How to make concrete fence slabs. We make a decorative fence made of concrete with our own hands. Video: how to make a concrete fence with your own hands

Fences, or as they are also called fences, are different. They are built from wood, metal, mesh structures, stone. But the most popular in recent years are concrete decorative fences. This material is durable and manufacturable. Given the good demand for such products, the manufacture of decorative concrete fences has become a profitable business for many entrepreneurs.

Concrete fence: production technology

The popularity of concrete products among residents of private households is primarily due to the low price of fences. In addition, manufacturing technology allows you to create stylish products of different textures and designs. With the help of concrete fences, you can make any household more attractive, add individuality to the overall exterior and emphasize the style. To all these advantages, one should add the unpretentiousness of the structures during operation. They practically do not need care, do not require the application of protective and decorative coatings. The production of decorative concrete fences has the right to exist as a separate business or can be combined with the production of other concrete products, such as paving slabs.

Concrete fence production technology and equipment used

The quality of the product depends primarily on compliance with the production technology of concrete fences. First of all, it is necessary to properly prepare the working mixture. Its main components are sand and cement. They are sifted through sieves, where the cells do not exceed 5 mm. The process is automated, and the vibration of the sieve is generated by an electric drive. The cost of this unit is about $ 500. At the initial stage, one piece of equipment will be enough. In the future, when mass production is established, 4 to 5 such units may be needed.

The next stage of the technological process is the production of the mixture in concrete mixers. Concrete mixers are presented today in a large assortment. Their price depends on the capacity of the equipment and starts at $370. The maximum size is practically unlimited, but we can say that a powerful professional device will cost about $2,000. Such equipment is usually installed on the foundation and requires a power supply of 380 V. For industrial purposes and for mass production of concrete, it works more efficiently, as it can be equipped with a skip hoist. This additional mechanism optimizes the process of loading the mixture components into the concrete mixer.

vibrating table

After preparing the mixture, it enters the section for forming products. This is one of the most important processes, since the appearance of the product and its attractiveness to the consumer depend on it. Forms for pouring are divided into two types depending on the future type of product:

  • For a blind fence;
  • For a transparent (openwork) product.

Their cost also differs according to this principle. The first designs cost $345, while the second designs cost $30 more. Purchasing molds is the most expensive part of the investment. Firstly, in order not to make a thirty-meter fence in one form, they must be purchased at least 5. Secondly, in order to satisfy the tastes and preferences of the consumer, there must be at least 30 types of deaf and transparent fences each. In addition, you will need forms for the pillars. They are bought twice as much as the number of sections. The cost of one post mold is $175 minimum.

decorative fences

After pouring the mixture into the mold, it is placed on a vibrating molding table. There is a forced compaction of concrete. Tables range from $605 to $1240. Moreover, the lower price threshold is typical for equipment on belts. If you use the mass production of fences, then such a table will quickly fail, therefore, for large volumes, they purchase a table on springs. Plasticizers and modifiers are added to the mixture for the fastest solidification of concrete and improvement of operational characteristics. In large enterprises, molding tables are also used, which facilitate the process of separating the product from the mold. The cost of this equipment is $550.

Even with the current huge selection of materials, a decorative concrete fence is one of the most sought-after and popular types of modern fences. It will not only provide reliable protection to the site, but will also become its aesthetic decoration. It is also captivating that such a fence will last a very long time without losing its quality characteristics, and you can cope with its manufacture with your own hands.

Advantages of concrete fences, features and disadvantages

Before installing a concrete fence, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of a concrete fence are quite significant:

  1. Long service life (up to 50 years).
  2. Wear resistance.
  3. All sorts of textures and colors.
  4. Easy installation.
  5. Fire safety and frost resistance.
  6. Versatility - can be used for sites of any type and size.
  7. Noise shielding.
  8. impenetrability.

There are also cons:

  1. A fence made of concrete needs regular maintenance - treatment and prevention of damage.
  2. Dimensions of the structure due to design features are limited.
  3. Big weight.
  4. Bad shock resistance.
  5. To install monolithic panels, a foundation is required.
  6. Not cheap price.
  7. The "concrete box" effect.

Types of concrete fences

  1. Monolithic. These are heavy reinforced concrete panels, for the installation of which a crane is used. They need a strong foundation - tape or columnar. This is the most durable version of the fence, which is most often used in industry - to protect the territories of warehouses, workshops and enterprises.
  2. Typesetting. Due to the small size and weight of the sections, such fences are very popular in the private sector. The sections are inserted into the grooves of the supporting pillars, so two or three people can easily handle the installation. The fence can be made both deaf and openwork, or combined from different types of sections.
  3. Bilateral. They look the same - both from the outside and from the inside.
  4. Unilateral. A cheaper option that has a pattern or texture on only one side.

If we talk about factory products, then the most popular are concrete fences (or eurofences), which are mounted from blocks or horizontal sections. Their width, as a rule, is 2 meters, and their height is from 0.3 to 0.5 meters. Blocks weigh from 25 to 70 kilograms. Such structures are easily transported and cost less than their monolithic counterparts. The composition of the eurofence is cement (grade 500), fine gravel, sand, reinforcement (steel reinforcement and polypropylene fiber) and superplasticizer. It can be of any color, and lined with the desired material - marble, granite or ceramics.

