IQAir AirVisual Pro Smart Air Quality Monitors

Near motorway kindergartens:

They recorded an excess of the norm of air pollution by 1.5-3 times: exceeding the maximum allowable average daily concentrations for one or more hazardous substances, including nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen monoxide and ozone. The norm for nitrogen dioxide was exceeded by 1.3-1.5 times, for the concentration of nitrogen oxide at two points - by 3 times, and the ozone level near three children's institutions exceeded the norm by 1.2-1.8 times.

Ecologists noted that in Moscow every year 5-7 thousand premature deaths are associated precisely with air pollution. Elevated levels of harmful substances slow down the growth of children's lungs and increase the chance of asthma.

But in Moscow, 94% of air emissions come from cars. St. Petersburg, by the way, is the third in the list of the dirtiest cities right after Moscow. It's scary to imagine what the inhabitants of Chelyabinsk or Magnitogorsk breathe... I generally keep quiet about air pollution in settlements near landfills. They don’t even need appliances - everything is clear from the unbearable smell.

Naturally, we breathe the same in our apartments and offices. And if nothing can be done with the air on the street, then in the rooms where we spend the most time, it can be cleaned with the help of air purifiers. How to choose an air purifier, I will tell you today.

Air cleaners consist of a fan and a set of filters assembled in a single housing. The main task of such a device is to pass air through itself and retain all contaminants inside. But there are also air purifiers with additional functions: ionization and air humidification.

There is nothing wrong with humidifying the air, if you do not combine this function with cleaning. 2in1 complexes become breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses: the filters become moist, and a breeding ground for bacteria appears in them, which can greatly aggravate the state of health. Especially in the winter-spring period, when people get sick more often, or in the spring-summer period, when many people suffer from allergies.

And ionization does not affect health positively. If the air purifier does not retain all the dust in itself, then these dust particles are ionized along with the air, which settle when they enter our lungs.

Therefore, it is worth stopping at a conventional air purifier and paying more attention to the quality of cleaning. To do this, I will test several air purifiers of different, but high, price categories at once.

We will compare the price, appearance, additional functions and quality of cleaning air cleaners of different brands:

  • Panasonic F-VXM80R-K;

  • Boneco P700;

  • BORK A704;

  • LG LSA50A;

  • IQ Air Health Pro 250.

To measure the data, I will use a laser counter, which determines the amount of dust in the air. Now in 1 cubic meter of a room there are 58,070,000 dust particles ranging in size from 0.3 micrometers per cubic meter. That's more than 2,351,835,000 of these particles in an entire room of about 15 square meters!

The air outside the window is even more polluted - 86,501,000 dust particles ranging in size from 0.3 micrometers per cubic meter.

We start testing. Once again, we fix the value before the start - 50,897,000. It has changed, since the air is constantly moving along with the dust in it. You can measure the amount of dust in the same place with a difference of 10 seconds, and the readings will be different.

I will bring the measuring device to the grate of each purifier, from which already purified air should come out, and measure the amount of dust in it.

Let's start with Panasonic's Nanoe air purifier. By the way, it has an air ionization function.

The cost of this model is 58 thousand rubles. It is not very large in size. The appearance is classic - nothing more. We look at the result of cleaning:

After it, the air leaving the filter contains 8,389,000 particles ranging in size from 0.3 micrometers per cubic meter, that is, the Panasonic F-VXM80-K coped with only 83.52% of the impurities measured by the laser counter.

The second test will be carried out with the Boneco P700 air cleaner.

Its cost is 70 thousand rubles. Both externally and in size, this air purifier is very similar to the previous model. The air stream that comes out of it after cleaning contains 7,244,000 particles ranging in size from 0.3 micrometers per cubic meter. This cleaning is already 85.77% dust.

The third test will be carried out on the air cleaner Bork A704, which has the function of humidifying the air.

It costs about 45 thousand rubles. This is the smallest air purifier I have ever tested. Outwardly, it looks more minimalistic than previous devices.

Bork showed a result of 4,800,000 particles ranging in size from 0.3 micrometers per cubic meter, which is 90.57% of dust removed from the air.

Another air purifier is LG Signature. It also contains a moisturizing function. By the way, the volume of its tank is 3.2 liters, and the capacity is 700 grams of water per hour. The owner will have to add water every 4.5 hours.

The price is 85 thousand rubles. It is noticeably different in design and looks more modern. Its cleaning result is 3,561,000 particles ranging in size from 0.3 micrometers per cubic meter, which is 93%.

And the last to evaluate the result of the IQAir HealthPro 250.

