Why do palm leaves turn yellow and fall off? Palm leaves turn yellow what to do Palm leaves curl and turn yellow

A previously lush, beautiful palm tree may begin to turn yellow and crumble. This is due to inappropriate growing conditions, incorrect or the presence of a pest. Let's take a closer look at why room palm leaves turn yellow and how to deal with the problem.

This reason is one of the main ones that lead to yellowing and drying of the leaves of the plant. The driest air is observed in the middle of summer and in winter, after turning on the central heating.

When trying to moisten a palm tree, in no case should it be flooded - wet soil has nothing to do with moisture. This will lead to root rot and death of the plant.

The simplest and most effective way to moisten a plant is to spray it with a spray bottle. The leaves of the plant will receive the necessary moisture and their cells will begin to work at full strength, performing the process of photosynthesis. Other methods of humidifying indoor air include:

A hygrometer is used to determine the degree of humidity. The digital version will also show the air temperature and the current time.


The reason for the yellowing of the foliage may be too low indoor air temperature in winter. Do not forget that the palm tree is a tropical plant, which in its homeland is constantly in a warm climate. , brought from tropical latitudes, need a temperature of 16 to 24 degrees. Palm trees growing in the subtropics are able to withstand lower temperatures, not lower than 8 degrees.

Regardless of the species, this plant does not like drafts, and its roots do not like cold. A palm pot should not be placed on a windowsill or concrete floor during the cold season. A cache-pot will help protect against hypothermia in winter and excessive overheating of the roots in summer - the air gap between the walls will act as a thermostat.


Sometimes trying to figure out what to do when the tips of the leaves dry on a palm tree, they find the answer in reducing the amount of watering. The plant is considered moisture-loving, but only if the organization of good drainage in a pot. Otherwise, moisture lingers in the ground, and the roots begin to rot. And since some of the roots do not supply moisture to the crown, the leaves begin to dry.

Watering should be done when the top third of the pot has started to dry out and the bottom third is still slightly damp. Also, the amount of water used varies from air temperature - in fairly cold rooms (5-7 degrees), watering is done once every 1-2 months, or completely replaced by spraying the crown. After moistening the soil, it should be loosened to open air to the roots and ensure the evaporation of excess moisture.

Frequent transplant

Palm does not like frequent transplants, but since this cannot be avoided at home, the procedure must be minimized. A young plant up to 3 years old, because during this period it already has time to outgrow the allotted pot. An adult palm tree is moved to a larger container every 3-5 years. At the same time, they look in which direction the roots grow: accumulation along the edges requires an increase in the diameter of the pot, and at the bottom - in height.

During transplantation, the plant is moved along with the clod of earth in which the roots are located, this will protect them from damage.


Sometimes the answer to the question of what to do if the palm leaves turn yellow is to change the location of the pot with the plant. It is best to place the palm a meter from a window, this will provide enough light, but will not allow direct sunlight to burn the leaves during the especially hot summer months.

A plant in the shade should immediately be moved closer to a source of natural light, since not a single palm tree can survive its absence.

Diseases and pests

Pests can settle on a palm tree that suck out the juice, which leads to yellowing of the leaves. These include:

The palm diseases shown in the photo at home are divided into fungal and bacterial. If the former can still be dealt with, then the latter leave practically no chance - it is better to immediately get rid of the plant in order to avoid infection of other flowers. Diseases appear in the form of a variety of spotting on the leaves. The fight consists in the use of drugs based on fungicides. Also, all damaged areas must be removed from the plant and removed from the room.

Yellow leaves may be a sign of illness

Main Factors

Palm is a tropical plant. To keep him in the apartment, the owner needs to make an effort and create conditions in which it will be comfortable. Otherwise, the foliage turns yellow, turns brown or dries, and the plant itself may die altogether.

Palm leaves can fall off for natural reasons. In the process of natural fall, plants usually shed the lower part of the leaf cover. However, the leaves turn yellow due to the influence of other reasons that flower growers should be aware of.

dry air

Many people who have indoor plants may wonder why palm leaves turn yellow. Intensive heating in apartments in winter causes dry air. In such conditions, they feel uncomfortable. The optimum temperature during the cold season should not exceed 15-20 °C.

To optimize the conditions of detention, the air is humidified. Also, flower growers spray their plants with a spray bottle and moisten the top layer of the earthen coma in which the palm tree is planted. It is worth remembering that frequent watering is not required.


The statement that at home a palm tree should be kept in the south is incorrect.

Direct sunlight does not bring him any benefit, they have a detrimental effect. The best solution would be to place a container with a plant at a small distance from the window opening.

Drafts are a phenomenon that is contraindicated for palm trees. Winter drafts are especially harmful. Cold air causes harm, due to which the leaves change their color (turn yellow, turn brown or blacken) or even fall off, and the plant itself withers and dries.