Fences come in a variety of types.

They also produce frost-resistant cinder blocks. Expanded clay or pebbles are added to the concrete mix for these slabs.

photo gallery

Combined fence Fence imitating wattle Imitation pebbles Imitation of stone texture Low combined fence

Do-it-yourself concrete fences

Calculation of the number of concrete sections

The manufacture of concrete fences begins with the calculation of the number of slabs that are required to fence the site along its entire perimeter. To do this, you need to mark the territory. At the corners of the perimeter of the site, pegs are hammered, between which a cord is pulled. This will be the line of the future fence. It is important to note those places where the installation of plates will not be possible in order to move the fence forward or backward.

The standard size of a europlate is 2 m wide and 0.5 m high. However, taking into account tolerances and all kinds of gaps, it is customary to take a length of 2.06 m as a basis.

The recommended fence height is 2 meters. In this case, the site will be hidden from prying eyes. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the supporting pillars, the cross section of which is 15x15 cm. Thus, when installing 10 plates 2.06 m long, the length of the fence will be 20.75 m, taking into account the first and last supporting pillar.

Territory marking

Tools for the job

  1. Concrete mixer or other mixing container.
  2. Trowel, shovel, pointed rod.
  3. Section form.
  4. Armature (wire).
  5. Level.
  6. materials for the mix.
  7. Vibrating table.
  8. Composition for lubrication of molds.

The process of manufacturing and installing a concrete fence is not too laborious, but it will take time and several pairs of working hands. If you decide to cast the plates with your own hands, then the first step is to decide on the proportion of the future solution, its composition and the shape of the product. The quality of the components is also important: for example, the use of untreated sand instead of prepared sand can contribute to the deformation of the plates under the influence of the external environment after a few years.

Solutions for the construction of a concrete fence

Main ingredients for the mixture:

  • Cement (grade not lower than 400).
  • Peeled river sand, size 1.3–3.5 mm.
  • Gravel, crushed stone washed.
  • Water.

Standard Mortar for Concrete Blocks

  • Crushed stone or expanded clay - 1 part.
  • Sand - 3 parts.
  • Cement - 1 part.
  • Plasticizer - according to the instructions.
  • Water (until the mixture becomes the consistency of thick sour cream).

foundation mortar

  • Crushed stone - 2 parts.
  • Cement - 1 part.
  • Sand - 2 parts.
  • Water (to optimal density).

For ease of pouring concrete, you can use ready-made forms. They are:

  1. Polypropylene.
  2. Rubber.
  3. Plastic.
  4. Fiberglass.

Step-by-step process of pouring the concrete mixture into the finished form

Step 1. Before pouring the panels into the mold, you need to prepare a reinforcing frame. For it, reinforcement or metal wire with a diameter of 4 to 6 mm is used. The material is laid in a grid, with a step of 10 by 10 cm, and welded.

Rebar laying scheme

Step 2. Preparation of the composition. It is best to mix the mortar in a concrete mixer, but if it is not available, then any bulky plastic container or an old bathtub will do. All components are poured into it, and then water is gradually added. In this case, the density of the solution is regulated. The mixture is thoroughly stirred until smooth (no more than 10 minutes), and poured into a pre-prepared form, pre-installed on a wooden shield or an old door. The base is level.

Filling the form with concrete mix

Step 3. The form must be lubricated with a composition of diesel fuel and used engine oil.

Step 4. Pour half of the solution into the mold and wait for a while. Next, we lay the reinforcing mesh and distribute the rest of the mixture on top.

Step 5. We knock on a wooden shield with a hammer so that the concrete, compacted, highlights the cement milk on the surface. This simulates vibrocompression, during which the concrete completely fills the form. You should also pierce the solution with a pointed rod to release air.

Step 6. We smooth the surface with a spatula and close the mold with a film until the mixture has completely solidified. The process takes one to three days. Concrete matures longer - up to 30 days. Only after their expiration, the panels can be installed. Finishing work - priming and painting, is carried out 6 months after the manufacture of the panels.

Video: How to make a concrete fence

Installation of concrete fence posts

The service life of the fence directly depends on properly installed supports. They take on the entire load, therefore, the higher the concrete fence, the more powerful its supports should be. Fencing posts can be stacked or solid. But in both options, grooves are provided for installing concrete sections.

Finished concrete fence posts

Mounting on solid poles

There are two ways to mount on monolithic poles.

The first is that all the pillars are concreted into the marked places at once, and after the concrete has hardened, the slabs are installed in the grooves (through the top). The downside is that it is difficult to implement without special tools, and also that this method does not tolerate markup errors. It will be impossible to eliminate the error without a complete rework.

The second method is more convenient. Only the first pillar is concreted, and the second is not rigidly fixed. Further, all the plates are put on the pillars, and then the second pillar is tightly put on them and fixed with the help of broken bricks. The structure is leveled and the installation continues further. The column is poured with cement after the installation of all plates.

