Work of people in autumn, middle group. Thematic plan “Golden Autumn” (middle group). Caring for our little brothers

Calendar plan for educational work in the senior preparatory group “Solnyshko”

Subject: “What has autumn brought us? People's work in autumn"

Target: expanding children's knowledge about autumn, autumn natural phenomena, autumn harvest and agricultural work.

Final event : exhibition "Gifts of Nature", date – 10/09/2015.

Date: 05.10.2015 Monday

Regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work


1. Morning exercises.

2. Conversation “Vegetables from our garden.”

3.Looking at the illustrations “Vegetables”.

4.Games - instructions:

“Gather vegetables in a basket.”

“Take the round vegetables out of the bag


5. KGN - continue to improve the culture of behavior during meals.

Individual work on
attention, comparisons:

“Find what doesn’t fit” - with Vika, Irina, Anton.

1. Didactic games: “Gather the harvest.”

"How to make tomato juice."
2.Finger games
"Sorting vegetables"

3.Independent games if desired.

2. Offer to parents

cook with
children's vegetable salad.


I. Fiction

Retelling of Ukrainian adv. Fairy tales "Spikelet"Ushakova, p.264 (5-6)

Goal: teach children to retell a fairy tale on their own. Convey intonation the characters’ characters, your attitude towards the characters
tell in person (changing voice, intonation); develop the ability to understand the figurative content and meaning of proverbs

2. World of music

According to the plan of the music worker

3. Natural world

Gifts of autumn. People's work in autumn.Gorkova, pp. 48, 138

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about autumn, to draw attention to the beauty of this time of year; clarify children's ideas about the gifts of autumn -
vegetables and fruits, mushrooms and berries. Form the beginnings of ecological culture.


1.Weather observation.
What sky? What's on it? How
can you tell me about the weather? Is the wind blowing now? How do we know that he is blowing? What sways and flutters in the wind? What can you say about this weather? Is it cold or warm today? What
worn by children? How can you say
about this weather?

2.D/i “Raise your eyes to the sky, lower them

look at the ground, close your eyes.

turn your face to the wind, turn away from

“The result is that we are going with the wind.”

Literary word: not a beast, but howls


Sign: In autumn, cobwebs - on a clear day

Individual work on PHYS with Artyom, Lesha, Fedya: running


- “Traps” - development of running,

- “Fishing Rod” - develop
attention, dexterity,
endurance; practice in
jumping in place in height.

2.Work orders: remove
leaves from the veranda.

Returning from a walk

Reading say "Big Carrot".


1. Conversation on the topic: “Why do we need

2. Didactic games “Useful or

3. Reading: G. Gorn “Encyclopedia
health in fairy tales."
4.Looking at vegetables and fruits,
writing descriptive stories.

1.Individual work with
David, Semyon, Dominica:
“Blind the vegetables.”

2.Individual work on
preparing your hand for writing with Vika.
Arthur, Maxim:
stencil around the vegetables and
shade them.

1.S/r game “Family”, plot
"Summer Preparations"

2.P/i “Vegetables”


1. Observation of trees in the kindergarten area.

2.P./And:"1,2,3 run to the tree"

Throwing cones at a tree with the right and left hands,

"Catch the Fungus"

3.Finger gymnastics"Autumn"

4. Didactic games: "Find the tree", "Compare".

5.Hood. Word:I. Bunin "Leaf fall"

Individual work on PHYS
with Ira, Dominika, Vika:
jump over the track from

"Collect only yellow, green, red leaves"


- "Homeless Hare" -
development of running, jumping skills
on two legs.

Round dance game “Valya walked along the path”

2.Work orders: collect
bouquet of leaves.

Individual conversations,
consultations upon request

Date: 06.10.2015 Tuesday

Regime moments

Joint activities of adults and children in restricted moments

Involving families in educational activities:

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work

Independent activities of children


1. Conversation “Golden Autumn” -
remember with children about the change of times
year. Repeat the names of the seasons and
their order. Together with children
highlight the signs of autumn.

2.D/I “When it happens” - pin
signs of summer and autumn.