Its cost is 100 thousand rubles. In terms of design and dimensions, it is noticeably inferior to all other cleaners. Let's look at the cleaning result.

The result is zero! In the air purified by HealthPro 250, not a single particle larger than 0.3 micrometers per cubic meter. This is 100% dust removal, which is determined by the laser counter.

Let's look again at the readings of all the cleaners that I have now tested:

And let's try to understand where the value zero comes from.

The Swiss company IQAir has been dealing exclusively with air purification systems for more than 50 years. IQAir purifiers are the only ones on the market that have been clinically tested, and only clinical trials prove a positive effect on health. Their HealthPro 250 is the best air purifier in terms of particulate efficiency.

Despite its large dimensions, the cleaner is easy to assemble and requires no maintenance. And another important plus is absolute safety! You can imagine what would happen if children put their fingers, a pencil, or a paper clip into any other air purifier. In the case of the HealthPro 250, nothing will happen to the child or the air purifier itself!

There is a handle on the top to move it around and wheels on the bottom.

The dashboard is simple: on / off, switching the fan speed and air purification intensity: the minimum power will clean 50 cubic meters of air per hour, the maximum - 440 cubic meters. The menu shows the life of the filters, or rather, how much is left before each change. The service life of each filter depends on the operating conditions: if you use the appliance in a very dusty environment, you will need to do it more often, and vice versa. On average, the pre-filter needs to be changed about every 1.5 years, the gas and odor filter every 2 years, and the fine filter every 3.7 years. There is also a timer for the purifier and indicators for each filter.

And here are all the filters that are inside. It is thanks to them that such a cleaning result is obtained. This also explains the size of the air cleaner - the larger the filters, the more dust they can hold and the quieter they can work.

The bottom one is preliminary. In household cleaners, they are usually a fine mesh that only catches coarse dust, wool, and hair. There is also a fine classification filter of class F8, the thickness of which is 8 cm. Such filters are used as final filters in climate control systems in offices, shopping centers and hospitals. In HealthPro 250, it is considered preliminary.

The second filter is carbon. More precisely, the odor absorbing material is a two-component mixture based on carbon. The composition is the secret of the manufacturer. Detains hydrogen sulfide, benzene, diesel, nicotine, ozone, styrene, phenol, formaldehyde and more than 40 chemical gases.

It weighs 2.5 kg! By the way, such large filters not only purify the air better, but also require replacement less often.

And the third, largest and main filter, made using Hyper Hepa technology. It captures dust particles as small as 0.003 micrometers (we measured particles as small as 0.3 microns with a laser sensor)! For you to understand, this is 7 times smaller than the smallest virus! No manufacturer, except for IQAir, speaks about the delay of particles with a size of 0.003 micrometers.

It is this technology and the large area of ​​the filter material that make it possible to obtain such clean air at the outlet and catch the smallest dust particles that filters of other brands cannot hold. The Hyper Hepa filter captures more than 99.97% of fine particles as small as 300nm and more than 99.5% of ultra-fine particles as small as 3nm, including allergens, bacteria and viruses.

There is another important indicator of the operation of the device that is worth measuring - the noise level. When working at the first power, it is only 22 dB - this is comparable to talking in a whisper - you can easily fall asleep under it. If you turn the purifier on to the maximum, the noise level will increase to 57dB, which is similar to the noise in the office in the middle of a working day.

IQAir air purifiers are manufactured in Switzerland and sold in Russia only by Breeeth Housing Ecology Center. The manufacturer does not give permission to resell the equipment to dealers, as he cares about the quality of service and the final cost of the goods - if sold through networks, the goods would cost much more. For the same reason, the manufacturer gives a 3-year warranty on its product (the usual warranty for such equipment is 1 year). If the device is out of order, then it is taken for free for repair or replacement, even from the regions! Upon purchase, it is also delivered free of charge throughout Russia.

In general, you can see for yourself that the IQAir HealthPro 250, unlike other models that I have tested, completely cleans the air of dangerous fine dust. The rest just make the air cleaner.

By the way, IQAir equipment can be used not only in an apartment or office space, but also in a cottage or at work, and the company also has separate solutions, for example, the possibility of creating a “clean room” house for allergy sufferers or for people who are often ill. All products can be ordered from the Breeeth Center for Living Ecology website and delivered directly to your home.

Well, the air in my office is already clean)

Oncological, cardiovascular diseases, chronic lung diseases, strokes, acute respiratory viral infections - ordinary street air often becomes the cause of these very unpleasant problems. Because it's polluted.

IQAir is a Swiss company with fifty years of experience in air cleaning. We tested the IQAir HealthPro 250, an air purifier with professional features, but designed specifically for urban apartments and offices.