Step 1. Markup. The strength of the fence depends on the accuracy of the installation - if the posts are too close, the panel will not fit into the grooves, and if it is too far away, then the section will fall out. Therefore, it is important to drive the pegs in correctly.

Drilling wells for supports

Step 2. Drilling wells under the pillars for a third of the length of the pillar.

Pillar installation scheme

Step 3 Installing the support post. It is installed in a pit and covered with rubble by 15 cm. After that, its verticality is checked by a level, and the pillar is poured with concrete. Extreme supports are installed and a twine is stretched between them. The remaining pillars are already equal to it.

Step 4. Installation of sections in the grooves of the pillars. Bonding them with a solution to each other. Some craftsmen do not advise completely closing the gaps, since the pillars can “play” in winter and they need compensation gaps.

Scheme of mounting the fence on solid poles

Mounting a fence on stacked poles: step by step instructions

Stacking poles are hollow blocks assembled around a steel pipe or cast onto a reinforcing cage. Block cavities are usually filled with concrete.

Hollow block for post

This technology is good because it does not require a foundation for the entire fence - it is needed only for pillars.

Step 1. Preparation of holes 1 or 1.2 m deep and 20 cm wide.

Step 2. Backfilling crushed stone at the bottom of the pit.

Step 3. Installation of a pipe or reinforcement so that it comes out 40 cm from the ground, and its subsequent concreting.

Armature location

Step 4. After preparing the foundation, the column is assembled. The first block is put on each post along the entire length of the fence. The block is positioned so that the metal core is in the middle.

Step 5. The first row of panels is put on the recesses of the pillars and poured with concrete. Concrete should be liquid, and the ratio of sand and cement should be 1 to 4, or even 1 to 5.

Blocks are put on reinforcement and concreted

Step 6. Next, the second row is installed, until the height of the fence reaches 1.5 m. After that, soil is added to the lower section of the fence. It is not necessary to dig deep into the ground - otherwise, in frost, the earth will begin to break the fence.

Step 7. The installation of the blocks continues until the installation of the top decorative panel.

Step 8. Installing caps on poles.

Fencing installation scheme

Painting and decorating a concrete fence

In order for a concrete fence to last as long as possible, it must be properly looked after. There are several reasons for this.

  1. Technical. Painting is needed in order to protect concrete from external influences and extend the life of the fence.
  2. Psychological. By itself, concrete is nondescript, and coloring will make it brighter and more pleasant to perceive.
  3. Decorative. In order for the fence to harmonize with the color of the room, an appropriate shade is selected.

What paint is suitable

Higher requirements are imposed on the paint for concrete fencing. She must be:

  • moisture resistant;
  • frost-resistant;
  • resistant to temperature extremes and sunlight.

These requirements are fully met by facade paint of any type - both matte and glossy. If the fence is located on the sunny side, then it is better to choose a matte paint, because the glossy one will glare a lot. It is preferable that the paint be water-based. For example, acrylic, acrylate, silicone or latex. The main thing is that it has a low level of vapor permeability and a sufficient content of acrylates.

When calculating the amount of paint, it must be borne in mind that the more embossed the surface of the fence, the more material will be needed. On average, 1 m² will require about 300 ml of paint.

Various decor of concrete fences

Color solutions

The most preferred colors from an environmental point of view are brown, green, grey, blue or beige. These natural shades will harmonize and set off flowering plants and green spaces. You should not make the fence too colorful and multi-colored - a combination of two or three shades is enough. Texture elements are highlighted using white, gray or dark colors.

Using paint, you can imitate any surface - for example, sandstone or wood. To paint under sandstone, you must first apply light brown paint, and then dark brown (foam sponge).

Paint application technology

It is not recommended to paint a new fence immediately, as it must shrink. Six months later, you can start finishing work. The principle of staining is the same for both new and old concrete fences. First, preparatory activities are carried out. They include:

  • Cleaning the surface of the fence from dust and dirt;
  • Surface priming and crack bridging.

Priming must be carried out before painting the fence - it will provide better adhesion of the paint to the surface of the concrete, and get rid of dust and dirt.

  1. It is better to paint a porous concrete fence with a spray gun or other professional equipment.
  2. If the old fence was restored, you need to wait until the putty materials have completely dried. Irregularities are cleaned with a mesh or sandpaper.
  3. Paint the fence in two layers.
  4. The primer dries for a day, so you can not immediately paint the primed surface.
  5. The second coat of paint is applied after 24 hours.
  6. At high humidity and low temperature (below +5 °C), painting is not carried out.

Painting video

Having studied the process of making a concrete fence, you can try to make it yourself. As a result, you will appreciate the cost savings and great satisfaction with the work done. A handmade fence is a unique product that will last for many years.

A well-maintained private household must have a reliable fence that protects the territory from uninvited guests. Modern plots, country houses and cottages from the side of the street are often decorated with an aesthetic decorative fence made of concrete. A structure of this type is often called a "euro fence", although in Europe it is not widely used. Such a fence can be made and installed independently, and it will cost half as much as the services of specialized companies. A simple technology for manufacturing panels and columns is available to the home master.

What is important to know about the installation of decorative concrete fencing?

