Sample of drawing up a commercial proposal for work. A sample commercial proposal for the provision of services from an experienced marketer. Structure: compose a sentence sequentially

In 79% of cases, the client makes a purchase only after looking at 6 to 14 proposals - this data is provided by Denis Kaplunov, an expert in writing commercial proposals. We will tell you how to create an effective CP so that the client chooses you out of a dozen competitors. As a bonus, you will be able to download business proposal templates and also learn how to simplify their distribution using a CRM system.

What is a commercial offer?

A business proposal is a business letter to clients advertising a product.

  • Cold commercial offer used for mass mailing to new clients.
  • Hot KP intended for those who have already been contacted by phone, email or in person.

Why do companies write CP?

  • Present a new or updated product (in the second case, demonstrating improvements);
  • Inform about promotions, sales, and individual offers. A distinctive feature of such a commercial package is restrictions on the validity period or quantity of the product;
  • They thank you for your previous purchase, ask for feedback, and unobtrusively offer another product. The client is already familiar with the company’s work, and it is easier to push him to a new deal;
  • They invite you to a presentation of a company or its product.

Commercial proposal: what should contain

Denis Kaplunov, copywriter and software development specialist in his book “An Effective Business Proposal” he identifies the main components of a proposal:

  • Title;
  • Offer;
  • Selling price;
  • Call to action.

Let's look at how to correctly compose a commercial proposal - section by section.

Letter header


Examples of how to write a lead CP:

1. Press on an important problem for the client - lack of clients, competition, lack of ideas for new products.

If you want to double the number of clients at your fitness club in 2 months, then this information is for you.

2. Draw a picture of a bright future when the client's problem is solved.

Imagine that your hotel is booked to capacity all year round, and room reservations are booked months in advance.

3. Mention the key benefit of the offer or outstanding customer results.

With us, you can reduce the cost of maintaining accounting documentation by half in the first month.

4. Intrigue with the novelty of the product - this always attracts attention.

Especially for the New Year, we are offering a new product - our branded sweets in gift sets, and much cheaper than when purchased separately.


Offer (from English offer) is a specific proposal, the heart of the CP. It should contain a brief description of your product with key features as well as customer benefits. You need to explain to the client why he should buy from you, and not from competitors. This means you need to show what else you can offer besides the product:

  • Discounts (seasonal, wholesale, holiday, cumulative, for pre-order or prepayment, etc.);
  • Efficiency and availability of service and/or delivery;
  • Convenient payment (installments, credit or deferred payment, combining cash and non-cash payments, settlement through payment systems);
  • Several product versions with different prices.
  • Present. Coupon for your next purchase, free equipment setup, a set of Christmas tree decorations for the New Year. Accompanying gifts work well: blinds when purchasing windows, a lock when ordering a door, etc.
  • Product warranty and free maintenance.

Important nuance: If you want to make your commercial proposal as attractive as possible, do not lie to your clients and do not promise the impossible. Such tactics will only do harm in the long run.

An example of an offer in a commercial proposal of a transport company


The most important thing is to indicate it. Otherwise, most potential clients will go to competitors, not wanting to waste time finding out the cost. Next, these numbers need to be justified. If the cost is significantly lower than that of competitors, this is already an excellent argument. If not, find something to stand out. These are all the same discounts and bonuses, product guarantee, speed and quality of service, gifts, exclusives.


Our taxi services are 5% more expensive than our competitors, but we have a child seat in every car and you can transport pets.

For expensive complex services, a detailed breakdown of the components of the package works great, as well as a detailed calculation that demonstrates great benefits for the client in the future. Another effective technique is splitting the price in terms of a short period of time.


A month of using the cloud CRM system on the “Start” tariff costs 1,100 rubles for 5 users - that works out to 220 rubles per month for each. And if you immediately pay for access for six months, you get a 20% discount, that is, access for each employee will cost only 176 rubles per month - that’s only 6 rubles per day. Agree, it’s a ridiculous amount of money for a program that automates business processes, integrates with mail, telephony and SMS messaging services, generates analytics and helps manage a business.

