Energy saving induction boiler. The use of electromagnetic induction for home heating. Homemade induction boiler

An electric boiler is, without any doubt, a great alternative to gas or solid fuel equipment. But it has a significant disadvantage - a large consumption of electricity. In the process of finding ways to reduce electricity consumption, the induction boiler was invented.

In fairness, it should be noted that the principle of an induction furnace was invented quite a long time ago, back in 1887, and they were used only in industry. The development of the technological process has made it possible to create compact models of a new generation suitable for domestic use, for example, heating a private house.

Device and principle of operation

The main element of the induction boiler is a transformer with a toroidal winding. The device itself of such a boiler consists of the following elements:

  • The body of the unit, which is made of metal.
  • Layer of electrical protection and thermal insulation.
  • The core, which is a ferrimagnetic tube.

The core winding acts as the primary winding, and the boiler body is the secondary. The kit also comes with:

Not only ordinary water and antifreeze, but also oil can act as a coolant in such a system.

Operating principle

In the name of the induction electric boiler, the principle of its operation is laid - electromagnetic induction. When voltage is applied, the following processes occur:

  • An electromagnetic field is created.
  • The core is heated to a temperature of 750 °C.
  • The coolant enters through special pipes and, passing through the core, heats up, then transferring heat to the radiators of the house.

This method of heating allows you to heat a large volume of coolant in a short period of time. At the same time, the resulting convection currents make it possible to do without a circulation pump.

Advice! The absence of a circulation pump is justified in small heating systems. When heating a two-story house with an induction boiler, its presence is mandatory.

Advantages and disadvantages of induction boilers

First, consider the positive characteristics of induction boilers:

  • High and constant efficiency: up to 99%.
  • Such a boiler does not need a chimney.
  • The absence of moving and heating elements contributes to the high reliability and durability of the new generation systems.
  • Quiet operation.
  • The low inertia of the system saves energy.
  • The installation of an induction boiler does not require a separate room.
  • The high-frequency vibration of the core prevents the formation of scale.
  • Affordable installation does not require special knowledge and skills.
  • High level of fire safety due to the absence of open fire and heating elements.

Like all equipment, an induction heating boiler has not only pluses, but also minuses, which include:

  • In the first place, of course, the high cost of such boilers. A more familiar electric heating element boiler costs 1.5 times cheaper.
  • Connection is made only to the closed heating system of the house. At the same time, the pressure in it must be controlled and kept below 0.3 MPa.
  • Significant weight in small size. This fact should be taken into account when mounting the boiler on the wall.
  • Generation of interference in the entire radio range within a radius of several meters (depending on the power of the boiler). Such interference for humans is absolutely safe.

Advice! The main advantage of induction type devices is the quick and economical heating of a large volume of coolant, for which other types of boilers would take much more time. It is this quality that has found its application in induction instantaneous water heaters.

Help in choosing a boiler

Due to the novelty of such equipment, only two brands are represented on the domestic market:

  1. VIN is a manufacturer of Alternative Energy LLC. This vortex heater (this is how the abbreviation stands for) consumes a converted high-frequency voltage. At the exit from the coil, this gives a sharp jump in the intensity of the EMF and an increase in the surface Foucault currents. This allows the body and all internal parts, which are specially made of a special ferrimagnetic alloy, to heat up almost instantly and transfer thermal energy to the coolant. We can say that all units of the unit design act as one heat exchanger, this explains its high efficiency.
  2. SAV is a manufacturer of CJSC NPK INERA. This induction boiler consists of a short-circuited labyrinth of pipes with a heat carrier, which acts as a secondary winding. The alternating current generated in this winding makes it possible to quickly heat up the surface of the heat exchanger. Due to the branched labyrinth of pipes in the heat exchanger, the coolant, passing through it, quickly heats up, which explains the high efficiency of this type of boiler. Thanks to the law of self-induction, a new generation device allows the coil to independently induce the required reactive power. This allows the use of this type of induction boilers in low voltage power networks, which gives a tangible result when working in rural areas with weak electrical substations.

All induction electric boilers differ in power and the number of connection phases:

  • Single-phase: power 2.5–7 kW.
  • Three-phase: power 7–60 kW.

In addition to standard automation (automatic breakers), the induction boiler can be equipped with an electronic programmer. This device allows you to set the operating mode of the boiler for the whole week, and if necessary, carry out adjustment remotely - via the GSM channel.

Boiler power calculation

To calculate the power of the system as accurately as possible, it is necessary to invite specialists. But it is easy to make an approximate calculation, which will be quite enough. To do this, for every square meter of heated area, 60 W of boiler power should be provided.

Such power is quite enough, because the efficiency is very high and does not decrease during operation.

Advice! When choosing an induction boiler, it is necessary to specify the thickness of the walls of the core. The optimal thickness is 10 mm. Such a core guarantees a long and uninterrupted operation of the home heating system.

Installation and connection

Installation of boilers of this type is quite simple, but requires compliance with a certain technology:

  • Installation is carried out only in a closed heating system.
  • It is mandatory to equip such a system with an expansion tank of the expandomat type.
  • The feasibility of having a circulation pump depends on the system of inclination of the heating pipes of the house. In some cases, if the correct slope is observed, natural circulation can be dispensed with.
  • It is necessary to set the induction boiler vertically. In this case, fastening to the wall occurs through special "ears" or with ordinary clamps, depending on the model.
  • At the same time, it is important to maintain a free distance between the boiler and the walls: on the sides - at least 30 cm, above and below - at least 80 cm.
  • When fixing the unit, one should take into account its solid weight and choose a reliable load-bearing wall for installation.

Connecting the boiler to the heating system

A feature of the induction boiler is the fact that there is no need to tie metal pipes. You can connect immediately with metal-plastic or plastic pipes:

  • The branch pipe, located in the upper part of the housing, is connected to the supply of hot coolant to the heating system of the house.
  • Then, a return heating pipe is connected to the branch pipe located at the bottom of the boiler.
  • At a distance of no more than 80 cm from the outlet pipe, it is necessary to install the safety group of the unit. The set of devices present in this group is standard for all types of boilers: an automatic safety valve, a pressure gauge and an air vent.
  • After the safety group, it is possible, but not necessary, to close the circuit (connecting the hot supply to the return). In some emergency cases, the presence of a small circuit protects the induction boiler from overheating.
  • In any case, the installation of stop valves occurs after the mounted safety group.

