Ideas for the corner hallway. Options for corner cabinets for the hallway, photo models. Corner hallway layout

There are only three requirements for the arrangement of a corner-type hallway, and the main one is the most ergonomic arrangement of a compact corridor space.

Overall furniture does not fit into a small room, and therefore, in this case, the best option would be a corner hallway. Not only will space be saved, but also the functionality of the room will not be disturbed.

hallway features

The corridor is a busy place, because through it there is high traffic to the house for both you personally and your guests, and therefore it is worth considering the placement of shoes and clothes, accessories.

The design of the corner hallway should complement the design of the whole apartment.

A distinctive feature of the corner hallway lies in the way the furniture is located. So, not in a straight line, as we are used to, the furniture is located, but curving, but at the same time all the components look solid.

If everything is arranged correctly, then it is easily possible to fill the entire space, without losing functionality. The style of the furniture, as well as the color, should be closely combined with other furniture so that the overall design is emphasized.

furniture requirements

  • The layout of each component - a niche occupies almost the entire space, and therefore it is worth using the space to good use.
  • Ease of use - the corridor is a passageway, and therefore you need to think about how each shelf and each drawer will be used.

The minimum set of pieces of furniture should be used to the maximum, that is, a calculation is made of how all the elements will be arranged.

Corner organization

Today, there are many options for small corner hallways, and therefore everyone will choose the best option for themselves. In addition, you can either choose a ready-made set of elements or think over the composition that you need.

The main components of the corner hallway:

  • Hangers for hanging street clothes.
  • Corner wardrobe in the hallway.
  • Sliding wardrobe with a mirror on the doors, because you do not need to think over the option where to hang the mirror.
  • shoe rack.
  • Corner shelves in the hallway.

Features of the modular hallway

Any cabinet for the corridor is chosen according to the available dimensions, and often it is made double-leaf, but it can also be single-leaf.

The corner cabinet takes all the attention, and becomes the central element of the corridor, and therefore you need to choose responsibly.

hallway options

An open hallway is suitable for a very small room. Most often, its depth does not exceed 45 cm. The entrance hall looks presentable, neat.

The originality is that accessories, mirrors, shelves, racks can be used.

A closed hallway is suitable for a spacious hallway, in which case a lot of things will be placed in the dressing room. Any furniture will do.


Today, a huge selection of hallways is presented on the furniture market, and furniture is presented both in different decor and can be made from different materials, different sizes, different styles. It is not easy in this case to choose the furniture that suits best.

You can’t choose furniture without measurements, even if the main ideas of the corner hallway have already been formed in your head and you basically see the final result. You can not do without drawing up a plan on which all the elements will be worked out, the layout will be visible.

Before placing an order, it is worth deciding on the components. It is important to provide for all the details so that later further operation does not cause inconvenience.

Do not use massive and overall furniture. Arrangement begins with that very corner element. Corner furniture stores a lot of things, and therefore it is worth paying attention to such ideas.

When choosing a closet, it is better to have a model that has end rails, because this way you can hang outerwear facing forward. This weight of clothes saves a lot of space.

Pay attention to retractable bars, because thanks to them it is possible to store more clothes.

In the furniture catalogs and in the photo of the corner hallway, you can see how often the set is complemented by a seated soft component.

A small functional table will also fit into the corridor, which can be used both for accessories and for small things.

Photo of the corner hallway

Very often, hallways in modern apartments have a small area. This introduces some difficulties in the arrangement of the living room. It is very important to think over the design in advance and choose the style of the room. This will allow you to determine the amount and style of furniture, decoration and decor items. It is worth noting that small-sized corner hallways to the corridor will help save space. They are quite practical, functional and at the same time have a beautiful and stylish appearance. Their dimensions, materials and design should be determined in advance.

The layout of the corner furniture allows the hallway to look harmonious and stylish. Corner hallways can have different shapes, curved lines or broken lines. In any case, it is important to make sure that it fits into the overall interior.

Corner furniture should match the color and tone of the rest of the interior and decoration.

Buyers can get acquainted with the design, materials and color solutions on specialized sites on the Internet. Today, natural wood products are very popular. However, you should not blindly follow fashion if the closet does not fit into the corridor in style.

Advantages of corner hallways:

  • Big choice;
  • Stylish design;
  • Functionality;
  • Practicality.

When choosing furniture, it is important to study its internal components. You should pay attention to the number of compartments and sections, evaluate how convenient they will be to use. It is important that corner furniture does not block the passage and does not interfere with movement.

