Message about the Russian icon. Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

Hello dear readers. Arriving at the temple, it is important to know the icons and their meaning in order to immediately approach the image you need.

How to pray in front of an icon

Many people think that it doesn’t matter which icon to pray before, because prayer comes from a pure heart. But we offer prayer not to the icon itself, but to the one whose image is depicted on it, because all saints have their strengths.

  1. Stand in front of the shrine, cross yourself to attract God's blessing.
  2. After you have asked for help, that is, you have prayed, kiss the image. By doing so, you express your respect to the Lord.
  3. After the end of the prayer service, it is necessary to cross yourself three times.

Pray with bright thoughts, forgiving everyone who offended you.

Meaning of icons

This is one of the most powerful icons. The Most Holy Theotokos had to endure many torments, which are symbolized by seven arrows. When a person feels bad, he goes exactly to this image. "Seven-shooter" will help in protecting housing, protect from troubles, envious, evil people, from curses, damage, the evil eye of the person who wears her image on his chest.

If it is necessary to reconcile the warring, to bring peace, tranquility, and harmony into the house, then one must kneel before this relic, prayerfully ask for help. They take it with them when they go on responsible business.

At home, she is placed opposite the front door, above half the wall, so that she can "see" the eyes of the incoming person. Before installing the relic, it is necessary to read a prayer service. You may notice: a person with unkind thoughts will stop crossing the threshold of your home.

The Most Holy Theotokos will become a protector from criminals, thieves and any unkind people. Living in this house can be sure that their family is well protected.

Put it on your desktop, it will protect you from quarrels with superiors and work colleagues. If the soul of a person is embittered, then he can come to face, the Most Holy Theotokos will help to return to good thoughts again.


Icon of the Mother of God. The Mother of God comforts, prays for all who stumble, calls to touch the inexhaustible spring of spiritual joy. The purpose of this holy power is hard to overestimate.

The inexhaustible cup will help everyone who turns to it with faith. She proclaims that heavenly help and mercy is destined for all those who ask. It will help heal from drunkenness, drug addiction, those who are passionate about gambling.

The image of the Virgin should be installed at the head of the bed of a patient with alcoholism or drug addiction and pray every day.

There are many cases of healing from drunkenness and other addictions. There is evidence that the relic helped solve housing issues, facilitate the conclusion of transactions for the purchase and sale of apartments and houses.

Parents who release their children into adulthood are required to ask for help by saying prayers in front of the shrine every day.

3. Icon of the Mother of God "HEALER"

It will help to heal a person not only from physical illnesses, but also mental ones. The relic can be recognized by the image of the Mother of God standing at the bedside of a sick person.


Our whole life consists of small joys that we often do not notice in pursuit of an ephemeral dream, forgetting about our loved ones, about words of gratitude. Therefore, many dreams, becoming obsessive, do not allow you to enjoy the new day, and therefore are not heard.

What to pray for at the face of Unexpected Joy

Prayer at the shrine grants:

  • Get spiritual power;
  • Get what you always dreamed of, but no longer believed to get it. It can be someone's forgiveness, repentance;
  • Grants healing of ailments, especially with hearing loss, ear diseases;
  • The Mother of God will help find and return the missing people;
  • A pregnant woman will be helped to endure and give birth to a healthy child;
  • To parents whose children have gone the wrong way, the Mother of God will give them the opportunity to reason;
  • Resolves conflicts, helps to come to a happy solution;
  • At the relic they pray for the preservation of marriage, love and harmony.


The miraculous image of the Mother of God grants healing from hand diseases. Prayers protect from fire, various diseases, sadness and grief.

6. "The Quick Listener"

The writing of the image dates back to the 10th century. If you need quick, urgent help, they kneel before the shrine. They are also asking:

  • about the healing of mental illnesses;
  • about healing from cancer, paralysis, blindness;
  • prayerfully ask for the birth of healthy children;
  • pray for the release of those who are languishing in captivity.


Saint, especially revered in Russia. A prayer service to Seraphim of Sarov helps to heal from pain in the joints, arms, legs, and spine.

Moscow patron. He is prayed to by those whose work is related to weapons, risk to life, as well as athletes and entrepreneurs who open their own business.


Protector from need and poverty. If his face is in your house, then he makes sure that there is prosperity in the family, protects from need. He is worshiped by all travelers, pilots, drivers, sailors and all who revere this saint.

In Russia, a particularly revered image of the Most Holy Theotokos. Before this holy relic, the coronation of kings and the election of high hierarchs took place.

Prayers will help to pacify people who are at war with each other, soften evil hearts, heal from bodily and spiritual weakness and those who have been possessed by a demon.

People have always resorted to the help of the icon of the Holy Mother of God. In what cases it can help:

  • She protects the house from fires.
  • She is asked for help by doctors, military, firefighters, pilots.
  • Miraculous fire helps to cleanse oneself of committed sins and mental illnesses.


Virgin Mary grants:

  • healing the sick,
  • Restocking,
  • Getting rid of the raids of enemies.


She is the personification of purity, purity, therefore, she stands up for young girls, helping them to maintain their innocence and chastity.

Prayers at the image of the Unfading Color help to marry the person whom fate itself sent. Married women can ask for a prosperous family life.

The miraculous face protects and helps women to maintain purity, endurance, good disposition. If with faith you ask for support from the Virgin Mary, then she will surely fulfill your request. The Mother of God will surely help the girls to find a worthy life partner.

When a woman experiences severe life trials or she experiences a spiritual shock, then she must kneel at the image of the Most Pure One, then life will definitely get better.


Intercessor. She helps everyone who is in trouble or has difficulties at work, as well as in his personal life.

The guide will help you make the right decision, save you from mistakes. Blessing the young before marriage, they also turn to Our Lady of Kazan. The life of the young will be very happy if the wedding takes place on the day of the celebration of the Holy Image.

Spouses can always turn to this image for help. Saint MARY will help anyone who turns to her with any pure request. If the request is negative, then it will not be heard.

How to ask for help

If you pray at home, then you need to pray in the morning:

  1. Before prayer, wash your face, cross your hands;
  2. Leave all annoying thoughts;
  3. Light candles, kneel down, read a prayer service;
  4. Say the request in your own words, coming from a pure heart.


A rare but extremely powerful image that protects the home from evil spirits, the family from outside interference, helps spouses find happiness and love, and everyone else gets rid of despondency and depression.