Next, we proceed to the installation of auxiliary devices on the return pipe. On the small circuit or in front of the stop valves, the following devices are mounted in series on the return line:

  1. Expansion tank.
  2. Settling filter.
  3. Bronze coarse filter.
  4. Circulation pump.
  5. Flow sensor. The presence of this sensor in the system allows you to control the circulation of the coolant and turn off the boiler in case of its termination.

A more detailed connection diagram is contained in the instructions supplied by the manufacturer, which must be studied before starting installation work.

Electrical connection

When making electrical connections, it is necessary to use the wires of the section indicated in the instructions. Electronic control systems are connected using special connectors supplied with the equipment.

Advice! An important point in the installation of the induction apparatus is the ground connection. It must be done with a separate wire (optimally bus) and connected to the existing grounding of the house.

Maintenance of induction boilers

As such, the induction boiler does not require maintenance. The only thing that can be recommended in this matter is to periodically check the reliability of the grounding and electrical connections.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the new generation induction boilers are ideal for heating a house where the owners are absent for a long time or come and go. Profitability, autonomy and safety of this type of heating equipment fully justify its rather high cost. And if you use antifreeze as a coolant in such a system, then freezing definitely does not threaten it.

Autonomous heating in a private house is a very difficult and important task that can be solved using electric boilers. Currently, there are not only models on heating elements, but also more economical products - electrode and induction. The induction electric boiler is very popular due to its high efficiency, and, accordingly, less energy consumed for space heating. Let us consider in more detail the possibilities of induction boiler equipment, its advantages and disadvantages.

The principle of operation and the device of the induction heater

Induction is a physical phenomenon based on eddy currents, which was discovered and studied by the French physicist J. B. L. Foucault. Induction boiler equipment in its work uses Foucault currents, which operate on the principle of the same electromagnetic induction.

An alternating voltage is supplied to the coil, an electromagnetic field is formed, which provokes the appearance of eddy currents that heat the metal. Water is heated in a heat exchanger and, circulating through the system, heats the premises in a private house.

Modern heating units based on induction consist of the following elements:

  • heat exchanger or core;
  • terminal box;
  • inductor;
  • control cabinet;
  • conductors;
  • inlet and outlet pipes.

For ease of use of the equipment, additional elements may be included in its design. In fact, this type of boiler is an inductor, which is placed in a small but very heavy iron alloy case.

In this case, instead of the core in some devices, an ordinary metal tube with a coolant is mounted. However, the presence of a core increases the heat transfer area.

Such a system has a high degree of reliability, since the induction coil is firmly sealed in a sealed housing, not in direct contact with the coolant. The occurrence of holes in the turns is almost impossible, since they are not wound too tightly, and in addition they are filled with a special insulating compound.

All this is enclosed in a thick-walled massive body, which guarantees a long service life. Manufacturers give a guarantee for 5-10 years, but sellers of boiler equipment say that an induction electric boiler can last about 30 years without maintenance.

Design features of two types of boilers

Before purchasing an induction electric boiler for autonomous heating of a house, you need to decide which type of equipment is most suitable for your case.

There are two types of electric boilers based on eddy currents used to heat the coolant - SAV and VIN (eddy current), which have characteristic differences.

  • The SAV electric boiler does not require an inverter for its operation. In this case, the voltage from the network at 50 hertz is applied directly to the winding (coil). As a result, the secondary winding, which is a system of metal pipes of the heat exchanger, is heated by Foucault currents, quickly heating the water. The coolant with the help of a circulation pump moves along the circuit of the heating system forcibly.

SAV type induction boilers are produced for voltages of 220V and 380V. Equipment with a power of 2.5 kW can heat a room up to 30 m2. You can buy this SAV electric boiler unit, together with automation and a control unit, for 27,000 - 32,000 rubles.

  • Induction electric boilers type VIN (vortex). These are new generation models that require a special inverter that converts the frequency of the electrical network. This technical solution makes it possible to make structures smaller and lighter than SAV type equipment. In this case, the heat exchanger is made of a ferromagnetic alloy, and not only the heat exchanger, but also the unit body acts as a magnetic circuit and a secondary winding.

An induction boiler of the VIN type with a power of 3 kW will easily heat a room with an area of ​​40 m2. The VIN electric boiler in a complete set with an automation unit, a pump and a circulation pump costs a little more - from 37,000 to 40,000 rubles.

Advantages of electric induction boilers for heating

Sellers of boiler equipment are scattered in praise, talking about the exceptional characteristics of induction units. Some of the words are really true, the other part is fiction. For example, consultants say that induction devices save up to 30% of electricity compared to electric boilers on a heating element. However, the claim is somewhat exaggerated.

The fact is that both types of boiler equipment consume approximately the same amount of electricity. But induction boilers heat the coolant faster than a heating element, also due to the lower inertia of the system. Therefore, if you turn off the unit in time when the room has warmed up enough, then indeed the electricity bills will be less. In this case, it is better to equip the heating system with automation with a control unit.

The efficiency of the induction boiler is really very high and is close to ± 98%, like that of heating elements or electrode devices. However, induction electric boilers for heating a private house cost more than conventional heating elements. The control unit and automation, a special alloy body and winding increase the cost of equipment. At the same time, like other technical devices, induction heating boilers have advantages and disadvantages.

We list the main advantages of electric induction boilers:

  • high reliability, however, it must not be allowed that there is no liquid in the system;
  • any type of coolant can be used;
  • there is no need to replace any elements of the device;
  • scale does not form due to constant high-frequency vibration;
  • long service life of the boiler up to 30-35 years;
  • saving resources up to 25% due to the heating rate;
  • monolithic ferroalloy housing eliminates the possibility of leakage;
  • do not require a separate room and arrangement of ventilation;
  • small size - a pipe segment from 40 cm to 1 m in length;
  • silent during operation;
  • does not need service;
  • the coolant heats up very quickly - in 5-7 minutes;
  • autonomous system of work;
  • simple installation.

The disadvantages of these units can be called a large weight with small dimensions - from 30 to 40 kilograms, as well as the high cost of equipment. In addition, for cottages of 2-3 floors, an additional high-power circulation pump will be required.

Features of installation of induction heaters

Current induction electric boilers for heating should only be installed in a closed circuit with a membrane expansion tank and a circulation pump. Forced circulation is needed primarily due to the fact that intense heating and a small volume of the heat exchanger prevent the creation of natural circulation, the water will boil before the conditions for gravitational circulation are created.

In the event that an induction heating electric boiler is used as a heat generator, then it is necessary to use plastic pipelines in the circuit or to isolate metal pipes from the boiler by installing plastic fittings. The boiler must be provided with mandatory and high-quality grounding.