The associative series of words "fence", "fence" and "fence" draws in memory not the most pleasant pictures. But rough concrete tile panels are a thing of the past, thanks to people who thought of bringing aesthetics to the fencing industry. And now decorative concrete fences are becoming more and more popular. Of course, no one will make a decorative concrete fence for the industrial zone, but courtyards in residential areas are increasingly equipped in the same way as the private sector - with an attractive concrete fence. They surrounded the territory of kindergartens and schools, private enterprises and banks.

Do not rush to buy reinforced concrete panels, you can make them yourself if you stock up on forms, tools and patience. To do this, select those types of plates from which the fence should be equipped:

  • pillars and supports (reinforced concrete, stone, brick, metal);
  • decorative panels (solid, openwork);
  • decorative finials for a concrete fence.

The panels are made one-sided (with a pattern in the courtyard or on the street) and with an imprint on both sides. With regard to ready-made blocks produced in an industrial way, they can be made lighter and more openwork. It depends on the height of the fence, the functionality and desire of the owners. Someone wants to isolate themselves from the outside world with a high solid fence. Others like a light openwork fence - landscape design is visible through its pattern. Carved shaped blocks are one and a half times lighter than solid ones, and much less consumables are used.

No matter how beautiful the future decorative fence is, there is nothing complicated in its construction. Together with an assistant, it is easy to cast slabs of various configurations in a week, using ready-made molds - for the base, filling and tops. Additional whitewashing or coating with facade paint will help to give individuality to such a fence. A few good examples are a decorative concrete fence, photo:

For the installation of finished fencing slabs, a team of 3-4 people is invited to prepare holes for the supports. According to the markup, they will prepare a line for installing columns, after which, together with an assistant, it is easy to install a decorative concrete fence. A hole drill or other suitable technique will help to make holes on your own. Large monolithic sections are lifted by a crane.

Advantages and disadvantages of a concrete fence

Many paid attention to how the aesthetic concrete fence and its decorative panels compare favorably with other fences. And those who installed it managed to appreciate this durable fence for ennobling the site, especially when its panels are with a double-sided pattern.

Tip: There is no point in the labor-intensive manufacture of a decorative concrete fence, when part of it goes to the utility part of the yard, goes along a blank wall or tall bushes. On this segment, limit yourself to ordinary panels without a pattern, while maintaining the dimensions and the distance between the columns. On the site along the smooth panels, in order to improve the appearance of the fence, plant decorative climbing plants or hang ampelous flower forms in flowerpots - photo:

The main advantages regarding stone, wooden, metal fences and a transparent fence made of a chain-link mesh:

  • relatively low cost relative to other capital fences with high quality;
  • it is possible to do all stages of the process with your own hands;
  • quick installation, thanks to the prefabricated structure;
  • strength of reinforced concrete structures;
  • reliable and stable fencing;
  • fire resistance, frost resistance and high resistance to adverse weather factors;
  • long service life (about 50 years);
  • the possibility of replacing damaged sections (for example, if a car drives into the wall in an accident) without a radical repair of the entire fence chain;
  • sufficient choice of design solutions;
  • a budget update or a change in the appearance of the fence by replacing the top sections or re-painting.

The only drawback is that a solid decorative concrete fence does not let in the sun's rays, slowing down the development of flowers and plants. So that the site in the place of a high blank wall is not empty, tall trees or shade-tolerant climbing plants are planted. In Britain, such fences are ennobled with evergreen ivy. As an option, in this place of the garden to equip a platform for barbecue or barbecue.

Attention: If heat-loving and sunlight-demanding plants should grow along the concrete fence, then choose a low openwork option, ensuring the full development of the seedlings. Behind a high solid fence, light-loving sprouts wither away.

An important advantage is changing the height of the concrete eurofence without compromising the appearance. Can choose:

  • one decorative section - with low partitions inside the site;
  • two sections - for a low wall, so that animals on the back side of the site do not wander into the site;
  • three sections - standard equipment, where the lower solid, middle openwork and elegant upper sections of intricate shape are harmoniously combined;
  • four sections - heavy fences where a foundation may be needed, used for a high decorative concrete fence, photo:

The cost of prefabricated concrete fencing: calculation features

Do-it-yourself decorative concrete fences cost almost half as much as orders from a profile company. But at the same time, it is difficult to name the exact amount of what the Eurofence on the site costs. It is important to consider:

1. The final cost is less affected by the difference in individual panels from the manufacturer and the complexity of the patterned finish, as well as the equipment and installation method. The exact price tags for finished panels are specified by region or selected from catalogs. Do not forget about the columns to fix the sections, which should be more than one, and the tops on the columns. From the total number of sections subtract the gap for the gate and the gate.

Attention: If it is unprofitable to install a fence around the entire perimeter of the site, then they are limited to the facade facing the street. Along the rest of the length, columns are installed and a chain-link is pulled, which will stand for more than one year.

