Why do you dream about skating? Why do you dream about skates? Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

All people on earth can be conditionally divided into two categories - those who themselves love to skate, and those who like to watch the activities of others. Moreover, this does not depend at all on age: both young people and older people enjoy this fun.

In the world of Morpheus, this activity takes us into another dimension, in which it indicates the near future of the sleeper. We suggest you understand the interpretation in more detail.

Why do you dream about skating?

In the world of dreams, there are two types of such dreams: rolling or tripping, i.e. step on a slippery slope.

  • If you dreamed about the first option, this indicates that the dreamer knows how to deftly maneuver in reality, and great victories await him.
  • However, in some situations the dream may turn out to be a kind of “shifter”; for example, according to Miller, the dream book interprets ice skating as problems with the spine.
  • But if there is a romantic component in the dream, for example, the same dream book of ice skating with a man for a girl means upcoming rest and entertainment.
  • For a man, such a dream is an alarm signal; complications at work are possible.

Why do you dream about skating on ice?

If a sleeper dreams of skating on ice, you need to pay attention to the details accompanying the dream, as well as to the compiler of the dream book:

  • if a person dreams that he will have to skate to pleasant music, Tsvetkova’s dream book warns about possible spinal injuries or other health problems;
  • if the sleeper has never tried, but dreamed that he was going to do it, Vanga’s dream book states that risky proposals should be expected; if skating does not cause trouble in a dream, then the risk will be justified. If a person feels insecure during such entertainment, this indicates the dreamer’s indecisiveness; one must cast aside all fears and take the situation into one’s own hands;
  • if you dreamed that you were going to skate on ice with your beloved guy, the interpretation from Freud’s dream book assures that there are certain omissions between the couple;
  • if a person dreams of watching strangers having fun on the ice, and at that time he sees himself on an ice rink without skates - Hasse’s dream book predicts gossip in reality, the sleeper should be more careful in choosing interlocutors, and Maneghetti’s dream book interprets such a dream as upcoming fun with friends;
  • a love dream book interprets skating on ice as a harbinger of parting with a loved one;
  • if you dreamed about how a person was going to skate on asphalt or grass, Freud’s dream book interprets it as troubles in the dreamer’s personal life. Such a dream means that each of the couple, as they say, “pulls the blanket over himself,” no one in the union hears the other. This dream is seen as a visible reason to think about each other’s behavior and talk frankly about problems;
  • seeing rapid movements during such entertainment foreshadows no less rapid changes in life. This is a period of success, you need to try to grab luck by the tail;
  • if you dream of confidence in your actions on the ice, this speaks of the determination and fullness of enthusiasm of the dreamer. All risks will pay off, all undertakings will bring success and prosperity, provided that the dreamer brings his plans to the end.

In a dream, ice skating on a skating rink

In a dream, you can skate on a skating rink or on asphalt. And here it is important to pay attention to the surface:

  • to see in a dream the smooth surface of a skating rink and confidently slide along the mirror surface of the ice - to peace and balance in life;
  • if you dreamed about the roughness of ice and the sleeper began to stumble over the unevenness, the dreamer will face problems, their solution depends on the situation in the dream: if he dreamed that he was able to stand on his feet, he will be able to get out of any troubles with dignity.
  • If you dream that a person fell, but was helped to get up, he will receive the necessary support or lifting capital to realize his business idea;
  • Broken ice means trouble at work.

If you dream about roller skating

  • Roller skating on the road or on the asphalt according to Tsvetkov’s dream book speaks of stability in the life of the sleeper, provided that the asphalt is even and smooth; if it has flaws, it means that the dreamer should resolve unresolved matters, otherwise they will bring significant trouble.
  • Psychologist Miller's dream book says that such a dream represents the embodiment of the desire to create a strong family union, gain intangible values ​​in life, and the ability to sacrifice oneself.
  • If you dream that a couple is trying to learn this activity together, and at the same time they will experience special good emotions -

This means it is a mutual desire.

The dream book offers several interpretations of what dreams of ice, skating rink and skates mean. In some cases, what you see in a dream can be interpreted as a harbinger of a slippery situation, the lack of solid ground under your feet. Sometimes the plot reflects the dreamer’s excessive haste, which is characteristic of him in reality.

