Do-it-yourself teaching clock. How to make a clock out of cardboard? Watch painting: homemade watch with your own hands using decoupage technique

Manual measures "Aggressive spam" (also called "sanctions") - automated or manual kicking of a site from search without the participation of Google's main algorithms. The anti-webspam team is quite effective in combating low-quality sites, so such measures (erroneously called “filters”) are long and difficult to remove, but arrive quite quickly.

Manual measures are taken based on a complaint, based on reports from monitoring systems, or during scheduled cleanings of search results from low-quality sites.

Aggressive spam

As a rule, the site is killed by the spam bot WNC-646702.
This site exhibits signs of aggressive spam: posting automatically generated nonsense text or content copied from other sites, obfuscation, and/or repeated or flagrant violations of Google's Webmaster Guidelines.
Everything is affected.
Affects all pages.
If the request for verification is rejected, the following message is received: on the site... there are still serious problems with spam. The texts of messages in the Search Console periodically change slightly. The meaning of this handbrake remains unchanged.

Aggressive spam objects:

  • shitty texts (rewrites and copy-paste) and stolen pictures, that is, the site - GS:
  • dropped domain with old measures
  • an abundance of advertising that turned the site into spam
  • automated filling, synomizing, etc. Chernukha
  • stolen content from a web archive
  • stolen translations into another language
  • MFA, dora, PBN, etc.
  • useless rewrites from the YMYL sphere (I recommend google what it is)
  • black monetization (clickers, vap-click, web mining)
  • cloaking

Aggressive spam is never given for purchased links and spam in micro markup!

!) Actually, if the site is completely gs and the handbrake has come, then it’s probably easier to kill such a site. The worse the site, the less chance there is. Or change the domain. But measures will most likely arrive again.

!!) If you take a drop (abandoned domain) with measures without experience, then you will have to develop the site without Google for 3-6 months. The more lively the site looks, the higher the chance of removing measures. It’s stupid to send an empty website or add notes that the owner of the domain has changed. Nobody will read this. The check is automated.

!!!) To remove the handbrake for Aggressive spam, you need to radically redo the site - completely (and not in 1-2 days), rewrite articles, collect comments and change photos to copyright ones. After refusing a request for re-verification, we take a vacation for several months and prove that the site is necessary and traffic can be received without Google.

Common mistakes webmasters make when receiving manual measures

  • Write on with a bias to look like a fool in order to beg for an unban. This also includes aggressive behavior and boorish demands.
  • Check the uniqueness of the text as a percentage and assume that Google is doing the same thing.
  • Request multiple checks. This will result in your request no longer reaching the verification system. 180 days of waiting in line are guaranteed.
  • Write along with a request to review the letter for the anti-webspam team. They don’t read, and the robot is unlikely to be aimed at semantic analysis of such opuses.
  • Make the minimum wage on the site and try to cheat the verification system.
  • Doing pseudo-SDL (without experience is a waste of time).
  • Assume that positions will return after the measures are lifted. Very often, measures are deliberately delayed (the longer a site is under sanctions, the higher the likelihood that it has lost all its positions and they were taken by other sites, which is what they write about in the letter to Search Console, that there are no guarantees of the return of positions).
  • Assume that after the measures for aggressive spam are removed, the site’s rating will remain the same. Nothing like this.
  • Assuming that Google's Edsense will protect you from the handbrake.
  • Buying a site with measures.
  • Buying a beautiful drop with measures (there’s no need to get involved in “drop farming” without experience).
Useful links:

Hello! Remember, as you taught your kids about time, that it can be measured using seconds, minutes, etc.; and that there is a special device for this. Or perhaps you still have to tell your little ones about all this? Then I will suggest one very effective method. Together we need to make a clock with our own hands for children from cardboard. You can devote your working time to telling a story about short seconds, minutes rushing forward, and such huge hours that seem to last forever, especially for kids. And creative work will not remain without a trace, the little ones develop by doing it.


