The device of systems of external thermal insulation of walls of buildings. Insulation of external walls, theory and practice, technology and materials. Insulation of wooden structures

  • evens out the temperature fluctuations of the main mass of the wall, which eliminates the appearance of cracks in it due to uneven temperature deformations, which is especially important for external walls made of large panels.

Wall insulation is carried out both outside and inside the building.

The device of additional thermal insulation outside the building:

  • protects the wall from variable freezing and thawing and other atmospheric influences;
  • evens out the temperature fluctuations of the main mass of the wall, which eliminates the appearance of cracks in it due to uneven temperature deformations, which is especially important for external walls made of large panels. The above factors favor an increase in the durability of the bearing part of the outer wall;
  • shifts the dew point to the outer heat-insulating layer, thereby eliminating the dampening of the inner part of the wall;
  • creates a favorable mode of operation of the wall according to the conditions of its vapor permeability, eliminating the need for a special vapor barrier, including on window slopes, which is required in the case of internal thermal insulation;
  • creates a more favorable microclimate of the room;
  • allows in some cases to improve the design of the facades of reconstructed or repaired buildings;
  • does not reduce the area of ​​premises.

If, with external thermal insulation, heat losses through heat-conducting inclusions decrease with a thickening of the insulation layer and in some cases they can be neglected, then with internal thermal insulation, the negative effect of these inclusions increases with increasing thickness of the insulation layer.

Another advantage of external thermal insulation is the increase in the heat storage capacity of the massive part of the wall. With external thermal insulation of brick walls, when the heat source is turned off, they cool down 6 times slower than walls with internal thermal insulation with the same thickness of the insulation layer.

This feature of external thermal insulation can be used to save energy in systems with controlled heat supply, including due to its periodic shutdown, as well as in stove heating, which is very important for individual houses. The heat storage capacity of massive walls insulated from the outside can also be effectively used in the passive use of solar energy in the case of significant sizes of translucent fences, which can provide up to 12-15% savings in thermal resources for the central and southern regions. When the premises are oriented to the south, heat savings can increase up to 18-25%.

It is permissible to use internal thermal insulation only if it is impossible to use external insulation with mandatory calculation and verification of the annual balance of moisture accumulation in the structure or in temporary residence buildings.

Prior to the installation of external insulation of buildings, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the state of the facade surfaces with an assessment of their strength, evenness, the presence of cracks, etc., since the order and volume of preparatory work depend on this, and the determination of design parameters, for example, the depth of embedding dowels in the thickness of the wall.


The applied systems of external insulation of building walls can be divided into:

  • insulation systems with facade plastering;
  • insulation systems with a protective and decorative screen;
  • insulation systems with brick lining or other small-piece materials;
  • insulation systems for low-rise wooden houses.

Insulation systems with facade plastering provide for adhesive or mechanical fixing of the insulation with the help of anchors, dowels and frames to the existing wall, followed by coating it with plaster layers.

In addition to the general requirement for reliable fixing of the system to the existing wall, in this insulation system, the requirement for the vapor permeability of the covering plaster layers is mandatory under the conditions of the annual balance of moisture accumulation.

Insulation systems with a protective and decorative screen, due, as a rule, to its insufficient vapor permeability, are performed with an air ventilated gap between the insulation and the screen, the so-called ventilated facade.

For the manufacture of screens, metal (steel or aluminum), asbestos cement, fiberglass concrete, plastics and other materials are used.

Insulation systems lined with bricks or other small-piece materials have sufficient vapor permeability and do not require a mandatory ventilated air gap. Due to various mechanical and temperature-humidity deformations of the main wall and facing brick layer, the height of the latter is limited to 2-3 floors.

Insulation of the walls of low-rise wooden houses can be performed using any of the above systems.


Depending on the thickness of the facade plaster layers, two types of system devices are used: rigid and flexible (movable or hinged) fasteners (brackets, anchors). The first is used with a plaster layer thickness of 8-12 mm. In this case, the temperature-humidity deformations of thin plaster layers do not cause its cracking, and the weight load can be taken by rigid fasteners working on transverse bending and stretching from wind suction.

With a significant thickness of the plaster layer of 20-30 mm, flexible fasteners are used that do not interfere with temperature and humidity deformations and perceive only tensile stresses, ensuring the transfer of loads from the weight of the plaster layers through the insulation boards to the existing wall of the building.

The insulation system with rigid fasteners provides for the device of an adhesive (adhesive) layer, 2-5 mm thick, and with an uneven base - 5-10 mm, with which the base is leveled and the insulation boards are glued (in particular, mounting).

Since the thickness of the plaster does not exceed 10-12 mm, in this system, for reasons of fire safety, it is necessary to use heaters made of non-combustible materials, such as mineral wool boards.

Insulation plates are additionally fixed to the wall to be insulated using screw-in universal fasteners, consisting of polymer dowels, screw rods made of corrosion-resistant steel and polymer or metal washers of large diameter (up to 140 mm). A base layer of plaster 3-5 mm thick, similar to the adhesive one, is applied to the insulation boards fixed to the wall, and a reinforcing polymer mesh or fiberglass mesh made of alkali-resistant glass is embedded into it. An intermediate primer layer of a special composition 2-4 mm thick is applied to the base layer for its better adhesion to the covering (finishing), matching the color of the layers and increasing the water resistance of the plaster. The finishing layer is a three-dimensionally colored plaster mass with grains of various sizes. Depending on this, the thickness of the finishing layer can be 3-5 mm. The total thickness of the plaster layers, as a rule, does not exceed 12 mm.

For the device of plaster layers, compositions based on mineral and polymeric materials are used. At the same time, these plasters must be sufficiently vapor-permeable, but durable and waterproof, and also have the necessary decorative properties.

The mineral composition may include white limestone hydrate, white cement, selected quartz sand and special additives. Colored plasters also contain lightfast dry pigments.

In addition to these components, this insulation system provides for the use of additional fasteners in the form of various metal profiles, corners and strips protected from corrosion.

The insulation system with flexible fasteners includes a heat-insulating layer of insulation boards of the required thickness, fixed dry to the wall to be insulated by pinning them on flexible brackets, as well as fixing them with a reinforcing metal mesh and studs, followed by coating with two or three layers of plaster.

As a heater, materials such as expanded polystyrene, penoizol, etc. can be used, since the thickness of the protective and decorative layers of plaster, equal to 25-30 mm, is usually sufficient to ensure the necessary fire safety. The most common use in this system as a heater is semi-rigid mineral wool boards on a sanitary binder.

Insulation plates are installed in compliance with the rules for dressing seams: horizontal displacement of seams, jagged dressing in the corners of the building, framing window openings with plates with “in place” cutouts, etc.

On the surface of the insulation boards to adhere to it and close the reinforcing mesh, studs and flexible brackets, a layer of "spray" 7-8 mm thick is applied from a mortar mixture on a cement-lime binder. After hardening (setting) of the “spray” layer, a primer layer 10 mm thick is applied to it, which protects the plates from atmospheric influences and metal parts from corrosion.

The plinth is finished with materials of increased strength and decorativeness that allow them to be cleaned and washed, for example, from face bricks, natural or artificial slabs, ceramic tiles, etc.

The advantage of the system is that pilasters, belts, cornices, and similar architectural details can be made on the facade, greatly enriching the appearance of the building.


In these systems, due to ventilation, the moisture content of the insulation and the existing wall is reduced, which helps to increase the overall thermal resistance of the wall and improve the temperature and humidity conditions of the room. as well as increasing air exchange through the outer wall.

The protective screen not only protects the insulation from mechanical damage, atmospheric precipitation, as well as wind and radiation erosion, but also allows you to give the facades a variety of expressiveness through the use of various types of structures, shapes, textures and colors of the facing elements. At the same time, it becomes possible to easily repair and update facades.

As a heater, it is advisable to use fire-resistant semi-rigid mineral wool boards, the characteristics and thicknesses of which are determined by calculation depending on the characteristics of existing walls and local climatic conditions.