2. You can save a lot on installing a concrete fence made of decorative blocks. If the minimum price of a running meter of an eurofence is from 1000 rubles, then installation services are priced at half. Installing a heavy solid fence with a foundation costs about the same as the fence itself. The cost of self-installation of the fence depends on how heavy the concrete sections are - whether there will be a need for lifting equipment. An important factor is excavation for columns that are being dug:

  • shovels by hand;
  • with the help of technology;
  • garden hole drill or other device.

3. The cost per linear meter depends on its height (the number of decorative panels for the fence in one section between the columns). Usually choose fences in 3 sections with the end point of the arch above eye level.

4. In case of self-manufacturing of decorative concrete fence posts, finials and stacking blocks, their cost is affected by:

  • type of reinforcement of sections and the cost of metal inside them;
  • the cost of molds for casting openwork blocks and formwork for solid sections;
  • the cost of the components for the concrete solution (river sand can sometimes be washed and sifted on its own);
  • complexity of the relief on the site;
  • the total number of elements.

The costs for the forms for solid and openwork sections and columns will pay off if, after the successful manufacture of a decorative concrete fence with your own hands, you start a mini-production. Surely, such a fence will be a little cheaper by someone in demand among friends or relatives. Used forms can also be purchased from ads and sold.

Tip: If you are not confident in your abilities, but you want to have an exclusive decorative fence on your site, develop your own version of the sections and let them be made by specialists to order. But a one-time work on an individual design, not stamping, will cost more.

Forms for decorative concrete fence

Forms for a decorative eurofence are easiest to buy ready-made, since there are many enterprises that specialize in their development and production. Solid sections are cast using formwork. Matrices for curly sections are also made independently - video at the end of the article.

Finished forms after purchase do not need additional processing. It is not difficult to choose a print for the most liked drawings - with such a large assortment. To date, about 30 matrix design options have been developed for casting sections, decorative elements and posts.

Forms and panels that seal them are produced from ABS plastic with imitation of a different pattern, for example:

  • wooden plank;
  • vine;
  • muslim side;
  • chip;
  • rope;
  • Kremlin wall;
  • convex brickwork;
  • concave masonry;
  • ancient mosaic;
  • rocky mountain;
  • Chinese Wall;
  • lock bars, etc.

There are also composite options for sections, where different materials are combined. The designers have also developed sections with jigsaw puzzle connection. The most common types of panels:

  • unilateral and bilateral;
  • solid (monolithic) lower smooth or textured (under wild stone, brickwork, cobblestone, tile, wood bark);
  • openwork (lattice, patterned, columnar) middle and combined (transitional);
  • top arches.

Making panels with your own hands using ready-made forms

For self-production you will need:

  • ready-made forms for a decorative fence made of concrete and for finials;
  • formwork for stamping pillars;
  • vibrating table for compaction of the mixture;
  • small concrete mixer;
  • apparatus for welding the reinforcing frame;
  • pallets or shields for drying ideas.

Tip: Buy ready-made forms, and there will be no problems with manufacturing. This is the best option for quick assembly of a standard design fence. The directory contains the following forms:

  • from silicone;
  • from plastic;
  • from polyurethane;
  • fiberglass;
  • from light metal.

There is a desire to do something exclusive - make matrices for the blocks yourself. There are several technologies for self-issuing forms, a good example is in the videos at the end of the article.

For the manufacture of panels and decorative finials on a concrete fence, consumables will be needed:

  • river sand;
  • small-sized crushed stone;
  • metal rod for reinforcement;
  • high viscosity cement;
  • plasticizers (to obtain a solution of the desired texture);
  • frost-resistant additives;
  • ready forms.

The basis of the mixture is an ordinary cement mortar, where crushed stone is added for stabilization. If there is a desire, the form can be sprinkled with granite chips, then on the front side it will have a more interesting texture, sparkling with crystals in the sun. When forming thin concrete products, one cannot do without a frame, and metal trimmings and rods that are connected by welding are suitable for reinforcement.

Tops or caps can be rounded or faceted, but you can do without them. Columns for fixing panels are cast using formwork. It is imperative to provide recesses in them, which are designed to hold the fence blocks.

Some of the materials used to make precast molds give some adhesion, making the finished product difficult to remove. To do this, you will need a stripping lubricant or a special liquid sprayed from an aerosol.

When the forms are prepared, the components for the mixture are poured into the concrete mixer in proportion - 2 parts of sand, 3 parts of fine gravel, 1 part of cement and water. In order for this base to be better mixed, it is better to add crushed stone and a plasticizer to the cement mixture, about half a percent of the total volume. The water repellent will increase the frost resistance of the blocks and water resistance, which is especially necessary for the lower blocks.

The vibrating table gives the best results - the blocks are uniform, without air inclusions. Do not forget to put a reinforcing frame on the mortar, which will drown itself during vibration.

Attention: If turning angles are to be made, then it is necessary to cast posts with grooves at an angle of 90°.

The base is poured in an open and closed way, but it is laborious for home conditions. It is used for casting double-sided decorative panels. Open pouring is much easier, it allows you to see preliminary results and eliminate air inclusions. To represent the entire casting process, watch the master class on the video:

Installing a decorative fence

After all the elements of the future eurofence have been prepared, it remains only to prepare the holes for the poles, marked out along a stretched rope. Places of fixing points for supports are marked with pegs. Pits are dug at an equal distance, while taking into account the shape of the column, into the grooves of which the panels will enter. It is important to accurately observe all the calculations so that you do not have to redo it. It is very convenient to dig holes with the help of mechanical devices.

