Derivative of a complex function for dummies. Examples of applying the formula for the derivative of a complex function. Derivative of a complex function

It's very easy to remember.

Well, we will not go far, we will immediately consider the inverse function. What is the inverse of the exponential function? Logarithm:

In our case, the base is a number:

Such a logarithm (that is, a logarithm with a base) is called a “natural” one, and we use a special notation for it: we write instead.

What is equal to? Of course, .

The derivative of the natural logarithm is also very simple:


  1. Find the derivative of the function.
  2. What is the derivative of the function?

Answers: The exponent and the natural logarithm are functions that are uniquely simple in terms of the derivative. Exponential and logarithmic functions with any other base will have a different derivative, which we will analyze later, after we go through the rules of differentiation.

Differentiation rules

What rules? Another new term, again?!...

Differentiation is the process of finding the derivative.

Only and everything. What is another word for this process? Not proizvodnovanie... The differential of mathematics is called the very increment of the function at. This term comes from the Latin differentia - difference. Here.

When deriving all these rules, we will use two functions, for example, and. We will also need formulas for their increments:

There are 5 rules in total.

The constant is taken out of the sign of the derivative.

If - some constant number (constant), then.

Obviously, this rule also works for the difference: .

Let's prove it. Let, or easier.


Find derivatives of functions:

  1. at the point;
  2. at the point;
  3. at the point;
  4. at the point.


  1. (the derivative is the same at all points, since it's a linear function, remember?);

Derivative of a product

Everything is similar here: we introduce a new function and find its increment:



  1. Find derivatives of functions and;
  2. Find the derivative of a function at a point.


Derivative of exponential function

Now your knowledge is enough to learn how to find the derivative of any exponential function, and not just the exponent (have you forgotten what it is yet?).

So where is some number.

We already know the derivative of the function, so let's try to bring our function to a new base:

To do this, we use a simple rule: . Then:

Well, it worked. Now try to find the derivative, and don't forget that this function is complex.


Here, check yourself:

The formula turned out to be very similar to the derivative of the exponent: as it was, it remains, only a factor appeared, which is just a number, but not a variable.

Find derivatives of functions:


This is just a number that cannot be calculated without a calculator, that is, it cannot be written in a simpler form. Therefore, in the answer it is left in this form.

    Note that here is the quotient of two functions, so we apply the appropriate differentiation rule:

    In this example, the product of two functions:

Derivative of a logarithmic function

Here it is similar: you already know the derivative of the natural logarithm:

Therefore, to find an arbitrary from the logarithm with a different base, for example, :

We need to bring this logarithm to the base. How do you change the base of a logarithm? I hope you remember this formula:

Only now instead of we will write:

The denominator turned out to be just a constant (a constant number, without a variable). The derivative is very simple:

Derivatives of the exponential and logarithmic functions are almost never found in the exam, but it will not be superfluous to know them.

Derivative of a complex function.

What is a "complex function"? No, this is not a logarithm, and not an arc tangent. These functions can be difficult to understand (although if the logarithm seems difficult to you, read the topic "Logarithms" and everything will work out), but in terms of mathematics, the word "complex" does not mean "difficult".

Imagine a small conveyor: two people are sitting and doing some actions with some objects. For example, the first wraps a chocolate bar in a wrapper, and the second ties it with a ribbon. It turns out such a composite object: a chocolate bar wrapped and tied with a ribbon. To eat a chocolate bar, you need to do the opposite steps in reverse order.

Let's create a similar mathematical pipeline: first we will find the cosine of a number, and then we will square the resulting number. So, they give us a number (chocolate), I find its cosine (wrapper), and then you square what I got (tie it with a ribbon). What happened? Function. This is an example of a complex function: when, in order to find its value, we do the first action directly with the variable, and then another second action with what happened as a result of the first.

In other words, A complex function is a function whose argument is another function: .

For our example, .

We may well do the same actions in reverse order: first you square, and then I look for the cosine of the resulting number:. It is easy to guess that the result will almost always be different. An important feature of complex functions: when the order of actions changes, the function changes.

Second example: (same). .

The last action we do will be called "external" function, and the action performed first - respectively "internal" function(these are informal names, I use them only to explain the material in simple language).

