Organize a summer cottage. First steps after purchasing a land plot. Decide on the style of zoning the site

Before each owner of a backyard, summer cottage or garden plot, the question arises of the correct placement of the garden on his site. The very word "correct" suggests that there are certain rules, norms or mandatory principles according to which the garden should be equipped. And some general principles, of course, can be identified - but it is precisely some. This is due to the huge variety of conditions in which the sites are located, and besides, the personal preferences of the owners are of no small importance.

At all should not blindly copy someone else's experience, especially if this is experience gained in another soil-climatic zone. But what about? What should beginner gardeners do?

Choosing a place for the garden

Let's start with a question that inevitably arises when planning: where to place a garden on the site, what part of the total area to allocate for it. After the simplest calculation of the need for vegetables (see), it usually turns out that it is enough to allocate a plot for a garden about 3 acres. More or less - will depend on the composition of the family and the desire to experiment with any cultures.

Under the garden allocate the sunniest place, without shading on the south side. Unlike the garden, which is located on the northern slope, it is preferable for the garden southern exposure. This is the case if the garden is only a garden. The garden plot is subject to certain requirements:

  • high doses of fertilizers (both organic and mineral) are applied under vegetables;
  • provide good air permeability to soils, for which baking powders are introduced in the form of straw cutting, straw manure, coarse-grained river sand;
  • create optimal conditions for moistening, remove excess water through drainage or arrange watering with insufficient moisture;
  • protect the site from the prevailing winds by planting ornamental or fruit trees on the windward side, but so that there is no shading - all vegetables are photophilous.
Sometimes gardeners divide the total area into several plots according to this principle: the main crops with a large planting area are isolated in one array, and the green and spicy-aromatic ones are placed closer to the path and the building, so that you can easily cut a bunch of parsley or dill without running all over the dacha or backyard.

Recently it has become fashionable to arrange decorative vegetable garden. Here, vegetable crops also perform design functions, so they are already selected for their decorative qualities. But it's still exotic. If you are interested in the topic of an ornamental garden, read the articles on the principles of its organization from the list of recommended literature for the lesson.

It is undesirable to plant vegetables in the aisles of the garden, where there is shading, competition for water and nutrients, there is a danger of contamination of products with poisons used to protect the garden. Yes, and vegetables work best in open areas.

We place greenhouses and greenhouses

There are a lot of vegetable crops, and they are very diverse in their external characteristics and growing characteristics. The desire of the gardener to provide himself with early vegetables leads to the need to allocate an area for insulated soil. Now there is no problem in acquiring various greenhouses and greenhouses or materials for their independent construction.

In protected ground, heat-loving vegetable crops are grown in small quantities: tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, cucumber, vegetable marrow. To obtain early greenery in insulated soil, they are sown as compactors salad, dill, parsley and other herbs. To meet the need for early vegetables, 4-5 plants of each crop are usually sufficient.

The area under insulated soil is usually no more than 100 sq.m. But in areas with cool summers, growing heat-loving vegetables in the open field is problematic, and they are grown only under shelters. In this case, greenhouses are needed, and their area will already be higher - up to 300 sq.m and even more. Of course, it is better to grow unrelated crops separately, for example: cucumber with zucchini in one building, and tomatoes, peppers and eggplant in another. But if there are few plants, then it is difficult to implement, and not too necessary.

Dedicated to the features of growing vegetables in greenhouses next lesson- . There we will consider in detail all the important nuances.

We build beds

The beds are made in the spring, just marking the paths. The paths between the beds should provide free passage and the ability to get your hand from the path to the middle of the beds. As a rule, for this the track width should be not less than 40-50 cm. The length of the beds themselves can be arbitrary, and the width can be convenient for work: such that the hand can be freely reached a little further than the middle of the bed. This is necessary for manual work - sowing, weeding, harvesting.

Beds for individual crops (like greenhouses) are best placed with a long side from North to South- so the plants will be better lit during the day. The number of rows of plants in the beds is arbitrary.