All metal fasteners (including anchors, screws and nails) must be made of corrosion-resistant steel, all wooden frame elements must be antiseptic and flame retardant. For fastening a wooden frame, it is advisable to use metal corners.

The choice of one or another type of cladding, insulation and fastening design is determined by a whole range of factors, both objective (natural and climatic conditions, type of walls, physical and mechanical characteristics of the walls, lining elements of fasteners and insulation), and subjective (aesthetic qualities of screens and conjugation ).


The most common are log, cobbled and panel (frame) wooden houses.

Before the start of insulation, chopped log and block walls must be re-caulked in the seams, filling the grooves with heat-insulating materials: felt, tow, hemp or lime-gypsum mortar. The joints and seams of window frames and walls in panel houses are also carefully caulked, using gypsum mortar to fix the insulation.

To reduce heat loss, as a rule, a double wooden frame with an orthogonal arrangement of bars is used in the insulation device.

In the case of using vapor-proof materials for facade decoration (metal and plastic siding, asbestos-cement sheets, etc.), it is necessary to make an air ventilated gap between the finishing layer and the insulation.

When plastering facade surfaces, to prevent cracking of the plaster, it is recommended to use reinforcing meshes made of fiberglass with a protective coating or made of alkali-resistant glass, synthetics or galvanized steel. Houses with walls cut from timber or logs can be finished with plaster only after the completion of sedimentary processes in the log house 3-4 years after construction.

September 3, 2016
Specialization: a professional in the field of construction and repair (a full cycle of finishing work, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrics and finishing work), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

It is no secret that the external insulation of the walls of a house or apartment is more effective than internal thermal insulation. By installing materials with low thermal conductivity on the outside, we not only reduce the heat loss of the building, but also normalize the humidity regime, providing natural ventilation of the room and preventing the formation of condensate inside the house.

There are many technologies for insulating finishes, among them there are quite simple ones that are affordable for do-it-yourself implementation. In any case, I managed to cope with such work on my own, without the involvement of third-party specialists. I will describe successful examples of the implementation of insulation in the article below.

Two insulation options

Reducing the thermal conductivity of the wall fencing is one of the ways to reduce the heat loss of the building as a whole. And we are talking not only about improving the microclimate by raising the temperature in a house or apartment.

From my own experience, I know that even a thin layer of insulation on the walls can significantly save on space heating. In private houses, this savings will be more noticeable due to a reduction in the consumption of heat carriers, but in an apartment with central heating, we will feel the financial effect - at least due to the fact that in the cold season we do not have to spend money on additional heating, and in the summer heat - for air conditioning.

Today, specialists practice different types of thermal insulation work, the main difference between which is:

  • in the method of installation of heat-insulating material;
  • in the insulation that is used.

And if there are quite a lot of materials on the market, I performed the insulation of the outer walls with foam plastic, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, ecowool, etc. - then there are only two installation methods that are fundamentally different from each other. Conventionally, they are called wet and dry - according to the method of finishing:

Methodology Peculiarities
Wet Thermal insulation panels made of synthetic material or mineral fiber are glued to the prepared base and additionally fixed using mechanical fasteners.

After that, the surface is plastered, puttied and treated with decorative compounds.

Dry On load-bearing surfaces it is mounted from a wooden beam or a steel profile.

Heat-insulating material is laid in the cells of the frame. Most often, mineral wool is used for this, but sometimes, in order to save money, foam plastic with a density of about 20-25 kg / m3 is taken.

Facing is mounted on top of the heat-insulating layer - siding, wall paneling, block house, etc.

Sometimes a false wall of decorative brick is erected as a cladding.

By and large, it is the finish that determines which method we will use:

  • if we want to plaster and paint the walls of the house, then wet technology is used - with foam plastic or polystyrene;
  • and if we want to sheathe it with siding or imitation of a bar, then we mount a heater with a frame, be sure to leave a gap inside for ventilation.

Both methods have a right to exist, and therefore below I will describe in detail my own experience in implementing them, adding some useful tips from master finishers.

wet technology

What to insulate?

"Wet" insulation assumes that we will stick heat-insulating boards on a pre-treated wall, and then plaster them. A variety of materials can be used for this process, and I will describe the most commonly used below:

  1. Styrofoam is the cheapest, but at the same time the most popular variety. Most often it is used for thermal insulation of outbuildings, as well as for insulation of the facade of high-rise buildings. The thing is that the mechanical properties of the material do not provide the heat-insulating layer with a sufficient margin of safety, therefore the facade of a private house will be regularly damaged during operation.

For work, we take exclusively architectural foam, with a density of about 25 kg / m 3. Building varieties PSB-S 15 or PSB-S 10 do not have delivery strength, and packaging grades not only crumble under more or less intense impacts, but also are characterized by increased flammability. In general, this is the case when saving is clearly inappropriate.

  1. Expanded or extruded polystyrene is a more expensive alternative to foam panels. It has a higher density, but at the same time it conducts heat worse and does not burn so intensely (or rather, it almost does not burn on its own, but melts when exposed to high temperatures). The price is higher than that of polystyrene, but at the same time, the increase in price is offset by an increase in the service life of the insulated facade.

  1. Expanded polystyrene derivatives - Technoplex, Penoplex, Sanpol and analogues - have approximately the same list of advantages and disadvantages. Most of them are characterized by low thermal conductivity, because, for example, insulation brick house Penoplex thickness up to 100 mm allows to reduce the total heat loss by about 15 - 20%.

  1. Mineral wool is another material that is used for "wet" thermal insulation. Unlike polymer plates, it does not burn and does not melt at high temperatures, provides natural ventilation and does not reduce the vapor permeability of walls, and retains heat well.

Many are interested in what density of mineral wool is optimal for plastering, and on this score I fully agree with heating specialists: the minimum limit is approximately at the level of 50-65 kg / m3, and for a guarantee it is better to take products from 80 kg / m3. So the best choice is ISOVER Stucco facade boards, ISOVER OL-Pe, etc.

Ultimately, the choice of material is determined by our financial capabilities. Yes, mineral wool is more reliable, more durable and more efficient, but if the choice is between no insulation at all and thermal insulation using foam, then, it seems to me, it’s still worth gaining at least some savings.

Wall preparation

In order for the outer wall insulation to hold firmly to the base and effectively protect the building from heat loss, the walls themselves must be carefully prepared for work. I usually follow this algorithm:

  1. The wall is cleaned of the old finish, since attempts to stick heat-insulating material on old plaster end the same way - the insulation falls off along with fragments of the base and the decorative layer.

  1. All cracks and cracks identified under the plaster are sealed with a repair compound. Deep cracks before this are cleaned and embroidered, which helps to prevent their further expansion.
  2. The wall is treated with several layers of a penetrating primer with antiseptic components - this not only improves adhesion to the heat-insulating material, but also protects against the development of fungal colonies in a warm and humid environment.
  3. When preparing for insulation in panel houses, special attention is paid to sealing the seams: they are cleaned, embroidered and filled with special mastics that tightly clog all voids. The efficiency of thermal insulation works largely depends on the quality of sealing interpanel seams.

All work - and preparation, and insulation, and finishing - can be performed independently no higher than the second floor. For work at height, it is necessary to invite specialists with the appropriate permit and professional safety equipment at their disposal.

Gluing and fixing the heat insulator

After preparing the base, you can stick insulation for external walls. I act like this:

  1. In the lower part of the wall I fix the base profile, the width of which corresponds to the thickness of the heat-insulating material. I set the profile according to the level strictly horizontally, fixing it with anchors recessed into the wall by at least 40-50 mm.
  2. I am preparing an adhesive composition based on a dry mix of Ceresit CT-85 or its analogue. I pour the powder with a high content of cement and plasticizers into cool water (the instructions from the manufacturer will tell you the proportions) and mix at least twice with a mixer nozzle installed in an electric drill chuck.