Installation requirements, as for all electric boilers: from the surface of the floor or ceiling - 80 cm, from the wall - 30 cm Installation of a safety unit, which includes a pressure gauge, air and safety valves, is mandatory as for all closed heating systems. In private homes, they usually use a standard connection system.

Installation of induction boilers must be carried out in accordance with the instructions or requirements specified in the technical data sheet. The device must be located strictly in a vertical position, the lower inlet pipe is connected to the return, the upper, respectively, to the supply. For this, only metal or metal-plastic pipes should be used.

If you decide to install an electric boiler yourself, you need to remember about grounding. In the immediate vicinity, it is necessary to install a safety group control cabinet, at the inlet - filters and a flow sensor.

During the acquisition, you need to carefully look at the power of the equipment, which does not fall during use. The optimal ratio is 60 W per 1 m2. In order to calculate this characteristic, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of all rooms.

If there is not enough thermal insulation, you need to take a more powerful heating boiler. Current induction units can maintain a low temperature in rarely used rooms. Accordingly, an electric boiler of 6 kW is quite suitable for a house.

Thus, the simplest and most optimal solution for heating is the installation of an electric boiler. They are really more economical due to the lower inertia of the system, reliability (if you use well-thought-out technology and high-quality materials) and good operation of automation, which includes only a system to maintain the temperature. This equipment is mounted as a backup in private homes and for heating offices and trade pavilions.

The constant increase in the cost of energy carriers has led to the emergence of new heating technologies. In addition to upgrading existing systems, manufacturers offer fundamentally new methods of heating water. Of particular interest is the induction heating of a private house with a do-it-yourself boiler.

Features of induction heating

To increase the temperature of the coolant, it is necessary to ensure the transfer of heat from the energy carrier to water. In traditional electric boilers, heating elements are responsible for this. However, they have a number of disadvantages, which are primarily associated with increased electricity consumption. A modern induction heating furnace works on a different principle.

In order to make induction heating with your own hands, you need to thoroughly study the specifics of its work. Its functioning is based on the principle of an electromagnetic inductor. Its design consists of two windings, each of which performs a specific function:

  • Primary. It is necessary to convert the electricity supplied to it into eddy current. This is one of the steps to create an inductive phenomenon;
  • Secondary. Due to the influence of the electromagnetic field, it begins to heat up, thereby transferring the received thermal energy to the coolant.

In practice, for the manufacture of induction heating of a private house with your own hands, you will need an external circuit that acts as a housing. The inner core is made of a steel rod, the thickness of which is usually 10 mm. This design allows you to reduce weight, and at the same time increase work efficiency. For factory models, the efficiency index can reach 98%. At the same time, even a properly made do-it-yourself induction heating boiler has a value of this characteristic of about 87-90%.

All induction heating systems are not equipped with circulation pumps, expansion tank and security system. These components must be purchased separately.

Pros and cons of induction boilers

Is this type of heat supply really as efficient as manufacturers advertise it to be? Reading reviews about induction heating, one cannot draw an unambiguous conclusion. Many consumers complain about the high consumption of electricity, some home-made models of boilers are clearly dangerous to operate.

Before you make an induction heating boiler with your own hands, select components and accessories for it, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in detail with the pros and cons of this type of heat supply.


But along with this, it is necessary to take into account the negative aspects of the operation of heating boilers of this type:

  • The high cost of factory models. Truly high-quality electric induction heating boilers are made using modern materials, the cost of which to a greater extent determines the high price. Therefore, home-made models are significantly inferior in quality and technical parameters to factory ones;
  • To install boilers with a power of more than 7 kW, it will be necessary to equip a 380 V electrical network. Otherwise, the load will not allow the equipment to operate in normal mode;
  • If there is no water during the operation of the induction heating furnace, it will overheat and fail. Therefore, the design must include pressure sensors that are connected to the circuit breaker. If the pressure drops, the device will automatically shut off.

Having decided that it is still necessary to do induction heating on your own, you can begin to select the optimal boiler scheme and calculate its parameters.

The induction heating principle has been used for decades in the steel industry to heat metal. It is from this industry that induction heating boilers came.

Homemade induction boiler

To make induction heating of a private house with your own hands, you first need to make a case. To do this, use heat-resistant steel. As an internal rod, a steel pipe is usually used, on which a winding of copper wire is installed.

To reduce heat losses, the outer walls are insulated with basalt wool. Thus, it is possible to install induction boilers for heating a private house in utility rooms.

After installing the inner circuit, the following work must be done:

  1. Lead the contact wires through special holes on the external structure.
  2. Carefully insulate the cables in the area where they pass through the outer casing.
  3. Connect the boiler to the control system. It is best to purchase a factory model of this component, as it provides protective and regulatory elements.

Before the first start of a do-it-yourself induction heating boiler, you need to check the tightness of the entire structure. To do this, seal one of the pipes, and supply water to the second using a pump. After filling the internal space, increase the pressure to the maximum design. Usually this figure is 15-20 atm.

In practice, truly reliable and efficient boilers for induction water heating in heating cannot be made independently. The only exceptions are small structures that perform the function of hot water supply rather than heating.

This is due to the difficulty of complying with all technological manufacturing standards. Often in reviews of home-made induction heating boilers, you may encounter attempts to make them yourself. But after a series of tests, the choice is stopped at the factory models of this heating equipment.

In the case of an incorrectly made winding, an interturn electrical breakdown may occur. This will lead to a short circuit and equipment failure. Therefore, boilers must be equipped with an RCD.

Rules for organizing induction heating

Since induction electric boilers for heating differ from conventional ones, the requirements for their operation are also different. First of all, you need to know that the installation of this type of equipment is possible only in closed heating systems. To improve the circulation of the coolant, you can install a pump.

In order for heating from an induction cooker to be safe, it is necessary to adapt the existing wiring. To do this, you should calculate the power of electrical appliances in the house, including the boiler, and add a margin of 20% to the resulting figure. The technical characteristics of the electrical cable must not be less than the figure received.

The connection of the induction heating furnace to the mains should be done through a separate cable. It must be connected directly to the central switchboard. Connecting other devices to this power line is prohibited.

To increase the efficiency and safety of do-it-yourself induction heating, you will need to install the following components:

  • Expansion tank. It is necessary to compensate for pressure in case of its excess due to overheating of the coolant. The temperature inside the induction boiler for home heating can reach + 110 ° C;
  • Pressure and temperature sensor. They are connected to the central control unit;
  • Circulation pump. Its installation is optional, but desirable. The natural thermal expansion of the water may not be enough to create a normal speed of movement;
  • Security group- air vent and water bleed valve.