3. Observation in a corner of nature

blooming balsam - fix the name of the flower and its parts

1.Individual work with Nastya,
Katya, Vikoy - pin
ability to compare objects

2. Individual work with Roma, Kirill - continue to improve food culture: use canteens correctly

1.D/i “Phone”.

Modeling “Bun”

2.Look at the picture
I. Shishkina “Rye”.

3.D/i “Related words”

Offer to parents
introduce your children to
variety of products from


1. Speech development

Conversation about autumnAji, s. 38-43

Goal: to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and people’s work, to clarify the signs of autumn, to remind children
name of the autumn months. Refine your knowledge about other seasons. Learn to listen to music about autumn, determine its character and mood
Develop auditory attention and quick thinking.

2. Artistic activity (drawing)

What's ripe in the garden?Bondarenko, p.413

Goal: to arouse in children interest, an emotional response to the proposed topic, and a desire to depict vegetables and fruits. Develop creative
activity, imagination, imaginative thinking. Strengthen the skills of drawing a variety of rounded shapes. Clarify children's ideas
about still lifes.

3. Physical development (street)

Jam #6Penzulaeva, s. 14 (pre-year)

Goal: to train children in walking and running between objects, in rolling hoops to each other, to develop attention and speed of movement.


1.Observation of an inanimate object -
looking at a birch tree. What
what colors are the leaves on it? What leaves
more green or yellow? Is there
leaves under the tree, on the ground? What
are they colors? Where are there more leaves?
tree or under it?
2.Drawing a birch tree on a sheet of paper and

3. Round dance: “There was a birch tree in the field.”
4. Literary word: Alena is standing,
green scarf, thin waist, white
sundress; without caring about the weather
wears a white sundress, and in one of
autumn days september yellow leaves
gives it to her.

Individual work on PHYS
with Lesha, Ulyana. Camilla,
Kirill: jumping on two legs
with movement around the birch tree.


- “The sea is agitated” -
development of coordination
movements, imagination

- “Crucian carp and tuka” - develop
ability to perform movements
on signal: practice running and
squatting, in formation in
circle, in catching.

2.Work assignments: collect birch leaves for the herbarium.

Returning from a walk

Situational conversation.

“Why can’t you eat a lot of flour?”


1.D/i “Which tree is the leaf from?” -
consolidate knowledge about trees (maple, birch).

2.Reading “Falling Leaves” by I. Bunin -
show the features of poetry
text, help you understand the content.

Individual work with Alina,
Semyon, Nastya - search engine
activity: propose
count the number of grains in
spikelet, remember that spikelet
grew from 1 grain.

1.Drawing by design

“What autumn brought us” - develop pencil drawing skills, talk about your work.

2.Reading a Russian folk tale: “Tops and Roots”

3.D/game: “Recognize by smell”


1. Conversation: “How animals and birds prepare for winter”

2.Bird watching.

3.P/I: “Migration of birds”, “At the bear in the forest”

4. Finger gymnastics"Sparrow"

Individual work but PHYSICAL
with Arthur, Roma, Maxim:
jumping over the path from


- “Trap, take the tape” - development of running and agility.

- “Entertainers” - develop
resourcefulness, dexterity;
practice walking in a circle,
in coordination of movements.
2.Work assignment: collect flower seeds.

Feed the titmice.

Individual conversations and
consultations on requests

Date: 10/07/2015 Wednesday

Regime moments

Joint activities of adults and children in restricted moments

Involving families in educational activities:

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work

Independent activities of children


1. Conversation “Gifts of Autumn” - consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetable crops. Cultivate a grateful feeling for nature and people who, thanks to their work, receive harvests.

2.D/I “Guess the vegetable” - consolidate the general concepts of “vegetables”, distinguish them by their appearance

by sight and touch.

3.Learning the finger stroke

gymnastics " we will leave

collect..." - development of small

hand motor skills, intonation

expressiveness of speech.

4.Work order: distribute spoons to
breakfast - to develop skills
set the table.

Individual work with Anya, Artyom, Nastya.

Strengthen the ability to paint over
objects without going beyond the contour.

1. Situational

conversation “Why you can’t burn
dry leaves" - form
ideas about rules
behavior in the autumn forest.
2.Reading “Autumn Leaves by
circling in the wind" A. Maikov -
pay attention to
melody and melodiousness
poetic form.
3. Problem situations “What
wear for a walk" -
develop the ability to do
simple conclusions.