  1. I lay the panel of thermal insulation material face down on the ground. On the wrong side, using a knife or a needle roller, I apply embossed notches that will increase adhesion with the adhesive composition.
  2. I apply an adhesive mass to the insulation - with a strip around the perimeter and several slides in the center of the panel.

  1. I attach the panel to the wall, setting the lower edge into the basement profile. I level the insulation and press it to the base for 30-45 seconds for primary polymerization.
  2. I paste over the selected section of the wall according to the same scheme, placing the panels in a checkerboard pattern - so that the joints between them do not coincide.
  3. Through the panels I drill holes with a diameter of 10 mm. The penetration into the wall fencing should be at least 50-60 mm. For reliable fixation, holes are needed at the corners of the panels, as well as one or two in the center.

The length of the drill used depends on the thickness of the thermal insulation panels used for cladding. In any case, it is useful to have at least two or three drills for concrete with a length of 20 cm or more in the tool kit - they definitely will not be superfluous!

  1. I drive plastic dowels with a dish-shaped neck into the drilled holes. In this case, the wide part of the dowel should be recessed into the insulation by about 2-3 mm.
  2. After installing the dowels, I fix them with special nails (express installation) or locking screws with a conical point.

  1. I fill the gaps between the panels with scraps of insulation, fixing them with adhesive. I blow out small voids with self-expanding polyurethane foam.
  2. I putty the seams and hats of the anchors, using the same mixture for sealing as for gluing.


All insulation for the exterior walls of the house, used for "wet" finishing, must be protected from external influences. Most often, plastering technology is used for this, followed by staining.

The technology of plastering on insulation has its own characteristics: we have to work with a base that is not the strongest, therefore, we cannot do without reinforcement to increase adhesion and improve mechanical characteristics:

  1. I glue the corners of the structure and all the joints of the planes with perforated corners made of aluminum or plastic. If there is no corner, you can use a strip of reinforcing mesh.

  1. Then, using a plaster mortar for facade decoration, I glue an alkali-resistant polymer mesh for outdoor work on all surfaces. For gluing, I use a spatula, with which I press the mesh into a thin layer of solution applied to polystyrene foam, polystyrene or mineral wool.

In order to avoid delamination, the mesh rolls are overlapped with an overlap of approximately 40-50 mm.

  1. After partial polymerization of the composition with which the mesh was glued, I perform surface grouting. I grout with a plaster trowel without an abrasive element.
  2. Then I apply a second, leveling layer of facade plaster. After drying, I also rub it, but this time using a plaster mesh or sandpaper. During grouting, I smooth out all the bumps as much as possible, achieving a perfectly smooth surface.

  1. Before finishing, I prime the facade. Ceresit CT-16 primer is used for decorative plaster or light facing material, Ceresit CT-17 for painting.

After the polymerization of the primer, I perform the final finish - I paint the facade with pigments for outdoor use (using a roller or spray gun), line it with decorative panels, fixing them with glue, or apply a layer of pre-tinted decorative plaster, forming an attractive relief on its surface.

Dry technology

Foundation preparation

Other methods can be used for external thermal insulation of walls, and one of the most popular is the arrangement of the so-called ventilated facade. This technology involves the installation of heat-insulating material under the cladding, fixed on a special frame, and therefore here it is necessary to pay all attention to preparing the walls for finishing.

By and large, brick walls with insulation are in contact in almost the same way as in the case of a “wet” finish. But a wooden house - from a log or timber - is prepared a little differently:

  1. To begin with, the wood is cleaned, which consists in removing all weakly holding elements - wood chips, bark residues, etc. For a freshly built house, this operation is not mandatory, but it is better to clean up the old back.

  1. The next step is sealing the joints. We pick up a special spatula, a hammer and caulk all the cracks - both the gaps between the crowns, and the cracks in the logs themselves or the bars, formed due to uneven drying. For caulking, we use jute, linen tow or special cords made from a mixture of natural and synthetic fibers.
  2. After sealing the cracks, we treat the tree with an antiseptic. Under the layer of thermal insulation, we have an area with increased temperature and humidity, so it is very important for us to protect the tree from the effects of microorganisms, fungi and insects.

Frame installation

Next, we proceed to the installation of the crate, on which the facing material will be held. It can be made either from a wooden beam impregnated with an antiseptic (it will turn out cheaper), or from a galvanized steel profile (it is more expensive, but it serves more and is less prone to deformation).

We work like this:

  1. From the outside of the building, we install brackets on the wall, fixing them with anchors.
  2. To reduce heat loss at the point of contact between the wall and metal, we place either a layer of roofing material or a paronite gasket under the base of each bracket.

  1. We choose the length of the bracket so that it is 10-20 mm more than the thickness of the heat-insulating panels used. This margin is necessary to organize an internal ventilation gap.
  2. On the brackets we install the bars themselves or the profiles of the crate. Their location depends on how the finishing panels will be attached: for a horizontal finish, we need a vertical frame and vice versa.

The use of a metal profile allows you to finish the wall with heat-insulating panels without cracks and gaps. In this case, the frame is attached to the brackets after the installation of the heat insulator.

  1. When installing the crate, we control the position of its elements using a level and a plumb line. It is extremely important that a flat plane is formed - it depends on this how neatly the facade cladding will look.

After completing this stage, you can proceed to the actual insulation.

Insulation and cladding

Thermal insulation of the outer wall of the house along the crate is carried out as follows:

  1. Panels of heat-insulating material based on mineral fiber are cut through, forming holes in the places where the brackets pass.
  2. We put the insulation on the brackets and press it tightly against the wall.

For additional fixation strength, you can use adhesives, as well as dowel umbrellas with metal locking screws.

  1. An alternative to this method can be laying mineral wool panels in the cells of the crate, where the heat-insulating material will be held due to its own elasticity. In order for us to succeed, we need to think in advance about the placement of the frame parts, making the cell width equal to the width of the heat-insulating panel.

  1. Another way of warming is spraying the so-called ecowool. This material is a loose substance based on cellulose fiber impregnated with glue. Ecowool is sprayed inside the frame with the help of special pumps and forms an inseparable layer with low thermal conductivity.

  1. We mount a windproof membrane on top of the insulation, which will prevent the wall from blowing through and reduce the risk of wetting the thermal insulation if the cladding loses its tightness. For wind protection, it is worth using special membranes with high vapor permeability: if we take ordinary polyethylene, then condensate will inevitably collect under it, moistening the insulation and reducing its effectiveness.
  2. After that, we install the frame guides (if this has not been done before) and attach the facade trim to them.

For sheathing a ventilated facade over a heat-insulating layer, you can use:

  • siding (PVC or metal);
  • block house;
  • false beam;
  • durable lining;
  • planken (wooden panels that have undergone heat treatment);
  • products made of wood-polymer composite;
  • corrugated board (suitable for outbuildings and industrial facilities);
  • ceramic and porcelain stoneware panels, etc.

When choosing a finishing material, we focus on our financial capabilities, on the complexity of installation, and also on the overall stylistic decision of the building. It is important that the facade looks attractive and lasts long enough, because we provide it with a basic level of energy efficiency thanks to the insulation hidden under the finish!

Materials and tools - reference information

Thermal insulation of walls is a rather laborious process, therefore, it should only be undertaken with proper technical equipment. And first of all, you should think about how we will work on the upper tier, because even in the case of a one-story house, the height turns out to be decent, and neither sticking insulation nor plastering from the ground will work.

So first you need to either purchase or (preferably) rent suitable scaffolding or at least goats with a changing platform height.

In addition, we will need:

  • perforator with a set of concrete drills and a chisel attachment;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • foam knife;
  • a set of spatulas for glue and plaster;
  • brushes for priming and painting;
  • measuring tool;
  • saw for wood or scissors for metal for mounting the crate;
  • graters with abrasive elements for grinding the surface.

Naturally, each master will add something of his own to this basic set, but the minimum must be at our disposal for sure!

