Direct kitchen - the secrets of a convenient layout from the designer. Small kitchen design: design tips, practical and cozy solutions Kitchen layout 3 3

In most cases, it is impossible to really expand the kitchen space, but visually - please. This can be done by choosing the right color for finishing materials. The color solution is also important for creating coziness and comfort, which will certainly lead to the desire of loved ones to get together more often.

To visually increase the space, light colors are used: white, beige, pastel, etc. The same effect can be achieved using the contrast technique. Paint three of the four walls in a light shade, and the fourth in a contrasting dark one. The more glossy surfaces in a small kitchen, the more voluminous it looks.


Light plays no less a role in the visual expansion of space than color shades. He himself can have different tones. In recent times, electric light from incandescent lamps has seemed warmer and more pleasing to the eye than from fluorescent lamps. For some reason, the latter always flickered, acting on the nerves and the light from them came cold, bluish. Today, fluorescent lamps can be matched with the same shade of light as incandescent lamps.

As for the lamps themselves, the hanging chandelier in a small kitchen with low ceilings will have to be abandoned in favor of wall lamps and LED lighting around the perimeter of the room or niches in the shelves. This will emphasize certain advantages of the space and hide its shortcomings.

The hue of the incident light should not go against the overall color scheme of the kitchen. So, when using a black kitchen set with a glossy surface, you should not use warm light, which is not able to emphasize the elegance of black.
In the kitchen, it is desirable to use several light sources: to illuminate the workspace, dining area, general lighting, backlight kitchen apron.

Combination of lighting methods

Lighting aids can be used in combination with each other. This is another design trick to increase the space. A common option is when the only lamp is located on the ceiling. Another solution is to illuminate the work area with a ceiling lamp, while a group of spotlights illuminates the place where the dining table stands. An assistant in this regard is a multi-level ceiling, the design of which allows the use of different lamps at different levels. There will never be an extra LED strip. It can be laid under a stretch ceiling and it will give only soft illumination, no brighter than that of a night lamp. With its help, you can arrange the illumination of kitchen facades or an apron.

This, of course, is not about the fact that LED lighting will be the only source of light in the kitchen. But it is quite possible to get a cozy, even a little intimate atmosphere with its help. It is easy to use and does not require the involvement of an electrician during installation, any owner can handle it.

Which layout to choose

The arrangement of furniture in the kitchen can be island, one-sided or two-sided - parallel, U-shaped, L-shaped. For a small space, the last option is suitable. In this case, you can get a classic equilateral triangle with a side of no more than 1 meter: a stove - a refrigerator - a sink, which allows the hostess to rationally use her time and energy when cooking.
With an L-shaped arrangement of furniture, one of the walls adjacent to the window is completely filled with furniture, and the second, located at a right angle to it, is about half. After all, part of it is occupied by a window or a door. You can also effectively use the wall on which the window is located. The window sill is often combined with a worktop common with the desktop, increasing the usable area.

Design tricks

  • A glass dining table in a small kitchen looks light, even airy. If you install it on the opposite wall to the work area, on which there is a picture, its countertop will reflect the image. And reflective surfaces always work to increase space.
  • A mirror in a small kitchen is a 100% plus. Especially if it is located opposite the window. Often, the facades of kitchen cabinets or a kitchen apron are made mirrored.
  • Furniture - a transformer is an indispensable thing in a small space. The dining table, as unnecessary, can be folded or attached to the wall if it is folding. So it will take up a minimum of space. Modern technologies have made it possible to create not just folding furniture, but one that works from the control panel, it is enough for the owners to press the desired button.

For the most part, our kitchens in size leave much to be desired. However, do not despair, because from any, even the smallest room, you can make a stylish giant.

So let's make the design of the 3 by 3 kitchen original, unusual and interesting.

Color solution

It has long been known that it is color that affects our consciousness, depresses or stimulates it. Therefore, the choice of color should be approached thoroughly. After all, the kitchen is one of the most visited places in the house, and our mood for the next few hours depends on it.

In this photo we see the wrong color of the refrigerator.

Advice! Red color and the shades closest to it cause appetite. And bright blue, on the contrary, will help reduce appetite, which is suitable for people on a diet.