Usually the beds are made rectangular shape. According to their device, they can be different. So, in the south they try to make them flush with the soil surface or even deepened, and in the center of the country and in the north - raised. The edges of the beds are usually not limited to the frame, but when arranging narrow ridges according to the Mittlider or warm steam beds, a frame is made of boards or flat slate, and other materials.

Various ways of arranging ridges: recessed or raised, in a frame, and so on - it is better to master gradually. For more information about what beds are, how to build them, what are the advantages and disadvantages of various options - read the articles from the reading list for this lesson.

Under large plants (with a large bush) or creepers make wide distances between rows - from 40 to 90 cm, and between small plants, on the contrary, the aisles are reduced to 15 cm or even less. The largest row spacings require pumpkins and climbing squash- more than 1.5-2 m;

  • wide aisles are needed for tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, bush squash, beans.
  • narrow aisles - for beets, carrots, green crops.

Schemes for placing plants on the beds:

  • roots- 6 cm between plants in a row and 10-15 cm between rows; it is also convenient to place most of green and aromatic plants;
  • nightshade support will be required for each bush; place them according to the scheme 50 × 50 or 70 × 70 cm;
  • early cabbage placed according to the scheme 40 × 40 cm;
  • late cabbage- according to the scheme 50 × 70 cm;
  • cucumber: when growing on a support, leave 25-30 cm between the bushes; when grown without a garter, 60-70 cm are left between plants, and row spacing is increased to 90-120 cm;
  • bush type squash placed after 40 cm;
  • climbing squash- after 70-120 cm.

Soil Requirements

The garden area should be fertile. Vegetables were traditionally grown in rural farmsteads, where a lot of organic matter was introduced into the soil, but in modern garden plots there is a completely different situation, additional reclamation measures may be required - for example, when groundwater is shallow, drainage is arranged with excess water runoff into arranged reservoirs or wells.

Usually, beginners just need to fertilize in the fall:

  • organic(manure, humus, composts from organic waste) at the rate of 60-100 kg per 100 sq.m;
  • mineral complex where there is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (azofoska, nitroammofoska, foskamid, autumn and others) - up to 5 kg per 100 sq.m.
Followed by dig up a plot as deep as possible, but taking into account the thickness of the fertile layer. On poor podzolic soils, instead of deep plowing, gradual plowing is carried out with a deepening of the arable horizon by 5-7 cm per year and composts from any kind of organic matter are used. Baking powders are needed only on heavy and floating soils.

Gives good results sowing perennial grasses(lucerne, clover, sainfoin) for 2-3 years and their plowing. Instead of perennial grasses, you can plow annual herbs as green manure. These can be mixtures based on barley or oats with vetch or peas. Before plowing the grass, it is necessary to grind and apply nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers on top at the rate of 1-2 kg per hundred square meters.

Compost - good organic fertilizer

Fertilization of individual vegetable crops has its own peculiarities. So, organic matter (manure, humus, compost) is added under cucumber, zucchini, late and medium cabbage, and only humus or well-decomposed compost is added under tomato, pepper, eggplant. Only mineral fertilizers are applied under onions and root crops, early cabbage.

Dedicated to fertilizers and top dressings separate lesson: . You can also find more information in the reading list for this lesson.

What is crop rotation, why is it needed and how to organize it

You cannot grow the same crops every year in the same place. Specific pathogens accumulate in the soil, pests overwinter on plant residues, the soil is unilaterally depleted, harmful substances accumulate in it - decay products that are toxic to plants.

To avoid these negative consequences, scientists came up with crop rotation- scientifically substantiated alternation of cultures in time and territory. In small areas it is difficult to apply full-fledged crop rotations, here they are more often used fruit cycle- alternation over the years of some crops with others.

During fruit change, one group of crops changes to another in terms of nutritional requirements. It is better if after the crops under which organics were introduced, there are crops that make good use of decomposed organics, and after them - crops with predominantly mineral nutrition.

For example, like this:

  1. medium and late cabbage;
  2. tomato;
  3. carrot.