It is worth remembering what to do with the plant while the room is ventilated. Experienced flower growers recommend covering the palm tree with a cloth or taking it out of the room. Do not block the flow of fresh air, otherwise the growth process will slow down.

Frequent and incorrect transplantation

Another common reason why palm leaves turn yellow is an improper transplant. Many flower growers can make the mistake of replacing the pot in which the indoor palm grows too often.

Moving from one pot to another is necessary when the root system grows so much that the old capacity becomes small. For young plants, this frequency is no more than once a year. Older trees are usually transplanted once every three years.

Sometimes replacing the top layer of the earthy clod will be enough to prevent problems and save the plant from wilting and dying. It is also worth remembering that the new pot in which the indoor palm tree will be planted should be higher and wider than the previous one.

Malicious organisms

Not always the reason why palm leaves turn yellow lies in the conditions of the plant. The answer to a question that worries many flower growers may be somewhat unexpected, but natural.


Scale insects are the most common insects, due to which the palm tree dries up, and the leaf cover changes its color or falls off altogether. Scale insects are brown insects with a rounded body. The females have a so-called shield. Pests settle on the young shoots of the plant, sucking out the juices.

Among the whole variety of options for dealing with scale insects, the grower can choose the one that he considers the most effective. If the choice falls on insecticides, then Actellik is recommended. This drug has proven to be the most effective.

spider mites

These insects are difficult to see and notice. A feature of their activity is not only that the leaves on the palm tree turn yellow, but also that they begin to become covered with cobwebs.

Mealy bug

The insect known as the mealybug is the most dangerous to the trees, and their appearance can also be the reason why the palm tree turns yellow. This louse is white and large in size. When attacked by this pest, the leaf cover turns yellow, the plant becomes as if sprinkled with flour, all parts of the tree are covered with mucus.

Olive oil helps in the fight against mealybugs

Blackening of foliage

The tips of the leaves may turn black. The causes of this problem are most often in the conditions in which the indoor palm is kept.

To date, the following factors are known to cause blackening of the foliage in palm plants:

  1. Dry air prevails in the room.
  2. The palm tree is not watered properly.
  3. Influence of cold air currents.
  4. A compacted earthen clod.

To help the plant, you do not need to do anything special, just eliminate the cause of the problem. Flower growers recommend fertilizing with fertilizers.

If you had to think about the question of why the leaves of a palm tree dry, or other unhealthy metamorphoses are observed, then you should think about whether the basic recommendations for keeping the plant have been violated. By knowing how to properly care for a palm tree, you can avoid the need to save it from leaf problems and possible death.

In order not to puzzle over why the palm tree dries, the following points should not be overlooked:

  1. Maintain optimal humidity.
  2. Ventilate the room in which the palm tree is kept.
  3. Provide a natural process of evaporation of moisture.

Keeping in mind that the leaves of the palm tree turn yellow for the most part due to violations of optimal conditions, many problems can be avoided. Adhering to elementary rules, a florist can rejoice for a long time that a healthy and beautiful palm tree grows in his house.


The answer to the question why the palm tree dries lies in how the grower takes care of his plant.

By reviewing the conditions of the tree and taking fairly simple measures, you can eliminate all existing problems and prevent their occurrence for a long time.

Without a doubt, the palm tree is the most popular exotic plant in our homes. Moreover, this culture is incredibly popular in office space. A palm tree is really considered a wonderful solution that can easily bring comfort, greenery into almost any room and pleasantly change the overall atmosphere. But there is one problem - even with seemingly careful care, many palm trees inevitably begin to turn yellow. Today we will talk about the solution to this scourge.

Palm tree - a sign of prosperity

A couple of decades ago, the palm tree was perceived as a sign of prosperity and wealth. In Soviet times, palm trees could only be found in the homes of very wealthy people. Now this culture is perceived as the standard for many institutions. For some reason, the plant was considered ideal for business premises - tree care is minimal, and culture brings some kind of exotic, overseas calmness, variety to the hard and routine work.

There are many types of palm trees. There are reed, fan, pinnate, sago palms. They vary in size, not all of them can grow indoors, but the vast majority of these plants are united by the leaf shape. As a rule, these are long and narrow "feathers". It is the tips of these "feathers" that give flower growers a lot of trouble. They turn yellow, after them the whole leaf turns yellow, and then the whole branch. After that, if nothing is done in time, the rest of the plant, all the leaves, will begin to turn yellow.

Why can a palm tree turn yellow? There are a lot of reasons, but they are united by one common thing - the plant is uncomfortable. It is possible that the air in the room is too dry, it may be that the palm tree is placed in the sun all day, or the culture is in a draft. In any case, the most common cause of yellowing of the leaves, which spoils the entire appearance of the plant, is not poor watering or lack of top dressing, but the conditions surrounding the tree. If you change them, then all the health of the culture can return pretty quickly to their places.