Often in reviews of induction heating, you can find complaints about the deformation of plastic pipes due to excessive overheating of water. To avoid this, all technical and operational characteristics of the heating system must comply with the preliminary calculated ones.

It is recommended to install an emergency generator in order to avoid water cooling during a power outage. This is especially true for induction heating systems of a private house.

Overview of manufacturers of induction boilers

But what if you need induction electric boilers for heating factory production? Alas, at present there are not many manufacturers on the market whose products meet international standards.

When completing do-it-yourself induction heating, it is recommended to analyze current offers on the market. At the same time, it is necessary not only to read reviews about induction heating boilers, but also to check their compliance with current standards. It will not be easy to do the latter, since at present there are no GOSTs and SNiPOs regulating the production process for their manufacture. The maximum you can check with is the manufacturer's internal specifications.

But how, in this case, to equip the induction heating of a private house with reliable equipment? To resolve this issue, we offer an overview of manufacturers of boilers for induction heating systems.


One of the largest and most reliable companies in the production of equipment for electrical heat supply. Currently, the consumer can choose an induction heating boiler with a capacity of 4.5 to 250 kW. It is noteworthy that the design has an electrical safety class "2", which does not require the organization of an additional ground loop.

The models of the E series have a storage tank, which makes it possible to make induction heating of the heating medium for heating more economical.


The company specializes in the production of large heating systems designed for heating public and industrial buildings. The supplied set of equipment includes all the necessary components. The range includes models designed for heating from a low power induction cooker. But their number is extremely small.


A feature of electric induction-type heating boilers from this company is a modular layout. This makes it possible at any time to increase the capacity of the heat supply system without a complete replacement of equipment. The range includes boilers from 4.5 to 30 kW.

Before purchasing an electric boiler for induction heating, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its technical data sheet. It should specify the operating conditions of the equipment.

Due to the constant increase in energy prices, the owners of country houses and city apartments are switching to alternative, more profitable types of heating, mainly choosing its autonomous options. Some prefer to install in order not to overpay for central heating, which in some regions is paid not only in winter, but also in summer. Other homeowners are interested in heating the house with the help of electrical appliances.

Electricity is more convenient in the sense that the installation of such a water heater does not require coordination with permitting organizations, drafting and approval of the project. But many are deterred by high tariffs. This means that it is necessary to opt for electric boilers, which are characterized by increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness. These, of course, include units of the induction principle of operation. They rightfully created quite high competition for gas heating appliances.

But the induction boiler itself is a very expensive "pleasure". Therefore, many home craftsmen are interested in the question - is it possible to make an induction heating boiler with your own hands. It turns out that yes, this is a feasible task, but it requires a certain skill and knowledge, especially in the field of electrical engineering.

Let's talk about the following right away. The author of these terms is not a supporter of "home-made" in the field of electrical engineering, working with life-threatening voltages. Therefore, this publication should be considered as an overview of possible options, but not as a step-by-step guide to action. You should very soberly weigh your strengths, knowledge and capabilities before embarking on such a task.

What is an induction boiler?

Induction heating systems began to be used in industrial enterprises in the 80s of the last century. Household appliances appeared only in the mid-nineties. Over the past decades, they have been refined, and some updates have been made to their design, however, the principle of their operation remains unchanged.

The name of these heating systems and devices in itself indicates that their operation is based on electromagnetic induction. The essence of the principle of operation is that if an alternating current is passed through a wire of a sufficiently large diameter in cross section, wound in the form of a coil, then a powerful electromagnetic field is created around this primary winding. If a conductor is in this field, then a voltage will be induced (induced) in it. Well, if the field lines of force cross the core of an alloy with magnetic properties located in it, then a kind of short-circuited circuit is obtained. And due to the appearance of stray Foucault currents on it, there is a very fast and strong heating of this material.

This principle is widely used, for example, in the steel industry. They also found application for fast and high-temperature heating of water. It is clear that in this case a pipe or other channel through which the coolant circulates will act as the core.

And the most understandable example of an induction heater is a wire wound on a pipe made of a dielectric, which will insulate a magnetic core placed in its interior.

The wire coil is connected to the power supply and creates an electromagnetic field. As a result of exposure to an alternating electromagnetic field, the metal core-rod will heat up, transferring heat to the coolant, which then enters the pipes and radiators of the heating circuit. Oil, water or ethylene glycol can be used as a heat carrier in autonomous heating systems.

This is, of course, a very simplified explanation. In induction boilers of industrial production, a whole labyrinth of pipes or channels can be a heat exchange ferromagnetic core, and often, for example, in vortex heaters, the body of the device is also involved in this process.

In heating systems of short length, the coolant, heating up, will to go up, and the resulting natural pressure is usually sufficient for its natural circulation. If the heating line quite long and branched, tied to collectors with further distribution of coolant flows along separate circuits, then one or more circulation ones are installed in the system, since without them it will be impossible to achieve the required movement of the coolant.

Is the induction heating method really effective and reliable?

Before you buy or start manufacturing an induction boiler, you should understand how effective this heating method is. In specialized shopping centers, only positive characteristics of systems operating on this principle can be heard from sales consultants. However, not everything they say is 100% true. And these heating units have their own, so called, "underwater rocks".

Sellers operate with a whole list of theses, trying to increase sales of boilers operating on the induction principle:

  • For example, it is widely claimed that the principle of operation of these devices is an innovative development.

In reality, this is not true, since electromagnetic induction was discovered back in 1831. English experimental physicist Michael Faraday. In the second half of the 20th century, induction systems were successfully used in the metallurgical industry.

From this we can conclude that these devices can hardly be attributed to innovative technologies. However, this has its own “plus”, since such a system has already been tested by time and has proven its effectiveness.

  • The next important quality that sellers focus on is the cost-effectiveness of using an induction boiler. It is usually stated that this type of unit consumes 25÷30% less energy than other electric heaters. Is it possible to agree with this?

Prices for induction heating boilers

heating induction boiler

Probably not yet. Any one consumes electricity according to its power, indicated by the manufacturer in the technical data sheet. That is, to generate one kilowatt of heat, in the most ideal case (at 100 percent efficiency), the device needs to consume a kilowatt of electricity. And, even with the named parameters, the efficiency of the unit may be less, since much also depends on the specific operating conditions of the boiler.

