Mineral thermal insulation for pipes foil. The advantages of using foil insulation for heating pipes - theory and proven practice. The need to insulate heating pipes

Thermal insulation for pipes foil characteristics

Thermal insulation for pipes foil consists of:

  • bases - it can be both basalt / mineral wool, and foamed polyethylene, as well as expanded polystyrene;
  • a thin layer of aluminum that covers the base.

Unlike other heaters, the foil look is able to reflect both UV radiation and thermal radiation.

About the benefits and features

Thermal insulation of heating pipes foil is easy to mount and dismantle. It is light in weight and has excellent ductility. It is characterized by the presence of a high hydrophobicity index (that is, it partially acts as a waterproofing). It does not let the cold in from the outside, which is undoubtedly a plus when insulating heating pipes.

Plus, the fact that the foil insulation does not allow harmful substances and dust to enter the room from the outside.

It is also worth noting that such a heater is not a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms and mold. In this connection, it will perform its functions for many decades.

It should also be noted that such material does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, and also does not burn and has low thermal conductivity and moisture permeability.

They produce it in the form of a "shell", plates, rolls, mats and more. It is allowed to work with it at temperatures from -60 C to +150 C, which allows it to be used in the arrangement of external sections of heating mains.

Thermal insulation for pipes foil application

Foil thermal insulation is popular for warming:

  • sewer, heating and ventilation lines;
  • engineering systems;
  • refrigeration units and more.

Most often, mineral wool covered with a layer of foil is used to insulate pipes. In this case, the thickness of the base is about 50 mm, and the reflective layer is 10-30 mm.

When choosing a type, it is worth considering the operating conditions of the material. So, for example, foil with foamed polyethylene is fragile and deforms under the influence of external factors. To increase the strength indicators, choose thermal insulation with foil for pipes and foam. If we are talking about a basalt base, then it is heavier than mineral wool.

If the foil is damaged, use aluminum tape.

You can buy foil heat-insulating material for pipes at a bargain price from us. Being an official distributor and cooperating directly with manufacturers, we manage to offer competitive prices for all products.

Thermal insulation of pipelines is one of the important measures to ensure the durability of steel (VGP; ES; BSH) and polymer pipes.

Section materials

→ Rockwool cylinders → Styrofoam shell
→ K-FLEX → PPU shell
→ K-FLEX PE → Basalt mats
→ FOAMPIPE cylinders → ProRox PS 960
→ FOAMPIPE bends → Jackets for pipes with insulation
→ FOAMPIPE tees → Aluminum tape
→ Foampipe Sewer sewer insulation → Band clamp
→Thermal insulation boxes Foampipe TK → Fiberglass

The thermal insulation of heating pipes is no less important than the thermal insulation of the basement, walls or roof of a building. The main reason for this is the uninterrupted supply of water during the cold season, so it is simply necessary to insulate the water supply.

How is the correct thermal insulation of heating pipes?

Depending on the material used, thermal insulation for pipes differs in structure and production technology.

Selection and installation of thermal insulation of pipes is a matter only for an experienced specialist. Otherwise, over time, you will need to redo the work done again.

To ensure a long period of operation of the pipeline, it is always necessary to take into account the climatic conditions in which the operation of heating or water supply networks will be carried out, and to trust the installation of the material only to professionals.

Thermal insulation of water supply pipes is the most important stage in the creation of water supply or sewerage systems. Proper thermal insulation of pipes guarantees the normal functioning of the pipeline even in the cold season. Haste and savings on insulation leads to the need for regular repairs.

For thermal insulation of pipelines, only high-quality materials should be chosen. It should also be taken into account that it is important not only to protect the pipe from the effects of cold, but also to provide protection against corrosion by creating an anti-corrosion layer.

It should be remembered that the thermal insulation of pipes must have a long service life so that there is no need for frequent replacement. Depending on the passage of the pipeline (external or underground), different types of pipe insulation are used.

For indoor applications, it is optimal to use ROCKWOOL thermal insulation cylinders. Products from a well-known manufacturer, have high quality and unique properties. High requirements for technical insulation products allow Rockwool cylinders to be No. 1 today. They are made from mineral wool on a synthetic binder 1 meter long. They can be of various diameters from 19 to 273 mm. The thickness of hollow products can be 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 mm. Cylinders can be produced with additional aluminum foil coating.

For outdoor use, Rockwool mineral wool cylinders can also be used, but with subsequent shelter in the form of protective shells. They protect products from atmospheric precipitation and damage to thermal insulation. It is also possible to use mineral wool mats Tech mat and Wired Mat.

Thermal insulation for pipes can also be made with PPU shells or polystyrene foam shells. For in-ground applications, this is the most common insulation option. In any case, all necessary measures to protect pipes are recommended to be carried out strictly according to the project, which specifies certain materials necessary for insulation.

