Is there any benefit from a wasp sting. Are wasp stings beneficial or, conversely, harmful to human health? The most dangerous mosquitoes, or how dangerous mosquitoes are for humans

Man has learned to use the poisons of reptiles and insects in medicine. Many of them are part of medicines, allowing you to cure various diseases. But if the benefits of bee venom have long been proven, then the one produced by wasps is considered more allergenic. Therefore, it has not yet received wide application in official medicine. Based on this, it is difficult to unequivocally state whether a wasp sting is useful. Let's try to figure this out with you. And let's start by studying the main components of the poison and their effect on our body.

Encounter with this insect will go unnoticed if you do not try to destroy the nest or accidentally press it with your bare foot or hand. But as soon as you disturb her, she uses her weapon - a sting. Moreover, unlike a bee, it is capable of inflicting several blows at a time, each time introducing a new portion of wasp venom into your body. And although in composition it is very close to bee, it is still more allergenic and therefore can lead to the manifestation of various reactions, up to anaphylactic shock.

However, do not console yourself with the thought that a honey bee sting is completely safe. It is also capable of causing allergic reactions, only the likelihood of their occurrence is less high. So that you can be convinced of the high danger of communicating with this insect, we will consider what components are contained in the toxic substance they release and how they affect the human body.

A wasp sting in the eye, tongue, neck, mouth and chin is dangerous for any person, which can cause swelling of the tongue, larynx and lead to suffocation.

Wasp venom composition

It includes a variety of substances, but most of them are able to affect the nerve endings, leading to an immune response of the body of the bitten person.

Its main components are:

  • Acetylcholine
  • Histamine
  • Phospholipase enzymes
  • Hyaluronidase.

The first is a neurotransmitter. A large concentration of this element leads to disruption of the nervous system.

The second is a kind of activator. Getting into the body from wasp venom, it leads to the development of an inflammatory process and allergic reactions. People sensitive to this element may suffer from fever, urticaria, angioedema.

Phospholipases contribute to the destruction of cell walls, which is accompanied by pain and inflammation at the site of the bite. The toxin hyaduronidase has similar properties.

Harm from a wasp sting

It is unequivocal to answer the question of whether there is a benefit from a wasp sting or only harm is impossible. Indeed, in the composition of its poison there are both exciting and tonic components. But it is difficult and not rational to single them out. At the same time, it contains a large amount of allergenic components that are dangerous for the human body and can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Temperature increase
  • Labored breathing
  • Hives
  • Headache.

In severe cases, confusion and angioedema may occur. And if in the first minutes after the bite the tumor is small, then over time it increases in size and can spread to the entire limb.

Allergic reaction to a wasp sting on a guy's face. Before and after reaction

But the most dangerous thing that can happen if you are bitten by these insects is anaphylactic shock. Usually such a reaction occurs in people with high sensitivity to wasp venom and can even lead to death. It develops almost instantly, so sometimes the victim does not even have time to be taken to the hospital.

Edema after a wasp sting in a child

The use of poison in medicine

And yet, is there any benefit from a wasp sting or only harm? It turns out that there is no benefit from the fact that this insect stings you, but its poison is used in official medicine. It is used to prepare special vaccines for people prone to allergic reactions, as well as in preparations designed to reduce human sensitivity to hymenoptera bites.

Such funds are introduced at the beginning of spring, when it becomes possible to be attacked by these striped insects. A person who has been vaccinated becomes less susceptible to wasp venom. And even if he is bitten, the body will react in a less pronounced form.

In Europe, research has been underway for a long time on the use of wasp venom for the treatment of cancerous tumors. And although scientists have not yet achieved a positive result, there is still hope.

How different representatives of this family bite

There are various types of these insects in the world. All of them are considered poisonous, but the consequences of their bites are different. This is due to the different ratio of components in poisons, and in addition, some species have components that can have a certain effect on the victim.

An example is a variety of road wasps that prey mainly on tarantulas. The bite of this insect is very painful.

Scoli representatives

At the same time, representatives of the genus Scoli are large, but sting weakly. And again, this is due to the specifics of their diet. Their poison is aimed at paralyzing prey, so it is practically not dangerous for humans.

A wasp sting is dangerous because it can cause a sharp allergic reaction, even fatal. Moreover, a person may not know that he is allergic to wasp venom.