1.Mathematical development
Art.-Lesson No. 2.
Pomoraeva. With. 15

Goal: to practice counting and counting objects within 5 by ear and touch. Strengthen the ability to compare two objects in length and
width. Improve the ability to move in a given direction and define it in words: forward, backward, right, left.
Preg.g. - Lesson No. 2.Pomoraeva, s. 18

Goal: to practice dividing a set into parts and combining parts into a whole group, to improve the ability to establish dependencies
between a set and its part. Learn to count forward and backward within 5. Strengthen the ability to divide a circle and a square by 2 and |
4 equal parts, compare and name them. Strengthen the ability to name familiar geometric shapes.

2. Physical development (gym)

Lesson No. 4.Penzulaeva, s. 11(pre-year)

Goal: to train children in uniform running while maintaining a distance; develop coordination of movements in jumping while reaching
subject; repeat exercises with the ball and climbing under the cord without touching it.


1. Observation “Looking”
autumn tree"

Goal: to develop knowledge about basic
parts of the tree, their height and thickness;
Cultivate the ability to rejoice
beautiful, treat with care

2.Game with external material - ball,
“Who can name more fruits?”

Individual work on PHYS
with Ulyana, Katya, Luda:

“Hit the target” - reinforce the ability to throw bags at a horizontal target

1.Games with natural and
waste material

2. Outdoor game “Geese -

Goal: to teach how to act

3.Work order:
pour sand into the sandbox -
instill interest in work

Returning from a walk

Reading the Norwegian fairy tale "The Pie".


1. Joint activities of the teacher and children

“Sculpting vegetables for the game “shop” - consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar vegetables using previously learned techniques
2. Role-playing game “Shop”
vegetables" - fix the names
vegetables; rules of behavior in the store,
professional actions of the seller.
3.Reading “Windy” by I. Tokmakova -
show as a literary word
in tune with nature itself.

Individual work with
Kirill, Roma, Maxim: development of movements - the ability to tap the ball on the floor with both hands.

artistic creativity
"My favorite fruits and

2. Didactic game:
"Where does it grow"


1. Observation - walk around the area, examine and name what trees and shrubs grow on it; detect signs of the beginning of autumn on them,
admire the colorful leaves,
examine the cover of the earth and note
that the grass is still green, there are many autumn
flowers. Are there many green flowers in the area? Is the area beautiful? What creates beauty? Is the property someone's home? For whom? What is someone's home? For whom? What does this house have for the living inhabitants of the site?

Individual work on PHYS
with Luda, Semyon,
Artyom: walk on the leaves
clearly stepping on the laid out


- "Homeless Hare" -
development of running, jumping skills
on two legs

- “Hares and the wolf” - teach
that's right, jump on two
feet, listen to the text and
perform movements according to

2.Work assignments: collect flower seeds.

Individual conversations and
consultations on requests

Date: 10/08/2015 Thursday

Regime moments

Joint activities of adults and children in restricted moments

Involving families in educational activities:

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work

Independent activities of children


1.Introduction to the profession of “Grain grower”.
2. Reading the story by I. Tokmakova “Who

3.D/i “Who Grows Bread”,
4. KGN - talk with children about table manners

5. Physical education lesson “From a grain -

6.View the presentation “Where the bread came from.”

Individual work:
form the habit of following
neatness of clothes and hairstyle.

1.Memorization of the poet
I. Maykova “Autumn”.
2.Looking at paintings
"Autumn Nature".

3. P./i “Collect apples by touch”

Offer to parents
together with children
prepare yeast
dough and bake a pie.


1. Speech development (learning to read and write)

St.g. - Lesson No. 2.Eltsova, p.75

Goal: to form an understanding that thoughts are expressed in words, words in speech are connected into sentences, to cultivate speech attention,
phonemic hearing. Practice orientation on a sheet of paper.
Preg.g. - Lesson No. 2.Eltsova, s. 157

Goal: to introduce children to the history of the emergence of writing: to enrich the vocabulary with proverbs and sayings, to develop
phonemic hearing; introduce the letter "O". Develop fine motor skills and orientation on a sheet of paper.