Or like this:

  1. cucumber;
  2. pepper, eggplant;
  3. beet.

Required for some crops early harvestable predecessor. For example, only cucumber, zucchini and greens are suitable for winter garlic, since garlic is planted in the fall, and it is also necessary to prepare the soil for it. Perennial vegetable crops are grown in open areas, where they can be more than 3-5 years in one place.

Details about the organization of crop rotation (fruit rotation) in the garden, favorable and negative combinations of crops, their correct alternation and other nuances are discussed. in one of the next lessons: .

Organization of watering in the garden

Vegetables are demanding not only for soil fertility, but also for providing moisture. Even in regions that receive sufficient rainfall, there are times when irrigation is required. Therefore, the site should be water source in the form of a centralized water supply system, a well or a container for several tons of water.

If a ground water are located closer than 60-70 cm from the surface, it is better to arrange their removal outside the site or into a drainage well. In arid regions, it is necessary to take care of artificial irrigation, creating a supply of irrigation water on the site in containers or pools.

You can supply water to the vegetable plot with a hose, a stationary pipeline, or using a drip irrigation system. It is better to choose a reinforced or corrugated hose that is resistant to kinks, lightweight polypropylene pipes that are UV-resistant, non-pressure low-pressure drip lines.

But with any method of irrigation, it is necessary to determine water quality. Here it is necessary to find out the degree of mineralization, the presence of toxic salts, the pH value. Analysis can be carried out in zonal scientific institutions for agriculture or laboratories that control the quality of drinking water.

If the water meets the requirements, then it can be safely used for irrigation, but if the water is excessively saline, or contains toxic salts, or is very hard, then it is better to collect and use rainwater, use filters (which is of course expensive) - in any case, use it less.

There is rule: the toxicity of water is the less pronounced, the higher the content of organic matter in the soil.

Determine landing time

Each crop is sown and planted at its own time. If possible, insulated soil is often used to extend the time for the crop to arrive: various types of greenhouses, greenhouses. Various films and non-woven materials are used as a translucent coating, and seedlings of heat-loving crops are planted in such facilities: tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumber and zucchini, as well as such cold-resistant crops as early cabbage, cauliflower, Beijing - to obtain earlier products.

When using insulated soil, it is important that the seedlings are not only of high quality, but also certain varieties and hybrids, capable of recouping as much as possible the cost of structures and films.

Also, vegetables can be sown directly in open ground or planted seedlings. Green crops are usually sown first in the ground, followed by carrots, onions, beets, and then seedlings of heat-loving crops and cabbage are planted.

Selection of varieties- it's complicated. It is better to focus on the assortment recommended for a particular zone. There are many options and each has its pros and cons. We talked in detail about how to choose varieties of vegetables for your garden.

How to care for a vegetable garden

Garden care is loosening row spacing- usually after rains, waterings or fertilizing. As the plants develop, the loosening depth will first increase and then decrease so as not to damage the growing roots.

top dressing carried out to correct nutrition. It is better for them to use special brands of complex water-soluble fertilizers containing 5-7 trace elements. When applying fertilizers, the enclosed instructions are usually followed.

There is also a need for protection against pests, pathogens and weeds. The use of herbicides - means of weed control, in small areas is impractical. Still, they are not safe, and it is difficult not to damage the cultivated plants themselves. Manual weeding remain the most effective means of weed control.

Among plant protection products there are not only chemical, but also biological, and they should be given preference. But in the fight against especially dangerous diseases and pests, chemical protection should not be neglected. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the regulations for the use of plant protection products, not to exceed the dose and not to shorten the waiting period - the time during which, after processing, it is impossible to work with plants and use products for food. This will be discussed in detail in one of the following lessons -.

Vegetable crops are divided into single collection and multi-collection. For multi-collection, continuous flowering and crop formation are characteristic. In crops such as tomato, pepper, eggplant, zucchini, cucumber, fruits are harvested as they reach removable maturity. Their yield increases with regular harvesting. Cabbage, root crops and onions are harvested once, when fully ripe. Many cultures practice a combination of periodic collections and one-time cleaning. In dill and lettuce, for example, you can first pick off part of the leaves, and at the end of the removable maturity, the whole plant.