What to hide For a modern person, no matter how big or small, the wrapper is important. Even the same candy may seem tastier if it is wrapped in a candy wrapper with your favorite movie character, rather than in parchment. Therefore, the learning process should be packaged in a beautiful wrapper: use your favorite Lego men, cars, stickers, prints of super heroes, everything that your child likes, that he is willing to look at for hours, and that he is even willing to sleep with.

Or even make it in the form of a wrist bracelet; I think kids will also appreciate this option.

Regarding the teaching system, choose the one that you think is more understandable to your child and which you can teach “without stuttering.” Some people make watches like real ones without minutes, others hide the minutes under a leaf so they can “peep.” Someone, on the contrary, makes a double dial, where both the hours and minutes are clearly visible, and even the hands move in their own circle, clearly pointing to the number. And someone makes a clock with the task of sticking the corresponding number of minutes on Velcro, and even below you can put in separate numbers what happened (for example, 10:30). Of course, it is more convenient to make such watches with Velcro from felt, although Velcro can also be glued onto cardboard. The main idea!

Or you can improve your regular home clock by sticking minutes in a circle for quick learning.

In a word, what are we still talking about? It's time to get down to business! We have a universal, basic master class coming up that you can take as a basis for your idea.

Step-by-step instructions for making a clock from cardboard

Now we will try together do under the tree. But first, just a few words about the tools we will use to make, and the children’s possible help.

A few important points:

  • We have to cut out blanks from paper, and for this we will need sharp scissors. If you have scissors with rounded edges, then this part of the work can be entrusted to the baby. Otherwise, it’s better, or rather safer, to do it yourself.
  • To fasten the arrows on the structure, we again need a sharp object: either nail scissors with sharp edges, or a nail. Only 3 holes. But safety is more important. If the baby asks, of course, you can entrust the work, but only with your safety net.
  • Decide how strong the structure you plan to make. Perhaps one sheet of cardboard will not be enough. Then use a base. A layer of thick packaging cardboard, or a few additional regular balls, will serve as the base.
  • The last thing is how you will draw, or rather, with what. If you use a compass, then you already have the middle marked, and that’s good. But it is dangerous because of the sharp edge. You can draw it by tracing a plate, cup or bowl around the counter. In this case, we determine the middle using two perpendicular lines. Or, even simpler, bend one of the circles (preferably not the very first one, in order to maintain its attractive appearance) in half twice. The bend point is the middle.

Now we are completely ready! Forward!

Hours and minutes - MK

A cork round hot stand was chosen as the basis for the watch. But you can get by with corrugated cardboard.

Step-by-step photos of production:

Printable templates - enlarge by click

Comfort and coziness in our home sometimes depends on even the smallest details and elements. Even most interior designers agree that the most important attributes for achieving comfort in the home are well-chosen curtains, original lamps, soft and, chosen in the right shade, blankets, pillows, bath mats and clocks.

This article will focus on a master class on how to decorate a clock at home yourself.

There are a large number of photos of watches on the Internet, most of them are made by famous designers, but making original watches at home is also not difficult.

There is, of course, one key and difficult point - installing a mechanism on the watch for its operation, but a ready-made mechanism should be bought in a store and installed according to the instructions. But the appearance of the future watch and its other design completely depends on personal preferences and tastes.

There are several modern techniques that help you make your own watches in any style.

Clock style decoupage

This technique of designing and creating a wall clock involves working with a ready-made store template, which already has a blank, the base of the hands and the finished mechanism. You can also purchase ready-made patterns on papers, special paints, glue and other decoupage elements.

The blank for the watch is made in this way: the base is coated with acrylic paint primer several times, and finally sanded. The desired shade and texture are given to the base in the next step.

There is one trick - if you want to make a watch in the old style with a tint that represents scuffs, then the paint must be applied with a sponge.