Main performance characteristics of the IQAir HealthPro 250 air purifier :

  • Maximum room area: 85 m²;
  • Maximum cleaning performance: 440 m³ of air per hour;
  • Number of filters: 3;
  • Installing an additional washable pre-filter PF40: yes;
  • Quiet motor with overheating protection;
  • Intelligent system for calculating the life of each filter;
  • Status indicators for each filter;
  • Timer (allows you to program the operating time by hours and days);
  • Can work around the clock, non-stop;
  • Country of origin: Switzerland.

How does it clean

First, air passes through coarse filter PreMax F8(area - 2.8 m²): wool, coarse and fine dust are retained, the following filters are protected.

Further carbon filter V5Cell-MG: fight against chemical impurities (gases), odors (including tobacco smoke). This is the case of a two-component adsorbent mixture (2.5 kg) based on granular activated carbon with a special impregnation that improves the quality of air purification.

Final stage - high-purity filter based on HyperHEPA technology(this is the development of IQAir). With an efficiency of more than 99.97%, fine particles of contaminants as small as 300 nanometers (0.3 microns) and more than 99.5% of ultra-fine contaminants as small as 3 nanometers (0.003 microns) are retained.

For reference :

  • erythrocyte diameter is 7 µm;
  • the thickness of a human hair is from 80 to 110 microns.

This is the essence of HyperHEPA technology - the quality of air purification at home is the same as, for example, in high-tech industries or in medical institutions and laboratories. Allergens, bacteria, viruses are retained. The area of ​​the filtering material is 5 m². About the area in general a separate conversation. It is this parameter that provides the capacity (cleaning performance) and filter life. Most competitors in the Russian market do not have such filter area values.

In 2003, during the SARS outbreak in Hong Kong, which was caused by the A(H1N1) virus, the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, after testing various air purification systems, chose IQAir products to fight the virus. IQAir air purifiers have been installed in more than 150 hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Really works

We took a professional device ParticleScan Pro, which captures the amount of dust particles and other contaminants per 1 cubic foot of air. To calculate how much dust in general (let's call everything that is in the air, including bacteria, viruses, etc.) in the room, you need to multiply the value on the device screen by 35 (we get the amount of dust in 1 m³ of air), and multiply the product also the size of the room.

In our office, at the end of the working day, the number of dust particles in 1 m³ of air was approaching 4,500,000 (128,078×35). This is a very good indicator - the air cleaning system works well. Usually the numbers are higher. For example, almost 27,000,000 particles (769,911×35). But when they brought the ParticleScan Pro to the IQAir HealthPro 250 air cleaner operating at maximum power, they were surprised to find that after half a minute the pollution dropped to 0! At the exit, it gave out completely clean air (the measuring device captures particles with a size of 0.3 microns).

By the way, iQAir specialists perform free air quality analysis using ParticleScan Pro within the Moscow region.

It will take some time to completely clean the air in the room. But not so much. If you turn on the IQAir HealthPro 250 at full power, then its performance will be very high - through filters in an hour it will drive and purify 440 m³ of air. It has 6 speeds in total.

Another important point - IQAir HealthPro 250 is designed in such a way that it completely excludes the passage of air past the filters - there is no "blowing out of the slots", all the air is cleaned.

Infrequent filter change

The display of IQAir HealthPro 250 for all 3 filters displays information about the number of hours left before replacement when operating at a particular speed. Control panel with indicator light for each - it signals the need for replacement when the time is right. At the time of testing, our copy at an average speed of operation (3rd), the pre-filter is enough for another 5,778 hours work, coal - on 7,677 hours, and the HyperHEPA filter - by whole 16,273 hours(that's almost 2 years of round-the-clock work!).

In our office, at the end of the working day, the number of dust particles in 1 m³ of air approached 4,500,000 (128,078 × 35), and in ordinary apartments, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare even much higher. But when they brought the ParticleScan Pro to the IQAir HealthPro 250 air cleaner operating at maximum power, they were surprised to find that after half a minute the pollution dropped to 0!

Convenient and simple

It is on wheels, and since you can’t classify it as miniature (71 × 38 × 41 cm), that’s right. Disassembling IQAir HealthPro 250 is simple: open two vertical holders on the case and, for example, change filters. And it's easy to do, thanks to the patented modular design. But if you need help, a qualified employee of the company will install them for free.

The display of the IQAir HealthPro 250 is small, “scrolling” with the Menu button - you get into different sections. In addition to information about the condition of the filters, the display shows the operating speed along with the volume of air that is pumped per hour (from 50 to 440 m³). It is important that it is possible to use the on-off timer and schedule work for the week. In this case, it is not necessary to approach the device for adjustment all the time - the delivery set includes a remote control.