2. Physical development (gym)
Lesson No. 5Penzulaeva, s. 13 (pre-year)

Goal: continue to train children in even running while maintaining a distance; develop coordination of movements in jumping
reaching the object: repeat the exercises with the ball and climbing under the cord without touching it.

H. Artistic activity (applique/sculpting)

Application “Still life of vegetables and fruits”Shvaiko, s. 163

Goal: to teach children to place objects in an applique on a wide surface, partially blocking one object with another. Bring up
ability to perform common work together. Exercise children in cutting out initial shapes of the required size and shape.


1.Conversation about autumn (signs) - proverbs and folk signs about autumn.

2. Excursion to the autumn park.

D/game: “The Fourth Wheel”

3.Artistic word:K. Balmont« AUTUMN"

S/r. game: "Flower Shop"

4. Observing the blooming flowers in the flowerbed.

5.Riddles about autumn.

Individual work on PHYS with Katya, Lyosha, Ulyana: jumping in the form of a frog.


- “Hopscotch” - teach children to jump rope,

- "Homeless Hare" -
running exercise,
dexterity, courage.

2.Work assignments:
tidy up

Returning from a walk

Reading the story “Autumn” by G. Skrebitsky.


1.Learning proverbs:
“Bread is the head of everything”, “Bread
Rye is our dear father.” "Without bread -
half lunch."

2. Series of pictures

Nechaeva Vera
Thematic plan “Golden Autumn” (middle group)

Topic 4 weeks: "Late autumn» .

Target: To form an idea in children about late autumn(variety of phenomena nature: drizzling rain, fog). Develop the ability to establish simple connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, and conduct seasonal observations. Expand knowledge about the state of plants in autumn. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by the color of their leaves. To form an idea of ​​human labor in autumn period. Nurture children's aesthetic perception of beauty autumn landscapes.

Final event: Entertainment "Into the forest for mushrooms".


GCD: « Autumn chores of a person» - cognition.

Tasks: 1. Form an idea in children about autumn a person’s preparations for winter in the garden, in the garden ( "Cognitive Development");

2. Introduce planting trees, shrubs, flowers in autumn period, with seed procurement ( "Cognitive Development");

3. Cultivate respect for the work of adults, the desire to help them ( );

desire to help adults;

4. Cultivate love for the environment ( "Social and communicative development").

GCD: "The Spider and the Rowan Branch"- drawing.

Conversation: "People's work in autumn»

Target: Expand children's knowledge about what concerns people have in autumn.

Didactic game: “Let’s show the bunny how to use a fork.”.

Target: Reinforce the ability to eat a second dish with a fork, separating pieces as you eat.

S/r game “A janitor is cleaning the kindergarten area.”.

Reading a fairy tale "Geese swans".

Didactic game: "Compare the dog and the fox".

Target: be able to find similarities and differences between animals.

GCD: “What different trees”(compilation of comparative stories about trees (birch and poplar)- speech development.

Tasks:1. Contribute to the enrichment and deepening of ideas about trees in autumn("Cognitive Development");

2. Develop the ability to make comparative stories: find similarities and differences between trees ( "Speech development");

3. Enrich children’s speech with words - root, trunk, branches, foliage ( "Speech development").

Looking at illustrations autumn trees.

Target: improving children's knowledge about characteristic features autumn.

Didactic game “Let’s show the bear how to wash his hands properly.”.

cel. continue to consolidate the KGN.

S/r game Toy Store".

Didactic game "Whose supplies"


(lesson No. 8)

GCD: "Cube and Ball".

1. Introduce geometric bodies - cube and ball ( "Cognitive Development");

2. Develop the ability to examine them ( "Cognitive Development");

3. Give an idea of ​​stability and instability, the presence or absence of angles ( "Cognitive Development");

4. Show that the number of objects does not depend on how they are located ( "Cognitive Development") ;

5. Practice counting by ear within 3 ( "Speech development";

6. Clarify the idea of ​​the time of day ( "Speech development").

GCD: « Autumn carpet» -applique.