Thermal insulation of heating pipes is a reliable protection for pipes. The efficiency of heating mains depends on the heat-insulating material, because without it, heat loss occurs, especially in winter. All this is reflected in the wallets of our citizens.

Acceptable prices for pipe insulation

Today, you can buy thermal insulation for pipes at various prices. When choosing one or another material, the buyer is often interested in what determines the price of insulation for the pipeline. The answer to the question is simple.

The cost of the material is affected by the following:

  • producer country - imports are always more expensive than domestic goods, although they are the same in quality;
  • the density of the material - the denser, the more expensive;
  • thermal insulation thickness;
  • the ratio "pipeline insulation - price" depends entirely on the structural material;
  • Bulk purchase is always cheaper than retail.

However, when buying thermal insulation for pipes, you should choose only the product that is best suited for these specific operating conditions. In this case, having paid once, the buyer will enjoy the uninterrupted operation of the pipeline for a long time.

Infrared radiation passes unhindered through most heaters. Thermal insulation for pipes with foil is highly reflective and retains heat much more effectively than materials without a protective layer.

According to average statistics, a building loses from 40% to 70% of heat energy in winter. Heat loss occurs for three reasons: due to the high thermal conductivity of the pipe material, due to convection and due to infrared radiation. Heat transfer can be stopped by reflection.

You can purchase foil insulation for pipes, or you can wrap the heat-insulating layer with foil yourself. Such insulation is sold either in rolls or in the form of hollow tubes. The foil is placed face down. It is important to provide a gap of 1-2 cm between the foil and the pipeline. The disadvantages of the foil are its fragility and susceptibility to the influence of aggressive substances. The top protective layer transmits about 10% of the energy.

The choice of insulation

Insulation (polyurethane foam, fiberglass, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polyethylene foam) can be covered with a metallized film or aluminum foil on one or both sides.

Mineral wool covered with a layer of foil is the easiest option. The thickness of the reflective surface is from 10 to 30 microns, the thickness of the wool is up to 5 cm. The foil with foam plastic has increased strength. Polyethylene foam foil is more brittle and can be deformed under the action of external forces. The advantage of such a heater is vapor permeability. Basalt thermal insulation is similar to mineral wool, but heavier, as it has a higher density. Undeniable ease of use gives thermal insulation with a self-adhesive base. If the foil is damaged in some place, you can use aluminum tape. It will also be needed when joining parts of the material.

Lavsan film and polyethylene foam with foil can transmit infrared radiation. Therefore, you should choose a film with a thick foil layer. Poriflex NPE-LF, penofol 2000, BestIzol, Ecofol are the most popular brands of foil pipe insulation. The air layer inside the polyethylene foam and the upper polished layer allow the materials to be used not only in industry, but also in private homes. The thickness of such insulation usually does not exceed 1 cm. Quality assurance applies only to materials that have been certified.

Why foil insulation is the right choice?

  • The material can be used at an ambient temperature of -60°..+150°.
  • Vapor permeability: 0.001% (the foil almost does not let steam through). Water absorption: 0.74% per day.
  • Ease of installation, low cost, environmental friendliness, good waterproofing properties, the ability to absorb noise and dampen vibrations in ventilation systems.
  • Creating the effect of "thermos".
  • Ease of installation and environmental friendliness of the material.

Disadvantage of foil: high thermal conductivity. That is why it is used not separately, but together with traditional heaters.

Thermal insulation for pipes with foil

Heating and sewerage

Rockwool cylinders are the best solution for heating pipes, ventilation ducts, air conditioners and sewer pipes. This flexible foil pipe insulation is resistant to chemical irritants and easy to install. Covered with a protective layer casings are strong and durable.

  1. First, cut the desired length of the segment. Segments are joined close to each other.
  2. Then, 2 fasteners are installed on each segment with a distance of 500 mm between them.
  3. For vertical sections, retainer rings are used that prevent the cylinders from slipping over time.
  4. For curved pipes, the cylinder is trimmed by trying on a hole along the pipe.

Technical thermal insulation - hollow cylinders made of stone wool and covered with a layer of aluminum foil. It is intended for isolation of thermal networks, industrial pipelines. Have a longitudinal cut for the most simple installation.


Chimney insulation is necessary to create good traction. The heat barrier prevents the formation of condensate, which means it protects the chimney from destruction.

Learn how to make a foil chimney cover for an iron chimney. You will need mineral wool (wire-stitched Rockwool mats work), foil, and fasteners.

  1. Unwind the roll, separate the desired segment with a pruner.
  2. Using fasteners and wire, wrap the pipe with insulation.
  3. Wrap the top with aluminum foil and secure with zip ties. Instead of mineral wool, any other non-combustible material can be used.