Passport characteristics, scope of delivery and price

Model name HealthPro 250NE
Type air purifier
Colour light grey/white
Control mechanical buttons on the body and IR remote control
Electric power 20 W (first stage) to 135 W (last stage)
Supply voltage 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz
Weight 16 kg (20 kg per pack)
Dimensions 71(H)×38(W)×41(D) cm
Noise level 22 dBA (first stage) to 57 dBA (last stage)
Performance from 50 m³/h (first stage) to 440 m³/h (last stage)
  • Pre-Max - cleaning from large and small particles
  • V5-Cell - Decontamination
  • HyperHEPA - cleaning from microparticles
Cleaning degree not less than 99.97% for particles from 0.3 microns and more
  • diffuser 320° EvenFlow
  • six filtering speeds
  • timer to turn on at a specified time and on specified days of the week
  • speed selection for timed on and off periods
  • indication of remaining filter life
  • choice of load level individually for the type of filter
  • 3 year warranty (1 year for commercial use)
Contents of delivery*
  • cleaner
  • set of wheels
  • remote control and CR2025 battery for it
  • user manual (in English and Russian)
  • warranty card
  • cleaning performance and quality certificate
  • made in switzerland
* it is better to specify the delivery set before buying
Link to the manufacturer's website
average price
Retail offers

Appearance and function

The cleaner is delivered in a modestly designed large double box made of thick and durable corrugated cardboard. There are no handles on the box, which complicates the transportation of the purchased cleaner. For added protection, there are foam inserts in the box, the cleaner itself is packaged in a thick plastic film bag and wrapped in a polyethylene foam sheet.

The purifier is a fairly tall column, roughly square in plan, and is meant to be placed on the floor. However, as an option, the manufacturer supplies a powder-coated stainless steel wall bracket.

The air is taken in from below, through the arches on both sides, and the purified air is blown out through the grate from above. The blow is directed to the sides in a horizontal plane, with a coverage, as indicated by the manufacturer, of 320 degrees.

When viewed from below, the intake grille of the first pre-filter can be seen.

As well as a sticker and information about the product.

The cleaner rests on four rubber feet, but if desired, four wheels can be mounted on swivel racks from below.

The wheels will help a lot if you intend to move the cleaner often, as it weighs a lot. Because of the wheels, the cleaner becomes higher, and the air is already taken from below from all sides, and not just through the arches.

You can carry the device by the handle located at the top center. The body of the purifier is made of plastic (ABS) in light gray and white. Outside, the surfaces of the body parts are matte and apparently uncoated. The cleaner has a modular design. The modules are arranged in a vertical stack and fastened with two rack-levers located in front and behind.

To replace the filters, you need to press the upper L-shaped tips of the levers and move the levers synchronously to the sides. In this case, the modules above the pre-filter module are lifted, and the three modules on top are no longer fixed by levers.

This allows you to pull out the pre-filter module, and remove the top three modules in succession. As a result, in the form of an undivided structure, only the lower base module and the double module with a fan remain.

The pre-filter has a foam plastic crate (the webs of which can be easily broken out), a plastic grate and a pleated filter element. The manufacturer indicates that the surface area of ​​the filter element is 2.8 m², and it is made of glass microfiber. The efficiency of this filter is at least 55% for particles 0.3 µm and larger. This filter traps large and small particles and protects subsequent filters.

In the module, the filter itself is additionally fixed with four plastic clips. The label on the filter can be viewed by removing the filter from the module.

The next double module occupies a fan with a red impeller.

The internal thick walls of this module are made of foam. Above and below the fan is protected by grilles. Through the lower grille, you can see the inscription that the fan motor is made in Germany.

The manufacturer claims that the motor does not require maintenance, is designed for continuous operation and has protection against overheating.

Directly above the module with a fan, a module with a filter is installed that purifies the air from gaseous substances. It can be seen that the cassette of this filter is made of corrugated cardboard, the cutouts in which are buried by a plastic grill. Behind the bars, black and reddish granules can be seen.

It is indicated that the filling of this filter consists of granular activated carbon and impregnated (ie impregnated) activated alumina. Activated carbon sorbs pollutants and partially promotes their catalytic decomposition into harmless components. The second type of granules irreversibly binds pollutants, in particular formaldehyde, by means of chemisorption.

The final purification of the air from the smallest particles is carried out by the upper filter installed in front of the exhaust grille.

