How to learn to do simple tricks. How to learn to do coin tricks professionally Easy but effective tricks

Wondering how to do magic tricks that all your friends will love? You have probably been amazed more than once by the performances of famous illusionists who make buildings disappear and objects appear. Sometimes it even seems that magic is completely real, and such a trick can only be performed if you have magical power. In this article you will find several simple tips how to do magic tricks and amaze your friends. Some of them require only manual dexterity, while others require the preparation of simple props.

Card trick

Many tricks with cards ultimately come down to the fact that the spectator chooses a card, and the magician guesses it or performs some magical action with it. First, let's learn the simplest ways to do magic tricks with such props. Let the spectator take any card from the deck, remember it and show it to all other spectators. After this, he must return it to the deck. The most in a simple way to guess what the viewer has chosen is the key card, that is, the one that is located next to the hidden one. There is a simple way to find out. It is necessary to remove the deck, ask the spectator to place the selected card and cover it with a stack of key card, which was spied on. Then everything needs to be shuffled demonstratively and the spectator asked to remove the deck. After that, we turn it to face us and discover that, for example, the three of diamonds was hidden. Now the secret of how to do tricks with guessing a card has been revealed to you. You can also turn an arbitrary card into the one chosen by the viewer. To do this, place it second from the bottom. We show the audience the bottom card, they laugh, because this is not the right card. Then we turn the deck face down. We slightly move the bottom card and pretend that we are taking it out, but in fact we are choosing the hidden card. To make the trick even more impressive, it can be rubbed on the viewer’s clothing or placed on the table. Now you know how to do tricks with a deck of cards.

Appearance of the map

Let's look at another simple trick with the appearance of a card. To execute it you will need more workout, but the effect will be very bright. First we show the audience an empty palm, and then a card appears in their hands. To do this, its corners are pinched between the middle and index fingers and between the little and ring fingers. It is necessary to hold the card in this way and straighten your palm completely. It is important that no corners are visible. Now let's learn how to open a map. First you need to learn to do everything slowly. Bend four fingers, pinch the card from above thumb and slowly straighten your fingers. If everything is done correctly, it appears in the palm of your hand.

Converting banknotes

Now let's learn how to do a trick with turning banknotes. For this trick you will need to take two monetary units of various denominations. Fold the bills eight times. First twice in length and then in width. After that, glue them together one outer square at a time. We show the viewer the most ordinary banknote. The part where the second one is glued needs to be covered. Fold the bill and cover it with your left hand. Then we turn the structure over and straighten it, demonstrating the second banknote. This is how you can simply answer the question of how to learn how to do tricks with banknotes.

How do you spend your free time? Love to play computer games, take cool tests, communicate in social networks, what about learning magic tricks? Surprise your friends!

The most important thing when performing any magic trick is persistent practice. You can get acquainted with the simplest trick and learn how to perform it step by step in at least half an hour, but in order to really succeed and not be exposed, you need to train a lot and for a long time, honing your technique and skill. You need to learn tricks, moving from simple to complex, so next we will talk about how to learn how to do tricks that any beginner can handle.

Simple card trick

Those who want to learn how to learn how to do magic tricks often start with cards. Among card tricks, there really are a lot of easy options that you can quickly learn and surprise viewers with, and some of the most popular ones include simple tricks with card guessing. We will now consider one of them. The trick is called “Guess the card.”

What the viewer sees. The magician shuffles a deck of cards and hands it to one of the spectators so that he chooses one of the cards. The spectator chooses his card, remembers it and, without showing anyone, gives it face down to the magician. The magician returns the card to the deck, shuffles it again, lays out the cards and accurately finds the spectator's card!

The secret of focus. Take a deck of cards and shuffle it. Attention: the key to this trick is to quietly spy which card will be the bottom, that is, the last one in the deck.

The spectator selects a card and returns it to you. Divide the deck randomly in half - you end up with two parts of cards in your hands, one of which contains the bottom card - you memorized it at the very beginning. Place the spectator's card on one part of the deck and cover it on top with the second part. The spectator sees that his card is now hidden, but you know that it lies under the very bottom card.

Lay out the cards in a fan, then look for your bottom card with your eyes - next to it on the right will be the one that the viewer wished for. Voila! At the same time, do not choose it too quickly, for example, pretend that you are trying to feel the energy emanating from the card - entertain the viewer.

A coin passes through a glass

The next simple trick is the glass and coin trick. It is more difficult than the previous one, as it requires a certain amount of manual dexterity.