Few people have not been stung by a wasp at least once. Immediately, a sharp pain, a swollen bite and a burning sensation are familiar to many firsthand. But it's still half the trouble. Sometimes a wasp sting can lead to unforeseen consequences. Let's see what the danger is.

The fact is that some people are highly sensitive to insect venom. A wasp or bee sting can be fatal for them. The difficulty lies in the fact that we sometimes do not even suspect that we have such sensitivity. Of course, death from a bite is rare, but possible.

Wasp venom contains components such as phospholipases, melitin, histamine, etc., they destroy cells, cause tumors, affect the human nervous system, and trigger allergic reactions.

Action of wasp venom

As a result, after a bite, the inflamed area does not go back to normal for a very long time (at best, from several days to 1.5 weeks) due to cell destruction. After several hours of pain, severe itching is added. If after two weeks the effects of the bite remain, it is best to go to the doctor.

And one more thing: the bite and its consequences largely depend on the type of insect. The bite of some individuals is almost imperceptible, and vice versa, other wasps bite quite painfully.

The general picture is as follows: a red bump forms at the site of the bite, in the center of which a dot is visible, the very place of sting.

But if the bitten turns out to be an allergic person, then the reaction of his body can be completely unpredictable. Doctors today issue an allergy passport, which contains not only the personal data of the person, but also the address, phone number of the office where the patient is observed and all the necessary measures for bites.

Often, when stinging in the face, it changes beyond recognition (swells). The eyes are swollen to such an extent that a person does not see anything. There are frequent cases of a bite in the tongue. In fact, in the summer there are a lot of goodies in the country. A person picks a fruit (most often a berry), not seeing that an insect is hiding on it, and takes it into his mouth. The tongue then becomes so swollen that it is not possible to close the mouth.

  • Complications from bites arise in the event of a massive attack of wasps. Subcutaneous hemorrhage may occur, which leads to loss of limb mobility. According to experts, a bite of 500 individuals is enough for a fatal outcome.
  • Headache, loss of consciousness, high fever, vomiting are usually diagnosed in people who are sensitive to the poison.
  • Quincke's edema. A very dangerous complication, often requiring conicotomy. This is the process of cutting the throat and inserting the breathing tube.
  • Asphyxia with a bite in the throat and neck.
  • Inflammation of the membrane of the eyes, their suppuration and, as a result, deterioration of vision.
  • If the bite has affected the genitals, it may be difficult to urinate.
  • Anaphylactic shock. During shock, to the above listed symptoms (nausea, vomiting, etc.), blue fingers and a strong pain in the chest are added. In such a situation, emergency medical care is required, otherwise a fatal outcome is possible.

So the most dangerous thing is the presence of that same sensitivity to insect venom. At the same time, it must be remembered that if the experience of being bitten used to end quite easily, this does not mean at all that it will continue to be so. It turns out that allergic sensitivity develops gradually, from bite to bite. And the very next meeting with a wasp can have very unpleasant consequences for you.

By the way, there is a belief among the people that the ninth bite of hornets for a person is the last, that is, fatal.

First aid

To minimize the negative consequences, you need to try to slow down the absorption of the poison into the body. Drawing out the poison will help the application of a piece of sugar to the wound.

Next, the place is treated with an antiseptic, something cold is applied. A heating pad with cold water, a piece of ice laid in a cloth, a solution of alcohol or vinegar with water. This is necessary to narrow the blood vessels and prevent the rapid entry of poison into the blood.

Then the wound is smeared with ointment, usually Fenistil or Advantan (contraindicated in children). In summer, it is desirable to have such a tool with you.

Observation of the reaction after the bite

If it is satisfactory, namely: the stung place is swollen, there is pain and itching, but there is no nausea, vomiting and extraneous symptoms, then you should not panic. Use an ointment to reduce itching and speed up healing.

The second development scenario is as follows: there is no allergic reaction, but the pain is severe, swelling, the person is unable to move normally. The frequent application of a cold compress, as well as the use of ointment, will help here. And one more thing: with intolerable pain, with the permission of the doctor, you can supplement the treatment with painkillers. Drink as much as possible! Water removes waste products from the body. It is best to drink sugar water or warm sweet tea. In the absence of an ointment or as an addition to it: apply a solution of baking soda to the sore spot for 15 minutes.