As in the pre-filter, a foam plastic crate, a plastic grate and a folded filter element are used here. However, the area of ​​this element is already 5.0 m², and the efficiency of this filter is at least 99.97% for particles with a size of 0.3 microns and more. There are other data on the filter label, for smaller particles.

The large dimensions of the filters indirectly indicate that they have a large capacity in relation to air pollutants and particles.

The top module with outlet grate has a simple structure. Note that the four small pads pressing the top filter are not securely fastened and can easily get lost.

The socket for connecting to the electrical network is located at the bottom rear. Connector is standard.

The complete cable is non-rigid, its length is 234 cm.

At the top of the rear arm that holds the purifier modules together, there is only the company logo and the name of the series.

The front lever is more functional, since it has a control panel on top of it.

It consists of a power button, a power indicator, three buttons that navigate through the menu and change settings, a small two-line LCD display without backlight, LED indicators for the remaining filter life and fan speed located on the purifier circuit, as well as a receiver IR signals from the remote.

Filter indicators change their color and glow pattern as the resource is used up, from steadily glowing green, orange and red to flashing red, which means that the filter has expired. In standby mode and if the timer is not set, the power indicator glows red.

During operation, and if the timer is still not activated, the display shows the speed number and the corresponding performance, the filter indicators are highlighted, and the fan indicator “rotates” the faster, the higher the set fan speed.

If the cleaner is running and the menu is inactive, then each press of the button with a triangle changes the speed level in ascending order to the maximum, and after the maximum value, the minimum is selected, and so on in a circle. To control access to menu settings, it can be locked. To unlock, turn off the power. The menu functions available to the user allow:

  • find out the remaining estimated service time of each filter;
  • set a timer to turn on;
  • select the filtering speed when switching on by timer
  • and the filtering speed set when switching off by timer;
  • set the days of the week when the timer should not work;
  • set the current time and day of the week;
  • reset filter counters when replacing them;
  • select airflow units (m³/h or CFM - ft³/min);
  • switch the menu language (no Russian);
  • change the load index on each filter.

The load index is used in conjunction with running time and speed to more accurately predict the remaining life of each filter. According to the manufacturer, the purifier continues to work after the expiration of the estimated service life of the filters, the degree of purification from particles does not decrease, but performance may decrease. Also note that the purifier does not require any maintenance other than filter replacement.

The IR remote control allows you to control the purifier remotely. The remote control is small and light (22 g).

The remote control is powered by a single CR2025 battery. From the remote control, you can turn on the purifier immediately at the required speed, switch the speed, turn off the purifier, and turn on or off the pre-set timer.

By its design and construction, this purifier is suitable for indoor use and cleaning in circulation mode. However, the manufacturer offers adapter kits that allow you to connect air ducts to the HealthPro 250 NE from the air intake side and / or the purified air outlet side. This allows you to use the purifier, for example, in the mode of taking air from outside and supplying purified air to the inside, both when the HealthPro 250 NE is placed outside (but outdoor use is prohibited) and inside. Also available are mobile and wall-mounted systems with sleeves for air intake directly from the pollution source. As additional accessories, there is a pre-filter for conditions with a high content of large particles (for example, cat or dog hair) and an aluminum box for transporting the cleaner. The HealthPro family, in addition to the 250 NE model, includes two more: 100 NE - more productive (470 m³ / h), but without a filter from gaseous pollution, and 150 NE - less productive (350 m³ / h).

The manufacturer attaches an individual certificate to each copy of the cleaner, which shows the results of testing for real performance and cleaning efficiency. The purifier also comes with a very detailed user manual. The version in Russian is of good quality both in printing and in translation. From the company's website, you can download the user manual in the form of a PDF file, unfortunately, we did not find a version in Russian there, but it. There you can also find reports on clinical trials of this cleaner.


The remote control on a fresh battery works at a distance of up to 3 m from the purifier, while you need to direct the remote control to the control panel area slightly above, which is almost impossible to do from a sitting position, you have to get up.

We conducted a comparative test of the speed of air purification. . In addition, we used a second sensor, namely the Xiaomi PM2.5 Detector Air Quality Monitor, which apparently shows the concentration of PM2.5 particles in µg/m³. The graph below shows the relative (in %% of the initial) smoke concentration from the time after the smoke generator was turned off and the purifier turned on and after a short period of time required to establish the mode. In the case of the Xiaomi sensor (signature with PM2.5 in brackets), the concentration of 600 µg/m³ is taken as 100%, and the graph is plotted from the beginning of the decrease in concentration below this value. This is due to the fact that this sensor is many times more sensitive, and its upper measurement limit corresponds to approximately 0.12% of the maximum value for the first sensor. However, in this case, only the rate of concentration decrease is important, and not the absolute value.