From the viewer's side. The magician shows the audience a coin, takes it in the fist of one hand, and with the other brings a glass to it, then knocks the glass on the hand with the coin - and it ends up inside, going through the bottom!

In fact. Choose a large coin and a glass, plastic or glass. Show the audience the coin and then pretend to transfer it to your other hand, covering the top with your palm and appearing to grab the coin into your fist. But the coin, of course, remains in the same hand where it was.

This is it key point: It is important to practice and learn how to hold a coin with an open palm or hold it between your palm and little finger, whichever is more convenient for you - the main thing is that it is held inconspicuously and does not fall out.

With the same hand in which you hold the coin, you take the glass and raise it over your hand with your fist, where the coin lies, according to the audience. Tap the glass on your fist several times. On the last knock, relax your hand so that the coin falls inside the glass, and at this moment open your palm with your fist, simulating the passage of the coin through the bottom of the glass. It is important to work this trick well so that everything works out deftly and quickly, and the audience does not have time to come to their senses and expose you.

Match trick

And finally, we'll tell you how to do tricks with matches that only require sleight of hand.

As the audience sees. The magician holds a match between the fingers of both hands. Having placed them perpendicularly, he hits the matches against each other, as a result of which one match passes through the second.

The secret of focus. Before picking up matches, wet the index finger of your right hand. After this, hold the matches between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. The key to this trick is that the right hand the match with the sulfur head touches the moistened index finger and therefore sticks to it, and if you unclench your fingers, the match will still continue to “hang”.

Turn the matches held in your fingers perpendicular to each other. Now begin to move the left match towards the right, and at the moment of their collision, unclench your fingers, passing the left match forward, and then squeeze it back. You need to learn how to do this quickly and sharply, imitating the blow of matches - then the audience will not notice the trick.

How to learn to do tricks with a scarf

Spectators also love tricks with a scarf. One of the most popular such tricks is “Passing a coin through a scarf.” How to learn how to do it will become clear after watching the following video:

To ensure that your performance makes the right impression on the viewer and that even the simplest tricks cause surprise, remember a few golden rules that experienced illusionists follow: do not repeat encore tricks, do not tell the technique of performing them and do not warn the audience about what trick you will do next . So the effect of surprise will be achieved, and the mystery will remain.

Hello again!

Sergey Kulikov, aka Sailor, is in touch with you again!

I would like to call our article today “How to do magic tricks, training and demonstration.” In it we will show you five simple but truly effective tricks that will shock any viewer!

Focus number one!

This trick is quite confusing, but nevertheless, it is very surprising and effective. So, before starting the trick, we thoroughly mix the deck and prepare a prediction for the viewer! We write something on a piece of paper and put it aside.

Now we ask the spectator to choose twelve absolutely any cards.

He can take twelve cards in a row from the top, he can take from the bottom, or he can choose random cards.

After this, we ask him to choose four from these twelve cards. Again, they should be random. We do not impose anything on the viewer.

Now we set aside these four cards, and put the remaining eight cards back into the deck. We won't need them anymore.

Let's see what cards the viewer chose. In our case, these are Seven, Four, Six and Queen. You need to do the following with them: deal so many cards on them to make ten. That is, we draw six more cards for the Four, and four cards for the Six. All high picture cards are already equal to ten.

So, after this tedious action, we need to do one more thing. We need to count the sum of these cards! In our case it is twenty-seven. We count out twenty-seven cards onto the table and put the next card aside.

Now let's look at the prediction. We only wrote two words, “Three Crosses.” Now we look at that card that we put aside and this is... Three of the Crosses!

Focus number two!

I love this trick very much, because it is wildly effective and can surprise even a skilled magician! So, according to tradition, let's shuffle the deck.

Now let's ask the viewer to choose a card. Let's start flipping through the deck along the long side and ask the spectator to stop us at any moment. We give him his chosen card so that he remembers it. In our case, this is the Three of Hearts. We put it on top of the deck and lift the deck. Thus, the card becomes lost in the deck.

Now we lay out the deck with a ribbon on the table and see that we have four Aces turned upside down! We divide the deck into two parts in the place where the Aces lie. After this we will do a funny action. We'll put red Aces on the top of one of the stacks, and we'll put black Aces on the top of the other stack. Now the Aces must look for a card in their pile!

We lift the deck once, lay out the deck with a ribbon on the table and see... that both the black and red Aces have caught one card each! One of these cards is the Three of Hearts - the spectator's card, and the other is the Three of Diamonds!