Decorating a wall clock with your own hands is a process of bringing out the imagination and creativity from a person. Special water stickers can be applied to the base. Or you can draw a preliminary sketch yourself and transfer it to the dial.

Afterwards, the finished mechanism and arrows with numbers are attached. After a series of actions, the clock you created with your own hands will come to life and give your home a special, original look.

Quilling style watch

Quilling is an arts and crafts process that involves working with straight strips of colored paper of varying widths. Such strips, as a rule, are twisted and glued to the surface, thereby creating the most varied designs and pictures.

To create a watch using this technique, it is best to take wood as the base of the watch, since quilling elements can be glued to it well.

The color scheme should be in harmony with the interior of the room. After all, a bright clock will look ugly in a room designed in a minimalist style. Therefore, the choice of shade is a key point in this matter.

Most often, multi-colored quilling elements are used to create flowers, insects, trees, animals, berries, and so on.

Plaster clock

Regular plaster tiles will serve well as a base for future watches.

Romantic and reverent natures will definitely find a large number of solutions for creating watches from this material.

Among professionals, such a tile is called a medallion. The mechanism of the future watch is attached to its back. To make the product look more elegant and discreet, you should cover its surface with matte paint in light colors.

And, if you want some highlights, then glossy paint will do.


This material is most suitable for creating a clock for the bedroom. At the same time, shades are chosen - beige, soft pink, pearl, coffee with milk, purple, and so on.

Clock using wooden sticks

In this situation, your arsenal should include such items as sticks and quality wood, good glue, scissors, and a ready-made working clock with a flat surface.

You should cut out many small sticks of the same size from wood, and then connect them

If the sticks are applied to the base in two layers, you can achieve a wonderful “explosion” effect, which looks luxurious and original.

Now you know how to make a clock at home. Handmade clocks are ideal for the kitchen, living room, and bedroom.


DIY watch photo


Is it possible to make a functioning clock out of paper, and one that can serve as a full-fledged, stylish piece of furniture? Of course not, you will say, and you will be wrong. It is possible to make such a clock, and it will undoubtedly become the decoration of your room. Naturally, we cannot make the clock mechanism itself from paper. And even if they could, it would be very short-lived due to the low wear resistance of even the thickest paper or cardboard. Therefore, if you want to have a real, functioning watch, and not a mock-up training tool for primary classes, you should understand that only the design of the watch, the case, and the dial will be made of paper. As the basis for a working mechanism for our watches, you can buy a cheap plastic alarm clock. You can make clock hands yourself, or you can use hands from old wall clocks that have served their purpose.

Making watches from paper

Necessary materials

To make a watch out of paper, we will need two rectangular sheets of thick cardboard of the required size (one is slightly smaller than the other in area), and several sheets of colored paper for the printer. Since the watch case will consist of two fragments, the sheets of paper should be of different colors.

PVA glue and a brush for thoroughly coating sheets of paper. In this situation, it is better to open the jar of glue completely for ease of use, or pour the glue into a special container, which will subsequently be disposed of. You may also need a little superglue to secure the clock mechanism to the paper watch case. Double-sided masking tape - for attaching the clock mechanism to the base. Shading sponge and some black acrylic paint.

Manufacturing process

Carefully coat a sheet of colored paper with PVA glue.

Turn it over with the coated side down, press it to a sheet of cardboard and randomly crumple it.

The result is a surface with approximately this texture.

We continue the action over the entire surface of the cardboard, using new paper sheets or their fragments.

The edges of the cardboard base should be covered with paper folded inward. This will give an aesthetic appearance to the product.

This is what the almost finished first body blank for our watch looks like.

We also paste over

In the same way, we paste over a smaller sheet of cardboard for the second part of our clock with colored paper of a different color.

Next, using acrylic paint and a sponge, we emphasize the created texture. Use a sponge with paint to blot the paper relief with careful movements. The paint on the sponge should be slightly damp and not run off. We repeat the action for both parts of the future clock.