When choosing a color, remember:

  • Light tones visually increase the volume, dark ones vice versa;
  • Light tones have greater reflective properties than dark ones, which helps to cope with the lack of light;
  • Simple murals such as trees and branches can also visually expand the space.


When playing with light, you can achieve interesting effects. After all, light can be of various shades. Consider the options:

  • Energy-saving lamps;
  • Daylight lamps;
  • Halogen lamps;
  • LED strips.

Advice! Incandescent lamps, in the common people "Ilyich's bulbs", should not be considered not only because of their inefficiency, but also because they are prohibited by law in some European countries.

It is worth noting that if you have low ceilings (for example, suspended ceilings), you will have to refuse classic lamps, because no one wants to look up every time, so as not to accidentally catch on.

Energy-saving lamps, like halogen ones, have a different degree of glow:

  • 2700K - Warmer light;
  • 3200K - ordinary LON;
  • 4200K - daylight;
  • 6400K is colder light.

Of course, these are only the most common color temperatures. When choosing a light, it is worth, first of all, to combine it with the choice of color. Those. warm light will only distort the elegance of the black color of the headset.

Often the hostess needs additional lighting directly in the working area, while the design of the kitchen 3m by 3m will not suffer at all. For this, spotlights of halogen lamps are perfect, which are easily mounted directly into furniture. Simple fluorescent lamps are also suitable for this.

Designer options

No one forbids combining lighting.

So, for example, we can distinguish the main options for designers:

  • Lighting is made by one lamp on the ceiling, a classic version.
  • The ceiling lamp illuminates the table and chairs, the spotlight illuminates the entire workplace of the hostess.
  • Lighting is possible with a completely single lamp, or with halogen lamps distributed over the entire ceiling. Possibility to include separately and together.
  • Adding to any of the previous LED strip options.

Using LED strip as full lighting is problematic, but solvable. Moreover, it will give not only an original design, but also make it possible to spend romantic evenings.

The price at the same time is more than offset by a pleasant surprise when turned on. It is mounted by hand easily and quickly.


There are many options for interior planning, let's focus on the so-called L-shaped. Its meaning lies in the fact that it creates the ideal efficiency of work, storage - cutting - cooking, in a square kitchen.

The surfaces for working in it adjoin at right angles, while the sides should be 3 by 1.5-2 meters (the kitchen design of 3 m by 3 m provides for filling the entire wall with furniture), depending on the window and door. What it looks like:

  1. Refrigerator (storage)
  2. Washing (cutting)
  3. Stove (cooking)
  4. Workspace

Here the instruction is simple:

  • The stove is placed closer to the sink, and the distance between them should not exceed 1m.
  • The refrigerator should not be too far from the sink, but this does not threaten our 3 by 3 kitchen.
  • If the sink is on the corner, you will need to swap the stove and refrigerator.

Is your kitchen so tiny that it's hard to figure out how to make it comfortable? At the same time, the budget for repairs is minimal? We found two examples of successful solutions to this problem. Today you will learn in detail how French designers made the renovation of a very small kitchen.

We have repeatedly said that French housing is sometimes much smaller than ours. And, accordingly, the "food units" there are commensurate with those found in our Khrushchevs and the "old fund". And sometimes even smaller ones.

However, you can also create comfort in them. Of course, it is very difficult to put a dining table (or even a bar counter) there without combining it with the living room, but it is quite possible to cook food comfortably and find a place for a refrigerator.

To see this, see 2 stories of tiny kitchen renovations. One of them has an area of ​​4 sq.m, and the other is even smaller, 3 sq.m. You will see how they looked BEFORE the renovation, and then how radically the interior has changed AFTER the renovation.

Take note of the ideas and make your miniature home more comfortable!

Check out the detailed repair stories first, and then we'll summarize the design findings.


renovation of a small kitchen 4 sq.m

This kitchenette (about 4 sqm) in the corner was neither pretty nor comfortable. The sink was located extremely poorly, because of which washing dishes turned into a disgusting duty.

It was just as uncomfortable to sit at the table - the proximity to the sink, you see, does not improve the appetite. And if you add to this the inability to sit comfortably together, the extremely compressed space around the table and boring wallpaper, it becomes clear why this kitchen needed to be redone.

