Palm Sunday. Willow interpretation of the dream book Why do you dream that you are beating with a willow?

Why does a woman dream about willow:

If you dreamed of a willow, it means that you consider the carnal feeling that often takes possession of you to be sinful. You don't want to obey your instincts, but your body most often “betrays” you. Most likely, you are a puritan at heart and therefore deny the pleasure provided by sex. Relax and tell yourself that the days of the Inquisition are long gone and you have nothing to fear from condemnation.

1 willow by Russian dream book

Seeing a willow in a dream means:

1 willow by Russian dream book

If you dream of a willow tree, this speaks of your strict morals regarding sex. You are afraid to even talk about intimacy, let alone make love. You can rightfully be called a puritan; you believe that sex is shameful and causes condemnation from other people. You should be more relaxed, we don’t live in the Middle Ages, and people don’t burn at the stake for freethinking.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 willow by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Dreaming of a willow tree means:

Unhappiness in love, frustration, sadness; above the water - sadness; holding a branch is joy; falling from a willow tree means death.

1 willow by Esoteric dream book

Willow dream meaning:

To peace of mind.

1 willow by Solomon's dream book

Business upswing.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 willow according to Azar's Dream Interpretation

The image of a willow tree is a sign of income. The willow tree stands above the water - troubled days, sadness. Weeping willow - family grief.

willow - income

willow over the water - troubled days

weeping willow - family grief

1 willow by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Willow in a dream means:

I dreamed of a willow - soon you will be overcome by a sad, melancholic mood.

If you dreamed that you were breaking willow branches, know: despite life’s adversities, everything will be fine with you.

1 willow by Magic dream book

Slight sadness. Blessed willow (with a bouquet) - new hopes. A flowering tree is joy after a hard time.

1 willow by Slavic dream book

Why does a woman dream about willow:

Hope for a better future. To recovery.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 willow by Modern dream book

Why does a woman dream about willow:

Standing under a willow tree in a dream foretells that you will soon hear flattering speeches about yourself.

Holding a willow twig in your hands is a sign that you will soon be rewarded for your work and will be appreciated by your colleagues and loved ones.

Breaking willow branches in a dream means love disappointment. You will commit a rash act towards your loved one.

Seeing a blooming willow in a dream means a happy life.

1 willow according to the Lunar Dream Book

Seeing a willow in a dream means:

Willow in hands - happiness.

1 willow by Old Russian dream book

A dream with a willow in the dream book is interpreted as:

1 willow by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Dreaming of a willow tree means:

Seeing a willow in bloom means atonement for sin with a good deed.

Seeing a broken willow means the loss of a loved one.

Seeing a willow in a church means marriage.

1 willow according to the 21st century Dream Book

Willow dream meaning:

Holding a willow in your hands in a dream is a good sign; such a dream promises honors and rewards for your fruitful work.

1 willow by Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a willow:

Holding a willow is a joy.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 willow by Russian dream book

What a willow might dream about:

Excess of emotions;

holding a willow twig in your hands means profit

1 willow by

Willow in a dream means:

In general, seeing a willow in a dream is a good sign; it speaks of Fate’s disposition towards you; at present, luck has turned its face towards you, and whatever you undertake, you will succeed. You can enjoy this time, as they say, rest on your laurels.

If you see someone breaking or chopping a willow tree, you experience a deep sense of guilt before one of your friends or family members. Your guilt is not contrived, you are really guilty, and in a dream your subconscious reminds you of this. In reality, you shouldn’t be upset unnecessarily; it’s easier and better to make amends. The dream tells you exactly this step.

Putting willow branches in water at home - you are irritated by the lack of time, because of this, everything is falling out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to improve them, in fact, you need to focus on the main thing, discarding everything that is unimportant .

Giving willow branches to someone close to you - a dream means that someone from your environment needs your help and support. Try to look around and you will certainly notice this person. Don't refuse to help those who need you.

Seeing willow branches being sold on the streets of the city - you will accidentally find yourself witnessing someone’s drama, you will want to ease the suffering of another person, but you cannot do anything.

1 willow by Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If a girl dreams of a willow, it means:

Seeing is sadness; holding in your hands is a joy.

1 willow by Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Why does a woman dream about willow:

A willow bending over the water portends troubled, sad days.

Weeping willow (with drooping branches) - can dream of family grief.

1 willow by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Seeing a willow in a dream means:

Success and good luck in business, many new and profitable ideas.

1 willow by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Interpretation of a dream about a willow:

1 willow by Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of a dream about willow:

A serious test associated with family problems. Perhaps a serious illness of a loved one.

Imagine that a willow turns into another tree, such as a birch (see Tree, Birch).