Try to determine for yourself which function is external and which is internal:

Answers: The separation of inner and outer functions is very similar to changing variables: for example, in the function

  1. What action will we take first? First we calculate the sine, and only then we raise it to a cube. So it's an internal function, not an external one.
    And the original function is their composition: .
  2. Internal: ; external: .
    Examination: .
  3. Internal: ; external: .
    Examination: .
  4. Internal: ; external: .
    Examination: .
  5. Internal: ; external: .
    Examination: .

we change variables and get a function.

Well, now we will extract our chocolate - look for the derivative. The procedure is always reversed: first we look for the derivative of the outer function, then we multiply the result by the derivative of the inner function. For the original example, it looks like this:

Another example:

So, let's finally formulate the official rule:

Algorithm for finding the derivative of a complex function:

It seems to be simple, right?

Let's check with examples:


1) Internal: ;

External: ;

2) Internal: ;

(just don’t try to reduce by now! Nothing is taken out from under the cosine, remember?)

3) Internal: ;

External: ;

It is immediately clear that there is a three-level complex function here: after all, this is already a complex function in itself, and we still extract the root from it, that is, we perform the third action (put chocolate in a wrapper and with a ribbon in a briefcase). But there is no reason to be afraid: anyway, we will “unpack” this function in the same order as usual: from the end.

That is, first we differentiate the root, then the cosine, and only then the expression in brackets. And then we multiply it all.

In such cases, it is convenient to number the actions. That is, let's imagine what we know. In what order will we perform actions to calculate the value of this expression? Let's look at an example:

The later the action is performed, the more "external" the corresponding function will be. The sequence of actions - as before:

Here the nesting is generally 4-level. Let's determine the course of action.

1. Radical expression. .

2. Root. .

3. Sinus. .

4. Square. .

5. Putting it all together:


Function derivative- the ratio of the increment of the function to the increment of the argument with an infinitesimal increment of the argument:

Basic derivatives:

Differentiation rules:

The constant is taken out of the sign of the derivative:

Derivative of sum:

Derivative product:

Derivative of the quotient:

Derivative of a complex function:

Algorithm for finding the derivative of a complex function:

  1. We define the "internal" function, find its derivative.
  2. We define the "external" function, find its derivative.
  3. We multiply the results of the first and second points.

Since you came here, you probably already managed to see this formula in the textbook

and make a face like this:

Friend, don't worry! In fact, everything is simple to disgrace. You will definitely understand everything. Only one request - read the article slowly try to understand every step. I wrote as simply and clearly as possible, but you still need to delve into the idea. And be sure to solve the tasks from the article.

What is a complex function?

Imagine that you are moving to another apartment and therefore you are packing things in big boxes. Let it be necessary to collect some small items, for example, school stationery. If you just throw them in a huge box, they will get lost among other things. To avoid this, you first put them, for example, in a bag, which you then put in a large box, after which you seal it. This "hardest" process is shown in the diagram below:

It would seem, where does the mathematics? And besides, a complex function is formed in EXACTLY THE SAME way! Only we “pack” not notebooks and pens, but \ (x \), while different “packages” and “boxes” serve.

For example, let's take x and "pack" it into a function:

As a result, we get, of course, \(\cos⁡x\). This is our "bag of things". And now we put it in a "box" - we pack it, for example, into a cubic function.

What will happen in the end? Yes, that's right, there will be a "package with things in a box", that is, "cosine of x cubed."

The resulting construction is a complex function. It differs from the simple one in that SEVERAL “impacts” (packages) are applied to one X in a row and it turns out, as it were, “a function from a function” - “a package in a package”.

In the school course, there are very few types of these same “packages”, only four:

Let's now "pack" x first into an exponential function with base 7, and then into a trigonometric function. We get:

\(x → 7^x → tg⁡(7^x)\)

And now let's “pack” x twice into trigonometric functions, first into and then into:

\(x → sin⁡x → ctg⁡ (sin⁡x)\)

Simple, right?

Now write the functions yourself, where x:
- first it is “packed” into a cosine, and then into an exponential function with base \(3\);
- first to the fifth power, and then to the tangent;
- first to the base logarithm \(4\) , then to the power \(-2\).

See the answers to this question at the end of the article.

But can we "pack" x not two, but three times? No problem! And four, and five, and twenty-five times. Here, for example, is a function in which x is "packed" \(4\) times:


But such formulas will not be found in school practice (students are more fortunate - they can be more difficult☺).