Place it at the entrance, then it will protect the home from all evil spirits, and from unfriendly guests. Many people confirm that after a solitary prayer in front of this Holy Face, the problems were solved by themselves.


Named in honor of its steadfastness, undamaged, no matter what disasters, elements and wars the image of the Mother of God, located in the Kiev monastery, has experienced.

A miracle beyond the control of human reason makes this icon a protector in all troubles, illnesses and misfortunes. The icon will avert troubles, fires, will not let dashing people into the house, and will help strengthen family happiness.

Pray at the icon when leaving the house, as well as in solitude. The best place in the house for your Protector is the wall opposite or above the front door.

18. Grieving

The icon of the Mother of God helps people:

  • Gives the necessary benefits to those who need them;
  • Brings comfort in sorrow, will help in difficult life situations;
  • Heals physical and mental illnesses;
  • Protects merchants on long journeys.

Pray to the face, and help will come to you in work, business and family life.


The miraculous icon will help if you pray without fuss and anger in your heart:

  • About the return of lost things;
  • For salvation from slander and slander;
  • On release from prison;
  • On the successful completion of litigation;
  • About assistance during a trip to a foreign country;
  • About those who serve in "hot spots".


A prayer appeal to the Holy Trinity will help to cope with any trials, to find the right path. In front of the shrine, prayers must be read in order to be cleansed of those sins that torment you, do not allow you to live in peace. It is believed that the prayer said at the icon "Holy Trinity" is a direct conversation with God.

Dear friends, now you know in what needs which saint you need to turn to in order to get rid of the most severe troubles and experiences. Do not forget to thank God for every moment of your life, and then you will be happy and successful.

Pre-Mongol period

The art of icon painting came to Russia from Byzantium after the people of Kiev were baptized in 988 under Prince Vladimir


Although Christian churches existed in Kyiv before, it was after 988 that the construction of the first stone church in Kyiv, called Desyatinnaya, began. The construction and interior painting of the church were made by invited Byzantine masters. The Church of the Tithes has not been preserved, but archaeological finds suggest that the most important parts of its painting were made using the mosaic technique, and the rest of the temple was decorated with frescoes.

Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich brought a number of icons and shrines from Chersonese to Kyiv, but none of the "Korsun" icons survived. In general, not a single icon of this period has survived from Kyiv, Chernigov, Pereyaslavl, Smolensk and other southern and western Russian cities, although large art centers were located in these cities. Icon painting can be judged by numerous wall paintings, for the execution of which the princes invited the best masters. Along with Christianity, Russia also received the achievements of Byzantine culture.

The most famous ensemble of the pre-Mongolian period in Kyiv are the mosaics and frescoes of St. Sophia Cathedral,
built in the 11th century by Yaroslav the Wise. The temple painting program corresponded to the Byzantine tradition, but contained a number of
features. For example, 12 apostles were depicted in the drum of the central dome, expressing the idea of ​​preaching Christianity to all parts of the world. The cycle of evangelical events was very detailed for the 11th century, and only a partially preserved portrait of the family of Prince Yaroslav was placed on the western wall. The main dome and the altar were decorated with mosaics, of which the image of Christ Pantocrator in the zenith of the dome and Our Lady Oranta in the vault of the altar are well preserved.
The rest of the interior was frescoed. The style of both mosaics and frescoes exactly corresponds to the features of Byzantine art of the 1st half of the 11th century, that is, to the ascetic style. For ancient Russian art, the construction and painting of the Assumption Cathedral in the Kiev-Pechersky Monastery played an important role. The works were made by Constantinople masters in 1073-89. The ancient painting, and then the temple building itself, perished. However, a description made in the 17th century has been preserved, from which the main content of the painting is clear. The temple itself served as a model for the construction of cathedrals in other cities of Russia, and the iconography of its frescoes was repeated and influenced
iconography. The icon painters who completed the painting remained in the monastery, where they founded an icon painting school. From it came the first famous Russian icon painters, the Monk Alipiy and Gregory.
Throughout the pre-Mongolian period, Greek icon painters continued to be actively invited. It is still very difficult to distinguish between their works and the works of the first domestic masters. Murals and icons are basically similar to contemporary trends in Byzantine icon painting. The works of the Greeks are the murals of the Cathedral of St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery, St. Sophia Cathedral and other early churches of Veliky Novgorod, the frescoes of the Cathedral of the Mirozhsky Monastery in Pskov and St. George's Church in Staraya Ladoga. The services of the best Byzantine icon painters were used by the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

Apostles Peter and Paul. Icon of the middle of the XI century. Novgorod Museum.

The most ancient icons in Russia have been preserved in Veliky Novgorod.

Several huge icons come from St. Sophia Cathedral, which were part of the oldest decoration of the temple. The icon "Saviour's Golden Robe", depicting Christ on a throne in golden robes, is currently in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow, but only paintings of the 17th century have been preserved on it. Much better preserved is the icon of the apostles Peter and Paul, which is kept in the Novgorod Museum along with its ancient salary. Unusual for Byzantine art
is the gigantic size of the icons intended for the huge temple. Another icon, located in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow, is two-sided, with the image of the Mother of God Hodegetria and the Great Martyr George (see St. George (icon of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin)). It could have been brought from Novgorod (or from Kyiv). The image of George, which has features of the ascetic style of the 11th century, has been perfectly preserved (the image of the Mother of God was renewed in the 14th century).

A number of Novgorod icons of the 12th - early 13th centuries have been preserved.

Annunciation "Ustyug". XII century. GTG.

Two icons of the 1130s come from the St. George's Cathedral of the Yuriev Monastery: the Ustyug Annunciation and the full-length
icon of St. George (both in the State Tretyakov Gallery). The icons are also large in size and of excellent execution. The monumentalism of the images also corresponds to the size. The icon "Ustyug Annunciation" has rare iconographic details expressing
Christian doctrine of the Incarnation. On top of the icon is a segment of heaven depicting the Old Denmi - a symbolic image of Christ - from which a ray descends on the Mother of God, showing the action of the Holy Spirit. Against the background of the figure of the Mother of God, the seated Christ Child, incarnated in Her womb, is painted in red tones. The icon of the Great Martyr George has many renovations, for example, the face was painted at the beginning of the 14th century. The venerated Novgorod icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”, executed in the 1130-1140s, has been poorly preserved. The icon was originally a processional (remote) icon and became famous in 1169, when Novgorod was saved from the siege by the Suzdal troops. On the front
The side depicts the Mother of God with a medallion on her chest, in which Spas Emmanuel is represented. Ancient painting is almost completely lost here, its small open fragments are adjacent to the later layers. The turnover of the icon with the figures of the Apostle Peter and the martyr Natalya (according to another version of Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Mother of God) is better preserved. Graphic design, especially stylized spaces and sliders indicate komnenov style.