We save the palm tree from yellowing

First, adjust the room temperature as much as possible. It is believed that palm trees grow best at high air temperatures. This is true, but if you raise it artificially, the air will become too dry. It is best if the room temperature is slightly above average. And still, to create acceptable conditions, do not forget to increase the humidity from time to time. Spray the leaves of the plant, water it more often, you can put a bowl or jug ​​of water next to it, from which moisture will evaporate.

Also determine a more suitable place for the palm tree. It is possible that the tree stands too much in the shade. Less often - the culture, on the contrary, spends more time in direct sunlight. Remember that the best place for a plant is near the northern windows. And in the warm season, do not be lazy to take out an overseas guest to the balcony. Let's get some fresh air. Water the palm tree occasionally with rainwater. It is said that such water is the purest and most beneficial for plants. It's not hard to pick it up. During a heavy downpour, this can be done directly with a large vessel that you place on the balcony, under running water. If there is little precipitation, then using an oilcloth you can make a device that concentrates precipitation from a large area directly into a bowl or jar. It remains only to economically spend the resulting natural moisture.

The yellowed tips spoil the appearance of the palm tree and, even if you find the cause of such a nuisance, they will no longer become green. What to do with them? They should be cut, but so as not to affect the "living" tissue. We must wait until the tips become brown and dry, and only then proceed to bring the palm tree back to normal. Palm, despite its exoticism, can hardly be called a capricious plant. She is very responsive to care, and requires very little: spraying, watering, fertilizing and the right place.

V. Kostenko

If suddenly the leaves of the palm tree growing in the house began to turn yellow and dry, there is no need to panic - you just need to think about how to reanimate the palm tree. To do this is quite simple. Such a symptom of "illness" can appear with a lack of moisture, or with very dry air. Therefore, you need to cut the leaves, a little higher than the dry part of the leaf, then wash each leaf with water (if it is winter) or spray with water (if it is summer). And yet do not forget about the regular watering of the plant.

What a date palm looks like, even children know. This is the best among ornamental plants because of the evergreen sprawling crown at the top. Under natural conditions, it reaches a height of 10 to 30 m. Its straight trunk is distinguished by “shaggyness”. However, at home, the height of the palm tree is 2-2.5 m. Do not forget that the palm tree is a southern plant, which means it loves heat, light and moisture. Providing all this at home is troublesome, but possible (although, of course, a greenhouse will be an ideal place for a palm tree).

If you do not know how to prune a palm tree, then you can destroy it. The fact is that at the “home” palm tree you cannot cut its beautiful spreading leaves. Then she will lose her luxurious decorative appearance, and in the places of the incision, the plant may begin to “sick”. The only thing that can be pruned is the roots of the plant during its transplantation, which must be done annually until the palm tree reaches its five years of age. When a palm tree is older than five years, all its roots need is space, so the tub must be large enough.

If you wish, you can plant a date palm at home. How to grow a date palm at home? Remembering that the palm plant is large, you need to take care of a high pot in advance. When transplanting a palm tree to the bottom of the pot, it is advisable to lay a layer of drainage for gradual replenishment with moisture. The roots themselves must be planted exactly at the depth to which it was planted before transplantation, otherwise the roots will rot. Although the date palm loves warmth, at home it is not picky, and it has enough temperature from +18 to +220C.

Fans of exotic plants should remember that, for example, a mix palm tree is very capricious - how to care for it, so it will grow. Abundantly, but rarely it needs to be watered in spring and summer. In winter, the “golden mean” should be observed, that is, not often, but do not forget about watering. As with other types of palms, you need to remember that the leaves cannot be cut, since this is where the growing point of the palm is located. Growing a palm tree at home, you can get positive emotions not only for yourself, but also to please your friends and relatives.

There are many reasons why a palm tree turns yellow. Some of them are natural, with time the yellow spots disappear. Other reasons are due to improper care of the plant, require the adoption of certain measures.

Yellowing leaves - a sign of improper care

Palm is an exotic plant from the tropics. In the conditions of a city apartment, the southern flower is often poorly acclimatized, it needs to create the proper conditions for normal growth and development. Otherwise, the color of the leaves changes, its owners have a question why the leaves of the palm tree turn yellow.

Common causes of yellowing leaves

Sometimes palm leaves turn yellow and fall off naturally - the plant gets rid of the old lower leaves. But most often, yellow leaves appear for other reasons.

dry air

Houseplant owners often wonder why palm leaves dry. Often in winter it becomes hot in apartments due to hot batteries. Such an atmosphere negatively affects green plants; for a palm tree, an interval from 15 to 20 degrees is considered a suitable temperature in winter. Dry air must be moistened, a tropical plant should be sprayed with a spray bottle. The top layer of the soil should be moistened, the palm tree should not be watered often.