In this test, the IQAir HealthPro 250 NE was set to maximum power. For comparison, the data obtained for air purifiers , and . We indicate that the volume of the test room in this test was 8 m³ in the case of IQAir HealthPro 250 NE and Dyson Pure Hot+Cool, while in other tests it was approximately 10.6 m³, so these graphs, as in the following illustration, should be compared with taking into account the difference in the volume of premises. Let us construct the experimental dependences C(t) in linearized coordinates ln(C) on t and determine Kf/V from the slope of the linear approximating function.

All dependencies fit well in a straight line. Multiplying the coefficients obtained by the volume of the room, we get the filtration rate. The result is shown in the table below.

air purifier Filtration rate, m³/h Decrease in concentration twice*, min.
IQAir HealthPro 250NE 306 13,1
IQAir HealthPro 250 NE (Xiaomi sensor) 305 13,1
Dyson Pure Hot+Cool 149 30
Philips AC3256 462 9,1
Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 443 9,3
Tefal Intense Pure Air PU4025 212 21
* for a room of 35 m² with a ceiling of 2.75 m (volume 96.25 m³)

The filtration rate turned out to be about 305 m³ / h. According to the certificate, it should be more, namely 440 m³ / h. The underestimation in the case of our testing can be explained by the fact that the conditions for ideal mixing of the purified air with the air in the chamber are taken into account in the calculations. However, the horizontal direction of the outlet of the purified air and the proximity of the chamber walls to the purifier led to the fact that part of the purified air did not have time to mix with the rest of the air in the chamber and again fell into the filters of the purifier. In the case of other purifiers tested, the air is mainly blown upwards, so it has time to better mix with the still uncleaned air before it enters the purifier again.

The table above shows the time required to halve the concentration of pollution for a room area of ​​35 m² with a ceiling height of 2.75 m. It turns out that the IQAir HealthPro 250 NE purifier will reduce the concentration of pollutants in about 2 hours fine particles) in the air by 1000 times in a room with a volume of 96.25 m³, which in most cases can be taken as a complete cleaning. Note that according to our testing, the actual cleaning speed will be higher if the purifier takes less freshly cleaned air.

When measuring the noise level, the sound level meter microphone was placed at a height of 1.2 m from the floor (approximately at the height of the ear of a person sitting on a chair), at a distance of 1 m from the body of the cleaner and was directed at it. The graph below shows the weighted sound pressure level and power consumption for six filter speeds.

For orientation, we present a table of correspondence between the values ​​of SPL and our subjective sensations:

The purifier operates quietly only at low speeds. However, even at high filtration rates, the noise is uniform and does not cause irritation.

In standby mode, mains consumption is 1.0 W. A long-term interruption (more than an hour indicated by the manufacturer) in the power supply causes the internal clock to stop, and when the power supply is restored, it will lag behind, but the settings, including the last mode and the timer, are not reset.


The IQAir HealthPro 250 NE air purifier features high filtration efficiency against the smallest particles, while the activated carbon and impregnated activated alumina filter removes harmful and/or odorous pollutants from the air. At low filtration speeds, the purifier operates quietly, maintaining sufficient performance for a medium-sized living space. If necessary, the filtration speed can be increased to the maximum, the noise will increase, but its nature allows you to be in the same room with the purifier without much discomfort. In IQAir HealthPro 250 NE, we liked the utility of the design, an advanced system for predicting the life of each filter, an on/off timer, a detailed manual in Russian, the availability of additional accessories, as well as a convenient carrying handle and the ability to install on wheels. I didn’t like it except that it was slightly difficult to control from the remote control.

Video review

In conclusion, we suggest watching our video review of the IQAir HealthPro 250 NE air cleaner:

Ours can also be viewed on iXBT.Video

Finally, I bought a humidifier (Real), which really moisturizes! Evaporates 15 liters in less than a day. Quickly raised the humidity level in a room of 21 square meters from 18 to 45 percent. It was pleasant to be in the room, there was a feeling of freshness. Before that, there was a Koenig sink, then an ultrasonic one. Only Real Madrid coped with the task. I sold an expensive Koenig sink and ordered another Real (in the second room).

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Olga E.

The store employees are always quick to call back, the goods can be picked up immediately. Pickup is not far from me, so I usually pick up by pickup.

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Elena V.

I bought a rather expensive air purifier, maybe that's why the communication was the way it was. A call in a couple of minutes, they worked out my comment on the order, waited until I filled out the order on their website. Delivered the next day. The courier, perhaps, wanted to take off immediately after delivery, but as he saw my interest in continuing communication, he immediately unpacked everything, showed it, inserted an additional filter, and connected it. All at the highest level.