Andrei Rublev. Trinity. 1411 or 1425-27

At the end of the 12th century, the icon "Savior Not Made by Hands" was created with the image on the back of the veneration of the cross (TG). The majestic face of Christ is filled with an accurate drawing and soft, smooth modeling, on the contrary, the icon's turnover with figures of worshiping angels strikes with the expressiveness of the style, similar to Comnenos mannerism.

The icon of St. Nicholas (TG) was also created at the very end of the century and combines monumentality with manneristic features. This is the most Byzantine icon of Novgorod at that time. On the margins of the icon
images of saints are located, this will become a common Novgorod tradition.

Golden hair angel. End of the XII century. timing

The small main icon of the Archangel Gabriel (GRM), called the "Angel of Golden Hair", was once part of the Deesis tier. The large, occupying almost the entire space of the icon, the face of the archangel with even more enlarged eyes gives the impression of clarity and tranquility. At the same time, this image is characterized by a special lyricism and subtle emotionality, inherited from Komnenos' art and closely perceived in Russia.

The Assumption Cathedral in Moscow houses a small Novgorod icon of the Mother of God of the late 12th-early 13th century. Its iconography is unusual. The Christ Child touches the Mother with her cheeks, as in the iconographic type Tenderness, and holds a scroll in her right hand, which is typical for the Hodegetria type. The left hand of the Savior is folded in a blessing gesture. On the head of the Mother of God, on top of the maphorium, there is another dark board. The intimacy of the icon is combined with a tendency to a clear monumental image, as in the icons of the beginning of the century. The State Tretyakov Gallery houses the Novgorod icon of the Assumption of the Virgin, created at the beginning of the 13th century.

Vladimir-Suzdal Principality

Bogolyubskaya icon of the Mother of God. XII century. Knyaginin Monastery in Vladimir

The iconography of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality stands apart. The heyday of his culture is associated with Andrei Bogolyubsky.

In 1155, Andrei Bogolyubsky left Vyshgorod, taking with him the revered icon of the Mother of God, and settled in Vladimir on the Klyazma. The icon he brought, which received the name of Vladimir, became the palladium of the principality, and later of the whole of Russia. The Byzantine image, beautiful in its penetration and classicism, served as a kind of measure of artistic quality for the icon painters who worked here. Luxurious white-stone churches of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his brother Vsevolod, who ruled after him, were painted by the best masters. It is possible that artists were invited from Thessaloniki, where Vsevolod spent his youth, who painted the Assumption Cathedral and built not far from
It is the Dmitrovsky Cathedral, consecrated in honor of the heavenly patron Vsevolod, the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. Here was kept the brought tomb of St. Demetrius, on which his icon was painted (at present in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin with painting of the 17th century). Icon of Our Lady of Bogolyubskaya was commissioned
Prince Andrei for his palace church in Bogolyubovo. On it, the Mother of God is shown full-length in a spread, praying to Christ. Icon painting has suffered greatly during its existence. Currently icon
kept in the Cathedral of the Knyaginin Monastery in Vladimir. Vladimir iconography includes two icons kept in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow. The first shows the appearance of the Archangel Michael to Joshua. Tradition associates with
Moscow Prince Mikhail Khorobrit (1238-1248), but the style of the icon dates back to the turn of the 12th-13th centuries. Second
icon - "Savior Golden hair" - shoulder image of the Savior. The icon was also painted at the turn of the century and belongs to the princely court culture. Its author, an icon painter focused on the classics, at the same time surrounded the face of Christ with gold ornaments. The gold of the hair enhances the decorative motif in the icon. Two horizontal icons were originally part of the altar barriers of unknown churches (they were in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow, now in the State Tretyakov Gallery).

Saved Emmanuel with the archangels. End of the XII century. GTG.

On one of them Spas Emmanuel with two archangels is represented. The image of the young Christ is full of Divine majesty and power. Here He is depicted as a Sacrifice, eternally prepared for the salvation of people. The faces of the worshiping archangels express quiet grief. The deep concentrated structure of images with subtle shades of feelings is perfectly conveyed by means of the late Komnenos style.

The second icon is a shoulder deesis. In the images of Christ, the Mother of God and John the Baptist, features characteristic of the beginning of the 13th century appeared - the rhythm was enlarged, the details were generalized, the silhouettes acquired smoothness, and the images became especially sincere.

First half of the 13th century.

Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica. Icon. About 1212. GTG

Our Lady of Oranta from Yaroslavl. Around 1224. GTG.

If Kyiv by the end of the XII century completely loses its former significance, then North-Eastern Russia at the beginning of the XIII century
is at its peak. Vladimir was its center, a large icon-painting workshop worked at the episcopal court in the ancient city of Rostov, other cities, such as Yaroslavl, also became artistic centers. Large icon of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica from the city of Dmitrov (TG),
was ordered by Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest, who bore this name in baptism. The iconography of the icon is rare - the saint solemnly sits on the throne, sheathing his sword. Here there is both the moment of glorification of the saint himself, as if resting after the battle, and the theme of investiture: the saint patronizes the prince, handing him a sword as a sign of power. In Yaroslavl in 1210-20. Assumption Cathedral and the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Spassky Monastery are under construction. For
the last of them is written a huge magnificent icon, called the "Yaroslavl Oranta" (TG). The image has a complex iconographic content. The Mother of God is shown full-length, frontally as Oranta, that is, with her hands raised in prayer. On the chest of the Mother of God is placed a medallion with the image of the Savior Emmanuel blessing as a bishop with both hands. In the upper corners of the icon are two medallions with archangels in court vestments. This image combines the themes of the prayerful help of the Mother of God to people, the incarnation of Christ and His ministry as a Victim and at the same time as a High Priest. The presence of the archangels serving Christ is similar to their depiction in the deesis with the Savior Emmanuel of the end of the 12th century from the State Tretyakov Gallery. Both icons, based on the heritage of the XII century, have a special monumentality. Their frontal compositions are simple and solemn. Enlargement and generalization of forms, smoothness of lines are characteristic
for Byzantine art of the early 13th century. In the finely executed faces on the icon of the Mother of God, one can feel the legacy of the 12th century, the image is majestic and deep. At the same time, it resembles a mosaic of the 11th century in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. Abundantly laid gold fills the folds of clothes in wide stripes. The icon is distinguished by an abundance of decorative details. This feature will especially increase in the iconography of the end of the 13th century.