Often, skating symbolizes the unhindered progress of business like clockwork and the ability to enjoy life; the sleeper will not have to bother himself to get what he wants. Sometimes such associations signal a problem with the musculoskeletal system or coordination, that in reality there is a lack of ease and joy of movement, it is very desirable to take action in reality.

The dream book suggests that a smart and cozy skating rink, skates that glide easily on the ice, speed and confidence in one’s dexterity are considered a favorable sign. Perhaps there is some important task to be completed that will bring not only profit, but also moral satisfaction.

The Wanderer's Dream Book states that everything that dreams of skates means, the ice is even, smooth and shiny, gives every reason to hope for an equally brilliant success. You have all the cards in your hands, and a few trump cards up your sleeve to boot.

Happy riding!

The family dream book explains that skating on ice means the habit of moving at high speed, and also without clearing the road. Still, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to look under your feet and to the sides so as not to slip and run into an unexpected obstacle.

If such a fairly ordinary entertainment as ice skating at a skating rink causes extraordinary euphoria and a bout of happiness in a dream, the dream book recommends taking care of your health. There may be disturbances in coordination of movements and the musculoskeletal system, which interfere with enjoying simple joys in reality. What such a plot means in dreams may have a purely physiological solution.

The Summer Dream Book of Birthday People interprets skating in a dream as an attempt to evade the assigned responsibility of having to solve problems that seem too complicated. Admit it, the thought has come to my mind more than once in reality: shouldn’t I shift all this onto someone else?

The modern dream book believes that skating in a dream often happens to those who in reality suffer from their own idleness. Any attempts to help and participate only create obstacles for others. However, this ridiculous period will soon disappear on its own.

Gift, purchase, fitting

If in a dream you are going to buy skates that you don’t know how to ride, the dream book warns that you are taking on an impossible task. For example, you agree to an assignment that you do not have the strength, means, or competence to complete.

To find out why you dream of wearing skates in a dream, pay attention to their size - whether it matches your feet. An unsuitable and therefore uncomfortable shoe signals that you have been out of your element for too long and it’s time to change something.

Everything you dream about, like being given skates in a dream, means that you can not only safely rely on your friends, but you even want to trust them more. Some of them will open new horizons for you.

They are so different

White skates in a dream symbolize the very peak of the mountain that you climbed in reality. Since you don’t yet have the opportunity to come down from this pedestal, continue to balance, virtuosity and resourcefulness will help you.

Why do you dream of figure skates, on which you perform masterfully at competitions or delight other visitors to the skating rink with your art of figure skating? What you see in a dream actually foreshadows success in a matter that is important to you.

If you were lucky enough to roller skate in a dream in a cheerful and pleasant company, Tsvetkov’s dream book promises knowledge of the joy of altruism. A situation is just around the corner in which you will truly enjoy helping or giving in to others.

Why didn't the skating take place?

If you dreamed about how your skates broke in a dream or for some reason you feel extremely insecure on the ice and fall, the dream book explains this as troubles at work. You are not in danger of being fired or having your income reduced, although a nervous environment will make you worry.

If you manage to skate in a dream, break the ice and fall through, the Esoteric Dream Book warns of an upcoming test. If you find yourself in a slippery situation, do not rely on others or hope for outside help.

When interpreting what seahorses mean in dreams, the dream book advises being more careful with new acquaintances. Among them there may be someone dangerously attractive, who actually causes nothing but trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream that you are skating on ice, it means that you are in danger of losing your job or some valuables.

If, while riding. If you break the ice, it means that your friends are not the kind of people you can consult with.

If in a dream you only watch other people ride, it means that in reality you will become a victim of gossip linking your name with some scandalous incident in which a person who arouses your admiration is involved.

Seeing ice skating in a dream means discord with your business partners...

Seeing young people roller skating in a dream means that you will rejoice in your good health and experience a special elation from the fact that you are able to sacrifice your joy and contentment for the sake of others.

Why do you dream about ice skating?