Separately, it is worth talking about the cost of insulation. In the case of centralized facade thermal insulation work, their cost is calculated according to the elemental estimated standards (the collection of GESN 2001-26 "Heat-insulation work" is used). But for private construction, the proposed method is hardly suitable, therefore, when working independently, you need to start from the cost of materials first of all.

In the table below, I will give an indicative list of prices that you can use when budgeting for thermal insulation work:

Material unit of measurement Average cost, rubles
Mineral wool ISOVER plaster facade, 1200x600x100 mm pack of 4 1400 -1700
Polyfoam facade PSB-S 25, 1000x1000x50 mm sheet 170 – 220
Expanded polystyrene sheet, 1250x600x50 mm sheet 180 – 220
Facade mesh alkali-resistant 160 g/m2, 1m roll 50 m 1200 – 1600
Facade plaster corner m. 45 – 70
Dowel plate 100x10 mm 100 pieces. 250 – 350
Primer Ceresit CT 16 10 l. 780 — 900
Plaster Knauf Diamant 25 kg 350 — 420
Glue for expanded polystyrene Ivsil Termofix-P 25 kg 350 — 400
Windproof membrane for walls ROCKWOOL 70 m2 1500 — 1700
Sliding bracket for ventilated facade PCS. 25 -35
Profile for purlins, panel 3 m PCS. 200 – 350
Vinyl siding, 3500x205 mm PCS. 120 – 450
Facade porcelain tile, panel 60x60 cm PCS. 500 – 1200
Larch block house, 22x90 mm 1 m2 650 — 1200


Effective insulation of the outer walls of a brick house, just like the thermal insulation of buildings made of wood or, provides us with a normalization of the microclimate and solid energy savings.

So if you do not want to overpay for heating (and in the summer - also for air conditioning!), Then you should think about how to equip the heat-insulating circuit yourself. A fairly detailed video in this article will help you with this, as well as advice from practitioners (including mine), which you can get by asking a question in the comments.

Calculations were made for a typical two-story house with an attic with a total area of ​​205 m2, insulated in accordance with old and modern standards. The required power of the heating system before insulation is 30 kW. After the house has been insulated, the required power does not exceed 15 kW. So the conclusion is clear.

Location of the heater

There are three options for the location of the heater.

1.From the inside of the wall.


The exterior of the house is completely preserved.

Ease of execution. Work is carried out in warm and dry conditions, and this can be done at any time of the year.

You can resort to the most modern technologies at the moment, using the widest choice of materials.


In any case, the loss of usable area is inevitable. At the same time, the greater the thermal conductivity of the insulation, the greater the losses.

It is likely that the humidity of the supporting structure will increase. Through the insulation (usually a vapor-permeable material), water vapor passes unhindered, and then begins to accumulate either in the thickness of the wall or at the “cold wall-insulation” border. At the same time, the insulation delays the flow of heat from the room into the wall and thus lowers its temperature, which further aggravates the waterlogging of the structure.

That is, if, for one reason or another, the only possible option for insulation is the placement of insulation from the inside, then it will be necessary to take fairly strict structural measures to protect the wall from moisture - install a vapor barrier from the side of the room, create an effective air ventilation system in the rooms.

2. Inside the wall (multilayer structures).

In this case, the insulation is placed on the outside of the wall and closed with a brick (facing). The creation of such a multilayer wall can be quite successfully implemented in new construction, but for existing buildings it is difficult to do, as it causes an increase in the thickness of the structure, which, as a rule, requires reinforcement, which means reworking the entire foundation.

3. From the outside of the wall.


External thermal insulation protects the wall from variable freezing and thawing, makes the temperature fluctuations of its array more even, which increases the durability of the supporting structure.

The "dew point", or the condensation zone of the outgoing vapors, is taken out into the insulation - outside the bearing wall. The vapor-permeable heat-insulating materials used for this do not prevent the evaporation of moisture from the wall into the outer space. This helps to reduce wall moisture and increases the life of the entire structure.

External thermal insulation does not allow heat flow from the load-bearing wall to the outside, thus increasing the temperature of the load-bearing structure. At the same time, the array of the insulated wall becomes a heat accumulator - it contributes to a longer preservation of heat indoors in winter and coolness in summer.


The outer heat-insulating layer must be protected both from moisture by atmospheric precipitation and from mechanical impact with a durable, but vapor-permeable coating. We have to arrange the so-called ventilated facade or plaster.

The so-called dew point gets inside the insulation layer, and this always leads to an increase in its humidity. It will be possible to avoid this by using heaters with high vapor permeability, due to which moisture both gets inside the layer and evaporates out of it.

After weighing all the pros and cons of each of the three ways of placing the insulation, we can definitely say that external insulation is certainly the most rational.


It should be noted right away that when the building is insulated from the outside, its decoration ceases to play only an aesthetic role. Now it should not only create comfortable conditions inside the building, but also protect the supporting structure and the insulation attached to it from the effects of various weather factors, but without losing external attractiveness. In this regard, it is impossible to talk only about the methods of insulating houses and the materials used for this - whatever one may say, you will have to talk about finishing in parallel, since both operations are simply inseparable from each other.

First of all, it is worth considering wooden structures, since it is for them that the wall “layer cake” scheme turns out to be the most complex and it is they that are most susceptible to destruction due to improper construction. It would be useful to consider in passing the processes occurring in the insulated structure.

Insulation of wooden structures

As you know, wood is one of the most traditional building materials from which frame and log houses are built not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. True, no matter how wonderful properties a tree possesses, it is not a heat insulator to a sufficient extent. Since we are talking about a relatively moisture-intensive material that is highly susceptible to decay processes, mold and other diseases caused by its moisture, the most optimal scheme is external insulation with a protective and decorative screen (outer skin) with a ventilated gap between the insulation and this very screen ( see fig.).

This scheme includes such components as internal cladding (from the side of the room), vapor barrier, wooden supporting structure, insulation, wind protection, ventilated air gap, external cladding (from the street). If we want to understand why each of these components is needed, it is worth considering in more detail those physical processes that occur in an insulated structure (see Fig.).

On average, with year-round operation of the building, the heating season lasts 5 months, of which three fall in the winter. This means that 24 hours a day there is a stable temperature difference between the internal space (a zone of positive temperature) and the street (a zone of sub-zero temperature). And since there is a temperature difference, it means that in a wall structure with a certain thermal conductivity, a heat flow is inevitably formed in the direction “from heat to cold”. Simply put, the wall takes the heat of the room and takes it to the street. So, the main task of the heater is to reduce this flow to a minimum. At present, the use of heaters is regulated by the requirements for thermal protection of enclosing structures, specified in Amendment No. 3 to SNiP 11-3-79 * "Construction Heat Engineering", which entered into force at the beginning of 2000.

It is important to know that the thermal insulation material is effective as long as it remains dry. For example, basalt insulation with a volumetric moisture of only 5% loses 15-20% of its thermal insulation properties. Moreover, the greater its humidity, the more significant the losses become. In fact, the insulation ceases to be a heater, which means that the main question becomes: where does the moisture come from in it?

Air always contains water vapor in one volume or another. At 100% relative humidity and a temperature of 20 °C, 1 m3 of air can contain up to 17.3 g of water in the form of steam. As the temperature decreases, the ability of air to retain moisture drops sharply, and at a temperature of 16 ° C, 1 m3 of air can already contain no more than 13.6 g of water. That is, the lower the temperature, the less moisture the air is able to retain. If, when the temperature drops, the actual content of water vapor in the air exceeds the maximum allowable value for a given temperature, then the “extra” vapor will immediately turn into drops of water. And this is the source of moisture insulation.

The whole process goes like this. The relative humidity of indoor air is about 55-65%, which is much higher than the humidity of outdoor air, especially in winter. And since there is a difference in values ​​between the two volumes, then a “flow” inevitably arises, designed to equalize these values ​​- warm water vapor first moves from the room to the street through the insulated structure. But since he has to move “from heat to cold”, along the way he will condense (turn into drops), moisturizing, thus insulating material.