Gardening is a fascinating business: as you master some issues, new, even more complex ones appear. This process is creative and akin to art.

Arranging and planning your summer cottage is not as difficult as it seems. In this article, we will analyze popular layouts, as well as consider ways to decorate a summer cottage in simple and original ways.

Gardening is great, but becoming nothing more than a “farm slave” all weekend might not be the best option. And this means that a country cottage, first of all, should become a place of rest, that is, it should have all the conditions necessary for this.

In a word, this publication is for those who put the meaning of turning a suburban area into a cozy corner of rest and relaxation in the request "cottage with their own hands". If you manage to correctly compose and practically implement your own project, then this will become the pride of the whole family, since, most likely, each of its members will be able to come up with the design of their own corner. Thus, the dacha will be not only and not so much a place where you can grow an environmentally friendly crop, but the “magnet” that will attract all the thoughts and aspirations of the owners, impatiently waiting for the next weekend.

Video: interesting ideas for decorating a summer cottage

Zoning and designing a summer cottage is a rather exciting activity that is accessible to anyone with imagination. It is more difficult to bring all ideas to life. However, if the necessary construction work is carried out, and then the decoration of the entire territory, the result will not only please the master, but also surprise guests and neighbors for many years. Especially if you periodically replace some boring elements with new, even more original ones.

In this article we will talk about how to organize a summer cottage based on its parameters and in accordance with your needs and capabilities. After all, a competent approach to planning the territory of a land plot guarantees a number of advantages.

We note the following of them:

  • the possibility of rational use of space;
  • providing comfortable living in a country house;
  • providing optimal conditions for growing horticultural plantings;
  • providing an attractive view of the suburban area.

Factors affecting the planning of a summer cottage

How and where to start developing a summer cottage is a question that, sooner or later, interests every person who has become the owner of a land plot.

Let's try to determine what factors affect the process of planning a suburban land plot.

  • The terrain is one of the most important. The terrain of the site may be flat or hilly.

The planning of a territory with a flat terrain is not particularly difficult, while a hilly terrain requires consideration of the stability of the soil, the presence of groundwater and, as a result, the threat of landslides.

  • The shape of the site is an equally important factor that cannot be ignored when planning..

The optimal configuration is the traditional rectangle. But, along with this form, there are complex outlines that will make you take a different approach to the issue of the location of the house of outbuildings and the garden area.

  • The type of soil is a factor that must be taken into account both when building a country house and when planning the perimeter of the garden.. Soils can be light, sandy and yet fertile. On the other hand, the ground may be heavy medium loamy or clayey.

Of particular interest is the planning of a site within which several soil types occur. In this case, it will be necessary to conduct an independent geodetic study in order to find out where it is better to place the house with your own hands, and where it is advisable to do farming.

Important: If the soil is “poor”, do not despair, since fertile land can always be ordered and purchased in the required quantity.

  • The presence of natural water bodies and the level of groundwater are factors that can make certain adjustments to the way land allotment is planned.

A pond located nearby is a significant advantage, since watering a garden requires considerable volumes of clean water, the price of which can be high. On the other hand, the presence of groundwater near the surface layers of the soil is a negative factor that can adversely affect the resource of the erected.

  • The location of utilities and, as a result, the possibility of connecting the dacha to electricity distribution networks, natural gas, water, etc.

Important: The purchase or rental of a diesel generator for a summer residence, the use of pumping equipment and the supply of firewood or coal for a stove will to some extent make you independent of the location of certain utilities.

Features of planning a site for 6 acres

In the photo - a typical arrangement of a summer residence on 6 acres

Where to start a suburban area of ​​​​6 acres? Of course, with the designation of the garden area. The fact is that 6 acres is not so much to think about building a full-fledged summer cottage. Therefore, if such a plot of land is at your disposal, it is advisable to allocate the best and most of it for planting fruit trees or a vegetable garden.