This is such a wonderful trick!

Focus number three!

This trick is wildly simple both in execution and in effect. You can show it for the purpose of simply fooling around with the putter and just to amuse your friends.

So, as usual, we shuffle the cards and ask the spectator to say “Stop” at any time when we flip through the deck. The spectator stops us and now we are only interested in those cards that remain on top.

Take them and mix them thoroughly. We ask the viewer to pick up this stack in absolutely any place. We put those cards on which he picked aside, and remove the rest.

Now we do the following action: we lay out the “magic circle” on the table! We deal twelve cards on a table in the shape of a circle. Now we look at the number of cards that the spectator picked up. In our case there are nine of them. From this we conclude that the ninth card in this circle is the Five of Diamonds! A bold statement, let's check if this is true. We check and, together with the viewer, we are convinced of the suitability of the “magic circle” to help us with tricks!

But that's not all!

In fact, I have prepared as many as FIVE tricks for you! The other two you can easily find in the video:

You can find training in these wonderful tricks in this video:

That's all I have for today! I hope you liked my article entitled “How to do magic tricks training and demonstration”!

Sergey Kulikov, aka Sailor, was in touch with you!

Tricks and magicians have always aroused genuine interest among ordinary people. Even now, in the age of modern achievements and technologies, magic tricks still remain the most interesting and a most exciting activity, which many people dream of learning.

Many tricks can be easily performed at home. This and card tricks, and with water, with a coin, with big money, using paper, a scarf, the disappearance of objects and other objects.

Technology of simple tricks

How to learn to do magic tricks with your own hands? Easy and simple. Learn to be quick and sleight of hand to perform a simple magic trick at home in minutes. The category of common tricks includes card tricks. These can be easily made at home. And no one will even have time to understand when you became a wizard.

Card trick

One of them looks like this:

  • Take a deck of cards and ask the person to choose one. Naturally, he shouldn’t show it to you.
  • Then ask him to put it at the bottom of the deck (you saw this bottom), then carefully shuffle the cards and start laying them out on the table one by one
  • When you see the one that was previously the last one, it means that the next one will be the one you were looking for.

Card tricks are mostly just trickery. However, there are those for whom card entertainment options are not suitable. In this case, you can do other tricks.

Using water

You can do a trick with water - this way you will definitely surprise your viewers. In addition, this option is great for novice wizards who want to surprise.

For this you will need the following details:

  • flat plate
  • small coin
  • paper
  • cup
  • matches

You need to perform this trick at home with caution.

  • Place a coin on a plate and pour water to cover the money
  • Next you need to do the following: light the paper and throw it into the glass, then quickly turn the glass over and place it on a plate next to the coin
  • The water will collect in the glass and you will be able to take the coin from the water trick without getting your hands wet

There are a lot of water tricks, and you can easily learn how to do them at home.

Disappearance of objects

You can do a trick at home with objects disappearing. And it's not at all as difficult as it seems. For this you will need a coin.

  • Roll up your sleeves to convince those present of the purity of your intentions
  • Don't forget to leave small space between hand and clothing. Only under this condition will you be able to surprise your guests with the disappearance of money
  • Next, raise your hands and carefully drop the coin into this slot - so, everyone will be conquered by the mysterious disappearance
  • The remaining actions are left to the discretion of the magician. So, you can “get” a coin from behind your ear. And few people realize that the main part is carried out literally with your fingers

Learning magic tricks with disappearing objects will help you learn to work with just your fingers, which will significantly improve your dexterity and allow you to expand your repertoire of magic tricks without cheating.

Paper trick

You can also do a magic trick at home using a pen and paper. Alternatively, you can use paper money for it.

If the trick was performed with money, the effect will be more interesting. The success of such a trick and whether you can do it directly depends on the quality of your training and manual dexterity.

You can make this trick out of paper. Tear the sheet into several pieces, number each piece up to 10, place the pieces of paper around the room, remembering where which number is hidden. After this, ask the guest to name any number from 1 to 10, and then lead him to where the hidden number is.

With a scarf

Another trick you can do at home with money and a scarf. With it you can make objects disappear.

  • For it you will need 2 identical scarves, which are sewn together along the edge
  • Please note that there must be a cut between them - about 12 cm long. It must be made in the middle of one of them
  • The space between them will allow you to get a pocket in which items from under a scarf can be perfectly hidden.