To dig in the pillars, crushed stone and sand are needed for compaction, and the holes are poured on top with concrete for hardening. Be sure to check the verticality of the installation with a plumb line before the mortar sets. A foundation is laid under high heavy fences, but you can limit yourself to supports dug in the center.

The final stage is the laying of concrete slabs between the pillars. It is important to consider how these plates will rise and fall into the grooves. If the panels are light openwork, then two people are enough, and monolithic heavy blocks are understood by a crane. Upon completion of the work, the horizontals and verticals of the structure are checked, and all defects are eliminated. The finished fence can be whitewashed or painted with facade paint on concrete after priming. It is easier to work with a spray gun, but if you need to paint over individual parts, then this is done with a brush and roller - over smooth parts.

Recently, the installation of concrete fences has become more and more popular. The audience of potential buyers is quite large and consists of owners of various civil structures, such as cottages, dachas, private houses, townhouses. The advantage of concrete structures is that they can provide an individual building with its own style, having textures and shapes of different variations.

Concrete fences occupy a significant market share among other types of fencing. Many choose them as an alternative to the already familiar roof gratings, due to lower cost, greater durability and no need for regular painting. Concrete walls are currently in good demand due to the high pace in the construction of private houses and structures. This article will discuss how to organize your business for the production of concrete fences and make a profit from it.

Business organization.

First of all, it is necessary to find a suitable territory and premises for the workplace. This must be done carefully, as the correct location of the factory itself is one of the most important points in organizing a business. You should not place enterprises near crowded places, such as schools, shopping centers, shops, and in general near the city center.

It is much more profitable to arrange such an enterprise outside a densely populated city, but at the same time do not forget to think about how to make the delivery of goods to the client fast and of high quality. Customers are looking for a product of such production purposefully and specifically, so you should think about good advertising that has established itself among competitors in this area.

The workshop itself should be equipped in a building with an area of ​​35 square meters, where there is heating, the floor in the room should be flat and dry, and a serious ventilation system is also needed. But it must be taken into account that the area of ​​the building depends only on the planned scale for the production and variety of goods.

A list of the recommended working staff of the brigade will now be given. In general, it should not be large and consists of 1 main pourer, and 2-3 auxiliary pourers. The duties of the main filler are to weigh the necessary pigments, vibro-fill the mixture into the casting molds, weigh various additives and a plasticizer, and knead.

Ancillary workers monitor the sufficiency of raw materials for production, weigh cement and various mineral additives, load everything necessary into mixers, and at the end of the process remove the finished product from the molds.

If the workshop itself is not large, then two workers will be enough, but they must be with extensive experience and professional skills and knowledge of the matter.

. Now we list the necessary equipment:
- vibro-stop for molding,
- several different sets of forms,
- lifting trolleys, both manual and hydraulic,
- pallets of different sizes made of wood for drying products,
- gravity concrete mixer,
- and also for molding, nozzles are needed, designed to knock out products from plastic molds.

A very important aspect of business in this area is the quality of the materials used for the cement mixture, which will allow you to have a high-quality and beautiful product. This business idea requires such materials and necessary resources
. qualitative
. river sand and the same cement
. vibrostop
. concrete mixer
. different forms for pouring concrete
. various additives that improve the quality of concrete
. fittings

To begin with, before all the work, the material must be sifted: the basis for creating concrete is sifted - sand with cement. Screening is carried out using electric vibrating sieves. The approximate price of such a device is from $ 500. The number of these devices depends on how large and powerful the production of the workshop is. If the production is continuous and in-line, then the number of sieves is from 3 to 4 units. If only custom-made works are performed, then one or two sieves will be enough.

The next stage in production is the mixing of the concrete mixture. For this, concrete mixers or concrete mixers are used. The choice of this equipment is very large and varied in terms of price, which depends on the power of the unit. The price starts from 400 USD. up to 2300 c.u.

Now the third part of production is coming up - this is the process of forming panels (a panel is an element of a concrete fence). In these forms, the quality must reach the proper level, have high strength and not easily succumb to deformation. The acquisition of openwork forms of panels is quite expensive, especially at the beginning of production.

The forming vibrating table, a machine that creates vibrations by means of frequency oscillations, designed to set concrete and remove bubbles from the mixture, is an essential piece of equipment if you plan to produce quality products such as paving slabs.

There are two types of vibrating tables - belt-driven and spring-driven. Spring tables are quite expensive and can cost upwards of $1000, but they will last longer in production. Belt tables are cheaper, from 600 USD, but, accordingly, their wear occurs much faster. The choice depends on the volume of products produced in the shop.


Advertising (customer search):
A good direction in advertising and developing your business is, in addition to the understandable high-quality installation of concrete fences, the provision of design work and services. For an additional fee, the designer will personally select an absolutely individual drawing for the client, the color of the image and the type will match the design of the house. Such services will surely attract new customers to your business.