You can stop the humidification process by creating a so-called vapor barrier, arranged from the side of the room. To create it, you will need either a couple of layers of oil paint, or rolled vapor barrier materials that are covered with decorative trim. Moisture vapor in this case is removed from the premises by means of forced ventilation (see Fig.).

But the organization of such a vapor barrier is far from being the only necessary condition. The air contained in the insulation, having heated up from the inner (bearing) wall, will begin to move towards the street. I must say that simultaneous vapor-permeable heat-insulating materials will not interfere with such movement, and as the air cools, moisture can also begin to condense from it. To avoid this, water vapor that has reached the outer boundary of the thermal insulation material must be given an unhindered opportunity to leave it before condensation occurs. So, the second condition for ensuring the normal operation of the insulated structure is the presence of well-organized ventilation - the creation of the so-called ventilated gap between the outer skin and the layer of heat-insulating material, as well as the conditions for the occurrence of “draft” (air flow) in this gap. Just the "thrust" and will remove the water vapor that comes out of the insulating material.

But even these measures will not be enough. It is also necessary to isolate the heat-insulating layer from the side of the street, and if this is not done, the heat-insulating properties of the insulation may deteriorate. Firstly, due to atmospheric moisture (penetration of rain, snow, etc.), wetting of the thermal insulation layer can occur. Secondly, because of the wind, it is impossible to “blow through” low-density heaters, which is accompanied by heat loss. Thirdly, under the influence of a constant air flow in the ventilated gap, the destruction of the heat-insulating material may begin - the process of "blowing out" the insulation.

In order to preserve the heat-shielding characteristics of the structure on the surface of the thermal insulation, bordering; with a ventilated gap, a layer of windproof, moisture-proof and at the same time vapor-permeable material is laid.

It is unacceptable to install the same vapor-tight (“non-breathing”) material from the side of the street as from the inside (the so-called vapor barrier), since in this case the insulated structure would become insulated. The fact is that in an isolated space, air also moves “from heat to cold”, but at the same time it does not have the opportunity to go towards the ventilated gap. With the advancement of air towards the outer skin and simultaneous cooling inside the heat insulator, active condensation of moisture occurs, which eventually freezes into ice. As a result, the thermal insulation material loses most of its effectiveness. With the advent of the warm season, the ice will melt, and the entire structure will inevitably begin to rot.

Summing up all of the above, we can formulate the following basic condition for the successful operation of an insulated wall structure: the thermal insulation must remain sufficiently dry, regardless of the season and weather conditions. Due to the fulfillment of this requirement, the presence of a vapor barrier on the side of the room and a wind barrier on the side of the ventilated gap is ensured.

The design and order of its installation of the crate will mainly depend on the material that will be used as a protective screen. For example, the process of installing a sheathing for laying insulation, followed by the installation of siding, looks something like this. On the outer surface of the wall, vertical, pre-treated with an antiseptic composition, wooden beams are fixed - their thickness is 50 mm, and the width should exceed the thickness of the plates of the selected insulation. For example, with a thermal insulation thickness of 80 mm, the thickness of the frame bars should be at least 100-110 mm - this is necessary to ensure an air gap. The step of the crate should be selected in accordance with the width of the insulation boards. The latter fit into the grooves between the bars and are additionally attached to the load-bearing wall by means of anchors. The number of anchors per 1 m2 of insulation is determined in accordance with the density (and hence strength) of the selected insulation and can vary between 4-8 pieces. A windproof layer is mounted on top of the insulation, and only then siding (see Fig.).

Of course, this is the simplest, but by no means the best scheme, since during its implementation there are still so-called cold bridges (zones with much lower thermal resistance than the insulation), which in this case are the crate bars. From a thermotechnical point of view, the installation scheme is much more efficient, in which the insulation layer is divided into two equal parts (for example, with the required thickness of 100 mm, two plates with a thickness of 50 mm are used) and each of these layers is laid with its own crate. In the latter case, the bars of the crate of the upper layer are stuffed perpendicular to the bars of the bottom. Of course, the creation of such a structure is a more time-consuming process, but there are practically no "cold bridges" in it. In conclusion, it remains to close the insulation with a layer of wind insulation, securing it with vertical bars, and mount the same siding already on them (see Fig.).

As already noted, vapor barrier materials are used in insulated wall structures as an “internal” protection of thermal insulation materials. When choosing one or another specific material, they are usually guided by the principle: the higher the value of the resistance to vapor permeability of the material (Rn), the better.

Vapor barrier materials are sold in rolls and can be mounted both horizontally and vertically on the inside of the building envelope close to the thermal insulation. The connection to the elements of the supporting structure is carried out either with staples of a mechanical stapler, or with galvanized nails with a flat head. It should be borne in mind that water vapor has a sufficiently high diffusion (penetrating) ability, and therefore the vapor barrier must be created in the form of a continuous screen, which means that the tightness of the seams is a prerequisite. Among other things, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the film remains intact.

For a long time, sealing of seams has been ensured with the help of butyl rubber connecting tapes with adhesive layers on both sides, or by laying "strips" of vapor barrier material overlapping with fixation along the seam with a counter beam.

When we are dealing with ceilings of living spaces, attic superstructures and rooms with high humidity, it is required to provide a gap of 2-5 cm between the vapor barrier and the interior lining material, which should prevent it from getting wet.

At the moment, the Russian building materials market offers vapor barrier materials from such manufacturers as: JUTA (Czech Republic) - Jutafol N/Al; TEGOLA (Italy) - Bar line; ELTETE (Finland) - line Re-Rar 125, ICOPAL (Finland) - Ventitek, Ventitek Plus, Elbotek 350 White, Elbotek 350 Alu, Alupap 125, Elkatek 150, Elkatek 130; MONARFLEX (Denmark) - Polykraft and some others.

Wind-insulating materials are used in wall structures (including systems of ventilated facades), performing the function of external protection of heat-insulating materials. The main task of these materials is to keep moisture and wind out of the insulation layer, while not preventing water vapor from escaping from it.

When choosing wind-insulating materials, it is important to take into account that the vapor permeability resistance of a multilayer building envelope should decrease in the direction of water vapor movement - “from heat to cold”. That is, the lower the vapor permeability resistance value of the selected material (Rn), the lower the probability of water vapor condensation inside the insulated structure. True, when following this principle, there is a risk of overdoing it. As the practice of installing ventilated facades shows, the vapor permeability of windproof materials in the range of 150-300 g / (m2-day) is quite sufficient, and their price is adequate for the wave (about 0.5 cu / m2). As for the use of superdiffusion materials (their vapor permeability exceeds 1000 g/(m2-day)), in this case they will not contribute anything fundamentally different to the work of the structure, but the cost of the structure will increase markedly, since the prices for such materials exceed 1 cu. . e./m2.

Installation of windproof materials is carried out on the outer side of the building envelope close to the thermal insulation. The material can be laid both horizontally and vertically. The overlap between the sheets (width) must be at least 150 mm. It is extremely important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for installation and installation and in no case confuse the front side with the wrong side. The latter is of great importance due to the fact that many vapor barrier materials have one-sided vapor conductivity, and if the sides are mixed up, the insulated structure will turn into an isolated one, which is detrimental to it.

During installation, the sheets of windproof material are pre-fixed with galvanized stainless nails with a wide head, or special brackets with a pitch of 200 mm are suitable for this purpose. The final fastening is carried out using a beam with a section of 50 x 50 mm, nailed with galvanized nails 100 mm long with an interval of 300-350 mm.

Then the installation of the facing material is carried out.

At the moment, to create a wind barrier, the Russian market offers vapor barrier materials from such manufacturers as: JUTA (Czech Republic) - Jutafol D, Jutakon, Jutavek; DUPONT (Switzerland) - Tyvek series membranes; MONARFLEX (Denmark) - Monarflex BM 310, Monarperm 450, Difofol Super; ELTETE (Finland) - Elkatek SD, Elwitek 4400, Elwitek 5500, Bitupap 125, Bitukrep 125, etc.