Call to action

Here you need to indicate what exactly do you want from the client: order, call, write, follow a link, visit the office, provide contact information. To hurry a person up, write down a limit on the duration of the offer or the quantity of the product. Or you can save some benefit for last: promise an additional discount or free shipping when ordering right now.

How to make a commercial proposal for cooperation

How to write a proposal for cooperation? Similar to offering goods! If you want to offer your professional services, prepare a compelling commercial proposal.

The standard cooperation proposal template includes five blocks.

  1. Letter header. To prevent your letter from getting lost in a dozen advertising offers, write your real name and indicate how you can be useful.
  2. Lead. Tell the client what problem you can solve. Lead is not the place to list your credentials. The first person who interests the customer is himself.
  3. Offer. Tell us about your experience and how exactly you can help the client. An excellent option is to provide cases so that the customer can evaluate the results.
  4. Price. Don't hide your prices, talk about them directly. If you understand that you are asking more than other specialists, explain why this price is justified.
  5. Call. Invite the client to contact you in a convenient way: provide links to social networks, phone number or email. Offer to save your contact even if the service is not yet required.

The best commercial offers: examples

We have selected for you samples of commercial proposals that are high-quality in both form and content. Download CP templates, study and adapt them to your products.

Commercial offer The essay is written with the goal of selling your services profitably to the buyer. It must be well-written and contain the necessary answers to future questions. Commercial offer The announcement should take up a minimum amount of text, as it may simply not be read to the end. For cold proposals, this is no more than an A4 page, and for a detailed proposal, the volume should not exceed 3 pages.

You can use a ready-made template or try to write it yourself based on the sample.

Dear reader! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact the online consultant form on the right or call by phone.

It's fast and free!

There are offers:

  • personalized;
  • not personalized;

The difference is that in personalized ones they address the buyer by name and patronymic, indicating all the person’s regalia.

The most pleasant sound for a person is his name, so before sending out offers, do not forget to clarify the person’s full name and position. To do this, you can take the time to call his secretary at the office.

In what cases is it necessary to compile?

A start-up business simply needs to draw up. Namely proposals, because there should be several of them and different types. Some clients like pretentiousness and severity; such proposals can be sent to official enterprises and organizations.

Others are impressed by a more frivolous style that invites them to purchase services or goods right now. The main goal of the proposal is not just to force the client to read the entire text to the end, but also to interest and even buy the product.

So, in what cases is a commercial proposal drawn up:

  1. The company is young and needs buyers.
  2. Sales have fallen, we need to remind ourselves.
  3. There is an opportunity to attract new clients.
  4. The company has been on the market for a long time, young strong competitors have appeared.
  5. The company has a new product or service that can be successfully sold on the market and generate high income.

All these conditions for creating a selling text, like others, must be thought through and weighed. You can create several types of offers, each of which will interest a different category of buyers.

What services can the company offer?

For example, a construction company may offer the following services:

  1. Construction of prefabricated houses, shops and other turnkey buildings.
  2. Renovation of apartments and private houses with landscaping of the site, as well as offices, bases, and so on on the list. Naturally, you need to indicate your advantages: exclusive materials, special services, availability of a designer, landscape designer, etc.
  3. Creating projects houses, redevelopment of apartments or offices.
  4. Improvement of nearby areas.

So, this is what the builders’ advertising offer will look like:

The construction company is pleased to offer its services for the renovation of company offices in the shortest possible time using inexpensive materials.

Update your style, refresh your walls and delight your buyers.

We do it with high quality and conscientiously. Telephone***

Naturally, the commercial offer should be larger, but from the first words it should capture the buyer’s attention.

Errors during compilation:

  1. The client did not understand what was offered to him.
  2. The client has no benefit from contacting this company.
  3. There is no development of events.

That is, we offer office renovation, benefits: the shortest possible time, inexpensive materials. Development of events, increasing the loyalty of future customers of the customer due to repairs. All 3 offers sell. This is a commercial offer.