Belozerskaya icon of the Mother of God. XIII century. Timing.

Apostles Peter and Paul. Icon of the middle of the XIII century. Timing.

The small half-length icon of Christ the Almighty, mid-13th century, which was in the Assumption Cathedral of Yaroslavl, and now in the Yaroslavl Museum, belongs to the old aristocratic milieu of princely court art. From Novgorod comes a large icon of the Assumption (TG), which has a very developed iconography - the so-called "Cloudy Assumption". It depicts the apostles carried on clouds by angels from all over the world to Jerusalem to the bed of the Mother of God. This iconography goes back to the Constantinople model and was used in Russia in the painting of the Dormition Cathedral of the Kiev Caves Monastery. The mourners, the apostles who surrounded the bed, are striking, not noticing Christ, who appeared to receive the soul of the Mother. Not a single pose or gesture is literally repeated, all those gathered are endowed with an individual appearance, and their movements and facial expressions reflect a deep experience of what happened. The icon resembles not only the best works of the Byzantines, but also ancient tomb reliefs. In the 2nd quarter of the 13th century, on the eve of the Mongol invasion, two icons were created, found in Belozersk. They are partly similar to the icons of northeastern Russia, but are also associated with Novgorod. The icon of the Mother of God of Belozerskaya (GRM) is iconographically close to the Vladimir icon, there is also a relationship in the character of the image. However, the artistic techniques of this icon go beyond the classical, pro-Byzantine line of icon painting. Bright colors and sharp contours add sharpness to the image, making it look like monuments of Romanesque painting in Europe. The icon of the Apostles Peter and Paul (RM) looks more simplified. The apostles are depicted in the same poses, their images are designed for faster and more direct perception. the only
the icon associated with southern Russia is the image of the Mother of God of the Caves, dating from the middle of the century (TG). The icon depicting the Mother of God on the throne and the upcoming Saints Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev Caves comes from the Svensky Monastery near Bryansk. This is a list from the image, which was in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery.

Mongol invasion and icon painting of the middle - second half of the XIII century.

Saints Boris and Gleb. Icon of the second half of the 13th century. Museum of Russian Art in Kyiv

The ruin of Russia by Batu in 1237-40. had a strong influence on the development of iconography. The southern and western Russian principalities were heavily devastated and eventually became part of Lithuania. The political and ecclesiastical center finally shifted to northeastern Russia. In 1299, Metropolitan Maxim transferred his see from Kyiv to Vladimir on the Klyazma. Although the northeast was severely devastated, by the end of the century artistic life began to revive here, an icon-painting workshop functioned in Rostov. Novgorod and Pskov were not affected by the Mongol invasion, but it greatly influenced the development of their culture. A number of icons originating from different places and attributed to the middle of the century show how Russian icon painting changed under the influence of a new historical situation. Leaves icons
harmony inherent in Byzantine works. Writing techniques are conserved and simplified. Such are the icon of the Savior from the village of Gavshinka near Yaroslavl (TsMiAR), the double-sided icon of Our Lady of the Sign with the martyr on the back (the museum-apartment of P.D. Korin), the icon of St. Nicholas from the Dukhov Monastery in Novgorod (see below). They are characterized by the sharpness of the feed, increased activity. The images are endowed with an invincible will and firmness in faith. Close to them is the icon of Saints Boris and Gleb (the oldest surviving and dating back to the 11th century model). The icon can be Novgorod or Tver
and was created towards the end of the century. In it, however, the legacy of the previous time is felt more.


Sts. John of the Ladder, George and Blasius. 2nd floor XIII century. Timing.

In the Novgorod icons of this time, local archaic features were clearly expressed, partly already showing through in the first half of the century. The icon is attributed to the middle of the centuryNicholas the Wonderworker from Dukhov Monastery(GRM). The unprecedented rigidity of the lines and the one-dimensional characterization of the image testify to a break with the old tradition. However, Novgorodians liked such simple and strong images. The new qualities are greatly enhanced towards the end of the century. Volume almost disappears
elaboration of the form, bright local spots of colors are combined with hard lines. Most of these icons are painted on red backgrounds. These include icons
John of the Ladder with Georgy and Vlasy "(RMS)," The Savior on the Throne "(State Tretyakov Gallery), the Royal Doors from the graveyard of Krivoe on Northern Dvina . In them, even the faces are worked out mainly with whitewash strokes. The icon "The Mother of God on the Throne with Nikola and Clement" (RM) is written in a more complicated way, with a finer elaboration of the form.

Nikola Lipny. Alex Petrov. 1294. Novgorod Museum.

Unusual huge temple icon Nicholas the Wonderworker from Church of St. Nicholas on Lipno. The inscription preserved at the bottom of the icon mentions the name of the icon painter, Alex Petrov, and the year the icon was created, 1294. The saint is depicted waist-deep, surrounded by many saints in the margins. On either side of the head of St. Nicholas, the Savior and the Mother of God are depicted, holding out to him the Gospel and the omophorion (an illustration of the so-called Nicene miracle that occurred on First Ecumenical Council). The figure of the saint is painted flat, but the face is carefully worked out with subtle tonal transitions. The abundance of ornaments on clothes and a halo is surprising. In addition, the icon has a connection with the Western European tradition. Novgorod really had a lot of contact with neighboring European countries.

Northeast Russia

"Archangel Michael". Around 1299-1300 GTG.