Tasks: 1. Cultivate a love for the world around us, notice the beauty of nature ( "Social - communicative development") 2. Develop the ability to cut flowers and leaves from colored paper ( ) ;

3. Reinforce the technique of spreading and gluing figures by combining them by color ( "Artistic and aesthetic development");

4. Cultivate accuracy in work ( "Artistic and aesthetic development").

Conversation: "Signs autumn» .

Target: Consolidate knowledge about autumn.

Conversation: “How to sit down at the table correctly and quietly”.

Target: Consolidation of skills of correct behavior.

S/r game “Mom takes her daughter to the hairdresser”.

Conversation: "Ask or take away".

Target. Formation of positive moral qualities.

Reading a fairy tale: "Masha and the Bear".

GCD: « Let's ask autumn» (summarizing conversation)- speech development.


1. To consolidate children’s ideas about the diversity of natural phenomena in autumn period("Cognitive Development") ;

2. Continue to improve dialogical speech, teach to actively participate in the conversation ( "Speech development");

3. Foster interest and love for nature ( "Social and communicative development").

Guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits.

Target: Development of children's speech and memory.

Conversation: "How to sit at the table correctly".

Target: fixing the KGN.

S/r game "Breakfast in kindergarten".

Reading a fairy tale: "The Man and the Bear".

Didactic game: "Edible - inedible".

S/r game “Doll Masha woke up”.

GCD: « Autumn tree» - modeling.


1. To develop children’s ability to determine the content of their work, using familiar techniques in modeling ( );

2. Develop creative abilities ( "Artistic and aesthetic") ;

3. Foster independence, activity ( "Social and communicative development").

Conversation: "The artist- Autumn» .

Target: Develop children's ability to see beauty autumn nature.

Didactic game: “We know how to eat properly”

Target: Develop the ability to sit correctly at the table during meals.

C\r game "Family Day Off".

Reading a poem by A. Pushkin "The sky is already it was breathing in the fall

Conversation: "Order in group» .

Target: strive to maintain order in group.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Yartsevo Secondary School No. 1

Smolensk region

Development of a lesson on the surrounding world on the topic:

"People's Labor in Autumn"

1st class

Educational and educational complex "Prospective Primary School"

primary school teacher

Goals: repeat students' knowledge about plants growing in the garden and vegetable garden; introduce the history of some plants; consider the role and importance of garden plants; draw up environmental rules for crop protection; develop students’ thinking and speech; cultivate environmental thinking.

Equipment: illustrations depicting garden plants; chip cards for “Botanical Dominoes”; costumes of the Garden Scarecrow, Vegetables, Sunflower.

Lesson progress

I. Report the topic of the lesson.

Guess the riddle:

It's in the garden,

Says nothing

He doesn't take it himself

And he doesn’t give it to the crows.

(Garden scarecrow.)

Where can you find a garden scarecrow?

Today in class we will review our knowledge about people’s work in the fall.

II. Learning new material.

1. Work on the textbook (p. 29).

The teacher reads a paragraph from the textbook with an announcement written by the children and talks about safety precautions during autumn work.

What did the guys want to say when they wrote the ads? (It is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene: wash your hands before eating, do not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables.)

What safety rules need to be followed during autumn work?

The teacher divides the students into two groups. One group talks about the dangers that await children during autumn work. Another is about how to avoid accidents during harvesting.

1) Do not throw garden tools at random. Shovels, rakes, pitchforks, garden shears and other tools should be stored in specially designated areas.

2) You must carry equipment in such a way as not to injure yourself or inflict it on others. From one place to another, equipment is transferred with piercing and cutting parts forward and downward.

3) When starting to work in the garden or vegetable garden, you need to take care of special work clothes, do not forget about gloves that will save your hands from abrasions, scratches, and injections that cause severe pustular wounds.

4) Children should not carry heavy objects or work at heights, for example, harvesting trees using a ladder.

F y s c u l t m i n u t k a

What's growing in our garden bed?

Cucumbers, sweet peas,

Tomatoes and dill

For seasoning and for testing.

There are radishes and salad...

Our garden bed is just a treasure.

But watermelons don't grow

If you listened carefully,

I definitely remembered that.

Answer in order:

What's growing in our garden bed?

V. Korkin

2. Scene “Historical station in the city of Ogorod.”

Lots of things to do in the garden in the fall. Remember the proverbs and sayings about people’s work.