Offer of transport services

As an offer of transport services, you can choose the following parameters:

  • loading and unloading of goods;
  • packaging and labeling;
  • transportation using logistics;
  • freight forwarding;

So, let's write a commercial proposal:

The transport company will not only allow you to transport any cargo efficiently and quickly with or without a forwarder, but will also lay out the shortest route to deliver your goods on time. We save your time and money. For those who want to receive additional services at a minimal price, we provide our coordinates. Email…

How to compose?

There are special rules for drawing up a commercial proposal, and they must be taken into account:

  1. We write the title in capital letters.
  2. In the first paragraph we write the benefit that the client should receive (low prices, quality, shortest possible time, and so on).
  3. Next, we describe the essence of the proposal (repair, transportation of goods, packaging and repackaging of goods).
  4. Below you can give brief information about the company.
  5. An appeal to a client to purchase a service or product (if you can’t write it yourself, ask a copywriter for help).
  6. The validity period of this commercial offer stimulates purchasing power.
  7. Contact details and date of dispatch.

You can add graphics of high-quality photographs and other delights, but do not overdo it, business people are not ladies buying cosmetics, but for her you can be brighter and more original.

How to compose online?

Depending on what your client is interested in, those services should be offered to him. To do this, you can conduct a short survey on a forum or on a social network and offer a solution to the client’s problems.

We do not offer the client to simply buy a brick, we solve his problem of building a house out of brick. It’s the same with online commercial offers. They should be short, but succinct, so that the client becomes interested and clicks the buy button.

Most often, “Cold” offers are used on the Internet, they talk about the client’s benefits and his ability to solve the problem, but a “hot” offer is when you know the client personally and you know perfectly well his preferences and weaknesses that you can play on.

There is a special program that allows you to remember who the offers were sent to and when, as well as the customer response to them. This will help you understand which text was effective and what exactly interested the buyer. This systematization helps you avoid unnecessary mailings and irritate your potential client with an endless stream of letters.

There is also a special service Quote Roller, which helps you compose text following special prompts.

Main mistakes when compiling:

  1. Non-specific and vague commercial offer.
  2. Description of your benefits instead of the client's benefits.
  3. The text does not encourage the buyer to place an order.
  4. There are no coordinates of the company, there are no advantages over others.
  5. The text is impersonal.

An example of a good commercial proposal for services

We will help you bring goods from anywhere in the world. Just contact our company at a time convenient for you. These are hundreds of people who will work for you around the clock to ensure that you receive your goods on time.

Advantages of our offer:

  1. We are dynamic and quickly solve any of your problems.
  2. They are practical, which is why our company offers a full range of services, from packaging and loading of goods to paperwork and shipping.
  3. We have modern types of communication, which allows us to protect your cargo in transit.
  4. We are stable, as we have been working for 10 years, as our regular customers will confirm.

We offer two ways:

  1. Constant cooperation.
  2. One-time transportation.

With the first one, you will receive maximum convenience, minimum worry about cargo and discounts as a regular customer.

With the second, you can evaluate our advantage over other companies in the service and become a permanent partner.

At the moment, our company is holding an unprecedented “Just Compare Prices” promotion, during which cargo will be sent at half the cost.

Our coordinates: Phone++++ Email++++

Call us and we will tell you more about our offer.

The commercial activity of most companies consists of selling goods or providing services. The essence of transactions of this kind is the receipt of profit as a result of the activity.

Each of them (organizations) needs a constant increase in counterparties. To do this, you need to regularly send commercial offers to potential clients.

This article will tell you how to correctly prepare a sample commercial proposal for the provision of services. After reading the publication, you will be able to download examples and samples of such proposals for free. And if you have any questions, consult our specialists.

The essence and purpose of a commercial proposal for the provision of services

This measure is aimed at informing the consumer market about the capabilities of your company. The first thing I would like to note is that a commercial proposal is a document.

It should contain a list of possible services provided that your company is ready to offer to the market. In addition, the text must indicate the cost of these services.

The peculiarity of the service sector is that they cannot be calculated formally (unlike goods). Therefore, the cost can only be expressed in monetary terms per unit.

If an enterprise has the opportunity to offer the market several services (no matter whether they are of the same type or not), it is allowed to provide information in the form of a table. The main thing is that this proposal meets certain requirements and rules.