The third case is the most dangerous. We described the signs of complications above, so we will not repeat ourselves. We act like this:

  1. Release the patient from clothing that interferes with breathing, provide free access to fresh air.
  2. Inject two adrenaline cubes into the shoulder. In another - three cubes of dexamethasone. With an increase in the reaction after 15 minutes, another 0.5 adrenaline should be injected.
  3. In the absence of these funds, the victim may take an antihistamine (Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, etc.).
  4. Lubricate the wound with ointment.
  5. The victim immediately uses an auto-injector, if available.
  6. If necessary, give the patient artificial respiration.
  7. Hospitalization.

Important! If the bitten person is allergic, do not waste a second, otherwise you can lose a person.

A little about folk methods and features of insect behavior

A wasp sting is very painful, so-called "grandmother's" recipes are used to alleviate the general condition, relieve inflammation and itching.

A compress with the addition of lemon juice relieves pain. A vodka compress with the addition of a golden mustache reduces swelling. Applying garlic, onion and tomato slices to the wound helps to disinfect and remove the tumor. For the same purposes, it is recommended to apply an apple, parsley, a moistened tablet of validol, a plantain leaf, a piece of Kalanchoe.

To prevent a wasp sting, you need to know the features of its behavior.

A wasp will not attack a person just like that. However, your movements (waving) the wasp perceives as aggression and can sting. But the bee bites just like that. Especially if he smells sweat.

So, having met with an insect, try not to panic, but just move away. This is the best way to stay safe.

Insect bites do not always go unnoticed. Even a harmless allergic reaction to midges, according to experts, can lead to negative consequences. To avoid them, you need to be able to provide first aid to the victim in time, to distinguish between types of bite. This article will help to understand such difficult questions.

Why are insect bites dangerous?

Mosquitoes, bees, midges and other individuals can cause not only a serious allergic reaction of the body, but also cause other pathological changes in a person’s well-being due to a bite. For example, mosquitoes are considered carriers of dangerous diseases. Such infections like malaria, zika, etc.

Pictured is a bee sting

Experts recommend not to be loyal to mosquitoes. In no case should an insect bite be allowed if it is possible to prevent it. When, after contact with an individual, a person’s temperature begins to rise, there is a fever, increased sweating, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

Midges appear in early summer and make themselves felt through itching, swelling. An allergic reaction to a bite is due to the fact that midge saliva is poisonous. Itching and swelling can accompany a person for several weeks. The midge is dangerous because it causes a strong burning sensation at the site of the bite. The victim begins to comb the affected area, which often leads to infection of an infectious nature.

The most dangerous insects are considered. Not all species of individuals have been fully studied, their bites can lead to irreparable consequences for the body, up to disability, death. Most often, people are prone to an illness that can cause a negative disorder of the nervous system - tick-borne encephalitis. The disease is very dangerous. Doctors and infectious disease specialists recommend vaccinating on time to prevent infection.

Wasps, hornets, bees are famous for being able to cause a strong allergic reaction to their bite. It is manifested by pain, itching and great swelling. The hornet is dangerous to humans, it can inject poison during contact, which will subsequently lead to. The result of such exposure to an insect, sometimes becomes pulmonary edema, shortness of breath, suffocation.

Experts advise to treat insects more responsibly, take all preventive measures, provide first aid to the victim. Timely action can save a person's life.

To properly respond to the situation, you need to know the hallmarks of insect bites.

How to understand which insect has bitten?

Among the dangerous insects, there are more than twenty, but the most common are mosquitoes, midges, wasps, hornets, bees, ticks, bedbugs, etc. Sometimes it is not easy to determine which insect bite led to skin allergies. If a person is able to identify the insect that bit the victim, he is able to provide first aid correctly.

Comparative characteristics of insect bites can be seen in the table below.