The clock mechanism will be located between two cardboard pieces. Therefore, we make a hole for the rotating arrow mechanism only in the front part. We attach the clock mechanism to the wrong side of the cardboard using double-sided tape. First, we make a hole in the cardboard and thread the axis for the arrows through it. After making sure that nothing prevents the normal rotation of the hands, we secure the mechanism and attach the hands to the outside.

When the watch mechanism is securely fastened, we proceed to gluing the base. To do this, pieces of double-sided masking tape are glued to the clock mechanism. The base will rest on it.

Glue the mechanism with the upper part to the base. This is what the almost finished watch looks like.

How to make a clock out of paper /video/

How to make a wristwatch out of paper

Clock - craft for school

Origami clock

Cardboard clock

Clock - children's creativity


Isn't it a wonderful result? Of course, the variety of ways to make watches from paper includes not only functional models. There are paper clocks just for beauty, there are origami clocks, the making of which helps develop logic and spatial thinking, and there are educational models for children. Video additions to our article will help you decide which paper watch you need.

It is not so easy to teach a child to understand time by a clock. But it needs to be done. To make it interesting for your child during such activities, make a visual aid with him - a clock made of cardboard. Invite your child to make arrows with his own hands and write numbers. Believe me, your child will enjoy playing with such an educational toy. The master class proposed in this article will tell you how to make a clock out of cardboard to teach children the concept of time.

Materials and tools

To work on making a fake watch you will need:

  • thick cardboard in three colors;
  • a compass or two plates;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • bolt with nut;
  • PVA glue;
  • markers;
  • decorative elements.

How to make a clock out of cardboard: process description

  1. On sheets of cardboard of different colors, use a compass to draw two circles (or circle two plates). The second part should be slightly smaller than the first. Cut them out and stick one on top of the other. Try to ensure that the centers of both circles coincide.
  2. Draw arrows of the desired shape on the cardboard and cut them out. If the cardboard is not very thick, then glue it together in half. It is important that this watch part is durable.
  3. Glue a round blank onto a whole sheet of rectangular cardboard. Place something flat and hard on it and leave it to dry. This is necessary so that the product does not deform from the moisture provided by the glue.
  4. Punch a hole in the center of the circle, and make the same holes on the arrows. Using a small bolt and nut, attach the arrows to the base of the product.
  5. Using markers, write the numbers 1 through 12 along the edge of the outer circle. In the future, when the child learns to understand time using these symbols, you can add values ​​from 13 to 24 on the side.
  6. Decorate the product the way your little Know-It-All wishes. These can be stickers, drawings, applique.

So now you know how to make a clock out of cardboard. This version of the product is perhaps the simplest and most affordable. With older children you can perform a different model.

An interesting idea: how to make a clock from cardboard, and not only from cardboard?

Your child will really like this fake watch with a real mechanism. He will be able to move the hands and set the time independently. To make such a product you will need the following materials:

  • corrugated cardboard;
  • with arrows;
  • plastic caps (from bottles, jars of vitamins, gouache paint boxes) - 12 pieces;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make a clock out of cardboard

  1. Cut out a large circle from cardboard.
  2. Place the lids at approximately the same distance from each other and glue them using a heat gun.
  3. Punch a hole in the center of the product. This can be easily done with a pencil, since corrugated cardboard can be pierced without difficulty.
  4. Install the arrows on the inside and on the outside.
  5. Write a number on each lid with a marker or stick it on paper.

That's all. The clock is ready. If the mechanism is working, then such a dummy can even show the time correctly and serve not only as an educational toy, but also as an ordinary wall clock in a child’s room.

If you have children growing up in your house, be sure to take note of our master class “How to make a clock out of cardboard.” Kids will be more likely to enjoy playing with a home-made item rather than an industrial watch. Have fun and fruitful activities!