We also have work waiting for us in the city of Ogorod: we will get to know the residents of this city better. And the city guard will help us with this - the Garden Scarecrow.

The Garden Scarecrow comes out. Clothes torn, old hat.

Scarecrow. Guys, allow me to introduce myself.

My body is wooden. The clothes are torn.

I don’t eat, I don’t drink, I look after the garden.

I don't say anything. I'm standing in the garden.

I don’t take it myself and I don’t give it to the crows.

Guys, guess the riddle and you will find out who I respect most in this garden.

Round, crumbly, white,

She came to the table from the fields.

Salt it a little.

It's true, it's delicious... (potato)?

A student comes out dressed as Potato.

Teacher. Potatoes are one of the most important food and industrial crops.

Potato stems reach a height of 50–60 cm, branch a little. They bear deeply cut compound leaves, consisting of large plates alternating with small ones.

In addition to green stems with leaves growing above the ground, potatoes also have underground stems.

In mid-summer, potatoes bloom with white, pinkish or purple flowers. After flowering, a fruit-berry with numerous seeds inside is formed (the fruits are poisonous). Flower buds appear approximately 3–4 weeks after emergence, and at the same time thickenings form at the ends of the underground stems - tubers, the same potatoes that are used for food. In the tubers, the plant deposits a supply of nutrients, mainly starch.

Each tuber has a base - a lower end, with which it is attached to the underground stem, and an apex, where the growing point is located. The tubers have eyes, or buds, arranged in a spiral, like leaves on stems. This is proof that the tuber is a modified stem. Potatoes are planted as tubers.

Potato tubers are a very valuable food product. Many dishes are prepared from potatoes. In addition, food starch is extracted from it, without which it is impossible to prepare jelly and other dishes. Starch and molasses are used in the food and confectionery industries.

Scarecrow. Guess the riddle:

Green at the top

Red below

It has grown into the ground.


A child comes out dressed as Beetroot.

Teacher. Sugar beets are the main crop for sugar production. It is also a highly nutritious fodder crop.

Sugar beet is a herbaceous biennial plant (its seeds are formed only in the second year of life). And in the first year, a root crop grows from the seeds, which is used for the production of sugar, the content of which sometimes amounts to up to 20% of the weight of the root crop.

Sugar beets are harvested in the fall, when the leaves begin to dry out. This is done with beet harvesters, which dig up the root crops, clear them of tops and place them in heaps.

Scarecrow. And now another riddle:

Amazing sun:

This sun has a hundred windows,

They look out of those windows

Hundreds of little jackdaws. (Sunflower.)

A student comes out dressed as a Sunflower.

Teacher. Sunflower is a large annual herbaceous plant. Its thick stem is filled inside with a loose pith and reaches a height of 2.5–3 and even 4 m. Large heart-shaped leaves are located alternately along the stem, and a “basket” inflorescence develops at the top with many small yellow flowers. The marginal flowers have bright yellow petals. The outside of the basket is covered with a green wrapper. In one basket there are up to 1000–1200 individual flowers, which later produce fruits (achenes) rich in oil. Peeled sunflower seeds contain up to 55% high-quality oil.

Sunflower is one of the most valuable industrial and food crops. Sunflower oil is mainly used for human food. Modern chefs prepare over five hundred dishes on it.

III. for consolidation of the studied material.

1. Tell me where this or that vegetable or fruit grows.

Golden head

Big, heavy,

Golden head

She lay down to rest.

The head is big -

Only the neck is thin.

(Pumpkin growing in the garden.)

I am rosy Matryoshka

I won’t tear you away from my friends,

I'll wait until Matryoshka

It will fall into the grass on its own.

(Apple growing in the garden.)

The green house is cramped:

Narrow, long, smooth.

They sit side by side in the house

Round guys.

In the autumn trouble came -

The smooth house is cracked,

We galloped in all directions

Round guys.

(Peas growing in the garden.)

My caftan is green,

And the heart is like red.

Tastes like sugar, sweet

It looks like a ball.

(Watermelon growing in the garden.)

Blue uniform

Yellow lining

And in the middle it’s sweet.

(Plum growing in the garden.)