The time of heating the coolant to the desired temperature depends on the power and efficiency of the heating element. It must be said that part of the energy expended, one way or another, is wasted, since the materials from which the parts of the device are made do not have zero resistance. However, heat losses from the operation of an induction boiler do not go “into the chimney”, but remain in the room where the device is installed, which is often their obvious advantage.

So, the conclusion suggests itself that it is unlikely that it will be possible to save on electricity in any serious way when using an induction boiler. But their efficiency and heating rate are really high.

  • Despite the approximate service life specified in the data sheet, set by the manufacturer (not to be confused with the warranty!), the sellers assure that the induction heating boiler will last at least 25 years. It must be agreed that this information is reliable if the electronic control unit is of high quality. The unit includes semiconductor elements in its package, which can still fail. As a rule, manufacturers give a ten-year warranty on the components of the electronic unit. However, quite often they work perfectly for 25-30 or even more years.

On and in the boiler itself, by and large, there is simply nothing to break. Thus, the primary winding, usually made of copper, has a large margin of safety and will last a long time if it is properly cooled (and this is ensured by the circulation of the coolant).

The core rod or the material of the internal channels, of course, will begin to break down over time, since it will be constantly adversely affected by the aggressive environment of the coolant, as well as the alternation of cooling-heating. However, in order for it to become completely unusable, more than a dozen years must pass.

Given the design of the boiler, operating on an induction circuit, we can conclude that it is much more reliable and durable than heating appliances, in which as heating elements are used heating elements.

Prices for heating boilers


  • Another quality that is put as a plus with an induction heating device is silent operation - supposedly it distinguishes it from other heating units. The question is, is this true?

But here, just exactly the opposite. Yes, electric heating units operate silently, since during their operation no acoustic vibrations are created and no mechanical components are used. However, it is during the operation of the induction device that low-frequency vibrations can be clearly felt, which can irritate people with heightened hearing. This negative phenomenon is minimized in vortex type boilers, in which the supply voltage to the primary coil is pre-converted to high frequency.

In addition, if a low-quality circulation pump is installed in the system, then it can also become a source of slight annoying noise. But this already applies to all heating systems, regardless of the type of boiler. But the modern range of pumps makes it possible to purchase a completely silent model.

  • The buyer can evaluate the compactness of the boiler visually. We can say that this unit consists of a pipe section of a certain length, which does not take up much space, unlike other heaters. True, the mass of an induction boiler is usually very impressive, that is, reliable brackets are required.

However, do not forget that you will need space for related elements of the system, as well as wiring circuits and installing collectors, if required by the scheme. If it is necessary to heat a fairly large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, then several induction appliances are often installed, and a lot of space will be required for the entire system.

  • The statement that boilers of this type are completely safe, and, this quality of boilers is more pronounced than that of their heating element counterparts, is incorrect. The safety of operation for these two types of heating devices is approximately the same, and depends on the correct connection and on the performance of the systems of protection against extreme situations embedded in them.

For example, if a coolant leaks in an induction device, and the electromagnetic field does not turn off in time, and the heating of the inner core continues, then the case and fasteners can melt in just a matter of minutes. Therefore, when purchasing a device or designing it yourself, you need to pay attention to the automatic shutdown of the unit in case of an emergency.

As you can see from the information presented above, induction boilers, like other heating units, have their drawbacks, and they are not unique devices that allow you to pay mere pennies for heating. However, their effectiveness is not in doubt. And yet - due to the compact size of the boiler, it is quite possible to place it in an apartment, for example, in a niche, so that it will be almost invisible.

How to make an induction boiler yourself?

There are many designs of induction boilers. Some of them are difficult for independent execution, others are simpler. Next, relatively affordable options that can be made at home will be considered. However, to bring these projects to life, certain materials and tools will be required.

The first option is with using an induction hob panels

This version of the heater can be called experimental. It is suitable for heating a small room of 20÷25 m². In the heating circuit heated from such a device, it is best to install either radiators that warm up quickly and give off heat to the room. In addition, the volume of such radiators is small, so a small amount of coolant is required, which will quickly heat up in an induction mini-boiler.

The source of the alternating electromagnetic field in this project is an induction hob, which may have been replaced with a more modern model, and is currently lying around in the pantry.

For the manufacture of this model of a heater operating on the induction principle, the following materials will be required:

  • Steel profile pipe 50 × 25 mm, ten pieces 500 mm long and two 300 mm long - for the manufacture of the boiler heat exchanger.
  • Steel profile pipe 50 × 30 mm, two pieces 500 mm long and one 700 mm long - for the manufacture of the bracket.
  • Steel pipe with a diameter of 20 ÷ 25 mm - two pieces 120 ÷ 150 mm long.
  • Steel sheet with a thickness of 3÷4 mm for the manufacture of an expansion tank with a size of 270 × 270 × 100 mm.
  • . Their number will depend on the specific scheme that is being made for a specific location of the boiler and its piping. To connect pipes, you will need related elements - couplings, angles, threaded fittings, etc. - here you can show your own vision of piping and piping.
  • Ball valves that will block the movement of the coolant if it is necessary to carry out preventive or repair work on heating equipment.

In addition to these materials, it is necessary to prepare some other devices and accessories necessary for installation and for installation in the boiler piping.

Prices for polypropylene pipes

polypropylene pipes

  • Circulation pump.
  • induction electric double burner plate - in another way it is often called a panel.

To perform the work, you will need some tools and devices, as well as, of course, the ability to work with them:

  • The device for the soldering of polypropylene pipes.
  • gas key.
  • Electric drill.
  • "Bulgarian" (grinder).