Pipe insulation Energoflex

Has its strengths and weaknesses. The advantages include strength, moisture resistance, immunity to temperature extremes. The material does not cause difficulties during installation, has a small weight. The layer thickness can be from 9 to 13 mm, length - up to two meters. Suitable for pipelines with a diameter of 18 to 160 mm. Flexible material can be laid on areas with complex geometries.

Energoflex does not need additional wrapping with roofing material. The disadvantages are the high cost and the inability to install it where the temperature of the working medium of the pipeline exceeds 100°.

  • If you buy rolled insulation, make sure that it is designed specifically for pipes before buying.
  • Rigid material in the form of semicircles has a size that allows you to put it on a pipe of a specific diameter.
  • A distance of 2.5 cm must be maintained between the wall and the aluminum foil.
  • The price of insulation is affected by both the thickness of the reflective layer and the base material.
  • There is a significant difference between aluminum spraying and aluminum foil. In the first case, the heat insulator will work less efficiently, its reflectivity is low.

Thermal insulation for pipes with foil: main technical specifications, Pipe Portal

Foil pipe insulation for heating pipes, sewerage, ventilation and chimneys. Thermal insulation of pipes foil - types and laying technology

Benefits of using foil insulation for heating pipes - theory and proven practice

The need for thermal insulation of engineering communications arises often. In order to avoid heat loss during the movement of hot water from the source of its heating to the end consumer, the pipeline should be insulated using, for example, a pipe insulation with foil as a material.

As practice shows, heat loss in the absence of insulation can reach 20 percent. In order to optimize the efficiency of the heating structure, it is necessary to insulate the line through which the coolant is transported. This work can be done independently, without involving specialists. At the same time, various materials are used, including liquid heaters, polyurethane foam (abbreviated PPU), mineral wool, penofol.

The need to insulate heating pipes

Due to the high cost of energy carriers, thermal energy must be used rationally, which means that only rooms that need it should be heated. If uninsulated pipes pass through a non-residential area, such as an attic or basement, then the heat is not being used for its intended purpose. This circumstance leads to a decrease in the performance of the heating system and an increase in the cost of purchasing fuel.

Insulation of the outer section of the heating main leads to a decrease in the likelihood of freezing of the coolant in the event of a sharp drop in temperature outside. True, freezing of the heat supply structure is unlikely, but traffic jams may appear.

For this reason, the insulation of the pipeline laid outside the building is a prerequisite for the operation of both internal and external sections of the heating system. Properly selected insulation thickness can protect the elements of the heating system from various kinds of damage, serious breakdowns and corrosive processes.

Selection of materials

There is a wide range of insulating materials for heat supply lines on sale. To make the right purchase, it is necessary to take into account the features of the room, its parameters and the technical conditions for operating the heating system.

The main factors influencing the choice of insulation:

  • the location of the pipeline to be isolated;
  • temperature of the coolant moving through the pipes;
  • characteristics of the heating main;
  • basic properties of materials intended for pipeline insulation.

When choosing, first of all, the following performance characteristics of heaters are taken into account:

  • heat resistance;
  • thermal conductivity;
  • fire safety;
  • moisture resistance;
  • thickness;
  • resistance to decay and exposure to microorganisms;
  • installation cost.

When purchasing materials for pipe insulation, you need to remember that the lower their thermal conductivity, the higher the thermal insulation performance. The degree of moisture resistance is reflected in the quality of protection of metal pipelines from corrosive processes and the formation of condensate.

The fire resistance of heat insulators must comply with fire safety requirements for heated rooms. To calculate the thickness of the material used, special formulas are used.

A variety of heaters for pipelines

In order to get the maximum effect from the insulation of the heating system, you need to decide on the choice of material for pipes laid in the apartment, in the attic or in the basement. These products are solid piece, soft roll and liquid. When buying, the parameters of the pipeline are taken into account in order to correctly select the dimensions of piece products.

All types of heat-insulating materials used for heating pipes can perform their functions due to the presence of air in them, and their difference lies in the convenience of installation work.

The most easily performed method of insulation is considered to be thermal insulation, called the "shell". It is produced in the form of semi-cylinders. Installation is carried out by combining the halves through the grooves. As a result, the desired result is ensured when insulating pipes in the basement or attic.

The following pipeline heaters are most in demand: mineral or fiberglass wool, insulation for pipes with foil, polyethylene foam, polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene, penoizol.

PPU insulation for heating systems

Material for insulation of pipes made of polyurethane foam is:

In the first case, polyurethane foam is used to insulate short sections of pipelines in extreme cases.

To apply PPU spraying, you will need special equipment and a 4-atmospheric compensator. The insulation is firmly connected to the surface of the pipes. But this material does not tolerate ultraviolet exposure, so it must be protected with winding or aluminum foil. When applying spraying, it is necessary to use protective clothing.

The rigid type of PPU insulation is durable and at the same time light, has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity and is used for individual circuits. Of its advantages, it should be noted that it has increased resistance to moisture. The material is environmentally friendly and completely non-toxic. It is mounted around the pipeline in the same way as the "shell".