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Vyacheslav K.

I liked this store with a wide range of products. And since I am in the office all day long, where there is a large influx of customers, I agreed with the management on the purchase of an air purifier. The manager told me in detail about the advantages of the device and helped me make the right choice. I quickly placed an order, and after 2 days the air purifier was delivered to the address. This made me happy, as it is quite fast. I paid in cash, which is also convenient and reliable with such a transaction. Hope it lasts a long time. Working with the store has been a pleasure.

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Julia Frolova

Good store. All for the people. We ordered a call from the manager, who correctly explained everything and picked up the goods that we needed. He told me why you should not take the goods more expensive. Delivery to Ulyanovsk, the manager said that you can pay in cash upon receipt, which is a big plus. After 3 days, the goods arrived to us. The cleaner was very good. Literally after 2 hours in the apartment it became easier to breathe.

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Ekaterina Tikhonova

I purchased a humidifier from this store. In winter, the air in the apartment is very dry, and this is harmful not only for the skin, but also for health in general. The consultant helped me decide on the choice of humidifier, he quickly picked up the model I needed. Delivery to St. Petersburg was made the next day !!, I paid in cash upon receipt of the goods. Which I consider a big plus, since I trust such payments more.

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Olga P.

Ordered an air cleaner. A pleasant manager girl helped with the choice of a cleaner, put everything on the shelves. I liked the simple and understandable form of ordering and payment (paid for the purchase upon receipt). Brought straight home, box without dents or damage. When placing an order, the manager conducted an educational program on operation. Thanks for the good service!

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Anna Smirnova

We decided to purchase an air purifier, at the insistence of a doctor. I suffer from asthma attacks and since we did not encounter this type of technique, it was problematic to make a choice. We called and spoke with a specialist over the phone. We chose the more expensive one in the end. I doubted about the delivery, since it is quite problematic to transport the cleaner to the Khabarovsk Territory from Moscow, given the rather heavy weight. But the delivery service brought our equipment safe and sound right to the door, and for free) We thought that we would have to mess with the installation ourselves, but they turn out to do everything themselves. Very comfortably.

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Maria S.

I decided to find the best cleaner, after spending a day I realized what to take in this store. I ordered a model with a carbon filter, took an additional filter, made a discount, nice.) I paid with a card on the site and by the evening they had already brought it home, and for free, although at such a high price this is not surprising. I was pleased that the courier had some kind of expensive sensor that determines how dirty the air is. Showing me how this purifier works, he attached this sensor to it and the sensor showed the number zero and then I decided that I needed to check Bork, which my neighbor recently bought, the courier agreed to conduct an experiment. As a result, the neighbor was upset, because he didn’t show zero even close.))) The guys worked well, I’m satisfied with the purchase and service, I recommend it.

IQAir systems are manufactured in Switzerland to the highest quality standards and in accordance with strict international regulations. Leading institutions around the world rely on IQAir to protect against airborne infectious diseases, toxic chemicals and particulate pollutants.

Portable Air Purifiers

First introduced in 1998, the modular design of air purifiers for small spaces has allowed IQAir to create different models with optimized air filtration technology to remove certain groups of pollutants from the air. One of IQAir's most popular models is the IQAir HealthPro 250, which uses three separate filtration stages that are housed in a modular tower design. In August 2012, the company announced an overhaul of its portable indoor air purifiers, designated "New Edition" or "NE". New air purifiers have become more productive, the noise level has decreased. The service life of filters has also increased.

Air purification systems for large rooms

In July 2013, IQAir introduced two new series of air purification systems: CleanZone SL and CleanZone 5000. These two systems are designed for large rooms, private houses and cottages, large apartments, offices. The CleanZone SL is a slim, ultra-quiet, high performance air purifier with wall mount capability. The CleanZone 5000 is a large yet mobile air purification system that can be used in an integrated ventilation system or as a freestanding air purification system. Both series are available in a variety of configurations and can control particulate matter and a wide range of chemical gases and odors.

Duct air purification filters for HVAC systems

The Perfect 16 series is the only system with a perfect MERV 16 (the highest filtration rating for air filters by air conditioning). The abbreviation MERV stands for Minimum Reportable Performance Indicator. The MERV system was developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to independently test air filtration systems.

Prior to the introduction of the Perfect 16, no household or office air purification system performed so well. A distinctive feature of the filters of the series is a very low pressure drop and a filter life of up to 3 years.