In northeastern Russia, artistic life was not completely interrupted; the icon-painting workshop at the episcopal court in Rostov continued to work. Her works were distributed to other cities, including Vologda and further to the Russian north. Rostov icons also differ from pre-Mongolian works by increased expression, sharpness of execution and activity of images. But in comparison with the Novgorod works, they are more subtle and artistic. With all the brightness, the color is based on refined combinations of deep color shades. The faces are written in relief, almost sculptural. They are distinguished by a brown tint and bright blush.About 1272-1276. was performed icon of the Mother of God Feodorovskaya stored in Kostroma. Its iconography, with a slight difference, repeats Vladimir icon, but the painting was greatly updated in the 17th century. The figure of the martyr on the back is better preserved.Large throne icon of the Mother of God, originating from Tolga Monastery near Yaroslavl (the so-called “Tolga First”, State Tretyakov Gallery), retains a resemblance to the solemn images of the beginning of the 13th century, it is dated to the end of the century. The seated Mother of God holds with her hands the Infant taking a step on Her knees. The faces are in contact, as in the type of tenderness. In the upper corners there are bowed angels with covered hands. The icon painter exaggerated the proportions for the sake of strengthening
expressiveness, at the same time, his icon is distinguished by subtle combinations of various colors and a silver background. The expression of the faces and the whole structure of the icon set up for concentrated contemplation.
A little later, a half-length icon of the Mother of God (“Tolgskaya Second”) was created, which was considered miraculous and is currently stored in Tolgsky monastery near Yaroslavl. It is distinguished by a sharp, dramatic expression on the face of the Virgin.Another one
the icon of the Virgin - "Passionate" - comes from Kashin (Kalyazinsky Museum, currently under restoration in Moscow). Iconographically, it is close to Feodorovskaya and got its name from the figures of angels holding instruments of the passion of Christ. The icon is executed more simply with liquid bright colorful spots.
Two large solemn icons of the Archangels, which were temple images, have been preserved. "Cathedral of the Archangels"
comes from the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery in Veliky Ustyug (GRM). Archangels Michael and Gabriel are represented in court robes with lores. They are holding a medallion with the image of the Savior Emmanuel. Characteristic combination of blue
background, yellow halos, bright red, purple and green colors. The second icon was intended for Church of the Archangel Michael in Yaroslavl and dates back to about 1299-1300 (TG). Archangel Michael is dressed in precious clothes with lore, in his right hand he holds a rod, and in his left blue medallion-mirror with a poorly preserved image of Christ Emmanuel. The icon abounds with ornaments, and the face stands out with extremely bright blush.
From Rostov itself, the icon " Savior Not Made by Hands»the end of the XIII-beginning of the XIV century (TG). The face of Christ is actively sculpted with strokes with the same bright colors.
blush. In the last two icons, there is a fusion of compositional elements and some anxiety in the expression of the face (in contrast to the former equanimity), which indicates the approach of a new era.

The Rostov workshop continued to create icons with its own characteristic features even in the 14th century, when the art of Byzantium again influenced Russian icon painting.


Elijah the Prophet with life. Middle of the 13th century. GTG

The icon "Ilya the prophet in his life" from the graveyard of Vybuty near Pskov is, apparently, the oldest surviving Pskov icon. The centerpiece depicts the prophet Elijah sitting in the desert. On the upper field of the icon there is a deesis, and on the rest - the hallmarks of life, which are distinguished by clear and simple compositions. Image of a raven feeding a prophet,
missing or missing. The special quiet and concentrated state in which Elijah is, gave rise to the assumption that God's appearance to him in the breath of a still wind is depicted here (1 Kings 19:11-12). The face of the saint acquired a more open and warm expression than in any of the pre-Mongolian icons. The icon is distinguished by a special subtle color that goes well with the silver background.

XIV century. New connections with Byzantium.

From the beginning of the 14th century, Russian cities again began to maintain active ties with Byzantium. The new influence of her culture that followed as a result caused a peculiar response in Russian icon painting in the second half of the century.

Trinity with Abraham and Sarah. Second quarter of the 14th century.

Saved the Bright Eye. Middle - second quarter of the XIV century.

In northeastern Russia, the former significance of Rostov was preserved. Already from the end of the 13th century, Tver was actively developing, but in the first quarter of the 14th century, Moscow intercepted the championship, which became the seat of the Russian metropolitan since 1325.In the early icons of the 14th century, the influence of the unfinished Palaiologan renaissance, but the "heavy" monumental Byzantine style of the XIII century. He was more in tune with Russian art.In the last years of the life of Metropolitan Maxim (between 1299-1305), a full-length icon of the Mother of God Maximovskaya(Kept at his tomb in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir, now in the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve). The icon has a unique iconography associated with the personality of Metropolitan Maxim. The saint is depicted below the icon, standing on the tower and receiving the hierarch's omophorion from the Mother of God. The figures of the Virgin and Christ have volume and heaviness. The spatiality of the composition is emphasized by the movement of the Infant, which has turned towards the saint.In the Assumption Cathedral of Moscow there is a large shoulder icon of the Savior of the first third of the century. It has a noticeable Byzantine influence, especially in the smooth modeling of the face with gliding light. Russian features appeared in chiseled, somewhat schematic forms. The image, which is typical for Russian icon painting, has a greater openness, which is combined here with Byzantine contemplation.Here in the Moscow Kremlin there is a large icon of the Trinity of the second quarter of the century, unknown
origin. Although the painting is still hidden by the renovation of 1700, two cleared fragments - the face of the right angel and the figure of Sarah - show that the composition of the 14th century was exactly repeated.
Later, the second, kept here, shoulder icon of Christ was created - “Savior the Fiery Eye”. She is distinguished by a special dramatic tension caused by sharp forehead wrinkles and contrasts of thick shadows and bright flashes of light.


Nicholas the Wonderworker in his life with Saints Cosmas and Damian. Icon from the Ozerevo churchyard. First half of the 14th century.