Autumn has come to our garden,

The red torch was lit.

Here are blackbirds and starlings scurrying about

And, noisily, they peck at her.

(Rowan berries grow in the garden and in the park.)

Little red Matryoshka,

Little white heart.

(Raspberries growing in the garden.)

2. Game “Botanical Domino”.

The teacher prepares flashcards. Students must build the correct chain of cards.

IV. Lesson summary.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What safety rules must be followed when working in the garden?

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 8"

city ​​of Sergiev Posad, Moscow region

Lesson summary on fine arts

in 2nd grade

"People's Labor in Autumn"


teacher of fine arts and drawing

Novikova Liliya Alexandrovna

Sergiev Posad


Goals and objectives:

1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

2.Summarize children’s life observations about people’s work in the garden in the fall, in

vegetable garden

3.Continue to learn the rules of safe work in the garden and vegetable garden,

develop skills to classify objects into groups according to

significant features.

4. Develop speech skills.

5.Teach to see beauty in human work.

7.Cultivate a desire to work and benefit others.

8. Depict the beauty of autumn nature and people in motion in a creative way


Equipment: for students- handouts (pictures depicting fruits, vegetables), art materials; for the teacher: reproductions from paintings by T.N. Yablonskaya “Bread”, Yu. S. Podlasky “From the collective farm fields”, educational tables “Stubble”, “Harvesting with a combine”, children’s books, students’ work, autumn still life, garden tools, poems and riddles about autumn, presentation, musical arrangement P.I. Tchaikovsky “Times” year."

Progress of the lesson.

Organizational moment. - Hello, guys. Check your workplace. Is everything ready for the start of the lesson? We are starting the lesson.
    Updating knowledge(Slide 2)

Autumn has come, clear

The apples are ripe in the orchards,

They hang on apple trees,

Ruddy and sweet.

They sparkle in the sun

Transparent thin skin.

There are so many fruits

That the branches bend downward.

We are ruddy apples

We remove it from the branch carefully,

We put it in the grass under the apple tree,

Fragrant and fresh.

- What time of year is this poem about? -Where are the apples ripe?
    Setting the topic and objectives of the lesson.
- The topic of today's lesson will be related to autumn. Let's look at a reproduction of Levitan's painting “Golden Autumn”. ...the beautiful golden time of autumn coincides with the labor holidays of people engaged in harvesting in the countryside.-Name the objects you see. ( Watering can, bucket, hoe, shovel, pitchfork, cart)(Slide 3) - What do these objects and the poem have in common? ( With the help of these items, people can work in the garden). - How can we call these objects in one word? ( tools) - What do you think the topic of our lesson will be? ( The teacher leads the children to determine the topic “People’s work in autumn”). - Today in the lesson we will learn what kind of work people do in the fall in the garden, vegetable garden, field.

V. Solving a learning problem 1.Work from the textbook p.9. - Look at the pictures and tell us what adults and children are doing? (children's answers) - What other work can people do in the garden, in the field, in the garden? (children's answers)(Slide 4) Illustrations and drawings on the board. -Why do people work in the garden, field, vegetable garden? (children's answers) 2. Game "Pantomime" -Do you help your parents in the garden?Now we will find out. Show with the help of pantomime what exactly you are doing in the garden with your parents. (Children, if desired, come out and show actions, the rest of the students guess)
Physical education minute. (Slide 5) In the garden, a scarecrow pulled his hat down,(imitate the movements of putting on a hat) He waves his sleeves as if he were dancing. (movement hands ) This scarecrow - it is set to guard,(show how the scarecrow stands) So that the birds don’t fly, so that the peas don’t peck.(imitate the flight of birds) Showing a drawing of a stuffed animal.

3. Work in pairs.

What vegetable were discussed in the physical education session? (about peas)

What other vegetables do you know? (children's answers) Demonstration of dummies.

Where do vegetables grow? (children's answers)

What grows in the garden? (children's answers) Demonstration of dummies.