The main thing is to have time to do everything quickly. And then the audience will have the illusion that things are disappearing under the scarf.

Features and nuances

To learn how to do magic tricks, even the most varied ones, you don’t have to have a remarkable mind. All you need is tenacious fingers and dexterous hands. Of course, there are a number of tricks that require a sharp mind.

If you want to amaze others, becoming a magician is the most best choice. Moreover, learning how to do tricks is not that difficult.

Who doesn't love magic tricks? Everyone loves magic tricks - both adults and children. Because a trick is a little magic that, if desired and skillful, you can do yourself. Of course, this matter is not as simple as it seems at first glance, so to begin with, the tricks should be as simple as possible. But that doesn’t make them any less effective! We have put together magic tricks that you can show to kids or help your child master them himself - especially for little magicians! The most important thing in this matter is to learn the magic spell: “hocus pocus alle op!” All! Now everything will definitely work out!

Piggy bank book

And this is not a simple piggy bank, but a magical one - there are more and more coins in it! We put five coins on the page of the book, close the book, and do not forget about the spell. We open the book - ten coins already fall out of it! Everything is elementary: five coins need to be hidden in advance in the spine of the book. Now the main thing is that the coins do not fall out ahead of time.

Obedient tie

Even kids can do this trick. A young magician appears before the audience. But something is wrong with his suit. Oh yes - he forgot to wear a bow tie! But this is a fixable matter, a wave of the magic wand - hello oops! – and the tie is already in its place! The secret is simple: we sew a thin elastic band to the tie, and hide the tie itself under the armpit. We thread the other end of the elastic through the buttonhole on the collar and pull it under the shirt to the waist, securing it. Now all that remains is to take the magic wand in your hand, wave it - the elastic band is released, and the butterfly “flies” to its place!

Magic spoon

Calmly stir sweet tea or compote with a teaspoon. And suddenly - hello oops! – the spoon is already hanging on our nose! Miracles! In fact, everything is simple: the spoon really sticks to the nose because of the sugar (after all, our tea was sweet, and even more so the compote!). Of course, you need to glue the spoon with the concave side. Plus a little sense of humor and acting skills - a funny trick is ready!

Magic lid

We hand out 3 plastic bottle caps to the audience. One of them should be different from the others in color. Let the audience, without our knowledge, hide the lids in a box with three compartments, each lid in its own (the box is made of 3 boxes glued together). We pick up the box and unmistakably determine where the lid of a different color is located! How? Very simple. In advance, you need to put a weighting agent in this lid - a circle of lead, equal in size to the bottom of the lid. At the moment of guessing, carefully take the box with the lids with your fingers by the middle - the heavy lid will outweigh it slightly. If the drawer remains in balance, then the desired lid is in the middle compartment. And, of course, the caps should be given to the spectators one at a time so that they do not have the opportunity to compare their weight.

I can read minds!

The child takes a book at random from the shelf and asks the audience to tell the page number. Then he leaves the room. The magician's assistant reads out the top line of the page chosen by the audience. A young magician enters and repeats it without hesitation! He really can read minds! In fact, everything is simpler: our magician and sorcerer simply knows how to read. Behind the door lies the same book as the one that the child took “at random” from the shelf. And he himself read the required top line behind the door!

Lord of Rice

The magician is holding a plastic margarine box filled with rice. The child covers it on top with exactly the same box - bottom up. After magical manipulations and reading the spell, the box opens, and lo and behold, a miracle - there is much more rice! It doesn’t even fit in the box and spills out onto the table! The secret of the trick is in the specially prepared box with which we covered our rice. It has a “double bottom” - the lid from it needs to be cut off and carefully glued as a bottom approximately in the middle of the box. Now the most important thing is not to mix it up and at the end of the trick, pour the rice into the right box, the one with a false bottom.

Sleight of hand

For this trick we will need a bracelet, rope and a scarf. The assistant tightly ties the hands of the young magician, after which he gives him a bracelet and wraps the magician’s hands with a scarf, holding the ends of the scarf. After a couple of moments, the scarf is removed, the magician raises his hands - and the magician’s bracelet is put on a rope! The thing is that there are actually two bracelets: the second one is already put on the child’s hand and hidden under the sleeve of the jacket. All that remains is to quietly drop the bracelet onto the rope and hide the second bracelet!

Candy made from... confetti?