The opinion that a palm tree can only be placed in the southern part of the room is incorrect. Direct sunlight has a detrimental effect on the plant, it is best to put the pot a little further from the window. In winter, a cold window sill harms the flower, at this time of the year most of the palms dry and wither, their leaves turn yellow, blacken and fall off. Drafts are contraindicated for palm trees.

During airing, it must be covered or taken out of the room. At the same time, the access of fresh air to the palm tree cannot be stopped, otherwise growth will slow down.

Frequent transplant

One of the answers to the question of why the leaves of a room palm tree turn yellow is an incorrect transplant. It is necessary to place a palm tree in a new pot when it is crowded in the old pot, the roots have grown too much. Transplantation of a young plant should be done no more than once a year. In some cases, you can replace the top layer of soil. An older flower is transplanted about once every three years. The new pot should be taller and wider than the previous one.

Diseases and pests


Sometimes the question is why the palm tree dries , resolved in an unexpected way - insects, among which the most common are scale insects. These rounded brown insects from the Homoptera family, the females have so-called scutes. Palm scale insects attach to young shoots and suck juices out of it.

There are several options for substances to combat scale insects:

  • soap solution;
  • garlic solution;
  • alcohol solution;
  • chemicals - insecticides (actellik is most effective).

spider mite

This small insect is hard to see. In the presence of a tick, the leaves turn yellow and become covered with a small cobweb.

To defeat the spider mite, folk (onion solution) and chemical methods are also used. Before processing, the palm should be thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth.

This is one of the most dangerous insects for the palm tree, it is a large white louse. The plant looks as if sprinkled with flour, all parts are covered with mucus. The worms attack the flower very quickly, the palm leaves turn yellow.

To save the palm tree from the mealybug, preventive measures are needed. If trouble happened, then all the above methods of pest control are effective. You can use tincture of citrus peel and olive oil.

Mealybugs are extremely dangerous for palm trees.

Leaves turn black: factors

Leaves or their tips may acquire a black tint:

  • due to the predominance of dry air in the room and the lack of optimal watering;
  • due to excess moisture, access to cold air, compacted earth in a pot.

It is enough to eliminate the negative points to reanimate the plant. Additionally, you can try to feed it with fertilizers.

Popular types

This plant with feathery wide leaves and a dense crown is quite unpretentious in its care. It grows best in clay-soddy soil. There are about 15 species of date palm, it has hard edible fruits - dates.

Date palm - unpretentious plant


It can grow up to 6 meters in length, its crown resembles a fan, the leaves are hard. In room conditions, you can try to grow a dwarf species. Bright sunlight is useful for butia, but high humidity is not, it dries up. In summer, weekly watering is enough, and in winter it can be done even less often. Butia blooms beautifully.


There are about three dozen types of livistons. At home, it can grow up to 3 meters long, has bright green leaves.

Caring for her does not require much work: she must constantly receive moisture, the temperature in the room should not fall below 20 degrees.

This species is distinguished by narrow hard leaves. Chamerops is not afraid of direct sunlight, grows slowly, does not need frequent transplantation, the soil of the plant should be loose.

Chamerops is not afraid of the scorching sun


The variety has broad pinnate leaves. It grows slowly, but can reach the ceiling. Hovea endures the absence of light, moisture, the invasion of harmful insects.


This flower needs constant sunlight, it can tolerate low temperatures (up to 8 ° C). What you should not do is water Washingtonia abundantly, otherwise the soil will dry out.


The most common type of palm. She needs light almost around the clock, the yucca pot must be turned so that the sun's rays fall on her. In the dark season, artificial lighting should be used. Watering yucca depends on the season - in winter and autumn, it needs less water. Indoor yucca does not bloom.

This plant is characterized by fan-shaped leaves, it can grow large, or it can remain in a small pot. For successful growth at home, minimal conditions are needed, sabal has a medicinal effect.

Sabal can grow to an impressive size

How to humidify the air

Dry indoor air causes palm leaves to turn yellow. An unusual way to moisturize is to put several pots of plants in the room.

They will release moisture into the surrounding atmosphere, which is why the room will have an optimal microclimate. Another popular method is to use a household humidifier.


It is necessary all year round for fresh air to enter so that the tips of the leaves do not dry out. At temperatures below 0 ° C, windows and vents should be opened for a short time, but often. The temperature in the room should be within 20 °C.

Natural evaporation of moisture

There are several methods:

  • put water containers near the palm tree;
  • install indoor fountain;
  • put wet towels on the battery;
  • put wet expanded clay or pebbles under the pot.

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