"Unpacking" a complex function

Look at the previous function again. Can you figure out the sequence of "packing"? What X was stuffed into first, what then, and so on until the very end. That is, which function is nested in which? Take a piece of paper and write down what you think. You can do this with a chain of arrows, as we wrote above, or in any other way.

Now the correct answer is: first x was “packed” into the \(4\)th power, then the result was packed into the sine, it, in turn, was placed in the logarithm base \(2\), and in the end the whole construction was shoved into the power fives.

That is, it is necessary to unwind the sequence IN THE REVERSE ORDER. And here is a hint how to do it easier: just look at the X - you have to dance from it. Let's look at a few examples.

For example, here is a function: \(y=tg⁡(\log_2⁡x)\). We look at X - what happens to him first? Taken from him. And then? The tangent of the result is taken. And the sequence will be the same:

\(x → \log_2⁡x → tg⁡(\log_2⁡x)\)

Another example: \(y=\cos⁡((x^3))\). We analyze - first x was cubed, and then the cosine was taken from the result. So the sequence will be: \(x → x^3 → \cos⁡((x^3))\). Pay attention, the function seems to be similar to the very first one (where with pictures). But this is a completely different function: here in the cube x (that is, \(\cos⁡((x x x)))\), and there in the cube the cosine \(x\) (that is, \(\cos⁡ x·\cos⁡x·\cos⁡x\)). This difference arises from different "packing" sequences.

The last example (with important information in it): \(y=\sin⁡((2x+5))\). It is clear that here we first performed arithmetic operations with x, then the sine was taken from the result: \(x → 2x+5 → \sin⁡((2x+5))\). And this is an important point: despite the fact that arithmetic operations are not functions in themselves, here they also act as a way of “packing”. Let's delve a little deeper into this subtlety.

As I said above, in simple functions x is "packed" once, and in complex functions - two or more. Moreover, any combination of simple functions (that is, their sum, difference, multiplication or division) is also a simple function. For example, \(x^7\) is a simple function, and so is \(ctg x\). Hence, all their combinations are simple functions:

\(x^7+ ctg x\) - simple,
\(x^7 ctg x\) is simple,
\(\frac(x^7)(ctg x)\) is simple, and so on.

However, if one more function is applied to such a combination, it will already be a complex function, since there will be two “packages”. See diagram:

Okay, let's get on with it now. Write the sequence of "wrapping" functions:
The answers are again at the end of the article.

Internal and external functions

Why do we need to understand function nesting? What does this give us? The point is that without such an analysis we will not be able to reliably find the derivatives of the functions discussed above.

And in order to move on, we will need two more concepts: internal and external functions. This is a very simple thing, moreover, in fact, we have already analyzed them above: if we recall our analogy at the very beginning, then the inner function is the “package” and the outer one is the “box”. Those. what X is “wrapped” in first is an internal function, and what the internal is “wrapped” in is already external. Well, it’s understandable why - it’s outside, it means external.

Here in this example: \(y=tg⁡(log_2⁡x)\), the function \(\log_2⁡x\) is internal, and
- external.

And in this one: \(y=\cos⁡((x^3+2x+1))\), \(x^3+2x+1\) is internal, and
- external.

Perform the last practice of analyzing complex functions, and finally, let's move on to the point for which everything was started - we will find derivatives of complex functions:

Fill in the gaps in the table:

Derivative of a compound function

Bravo to us, we still got to the "boss" of this topic - in fact, the derivative of a complex function, and specifically, to that very terrible formula from the beginning of the article.☺

\((f(g(x)))"=f"(g(x))\cdot g"(x)\)

This formula reads like this:

The derivative of a complex function is equal to the product of the derivative of the external function with respect to the constant internal function and the derivative of the internal function.

And immediately look at the parsing scheme "by words" to understand what to relate to:

I hope the terms "derivative" and "product" do not cause difficulties. "Complex function" - we have already dismantled. The catch is in the "derivative of the external function with respect to the constant internal." What it is?

Answer: this is the usual derivative of the outer function, in which only the outer function changes, while the inner one remains the same. Still unclear? Okay, let's take an example.

Let's say we have a function \(y=\sin⁡(x^3)\). It is clear that the inner function here is \(x^3\), and the outer
. Let us now find the derivative of the outer with respect to the constant inner.

Examples of calculating derivatives using the formula for the derivative of a complex function are given.


See also: Proof of the formula for the derivative of a complex function

Basic Formulas

Here we give examples of calculating derivatives of the following functions:
; ; ; ; .