Family dream book

If you dreamed that you were skating, you will lose your job or some valuables.

If you break the ice while skating, know that your friends are not the people to consult with.

If you watched other people ride in a dream, then in reality you will become a victim of gossip.

In general, a dream about ice skating often foreshadows a disagreement with business partners...

But a dream in which young people roller skate means that you will rejoice in your good health and experience a special elation from the fact that you are able to sacrifice your joy and contentment for the sake of others.

Why do you dream about ice skating?

Dream book of lovers

If in a dream you are skating, in reality expect separation from your loved one.

If you dream of children roller skating, it means that you will be happy to sacrifice everything for the sake of your loved one.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

27 lunar day

The dream is intended to rid the dreamer of erroneous ideas about his life. It demonstrates the depth of differences between illusion and the real state of affairs. Such dreams can only be beneficial if they are interpreted correctly.

Sometimes we have dreams in which it is easy to immediately understand one thing - this is just an analysis in the subconscious of everything that happened during the day. But sometimes in the darkness of the night something appears that never even occurred to you. Such dreams most likely mean something. For example, what does it mean to skate in a dream? This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

General value

Skates in a dream belong to the category of sports. And all sports dreams are interpreted as an obvious subconscious desire to meet love and build personal happiness. This desire is reinforced by the prophecy that the skates promise - to meet a person who will greatly influence the dreamer’s future life. The dream book says that the new soulmate will be very sophisticated, although inclined to think more about themselves than about others.

Changes on the love front

The interpretation is double-edged, just like a blade: skating in a dream means meeting a person who will rekindle the fire in the heart for some, and on the contrary - to quarrel to smithereens with all relatives and friends for others.

For women

Girls may dream of a pleasant time on the ice not only as a sign of a change of lover. Sometimes courtship from a manager is what it means to skate in a dream.

The question is where

We remember the details of the dream. For example, if you skate in a dream not in a specially designated place, but on a frozen field or even on an endless road covered with ice, this is a very bad sign. There is no hope for success in love - the dreamer will face a very difficult separation.

Ice rink

A much better prophecy awaits the one who visited the skating rink in the darkness of the night. In this case, skating in a dream means you will soon find a new, very pleasant acquaintance. The dream book does not say whether this will develop into something more. However, being surrounded by friendly people is always good.

Pro on ice

Did you go out on the ice for the first time in a dream? Or did you dance a duet with famous figure skaters? If the second option, you can rejoice, because such a dream, perhaps a very pleasant one in the world of dreams, promises success in all endeavors in reality.

In principle, the following parallel can be drawn: confidence on the ice in a dream means a stable state of affairs and stability, but constant falls portend mistakes and shakyness. A very bad sign is not only to skate in a dream, but also to break the ice. This is usually interpreted as a possible betrayal. The dreamer should take a closer look at those whom he naively considers to be his friends. It's so easy to stab him in the back with a knife.

Third wheel

You don’t have to go ice skating yourself in a dream to then look for an interpretation in the dream book. If others brazenly had fun on the ice without the owner of the dream, this means the following for him - he will become the object of dirty gossip and intrigue, or even find himself at the epicenter of some kind of scandal. In the near future, the dream book advises to “keep your head down” and take a break from social life in order to avoid a storm.

Alternative interpretations

Here are other options for what skating might mean in a dream:

  • Watching figure skaters pirouette on the ice predicts conflict situations at work. The dreamer will have to act as a peacemaker so that quarrels between colleagues do not affect his own position in business.
  • If the skater in the dream turned out to be not so good - he stumbled, or even fell, this means that the one who saw this dream should take a closer look at the details. The catch, as usual, is in the little things - and these little things threaten to develop into something bigger and pretty much ruin your life.
  • Sometimes skates appear in a dream because the subconscious calls for prudence. The dream book advises you to take control of your life, “put on your skates” and maneuver. A sober look at things is what will save you in any situation!

In dreams, we often experience pleasant moments that we remember from childhood or experienced in adulthood. Why dream of skating in a dream? As the dream book says, skating on ice has a double meaning depending on your skating experience in real life. The interpretation of the dream is influenced by its details: how well you skated, who kept you company, where it happened and other nuances. So let's figure it all out...