Foil insulators for heating systems

If you need to make a decision regarding the material, the best choice would be to use a foil pipe insulation. Thermal insulation is considered effective if it allows not only to retain heat, but also to reflect it. In this case, it is preferable to use materials with aluminum foil.

This polished material has such high reflective characteristics that it allows you to maintain the temperature of the coolant and keep the efficiency of the heating structure at the maximum value. The fact is that in this case, the flow of thermal energy emanating from the pipes is reflected back.

In addition, the foil insulation for heating pipes does not let in the cold coming from the outside and demonstrates excellent hydro and vapor barrier. In the process of its manufacture, the main heat-insulating material is applied to the foil layer - it can be polystyrene foam, polyethylene foam or mineral wool.

This type of thermal insulation of different thicknesses for pipelines passing through living quarters, a basement or an attic is produced in the form of a "shell", slabs, rolls, mats, canvases.

Pipe foil insulation can be operated at an ambient temperature in the range from -60 ° C to + 150 ° C, therefore it is used in the arrangement of external sections of heating mains. Since foil for pipe insulation has a high degree of thermal conductivity, it is not used separately.

The use of foil thermal insulation for pipes

According to experts, the simplest method of thermal insulation of pipelines in the basement is the use of mineral wool, which is covered with a layer of foil, while the thickness of the wool reaches 50 millimeters, and the reflective layer is 10-30 microns.

Before proceeding with the insulation of pipes in the attic or basement, you need to study the operating conditions of the materials. For example, foil with foamed polyethylene is brittle and subject to deformation under external influences. Strength indicators can be improved if thermal insulation with pipe foil and foam is preferred.

In turn, basalt insulation has many characteristics in common with mineral wool, but it is heavier because it has a higher density.

It is convenient to install self-adhesive insulation. If the foil is damaged, use aluminum tape. Lavsan film with foil and polyethylene foam do not reflect infrared radiation, so such material must have a significant thickness of the foil layer.

The main nuances of using heat insulators

Before buying rolled insulation for heat supply pipes, you need to make sure that its performance allows you to use this material in an attic or basement.

When the insulation is rigid and made in the shape of a semicircle, it can be used for pipe products of a certain diameter. Between the wall and aluminum foil, you need to leave a distance of 25 millimeters.

The cost of a heat insulator is affected by the thickness of the reflective layer and the material from which its base is made. There is a significant difference between aluminum foil and aluminum sputtering. The latter option makes the functioning of the heat insulator less effective with little reflectivity.

It is not at all necessary to buy industrial foil pipe insulation. You can independently wrap the layer of thermal insulation laid on the pipe with foil if the pipeline is laid in the attic or basement. Such material is produced in rolls or in the form of hollow tubes.

The foil is placed face up. Between the foil layer and the pipeline, a gap of 10 -20 millimeters must be left.

Independent installation of thermal insulation

Work on the insulation of heating pipes using heat-insulating polystyrene foam shell is performed as follows:

  1. Halves of the material are put on the pipe and their displacement relative to each other is ensured - it is required for an overlap of 10–20 centimeters in size.
  2. Semi-cylinders should be fastened in advance with adhesive tape. If you need to apply a surface protective layer, it is attached at the very end.
  3. In order for the shell to more reliably adjoin the pipeline, the joints must be glued with adhesive tape.
  4. When it is necessary to isolate heating pipes at the turns of the main, shaped types of shells are used.

In many ways, the choice of materials for insulating the elements of the heating system depends on the operating conditions of the heating main and its structural device. The work on thermal insulation is simple and, if desired, any home master can perform it.

Foil pipe insulation: thermal insulation with foil for heating pipes, insulation, insulation

Foil pipe insulation: thermal insulation with foil for heating pipes, insulation, insulation

Foil thermal insulation: types and properties. Wall preparation, installation and fixing

To date, foil thermal insulation for pipes is a fairly new type of material and work, which, however, is becoming more and more popular, both among professional builders and among a simple layman who decides to carry out insulation in the house on his own.

What can the material be used for?

Insulation is easily used in many thermal insulation works, in our case it can be:

  • Thermal insulation of floors throughout the house, including in cold rooms.
  • Thermal insulation of various heating equipment.
  • Work on soundproofing and thermal insulation of walls and partitions.
  • Thermal insulation of the roof and especially the attic.

Foil on the roof

The properties of the material make it possible to use it to increase the heat transfer of the radiator in the room, for this it is enough to place a sheet of material behind the radiator with your own hands, and the amount of thermal energy will increase.

In what types of rooms is foil material suitable?