InsectThe reaction of the body, the hallmarks of a bite
MosquitoAt the site of the bite, a specific edema occurs. It is located around the circumference of a tiny skin incision. Itching and swelling from a mosquito bite lasts an average of 3-5 days. On the second day, redness disappears, after which the itching gradually disappears.
Puffiness is not strong and passes quickly enough if you do not disturb the wound by combing.
MidgeInsect saliva contains an anesthetic, so a midge bite can be easily distinguished from a mosquito by the gradual appearance of itching. Puffiness can occur immediately, burning and itching a little later, when a mosquito bite almost immediately begins to itch strongly.
Distinctive signs of contact with midges are: redness in the affected area, severe itching and burning, large swelling, the appearance of wounds and blisters at the site of the lesion.
Concomitant symptoms (less common): increased (slightly) body temperature, jumps in blood pressure, headache, drowsiness, purulent inflammation.
Bees, hornets, waspsA clear distinguishing feature is the appearance of a sharp instantaneous and severe pain. It occurs as a result of the penetration of the poison of an individual into the skin. The pain syndrome can cause serious ailments that a person has to take painkillers.
The disease is also distinguished by the following symptoms: the center of the affected area always has a pale outline, strong swelling and redness form around it.
Contact with these insects can sometimes cause severe allergies in the form of: headache, dizziness, convulsions, Quincke's edema, swelling throughout the body, cardiac arrest (with several bites).
bedbugsA person is most often exposed to bed bugs. They begin to show their activity at night. Therefore, the first sign of a bite is the appearance of an allergic reaction in the morning.
At the initial stage, specific small red spots appear on the skin. Only the next day there are obvious symptoms in the form of swelling, itching and severe redness.
TicksThe hallmark of a bite in 90% of cases is the detection of the insect itself at the site of the lesion. He stays to feed on blood. An individual can be found in the inguinal region, under the armpits, behind the ears, on the stomach, on the neck, etc. Almost always, the tick chooses hard-to-reach places.
A bite manifests itself in the form of severe weakness, fever, tachycardia, headache. At the site of attachment of the tick, a pulling unpleasant pain begins to appear.
SpidersSpiders rarely harm humans. They are usually harmless individuals. However, some types of insects can harm a healthy body with just one contact. Such poisonous creatures include the black widow spider. A bite can cause severe allergies, skin necrosis, and poisoning.
The bite of the "black widow" and other poisonous spiders is often accompanied by vomiting, nausea, intoxication, and aches all over the body.
linen liceOften the bites of these individuals are compared with bed bugs. Only a competent specialist is often able to determine the distinguishing features. A distinctive feature is the strongest itching and the ability to develop pediculosis.
FleasIt is generally accepted that fleas bite, settle on the body of an animal. Infectionists recommend being wary of infected domestic or wild animals, as individuals are capable of producing a dangerous bite, leading to a number of negative consequences.
Obvious signs include: localization of the bites (ankles, knees, abdomen, armpits, calves), redness, itching, swelling.
AntsAnts are of several types. Some of them do not leave pain and discomfort after a bite. Others will cause the development of pustules and red spots.
Symptoms of an ant bite are small red spots, itching, and the formation of pustules.
ScorpionBites differ by species. The reaction is considered the same, it is accompanied by severe pain, burning and itching, the strength of the symptoms differs. The disease provokes symptoms: swelling, itching, burning, swelling, tachycardia, nausea, convulsions, numbness.

spider bite photo

Note! Bites from all of these insects can be extremely dangerous. If they begin to be accompanied by a strong allergic reaction, fever, you should urgently consult a doctor.

There are standard general first aid rules for insect bites. They should also be known. They are classified according to symptoms. Doctors recommend following these steps when providing first aid after an insect bite:

  1. To relieve puffiness, you need to apply something cold (it can be any metal object) to the problem area. Next, medical alcohol or an antiseptic is applied. After disinfection, a special ointment is applied to the localization of the bite. Today, the following insect bite remedies are popular: Fenistil, Trimistin gel, Rescuer.
  2. Treatment of the wound with an alcohol solution, a compress from the ointment (listed above), and taking antihistamines will help get rid of a dense formation in the form of a bump.
  3. Antihistamines can help relieve itching. In any pharmacy you can buy Zodak drops, Suprastin, Loratadin, Tavegil tablets. Lotions based on a solution of baking soda also help relieve itching.

Good to know! Each person in the home medicine cabinet should have an antihistamine (Zodak, Zirtek, Suprastin, Loratadin, Tavegil, etc.). It saves the situation before the arrival of an ambulance, when the victim has severe swelling of the larynx or a serious allergic reaction.

Complications after an insect bite

An insect bite is almost always accompanied. It manifests itself in the form of swelling, itching, elevated body temperature in the affected area, pain, and sometimes a rash. With such a manifestation, experts do not recommend special therapy, since the symptoms usually disappear after a few days.

The following manifestations, indicating complications, can become an alarm signal:

  • low pressure;
  • severe itching;
  • great swelling;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hyperemia,
  • labored breathing,
  • swelling of the entire face, larynx;
  • dizziness,
  • sharp severe headaches;
  • unbearable pain.