Sales of products:
Fences cast from concrete are increasingly popular with both organizations and individuals for their cottages and houses.
Concrete products are more flexible in variety than typical metal fences. Concrete is also a cheaper and more durable option, which adds even more potential buyers.

Financial plan:
consumables - 1,700 thousand rubles.
rent of premises - 40 thousand rubles;
wages - 612 thousand rubles;
equipment - 300 thousand rubles;
advertising - 50 thousand rubles;
Total expenses - 2,702 thousand rubles.

There is no doubt that there is a considerable demand for this type of goods, especially considering the share of low-rise construction in the country's industry.

Concrete fences serve to protect and improve the appearance of residential buildings, as well as buildings and structures for domestic and cultural purposes. The height of the concrete fence and the architectural type of the fence can be different and determined by specialists at different stages of construction. A beautiful fence can not only protect the building from the prying eyes of passers-by, the owner of an exquisite fence can be proud of the beauty of the concrete fence.

When the owners of country houses and country cottages begin to think about building a fence, they rarely consider the option of a solid concrete structure. Why is this happening? Many find it difficult to answer, because they are used to old Soviet fences made of wood. Such a simple design can be built independently from old boards. But where is the guarantee that a wooden fence can become a reliable protection? And it happens the other way around, a person has a desire to make a concrete fence, but there is not enough understanding of what is the advantage of such a design.

Consider the priorities of a concrete fence:

  1. Durability. Concrete is a durable material that is not afraid of moisture, it will not succumb to rotting processes, like a wooden fence. Therefore, such a fence will serve the owner for several decades.
  2. Strength. If the technology for pouring a concrete fence is correctly observed, then such a design will have high strength.
  3. Simplicity and speed. You can make a concrete fence yourself in a short time and at minimal cost to purchase the necessary equipment.
  4. Attractiveness. Previously, the owners of country houses and small country houses refused boring gray fences because they did not decorate the building. Now, thanks to modern technology, it is possible to make a mold for casting a concrete fence on an individual order. It is also possible to supplement the concrete fence with metal forging or make a pattern of natural stone.
  5. You can repaint the concrete fence at any time in the color you like. The paint will stay on concrete for 5-7 years. So you can repaint the fence again only after 7-8 years, and this already speaks of saving consumables for maintaining the fence.

Required materials and fixtures

To make a decorative concrete fence, you will need the following:

  1. Vibrating table with 2 motors for casting molds of concrete structures.
  2. Machine for mixing cement (concrete mixer).
  3. Tray for drying the finished product.

This is just the minimum list of equipment required for the manufacture of a concrete fence. You also need to purchase forms for concrete fences. You can choose a simple design or purchase a basic set of molds.

They are divided into the following types:

  • for panels (double-sided, openwork, deaf);
  • form for pillars.

Since the fence can have different heights, thicknesses and designs, it is necessary to have different shapes in order to create a diverse range of concrete structures. In addition, in order to make a good profit, at least 5 molds of the same type must be cast per day. The price of a concrete fence can be different and depend on the complexity of the design and the presence of decorative elements. So, the cost of 1 simple form can be from 15 thousand rubles, and forms for poles - from 8 thousand.

In addition, in order to independently make a concrete fence, it is necessary to have a vibrating sieve to clean bulk material (cement and sand) from debris. Also, you can not do without a concrete mixer. The power of the device is of great importance.

Based on this indicator, the equipment is divided into 2 types:

  1. Gravitational.
  2. Forced.

The first version of the concrete mixer is suitable for personal use to cast a small amount of concrete structures. It is not necessary to connect the concrete mixer to high voltage - this is the main advantage, as well as low power consumption. The cost of such a device varies from 9 to 50 thousand rubles.

When you need to do a large amount of work, it is advisable to purchase a portable concrete mixer. Although it has a high cost (from 60 to 500 thousand rubles), it has high performance. The main requirement for operation is installation on a solid surface, preferably on a foundation.

Raw materials for the production of concrete fence

To make a solid concrete structure, it is necessary to use the following materials:

  • cement (grade M500 - without additives);
  • sand of fraction 2.5, clay particles in sand should be no more than 3%;
  • you can use crushed stone of a fraction of 5-10 mm, grade - 800;
  • plasticizers;
  • water;
  • steel reinforcement for the frame - BP1 (increases the strength of the structure and the pillar), for pillars - from 0.5 mm to 2.5 mm (diameter from 4 to 10 mm).

For the manufacture of 1 concrete pillar (height 2 m), it is necessary to use 11 linear meters of wire (thickness 8 mm).

All materials must be of high quality, special attention must be paid to the choice of brand of cement and the quality of sand. It is allowed to use river sand. Before use, it must be sieved and dried.

Options for concrete fences, see the photo:

Manufacturing technology of decorative concrete fences


A popular technology for the production of concrete fences is vibrocasting. This method is currently considered one of the most effective. Acceptable for the manufacture of structures of medium thickness. As a result of applying this method, the concrete product is not exposed to moisture, temperature changes. It is safe to speak about the strength and durability of the concrete fence.