A dream about ice skating can be interpreted in different ways. The most important thing that influences the meaning of a dream is whether you rode well or stumbled and fell.

If you want to understand why you dream about ice skates and riding them, you need to try to remember as many details from the dream as possible. Did you ride alone, with family or friends? Did you slide on the ice like a bird or fall, feeling awkward and embarrassed? Were you an adult or did you have a childhood memory? Or maybe you competed as a professional or just bought skates to start learning figure skating?

How well did you ride in your sleep?

A dream in which you smoothly and evenly glide across the ice with ease and grace is a sign that everything planned is going according to plan and without any special effort on your part. It promises success in each of your endeavors and real affairs. If at the same time you remain very confident and firm, then the progress of all matters will be very successful. You will achieve your goal and the respect of those around you.

If you feel confident when skating and glide decisively across the ice, without doubting your movements for a moment - all this means your determination in life. You can rest assured that everything will work out for you in the best possible way. Everything you risked and waited patiently for will all pay off in spades, you just need to finish and implement everything that was planned.

When you dream of your professional performance in public, you will soon have to prove yourself in an area in which you do not have the slightest experience. If you manage to present yourself in the best possible way and with a high level of professionalism, then you will receive tremendous success in material terms and gain respect in your workplace.

If you dreamed that you skate unevenly, poorly, and constantly stumble and even fall, in reality they will offer you a difficult task, which you decide to take on without sufficient experience and skills. Most likely, you will not be able to complete it, and you will face failure and deterioration of your reputation.

This dream is a warning, so you should think carefully several times before agreeing to an offer that you cannot fulfill correctly and competently. Your reputation is on the line.

Such a dream, in which you just learned to skate, speaks of your desire and desire to find your other half. If in a dream you can skate well and quickly, then in reality you will soon meet the right person, but perhaps a little selfish. When, on the contrary, you can’t do anything, from unsuccessfully tying your laces on your skates and the inability to keep your balance on the ice to constant falls, this is a sign that you are in too much of a hurry and that you are doing something wrong. Perhaps you should be patient and pause. Your time to meet your person will definitely come. Sometimes you just have to let go of the situation, and he himself will knock on your door.

If you have seen figure skating from the outside

  • If you see professionals skating from the outside or on TV, you will be able to resolve problems that have arisen in the family and resolve quarrels;
  • When a man sees from the side a beautiful, graceful figure skater on the ice, in reality he will meet a new love and a passionate romance or renew his relationship with a sexual partner;
  • For a woman, seeing a skater skating separately is a sign of an upcoming meeting with a new intimate partner;
  • If you were a figure skater coach, you have to solve all the problems yourself, only in this way will the goal be achieved.

Where exactly did you ride in your dream?

If in a dream you skated on the ice of a lake or river, failures in your business and personal life may await you.

Sliding on ice indoors symbolizes extremely fast-paced events that will require all your knowledge and resourcefulness to cope with the situation. If you managed to maintain your balance and not fall, no matter how difficult it was, then in real life you will also be able to overcome all obstacles and achieve success. If the ice on the skating rink is perfectly flat and smooth, this indicates the ideal course of events.

If you had a dream in which you had to skate on an unequipped and poorly maintained skating rink, in this case there may be trouble, even loss of luck. If you had to ride in front of a crowd, your loss will be the subject of public discussion. The dream book promises possible loss of property, jewelry, workers and securities. Perhaps you will become a victim of a thief or swindler. Be more careful and try to wisely trust only trusted people.

Skating on the uneven ice of a frozen pond, perhaps even lumpy, represents the dreamer’s attempt to escape from what is happening at the moment and a refusal to solve problems. If you constantly fell on the ice and hurt yourself painfully, then in reality you will suffer from your carelessness. At the same time, damaged skates after skating mean upcoming problems at work. In general, ice on the river speaks of impending failures in work matters and on the personal front, as a result of the envy of ill-wishers.
If in a dream you fell under water, this sign warns of an upcoming illness.

Were you at the skating rink alone or with someone?