Insulation of a stone (brick) wall

Warming with further plastering

For these purposes, the so-called contact facade thermal insulation systems are used (Fig. 40). There are a great many options for such systems: Tex-Color, Heck, Loba, Ceresit (Germany), "Termoshuba" (Belarus), (USA), TsNIIEP housing systems (RF), "Fur coat-plus", etc. In such systems, constructive solutions differ in the type of insulation used and the methods of its fastening. As well as the thickness and composition of the protective and adhesive layers, the type of reinforcing mesh, etc. The insulation schemes offered by each of them are similar in many respects: adhesive or mechanical fastening of the insulation with the help of anchors, dowels and frames to the existing wall with further coating of its protective ( but necessarily vapor-permeable) layer of plaster (for example, in the Dryvit system, acrylic plaster is most often used).

A dry, strong and clean non-plastered or plastered brick, concrete or foam-gas concrete facade wall can serve as a base. Significant unevenness should be eliminated with cement or lime-cement mortar. When the surface of a brick wall does not need to be hardened with a primer, you can do without it for all other types of primer bases.

The order of work is approximately the following. The function of the support for the first row of thermal insulation material can be performed by the protruding edge of the foundation or the edge of the concrete floor slab. If there is none, then with the help of dowels a false support is installed - a wooden or metal support rail (the wooden one is removed immediately before plastering). The consumption of glue, for example, for brickwork will be from 3.5 to 5 kg / m2, which directly depends on how even the base is. The slabs are laid, as when laying bricks - closely to each other with "bandaging of the seams".

It must be said that the gluing procedure for facades of a small area is by and large not necessary - glue is needed only to hold the insulation boards on the facade until they are mechanically fixed to the load-bearing wall.
-It is necessary to fix the insulation boards mechanically, for example, this can be done using plastic expansion dowels with a stainless metal rod. The number of dowels depends on the type of insulation used, for example, for expanded polystyrene, it should be at least 6 per 1 m2. The fixing depth of the dowels at the base of the wall must be at least 50 mm.

Work is carried out 2-3 days after gluing. Corners and edges of window and door slopes are reinforced with special corner profiles made of perforated aluminum or plastic. After that, you can start applying the main plaster layer. If it is planned to make a small layer of plaster (within 12 mm in the case of using dense mineral insulation), you can use a plasticized alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh, with a thicker layer (2-3 cm in the case of using expanded polystyrene), it is better to use a metal mesh (see Fig.).

Apply plaster in two layers. A thicker layer is laid first - strips of reinforcing mesh are pressed into it. This is done so that the mesh, and hence the plaster, perceives temperature and other loads as best as possible, it should be located in the outer third of the thickness of the plaster layer, and not at the very surface of the heat-insulating coating. The second put a thinner layer of plaster - immediately after pressing the mesh into the bottom layer. Both in width and length, the mesh strips overlap by 10-20 cm, and at the corners of the building they are bent with an overlap.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that both the same mortar and different ones can be used for gluing insulating boards and making the main plaster. For example, for gluing - Ispo Kleber Mortar, and for plastering - Ispos No. 1 Verbundmortel for a thin layer, or Ispo SL 540 Armierungs-Leichtputz for a thick layer. Also, compounds reinforced with microfibers are suitable for plastering, which will give them additional strength and reduce the likelihood of cracks (one of these is Jubizol Lepilna Malta, produced by JUB, Slovenia).

When the plaster dries, you can proceed to the final finish. At this stage of work, the choice will largely depend on your preferences: plaster treated with a roller, spatula, spray; "brushed" plaster, with "oak bark" rubbing, etc.; With its further painting or simply painting the main plaster layer after puttying (see Fig.).

With the method described above, there is no need to use vapor barrier and wind barrier materials. The vapor barrier will be replaced directly by the supporting structure itself - it has a sufficiently high coefficient of resistance to vapor permeability, and the wind barrier will replace the layer of vapor-permeable plaster. Small amounts of water vapor that nevertheless got inside the wall will be freely removed to the outside through the plaster and the insulation layer.

Ventilated gap design

By and large, this insulation option is something in between the options already discussed above for a wooden and stone house with further plastering. Although the insulation in this case is not glued, but is attached to the facade with dowels. After that, its surface is covered with a windproof material, and a ventilated gap is arranged, which from the outside will have to cover a protective and decorative screen. As in the previous case, there is no need to use vapor barrier materials (Fig. 43).

The hinged facade can be mounted both on a wooden crate and on a metal one. Metal profiles and other elements that allow you to quickly and fairly easily carry out such installation are now offered in large quantities by many companies - for example, such as METAL PROFIL.

The main advantage of this insulation scheme is that its fastening can be carried out at negative temperatures (there are no so-called wet processes). However, the system has its limitations in application for buildings with complex architecture, as well as in cases where an accurate reproduction of the original appearance of the facade is required.

In low-rise construction, it is best to use decorative protective screens with additional sources of air convection feeding on the surface of the screen. In reality, they are made in the form of slotted air intakes, which are molded during the production of facade elements. A classic example is the now popular plastic siding with perforations at the bottom of the panels. The same screen can be mounted using ARDOGRES facing tiles - during installation, a technological gap of 10 by 160 mm is formed under each tile.

Building facade insulation systems that are effective for houses and apartments:

  • "BAUKOLOR A2" - a system of materials for the insulation of building facades, non-combustible mineral wool board (NG) is used as a heater. The system is applied to all classes of buildings and structures up to 75 m high.
  • "BAUKOLOR V1" - a system of materials for insulating the facades of buildings, PSB-S-F expanded polystyrene is used as a heater, fire hazard class K0.

Thermal insulation systems "BAUKOLOR A2" and "BAUKOLOR V1" combine the properties of an effective insulation and a decorative coating in the style of classic plaster facades. Thermal insulation of a house, apartment or building facades with the help of these thermal protection systems is the most optimal and perfect.

Not so long ago, few people knew what the thermal insulation of a house is and what it is intended for. However, now the insulation of premises, whether it is the thermal insulation of a house, apartment or cottage, is one of the most popular types of finishing work. Qualitatively carried out thermal insulation allows you to save on heating, creating a favorable microclimate.

Efficiency of the house facade insulation system

It is generally accepted that heat loss through external walls is approximately 40%, the rest falls on the roof, windows and foundation. On images taken with a thermal imager, you can see the difference in temperature differences in different parts of the facade of a stone building in comparison with the temperature of the street air. In especially critical places, the difference reaches 120 °C. The photographs show a panel building, insulated according to the principle of "insulation inside the building envelope" (well masonry). In such structures, the freezing zones are interfloor concrete floors. In addition to intense heat loss, condensation forms in such places, leading to corrosion in steel reinforcement, destruction of bricks, as well as the appearance of fungus and mold.

In the figure, you can see the thermal imaging of the facade of a panel building before the application of the thermal insulation system (photo on the left) and after (photo on the right). The dark uniform surface of the facade in the photograph on the right indicates the absence of cold bridges and approximately equal street temperature and the surface of the facade. So the effect is obvious.

Economic feasibility of insulation systems

With energy prices rising steadily year on year, significant savings in space heating in winter and air conditioning in summer are very attractive, especially for private developers.

For the implementation of projects using BauColor® products and technologies, we offer the services of our own construction division, as well as our partner organizations. We offer favorable price conditions to our customers and guarantee the high quality of work. You can get acquainted with the approximate cost of insulation using BAUKOLOR thermal insulation systems in the Price list section. You can get a more accurate calculation by filling out the form in the Cost Calculation section.