If a person has the listed signs, doctors recommend urgently seeking help from specialists.

First aid, provided in time for complications, plays an important role for recovery and a positive result in treatment. Not all symptoms may appear together. The victim is tormented, as a rule, by one, two or three ailments. They are able to appear immediately together, or have an extended character, when one ailment is replaced by another.

First aid for insect bites

As mentioned above, when providing first aid, it is recommended to diagnose a bite. This is necessary in order to take the right action to address the problem. Bites of different insects require certain actions.

The table below will help you understand how to provide first aid to a victim with a certain type of bite.

Type of biteFirst aid
mosquitoA mosquito bite can fester. This is the most common complication of the disease. To help a person. It is necessary to treat a purulent wound with ammonia. It can be replaced by a solution of soda with water in a ratio of ½ to 1 cup.
pincerNote! It is strictly not recommended to treat a bite after a tick on your own! A person can only provide first aid, if necessary, before the arrival of an ambulance or self-treatment in a hospital. It consists in the following: the obligatory elimination of the cause of the disease - the tick. The bite site is urgently lubricated with oil, the insect is removed with tweezers. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the head of the individual does not remain in the wound.
beeIf a person has been bitten by a bee, hornet or wasp, the sting of the insect should be removed. This can be done by applying a swab in a solution of alcohol and water in a ratio of 1:5 to the affected area.
Folk recipes advise to carry out compresses from dandelion milky juice to relieve puffiness. The patient was prescribed rest, plenty of fluids and antihistamines.
MidgesThis type of bite manifests itself in the form of severe swelling with complications and in rare cases of Quincke's edema. With the latter, emergency medical assistance and the adoption of an antihistamine are necessary.
If bitten by midges, to eliminate serious consequences, wipe the wounds with alcohol and apply ice.
KlopovIf bed bug bites are suspected, the wounds should be thoroughly washed with soapy water and an antibacterial agent. Cold is applied to the affected areas for a short time, several times within an hour. These actions allow you to remove the severity of itching, swelling.
scorpioFirst aid consists of a series of actions. The first is to eliminate the causes of the disease - poison. It is necessary to try to suck it out of the wound with the help of its small incision, or try to cauterize the affected area, apply cold. Next, the wound is treated with an antiseptic solution, ordinary alcohol, vodka may be suitable. A tight bandage is applied to the patient on the bite, adjacent areas to the wound.
If possible, it is necessary to inject the affected area with adrenaline or novocaine as soon as possible, and give an injection of atropine. These actions will help to deliver the patient to the ambulance station, slow down the effect of the poison.

First aid often saves a person's life when it comes to the bite of poisonous insects. Knowing the rules for providing medical emergency care, you can try to relieve the patient from severe pain, swelling, severe allergic reactions and deliver him to specialists.

Preventive measures

Prevention of insect bites helps to prevent unwanted consequences that may result from contact with disease-causing individuals. It is especially worth observing them when it comes to small children. Often parents take their children on vacation, to nature, but forget about safety rules. As a result, the kids are admitted to the hospital with edema, an allergy to insect bites.

Every adult should remember the basic rules of behavior in nature in order to exclude contact with unpleasant insects. They are as follows:

  • it is better to choose a place to rest away from a body of water (rivers, lakes, etc.);
  • be sure to use repellents or other insect repellents;
  • it is advisable not to wear too open clothes (many insects like white and bright colors);
  • it is imperative that during the rest you should carefully examine the surrounding place, whether there is an ant or wasp nest nearby;
  • do not leave sweet foods on the table, or drink a drink from a can (if it has been open for some time without supervision);
  • women should not, going to nature, rest, apply floral or fruity fragrances, it is better to generally do without deodorants and perfume;
  • try to tuck a jacket or shirt into pants, and pants into socks, wear a hat;
  • it is best to take care of purchasing a mosquito net;
  • before going to bed in nature in a tent, it is worth checking it for the presence of individuals;
  • don't walk barefoot on the grass.

Each person must observe the listed rules on vacation, teach the child to follow them, then you can not be afraid of insect bites. Properly selected insect repellents can help to avoid a bite.

Insect repellents

When leaving the house, it is worth taking care of the safety of the skin, it must be protected from insect bites. The following means will help to carry out this, they are shown in the table below and are distributed depending on age characteristics and the principle of action.