Of course, during the entire summer season, temporary housing and a place to store agricultural equipment will be needed. In conditions of limited space, it will be possible to use country houses from block containers or wooden change houses.

Such designs are compact, relatively comfortable, and in between land work they can be used to store tools or harvested crops. We plan the location of the residential building in such a way that, regardless of the time of day, it does not cast a shadow on the garden.

Important: In order to protect plantings from cold winds, it is advisable to place all buildings along the northern border of the site.

If the land will be used for fruit trees, or we place the house on the side of the site, and we plant the trees in rows at a distance of 2.5-3 meters from each other. With this location on the site, optimal lighting will be provided, which is an essential condition for harvesting a bountiful harvest.

Features of planning a plot of 15 acres

Unlike the previous version, 15 acres is a considerable area, both for building a small house and for growing a full-fledged vegetable garden.

Having a territory of 15 acres, you can show your imagination and, in addition to the house and the garden, plan the optimal location of a small recreation area, a flower garden, and even leave a few square meters for the location of an inflatable pool.

In addition, it is possible to plan a summer cottage plot of 15 acres in such a way that, in addition to a residential building and a garden, equip an arbor covered with ivy and various elements of landscape design.

Having such a space in a summer cottage, you can apply certain planning styles or combinations of these styles in its design. The simplest and at the same time more effective is to apply a geometric layout, where the entire land allotment is visually divided into geometric shapes, mainly into rectangles.

In another case, a mixed layout can be used, in which strict geometric shapes in the design of the territory are optional or can be combined with a free arrangement of plantings.

Such a scheme of a summer cottage, along with mandatory elements (residential and outbuildings, a garden), allows the use of landscape design elements, such as an artificial pond, lawn, etc.

Now let's decide what are the norms of SNiP at their summer cottage and how planning is carried out in accordance with these requirements.

Drawing up a plan in accordance with the norms of SNiP 30-02-97

In accordance with the general provisions of SNiP 30-02-97, horticultural and summer cottages are equipped within the framework of associations of several farms.

The planning instruction for each individual site, as well as for all plots included in the horticultural association, is agreed with the local government. In cooperation with this body, the general plan of the summer cottage, which is a legal document, is drawn up and subsequently approved.

It will be possible to apply this document when registering erected buildings or when selling a summer house. Again, in accordance with these standards, all deviations from the original draft are subject to agreement with the administration.


So, we looked at how the development of a summer cottage is carried out from scratch. Moreover, we got acquainted with the norms that will have to be taken into account both when planning and when arranging a suburban area.

As a result, you will be able to independently plan the location of certain elements in your suburban area, taking into account the greatest functionality of their application. Any questions left?

If so, watch the video in this article.

Excellent article 0

How to make a plan for a suburban area?

First you need to determine the places for planting fruit trees, berry bushes and the construction of greenhouses. For greenhouses, and it is desirable to have two of them 12-15 m 2 in size, you should choose the most illuminated place on the east or south side of the future home. The shadow from the house should not cover the greenhouses either in the morning or in the evening, but it is especially important to have good lighting in the morning.

A large amount of manure is brought into the greenhouses, so it is advisable to place them closer to the entrance to the site. There is also a compost pile here.

What additional considerations should be taken into account when planning a site?

For the rational use of small areas, you should first allocate plots for fruit trees and shrubs, perennial vegetable crops, paths, recreation areas (with small architectural forms), a flower garden, a water tank, playgrounds.

Are there specific types of site planning?