Prices for the circulation pump

circulation pump

Work on the manufacture of such a heating induction boiler is carried out in the following order:

The first step, with the help of a grinder, is a profile steel pipe cut into segments of the desired length. A heat exchanger housing will be made of them, through which the coolant will circulate.
The segments are folded side by side on the end side, a kind of battery is obtained. They must be fixed in a position pressed against each other.
Further, the pipes are welded together by spot welding. First, they are tacked along the edges, and then along the entire line of joints, every 100 mm.
For the fastest cooling and strengthening of welded points, as well as for cleaning from welded fumes, the resulting structure can be shed with a stream of cold water.
The next step is to trim the edges of the resulting "battery" - for this they are cut with a grinder.
Smooth edges are necessary as they will be covered by a metal U-shaped profile (channel), which must be perfectly level with the edges of the square pipes welded together.
A U-shaped profile can be purchased ready-made or made independently by cutting one wide strip from a profile pipe.
You need to prepare two such details.
Moreover, the cut strips will be further used to close the end edges of the U-shaped parts, as well as for the construction of the brackets.
Now, the resulting channel profile must be very carefully welded with a continuous seam to the edges of the end sides of the "battery". The space that will be formed by this part will allow the coolant to circulate through the pipes - two kind of collectors are obtained.
It should be noted here that it is quite possible to make a heat exchanger-battery in the form of a coil - this will simplify the circulation of the coolant, it will warm up faster, which will increase heat transfer.
Further, from one of the strips that remained after the manufacture of the U-shaped profiles, four plug inserts are cut off, corresponding in size to the holes formed by the U-shaped profiles welded to the ends of the battery.
Then, they are welded to the place intended for them with a continuous seam, since the structure must be sealed.
Now, on the end sides of the battery, you need to drill two holes into which pipe sections are welded, having a thread on the outside.
One branch pipe must be located at the bottom of one side of the battery - it is intended for the entry of cooled water into the heating boiler (the so-called "return").
The second branch pipe is welded into a hole located in the upper part of the opposite side of the structure. Through it, the heated water will flow into the heating circuit (supply).
In addition to them, in the center of the sides, also by welding, segments of a profile pipe 100 mm long are fixed.
Welding points and seams on the finished heat exchanger are cleaned with a grinder and give the structure a neat appearance and smoothness.
The rear side of the heat exchanger must be treated especially carefully, since the heating surface of the induction cooker must be pressed against it.
Next, the finished assembly must be primed and then coated with heat-resistant paint intended for metal elements of the heating system.
The next step is to make an expansion tank from metal panels. Its parts are welded together with a continuous seam, since it must be airtight.
A branch pipe with an external thread cuts into the lower side of this part of the system for connection to the heating circuit.
I must say that the expansion tank can be bought ready-made. Its capacity is selected depending on how much coolant will be in the heating circuit - you can start from a value of 10% of the volume.
Next, you need to prepare a bracket frame for installing the induction panel and fixing the heat exchanger.
In this illustration, you can see that the bracket consists of two vertically arranged profile pipes and a bottom shelf. The latter can also be made from a profile pipe, from which one narrow and one wide side is cut off.
In the middle part of the vertical profiles, sections of the profile pipe are welded. Their location must be calculated so that they can dock with pipe sections fixed at the ends of the heat exchanger. Then all the parts are fastened together by welding, and the lower horizontal part of the structure should form a shelf on which the induction panel will be installed.
After that, the heat exchanger is fixed on the bracket with the help of pipe sections welded on its ends. However, there must be a gap between the bracket and the heat exchanger, in which it will be possible to install the induction hob, so that it is firmly pressed against the heat exchanger with its heating elements.
An induction hob designed for cooking works on the same principle as a boiler, since there are coils inside it that induce a powerful alternating electromagnetic field. This field will become the "initiator" of heating the steel profile pipes of the heat exchange battery.
The convenience of its use lies in the fact that all electronic and electrical modules are inside the structure, and the outer coating of the panel makes the device safe.
Installing the panel in the bracket behind the heat exchanger, it is pressed against its surface.
Now it remains only to bring pipes to the boiler that will connect it to the heating circuit.
For this, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes can be used, the main thing is that they are designed for hot water with a temperature of at least 95 degrees.
As mentioned above, the outlet of the heated coolant from the installation is connected with a pipe delivering it to the radiators, as well as with an expansion tank, which is fixed on the wall under the ceiling.
The whole system will not work effectively without a circulation water pump, which can be installed in any convenient place of the heating circuit, but ideally - on the "return" pipe before entering the boiler - there it will be less exposed to high temperature effects.
It is desirable that it be located near the power outlet.
It remains to fill the system with water (coolant), check the tightness of all connecting nodes.
If everything is normal, you can start the boiler.
The illustration shows a test run using a carrier. In real operating conditions, it is certainly necessary to bring a separate power line to the boiler with an appropriate wire cross-section and a ground loop.

Using the induction panel, you can make another version of the boiler, which will be more efficient than the one described above, although less compact.

The peculiarity of this option is horizontal position of the induction hob with heat exchange blocks installed directly on the heating pads located in it. Here, the design, in fact, works in the same way as a regular tile, on which a pot of water is placed and heated to high temperatures. The difference lies in the fact that the container ("pan") is made of ferromagnetic alloy, that is, all its walls are actively heated. These containers are made airtight, interconnected, and the heated water does not evaporate, but goes into the heating circuit connected to such a boiler.

The second option is with a homemade induction coil and a welding inverter

The second version of the inductor heater of the boiler is made on the basis of a high-frequency welding inverter. It is desirable that the device is equipped with a smooth adjustment of the welding current. The power of the inverter must be directly proportional to the power that the heating boiler must have. The most suitable option for a home-made design is an inverter indicator of 15 amperes, but if necessary, you can make it more powerful.

It should be correctly understood that the connection of the water heater is in no case made to the terminals of the welding wires - nothing but a short circuit will work in this case. The inverter will have to be somewhat modified - the primary winding of the heater being created must be connected after the high-frequency converter, instead of the induction coil of the inverter itself. If it is difficult to deal with this yourself, then consult with a specialist in this field.

This heating principle is used for heating the coolant, which passes through the same pipe placed in an electromagnetic field. The option shown below can be called very controversial, but the master who has tested it in practice convinces of its efficiency and effectiveness.