Throughout the 14th century, Novgorodians retained the “archaizing” features of icon painting of the late 13th century that were close to them. They were expressed in a rich layer of folk iconography associated with the vast Novgorod provinces. However, the active work of the Novgorod archbishops contributed to the development of the arts and the assimilation of the features of Paleologian art.Vivid examples of Byzantinized icon painting are the face of St. George the Victorious, renewed on an old full-length icon of the 12th century (TG) and the figure of Christ in a miniature of the Khludov Psalter of the second quarter of the 14th century (SHM, not to be confused with the Byzantine Psalter of the 9th century). The face of George acquired a sculptural volume. The image of the saint is endowed with strong-willed determination, characteristic of Novgorod icons. The figure of Christ in the miniature "The Appearance of Christ to the Myrrh-bearing Women" differs from other images in the same manuscript. His free pose and especially finely executed face are clearly
created by an artist who knows contemporary Byzantine art.
Under Archbishop Vasily (he held the chair in
1330-52) whole groups of Greek artists are already working in Novgorod, their works influence local masters. Around 1341, visiting masters or their students performed a festive rite for the iconostasis of St. Sophia Cathedral. His icons have complex spatial compositions, various angles of figures and rich colors.
In the workshops of Archbishop Basil, gates decorated with numerous images were made using the technique of gold guiding on copper. These include the entrance gate of the St. Sophia Cathedral of 1336, which came to Alexandrov in the 16th century.The icons of the archaizing layer include the icons “St. Nicholas with
Kosma and Damian in their lives" from the churchyard of Ozerevo, " Miracle of George about the snake» with life and others.
In the second half of the century, the Novgorod icon painters adopted many qualities of the Paleologian art, which did not prevent their works from possessing a bright Novgorod expressiveness. Such is the large icon of the Annunciation with a small patronal figurine of St. Theodore Tyrone, placed directly between the main figures in the middle of the icon (Novgorod Museum). Unusual is the mobile figure of the Archangel Gabriel, which occupies more than half of the board. The icon of Boris and Gleb on horseback (from the church dedicated to them in Plotniki, Novgorod Museum), on the contrary, is distinguished by strict poise and solemnity. Another large temple icon, also kept in the Novgorod Museum, is the Intercession of The animal of the monastery(around 1399). The faces on these icons are written in dark green sankir with bright red
lips and bright whitening engines. If the images of Boris and Gleb are distinguished by their strength of spirit, then the faces on the icon “The Intercession” are executed with a subtle, delicate characteristic.
The work of the Novgorod school of icon painting was the first monument of Russian icon painting that was studied by scientists. In 1724, a book by a German researcher was published Johann-Alexander Doderlein(On him.), which became the first study of the Russian icon in world history.


Baptism. Middle of the 14th century. GE.

Martyrs Paraskeva, Varvara and Ulyana. End of the XIV century. GTG.

Already at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries, Pskov gained political independence. His art, which has a number of persistent characteristic features, also develops independently.

Following the icon of Elijah the prophet from Vybut, a few large images of the turn of the 13th-14th centuries have been preserved - the red-colored Our Lady Hodegetria (TG), the temple icon of the Assumption from the church "from the ferry", another icon of Hodegetria (Pskov Museum, is under restoration) is more complex in execution and close to the painting of the cathedral of the Snetogorsk monastery.
The first of the surviving fresco paintings of the XIV century was made in Pskov, in the cathedral Snetogorsky monastery. The Snetogorsk frescoes of 1313 and a few icons of the first half of the century already contain the most important features of local icon painting. Fine thoughtfulness, fullness of the program with theological ideas, allusions to literary sources are typical for the painting of the monastery cathedral. These same features will be preserved in icon painting, so that in the 16th century it was the Pskov icon painters who would make the most serious changes in the iconography of Russian icons. The bold style of painting, which does not yet have standard craft techniques, is also characteristic. Pskov art will always be characterized by sharp expressiveness, however, far from the Novgorod straightforwardness. The restrained color scheme of the painting is noteworthy.In many ways, the icon of the Baptism (GE), created around the middle of the century, is similar to the Snetogorsk frescoes. Restrained colors are combined in it with a silver background. In the figures of angels one can see a special impulse.

Another, retrospective direction, focused on the traditions of the past, is represented by two icons from the Church of St. Nicholas "from Skins". This is the image of St. Nicholas (TG) and the Deesis (RM), created in the middle or second half of the 14th century. Both icons are covered with rich golden assists, reminiscent of pre-Mongolian works. The face of St. Nicholas is similar to the images of the XII century.

A number of Pskov icons of the late 14th century stand out in particular, in which internal tension breaks out, ardent faith is expressed through the most drastic artistic techniques.

Icon " Cathedral of Our Lady» (TG) illustrates the stichera of the holiday Christmas: “What will we bring, Christ ...” The contrast of dark green and bright scarlet cinnabar, the brightness of the white lying on the figures and faces is combined here with a universal impulse that unites all those gathered in a single glorification of Christ and the Mother of God.

Together with the "Cathedral of the Mother of God" from the same Varvarinsky temple of Pskov comes the icon of the martyrs Paraskeva, Varvara and Ulyana (TG). Thin, elongated figures of martyrs are depicted in moving poses. The icon is pierced with scarlet flashes, burning against a background of rich green and other muted tones.

Source not specified

An icon is a picturesque image of God Himself, the Mother of God, Saints or scenes from Holy Scripture. The image of the icon is sprinkled with holy water, and then special prayers are read. Only after the rite of consecration does the icon acquire fertile energy and spiritual recognition.
The icon is a conductor between God and man. Any prayer will be heard by the Lord, just thanks to the icon, it will ascend to him much faster.

"The Almighty Savior" occupies the dominant image in Orthodox icon painting, therefore it is always placed in the central dome of each Orthodox church - in the most honorable place. The icon depicts the son of God Jesus Christ in the form of a judge and the Heavenly King, therefore the icon is also called “Pantocrator”, which is translated from Greek as “ruler of everything”. The main healer of souls and bodies, who knows everything. It is to the Almighty that our prayers should be directed in the first place. Sometimes despondency and despair penetrate the very heart, but the Savior always gives a helping hand, and faith and hope come to life again.
In Russia, the icon appeared around the 12th century and served as a prayer icon for Russian princes. The icons of the "Savior Almighty" often streamed myrrh and cured many diseases.

Icon "Holy Trinity" (Old Testament)

The icon of the Holy Trinity is valued as one of the most important images that must be present in every Orthodox Church. The Trinity is the greatest and most mysterious icon of humanity. The picturesque image was painted according to all the canons of icon painting in the workshop at the temple. He talks about the unity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The icon "Trinity" was created so that every believer could visualize the three-sunshine light of Orthodoxy. The Lord is one in three persons - this is difficult to comprehend and understand, but one must sincerely believe in this, taking it for granted. For Russia, the image of the Trinity is confessional, and before it they repent of the forgiveness of their sins.

One of the key shrines of the Russian Orthodox Church is the miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Through this image, the Lord sends help to all believers in strengthening their faith, in healing spiritual and bodily suffering, in softening evil hearts, in liberation from enemy invasions, in reconciliation of the warring and in preserving the unity of Russia.
According to pious tradition, this image was painted by the Evangelist Luke during the life of the Virgin. The shrine was brought to Russia from Byzantium as a gift to Yuri Dolgoruky. The icon has been glorified more than once for its miracles. For example, while in Kyiv, she more than once left her place in church and found herself hanging in the air. She healed and even resurrected many times. Generals and warriors turned to her for help before important battles. And she did not leave them, showing her miracles in the most hopeless situations. Once, after a battle won against Bulgaria, when a thanksgiving service was served to the Theotokos, a light shone from her icon, illuminating the entire astonished regiment. Another wonderful story with this icon happened immediately after bringing it to Moscow to protect the city from the invasion of Tamerlane. It was on the very day when the icon was delivered to the city that Tamerlane unexpectedly ordered his army to retreat.