In addition to the fact that we can perfectly insulate a living space, the material is suitable for:

  • Full heat and sound insulation of various rooms with utilities.
  • Insulation of the pipeline and air duct in the boiler room.
  • Works in rooms with high, and most importantly, with constant humidity, these are baths and saunas.
  • Hallway and corridor, where it ideally insulates the front door and levels heat loss.

Material Features

First of all, consider the components of the material, because foil thermal insulation is a layered and combined material, which includes:

It is the moment of combining these materials into one that gives us the opportunity to use all the excellent thermal insulation properties of the foil material. Here are simple figures that fully prove the high efficiency of using the material for any thermal insulation purposes - thermal energy is reflected in the room with an efficiency rate of 97%!

One layer of our material can replace a 15 cm brick wall in terms of resistance to heat transfer.

And if we translate all this into an area, then we definitely save several squares of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

In addition, this product has water-repellent properties, this is possible due to the cellular structure of the material. As a result, it is possible to avoid the formation of condensate, in other words, when purchasing a material, we also buy a vapor barrier. As we said above, one of the rooms where we can use foil insulation is a sauna or bath.

The structure of the foil heat insulator

High sound insulation provides the material with great popularity not only in domestic conditions.

And, of course, foil insulation is also a high level of environmental friendliness, which is important today. It does not have any harmful effects on the body.

Insulation is sold in two types:

  • In sheets, which is convenient for small spaces.
  • In rolls.

Types of foil material

Today, there are several types of material on the market, and each has its own characteristics and applications.

  • The material is coated with a metallized film.
  • foil layer.
  • Basalt material.

The material with a metallized coating has excellent thermal conductivity, but cannot be used in rooms with high humidity. The corrosion that any metal coating undergoes excludes this type from use in baths, saunas, and bathrooms.

The material covered with foil can be used absolutely in any premises. It works especially well on building envelopes, and this, in turn, allows you to reduce heating costs in winter. Moreover, air ducts, and especially pipelines at sufficiently low temperatures, require insulation without fail.

Heat insulator shells for pipes

But if we need good protection in case of a fire hazard of engineering networks, foil basalt thermal insulation is ideal, which reduces heat losses by several times!

An important point is always the fact that the material is not exposed to an aggressive environment, biological contamination, and fungus and mold do not appear on it. Here you can also note its durability, and the service life is calculated in decades!

This is the best thermal insulation for foil pipes, convenient, easy to install and completely protecting them in the cold season from freezing and excessive loss of thermal energy.

The combination of properties in basalt wool

The type of foil material based on basalt wool is also interesting in that aluminum foil and wool complement each other's features.

Excellent insulation based on basalt wool

The foil has a reflective surface and moisture permeability, which protects the cotton wool from moisture ingress, and the cotton wool ensures the bonding of the entire material structure.

The installation work is quite simple, besides, there is an instruction on what and what follows in order, but first let's talk about the tool.

So, we need:

Wall preparation

In order to ensure proper operation with foil material, we need to provide a small gap between the insulation and the wall. We take into account that the material is completely waterproof, which means that condensation will form.

Installation and fasteners

We fix the guide strips on the wall, 1-2 cm thick, we already fasten the insulation itself along them. If this is a roll, then the principle of operation will be the same as with wallpapering.

We fix the insulation with staples or special nails, carefully glue the joints with special foil tape. You can buy a little more than necessary, since the price allows, and the leftovers can always be used in pipe insulation.

The joint must be glued

In principle, there is absolutely nothing complicated in the installation work, the main thing to remember is that the reflective surface of the foil should be directed into the room, because this is the essence of heat reflection!

Undoubtedly, this material is an excellent way to keep the heat in the house and significantly reduce heat loss. However, its use becomes many times more effective if work is carried out in a complex and with external thermal insulation.

Foil thermal insulation: do-it-yourself video installation instructions, features of basalt insulation, for pipes, price, photo

Foil thermal insulation: do-it-yourself video installation instructions, features of basalt insulation, for pipes, price, photo

Insulation with foil - vapor barrier as a bonus!

Features of heaters with foil when buying

Let's look at the types of foil insulation depending on the raw material, its main advantages and the nuances of choosing the right one. Depending on the main heat-insulating material used in production, foil-laminated technical insulation is divided into:

Basalt- a real bestseller in the market of mineral wool insulation with a reflective metallized coating, made from basalt rocks. Natural foil insulation, the price in Moscow of which is available only in our price list, has a whole range of advantages. The main advantages of technical insulation include high fire resistance, environmental friendliness, durability (at least 50 years), stability of parameters during operation.

fiberglass- made from glass industry waste, quartz sand and binder, therefore it is distinguished by an affordable price. The cost of foil thermal insulation is up to 3 times lower than the basalt counterpart. The insulator has excellent thermal insulation and acoustic properties, low weight and ease of installation.