In addition, the small space forced the use of vertical storage reserves. This is how this “colossus with feet of clay” appeared - a refrigerator, on top of which there are two appliances at once: a microwave and an electric oven. And on top, there is also a hanging cabinet. Not the most aesthetic and safe solution, agree?

This small kitchen is AFTER renovation:

An uncomfortable corner by the window has turned into an incredibly practical one. First of all, of course, the kitchen cabinets were replaced. And then the designer removed the table and expanded the amount of space for cooking and storage due to an additional cabinet by the window (it has a built-in sink).

In addition, this move provides 2 more advantages. Firstly, you can save on lighting (previously this corner was poorly lit). And, secondly, the hostess will be able to admire the flowers on the balcony while washing dishes - a small bonus in addition to the general convenience of the new kitchen.

The stove was moved to a corner, resulting in a classic “working triangle” (refrigerator-stove-sink), convenient for the hostess.

The refrigerator remained in place, and the microwave did not leave the "post". But the second stove was removed - and look how much more spacious the kitchen has become! The bulky composition no longer crushes with its massiveness; vases and beautiful jars have taken its place.

A boring refrigerator was decorated with stickers - themed and fun. Funny penguins have taken root in the renovated kitchen, and now they cheer up every morning.

The wall where the table used to be was turned into a place for inspiration, decorated with mouth-watering culinary photographs. There was also a note board decorated with colored tape. And the shelves were chosen more elegant, but no less roomy.


repair in a small kitchen 3 sq.m

This kitchen was more like a catering unit in a hostel, or a modest office nook. In addition, she was not feminine enough, according to the hostess. And indeed, the white walls and floor, the same white furniture and lamp plus a tiny strip of blue tiles looked dull and primitive.

The French design studio Diagnostic Déco took over the work. Here's what they came up with - look mini project:

First of all, we decided to change the location of the cabinets - to an L-shape, move the sink away from the corner, and add shelves on top - for beautiful dishes, small appliances and accessories. The floor covering should have become more comfortable and warm. And the main color accent is red.


They decided not to change the tile kitchen apron, but simply painted it in a juicy pink-red shade of ripe strawberries. A pendant lamp was added to match the tone. The tile was replaced with a laminate that resembles natural wood.

Cabinets were placed at an angle - there was much more space for cooking and storage. A small refrigerator was hidden under a single countertop. And the little things are placed on narrow shelves - both convenient and beautiful.

The process of renovating this kitchen:

1. The tiled apron was painted red-pink, the walls were puttied again.

2. Under the white tiles, I found an old small-format one, which, due to the strength of the coating, they decided not to remove, but simply put a laminate on top.

3. Due to the plumbing pipes and long water hoses, the sink turned out to be shifted to the right.

4. We assembled a couple of new floor cabinets, between which (in the right wing of the structure) there was a place for the owner's refrigerator.

5. The shelves were hung strictly according to the level, having previously marked it with a wooden rail.

6. We changed the lamp - to an accent pink-red with a cozy warm light.

The kitchen plays a big role in the house, so we want to make it not only cozy and beautiful, but also functional and practical. Modern materials and a variety of design solutions allow you to create a kitchen space in accordance with our wishes. You can design a 3 by 4 meter kitchen design in any style and implement the most original ideas. In this case, it is not necessary to resort to the help of masters, you can independently create everything you need. The choice of finish depends on specific preferences and financial constraints.

Modern interior

The layout can have several options, each of which is interesting and original in its own way. You can take a specific style as a basis - classic, modern, hi-tech, etc. Today, styles and are popular.

When decorating a room, remember that the kitchen space should be:

  • functional;
  • safe;
  • beautiful and cozy.

What is meant by functionality: kitchen furniture and appliances are arranged in such a way that it is convenient for the hostess to move around the room, and essentials are within walking distance from each other. Ideally, if the hostess stands in one place and easily takes out the necessary items. She does not rush from one end to another to take salt, a pan and so on.

Often the Internet comes to the rescue - upon request, you can view many finished projects that have been implemented, make your own adjustments and get the perfect option.