Riding alone promises a precarious position in the workplace due to participation in some risky enterprise. You will need to gather your strength to achieve success and correct the situation.

During sleep, calmly skating next to your mother may mean that you need her wise advice and help in business. It is quite possible that you have some difficulties on the personal front and your mother’s experience and her wisdom are needed more than ever.

If in a dream you are sliding on smooth ice hand in hand with your loved one, then a new round in your relationship and a renewal of emotions awaits you. If you were skating separately, and one of you was constantly trying to catch up with the other, then such a dream only speaks of problems existing in the relationship, which leads to a quarrel and its end.

If you saw from the outside how your acquaintances and friends skate, then this is a sign of discussing gossip about you between them. When you go out on the ice together in a friendly crowd and have fun, laughing and joking, such a dream foreshadows an interesting joint adventure or adventure in your company. If all skating is done with ease and a cheerful mood, then this will be the outcome of your undertaking. When you fall a lot and your mood becomes worse every minute, perhaps the idea of ​​embarking on adventures together and doing things together will not be so good, you may deeply regret it.

Other interesting interpretations of the meaning of sleep

Why do you dream about skates? As the dream book says, the skates you buy mean your desire to quickly finish unpleasant things and forget about them. You have a great desire to leave something in the past, but your subconscious does not allow this yet. Try to distract yourself with other topics, immerse yourself in work, or find a new interesting activity that you enjoy. If you dreamed of skates that you do not use, expect troubles and problems in the work sphere, even disagreements with partners on new projects.

If you dreamed of skating while being a child yourself, this dream is a good sign that promises the fulfillment of desires and dreams in the near future. Such a dream means ease and success in personal and family life. It predicts joy and happiness for you, especially if during sleep you rode easily and calmly, in light and bright clothes.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Why do you dream about ice skating? Sliding on ice with ease speaks of a certain carefree attitude towards life, despite the problems that are present in it. In terms of love, there may be an upcoming separation from your loved one due to your frivolity. A dream in which you were fast and sharp speaks of an incredibly fast development of events; you need to prepare in order to keep up with them in time. Unsuccessful skating means a forced change or loss of your job, or the loss of something dear to you.

Miller's Dream Book - Beware of Betrayal

Skates seen in a dream are interpreted negatively, probably because of their sharpness.

As this dream book says, skates mean the loss of a job, personal property or other valuables. If the ice breaks under you while skating, you are surrounded by people who you shouldn’t trust and who can easily betray you.

Watching people skating from the side denotes the spread of a lot of gossip between a large number of people. Be careful and careful, your name may be involved in a major scandal, where one of the people whom you trusted infinitely will take part.

Vanga's dream book - don't take unnecessary risks

If you had such a dream, but in reality you have never skated, you will receive a risky offer. The outcome of the case depends on the emotions and feelings that you experienced during sleep. If you were confident in yourself and stood firm on the ice, feel free to accept the offer, success awaits you, and the risk will be justified. When you are scared and you move hesitantly on the ice, expecting to fall every second, it’s better not to take on this job, you can only ruin your reputation and nerves.

Freud's Dream Book - Check your health

The very process of skating, according to the famous psychologist, means the process of sexual intercourse. Your emotions and behavior while riding characterize you in bed. Hesitation on skates indicates your unwillingness to engage in sexual relations. Speed ​​and ease are about emancipation and freedom. If you have been skating with a dull blade, then it is worth checking your health; it is likely that you have problems with potency for men and libido for women.

Modern dream book - you need to relax in reality

The dream you saw is an expectation of a pleasant time or a new activity with friends. Seeing figure skaters from the sidelines or participating in a competition speaks of upcoming success in your endeavors and recognition of your abilities.


A dream about skates and figure interpretation has many meanings, both in a positive and not so positive way. As a rule, the interpretation depends on the emotions experienced in the dream and the feelings after waking up. If in a dream you fluttered across the ice with ease, then only the best awaits you. If you dream that skating is difficult and difficult, and maybe you even had to fall, you need to take a closer look at your actions recently. Perhaps a mistake has been made somewhere that is not too late to correct in time.