Differences between the systems "BAUKOLOR A2" and "BAUKOLOR V1"

In principle, insulation systems differ in the type of material used for thermal insulation, and, accordingly, in physical and operational properties. The BAUKOLOR A2 thermal insulation system uses mineral wool boards, for the manufacture of which rocks basalt or diabase are used (this is important, since the fiber obtained from these rocks is alkali-resistant). The BAUKOLOR V1 insulation system uses boards made of self-extinguishing expanded polystyrene. Expanded polystyrene PSB-S-25 (F) belongs to the flammability class G1–G4 according to GOST 30244-94, and its use as a heat-insulating material has certain limitations associated with the thickness of the slab, the height of the building, installation conditions, etc.

System "BAUKOLOR A2"

Application area:

The BAUKOLOR A2 thermal insulation system can be used: on buildings of 1, 2 and 3 degrees of responsibility, the height of residential buildings is up to 75 m inclusive.


Thermal insulation material.
As a heat-insulating material, slabs of facade expanded polystyrene grade PSB-S-25F according to GOST 15588-86, average density 15.1–18 kg / m³, flammability group G1–G4 according to GOST 30244-94 are used. The thickness of the plates is set in accordance with the project.


Final finishing.
In the BAUKOLOR A2 insulation system, for the final finish, mineral plasters are used, painted with acrylic or silicone paints, as well as silicate, siloxane and silicone decorative plasters, tinted in volume.

HBW>40 - mineral plasters.

System "BAUKOLOR B1"

Elements of the "BAUKOLOR A2" system

Application area

The BAUKOLOR V1 thermal insulation system can be used:

  • on buildings of 1, 2 and 3 degrees of responsibility;
  • on residential buildings with a height of up to 75 m inclusive (according to SNiP 2.01.02-85 and SNiP 21-01-97);
  • operation at an average daily minimum temperature of the coldest five-day period of the year not lower than 55 ° C;
  • in dry, normal, humid climatic zones;
  • relative humidity of indoor air is not higher than 85%;
  • the maximum thickness of the insulation is 200 mm.

Mounting technology

The installation of the system is carried out in accordance with the installation instructions and the album “Systems “BAUKOLOR A2” and “BAUKOLOR V1” for external thermal insulation of building facades. Album of technical solutions for mass application. Code BK TSF2005".

Plates made of heat-insulating material are fastened with the mineral composition OK 1000 WDVS-Spezialkleber, BauTherm SP, BauTherm AR and fixed with special facade driven or screw dowels approved for use in the system.

Thermal insulation material
As a heat-insulating material, slabs of facade expanded polystyrene grade PSB-S-25F according to GOST 15588-86, average density 15.1–18 kg/m3, flammability group G1–G4 according to GOST 30244-94 are used. The thickness of the plates is set in accordance with the project.

The mineral composition "OK" 1000 WDVS-Spezialkleber, "OK" 2000 WDVS-Armierungsmortel or BauTherm AR is applied to the thermal insulation material and reinforced with an alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh.

In the BAUKOLOR V1 thermal insulation system, mineral plasters are used for finishing, painted with acrylic or silicone paints, acrylic, silicate and silicone decorative plasters, tinted in volume.

In thin-stucco insulation systems, restrictions on the brightness or saturation of the finish coat are adopted, regulated by the Hellbezugswert HBW whiteness index. Below are the HBW values ​​for different types of materials tinted in colors that can be used in BAUKOLOR systems:

HBW>20 - acrylic, siloxane, silicone paints and plasters;

HBW>30 - silicate paints and plasters;

HBW>40 - mineral plasters.

In the VISION 5000 color catalog, the HBW value is indicated on the reverse side of each color.

The main document authorizing the use of the system on the territory of Russia is the Technical certificate for the BAUKOLOR A2 and B1 systems of ROSSTROY No. TS-07-2123-08. According to this document, the BAUKOLOR A2 and BAUKOLOR V1 systems are designed for facade insulation: thermal insulation of the outer walls of buildings during new construction, restoration, reconstruction, major and current repairs of buildings and structures for various purposes, including insulation of residential buildings, and as well as thermal insulation of buildings of increased (1), normal (2) and reduced (3) levels of responsibility.

In addition to the main purpose, insulation systems allow you to solve the following tasks:

  • reduce the thickness of enclosing structures in new construction and reduce the load on the foundation;
  • protect metal from corrosion in reinforced concrete walls, eliminate the problems of repairing interpanel seams, protect against the appearance of fungus and mold by eliminating excess moisture and condensate inside the walls;
  • reduce temperature deformations of the walls;
  • eliminate the problems of efflorescence in brick and plaster walls;
  • reduce the labor costs of exterior decoration during the reconstruction of buildings;
  • improve sound insulation from city noise;
  • Create a more stable and favorable moisture-thermal regime indoors.

You will find drawings and diagrams of the BAUKOLOR systems in the Technical Units section. For each specific facility where the BAUKOLOR system is used, our company's engineers develop a "Technical Regulation", which details the entire technological cycle of system installation. Schemes and drawings of the "Album of technical solutions" take into account all the structural features of the facade, and are made in AutoCad format. Interesting additions can be found in the "Frequently Asked Questions" section.


The effectiveness of the thermal resistance of the system is determined by the type and thickness of the insulation that the system is equipped with. In the "BAUKOLOR A2" system, the calculated thermal conductivity coefficient of a mineral wool board is 0.042–0.047 W/(m*K), in the "BAUKOLOR V1" system, the calculated thermal conductivity coefficient of PSB-S-25 is 0.037–0.045 W/(m*K).

mineral wool board
BAUKOLOR A2 - the system is equipped with mineral wool insulation with a density of 130-180 kg / m2 (Rockwool Facade Butts D, IZOVOL F, LINEROK FACADE, Paroc RAL 4; RAL 5; Nobasil TF; Izover Fasoterm PF).

PSB-S-25 (F)
BAUKOLOR B1 - the system is completed with facade expanded polystyrene with a density of 15-25 kg / m2 PSB-S-25 (F) or extruded polystyrene.

Finishing decorative plasters

Mineral "striated" and "rough":
  • Kratzputz KSL 1.5/2.0/3.0 mm
  • Rauchputz RSL 2.0/3.0 mm
Facade paints:
  • Egalisationsfarbe
  • Renovierfarbe

Finished "furrowed":
  • Rillenputz 1.5/2.0/3.0mm
  • Silikat Rillenputz 1.5/2.0/3.0 mm
  • Unisil-Putz R 1.5/2.0/3.0 mm

Finished "rough":
  • Edelputz 1.5/2.0/3.0mm
  • Silikat Kratzputz 1.5/2.0/3.0 mm
  • Unisil-Putz K 1.5/2.0/3.0 mm

External facade insulation systems are special structures that protect walls from the cold. Currently, there are several approaches to solving this problem, so a wide choice often leaves users with a difficult choice.

There are many different systems for facade insulation on the market, each of which requires compliance with a number of norms and rules - from the choice of materials to installation.

Advantages of external thermal insulation systems

External insulation is considered the most popular - it has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. Internal thermal insulation, of course, also plays an important role in construction, but its advantages are incomparable with external ones. An external thermal insulation system has many advantages.

Reduced environmental impact

External insulation protects the walls from overheating and hypothermia in any season of the year. As a result, the durability of the building increases, cracks do not appear on the facade, plaster does not peel off, the seams do not depressurize.

The influence of moisture is excluded: in the presence of external thermal insulation, the destructive effect of snow and rain is significantly reduced. There are also no ice formations in the thickness of the wall surfaces due to capillary moisture and its condensate.

Condensation protection

In the cold season, situations are not uncommon when the temperature of the facade walls drops below the “dew point”. As a result, condensation forms on the internal surfaces. The external facade insulation system prevents its appearance.

Smoothing or eliminating cold bridges

External facade insulation technology involves the accumulation of heat by the walls. As a result, the temperature of the coolant in the heating system decreases and the orientation of the building ceases to play a role - the temperature dependence disappears. "Bridges of cold" either smooth out or disappear.

Due to heat insulators, the wall structures of the building look even, and various defects inherent in stone and concrete are hidden by insulation.

High noise absorption

Most insulation materials are considered good sound insulators. Their use reduces the noise coming from the street and creates a comfortable environment in the premises.