As you will see, the manufacturing costs are minimal, so if you wish, it is quite possible to conduct an experiment. Even if there is not enough power for full-fledged heating, it may be an acceptable solution for heating water for domestic purposes.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation to be performed
So, in addition to the inverter welding machine, a number of parts will be required to create a heater.
As a body, which will be part of the heating circuit, as well as the basis for the formation of an induction coil and a heat exchanger, a piece of a thick-walled polypropylene pipe (PN25) 400 ÷ 500 mm long is used, designed to transport hot water.
It is desirable that the inner diameter of the pipe be at least 50 mm, that is, a pipe with an outer diameter of 75 mm is used. You can take a smaller one, say, with an external 50 mm, internal - 33, but the performance of the heater, of course, will decrease.
You will need steel wire or a metal rod with a diameter of 6 ÷ 7 mm - segments 40 ÷ 50 mm long are cut from it. These elements will take on the role of a ferrimagnetic core-heat exchanger. Other options for heat exchangers are also possible - this will be discussed below.
Instead of cut pieces of rod inserted into the pipe cavity, one thick metal rod or a steel pipe of smaller diameter, a steel screw, or other products that have magnetic properties and are convenient for being placed in a PVC pipe can be used.
So, they practice filling the pipe with steel balls, large chips, unnecessary nuts, etc.
If small metal elements are used to fill the pipe, from which the coolant will heat up, then one edge of the pipe must be closed with a metal mesh. Then pour the steel elements of the filler into it, and then close its second edge with a mesh.
You can use a metal screw with frequent turns or several metal tubes with a diameter of 4 ÷ 5 mm, which will be tightly installed in a polypropylene pipe body. They will provide a large area of ​​direct heat exchange with the circulating water.
Some craftsmen use steel wire or even ordinary stainless steel kitchen washcloths to fill the "boiler", tightly clogging the polypropylene pipe with them.
When purchasing kitchen washcloths for such purposes, it will be necessary to check whether they have magnetic qualities. To do this, when going to the store for a purchase, you can take an ordinary magnet with you and attach it to the product for cleaning dishes. If such a washcloth is magnetic, then it is suitable for filling the cavity of an induction heat exchanger.
Since the chips are thin, it will heat up very quickly, giving off thermal energy to the coolant that will pass through it.
The option of tightly filling the pipe with metal shavings can, perhaps, be called the simplest, most affordable and effective option.
When the body of the induction heat exchanger is filled with metal products, adapter sleeves are welded along its edges, bringing its large diameter to the diameter of the pipes of the heating circuit.
Then, if it is necessary to install the device in a specific place, corners-branches are welded to the couplings through the pipe section, directing the flow of the coolant in the right direction. It would be nice to weld couplings with American nuts -
so the heating device will become removable, for example, to perform any repair or maintenance work.
A specific wiring diagram for these bends or, if necessary, straight pipe sections, is drawn up in advance, based on the specific installation conditions of the heater and circuit wiring.
Next, textolite sticks or rods should be glued onto the pipe, which will serve as the basis for winding the induction coil.
Textolite is chosen because it has excellent dielectric qualities and is not afraid of elevated temperatures.
Along the edges of the heat exchanger housing, from the same textolite, it is necessary to make expansion joints for the ends of the wire, 12 ÷ 15 mm high.
They will be required for the location of the terminal contacts through which the boiler will be connected to the inverter apparatus.
The coil is wound from an insulated wire with a cross section of 1.5 mm, which is used for winding in transformers.
The coils are placed on top of the textolite rods with a step of 3 mm.
The ends of the cable are fixed on textolite racks-clamps. The winding should consist of a whole segment of a well-insulated cable, since it is through it that an electric current will pass, creating an electromagnetic field necessary to heat up the heat exchanger core.
To create a winding, 10 ÷ 10.5 m of insulated cable is required, from which 90 turns should be obtained.
Its length and cross-sectional size were determined after calculating the parameters of the coil located on the "native" inductor of the welding machine.
To connect the coil to the welding machine, terminals are fixed to the ends of the wound wire. The connection must be well insulated.

All this construction, for safety reasons, can be placed in a casing, which will serve as external insulation for the device. It must be made of a dielectric material, which can be a large diameter pipe made of PPR, PVC or PE. The protective casing is provided with openings for the outlet of the ends of the power cable, the outlet of the branch pipes for tapping into the heating or hot water circuit. For example, the ends can be sealed with plugs by placing them on heat-resistant glue and making holes for the pipes in them or the side parts of the casing. Here, in principle, a wide field for the imagination of the master.

Testing of this device can be carried out only after installing it in the heating system and filling it with coolant. Otherwise, when heated, the polypropylene pipe of the body may quickly melt.

This illustration shows an approximate diagram of an autonomous heating circuit with an induction boiler installed in it. The system consists of the following elements and units:

1 - Connection to the electrical network through an energy converter. In the design discussed above, a high-frequency converter of the welding inverter is used as it.

2 - The induction water heater itself.

3 - Elements of the "safety group", which may include a pressure gauge, thermometer, safety valve and automatic air vent.

4 - Ball valves that shut off the water supply in a certain section of the circuit, as well as for replenishing or draining water from the heating circuit.

5 - Circulation pump required to create the required flow of coolant.

6 - mechanical (mesh) for cleaning the coolant. Filtration of the coolant can significantly increase the service life of boiler equipment.

7 - Membrane expansion tank, necessary to compensate for the thermal expansion of water or other coolant.

8 - Heating radiator. In a system powered by an induction boiler, a bimetallic or aluminum radiator will work best. They are characterized by small volumes and very high heat dissipation.

9 - Line for feeding the system with water or emptying it for maintenance or repair work.

In conclusion, the publication must be emphasized once again: if there is no experience in working with electrical products, the knowledge of the beginnings of physics has been forgotten, there is no confidence in one's skills in plumbing and plumbing work, then such a thing is not worth taking on. It is best to purchase an induction boiler ready-made or, in case of emergency, order the device from an experienced craftsman who will not only manufacture it, but also check its performance and safety in operation.

Video: The master shares the secrets of making an induction boiler on his own

Heating a private house, especially in our climate, is a very important and difficult task. And heating with electric boilers is one of the ways to solve it. Of course, if it is possible to use natural gas, then an electric boiler can only be installed as a backup equipment, and then hardly. But if there is no gas, you can already think about this option. Moreover, today there are not only electric boilers for heating on heating elements: there are also electrode and induction boilers. It is about the advantages, disadvantages, possibilities of induction boilers for heating that we will talk.

Operating principle

When heating the coolant in induction boilers, energy is used that is released when induced currents occur in the heat exchanger housing. This is, in fact, an induction coil enclosed in a massive ferroalloy housing. The case itself is the secondary winding. It heats up due to the passage of currents induced in it. To increase the heat transfer area, it is made in the form of a labyrinth with thick walls. The coolant, passing through the labyrinth, heats up.

The system has a high degree of reliability, since the coil is hermetically sealed in the housing and has no contact with water or other coolant. The probability of breakdown of the turns is small - they are not wound tightly and are additionally filled with an insulating compound. All this, together with a massive thick-walled body, allows us to talk about a long service life. Sellers claim 30 years of operation without maintenance, but manufacturers put a much shorter warranty period.

The real benefits of induction boilers

You can often hear claims about the exceptional performance of induction boilers. Some of them are true, some are fiction. For example, sellers claim 30% electricity savings compared to other heating medium heating principles. No evidence is given, it is simply stated as a fact. Although everyone knows this is impossible in principle: how much energy is consumed, how much heat is given out. Nevertheless, despite the law of conservation of energy, the owners of such systems say that they really began to pay less. But here the main role is played, rather, by high-quality automation and the low inertia of the system.