It is necessary to think over everything to the smallest detail before the start of the repair. No spontaneous decisions. Decide in advance where the refrigerator and other household appliances will stand. Make sockets in the right places so that wires and extension cords do not drag around the room. The convenient arrangement of objects significantly increases comfort in the kitchen.

We must not forget about safety, as there is moisture, fire and electricity in the room. It is important that everything is up to standard. No wires near heating elements and plumbing.

The kitchen hood also takes care of comfort and safety. When cooking, odors and substances are released that are not always pleasant and safe for humans, so the presence of an extractor hood is simply necessary. There are no problems with the choice - you can choose the right model for every taste and wallet size in accordance with the style of the kitchen.

Design Options

Creating a design is not the most difficult task. Often with such an area they make either an L-shaped layout or a U-shaped one. Each option has its own characteristics.

Corner layout is used more often, it is more versatile. With this design, you can clearly distinguish between cooking and eating areas.

It is more convenient to place a kitchen set, that is, a working area and equipment along a long wall, and a dining table along a smaller one. The table can be anything - both classic and in the form of a bar counter.

The P-shaped headset is also very comfortable and functional. In this case, the table is located in the center of the room or becomes part of the headset.

Zoning in the kitchen

In interior design, zoning techniques are often used, and in any room. More often, this method is resorted to with a limited area and the desire to create several functional zones.

The kitchen has separate cooking and eating areas. In the dining area there is a table and chairs, but often it is a soft set with a table.

Zoning is used when combining 2 rooms. When combining a kitchen with a living room, one cannot do without the allocation of zones.

Zones are distinguished by different colors or types of finishes, a small partition or counter. Often one of the zones is made higher.

The bar counter is a good zoning technique, it immediately becomes clear where which zone is. With the right location, it can create a surprisingly cozy atmosphere in the room. Often the stand completely replaces the dining table and performs its functions.

Making a room with dimensions of 3 by 4 meters is not as difficult as it might seem. A clear idea of ​​the final result will help you get the kitchen of your dreams. The main thing is not to rush - plan in advance the location of furniture and appliances, style, think through all the nuances and then the result will delight you for more than one year.

The small size of the space is already associated with home comfort and pleasant evenings with the closest people. Our task is to emphasize this feeling, avoiding solutions that could create a completely unnecessary emphasis on tightness. For this we:

  • use light shades of wood or its imitation,
  • moderately include decorative details,
  • equipping open storage sections,
  • we justifiably abandon symmetry in favor of functionality.

Modern . The concept of "more light and space" is fully consistent with the idea of ​​​​arranging a three-meter kitchen. We use straight and radius facades, which have a smooth surface without complicated milling. Preference is given to the light colors of the kitchen set, which can be organically complemented by bright accents. Glossy coatings are actively used. They have the ability to reflect light, which visually pushes the boundaries of the interior.

Neoclassic. To make the kitchen in this style as spacious as possible, muted shades are used to visually expand the space. Mirror surfaces are used for the same purpose.

To emphasize the unity of style and at the same time provide the hostess with more space for culinary maneuvers and comfortable use of the space, we recommend using built-in household appliances.

Successful layouts

direct kitchen. The linear layout option, when all the furniture is located along one wall, looks very compact and visually expands the space.

corner kitchen. Allows you to place all the necessary functional elements of the working area, choosing the most ergonomic arrangement of furniture sections and household appliances.

Kitchen with a peninsula. This layout does an excellent job of zoning a single space in which the kitchen and living room are combined, and at the same time allows you to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe working surface.

Mechanisms and content

To increase the functionality of the premises, we actively apply modern engineering developments. These are full and partial extension systems (for drawers), microlifts (for opening the facades of the uppermost sections). To increase the usable area of ​​storage areas and improve the ergonomics of each of them, the optimal interior equipment is selected:

  • roll-out baskets,
  • bottlers,
  • separators,
  • "carousel"
  • "magic corners"
  • twincorners.

Place an order right now

Furniture factory "Maria" offers the production of custom-made kitchens according to individual sizes. This is a justified alternative to buying free-standing furniture modules or a ready-made headset. Fill out an application to receive a design project as a gift and find out the price of your future kitchen. The price already includes services for the delivery, assembly and installation of sections.