Filling out a sample commercial proposal for the provision of services

This type of document can be regarded as part of business correspondence. This means that it must have the necessary attributes. The first of these is to indicate the name of the company providing the services and its details.

To do this, it would be a good idea to write a document on the organization’s letterhead. In this case, the footer will already contain a mention of the company name, its address and other registration data. Mention of the addressee is desirable, but not required.

Formally, commercial offers can be divided into two categories. Some of them are sent to certain potential counterparties. Others are part of distributed documents (distribution).

If the proposal is aimed at a specific organization, then a “header” is included in its text. It must contain the name of the recipient company. It would be a good idea to indicate the position and name of the manager who will consider this proposal.

Under the “header” in the middle of the sheet is written the name of the document (Commercial proposal). Start the text with a mention of what type of activity your company performs.

After this, you need to provide a list of services provided. Each item must be defined in terms of cost and pricing. The text must end with a signature with a transcript. The transcript contains the full title of the position, full name, and contact information.

Below is a standard form and a sample commercial proposal for the provision of services, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

The commercial offer should be such that you want to read it in full and, if you don’t respond to it immediately, then certainly keep contacts for the future.

The purpose of any commercial offer is to sell. In this case, we are talking about finding clients for a particular service. On the one hand, a person in need of certain services is looking for those who can provide it to them, and on the other hand, having received an offer that suits him, he will not only solve his problem, but may also want to cooperate with you in future. So this document requires a serious approach.

We consider the features of drawing up a commercial proposal for the provision of different types of services. You will also be able to get acquainted with specific examples of commercial proposals for security, transport, legal, construction, and repair services.

Don’t forget about the basic requirements for the CP

Any commercial offer, including commercial proposals for the provision of services, is primarily a “selling” text, therefore it must contain all the elements required for this type of presentation of information:

  • attention-grabbing headline;
  • offer – a briefly and succinctly stated essence of the proposal (“if you do this, you will get this”);
  • justification of benefits for a potential client;
  • call to action and contact information;
  • use of graphic design elements: subheadings, lists, different fonts, possibly illustrations.

As in other commercial enterprises, when offering services should be avoided:

  • a detailed description of your company with details, especially at the beginning of the proposal;
  • uninformative headlines, the most ineffective would be the phrase “commercial offer”;
  • complex, confusing wording in the presentation of the offer;
  • epithets that do not carry meaning and are not proven by facts, such as “highly qualified specialists”, “high level of skill”, “successful implementation”;
  • phrases that lengthen the text, which can easily be removed from it without changing the meaning, for example, “We will be very glad to cooperate with you”, “We will be happy to come to your aid”, etc.: business people will get acquainted with your proposal and busy people who have no reason to waste precious time on “water” in commercial texts.

Features of CP “At your service”

What is the difference between commercial offers, the task of which is to encourage the use of a certain service? Let's consider their fundamental features.

  1. Purpose of the offer:
    • if a “cold” proposal is drawn up, that is, everything is sent to potentially interested clients, then its goal is to talk about an opportunity that may one day be useful, and to satisfy this need better with this particular company;
    • for “hot” personalized CP, the goal is to inform about the nuances and encourage cooperation, highlighting the most positive aspects and strengths of interaction.
  2. The target audience: Commercial proposals for services are placed on the table of executives and senior managers who make decisions about their organization and payment.
  3. KP style: businesslike, without familiarity, quite restrained, maintaining dignity.
  4. Additional points:
    • it is important that the commercial proposal is drawn up in such a way that the client immediately understands that it is not just trying to sell a service, but also thoroughly understands it;
    • It’s great if the text of the CP will focus on solving pressing problems of the target audience or the addressee specifically;
    • clear and clear identification of resources to solve the customer’s problem and the benefits of choosing your company.

Examples of commercial proposal texts

In these examples of commercial proposals for the provision of various types of services, the emphasis is on the content; the aspect of printing design (illustrative material, use of color, fonts, etc.) is left to the discretion of the developer. The examples are relative.