This miraculous icon of the Mother of God appeared after a fire in Kazan in the 16th century in a rather mysterious way. The Mother of God appeared to the nine-year-old girl Matrona in a dream, telling her to find her icon in the ashes. This dream was repeated over and over until the girl decided to go in search of the icon with her mother. Indeed, the shrine was found there.
This image of the Mother of God is the most revered and beloved, he is the "Great Intercessor of Russia." The icon helped the people more than once in the most difficult times. With her appearance, she symbolizes the victory over the Time of Troubles. It is she who is thanked for delivering Moscow from the invasion of the Poles. Before the Battle of Poltava, Peter the Great with his army prayed to the image of the Kazan Mother of God. The icon was the main patroness of the Romanov dynasty. During the Great Patriotic War, this icon was the spiritual leader of the Russian people.
Starting from Baptism, all the most significant events in life take place with her. She gives a blessing to marriage, helps in work, in everyday problems.

Icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker (Pleasant)

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, or otherwise Nicholas the Pleasant, as they began to call him in baptized Russia, in Orthodoxy is perhaps the most revered saint after the Mother of God. The fate of this saint was not easy, perhaps it was thanks to life's trials and difficulties that he chose the religious path. As a child, he was already fond of reading the Divine Scriptures, and, having matured, he became an archbishop. Then Nicholas began to be called the Miracle Worker. Throughout his life, many miracles and deeds were attributed to him. According to one of the legends, he resurrected a sailor who fell from the mast, according to another, he saved three young girls, whose beauty was “sold” by their own father as the only way to pay off numerous debts. And there are countless stories like this. Nicholas has always been the personification of justice and nobility.
Before the icon of St. Nicholas, they pray for any, it would seem, even the most insoluble problems. He helps strangers, sailors, women in childbirth, and even students. The icon is able to heal from any ailments, protect from adverse events and ill-wishers, protect from temptations and work real miracles. Turning to Nicholas with sincerity and faith, people noticed more than once that in their lives everything happened exactly as they asked.

The "seven-shooter" icon is the most powerful protector of the house and its inhabitants. The Mother of God depicted on this icon is pierced with seven swords, symbolizing the anguish of the heart, which the Saint knew during her lifetime. Seven swords are the main mortal human sins that bring mental suffering to the Mother of God.
The icon first appeared in the 17th century. One day, a peasant who was sick with lameness and longing for recovery from this disease, in a dream, the Divine voice ordered to find a wonderful image in the nearest monastery and pray with faith in front of this image. It turned out that a wooden board with the face of the Virgin served as a step of the stairs leading to the bell tower. After the image was washed and restored, a prayer service was served for her, after which the peasant was completely healed.
The icon of the Most Holy Mother of God of the Seven Arrows is of great importance in the life of every believer. Before this strong icon, they pray for the protection of their home, from ill-wishers, from quarrels within the family, for softening the heart. The icon is usually placed in front of the front door so that the Seven Arrows could see the eyes of those entering. Before you place the icon, you need to read a prayer. If one of your relatives or friends stopped visiting you, then we can conclude that his thoughts were not pure in relation to the living members of this house. Thus, the Blessed Mother of God of Seven Arrows gives birth to mercy and kindness in the souls of believers.

The image of the Iberian Mother of God is also considered one of the most revered in Orthodoxy. and his appearance is completely entangled with mysticism.
In the 19th century, when the persecution of Orthodox icons began, a pious widow secretly kept the icon of the Mother of God. But soldiers once burst into her house and, one of them, seeing the image of the Mother of God, pierced it with a spear. But then, in front of the frightened eyewitnesses, blood poured from the cheeks of the Mother of God. Distraught with fear, the soldiers, falling on their knees, began to beg for forgiveness for their sin, and then, saving the shrine, let them go on the waves. And then a miracle happened again. The icon stood up and floated. Some time later, the guests of the Iversky Monastery noticed a luminous pillar above the sea. Approaching it, they discovered the holy image of the Virgin, floating on the water and emitting a glow. It was decided to place the icon in the chapel, but in the morning it was found above the monastery gates. Attempts to take her to her former place each time were in vain, until one day in a dream Elder Gabriel had a vision of the Blessed Virgin, who said that she did not want to be protected, she herself should be the Guardian. So, for many years the icon was placed above the gates of the monastery, and began to be called the Goalkeeper. She miraculously saved the monks many times from fires, enemies and hunger.
The Most Holy Theotokos of Iverskaya and to this day shows her miracles to people. Before her icon, they pray for repentance for sins, for healing from ailments, for deliverance from sorrows and sorrows. The Mother of God of Iverskaya keeps the family hearth, patronizes all women and is an intercessor before the Almighty. With the help of this icon, the “crown of celibacy” is also removed.

The Holy Blessed Matrona is the most revered Moscow saint. Matronushka, as many people affectionately call her, lived a hard life full of hardships. She was born into a poor peasant family and was completely blind from birth. From the age of eight, she began to predict and treat all those who suffer, and with the onset of 18 years, she lost the ability to walk. During the revolutionary years, she had to wander around Moscow a lot, not having her own roof over her head.
All her life she helped those in need. It was she who predicted the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, and said that the Russian people would win. She predicted her death three days in advance, but continued to receive people. Matronushka even today helps all believers who turn to her with prayers in healing from ailments, in financial matters, in preserving the family, in the well-being of children, and much more.
The whole life of this strong woman has become an example of a great spiritual feat of love, patience, and self-denial.