If a function can be represented as a complex function in the following form:
then its derivative is determined by the formula:
In the examples below, we will write this formula in the following form:
where .
Here, the subscripts or , located under the sign of the derivative, denote the variable with respect to which differentiation is performed.

Usually, in tables of derivatives, the derivatives of functions from the variable x are given. However, x is a formal parameter. The variable x can be replaced by any other variable. Therefore, when differentiating a function from a variable , we simply change, in the table of derivatives, the variable x to the variable u .

Simple examples

Example 1

Find the derivative of a complex function

We write the given function in an equivalent form:
In the table of derivatives we find:

According to the formula for the derivative of a complex function, we have:
Here .

Example 2

Find derivative

We take out the constant 5 beyond the sign of the derivative and from the table of derivatives we find:

Here .

Example 3

Find the derivative

We take out the constant -1 for the sign of the derivative and from the table of derivatives we find:
From the table of derivatives we find:

We apply the formula for the derivative of a complex function:
Here .

More complex examples

In more complex examples, we apply the compound function differentiation rule several times. In doing so, we calculate the derivative from the end. That is, we break the function into its component parts and find the derivatives of the simplest parts using derivative table. We also apply sum differentiation rules, products and fractions . Then we make substitutions and apply the formula for the derivative of a complex function.

Example 4

Find the derivative

We select the simplest part of the formula and find its derivative. .

Here we have used the notation

We find the derivative of the next part of the original function, applying the results obtained. We apply the rule of differentiation of the sum:

Once again, we apply the rule of differentiation of a complex function.

Here .

Example 5

Find the derivative of a function

We select the simplest part of the formula and find its derivative from the table of derivatives. .

We apply the rule of differentiation of a complex function.

We differentiate the next part, applying the results obtained.

Let's differentiate the next part.


Now we find the derivative of the desired function.


See also:

It is absolutely impossible to solve physical problems or examples in mathematics without knowledge about the derivative and methods for calculating it. The derivative is one of the most important concepts of mathematical analysis. We decided to devote today's article to this fundamental topic. What is a derivative, what is its physical and geometric meaning, how to calculate the derivative of a function? All these questions can be combined into one: how to understand the derivative?

Geometric and physical meaning of the derivative

Let there be a function f(x) , given in some interval (a,b) . The points x and x0 belong to this interval. When x changes, the function itself changes. Argument change - difference of its values x-x0 . This difference is written as delta x and is called argument increment. The change or increment of a function is the difference between the values ​​of the function at two points. Derivative definition:

The derivative of a function at a point is the limit of the ratio of the increment of the function at a given point to the increment of the argument when the latter tends to zero.

Otherwise it can be written like this:

What is the point in finding such a limit? But which one:

the derivative of a function at a point is equal to the tangent of the angle between the OX axis and the tangent to the graph of the function at a given point.

The physical meaning of the derivative: the time derivative of the path is equal to the speed of the rectilinear motion.

Indeed, since school days, everyone knows that speed is a private path. x=f(t) and time t . Average speed over a certain period of time:

To find out the speed of movement at a time t0 you need to calculate the limit:

Rule one: take out the constant

The constant can be taken out of the sign of the derivative. Moreover, it must be done. When solving examples in mathematics, take as a rule - if you can simplify the expression, be sure to simplify .

Example. Let's calculate the derivative:

Rule two: derivative of the sum of functions

The derivative of the sum of two functions is equal to the sum of the derivatives of these functions. The same is true for the derivative of the difference of functions.

We will not give a proof of this theorem, but rather consider a practical example.

Find the derivative of a function:

Rule three: the derivative of the product of functions

The derivative of the product of two differentiable functions is calculated by the formula:

Example: find the derivative of a function:


Here it is important to say about the calculation of derivatives of complex functions. The derivative of a complex function is equal to the product of the derivative of this function with respect to the intermediate argument by the derivative of the intermediate argument with respect to the independent variable.

In the above example, we encounter the expression:

In this case, the intermediate argument is 8x to the fifth power. In order to calculate the derivative of such an expression, we first consider the derivative of the external function with respect to the intermediate argument, and then multiply by the derivative of the intermediate argument itself with respect to the independent variable.

Rule Four: The derivative of the quotient of two functions

Formula for determining the derivative of a quotient of two functions:

We tried to talk about derivatives for dummies from scratch. This topic is not as simple as it sounds, so be warned: there are often pitfalls in the examples, so be careful when calculating derivatives.