In general, your dream suggests that you are dreaming of a good and fast-moving career, since in reality you are unsteady on your feet and you are still far from becoming a boss (the boss broke his legs in an accident). You are considering a strategic plan on how to quickly rise to the level of a boss, which will entail a long-awaited increase in your standard of living (the boss sits on the high deck of the ship - a symbol of a new happy era). And you come to the conclusion that you will not become his wife (his wife dies in her sleep), and then there are two ways left: the first is to “make friends” with your boss in order to climb the career ladder faster (take the elevator to the deck), but your unconscious (your relatives in a dream) does not allow you to get close to your boss, since this is not safe and is fraught with the collapse of all plans. And the second is to rely only on your strengths and abilities to achieve the goal (your boss praises you for your intelligence), which you choose. And the final touch - admiring the stars means making elusive plans, but in the hope of incredible and quick success (helicopter flight). All the best to you and good luck! Best regards, Livia.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Why do you dream about willow? If you dreamed of a willow tree, this dream means that if you want to get out of the defensive hand of oppression that you are in, you must avoid certain people at all costs.

Why do you dream about willow - Freud's dream book

When you dream about willow it means that in real life you don't care what others think of you and don't care about your criticism.

If you see a willow falling in a dream, this is a disease of someone in your family. When you sleep in your sleep, it is healthy for you.

The dream book believes that when you dream about a green willow, it means that you will soon meet your relatives. This dream tells you about honors or distinctions or contacts with people with higher education.

If you dream that you climbed a willow tree in a dream, this is a sign that an unusual event will soon happen in your life.

A willow in a woman’s dream, in general this symbol is a good omen for you.

Why do you dream of a willow in your hands - Miller’s dream book

When you dream of holding a willow in your hands, it means that there will soon be a happy period in your life.

If you dream of a willow in the hands of a friend, this is a sign that you will not have health problems in the near future.

When a willow tree breaks in your hands in a dream, it is a sign that you will somehow compromise with your rival.

If you see yourself in a dream holding a willow tree, it means that you will soon meet with great honor.

Why do you dream of a flowering willow - Vanga’s dream book

When you dream of a flowering willow tree in your dream, it is bad news for you, during which you will be ridiculed and your reputation will be compromised.

When you dream that you see a flowering willow tree, it means that you will soon be revered.

As our dream book interprets a flowering willow in a dream, this is a signal from your subconscious that you should beware of the insidious and evil women of your environment.

A falling flowering willow appearing in a dream is a sign that you have made friends with people too early, especially since they do not deserve it.

A flowering willow in a girl's dream is a sign that you will soon be in trouble because of the woman's cunning.

Why do you dream of a willow with buds - Nostradamus’ dream book

Dreaming of a willow with buds is a sign that you will not give in to temptations, because this, of course, will not end well for you. A willow with black buds promises that you have an unrequited feeling for a person you know.

If you dreamed of a willow with flowers, this is a sign that you have a chance to win the heart of the person you care about.

If you break the buds of a willow tree in a dream, it means that you will have problems with your tendencies.

When you see a willow with buds on the table, it is a signal from your subconscious that you will finally stop hiding how you feel.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Willow and what does it mean:

Veranda - A dream in which you are on the veranda portends you good luck in a new business that worries and worries you very much.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Willow?

A willow bending over the water foreshadows troubled, sad days. A weeping willow (with drooping branches) can dream of family grief; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about willow?

Willow - Unhappiness in love, annoyance, sadness; above the water - sadness; holding a branch is joy; falling from a willow tree means death.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Willow - Sadness.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did you dream about willow branches?

If you dreamed of a willow, it means that you consider the carnal feeling that often takes possession of you to be sinful. You don't want to obey your instincts, but your body most often betrays you. Most likely, you are a puritan at heart and therefore deny the pleasure provided by sex. Relax and tell yourself that the days of the Inquisition are long gone and you have nothing to fear from condemnation, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Willow?

Willow is a misfortune in love. Willow over the water - sad days; weeping (branches lowered to the ground) - grief in the family. A willow (branch) in the hands is joy. Falling from a willow tree means death.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of willow from your dream

Willow - Sadness, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book


Willow - Prosperity and success in business.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a willow

In general, seeing a willow in a dream is a good sign; it speaks of Fate’s disposition towards you; at present, luck has turned its face towards you, and whatever you undertake, you will succeed. You can enjoy this time, as they say, rest on your laurels.

If you see someone breaking or chopping a willow tree, you experience a deep sense of guilt before one of your friends or family members. Your guilt is not contrived, you are really guilty, and in a dream your subconscious reminds you of this. In reality, you shouldn’t be upset unnecessarily; it’s easier and better to make amends. The dream tells you exactly this step.