Xenia of Petersburg is one of the most beloved Russian saints. An icon with her image is not uncommon in an Orthodox home. The gift of foresight and healing came to her after the death of her husband. Early widowed, Xenia fell into deep despair. She gave away all her property to the poor, gave a house to her friend, put on the clothes of her late husband and began to call herself by his name. These oddities are by no means connected with the loss of reason, Ksenia simply decided to devote herself completely to serving God, protecting herself from earthly joys and blessings. The years of wandering began. She spent most of her time near churches. She spent the night in the open air in fervent prayers addressed to God, deliberately not wearing warm clothes, causing her body to suffer from a cold. At first, people laughed at Xenia, but soon they began to notice that after communicating with her, even fleetingly, their life began to change for the better. Local merchants tried to treat her with edibles, then all the goods were quickly sold out. If the Blessed One kissed children, then they grew up healthy. For her righteousness, Xenia gained the gift of foresight. She predicted the death of Elizabeth I the day before her death. She once sent her friend to the cemetery, saying that she would have a child there. She, frightened, ran to the indicated place and on the way she saw how the pregnant woman was knocked down by a horse. The woman in labor died, but managed to give birth to a baby, who was adopted by Xenia's friend. And there were a great many such cases of foresight. Even after her death, she appeared in visions to people who were in difficult life circumstances, warning them of danger. Prayer addressed to her always resonates and helps even in the most difficult task.

"Angel" from the Greek language is translated as a messenger, messenger. Serving as a conductor between man and the Lord, the Guardian Angel is called to express God's unconditional love for people through his care. Church ministers assure that a person receives his Angel only after the sacrament of Baptism. So a person has his own protector, who is always there. The more faith in a person, the closer the Guardian Angel is to him.
Each element of the icon depicting an angel has its own symbolism. The slightly inclined head of the Saint means the readiness to help his ward at any moment, the green tunic and pink shirt - serving people in the name of good, the sword and cross - the ability to see and warn of danger, wings - the ability to move from the real world to the divine.
Miraculous salvation of people who survived catastrophes, intuitive insights or prophetic dreams - this is how Angels invisibly take part in people's lives, protecting each of their wards.
The icon of the Guardian Angel must be kept in the house; you need to pray in front of it in a secluded place with sincerity in your heart. People turn to this image when they need spiritual strength to overcome difficult periods in their lives. A prayer appeal to the Guardian Angel should always be done when you leave your home, so that God's Messenger saves you from unexpected misfortune and the evil intent of people.

The fate of miraculous icons is often difficult. Some were lost in the hard times, others, fortunately, survived. To them, as many centuries ago, people go with a bow.

1. Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

Location: Temple of the Tretyakov Gallery
The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which is located in the temple of the Tretyakov Gallery, got its name thanks to Andrei Bogolyubsky, who in 1155 moved it to Vladimir from the city of Kyiv, where it had been until that moment. According to legend, the Evangelist Luke created the icon.

2. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Location: The most revered list is kept in one of the most beautiful churches in Russia - the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg
An equally famous image of the Mother of God is depicted on the Kazan icon. In 1579, after a great fire in Kazan, the Mother of God appeared in a dream to the nine-year-old Matrona Onuchina and ordered her icon to be found in the ashes. Having gone to the indicated place, the girl found a shrine. The icon of the Kazan Mother of God was one of the most beloved and revered in Russia, people went to her for help in everyday affairs, affairs and marriage. She was considered the patroness of the Romanov family.

In 1904, the icon was stolen from the Bogoroditsky Monastery, after which it was burned by an intruder. The riza was sold, according to some versions, to the Old Believers.
Several lists from the icon have come down to us. The most revered of them is kept in St. Petersburg in the Kazan Cathedral. The icon was delivered to the new capital in 1721 by decree of Peter.

3. Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God

Location: Assumption Cathedral in Smolensk
The Evangelist Luke, the creator of the Vladimir icon, presented the world with another equally revered shrine - the Smolensk icon, which is also called "Hodegetria", which means "Guide". It was written during Mary's lifetime. In 1046, the daughter of the Emperor of Byzantium, Constantine IX, was blessed with this image. Anna's son moved the icon to Smolensk.

The Smolensk icon "Hodegetria" is asked for protection along the way and a cure

In 1941, during the occupation, the icon was taken by the Germans from the Dormition Church. Currently, the most revered lists from the icon are in Moscow in the Novodevichy Convent, as well as in Smolensk. People go to them to ask for help in making a difficult decision, curing diseases, resolving family troubles and protecting them along the way.

4. Don Icon of the Mother of God

Venue: Tretyakov Gallery
This image of the Mother of God was painted by Theophanes the Greek. In 1380, the Cossacks handed it over to Dmitry Donskoy, who, before the Battle of Kulikovo, carried it in front of the army. In honor of the victory, the icon began to be called Donskoy. Since 1919, it has been kept in the Tretyakov Gallery, and is annually taken by the Donskoy Monastery for the procession.

5. Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

Location: Tikhvin Assumption Monastery
The Tikhvin icon was painted by the Evangelist Luke. It was acquired near Novgorod in 1383. It is stored in a monastery specially built for her. The icon is considered the patroness of infants and adolescents, she is turned to cure mental illness and protect against invasion.

6. Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God

Venue: Cathedral of the Sign of the Synod of Bishops in New York
In 1295, after the ruin of Kursk, the Kursk Root Icon appeared in the roots of a tree. A source appeared at the place of acquisition. According to legend, in 1383 the Horde cut the icon into pieces, but after connecting the individual parts, it grew together. In 1920, the retreating Wrangel troops took the shrine out of Russia. You can bow to her at the Znamensky Cathedral of the Synod of Bishops in New York.

7. Iberian Icon of the Mother of God

Location: Iberian Monastery on Mount Athos
The Iberian icon was also painted by the Evangelist Luke and for a long time was kept in the city of Nicaea in the house of a pious lady, who, saving the shrine, lowered it into the sea. The icon appeared before an Athos monk. She rocked on the waves, surrounded by a pillar of fire.

She was brought to the temple, placed in a place of honor, but in the morning she was above the gate. According to legend, several times they tried to return it to the monastery itself, but invariably the shrine turned out to be outside its walls, above the gates. She was given the name Gatekeeper. Now it is still in storage in the Iberian Monastery on Athos. The list came to Russia in 1648.

8. Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

Location: Assumption Pochaev Lavra in Ukraine
The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God "The Burning Bush" was found in 1559. She is known for her miraculous power, they turn to her for healing and admonition of sinners. Currently located in Ukraine in the Assumption Pochaev Lavra.

9. Pskov-Pechersk icon "Tenderness"

Location: Assumption Cathedral of the Pskov-Caves Monastery.
The icon "Tenderness" is a list from the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, made by the pious monk Arseniy Khitrosh in 1521. People go to this shrine for help in childbirth and in conception. Mothers ask for the health of their children. Located in the Assumption Church of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery.