Foods containing antioxidants table. The strongest natural antioxidants in foods are antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. How to protect the body from oxidants

Antioxidants are a whole list of substances that have a common property: to slow down the oxidation process. This is important to prevent aging, the main culprits of which are free radicals.

They, like bacteria and viruses, attack healthy cells, causing malfunctions in their work. As a result, diseases occur. Environmental problems, bad habits and stressful situations increase the amount of free radicals in the body.

Antioxidants provoke cardiovascular and oncological diseases, cause problems with the blood, lungs, and eyes.

Antioxidants can be divided into two groups:

  1. enzymatic nature. These are compounds that the human body produces, they form an antioxidant (protective) system. If there are few free radicals, enzymes destroy them. The body cannot cope with a large number of oxidizing agents without external help.
  2. non-enzymatic nature. These are helpers that come with food.
    Antioxidants in food are represented by vitamins (C, E, beta-carotene and related lycopene, lutein), polyphenols, tannins, anthocyanins (natural pigments), and some minerals. Their main sources are vegetables and fruits, berries, some drinks.


Oxidation is one of the ways food spoils. Therefore, to extend the shelf life, antioxidants are specially added to them - food additives with E indices from 300 to 399, quite often it is ascorbic acid and its salts (E 300-E 305).

The benefits of antioxidants are that they:

  • prolong life by slowing down aging at the cellular level;
  • block the formation of tumors, antioxidants are even considered as a cure for cancer;
  • protect against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases;
  • prevent diabetes;
  • reduce the impact of external negative factors;
  • important for the skin, its youth;
  • boost metabolism and promote weight loss.

The benefits of antioxidants will only be if there are enough of them in the food. The daily norm (for an adult) for each compound is different:

  • vitamin C - 70 mg;
  • vitamin E - 15 mg;
  • beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein - each 5 mg;
  • anthocyanins - 50 mg;
  • tannin - 200 mg.

If a person does not have a deficiency in vitamins and minerals, then he will not have a deficiency in antioxidants. To make it easier to evaluate the benefits of food in terms of combating bad radicals, the concept of total antioxidant activity or the ORAC index was introduced.

Top Foods High in Antioxidants

Foods High in Antioxidants
  1. Prunes. Due to the removal of moisture, the concentration of nutrients in dried fruits occurs. Of these, prunes contain the most antioxidants. In addition, it has a positive effect on the digestive system.
  2. Raisin. No matter how useful grapes are, raisins are several times superior in their ability to destroy free radicals.
  3. Ginger. One of the most powerful remedies for immunity during colds, as well as for cleansing the body of toxins.
  4. Coffee. In reasonable quantities, it not only invigorates, but also slows down aging.
  5. Walnuts. No wonder they look like a brain. Among their brethren, they are leaders in the dosage of antioxidants.
  6. Cocoa. Brewing does not prevent it from showing its powerful antioxidant properties due to flavonol. It reduces blood pressure, activates blood circulation in the brain.
  7. Red beans. It is simply a storehouse of minerals and vitamins, a rich source of antioxidants.
  8. Tea white and green. These are the best drink options, but they should be drunk immediately after brewing. Air oxygen will quickly destroy all the benefits in tea if the drink is left on the table.
  9. Garlic. The product is able to destroy everything that harms the body: fungi, viruses, bacteria, free radicals.
  10. Cabbage. A big plus of this vegetable is that there are a huge number of varieties: white, colored, broccoli, etc. This allows you to make the menu varied.

In order for the products to benefit, you should not cook them for too long. To enhance the effect, be sure to add spices, they also have a lot of antioxidants.

Products containing antioxidants

Foods with high antioxidant activity are predominantly foods of plant origin.

  • Vegetables. The leaders are artichoke, kale. It is important to eat carrots, pumpkins and other orange vegetables to ensure your beta-carotene levels. Lycopene is found most in tomatoes. Garlic, black radish, onion are also useful. Mushrooms have high antioxidant properties due to the content of the amino acid ergothioneine, which slows down cell aging.
  • Greens. Cilantro, parsley, dill and celery have an antiseptic effect due to essential oils.
  • Fruit. Red apples have the most powerful properties, followed by pears. Do not forget about citrus fruits, they are necessary for immunity.
  • Berries. It is better to choose sour or sweet and sour fruits. The most rich in antioxidants are blueberries, dark grapes, sea buckthorn, currants and mountain ash, cranberries.
  • Nuts. Walnuts and pecans lead the way in this category, although pistachios and hazelnuts are also healthy.
  • Legumes. Among them, red beans, lentils, and soy are more useful.
  • Herbs and spices. Among medicinal plants known for their tonic and antioxidant properties are ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass, pink rhodiola. Of the spices, in addition to the usual black pepper, cloves, oregano, and rosemary are good. Favorable turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg.
  • They are a source of vitamin E (tocopherol). Many antioxidants in the fat obtained from germinated wheat, corn and soy. Sunflower oil contains about 10 times more tocopherol than olive oil.

Antioxidants also help keep skin youthful. Therefore, extracts of berries and oils are added to anti-aging cosmetic face masks, anti-wrinkle creams.

Table: antioxidants in food


Pecans: 17,940 Walnuts: 13,541
Hazelnut: 9 645 Pistachios: 7,983
Almonds: 4 454 Peanuts: 3,166


Red beans: 8,459 Pink beans: 8,320
Black beans: 8,040 Pinto beans: 7,779
Lentils: 7,282 Soybeans: 5,764

Dried fruits

Dried pear: 9,496 Agave: 7,274
Apples: 6,681 Prunes: 6 552
Peaches: 4,222 Raisins: 4,188
Dates: 3,895 Dried apricots: 3 234

Fresh berries and fruits

Cranberries: 9,584 Currant: 7 960
Plum: 7,581 Blueberries: 6,552
Blackberry: 5,347 Raspberry: 4 882
Sweet red apples: 4,275 Granny Smith apples: 3,898
Strawberries: 3,577 Red currant: 3 387
Figs: 3,383 Cherry: 3 365
Gooseberries: 3,277 Blueberry juice: 2,906
Guava: 2,550 Concord grape juice: 2,377

Vegetables and root crops

Ginger root: 14,840 Artichokes: 9,416
Garlic: 5 346 Red cabbage: 3,145
Broccoli: 3,083 Red lettuce: 2,380
Beets: 1,776 Red onion: 1,521
Spinach: 1,513 Yellow pepper: 1,043

Many drinks are also good sources of antioxidants. Here is a list of the most useful:

  • Water. It's not an antioxidant from the tap, but from natural sources, water enriched with plant extracts helps fight free radicals. For example, Arkhyz water is an antioxidant gum, which includes dihydroquercetin, extracted from Siberian larch. Ginseng tinctures, water with lemon and ginger are also useful.
  • Tea. Its tannins are very useful against compound radicals. It's better to drink green tea, it does not undergo fermentation, in which some of the beneficial compounds are destroyed. Green tea also has 4 times more catechins than black tea. Useful only sheet, but not packaged. Grinded into the smallest dust, green leaves in Japan are called matcha tea, it is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world.
  • Coffee. Despite the dangers of high doses of caffeine, freshly brewed coffee contains the most beneficial antioxidants. They are necessary for type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease to slow down the development of these dangerous ailments. Also, coffee is good for the liver, as it protects it from cirrhosis.
  • Red wine. Among all alcohol, it is the one that benefits. The drink simultaneously contains tannins, resveratrol, phenolic compounds. Wine dilates arteries, lowers cholesterol, and is effective against aging. Only you need to drink it in moderation: no more than 150-200 ml per day. Both dry and fortified red wines are suitable.
  • Juices. It is worth giving preference to acidic natural options. Pomegranate juice contains the most antioxidants, cranberry or mountain ash juice, citrus juices are useful.
  • Cocoa. The powder habitual for confectioners not only adds taste to products, but also enhances their benefits due to the abundance of minerals, vitamins and other compounds that can destroy harmful radicals.

It is believed that it is with drinks that a person receives the most powerful antioxidant substances in large quantities - up to 70%, only 30% comes from solid food.

Antioxidant Diet

Antioxidant products not only protect the body from many diseases, they also help to lose weight. Most of the dishes that can fight free radicals at the same time can improve metabolism, activate fat burning.

To tidy up the figure, increase immunity and improve well-being, it is worth trying an antioxidant diet for a week.

Here is a sample menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast. It will provide the body with energy and start the stomach and intestines with a cocktail obtained from 150 ml of yogurt or kefir with 150 g of berries. It is worth choosing currants, blueberries or blueberries - champions in the content of antioxidants.
  2. First snack. The body will receive a dose of vitamins from a salad of fresh bell peppers and an apple, both products should be red.
  3. Dinner. This meal should be hearty. 200 g of boiled chicken or fish, supplemented with beetroot and apple salad, will do. Lunch also includes a glass of pomegranate or red grape juice.
  4. Second snack. A glass of orange juice and 150 g of nuts, dried fruits or red berries.
  5. Dinner. Another serving of proteins in the form of steamed meat (150 g) and a large portion of salad of tomatoes and sweet peppers. A glass of juice or 100 ml of dry red wine.

During the day, you can drink water and green tea, a cup of cocoa with skim milk or water is allowed.

7 days of such nutrition will allow you to lose up to 3-4 kg of excess weight.

It is good to supplement a healthy diet with exercise.

Are Antioxidants Safe? Contraindications and possible side effects

Antioxidant foods are very beneficial in reasonable amounts. When used in excessive doses, they will show negative effects:

  • block the absorption of minerals, especially zinc, iron, calcium;
  • worsen the well-being of people with autoimmune diseases;
  • increase the effect of anticoagulants, they will thin the blood even more, which can be dangerous;
  • suppress the ability to fight radicals in antioxidant enzymes produced by the body itself;
  • too high doses of tocopherols increase the chances of cardiovascular disease.

Even those who smoke a lot should not abuse antioxidants. To determine the risk level for cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart pathologies, a special analysis of blood plasma is carried out and its antioxidant activity is determined.

The best option is when, based on the research, the doctor prescribes a special diet or medications.

All useful substances have both recommended norms and maximum allowable doses that cannot be exceeded. Otherwise, the benefit will quickly turn into harm. This is also true for antioxidants, which protect the body from rapid aging and the damaging effects of free radicals. Take care of your health, do not self-medicate and be sure to consult a doctor.

You've probably heard of antioxidants more than once. This word is often used in advertising, popular science programs, but it is unlikely that you know exactly what these substances are. They are spoken of as miraculous remedies that affect the body from the inside, help not to age and keep our cells in order and healthy.

What are these wonderful remedies and what is special about them? Where to get them and how to use them?

About antioxidants and their properties

The attention of not only ordinary people is riveted to antioxidants and their effect on the body, they are closely studied by chemists and physicians, pharmacists and biologists, since quite serious and amazing abilities of their influence on body cells have been discovered.

Our life today is a series of stresses, environmental problems and poor nutrition. All these factors do not have the best effect on the state of our cells, they disrupt the coordinated work of individual organs and systems, which leads to poor health and unimportant appearance.

Due to the action of free radicals - harmful substances that appear in the body as a result of impaired metabolism - the cells suffer. Free radicals gnaw through cell membranes and cause cell death.

Antioxidants are those substances that guard the health of cells, they are able to neutralize free radicals, preventing them from damaging cell membranes, which means they preserve our strength and beauty.

Due to antioxidants, not only cell damage is prevented, but the process of restoring the destroyed is accelerated, recovery occurs, resistance to infections increases.

What it is?

In a healthy body, free radicals are formed in small volumes, and almost all of their negative effects on the cells of the body are prevented by antioxidants that come from outside or are formed inside the body. However, it is important that a person regularly receives portions of new antioxidants - then the balance will not be disturbed. But what do they contain?

Many of the vitamins and trace elements (in conjunction with body molecules) have antioxidant effects. Therefore, regular and proper nutrition almost completely supplies us with the necessary amount of antioxidants. We will discuss with you the most famous antioxidants and the products that contain them.

Vitamin C

Or the well-known vitamin C - the most famous among antioxidants and the most powerful. Thanks to the action of ascorbic acid, aging slows down, the risk of cancer and heart disease is reduced, it must be taken for dental health , bones and vessel walls.

And this vitamin is also important for maintaining the beauty of the body, it is involved in the formation of collagen - the main protein of elastic and smooth skin. In addition, it does not allow the harmful effects of the body to destroy other antioxidants - beta-carotenes and tocopherol. Antioxidants are especially recommended smoking people , since their concentration of radicals in the body increases by 2-3 times.

To get the required amount of vitamin C and experience its antioxidant effects, you need to eat a lot of citrus fruits, love limes and lemons, in second place are Strawberry and garden greens.

Potatoes are also rich in vitamin C, but conventional potato cooking methods destroy most vitamin A . It is better to steam the potatoes, so there will be more vitamin C in it. Useful fresh vegetables - Bulgarian pepper, tomato, wild garlic and broccoli, spinach. Quite a lot of vitamin C and in kiwi, currants, sea buckthorn and viburnum.

Tocopherol, or vitamin E

This is the second most active antioxidant after vitamin C, it works well in the skin and reproductive system, and helps with atherosclerosis. It is a fat-soluble compound, so oil and fat-containing foods are richest in it.

A lot of tocopherol is found in cereals, virgin vegetable oils, germinated wheat grains, nuts and green vegetables. They are rich in almonds and cashews, hazelnuts and peanuts, cod liver, pike perch and eel. A lot of vitamin E in squid, dried apricots, prunes, and salmon.


These are the progenitors of vitamin A and some other compounds that have a fairly high antioxidant power. They act as cell protectors against free radicals, especially in the visual system, skin and immune system.

These substances are found in large quantities in yellow and orange vegetables and fruits, such as carrots and apricots, melons and pumpkins. Not far behind them are green vegetables - broccoli and spinach, wild garlic and seaweed. Liver and cheese, butter, cottage cheese, eel and other fatty fish, eggs, sour cream, processed cheeses and oysters are rich in carotenes.


This is another group of substances that have a protective effect that stops the aggression of free radicals.

Flavonoids are a whole group of substances, the most famous of which is vitamin PP, or rutin. In nature, there are a lot of flavonoids in blueberries and other dark-colored berries, in green tea and cocoa, in apples and quince, in the skin grapes , cherries and sweet cherries, strawberries, raspberries and eggplants. There are a lot of flavonoids in citrus peel and pomegranates, including peels.

Antioxidants in foods are a powerful tool against disease and aging. The role of these compounds is to prevent unwanted oxidation reactions in cells and tissues. Such substances are able to neutralize the potentially dangerous effect of toxic particles, preventing them from destroying a living cell. In science, harmful agents are known as free radicals (unstable molecules). Antioxidant substances to protect against damage, the human body is able to produce itself, but the main supply of the necessary "building materials" and ready-made "healers" comes from the outside - with food.

Free radicals and diseases

Under the constant influence of adverse factors, a person experiences a state of chronic antioxidant deficiency. Other terms that clearly characterize the phenomenon are peroxidation syndrome, free radical pathology. The pathophysiological reaction occurring in the body leads to the development of such diseases and conditions:

  • some malignant neoplasms;
  • ischemic heart and brain disease;
  • occupational diseases;
  • alimentary diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • poisoning.

Products containing antioxidants supply the body with substances that protect its cells from the negative effects of free radicals. Unstable molecules can cause destruction of cell membranes, damage DNA. Oxidation leads to 60 degenerative damage to various organs and systems. Natural healers contribute to the improvement of the human body at the level of cells and tissues. Damage to various structures occurs not only due to the negative impact of the environment, but also as the body ages. Antioxidants in products are the prevention of age-related changes.


A surge of interest in the free-radical mechanism of lipid oxidation in biological membranes occurred in the 1980s. The importance of preventing this phenomenon, the role of individual substances in adaptation to adverse environmental conditions have been proven. As a result of many studies, it turned out that antioxidants in products increase resistance to various environmental factors. At the same time, scientists have found out the feasibility of using these substances as adaptogens.

To eliminate the peroxidation syndrome, natural and synthetic antioxidants are used. In order to prevent diseases, they can be added to food, which prevents the accumulation of toxins in it. Also, antioxidants in products reduce the loss of amino acids, vitamins and other useful substances during storage and various processing. It is possible to reduce the danger to the internal environment of the body, which is hidden in chemical agents that enter from the outside. The human body can successfully counteract the adverse effects of many factors.

Natural Antioxidants

How to choose from the variety of nutrients rich in antioxidants that provide protection against free radicals? First of all, you need to study the list of antioxidant substances. Natural Antioxidants:

  • vitamin A and carotenoids;
  • phospholipids;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin D;
  • ubiquinone;
  • estrogens;
  • selenium.

In addition to the compounds listed above, the human body needs active particles to build its own antioxidants. Zinc, manganese, copper and other ions serve as such activators that increase the effectiveness of vitamins. Lycopene, carnitine and other components of plant and animal foods also have antioxidant properties.

Antioxidants in food

Researchers from the USA have created a kind of rating of plants with the most pronounced antioxidant properties. Fruits, berries and legumes predominate in the list below. In addition to them, the list is supplemented by dried fruits and nuts. A variety of antioxidant products are currently known. The list of vegetables and fruits with antioxidant properties looks like this:

  • red beans (small-fruited);
  • wild blackcurrant;
  • dark-colored varieties of beans;
  • garden blackcurrant;
  • cranberries;
  • boiled artichoke;
  • blackberry;
  • prunes;
  • garden raspberries;
  • strawberry;
  • apples.

Antioxidant products (table)

The antioxidant properties of green tea and some spices are widely known: cinnamon, turmeric, cloves, oregano (oregano). Chinese researchers have established the role of tea catechins in counteracting radiation. Oranges contain components that increase immune defense against viruses. Many consumers are interested in the content of individual antioxidants in vegetables, fruits, spices, oils, animal foods. Therefore, a table of antioxidant products is convenient for use in everyday life:

Color and antioxidant properties of products

A peculiar marker of the presence of antioxidants in fruits is the color of their peel and pulp. For example, the action of free radicals is opposed by the pigment lycopene, which is present in red tomatoes, lutein, which stains corn kernels yellow. Carotenoids, which give rise to vitamin A in the body, are present in orange flowers, vegetables and fruits. Blue and purple hues are associated with the presence of anthocyanin.

If there are antioxidants in food, then their consumption does not mean that the body is completely safe from free radicals. Many antioxidants are destroyed during cooking. There may be various digestive disorders that prevent the absorption of beneficial compounds.

How antioxidants protect against free radicals

Substances that slow down oxidative damage in the human body are able to scavenge free radicals. These are by-products resulting from synthesis and breakdown (metabolism) reactions. Products containing antioxidants eliminate the damage to the body from free radicals that damage certain structures in the cell. Unstable molecules steal missing electrons from other substances. Researchers working in different countries confirm that health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer are oxidative damage in the tissues of various organs. Scientists from London found that fruit and vegetable consumption reduces the risk of stroke by 25%.

Antioxidant products are effective against cancer, they can reduce the risk of developing malignant transformations, as well as infections. The health benefits of compounds with antioxidant properties are in boosting the immune system. Followers of the antioxidant theory also prove that it is free radicals that cause accelerated aging. Wrinkles, stiffness, and joint pain are all the result of oxidative damage in the body.

Antioxidants in plant foods

Beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A), vitamin C and bioflavonoids are the most active in protecting body cells from environmental free radicals. Plant foods rich in antioxidants should not be peeled before consumption. The concentration of antioxidant compounds in the skin is often higher than in the pulp. You just need to choose environmentally friendly products. The largest amount of nitrates, pesticides, is also found in the outer parts of many fruits and vegetables.

Saturated dark or bright color of plant products indicates high antioxidant properties. In accordance with this feature, the most useful antioxidant products can be distinguished. Leaderboard: acai berry, pomegranate, mangosteen, goji, blueberry. And this list can be continued.

Antioxidants in foods protect against cancer

Free radicals are fragments of molecules with excessive activity. An unstable state in natural systems is “not welcome”, the energy level must be optimal to ensure stability. Free radicals in the outer shell contain an unpaired electron, so they "attack" cell membranes, take away negative particles.

Once inside the cell, unstable molecules cause mutations in DNA. These processes can result in malignant neoplasms. How Antioxidant Foods Work Against Cancer? They make it possible to break the chain reaction of damage. Useful substances must be present in the body in sufficient quantities.

Enzymes and other substances contained in the human body are considered powerful antioxidants: catalase, coenzyme Q10, or ubiquinone, glutathione, resveratrol. Other strong antioxidants - vitamins A, C and E, carotenoids - are mainly supplied with food.

Natural antioxidants in products will help improve the quality of life, achieve active longevity:

  • Eggs, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables are good sources of lutein.
  • Legumes reduce the risk of cancer due to the content of phenolic compounds and flavonoids.
  • Natural milk has a high content of vitamin E, beta-carotene and lutein.
  • Rapeseed oil is a source of alpha-tocopherol.
  • Yogurt is rich in riboflavin.

The products listed above, as well as honey, brown sugar, nuts, should be supplemented in your daily diet in order to maintain health and youth.

In this material, we will tell you how to maintain healthy, elastic, velvety skin with the help of rescuers - natural antioxidants.

Compilation The 10 most powerful natural antioxidants and their effect on the condition, structure, and health of the skin

1. Vitamin C

Truly outstanding antioxidant properties vitamin C- it stimulates the function of cells that synthesize the main protein of the skin - collagen, ensures the normal permeability of capillary membranes, improves their elasticity and strength.

In addition, "ascorbic acid" prevents the destruction of other antioxidants in the body - retinol, vitamin E, selenium, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

A large amount of vitamin C is found in currants, citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, viburnum, garden greens, sweet peppers, broccoli, potatoes, spinach.

2. Vitamin E

BUT - tocopherol, or - vitamin E, he is the "vitamin of youth." It has a unique ability to protect cell membranes. It is found in large quantities in cold-pressed vegetable oils, especially those obtained from wheat germ, nuts, liver, pike perch, salmon, squid, dried apricots, prunes.

Carotenoids: β-carotene, retinol, lycopene, etc.. Provides effective protection of the skin from the sun's rays. Accelerate epithelialization, eliminate the feeling of dryness and prevent skin exfoliation.

Vitamin A and carotene enhance the production of collagen, and accordingly, they can significantly delay the appearance of the first deep wrinkles in time, and make the network of fine wrinkles almost invisible.

The greatest amount of carotenoids is present in the pigments of plants that have an orange and red color; they are rich in oils of sea buckthorn, rose hips, carrots, palm oil; Tomatoes are high in lycopene.


Or - plant polyphenols, have the strongest antioxidant activity and are similar in structure to human estrogens, they are also called phytoestrogens.

It is known that in women after 30, the production of sex hormones gradually decreases: estrogen, progesterone, etc., and this instantly affects the appearance of the skin: it becomes dry, thinner, covered with a network of wrinkles.

Many people solve this problem by using creams that contain hormones, but, alas, they have a number of serious contraindications. The use of creams with phytoestrogens (stearins, isoflavones, flavones, lignans) is an excellent solution in this case, when “both the wolves are full and the sheep are safe”: the skin looks hydrated and well-groomed without adverse consequences for it.

Lots of phytoestrogens soy, red clover, alfalfa, wild yam, dwarf palm, hops, grapes.

Polyphenols also support the endocrine balance of the body, have a powerful capillary-strengthening effect, reduce hypoxia and increase the level of oxygen saturation of the skin, due to which metabolic processes are activated in it.

Foods rich in polyphenols include red wine, grapes, apples, onions, green and black teas, olive oil, and aqueous herbal extracts.


E This is a special group of flavonoids, which has a pronounced radioprotective effect.

Thanks to catechins, vitamin C is better absorbed and accumulated in the body, the elasticity and firmness of capillaries increases, thereby protecting the skin from the appearance of "stars" and vascular network on it.

Catechins are found in large quantities in all types of tea.


An enzyme that works on the front line of the cell's "defense line" - inside its "energy depots" - mitochondria.

Especially effectively SOD-containing cosmetics solve the problem of wrinkle prevention, since SOD does not allow "cross-linking" of protein collagen molecules.

Superoxide dismutase is produced in our body, it is also present in almost all animal and plant products.

Plants whose extracts have SOD-like activity are widely used in cosmetology: witch hazel, sea buckthorn ginkgo biloba, tea leaf, horse chestnut, etc.

7. Coenzyme Q

Molecule of the "code of youth" of the skin. Participates in the process of energy production directly in the mitochondria, and it is them that actively protects against oxidative attacks.

Coenzyme, as an obligatory component, is part of anti-aging masks, serums, creams.

Red palm oil, beef, herring, peanuts, pistachios, sesame have a large amount of Coenzyme Q.


It is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids. Perfectly proved to be in the composition of cosmetics for the care of inflamed, thinned, aging skin.

Vitamin F strengthens cell membranes, restores the hydrolipid mantle of the skin, and, accordingly, makes it more elastic.

Most vitamin F is found in cold-pressed oils: olive, soybean, linseed, corn, sunflower; its high content is distinguished by sea fish, nuts, avocados, oatmeal.

Antioxidants is a word that can be heard a lot lately. Simply put, antioxidants mean, translated into Russian, antioxidants, that is, substances that prevent oxidation processes in the body.

Why is there so much talk about them? Just in the course of various studies, it became clear that the oxidation processes in the body damage cells, which leads to the occurrence of diseases and accelerates the aging process of the body as a whole. Oxidation, as a chemical reaction, is vital for a living organism, due to this, for example, the production of energy from the food consumed occurs. However, in the course of chemical oxidative processes, so-called free radicals are formed - particles with free electrons, which, in an effort to recover, snatch electrons from other molecules, thereby damaging them.

Antioxidants are able to combine with free radicals, eliminating the destructive effect they cause.

It is clear that for good health, it is desirable for a person to regularly take antioxidants. Of course, you can try to get them through special vitamins and dietary supplements, but we will consider natural products - natural antioxidants, because a person can hardly create something more effective than nature has created.

The list below does not claim to be complete.

1. Antioxidants are found in large quantities in various spices such as cinnamon, turmeric, coriander. It is enough to use them simply as a seasoning for food. In addition to their beneficial antioxidant properties, spices improve digestion (here, however, their composition should be varied in order to avoid addiction and reduce the effect) and, of course, add flavor to any dish.

2. A lot of antioxidants contain vegetables and fruits that have a rich dark color, for example: beets, zucchini, plums, prunes, eggplant, dark grapes, broccoli, pomegranate. Here it must be borne in mind that intensive heat treatment destroys the beneficial vitamins contained in the products. Therefore, it is undesirable to fry vegetables, it is better to boil or steam them.

3. Berries are powerful antioxidants. Not only dark-colored berries, but also red and yellow ones are great here. These are cranberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn, currants, raspberries, strawberries and many others. It is believed that the antioxidant properties of berries are stronger, the more sour the taste of the berries themselves. Berries can be consumed both in season and dried or frozen for later use in winter.

4. Vegetable oils are valued mainly due to the vitamin E they contain. Any unrefined cold-pressed oils are suitable. But olive oil is considered the most beneficial for humans. It is enough to use one tablespoon of oil per day, preferably in the morning or in the morning. Olive oil is the only oil that is not deposited in the form of fat or slag on vessels and tissues. Due to its chemical composition, it spreads throughout the body, as if “lubricating” it. At the same time, including improves the elasticity of blood vessels and other tissues.

5. Almonds. It is best to use sweet (meaning the variety of almonds, not that they are in sugar), unsalted almonds. In folk medicine, it is believed that it is enough to regularly consume only 3 almonds a day to protect yourself from any tumor oncological formations.

6. Grape seed oil. This oil is quite easy to find in stores. The recommended intake is the same as for other vegetable oils - 1 spoon per day. In addition, grape oil is used as a cosmetic product that improves skin and hair when applied.

7. Popeye. Although papaya grows in warm countries, it can be easily found in our stores in dried (dried) form. Papaya has many beneficial qualities, it has a good effect on digestion, lowers cholesterol, etc. Besides that, it is also delicious.

8. Birch mushroom chaga. Its beneficial properties have always been known in folk medicine. Now you can buy a mushroom or an extract from it in pharmacies or specialized stores. The mushroom should be used as written on the product packaging.

9. Apricot kernels. You can crush the bones yourself, or you can buy ready-made kernels. It is undesirable, and sometimes dangerous, to eat a lot of such kernels due to the presence of a special substance in the bitter bones that turns into hydrocyanic acid in the stomach. It is enough to consume 3-4 nuts a day.

10. Juice from the fruits of the exotic Noni plant. It is believed that this is a very powerful antioxidant, but as long as it remains at such a high price (a liter on average costs more than 1,000 rubles), it is unlikely to be widely used in our country.

In addition to taking antioxidants, one should not forget about the other side of the issue, namely, to reduce the intake of the most powerful oxidants, that is, oxidizing agents. These include, first of all, sugar, nicotine, meat and alcohol.