With any question on this and other topics, you can contact the student service. In a short time, we will help you solve the most difficult control and deal with tasks, even if you have never dealt with the calculation of derivatives before.

If we follow the definition, then the derivative of a function at a point is the limit of the increment ratio of the function Δ y to the increment of the argument Δ x:

Everything seems to be clear. But try to calculate by this formula, say, the derivative of the function f(x) = x 2 + (2x+ 3) · e x sin x. If you do everything by definition, then after a couple of pages of calculations you will simply fall asleep. Therefore, there are simpler and more effective ways.

To begin with, we note that the so-called elementary functions can be distinguished from the whole variety of functions. These are relatively simple expressions, the derivatives of which have long been calculated and entered in the table. Such functions are easy enough to remember, along with their derivatives.

Derivatives of elementary functions

Elementary functions are everything listed below. The derivatives of these functions must be known by heart. Moreover, it is not difficult to memorize them - that's why they are elementary.

So, the derivatives of elementary functions:

Name Function Derivative
Constant f(x) = C, CR 0 (yes, yes, zero!)
Degree with rational exponent f(x) = x n n · x n − 1
Sinus f(x) = sin x cos x
Cosine f(x) = cos x − sin x(minus sine)
Tangent f(x) = tg x 1/cos 2 x
Cotangent f(x) = ctg x − 1/sin2 x
natural logarithm f(x) = log x 1/x
Arbitrary logarithm f(x) = log a x 1/(x ln a)
Exponential function f(x) = e x e x(nothing changed)

If an elementary function is multiplied by an arbitrary constant, then the derivative of the new function is also easily calculated:

(C · f)’ = C · f ’.

In general, constants can be taken out of the sign of the derivative. For example:

(2x 3)' = 2 ( x 3)' = 2 3 x 2 = 6x 2 .

Obviously, elementary functions can be added to each other, multiplied, divided, and much more. This is how new functions will appear, no longer very elementary, but also differentiable according to certain rules. These rules are discussed below.

Derivative of sum and difference

Let the functions f(x) and g(x), whose derivatives are known to us. For example, you can take the elementary functions discussed above. Then you can find the derivative of the sum and difference of these functions:

  1. (f + g)’ = f ’ + g
  2. (fg)’ = f ’ − g

So, the derivative of the sum (difference) of two functions is equal to the sum (difference) of the derivatives. There may be more terms. For example, ( f + g + h)’ = f ’ + g ’ + h ’.

Strictly speaking, there is no concept of "subtraction" in algebra. There is a concept of "negative element". Therefore, the difference fg can be rewritten as a sum f+ (−1) g, and then only one formula remains - the derivative of the sum.

f(x) = x 2 + sinx; g(x) = x 4 + 2x 2 − 3.

Function f(x) is the sum of two elementary functions, so:

f ’(x) = (x 2+ sin x)’ = (x 2)' + (sin x)’ = 2x+ cosx;

We argue similarly for the function g(x). Only there are already three terms (from the point of view of algebra):

g ’(x) = (x 4 + 2x 2 − 3)’ = (x 4 + 2x 2 + (−3))’ = (x 4)’ + (2x 2)’ + (−3)’ = 4x 3 + 4x + 0 = 4x · ( x 2 + 1).

f ’(x) = 2x+ cosx;
g ’(x) = 4x · ( x 2 + 1).

Derivative of a product

Mathematics is a logical science, so many people believe that if the derivative of the sum is equal to the sum of the derivatives, then the derivative of the product strike"\u003e equal to the product of derivatives. But figs to you! The derivative of the product is calculated using a completely different formula. Namely:

(f · g) ’ = f ’ · g + f · g

The formula is simple, but often forgotten. And not only schoolchildren, but also students. The result is incorrectly solved problems.

Task. Find derivatives of functions: f(x) = x 3 cosx; g(x) = (x 2 + 7x− 7) · e x .