For whomBy what means
Children's ointments, creams (approved for use up to 3 years)cream "Taiga"
spray, emulsion or cream "Our Mom"
"Moskidoz" in the form of a cream, spray
"Gardex Baby" repellent
Milk "Green Factor"
"Mosquitol" baby milk, cream
cream "My sun"
Fumigators (for children)Mosquitol
Natural remedies for children up to a yearessential oils of clove, eucalyptus (insects do not like these fragrances, if you apply them on the stroller in moderation, you can not worry about the invasion of moksha and mosquitoes)
vanillin (mix baby cream with a small amount of confectionery)
use a mosquito net for strollers while walking in nature
Sprays, aerosols for adultsspray «OZZ»
"Contra" spray-lotion
Aerosol "Atas"
spray "Off"
aerosol "Reftamid"
spray "Gardex"
Creams, milk for adults"Contra" gel, cream
milk "Gardeks"
"Mosquitol" cream

Insect bites should be taken seriously, they can cause serious harm to the body. Each person should be able to provide first aid to the victim in order to alleviate his condition, try to avoid a serious allergic reaction of the body. In nature, it is worth observing all precautions, especially for young children. At the first sign of complications, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.


It is known that hot and warm weather, rains and humid air contribute to the spread of mosquitoes, especially if there are low-flowing bodies of water nearby. But for the development of mosquitoes, simple puddles or wet basements are enough. Mosquitoes annoy people so much that in the city they can even ruin a warm summer evening on the balcony. Mosquito bites are not only unpleasant for adults and children, but, as the specialists of the Markushka children's clinic indicate below, they can lead to undesirable health consequences.

Mosquito bite

In Russia, there are about 100 species of mosquitoes (out of almost 3 thousand species that live in the modern world). Among the class of insects, mosquitoes form a family with their own subfamilies, of which the most important are the subfamily of nonmalarial mosquitoes and the subfamily of malarial mosquitoes (which are capable of transmitting malaria pathogens). Within the subfamilies, various genera of mosquitoes are distinguished, for example (the most important ones are indicated) true Culex mosquitoes, Anopheles malarial mosquitoes, Aedes biters. If we talk about mosquitoes that bite a person, then in the European part of the Russian Federation, in the middle lane, in Moscow and the Moscow region, real Culex mosquitoes (they are sometimes called the pisk mosquito) are most common, although mosquitoes of other genera are also found.

Mosquitoes feed on nectar and various plant juices, but in many genera of mosquitoes, females receive additional nutritional material (proteins, lipids) from the blood of animals and humans for the production of eggs and offspring. To do this, the mosquito (female) uses a specific oral apparatus, the jaws of which easily cut the skin, and the proboscis can sink to the level of small blood capillaries for blood sampling.

Actually, a mosquito bite is practically painless, since it mechanically damages a small number of nerve cells. After puncturing the skin, the mosquito introduces a flexible proboscis, with which it tries to find a blood vessel. In the case of a successful search, the proboscis is introduced into the wall of the vessel and the process of bloodsucking begins. This mosquito manipulation can take up to several minutes, and in case of failure, the mosquito makes new attempts (in other words, “changes position”, flying to a new place on the skin). In parallel, but after a mechanical bite, the mosquito injects its secret subcutaneously - saliva containing vasodilators and anticoagulants. These components of saliva provide the insect with an unhindered intake of a portion of blood, but for humans they are substances that irritate tissues and cause allergic reactions.

How dangerous is a mosquito bite?

Mosquito bites, especially if they are numerous, can lead to a number of undesirable consequences.

The risk of infection after a bite. Since mosquito bites cause skin itching, intentional or involuntary strong scratching of the bite sites is possible. This happens especially often with children and under certain conditions it can lead to bacterial infection with all the negative consequences.

Danger of allergic reactions. The cause of an allergic reaction (hypersensitivity) may be components of mosquito saliva. Symptoms of an allergic reaction are itching, redness of the skin, in rare cases, the appearance of blisters filled with liquid. Usually, an allergic reaction is mild, but in some children with multiple bites, it may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. In these cases, consultation with a pediatric allergist is required, since self-treatment and attempts to reduce an allergic reaction without contacting specialists can only aggravate the situation.

How does a mosquito find its prey?

It has long been noticed that not all people are equally attacked by mosquitoes. Experts believe that this is due to the physiological characteristics of specific people.