Styrofoam- Made from extruded polystyrene. Such technical insulation is absolutely not afraid of direct contact with moisture and is indispensable when installing underfloor heating systems under a concrete screed. Energy-efficient, practical and easy to install - all these properties are combined in a polystyrene heat insulator for the floor with foil. The price of products depends on the thickness and modification of the heat insulator.

Polyethylene- made of foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 2 to 10 mm. Foil insulation can be bought in Moscow in compact rolls, convenient for transportation. It is characterized by minimal thermal conductivity, zero water absorption and is an ideal solution for underfloor heating under a screed, insulation of water supply and sewage pipes.

rubber- made on the basis of foamed rubber with an adhesive layer on the mounting side. Resistance to high temperatures, moisture, chemicals, ultraviolet, durability and ease of installation - all this is an elastomeric self-adhesive insulation with foil. The price of products allows you to save on the purchase and installation of an additional reflective layer.

Installation of thermal insulation for pipes with foil can be done in one go, while the installation of a separate technical insulation and a heat-reflecting surface will increase the labor intensity and cost of thermal insulation work by 2 times.

The main disadvantage of a puff cake made of thermal insulation and foil will be delamination and rustling at the slightest wind and draft. If you use a ready-made factory-made foil pipe thermal insulator with a firmly glued reflective layer, you can avoid unpleasant situations.

Special construction skills are not required to mount a self-adhesive foil insulation. The price of insulation with a ready-made adhesive layer is slightly higher than analogues without it, however, it will save on the work of the installation team, since you can install it yourself.

How to choose the perfect insulation with foil?

  1. Choose technical insulation in Moscow, "dressed" in foil on both sides. So you save yourself the dilemma of which side to put the foil insulation on the floor or other surfaces.
  2. Try to buy in Moscow foil insulation for pipes and technical facilities with a high-quality foil layer, and not just aluminum coating, otherwise there will be no reflection of infrared rays.
  3. Pay attention to the degree of polishing, which directly affects the reflective properties of aluminum. The higher the parameter, the more heat the pipe foil insulation will reflect from its surface.

Foil insulation (insulation) - price, buy in Moscow

Do you want to buy foil insulation in Moscow? The company GEOTEHIZOL offers insulation with foil at great prices! Quality assurance!

Aluminum foil GOST 618-73

Foil for thermal insulation of pipelines - a film made of aluminum or its alloys using cold rolled technology.

Product thickness: from 0.02 to 0.2 mm; width: 100-1200 mm.

We offer goods that are manufactured in accordance with GOST 618-2014 (replaced by GOST 618-73).

The finished product is rolled up.

Purpose of technical aluminum foil

It is used for thermal protection, noise and waterproofing of various structures and structures. Not suitable for food purposes and capacitors (this is also aluminum foil, but produced according to other GOSTs: 745-2003 and 25905-83, respectively).

Main advantages

Aluminum foil for pipelines is characterized by a number of positive qualities:

  • thermal stability;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • attractive appearance (can be used not only for production purposes);
  • environmental safety - when heated, it does not emit harmful substances;
  • during operation, there is no static electricity on the surface.

We offer exclusively high-quality technical aluminum foil. Check the price of goods with our consultants, the cost depends on the volume of purchased products.

Foil for pipe insulation

Aluminum foil 100 microns

It is a smooth polished aluminum foil with a thickness of 100 microns (0.1 mm) in rolls 1 meter wide (hard) and 0.5 meters (annealed), 10 m long (10 m2).

It is used as a reflective material in the design of underfloor heating, stoves, boilers, air ducts, baths and saunas, insulation for various purposes.

  • Temperature up to + 650 °С
  • Protects from fire
  • Corrosion resistant

Foil is used indoors and outdoors: when insulating and insulating roofs, floors, attics, attics, walls, pipes, ventilation, ceilings, ceilings, baths, vans, water heaters, boilers, wall sections behind radiators, as well as sun-reflecting panels , incl. on the windows. Recommended for use as reflective insulation in high temperature environments.

Aluminum foil 150 microns

It is a smooth polished aluminum foil with a thickness of 150 microns (0.15 mm) in rolls 1 meter wide, 10 m long (10 m2).

It is used as a reflective material in the construction of pipelines, chimneys, furnaces, boilers, air ducts, insulation for various purposes, reflective panels.

Foil for insulation. Characteristic.

  • Temperature up to + 650 °С
  • Reflects up to 97% of thermal radiation
  • Retains heat in the coolant
  • Protects from fire
  • Corrosion resistant

Technical aluminum foil GOST 618-73 (from January 1, 2016 - GOST 618-2014)

Aluminum foil DPRHT 0.04 x 1000

It is a smooth polished aluminum foil with a thickness of 40 microns (0.04 mm) in rolls 1 meter wide, 10 m long (10 m2).

Aluminum foil DPRHT 0.08 x 1000

It is a smooth polished aluminum foil with a thickness of 80 microns (0.04 mm) in rolls 1 meter wide, 10 m long (10 m2).