The main stages of the technological chain for the production of concrete fences:

  1. It is necessary to put the right amount of material (concrete, sand, plasticizers and other additives) into the concrete mixer.
  2. Form preparation (lubrication). Laying the form on the vibrating table.
  3. After the solution is ready, it is loaded into a pre-prepared form.
  4. Vibrator on. While working on the vibrating table, the concrete mixture is distributed evenly, it spreads over the entire form and is compacted. Just you can track the exact amount of material and, if necessary, add more or remove excess. Excess solution is removed manually with a special tool - the rule.
  5. In the section of the future concrete fence, metal rods are laid. The work on laying the frame from the reinforcement is carried out with the machine turned on. The frame is recessed into the solution by about half.
  6. Within 60 seconds, the mixture is in the form with the vibrator turned on. This allows air to be removed from the solution. You can not wait for the specified time, but follow the process - as soon as air bubbles stop forming on the surface (they will gradually disappear), you can turn off the vibrator.
  7. Removing (decreasing) the product from the mold. This part of the work is more convenient to perform on a special stripping table.
  8. The finished concrete product is transferred to the hardening racks. Naturally, the concrete fence hardens within 48 hours.
  9. The form is prepared for the next cycle - it is washed out from cement residues and lubricated with stripping lubricant.

So that in the future, during the operation of the concrete fence, splits and cracks do not occur, it is necessary to dry the finished product at a certain temperature. The temperature in the room should not be higher than +15 ° C. After 5 days, the product will be ready for use, if it is necessary to proceed with the urgent installation of a concrete fence. When time permits, it is advisable to leave the finished product for 28 days to wait for the full maturity of the concrete.

It is possible to accelerate the maturation of concrete, and this will not affect the strength and durability of the product. The finished product is placed in a special drying chamber. After drying, in about a day, the product will be ready for transportation. The drying chamber significantly speeds up the process of manufacturing a concrete fence, but its high cost can be attributed to the minuses. The price of the dryer ranges from 15 to 20 thousand dollars.


The "exposure" technology is outwardly similar to the technology described above, but there are some nuances. As a result of painstaking work (the solution must be homogeneous), the concrete product will turn out with a perfectly flat and smooth surface.

Stages of work:

  1. On the included vibrating table, a form is installed, which must be pre-mounted in a fixed wooden pallet.
  2. The form is filled with the prepared mixture. Excess material is removed by the rule. The surface is carefully leveled.
  3. Reinforcing elements are laid (up to the middle of the product).
  4. The design is left on the vibrating table turned on until all the air is out of the solution.
  5. When the vibration compaction is completed, the structure is sent for drying for 1-2 days.
  6. So that when moving the filled mold-matrix, the wooden stretcher does not fall apart, for the manufacture of pallets it is necessary to use a wooden bar 30-60 mm or weld a solid metal structure.
  7. In order to prevent the matrix from falling out during stripping, you need to try to fit all the elements of the frame and fix the form on the pallet. If careless in the manufacture of pallets, this can lead to wear and even breakage of the matrix.
  8. Be sure to lubricate the form with stripping lubricant grade K 222 before pouring the solution. It will create a thin film on the surface and prevent contact of the solution with the surface of the matrix. In addition, K 222 will help accurately convey the relief of the matrix and extend the life of the mold at times.
  9. After drying, a clean, high-quality concrete product with a smooth (or natural stone) surface will be obtained.
  10. If you use coloring additives, you can get a high-quality imitation of such natural materials as marble and granite.

Instant stripping

When it is necessary to independently make a concrete fence and protect a large area, then you can just resort to making a concrete fence using the “instant stripping” method, when the prepared mixture is cast into molds. You need to have the right amount of pallets on hand. This method for the uninitiated in the intricacies of manufacturing a concrete fence of a person may seem the same as the methods described above. But there are differences - as a result, the concrete structure is not so smooth, with possible irregularities. The method is also different in that it allows you to save on equipment and make a concrete fence yourself at home.

Material requirements:

  1. Concrete brand M-300 (possibly higher).
  2. Filler (crushed stone), fractions 5 mm.
  3. plasticizer.
  4. You can use a filler - it will give the product the desired shade.

For lubrication of forms, lubricant mixtures "Separen" or "Lerossin" are used. It is not recommended to use self-prepared mixtures from used engine oil.

Technology for the manufacture of concrete slabs for the fence:

  1. A pre-prepared form is installed on the included vibrating table.
  2. The form must be washed in advance from the remnants of the solution and lubricated with a special mixture to prevent cement from sticking to the surface.
  3. The prepared mixture is poured into the mold, the excess is removed with a special tool.
  4. A metal frame is laid on top. Since the table vibrates, it spontaneously deepens, you can direct it so that it is located exactly in the center of the part.
  5. After compaction of the solution, the table is turned off.
  6. The form is lifted, and the section is laid out on a pre-prepared pallet.
  7. The form can be immediately cleaned of the remnants of the solution, rinsed and lubricated.
  8. The finished element is left to dry for 2 days.

Making a concrete fence yourself is quite difficult and costly. But if you have enough strength and capabilities, then you can cope with any tasks, the main thing is to follow the instructions and be patient.