Function f(x) is a product of two elementary functions, so everything is simple:

f ’(x) = (x 3 cos x)’ = (x 3)' cos x + x 3 (cos x)’ = 3x 2 cos x + x 3 (−sin x) = x 2 (3cos xx sin x)

Function g(x) the first multiplier is a little more complicated, but the general scheme does not change from this. Obviously, the first multiplier of the function g(x) is a polynomial, and its derivative is the derivative of the sum. We have:

g ’(x) = ((x 2 + 7x− 7) · e x)’ = (x 2 + 7x− 7)' · e x + (x 2 + 7x− 7) ( e x)’ = (2x+ 7) · e x + (x 2 + 7x− 7) · e x = e x(2 x + 7 + x 2 + 7x −7) = (x 2 + 9x) · e x = x(x+ 9) · e x .

f ’(x) = x 2 (3cos xx sin x);
g ’(x) = x(x+ 9) · e x .

Note that in the last step, the derivative is factorized. Formally, this is not necessary, but most derivatives are not calculated on their own, but to explore the function. This means that further the derivative will be equated to zero, its signs will be found out, and so on. For such a case, it is better to have an expression decomposed into factors.

If there are two functions f(x) and g(x), and g(x) ≠ 0 on the set of interest to us, we can define a new function h(x) = f(x)/g(x). For such a function, you can also find the derivative:

Not weak, right? Where did the minus come from? Why g 2? But like this! This is one of the most complex formulas - you can’t figure it out without a bottle. Therefore, it is better to study it with specific examples.

Task. Find derivatives of functions:

There are elementary functions in the numerator and denominator of each fraction, so all we need is the formula for the derivative of the quotient:

By tradition, we factor the numerator into factors - this will greatly simplify the answer:

A complex function is not necessarily a formula half a kilometer long. For example, it suffices to take the function f(x) = sin x and replace the variable x, say, on x 2+ln x. It turns out f(x) = sin ( x 2+ln x) is a complex function. She also has a derivative, but it will not work to find it according to the rules discussed above.

How to be? In such cases, the replacement of a variable and the formula for the derivative of a complex function help:

f ’(x) = f ’(t) · t', if x is replaced by t(x).

As a rule, the situation with the understanding of this formula is even more sad than with the derivative of the quotient. Therefore, it is also better to explain it with specific examples, with a detailed description of each step.

Task. Find derivatives of functions: f(x) = e 2x + 3 ; g(x) = sin ( x 2+ln x)

Note that if in the function f(x) instead of expression 2 x+ 3 will be easy x, then we get an elementary function f(x) = e x. Therefore, we make a substitution: let 2 x + 3 = t, f(x) = f(t) = e t. We are looking for the derivative of a complex function by the formula:

f ’(x) = f ’(t) · t ’ = (e t)’ · t ’ = e t · t

And now - attention! Performing a reverse substitution: t = 2x+ 3. We get:

f ’(x) = e t · t ’ = e 2x+ 3 (2 x + 3)’ = e 2x+ 3 2 = 2 e 2x + 3

Now let's look at the function g(x). Obviously needs to be replaced. x 2+ln x = t. We have:

g ’(x) = g ’(t) · t' = (sin t)’ · t' = cos t · t

Reverse replacement: t = x 2+ln x. Then:

g ’(x) = cos( x 2+ln x) · ( x 2+ln x)' = cos ( x 2+ln x) · (2 x + 1/x).

That's all! As can be seen from the last expression, the whole problem has been reduced to calculating the derivative of the sum.

f ’(x) = 2 e 2x + 3 ;
g ’(x) = (2x + 1/x) cos ( x 2+ln x).

Very often in my lessons, instead of the term “derivative”, I use the word “stroke”. For example, the stroke of the sum is equal to the sum of the strokes. Is that clearer? Well, that's good.

Thus, the calculation of the derivative comes down to getting rid of these very strokes according to the rules discussed above. As a final example, let's return to the derivative power with a rational exponent:

(x n)’ = n · x n − 1

Few know that in the role n may well be a fractional number. For example, the root is x 0.5 . But what if there is something tricky under the root? Again, a complex function will turn out - they like to give such constructions in tests and exams.

Task. Find the derivative of a function:

First, let's rewrite the root as a power with a rational exponent:

f(x) = (x 2 + 8x − 7) 0,5 .

Now we make a substitution: let x 2 + 8x − 7 = t. We find the derivative by the formula:

f ’(x) = f ’(t) · t ’ = (t 0.5)' t' = 0.5 t−0.5 t ’.

We make a reverse substitution: t = x 2 + 8x− 7. We have:

f ’(x) = 0.5 ( x 2 + 8x− 7) −0.5 ( x 2 + 8x− 7)' = 0.5 (2 x+ 8) ( x 2 + 8x − 7) −0,5 .

Finally, back to the roots: