric acid.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide solution (3%).
  3. Citrus
  4. Soda, salt and table vinegar.

To get rid of fat with folk remedies, you need to mix the following components together: dissolve citric acid in vinegar and add soda. The resulting mixture is applied to a washcloth, sponge or napkin and rubbed with little effort into places where there is a greasy layer or stains.

When the procedure is completed, the remnants of the mixture are washed off with hot water and the surface is wiped dry with a clean cloth.

But not only soda and citric acid will easily clean the tile from grease and give the surface its original appearance. For example, citrus fruits will help remove greasy stains and layers from the microwave. To do this, take an orange, lemon, grapefruit or lime, cut into pieces and place in a deep plate with water.

The dishes must be put in the microwave and turn on the mode with the maximum heating temperature. After 15 minutes, household appliances are de-energized and dirt is removed from the walls with a sponge.


A good result is obtained by cleaning the microwave oven with vinegar. The principle is the same as peeling with citrus fruits, but instead of fruits, vinegar is added to 400 ml of water in the amount of 2 tablespoons.

Ways to remove old fat in the kitchen

If you don’t know how to wash old fat in the kitchen, then you can try to make yourself a simple and inexpensive composition, which will require:

  1. Laundry soap.
  2. Soda - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Table vinegar - 3 tbsp.

The soap is rubbed with a grater and poured with warm water. Soda is quenched with vinegar and combined with soapy water. With the resulting mixture, you can wipe the tiles in the kitchen, clean pans and any other utensils from soot.

Useful tips for dealing with stubborn fat in the kitchen

Soap is specially rubbed on a coarse grater, which makes it instantly soluble, so it shows its cleaning properties better after combining with water. All contaminated surfaces are wiped with a cloudy detergent.

It is very easy to clean the tiles in the kitchen with baking soda. This is a unique fine-grained product that will not damage enamel or glass coatings. After such processing, the dishes will acquire an experienced shine and cleanliness. Soda gruel is applied to a contaminated place, and a little vinegar is poured on top.

The composition remains on the surface for about 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. A special scraper is used to remove stubborn stains. Knowing the simple ways, there will be no questions about how to clean the tiles in the kitchen.

Cleaning tiles in the kitchen

The tile is most subject to fatty stratifications. You can clean the tile in all of the above ways, but you need to remember that a smooth surface is afraid of mechanical damage. Under no circumstances should abrasive products or hard sponges be used.

How and with what to wash the tile, everyone decides for himself, but the chosen option depends on the degree of contamination of the surface. After all, not all formulations made from food or citrus fruits do a good job with old dirt or a fatty layer. How to clean the tiles in this case? It must be remembered that with any option chosen, you will have to work hard, although not physically.

In order to get rid of accumulated fat, you will need to treat the surface several times with a soapy solution, soda composition with vinegar or lemon. The procedure will have to be repeated until the result is satisfied. But if folk methods turn out to be powerless, you will have to use effective household chemicals.

A visual video example of how to wash the tiles in the kitchen from fat with your own hands

Dishwashing liquids are suitable for daily care, but when the layer of pollution becomes stable, then preparations will come to the rescue. Do not use powdered compounds, as they are abrasive and can lead to scratches, and this will worsen the appearance of the finishing material.

When choosing a drug, you should pay attention to the composition and consistency. When applying a fat-removing composition to the surface to be treated, gloves should be used to protect the skin of the hands from adverse effects. After the procedure, the composition must be thoroughly washed off.

How to lower heart pressure at home quickly folk remedies? How to get rid of a polyp in the uterus without surgery with folk remedies?

One of the most difficult tasks in cleaning the house is associated with washing the kitchen, or rather, removing greasy deposits from all surfaces in this room. Regular work in the kitchen associated with cooking inevitably leads to splashing of fat and oil, in addition, greasy vapors settle on furniture, household appliances, walls, after which dust and dirt stick to them. This is how heavy pollution is formed on many surfaces. Keeping a clean kitchen takes some effort.

But do not despair, in our time there are a huge number of various means that help in the fight against fat and other contaminants. Now there is no question of how to wash grease from kitchen furniture and how to do it, everything is limited only by the choice of a suitable detergent.

Choosing a tool

There are plenty of tools to combat industrial pollution in the kitchen, but they can all be divided into three categories:

  • household chemicals, sold in various containers and specializing in various contaminants, with a variety of cleaning properties;
  • folk remedies, which are most often based on vinegar, soda, citric acid, mustard, ammonia (by the way, an ordinary chemical), laundry soap;
  • appliances with steam cleaning: steam generators, washing vacuum cleaners, steam mops, cleaning with which is based on the magical effects of steam.

To choose the best solution, ideally, every housewife needs to try all three methods for removing dirt and old grease in the kitchen. We, in turn, will tell you what positive and negative points each method has, which method is easier to clean the stove, and which blinds. Let's start with the most banal method, with the use of household chemicals.

A clean kitchen is the key to a good mood in the morning

Cleaning with detergents

The use of household chemicals requires safety equipment, rubber gloves are sufficient for gentle formulations, and a respirator is required for more aggressive ones. Take care of these things in advance, you will also need various sponges, brushes, rags or rags.