Although heat-insulating materials are constantly exposed to the environment, the technology of their production has long made it possible to create products that serve for decades without losing their initial performance properties. 30-50 years is the average service life for any high-quality insulation.


Various facade insulation technologies have been developed to protect the heat-insulating layer from destructive and all-penetrating atmospheric influences. To date, there are several options for the system of external insulation of facades: wet and ventilated, siding, thermal panels, etc. Each technology has its own characteristic features.

Thermal insulation board

It is from the front plate that the efficiency of insulation work and the durability of the system largely depend. Facade insulation systems are made in two ways - contact and hinged. Contact methods - wet insulation, mounted methods -.

If we consider the issue from the standpoint of cost, then the most economical and at the same time effective facade insulation technology can be defined as thermal insulation systems with “wet” protection of each subsequent layer of insulation.

contact method

Contact insulation is based on the use of special plates made from different raw materials. It includes mineral wool, foam plastic, cellular glass. For finishing use thin-layer decorative plaster.

Plaster finish simultaneously performs a protective and decorative function. Given the quite acceptable cost of insulation, the facade becomes both beautiful and warm enough. The thermal insulation system of the facade is applicable for residential buildings, both existing and new buildings.

Such a facade makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the walls, and increase them in terms of energy savings and noise insulation. The fire safety of the “wet facade” under consideration is also noted.

In addition, the "wet method" does not actually increase the load on the structure of the structure. When using this technology, there is an undeniable possibility of continuous thermal insulation, even despite the impressive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade.

Types of contact systems

The contact system of facade insulation can be of two types - light and heavy wet method. In the latter case, the functions of the supporting structure are performed by a metal mesh, which is connected to the wall and insulation with fasteners (stretch marks and spacers).

The light wet method consists in mounting a heat-insulating layer consisting of facade boards with glue to the outer part of the wall. After fastening, the insulation material is again covered with glue, on top of which a reinforced glass fiber mesh is placed. If necessary, the plates are attached to the wall not only with glue, but also with dowels.

The bearing function lies on the heat-insulating facade plate. A reinforcing layer is distributed over the fiberglass mesh. As a rule, the total thickness of all layers is no more than 9 mm.

Benefits of the easy "wet" method

The advantage of facade insulation systems made using the light wet method lies in the location of the so-called "dew point" outside the wall. Thanks to this, the problem of "cold bridges" that can reduce thermal insulation disappears.

Another plus is that the living area is not reduced, because all the necessary work is done outside. Heaters are also versatile materials in terms of finishing. Based on them, you can implement an aesthetically attractive architectural project of almost any complexity - for example, decorate walls with marble chips or tiles.


There are some drawbacks to this approach:

  • the foam has very low vapor permeability characteristics - sometimes this causes discomfort due to high humidity;
  • the problem of the integrity of the exterior finish of the facade during shrinkage processes is not solved, if the plaster layer functions on the cut;
  • even with very low vapor permeability, the outer layer of the finish, as well as the adhesive, is impregnated with moisture.

Installing a contact system has its own characteristics. One of them is the careful preparation of the foundation.

If the structure is installed using the light wet method, the minimum ambient temperature must be at least 5°C. The low maintainability of local sections makes the replacement a time-consuming undertaking.

Mounted systems

Hinged facade insulation systems are considered more modern and they have many advantages over the contact method:

  • their use provides an opportunity to reduce energy costs for heating by more than 1.5 times;
  • it is not required to prepare the base before installation;
  • can be mounted at any time of the year;
  • service life is about 30 years.

Insulation boards in this case are mechanically attached to the surface - dowels or load-bearing elements are used. At a distance of 2-5 cm from the outer part of the heat insulator, elements of the exterior decoration are placed, which perform two functions at once: the first is decorative, the second is protective.

The surface layer of the system is made of various materials - from stone and metal to ceramics and wood. You can finish the facade with glass, which has become very popular in the decoration of office buildings. In this case, the insulation board is covered with a white or black glass fiber canvas. The important advantages of ventilated facades include the removal of moisture accumulated in the premises without forced ventilation.

For the manufacture of hinged facades, sandwich panels are often used - structures consisting of a heat-insulating core and 2 steel sheets. They are suitable for finishing both new and reconstructed buildings. Products from different manufacturers differ in color, size and other features. However, high-quality sandwich panels are united by high reliability, durability and wide functionality.

Advantages of complex systems for facades

When using facade insulation systems, the color scheme of the facade can be changed at any time. Accounting for the thermal insulation system of the facade at the design stage of the building saves on expensive building materials for the walls. The difference in the price of a medium-sized building with and without insulation is on average about 150 thousand rubles, but if you take into account the savings in heat, such a finish will pay off by reducing the payment for heating in 5-7 years.

If the structure is built of foam concrete, on the basis of the insulation system it is possible to use a block whose thickness is 10-15 cm thinner. When erecting a brick building, the fence structures are mounted in one brick and are 64 cm.


Everything that happens in the atmosphere, including the phenomena of natural cycles, and the consequences of technogenic human activity, cause increasingly sharp temperature drops, which strongly affects the surfaces of structures and buildings. Without additional protection, facades gradually become unusable under the aggressive influence of the environment.

As a result of such an impact, the building cannot effectively save heat during the cold season. Today in construction it is believed that no matter what material the walls were built from, it is necessary to carry out auxiliary insulation with a material at least 50 mm thick.

According to Russian standards, for a brick-silicate wall built in 1.5 bricks, it is necessary to use a heater with a thickness of 100-120 mm. Such a house will fully comply with current energy efficiency requirements. Naturally, the market value of such a house with subsequent insulation using the facade insulation technology increases by almost 2 times, however, the insulated facade will subsequently bring serious savings on repairs and heating.

Insulation selection criteria

When selecting, it is necessary to take into account the type of wall material, thickness, architectural features and dimensions. Climate and weather conditions are also taken into account. The thickness of the insulation layer is determined by the building density of the area - a building that stands alone requires a larger layer of insulation than a house located in the central part of a densely populated village.

The thermal insulation layer in facade systems is made from extruded or ordinary expanded polystyrene, as well as from laminated or ordinary mineral wool. Both types of material are supplied in slabs. Mineral wool is made from glass, soda, limestone and sand. Its structure is represented by vitreous thin fibers. Positively characterized by high steam permeability.

Expanded polystyrene is a polymer that has the following positive qualities: it does not enter into chemical reactions with other substances, it is resistant to moisture and is not subject to decay and fungus. It is recommended for use in the insulation of basement slabs. According to the statistics of the last 3 years, consumers prefer systems made of expanded polystyrene as the cheapest material.


You can install a facade insulation system with your own hands, however, specialists with experience will cope with this task faster. Insulation work involves several stages, after each of which it is necessary to check the absolute evenness of the surface, cleanliness and smoothness.

It is very important that there are no depressions and cracks on the surface of the walls - otherwise the finishing layer of the finish will not be continuous, and the thermal insulation will become ineffective.

Differences in materials

The weather requirements are the same for both mineral wool and expanded polystyrene. The technology in both cases is virtually identical, and only the method of fastening differs. Glue on polystyrene foam boards is applied over the entire surface, around the perimeter or in "cakes".

In the case when the polymer insulation is fixed on plastered walls, in addition to glue, dowels are used, at the rate of at least 4 per 1 m2. For mineral wool boards, mechanical fastening is mandatory. Dowels with a galvanized steel tip are used.

The next point that requires special attention is the hydrophobicity of mineral wool. On this basis, before applying the adhesive solution to the surface of the slab, it is preliminarily puttied with an identical solution. Next, a layer of reinforcement must be applied to the thermal insulation slabs, after setting it is primed with a plaster mass.

The stucco lining of the wall protects the building for 6 months if the work was suddenly suspended. Summarizes the procedure for applying the plaster itself. During direct application and drying of the plaster, temperature indicators should vary in the range from + 5С to + 25С.