High precision laser particle counters

In 2000, IQAir introduced the ParticleScan line of optical handheld particle counters, a key feature of which is the presence of a compressor that allows high-precision measurements even in directional airflow.

IQAir AirVisual Pro Smart Air Quality Monitors

In 2016, IQAir launches the AirVisual Pro air quality monitor. The new AirVisual Pro is the latest in laser sensor technology and an affordable, affordable air quality monitor with unparalleled measurement accuracy. IQAir AirVisual Pro allows you to collect a large amount of air quality data around the world. Each monitor can, at the request of the owner, transmit air quality data to the AirVisual platform.

Together with the IQAir AirVisual Pro air quality monitor, IQAir provides the world's first international air pollution app, available on Android and iOS, which gives everyone free access to the world's largest air quality database covering more than 10,000 points across around the world, the list of which is growing every day. The AirVisual app and website were the first to offer a 7-day pollution forecast developed in-house by IQAir using machine learning and artificial intelligence, allowing us all to plan ahead for our outdoor activities.

Car and desktop air purifiers Atem Car and Atem Desk

In 2017, IQAir proposes to create its own clean air zone with Atem series air purifiers - Atem Car and Atem Desk. The compact and mobile Atem series air purifiers allow anyone to breathe clean, healthy air in the car, at home, at work or while traveling. Use it in the bedroom, office, hotel room or while studying. Atem helps improve the air you breathe in seconds.


In 1963, in Germany, the brothers Manfred and Klaus created one of the first household filters, which was intended to clean the air from soot formed from combustion products in household stoves.

In the process of working on the product, being a patient with chronic asthma, Manfred notices that after installing the filter they invented in his house, he has a reduced number of asthma attacks. Later, many of the consumers of their products also notice that since the introduction of the filter in the house, their cases of allergies and asthma have decreased.

Klaus, a mechanical engineer by training, during the 60s and 70s continued to adapt the filter to other heating systems such as radiators, space heaters and forced air heating and cooling devices.

In 1981, after a heart attack, Manfred dies. Klaus is looking for a more suitable place for the development of the company and decides to move to Switzerland. After the move, Klaus establishes sales of various filters in the market of Europe and the United States of America. Klaus' son, Frank Hammes, after graduating from the University of Cambridge in England, decides to join the family business and devotes himself entirely to his father's work on the creation of air purifiers.

After successfully collaborating with Mercedes-Benz to develop a cabin air filter for Mercedes-Benz passenger cars in the North American market, Frank is turning his attention to the possibility of using forced-fan air purifiers in residential areas.

In 1994, a decision was made to develop a new type of air purification device, operating on this principle. Frank and his team of Swiss and German engineers, after four years of intensive research and development, have created one of the most efficient yet compact air purifiers in the world. In the spring of 1998, the first HealthPro Plus system rolled off the production line at the Swiss IQAir factory. This product was originally only available in Europe.

In 2001, Klaus' second son, Jens Hammes, joins the family business and promotes IQAir's expansion into Asia.


IQAir's manufacturing facility is located at Blumenfeldstrasse 10, 9403 Goldach, Switzerland

The production facilities of IQAir are located in Switzerland, on the shores of Lake Constance. With the help of high quality components, a professional team of skilled craftsmen and a modern production process control system, IQAir manufactures one of the best air purification systems in the world.

The combination of these factors allows us to provide buyers of IQAir air purification systems with the highest level of quality equipment and a long warranty period.

The IQAir office is located in the Nestle building,
Goldach, Switzerland


The introduction of the IQAir HealthPro series. Confession.

In September 1998, the HealthPro 250 system receives its first recognition in the authoritative German magazine Stiftung Warentest, as having surpassed all other systems that have ever existed on the market in terms of air purification quality.

Start of sales in the USA

In 2000, IQAir air purifiers become available in the United States and achieve instant success in the fight against allergies and asthma.


In 2002, IQAir became the first and only air purifier manufacturer to receive H12/13 residential air purification quality certification. HyperHEPA filter technology has made it possible to bring to domestic use the quality of cleaning, which was previously achieved only with industrial purifiers, which cost millions of dollars.

SARS in Hong Kong

In February 2003, after the emergence of a virus that causes SARS in humans, the Hong Kong Hospitals Association (HKHA) initiates testing of various air purification systems for their ability to trap the virus.

The IQAir purifier was recognized as the best purifier for this task. As a result, IQAir was awarded a contract to supply air purifiers to more than 150 hospitals and medical facilities in Hong Kong.

Educational activities

In 2004, the American Lung Association selects IQAir as its lead partner to advance public education on indoor air quality.