It is used as a reflective and vapor-, waterproofing material in the construction of baths and saunas.

Foil aluminum smooth 150 microns

It is a smooth aluminum foil 0.15 mm thick (150 microns), 10 m long, wrapped in rolls 1 m wide. It is used as a reflective and insulating material.

Corrugated aluminum foil 150 microns

It is a corrugated aluminum foil 0.15 mm thick (150 microns), 10 m long, wrapped in rolls 1 m wide. Used as an insulating covering material.

Aluminum foil has a number of useful properties:

  • high reflectivity (up to 97%);
  • melting point of aluminum 650-700 *C;
  • good plasticity;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • is one of the best vapor barriers;
  • thermal and waterproofing properties;
  • low specific weight and aesthetic appearance.

Aluminum foil is an excellent vapor barrier and, if necessary, can replace materials such as roofing felt, glassine, bituminous paper, which emit various harmful substances when the temperature rises. Foil can be used as an independent reflective insulator, or in combination with other heat-insulating materials. The polished surface of aluminum foil, being an ideal energy reflector, significantly increases the efficiency of the insulation used.

Foil is used indoors and outdoors: when insulating and insulating roofs, floors, attics, attics, walls, pipes, ventilation, ceilings, ceilings, baths, vans, water heaters, boilers, wall sections behind radiators, as well as sun-reflecting panels , incl. on the windows. It is recommended for use as a reflective insulation in rooms with high temperatures (over 120°C) - saunas, baths.

Foil in rolls for thermal, sound and waterproofing must comply with GOST 618-73 *. The thickness of the material varies from 0.007 to 0.2 mm, and the width - from 1 to 150 cm. For the manufacture of foil, aluminum grades AD, AD1, AD0, AMts, A5, A6, A7, A0 are used. The percentage composition of aluminum must be at least 99.45. The foil can be annealed (soft), then it is marked with the letter M, and not annealed, which will be marked with the letter T.

Aluminum bandage tape 0.25 x 33

It is an aluminum tape 0.25 mm thick, 33 mm wide, roll length 90-100 meters, cut to customer's size. It is used for fastening corrugated foil in hot and cold water supply networks, heating, as well as for fastening smooth foil, fiberglass, fiberglass on thermal insulation.

The aluminum bandage tape is fastened with a lock-buckle for screeding and fixing the tape.

To fix the aluminum bandage tape, no special tools are required, everything is done by hand and does not require special skills.

Zinc-coated bandage tape 0.5 x 20; 0.7 x 20

It is a steel tape made of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.5 mm, a width of 20 mm, in rolls of 70 linear meters and a thickness of 0.7 mm, a width of 20 mm, in rolls of 50 meters. Very high tensile strength.

It is used for fastening pipe shells, galvanized steel casings on pipelines, in the construction of power lines, fiber optic and other communication lines, installation of road and other signs, product packaging and other sectors of the economy where reliable fastening is required.

The bandage tape made of galvanized steel is fastened with special clamps using tension pliers. Packing 100 pieces.

The need for thermal insulation of engineering communications arises often. In order to avoid heat loss during the movement of hot water from the source of its heating to the end consumer, the pipeline should be insulated using, for example, a pipe insulation with foil as a material.

As practice shows, heat loss in the absence of insulation can reach 20 percent. In order to optimize the efficiency of the heating structure, it is necessary to insulate the line through which the coolant is transported. This work can be done independently, without involving specialists. At the same time, various materials are used, including liquid heaters, polyurethane foam (abbreviated PPU), mineral wool, penofol.

The need to insulate heating pipes

Due to the high cost of energy carriers, thermal energy must be used rationally, which means that only rooms that need it should be heated. If uninsulated pipes pass through a non-residential area, such as an attic or basement, then the heat is not being used for its intended purpose. This circumstance leads to a decrease in the performance of the heating system and an increase in the cost of purchasing fuel.

Insulation of the outer section of the heating main leads to a decrease in the likelihood of freezing of the coolant in the event of a sharp drop in temperature outside. True, freezing of the heat supply structure is unlikely, but traffic jams may appear.

For this reason, the insulation of the pipeline laid outside the building is a prerequisite for the operation of both internal and external sections of the heating system. Properly selected insulation thickness can protect the elements of the heating system from various kinds of damage, serious breakdowns and corrosive processes.

Selection of materials

There is a wide range of insulating materials for heat supply lines on sale. To make the right purchase, it is necessary to take into account the features of the room, its parameters and the technical conditions for operating the heating system.

The main factors influencing the choice of insulation:

  • the location of the pipeline to be isolated;
  • temperature of the coolant moving through the pipes;
  • characteristics of the heating main;
  • basic properties of materials intended for pipeline insulation.