More often used regular and landscape types. With a regular type of planning, straight lines predominate. The tracks are arranged perpendicular and parallel to each other. Fruit trees are planted in one line. Almost the entire area of ​​the site is occupied by beds, garden and outbuildings. Only small areas are left on the site to put benches for rest. Such a layout is done, as a rule, by people who are practical and have little time to work on the site. Part of the site, occupied by concrete paths and passages between ridges, covered with sand or sawdust, does not require time for maintenance.

landscape type provides for winding paths, a scattered, as if random, arrangement of trees, groups of bushes, reminiscent of a natural one in a forest or park. The landscape type involves gardening in small volumes - the so-called kitchen gardens with a set of green and herbs. Irregularities of the site (with regular planning - a negative phenomenon) for the landscape type of the site are of the greatest interest. In a lower place a reservoir is arranged, on a hill - an alpine hill. Interesting solutions in areas with slopes, especially southern ones, the construction of terraces, ladders, retaining walls.

Is it possible to combine different types of site organization?

In the nineties, they began to allocate landfills and fields of agricultural enterprises for summer cottages. The plots were from 800 to 1200 m 2 . The plots are leveled, with a fertile layer with a thickness of 5-6 to 10 cm, heavy loam and clayey soil composition. In such areas, the main task in the nineties was the cultivation of products, primarily vegetables, potatoes, and berries.

The large size of the plot allows you to allocate zones for fruit trees, shrubs, a large garden, a zone with flowers, ornamental plants, you can plant pines, cedars, chestnuts. Horticulture, located near cities, due to the high cost of housing, began to turn into residential villages.

On the site there is a bathhouse, a garage, utility rooms, greenhouses with electric heating. Some houses are built on the east or south side of the greenhouse. They began to dig quite large ponds - up to 30-40 m 2.

Site layout options

If you are thinking about building your own country house, immediately start planning a personal plot. Not only the beauty of your cottage, but also its overall functionality and convenience depends on the location of buildings and other objects on it. Consider the fundamental principles that should guide this.

Surely you have already thought about this more than once, but you may still need advice on whether it is better to place it in the corner of the territory on the drawings, since in this case you will have much more room for creativity. This is our first recommendation. And we will immediately decide on the relief: if there are more or less large pits on the site, we strongly advise you to immediately fill them up. When you build a house, erect outbuildings, etc., it will be very problematic to drive equipment there.

If you bought a plot that is more reminiscent of the slopes of Everest, you should not be upset: by making banal alpine slides, you will turn an unsightly and uncomfortable landscape into a truly fabulous area. Since most often the land that is issued for dacha cooperatives does not differ in special quality, in the first years it is very desirable to sow the entire area with green manure, and then plow them into the soil. So you will not only significantly increase fertility, but also significantly improve the structure of the soil.

and residential building

Only after you prepare the site, level it and remove large debris, you can finally start marking. In the case of buildings and a residential building, it all depends on your preferences: they can be made separate, or you can bring them under one roof.

If you decide to separate a residential building and utility blocks, then the residential building must be moved to the front edge of the site. Nevertheless, economic buildings are best done in its depths. Attention! For some reason, our fellow citizens have a strong belief that all the trees and shrubs that grow on the territory of the plots they have acquired must be cut down.

If possible, it is better to leave them and include them in landscape design compositions: this way your dacha will look much more spectacular and natural.

And now you have already begun to have the first real ideas on how to plan a site (dacha - in particular). We hope that you did not forget to first of all decide what exactly you want to see on it. To make it easier for you, here is a classic "layout" as an example:

  • The residential building is taken as a basis.
  • Around it, an "ensemble" is being made of outbuildings and household buildings.
  • Various buildings designed for recreation: gazebos, barbecues, barbecues, decorative ponds, etc.
  • How can you not have a garden! The amount of space that you give under the beds depends solely on your performance and gardening preferences.

Tall trees should be planted immediately behind the fence: if it is low, you will protect yourself from unwanted glances, and the summer cottage itself will be ennobled.

After you decide on the buildings themselves, be sure to choose the right material for them. This aspect is extremely important, as all buildings should form a harmonious and uniform style that will fully match the style of your site. As for the garage, it is better to do it in one of the front or rear corners.

So you will significantly save the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour site and your strength: firstly, you will not need to make a driveway through those places where flower beds will look much better. Secondly, in a snowy winter, you will not curse everything in the world, thinking daily what to do with a pile of snow. In the end, the summer cottage rarely differs in too impressive dimensions, so there will simply be nowhere to place snow piles.