Putting willow branches in water at home - you are irritated by the lack of time, because of this, everything is falling out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to improve them, in fact, you need to focus on the main thing, discarding everything that is unimportant .

Giving willow branches to someone close to you - a dream means that someone from your environment needs your help and support. Try to look around and you will certainly notice this person. Don't refuse to help those who need you.

Seeing willow branches being sold on the streets of the city - you will accidentally find yourself witnessing someone’s drama, you will want to alleviate the suffering of another person, but you cannot do anything.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Willow - Above the water - troubled days; weeping (lowered branches) - family grief.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Willow - To peace of mind, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Willow - Above the water - troubled days; success in business - weeping (drooping branches) - family grief.

Semenova's lunar dream book

What is night vision about?

Willow in hands - Happiness.

Slavic dream book

Why do you dream about willow?

Willow - hope for a better future. To recovery.

Great modern dream book

Willow - why does the dreamer dream?

You see a willow in a dream - know that sadness awaits you. You hold a willow twig in your hands - joy will not pass you by; old people say that God himself looks into your heart.

Unique dream book / Tatyana Radchenko

Why do you dream about Willow:

Willow - slight sadness. Blessed willow (with a bouquet) - new hopes. A flowering tree is joy after a hard time.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Willow:

Willow - A serious test associated with problems in the family. Perhaps a serious illness of a loved one. Imagine that a willow turns into another tree, for example, into a birch (see Tree, Birch).

Universal dream book for the whole family


Willow - profit.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Seeing a willow in bloom means atonement for sin with a good deed. Seeing a broken willow means the loss of a loved one. Seeing a willow in a church means marriage.

Why do women and men dream about Willow?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore Willow in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

A dream that occurs on the 29th, as a rule, does not have a veiled meaning. The most favorable on this day are black and white dreams. Hearing a voice on the 29th is a sign that the dream is prophetic. All positive indications in dreams on the 29th of this number sound accurate and clear, without distortion or omissions.

Read more in the dream book:

  • what a dream
  • what was the dream about
  • why do you dream about the image

Popular rumor associates the willow with something bright and joyful. The appearance of this tree in a dream is a good sign. You will find peace of mind, spirituality, things will work out in your hands, and possible problems will disappear on their own - this is what willow dreams about. But it is necessary to take into account the nuances of the vision. In some cases, the interpretation may change to the opposite.

Miller's Predictions

A psychologist, if you happened to pick up a willow in a dream, indicates your high moral qualities and honor.

A friend was holding the twigs - the dream book predicts good health in the near future.

But when the willow breaks in his hands, Miller says: if you want to succeed, you will have to negotiate with the enemy.


Seeing a blooming willow - you will find happiness and prosperity in reality.

Hasse's dream book speaks of the opportunity to atone for sin, to beg for forgiveness by doing righteous deeds and donating to those in need. This is how the medium deciphers what a flowering tree is dreaming of.

The plant is leaning over a river or other body of water. The dream foreshadows the onset of a difficult period. For a young woman, this scenario promises conflicts with her loved one and a lot of worries because of this.

Standing under a weeping willow? The dream book warns: in reality they will try to seduce you by saying compliments and will quietly begin to control your actions.

A broken bush seen in a dream foreshadows the death of a loved one.

Destroy the plant

Did you dream about someone breaking or cutting down a willow tree? You feel guilty before your relatives, you feel obligated to them. But the dream book shows that you cannot understand the real reason for this mood.

Modern Combined Dream Book, if you broke off the branches of a tree, get ready for disagreements with your partner. Most likely, in reality you will act stupidly than offend your loved one.

Fedorovskaya interprets why she dreams of breaking willow branches herself in a more positive way. Do not be alarmed by the troubles that have arisen in reality, the situation will soon return to normal.

Actions of others

Another person in a dream is selling cut willow branches - in reality you will see a misfortune that has occurred and you will want to help strangers, console and alleviate their situation.

If you put willow branches at home in a dream, this indicates your nervous behavior; those around you will irritate and make you nervous. Seers recommend concentrating on completing the main tasks and not being distracted by trifles.

In a dream, you gave willow branches to your loved ones - in reality, the relative will need your help. Most likely, this will be a character from a dream.

Why does a young woman dream of a bouquet of roses and willow? A pleasant time awaits her. She will be accompanied by a loved one or a new acquaintance.

Did you dream that they present roses on Palm Sunday? Soon you will be asked to get married.

The dream book, if you notice willow branches in the wrong hands, predicts receiving decent payment for the work done. For patients, this dream is a harbinger of recovery.

A willow tree standing in a church in a dream foreshadows an imminent marriage, perhaps the couple will even decide to get married.