For this sweet trick you will need a wide bowl filled with confetti to the middle and a couple of paper cups, not just ordinary ones, but with a secret. Here it is, this secret: one of the cups should have a lid, on which we glue confetti thickly and thickly. Then it's a matter of technique. We put candy in a glass with a lid and bury it in the bowl of confetti. The child shows the bowl to the audience. So that everyone can see that there is no deception here, he scoops up confetti with another glass and pours it back into the bowl with enough high altitude. Then he scoops up the confetti again (but in fact takes another glass, and hides the first one in the bowl), covers it with a handkerchief, reads a spell, removes the handkerchief - in front of us is a glass filled with delicious candies! The main thing is to carefully remove the lid along with the scarf - this is the second secret of our trick.

Non-bursting ball

Take the inflated one balloon and a long sharp knitting needle. A swing, a precise movement - and the needle is inside the ball, but the ball is intact! This is possible with a little preparation and a series of training. You need to stick a piece of transparent tape on both sides of the ball, and the magician’s task is to learn how to hit exactly the marked places. It's not that easy and requires some dexterity. But the effect produced by the trick is worth the time and effort!

Fruit transformation

There is an orange in the palm of the young magician. The magician covers it with a handkerchief, casts a magic spell - and now there is not an orange on his hand, but an apple! And here’s the solution: you need to peel the orange in advance. And put a small apple inside it. The peel is removed with a slight movement of the hand along with a scarf.

Coin - acrobat

Let's invite our viewers to pick up a coin from the table without touching it. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to do this. Meanwhile, it is enough to blow sharply on a coin from a distance of about 5 cm - it will jump, and you need to keep your hand very close in order to have time to pick up the coin. The trick is charming, but requires practice.

I know your date of birth!

This trick, of course, is beyond the power of children. But you can surprise children and adults with them at some holiday. The magician asks the spectator to multiply his date of birth (number) by 2, add 5 to the result, multiply the amount by 50. Then add the number of the month of birth and call the resulting number. The presenter accurately names the viewer's date of birth! And first in his mind he subtracts 250 from the number named by the viewer. The result is a three- or four-digit number. One or two first digits of which is the date, and the second two are the month of birth.

Slippers and rug

The magician brings a rug onto the stage and shows it to the audience from all sides. He covers his feet with it (and at this time he quietly removes the slippers from his feet). The rug is removed and the slippers are revealed! But that's not all: While the magician bows, the slippers go backstage on their own (they are pulled by assistants on a fishing line)! This is an embarrassment! Let's go get the slippers!

Endless thread

The magician has a white thread on his jacket, the magician tries to brush it off, but he doesn’t succeed. He asks the audience to remove the thread. The kind spectator pulls the thread, pulls, pulls, but it never ends! Soon the viewer becomes entangled in threads. In fact, in inside pocket In the jacket there is a pencil with a long thread wound around it, and the end of the thread was pulled out with a needle. And we need a pencil for secrecy - even if attentive spectators suspect something, a pencil in your pocket will not give away the secret - it’s not a reel!

Magic water

There is one optical illusion: if you put a glass on a coin, it will be visible through the walls of the glass, but if you pour water into the glass, the coin will no longer be visible, unless, of course, you look at it from the side, but if you look exactly from above, it will be visible. This can become the basis for a focus. For example, you can glue a coin to the bottom of a glass. The magician shows the audience a glass of water - nothing is visible. And now (after the magic words) we look at the glass from above - a coin has appeared in the glass!

Weightless glass

For the trick we need three glasses and a sheet of paper. We place two glasses on the table not far from each other. The magician informs the audience that a sheet of paper placed on the glasses can easily support the weight of the third glass and invites the audience to try to check this. Of course, no one believes. But in vain! This is possible if you fold a sheet of paper like an accordion. For greater effect, you can pour water into the top glass.

Trained button

Pour soda into a glass and put a small button in it. Now we turn to the button: “swim up!”, then: “swim down!” The button is obedient! And here there is no secret at all, the law of physics: gas bubbles, gathering around the button, lift it to the top, at the top they burst, and the button sinks again. All that remains is to calculate the time for your teams.

Unblown candle

Here again are amazing laws of physics and no magic. We try to blow out the candle through the funnel - we blow into its narrow end. If the candle is located exactly in the middle of the funnel, nothing happens, but if the flame is located at the edge of the funnel, the candle goes out immediately. The fact is that the air we blow out is scattered and distributed around the edges of the funnel. Therefore, no air flow remains in the middle, which is why the candle does not go out.

Video: tricks and their secrets

Simple trick with cards - video