Commercial proposal for the provision of security services

Console security of any objects

Do you have unwanted guests and they could be dangerous?

Unexpected trouble will never take you by surprise if your office or store is equipped with a panic button. No matter what happens, not even five minutes after pressing the button, the rapid response team will be at your place and will immediately solve the problem of any complexity.

Security agency "Panther-plus" organizes remote control security of retail, office, industrial premises, as well as apartments and private houses. We will provide:

  • 24-hour monitoring of the facility entrusted to us from a centralized console in the control room;
  • upon receipt of a signal, the arrival of an armed group within 2-5 minutes.

At our disposal:

  • 15 staffed groups in cars, dispersed in different areas of the city;
  • more than 200 licensed employees aged from 25 to 40 years, each of whom has undergone special training and has experience serving in the armed forces or law enforcement agencies;
  • service firearms permitted for use in security organizations: PKSK and Izh-71 pistols;
  • special means for communication.

Additional services

By contacting the Panther-Plus manager or reading the information on the official website htpp://, you can familiarize yourself with the full list of services provided by the security agency:

  • installation and maintenance of video surveillance systems;
  • installation of office and home intercoms;
  • all work related to security and fire alarms;
  • armed security of the facility;
  • ensuring access control;
  • safety during events;
  • information and consulting services regarding legal protection.

Call 555-55-55, and customer service manager Petr Sergeevich Ivanenko will advise you on any issues of cooperation. You can also leave a request on the website htpp://, and we will contact you.

The first 5 clients receive a 10% discount on services. Flexible discounts for regular customers.

Security agency "Panther-plus"


Commercial proposal for the provision of transport services

Cargo transportation without problems at anti-crisis prices

Your cargo is in the right place without noise and dust

Your company does not need to waste time and effort organizing cargo delivery to any point in the country. Contact the Podorozhnik company and entrust your care to professionals.

Podorozhnik has been operating on the domestic market since 2003. We have successfully delivered more than 150 million tons of various cargo to all cities of our country. We do not need intermediaries: our own resources will fully ensure the safety of your cargo and its timely delivery.

By contacting us, you receive:

  • resources of our fleet, equipped with cars and trucks of various carrying capacities;
  • the ability to transport cargo from 1 quintal to 60 tons to any region of the Russian Federation;
  • cargo insurance;
  • tracking the movement of cargo using a geolocation system.

Prices that please

Thanks to the use of internal resources and the absence of intermediaries, Podorozhnik is able to set minimum prices for its services. For our clients we have provided:

  • the possibility of transporting goods on credit;
  • providing a cumulative discount for regular customers and business partners;
  • Possibility of preferential rates for loading and unloading.

Attention, promotion! Free loading for the first 5 January customers!

We value your trust

We are responsible for the professionalism of our employees. If our drivers deliver the goods more than 24 hours late, you will be refunded 30% of the cost of services.

Call, write, come

We will answer any of your questions by phone. 123-22-22.

We accept letters by email [email protected] We respond 24 hours a day within two hours.

Come to our office at the address: Moscow, st. Gvardeiskaya, 93, we are open 7 days a week from 8:30 to 18:00.

Commercial proposal for the provision of legal services

Pay a lawyer 20-40% less
Legal support of business activities

The salary of a full-time lawyer is a serious expense for any entrepreneur. Meanwhile, competent legal support is a component of the success of any business.

Any task can be handled by the experienced professionals of Legolas LLC, who have been successfully operating in the legal field for more than 10 years.

Services for entrepreneurs:

  • quick registration or liquidation of an organization of any form of ownership;
  • changes in registration data;
  • full legal services for the company's activities;
  • financial statements;
  • lawsuits and challenging decisions;
  • information services on civil, tax, land law;
  • assistance in the preparation and execution of business documentation.

The customer is always right

10 years of experience and reviews from more than 1000 satisfied clients speak of our professionalism and ability to guess the client’s desires. Spend time growing your business rather than studying regulations.

Place your legal issues on the shoulders of Legolas LLC and forget about them forever.

If, as a result, you remain dissatisfied with our cooperation, we are ready to return up to 60% of the amount you spent.