Where to build a playground? It must be done in a place that is constantly in your field of vision. It is not allowed to build a playground near ponds and other places potentially dangerous for a child. The best option is the area overlooking the windows of the kitchen or living room.

You should not build it near gooseberry bushes or even currants. Children's games are unpredictably dynamic, and therefore you will have to constantly pull the thorns out of a desperately roaring child. If someone is engaged in beekeeping within the line of sight, then do not place the playing area under. In addition, it does not hurt to provide a fence of at least 2.5-3 meters high: the bees will gain a safe height, so the chance of bites will be less.

Here's how to plan The photos of personal plots that are in our article will help you better navigate and plan the order of work.

Legislative aspects

Important! When hatching ideas on how to plan a site, the dacha cooperative must be notified of the fact that construction has begun, and it is also mandatory to familiarize yourself with the requirements that apply to the placement of buildings on the site. This information can be obtained from local authorities. If you take this advice lightly, then don't be surprised at possible problems in the future.

Where is the residential building located?

In general, it is desirable to place all residential buildings on the highest point of your site. In no case do not build rooms on a hill in which you will contain some living creatures. Firstly, all the liquids from the stables will run straight to your yard, and secondly, if you are not lucky with the direction of the wind, you will breathe in not very pleasant aromas.

The remaining "wastelands" between utility blocks, verandas and other buildings can be decorated with ornamental shrubs, flower beds and flower beds. In order not to be unfounded, now we will learn how to plan a plot of 15 acres.

Proper layout

In this case, you will have at your disposal one and a half thousand square meters of land. Suppose that the following buildings will be placed on this area:

  • Residential building of 150 square meters.
  • Household blocks for 30-35 sq. m.
  • It is impractical to allocate more than 8 square meters for a summer parking lot for a car. m. Approximately the same area can be occupied by a full-fledged garage if you plan to live outside the city year-round.
  • More than 100 "squares" can be allocated to the recreation area. Of course, in this case, everything depends solely on your own preferences.
  • Under the beds and greenhouses we take 150-200 square meters. m, but if desired, this area can be occupied by a lawn or discounts.
  • As a rule, the tracks take up about 80 "squares".
  • The entire remaining area is occupied by garden trees, a plot for planting potatoes or other crops. In principle, you can even dig a pool if you have the opportunity to buy such an amount of building material.

Swimming pool and relaxation area

By the way, as for the place for water procedures and sunbathing, it is best to place them in the depths of the site, under the protection of garden trees. Taking water and sunbaths under the watchful eyes of neighbors is another idea. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the pool is an extremely dangerous place for children. Be sure to enclose it, and not with a decorative fence, but with a normal capital fence, through which your enterprising offspring will not be able to climb.

Ideally, a residential building and a gazebo should be planted with fruit trees. Their choice is different for each region, but in the classic case it is apple, pear and plum trees (if winter temperatures allow). Of course, in the southern regions of our country, the range is much wider. As for shrubs, in this case it is also not recommended to leave the classic options: currants, gooseberries and honeysuckle will do just fine.

Let's talk about the garden

When drawing up a drawing and thinking about how to plan a garden plot, it is very important to decide on all garden matters. Of course, if you come to the dacha only to relax, then you can not allocate space for beds at all.

However, given the inclination of our fellow citizens to gardening, such a situation is very rare. Therefore, it is necessary to tell a little more about the choice of a suitable site. For example, how to properly plan a summer cottage if the land is constantly swampy?

First, never place a garden in a lowland. In the spring it will be guaranteed to be heated, and you will start planting plants at a time when your neighbors will already have young shoots with might and main.

If you have no choice, then you will have to fill the soil and make drainage ditches. As a rule, growing garden trees in such a wetland is completely impossible, so you will have to limit yourself to just shrubs.

Here's how to plan the site. Country leisure in this case will bring you only joy!