Mosquitoes have exceptionally poor vision, or rather poor vision in the visible spectrum, and prefer dark places rather than bright ones. But they have good "vision" in the infrared region. Therefore, the statement that “mosquitoes fly into the light” is considered inaccurate - most likely, they are attracted to the thermal radiation of a source of visible light. A mosquito can detect the source of thermal radiation and its movement at a distance of several meters.

But the mosquito has 72 types of olfactory receptors (located on its antennae), of which about 30 are tuned to the olfactory search for prey. The blood-sucking female mosquito primarily reacts to chemicals (for example, lactic acid) in the sweat secretions of humans and animals, and can feel them at a distance of several kilometers from the source. Somewhat less sensitive are the receptors that detect carbon dioxide emitted by a person, but even here the sensitivity reaches hundreds of meters.

Experts believe that the algorithm for finding a victim for a bite includes both the perception and analysis of the physical and physico-chemical characteristics of the object, and its behavioral characteristics (for example, specific movements).

These physiological features of mosquitoes are successfully used to protect against them (for example, in the development of new repellents, various emitters).

Multidisciplinary children's clinic "Markushka".

Many do not even think about how dangerous bedbugs are for humans, except for the appearance of unpleasant painful bites implied by their presence. But in fact, painful bites are far from the only problem that bedbugs can carry to a person.

Unfortunately, few of the inhabitants know what the insects of the bug family are, how dangerous their bites are, and whether the bugs themselves are dangerous. In view of this, we propose to consider in as much detail as possible what kind of insects are bedbugs and what dangers they pose in themselves.

Harmful insect bug - an accurate description of the species

It is believed that bed bugs are representatives of the most common suborder of blood-sucking insects, attributed by biologists to the order Hemiptera. Speaking about the appearance of bed bugs, we note that these harmful insects can reach about 3, 5 mm in length. At the same time, the size of an adult bug directly depends on age.

The development of a simple bed bug usually occurs according to the so-called incomplete cycle of rebirth (or transformation). Namely: the female lays an egg, from which, after a while, a larva appears, which, in turn, gradually matures, turning into a large mature individual.

It cannot be said that, not being considered a source of infection, the bug is still capable, for a sufficiently long time period, of retaining pathogens of various diseases in its own body. Pathogens that may well, under certain circumstances, be transmitted to humans through the blood. Such diseases, in particular, include:

  • Viral etiology of hepatitis B.
  • Tularemia.
  • Plague.
  • Q-fever and others.

Of course, extremely rare cases of the occurrence of dangerous infectious diseases that develop after a bite from a domestic bug are described in medicine, as well as in extremely rare cases, after a mosquito bite, malaria occurs. However, not knowing these facts is simply unacceptable.

Note that bed bugs with a prolonged lack of food (severe hunger) may well attack a person even during the day, although these cases are quite rare. Bed bugs do not have anything clearly resembling a nest, as, say, ants do. Nevertheless, bugs still tend to organize some clusters of individuals in places that are safe for them, always close to the main food source.

Such places of accumulation of adult bugs can be easily detected by the presence of dark spots of excrement belonging to insects, which are always found simultaneously with eggs and skins of larvae after molting. At the same time, bedbugs equally easily take root in any residential or warehouse premises. And it absolutely does not depend on the cleanliness of the owners.

Despite the fact that it has not been reliably proven, the ability of bedbugs to carry diseases, doctors do not exclude the possibility of transmission by bedbugs of microorganisms that cause brucellosis, smallpox, tuberculosis or typhoid fever. Some bedbug scientists are convinced that the dark feces of bedbugs can in turn contain so-called Burnet's rickettsiae (a family of bacteria that can cause typhus or spotted fever).

The greatest harm from bedbug bites

As we have already said, bedbugs deliver their greatest harm to humans by inflicting bites, thereby depriving us of normal rest. But, in some cases, numerous bedbug bites can lead to the development of a severe skin rash, a powerful allergic reaction and become a severe psychotraumatic factor.

When attacked, bedbugs rarely bite a person only once. As a rule, the bug constantly moves along the human skin, leaving behind a whole "track" or "chain" of bites. At the same time, the distance between adjacent bites can be quite large, and can reach only a few millimeters, thereby forming extensive spilled spots on the skin. It is believed that with a strong infestation of the living quarters with bedbugs, more than five hundred itchy and swollen bites per night are possible.