Using modern household cleaning and washing products, you will clean the kitchen quickly and efficiently. There is no doubt about this, since modern products have superstrong cleansing qualities. You probably won’t be able to choose the brand of household product that suits you best right away, but through trial and error you will find excellent compositions with which you will be comfortable working around the house.

The use of rubber gloves while cleaning is essential

It is also gratifying that you are free to choose both universal products and specialized ones for washing specific things. It is permissible to use one composition to wash the gas stove, another to clean the wooden surface of the cabinets, or to process the matte countertop, we use the third composition, the fourth to remove dried grease from the wall, and the fifth to wash the blinds on the windows. It is convenient to use household chemicals, each of them has instructions for use.

Classical methods of cleaning surfaces from grease using household detergents, most often come down to the following actions:

  • first of all, it is necessary to moisten the dirty place with ordinary warm water;
  • then apply the detergent of your choice to the pollution;
  • now you need to wait, how long to wait, look at the label of the product, where the instruction is located;
  • as soon as the greasy coating dissolves, we remove household chemicals along with dirt with a sponge, brush or rag, depending on the place of contamination;
  • to achieve maximum effect, the place where there was dirt is additionally washed with warm water.

Usually such manipulations are enough to wash even old fat. Difficulties can arise only when picking out dirt from hard-to-reach places, such as corners and folds of the relief of the decorative wooden surface of the cabinets that our kitchen set is equipped with. If the fat remains on a flat surface, then you can repeat the procedure, while increasing the time range of the detergent composition. After cleaning, it is best to wipe the surface dry with a cloth.

Choose your favorite detergent

We remind you once again that when working with detergents based on household chemicals, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment. You should get in the habit of putting on rubber gloves right away when preparing to clean up. Wear a respirator or mask when working with especially dangerous agents so as not to damage the respiratory tract.

If you suffer from allergies or asthma, then the use of household detergents is contraindicated for you, you need to turn to folk recipes.

Cleaning folk ways

If your kitchen does not have strong pollution, then it is quite possible to use folk remedies for cleanliness. Somehow our parents and their parents coped with various pollution in the kitchen. Here are some popular recipes that you can use to wash your kitchen set or stove from grease.

Soap and soda

The easiest, you can say the basic way - the use of laundry soap. With a soap solution based on it, you can wash everything in the kitchen: walls, stoves, blinds, household appliances, kitchen sets. In this case, you will additionally disinfect the surface, killing various kinds of bacteria.

Laundry soap - a budgetary means of cleanliness

For durable and strong surfaces, the use of ordinary baking soda is acceptable. Baking soda is an environmentally friendly product, it effectively cleans surfaces from various contaminants to a shine.

The tandem of laundry soap with baking soda shows itself perfectly. We create some kind of detergent paste from these two substances, and act in the manner described above, as if we had a professional detergent composition in our hands.

After application, we mark the time at our discretion, depending on the type of pollution, we use rags, sponge brushes. We focus on the abrasive qualities of soda, do not let it dissolve completely. The method is great for washing many surfaces, except for kitchen furniture, it can also ruin a glossy thing.

Other means

To clean grease from a stove or kitchen set, you can use mustard powder. This tool also effectively copes with fat. It is enough to shower it on a wet greasy surface, and you will see how the mustard, absorbing the fat, will form small balls. After that, the surface can be cleaned of mustard with plain water.

With this cleaning method, your kitchen set will not suffer, the wallpaper covering the walls will not deteriorate, and it’s not at all scary for the gas stove. If there are blinds in your kitchen, you can also try treating them with mustard powder.

Vinegar is an unpleasant odor but an extremely effective remedy for combating pollution of all stripes. Vinegar will help you in cleaning sanitary ware in the kitchen from ceramics or steel, other metal objects.

Vinegar is used to clean plumbing not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom

In addition, vinegar effectively fights odors, simply killing them. Housewives often use a vinegar-based floor cleaner to get rid of various odors: spilled grease, pets, or prolonged dampness.

An excellent detergent composition for washing kitchen furniture is obtained by mixing dishwashing detergent, vinegar and soda. This tool effectively cleans the skin of soft kitchen sofas.

But not only folk remedies will help a person with allergies or asthma clean up the kitchen, modern steam appliances are designed specifically for environmental cleaning.

steam engines

One of the most effective means for removing dirt, including grease, is steam. Hot steam allows you to painlessly remove dirt and additionally disinfect the surface. However, steam units are usually expensive, so not all housewives can afford them.

The principle of operation of all steam appliances is simple: water is poured into them, which is heated to a state of steam and sprayed under pressure onto a contaminated surface for cleaning and disinfection. The steam temperature is usually 150 degrees Celsius.

Cleaning the cooking surface from dirt with a steam generator

With such a steam treatment, the dirt is immediately washed off, or absorbed if we are dealing with a washing vacuum cleaner. At the same time, almost any hard surface, kitchen tiles, cabinets, blinds can be treated with a steam generator. Note that, floors, plumbing and much more.

Finally, I would like to advise that, if possible, it is better to immediately wash kitchen utensils from fat and soot, and not wait for the dirt to dry and absorb. But the cases are different and in many cases pollution in the kitchen has a cumulative effect.

In any case, there is no such dirt that we would not be able to wash using the above-described means and methods. Even the most old grease can really be washed off by thoroughly washing our surfaces in the kitchen: stove, kitchen set, blinds.