We cooperate with entrepreneurs from any region of the Russian Federation.

Flexible payment system

We provide discounts to regular business partners

For clients who order more than 2 services, the third one will be provided at half the cost.

A full list of services and prices is on our website

Dial 222-33-44 and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.

We are waiting for you from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 in our office at the address: Moscow, st. Cow shaft, 9.

Commercial proposal for the provision of construction services

Archistroy company - we build something that you will be proud of!

Short lead times, high-quality materials, just a few days

Do you need to build a building and don't know where to start? “The construction company “Arkhistroy” will fulfill all your expectations in the following areas:

  • drawing up a project for a future structure;
  • full cycle of construction services, from foundation to finishing;
  • landscape design of the territory;
  • renovation of premises of any complexity.

Why is it beneficial for you to enter into an agreement with the Archistroy company?

  1. An absolute guarantee of meeting deadlines, officially recorded. If the construction project is not ready by the appointed time, we will return 30% of the amount as a penalty.
  2. Using only certified materials produced by European companies (we cooperate with manufacturers).
  3. Prices for consumables without intermediary markup.
  4. A staff of specialists of all profiles who have special education and have been trained and certified at the International School of Builders in Vienna (Austria).

It’s convenient to cooperate with us!

  • Having concluded an agreement, you make an advance payment in the amount of a quarter of the amount, the rest is paid after the delivery of the object;
  • We purchase materials only with written approval or in the presence of the customer;
  • possibility of payment in installments within 12 months after conclusion of the contract;
  • We do not increase the estimate without the client's request.

Interested in cooperation?

Call 365-48-48 or leave a request by email [email protected].

Client Relations Director Sergey Eduardovich Kotenko will advise you on any issue that arises.

We provide a 12% discount to clients who say the code phrase “Vivat, Archistroy” when contacting them.

Thank you for your attention!

JSC "Arkhistroy"

Moscow, st. Avangardnaya, 12

[email protected]

Commercial proposal for the provision of repair services


In a few days you will enter a completely renovated room!

Have you moved into a new house or apartment?

Do you want to start working in a newly renovated office?

Do you need to refresh and update the room, or do a redevelopment?


The Masterova company will be glad to carry it out for you!

All types of work - in one company!

We perform:

  • repair and finishing work of any kind;
  • plumbing and electrical installation work;
  • installation of metal-plastic windows;
  • installation of air conditioners and ventilation systems;
  • removal of construction waste, cleaning of premises and territory;
  • assistance in preparing and approving design documentation for redevelopment;
  • technical supervision of all actions performed;
  • post-warranty service.

At the request of the customer:

  • In addition, interior designer services can be provided;
  • assistance in delivering materials and bringing them to any floor;
  • Full supply of materials from recognized brands is possible.

In order to more successfully promote their offers on the market of goods or services, it is recommended for an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, the form and sample of which can be downloaded in Word format from the links below. The more competently (both linguistically and commercially) the document is drawn up, the more reason the company has to hope for further successful development of cooperation: potential counterparties are more likely to be attracted not by dry numbers, but by skillful presentation of the material.

Commercial offers can be divided into two categories: “cold”, sent to potential clients who have not previously expressed a desire to cooperate with the sender, and “hot” - their addressees are companies or individual entrepreneurs who already have an idea about the organization offering services or goods. In the first case, it is more logical to use mass mailings (probably one of the recipients of the letter will respond to the offer); in the second - address ones.

Like, a commercial proposal does not have a single form established by the legislator; Each company can create its own template - or use the one below, suitable for editing in Word.

Commercial Proposal - Word Template

You can download the commercial proposal form, which can be filled out in any text editor, including MS Word, from the link above. Unlike, this document does not necessarily (although it is highly desirable) must be certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization. It makes even more sense to abandon this step if you plan to send electronic documents rather than paper ones (to a real postal address).

Commercial proposal - sample

You can download a simple sample commercial proposal in Word format from the link above. After familiarizing yourself with it, the compiler will be able to independently, using his input data, create a unique document that will definitely attract the attention of the recipient.