When choosing, first of all, the following performance characteristics of heaters are taken into account:

  • heat resistance;
  • thermal conductivity;
  • fire safety;
  • moisture resistance;
  • thickness;
  • resistance to decay and exposure to microorganisms;
  • installation cost.

When purchasing materials for pipe insulation, you need to remember that the lower their thermal conductivity, the higher the thermal insulation performance. The degree of moisture resistance is reflected in the quality of protection of metal pipelines from corrosive processes and the formation of condensate.

The fire resistance of heat insulators must comply with fire safety requirements for heated rooms. To calculate the thickness of the material used, special formulas are used.

A variety of heaters for pipelines

All types of heat-insulating materials used for heating pipes can perform their functions due to the presence of air in them, and their difference lies in the convenience of installation work.

The most easily performed method of insulation is considered to be thermal insulation, called the "shell". It is produced in the form of semi-cylinders. Installation is carried out by combining the halves through the grooves. As a result, the desired result is ensured when insulating pipes in the basement or attic.

The following pipeline heaters are most in demand: mineral or fiberglass wool, insulation for pipes with foil, polyethylene foam, polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene, penoizol.

PPU insulation for heating systems

Material for insulation of pipes made of polyurethane foam is:

  • sprayed;
  • hard.

To apply PPU spraying, you will need special equipment and a 4-atmospheric compensator. The insulation is firmly connected to the surface of the pipes. But this material does not tolerate ultraviolet exposure, so it must be protected with winding or aluminum foil. When applying spraying, it is necessary to use protective clothing.

The rigid type of PPU insulation is durable and at the same time light, has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity and is used for individual circuits. Of its advantages, it should be noted that it has increased resistance to moisture. The material is environmentally friendly and completely non-toxic. It is mounted around the pipeline in the same way as the "shell".

Foil insulators for heating systems

If you need to make a decision regarding the material, the best choice would be to use a foil pipe insulation. Thermal insulation is considered effective if it allows not only to retain heat, but also to reflect it. In this case, it is preferable to use materials with aluminum foil.

In addition, the foil insulation for heating pipes does not let in the cold coming from the outside and demonstrates excellent hydro and vapor barrier. In the process of its manufacture, the main heat-insulating material is applied to the foil layer - it can be polystyrene foam, polyethylene foam or mineral wool.

This type of thermal insulation of different thicknesses for pipelines passing through living quarters, a basement or an attic is produced in the form of a "shell", slabs, rolls, mats, canvases.

The use of foil thermal insulation for pipes

According to experts, the simplest method of thermal insulation of pipelines in the basement is the use of mineral wool, which is covered with a layer of foil, while the thickness of the wool reaches 50 millimeters, and the reflective layer is 10-30 microns.

Before proceeding with the insulation of pipes in the attic or basement, you need to study the operating conditions of the materials. For example, foil with foamed polyethylene is brittle and subject to deformation under external influences. Strength indicators can be improved if thermal insulation with pipe foil and foam is preferred.

In turn, basalt insulation has many characteristics in common with mineral wool, but it is heavier because it has a higher density.

It is convenient to install self-adhesive insulation. If the foil is damaged, use aluminum tape. Lavsan film with foil and polyethylene foam do not reflect infrared radiation, so such material must have a significant thickness of the foil layer.

The main nuances of using heat insulators

Before buying rolled insulation for heat supply pipes, you need to make sure that its performance allows you to use this material in an attic or basement.

When the insulation is rigid and made in the shape of a semicircle, it can be used for pipe products of a certain diameter. Between the wall and aluminum foil, you need to leave a distance of 25 millimeters.

The cost of a heat insulator is affected by the thickness of the reflective layer and the material from which its base is made. There is a significant difference between aluminum foil and aluminum sputtering. The latter option makes the functioning of the heat insulator less effective with little reflectivity.

It is not at all necessary to buy industrial foil pipe insulation. You can independently wrap the layer of thermal insulation laid on the pipe with foil if the pipeline is laid in the attic or basement. Such material is produced in rolls or in the form of hollow tubes.

The foil is placed face up. Between the foil layer and the pipeline, a gap of 10 -20 millimeters must be left.

Independent installation of thermal insulation

Work on the insulation of heating pipes using heat-insulating polystyrene foam shell is performed as follows:

  1. Halves of the material are put on the pipe and their displacement relative to each other is ensured - it is required for an overlap of 10–20 centimeters in size.
  2. Semi-cylinders should be fastened in advance with adhesive tape. If you need to apply a surface protective layer, it is attached at the very end.
  3. In order for the shell to more reliably adjoin the pipeline, the joints must be glued with adhesive tape.
  4. When it is necessary to isolate heating pipes at the turns of the main, shaped types of shells are used.

In many ways, the choice of materials for insulating the elements of the heating system depends on the operating conditions of the heating main and its structural device. The work on thermal insulation is simple and, if desired, any home master can perform it.