They also say that induction boilers are new technologies. This is not true either. The first induction boilers worked in the first half of the last century. Of the new technologies, microprocessors and sensors are used, and another elemental base that allows you to control the performance of the system and its parameters and ensure the proper level of comfort and safety, but the principle itself is far from new. However, this heating equipment does have many positive qualities.

The advantages of these heating systems with confidence can be added:

  • High reliability (described above). The reliability of such boilers is indeed great, but there is a circumstance that can disable the equipment in a few minutes: operation without liquid in the system. In the absence of liquid or its circulation, heat is not removed from the body, it heats up more and more and after a while it simply melts. Therefore, one of the important functions that must be present is the presence of control of the level of coolant in the system and automatic shutdown of the boiler if there is not enough of it.
  • Small size - the boiler is a piece of pipe ranging in size from several tens of centimeters to a meter. It is much smaller than the boiler on heating elements, but almost the same in size as. Due to its small size, it can be located anywhere.

  • Maximum efficiency with a large control range that heats the water in the heating system up to 85°C. Efficiency, like all electric heaters, is in the range of 90-99%. The efficiency of each boiler depends on how correctly the heat exchanger (labyrinth) is designed and how well the entire system is built as a whole.
  • The low inertia of the system allows you to waste a minimum of electricity for nothing. At the initial stage, the largest amount of energy is spent on heating the coolant. When the set temperature is reached, the power is reduced and the temperature is simply maintained. The inertia of such boilers is less than that of heating elements, but more than that of electrode ones.
  • Scale does not form. There really is no scum. Firstly, from the constantly induced induction currents, the core constantly vibrates, so that nothing can be deposited on its surface.
  • Possibility to use various types of liquid heat carriers. It's true. An induction boiler does not care what to heat. The main thing is that it was liquid. Another thing is that manufacturers often give their own recommendations. Some develop special compounds that provide long and trouble-free operation. On the one hand, the purchase of a special fluid is an additional cost, on the other hand, it increases the efficiency and service life of the device, and the life of such fluids is several years. In general, you need to think and count.
  • Autonomous system of work. This is true, but any modern electric boilers operate autonomously (if there is a power supply).

  • Easy installation and maintenance. Indeed, the installation is easy. Anyone can cope. The positive aspects include the fact that it is not necessary to redo the system - it is not necessary to change pipes and batteries. It will work with anyone, but the efficiency may not be high enough. Maintenance with the proper quality of the boiler should be absent altogether: there is nothing to break, nothing to change either. All maintenance consists only in servicing the elements of the system - in, pipes, coolant.

This equipment has another attractive point: it is high-tech and its control unit in some cases is a mini-computer (such systems cost a lot). So: it is possible to control them remotely. Control signals are transmitted over a twisted pair cable (up to 1 km), via a GSM channel at an unlimited distance, it is possible to organize an alert in case of an emergency (for example, by SMS to certain numbers, etc.)

If we consider the possibilities of induction systems from this point of view, they may definitely be of interest in some cases, since they provide service functions that were previously unavailable.

Not only household induction boilers are produced. There are similar production systems. They consume and generate a significant amount of heat: the power consumed is from 1000 kW to 10000 kW. Such units are called high-voltage induction electric boiler.

Review analysis and comparison

There are few reviews on the use of these boilers. Probably because the active promotion of goods on the market began quite recently. However, induction electric heating boilers receive mostly positive reviews, as many believe that they are more practical and economical. Although experts in the theory and law of conservation of energy claim that there can be no savings, the owners of induction boilers say that there are savings. It's hard to figure out who's right and who's wrong. Both one and the other can be "mishandled Cossacks."

One of the most "armor-piercing" arguments of opponents of induction boilers is their high cost. Actually, yes, there are no cheap yet. The lowest price that we managed to find is about $220 (Vinnitsa plant) for the most low-power models without an automation group, and this is about $50-150, depending on the functionality.

Despite the fact that the prices for boilers on heating elements start somewhere from $ 80. But I must say that the economy option costs so much: without electronics and other “bells and whistles”. More complex models with several stages of power control are already at least twice as expensive. And their price compared to the price of induction no longer seems prohibitive.

The prices we found are indicated in the table. I must say right away that they took the first few models that came across from the list of issue in the Yandex search. No one has done any deep research. What they sewed, they entered. The situation is also with the heated area - what was written in the characteristics, then they put it. It must be said that some sellers are cunning here too: they indicate not the heated area, but the volume. In fact, this is correct: you need to heat all the air in the room, so it is correct to indicate the volume, but most consumers are guided by the area. Without looking closely at the units of measurement, you fall into a stupor: a 3 kW boiler for 120-150 m 3! In order to avoid this kind of distortion in the table, all data are approximately recalculated and are indicated in m 2.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that we did not look for either the most expensive or the cheapest models, although they certainly exist. The cost of induction boilers is very dependent on the manufacturer and the installed automation. For example, 9 kW Galan in the “standard” configuration costs $415, and in the “Elite” it is already more than $600.

Induction heating element
Power Heated area Price Power / number of heating elements Heated area Price
3 kW 30-40 m 2 220-415 $ 3 kW/1 heater 20-35 m2 80-100 $
3 kW/3 heater 30 m 2 180 $
4 kW 50-60 m2 230-42 0$ 5 kW/2+3 heater 50 m2 3 0 0 $
5 kW 50-65 m2 240-525 $ 6 kW/3 heater 60 m2 150 $
7 kW 70-80 m2 300-695 $ 7 kW/1 heating element 50-70 m2 150 $

When analyzing the reviews, another nuance was discovered: the induction electric boiler is decently buzzing. Some are even going to make a small boiler room not far from home. But this, apparently, some models are so noisy, because far from all indicate this effect.

On the other hand, on one of the forums, in a debate, it was said that most of the complaints about the poor quality of work are associated with cheap models. Induction boilers were also classified as a "premium" market segment. And people who buy these products can hardly be expected to visit the forums. In principle, it is true, but then it turns out that reliable equipment is far from being a mass product precisely because of its price. And there is nothing to argue about.


Given all of the above, we can say that it is rational to use induction electric boilers for heating only if there is sufficient insulation of the building, since electricity tariffs are not the lowest. And they will indeed be economical, but due to the lower inertia of the system, reliability (using high-quality materials and well-thought-out technology) and good operation of automation, which will turn on the system only to maintain the temperature.