Can you distinguish vegetables from fruits? (children's answers)

- Let's check now. Game “Fruits, vegetables” (in pairs). During the game, students make riddles about vegetables and fruits. There are pictures of fruits and vegetables on the table. We need to put everything in different baskets.(two students). Examination.. (Slide 6.7) V. Consolidation of what has been learned. 1.Independent work.Work on tables closer - further. Students complete a sketch on the topic “People’s Work in Autumn” (musical accompaniment).Rules for safe handling of garden tools. - When you helped your parents harvest, did you get hurt? - Do you know how to work safely in the garden? (children's answers) Work in groups (shared by the teacher).Group 1: prepare a story about the dangers that await a person when he works in the garden.Group 2: prepare a story about how to avoid accidents when working in the garden. The teacher summarizes and clarifies the children’s answers.

V I.Reflection of activity

What was the topic of our lesson?

Did we find out what kind of work people do in the fall in the garden, vegetable garden, field?

How should you work in the field, garden, vegetable garden? (carefully, conscientiously)

Do you like working and helping your parents?

Did you know that artists have painted many paintings depicting people working. A person who works is beautiful in his own way. Look at the illustrations and name what people do?

(Slide 8,9,10)

Famous artists in their paintings showed the beauty of man at work. (Teacher’s brief comments on the paintings)

Let’s finish our lesson with the proverb “Work makes a man, but laziness spoils him.”

(Slide No. 11)

Thanks for the work.

List of used literature

1.Besova M.A. Jokes, games, songs will bring us together. – Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy, K, Academy Holding, 2000.

2.Dick N.F. Primary school from A to Z: A practical guide for teachers. 2nd ed. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2006.

3. Zhirenko O.E., Yarovaya L.N., Barylkina L.P., Tsybina T.I. Extracurricular activities: 4th grade. – M.: VAKO, 2007.

4. Kugach A.N., Turygina S.V. Scenarios for school holidays for grades 1-4. 2nd ed. – M.: Irispress, 2006.

Gulsinya Gibadullina
"People's work in autumn." Calendar-thematic lesson plan for the senior group (continued)

Week 7. Topic: People's work in autumn (October 6-10, 2014)

Communication. "What goes around comes around."

Program content: generalize children’s knowledge that bread is a valuable food product, the production of which requires a lot of work; to instill in children a caring, respectful attitude towards bread and the work of grain growers; fix the names of the professions: tractor driver, combine operator, grain grower, baker; to ensure that children consciously understand the price of bread; teach children to save bread; develop logical thinking, develop coherent speech, enrich vocabulary; develop visual, auditory memory, attention. (notes)

Formation of EMF. Topic: Number 0. Number 0.

Program content: form an idea of ​​the number 0, introduce the number 0, develop the ability to correlate the number 0 with the situation of the absence of objects. Train the ability to recognize and name geometric bodies, the ability to count to 9 and relate numbers 1-9 to quantity. (L. G. Peterson. Playing game - a step to school. Page 49, lesson No. 7)

Reading fiction.

Fairy tale “The Braggart Hare”, V. Levin “Chest”, S. Marshak. "The House That Jack Built", "Goldilocks", trans. from Czech K. Paustovsky; Y. Vladimirov “Weirdos”, they say. adv. fairy tale “How the brothers found their father’s treasure.”

Formation of the Central Committee. "Bread is the head of everything"

Program content: give ideas about the benefits of bread for human health; give initial ideas about the profession of a baker; expand children's horizons and vocabulary; to cultivate respect for the work of adults and respect for bread; cultivate curiosity; cultivate an environmental culture; develop the ability to work together, cultivate a sense of pride in one’s work. (abstract)

Drawing. "Loaf"

Program content: expand children's understanding that bread is a valuable food product that people cannot do without, and that a lot of work is spent on obtaining it. Introduce the tools that people used when growing and processing bread: plow, harrow, sickle, millstone. Vocabulary work: grain grower, grain, ear, rye. To cultivate respect for the work of grain growers and a careful attitude towards bread. (abstract)

Application. "Mill"

Program content: consolidate skills in working with scissors, learn to arrange work on a sheet, and decorate crafts with details. Continue to instill respect for the work of the grain grower and respect for bread. (abstract)

Construction. “The harvest is coming from the field”

(vegetables, teamwork)

Program content: develop creativity, constructive abilities of children, fine motor skills, cultivate interest in agricultural work, respect for professions related to agriculture. (abstract)

To be continued.