The choice of materials for corner hallways in a small corridor

The small area of ​​​​the hallway affects the more complex process of designing the room. Those who decorate the hallway on their own should take into account many factors and design features. The main rule is to follow it. So that the space is not overloaded.

Furniture in the hallway should be chosen according to the principle of functionality and practicality. However, it should not be oversized.

Corner furniture is considered a good and ergonomic option for arranging a living room. It allows you to fill an empty corner and save space. It is important to determine the size of the furniture and the quality of the materials.

Types of materials:

  • natural wood;
  • Laminated MDF;

In order for the furniture to have an attractive appearance, it is often covered with natural wood veneer. If there is no money for natural wood, then this option will be an excellent substitute and will give the furniture a natural and sophisticated look. It should be remembered that the furniture should not stand out from the general style in the interior.

Features of the closet in a small corner hallway

A room with a small area is always very difficult to furnish. Very often, apartment owners know what kind of furniture they will stop at. The designer is advised not to choose furniture that is too large. It is important that the furniture is compact, but at the same time contains a sufficient number of sections.

When choosing furniture in the hallway, you should pay attention to the fact that it is compact and roomy. A small corner cabinet will be a great solution.

The corner closet can have a variety of sizes and shapes. It is important to choose a cabinet in which the doors in the open position do not take up much space. When buying, you should pay attention to the presence of mirrors and their location.

Benefits of a corner cabinet:

  • capacity;
  • Compactness;
  • Big choice.

With the use of a sliding wardrobe, there is no need to purchase additional shelves, hangers and lockers. Mirror doors will help visually expand the space. When buying, you should pay attention to the fact that shelves and compartments for storing small items are provided in the cabinet.

Requirements for small corner hallways for small corridors

Each apartment owner, when arranging an apartment or house, puts forward his own requirements for the design of rooms. However, many designers converge on common methods that allow you to properly organize the space. That is why it is so important to study the recommendations of professionals before embarking on an independent hallway design.

Corner furniture in a small hallway should be compact, but should also have enough storage space.

When installing corner structures, it is important to consider the layout of the corridor. Furniture should not interfere with opening doors or moving around rooms. The advantage of corner structures is that they are installed under a special slope, which saves the space used.

Requirements for the installation of corner structures:

  • Take into account the layout of the room;
  • Furniture should be ergonomic;
  • The design must be effective inside.

When installing furniture, it is important to consider doorways, especially if the corridor is narrow. You also need to make sure that the furniture does not take up extra working space on the wall. Installing corner furniture involves solving all these problems.

Hallways to the corridor: small-sized, corner, photos and possible elements

Traditional models of corner furniture allows you to rationally use the space. Small hallways are appropriate to install in hallways with a minimum number of square meters. Such furniture designs can be modular, which means the variability of their choice.

Modular designs today are widely popular: they are functional, practical, ergonomic and stylish.

Corner modules suggest an option when the buyer himself chooses the modules necessary for him. This allows you to get rid of unnecessary elements of furniture and leave only the most necessary, which is what modern style requires. In turn, this will allow you to perform a minimalist design of a small-sized corridor.

Possible elements of the corner hallway:

  • Hanger;
  • Closet;
  • Dresser;
  • The footwear stand;
  • Pencil case;
  • Whatnot;
  • Bedside table;
  • Mirror.

You can build a modular economy class composition with a corner cabinet as you like. In order for the hallway to look stylish, the modules must be laid out with taste. It is very important that the corner hallways fully fulfill their functions.

Types of small-sized corner hallways in the corridor (video)

Small hallways can be decorated stylishly, beautifully and functionally. Today, many designers use mini modules as furniture elements, which save space and at the same time perform the function of storing things. For small apartments, an interesting solution is the installation of corner furniture. When choosing it, it is important to pay attention to the dimensions, the quality of the material, the design, the curvature of the lines. It is very important to take into account the fact that the furniture should harmoniously fit into the layout of the hallway and not disturb it.

Want to update your entryway? Outerwear does not fit on hangers? A small area does not allow you to buy a full-fledged wardrobe with all the popular equipment for straight models? Then corner hallways are the best buy for you! You will get extra space for things in the hallway without taking up all the free space at the door.

An urgent issue for small apartments is the storage of outerwear - a small area does not allow you to neatly place all winter things. The wardrobe in the bedroom is not able to accommodate the entire wardrobe of the family; buying additional furniture in the corridor becomes a way out of such situations.

A lot of hangers in the hallway can turn the room into a huge closet with a narrow passage and an untidy appearance. The corner hallway will not take up much space and will allow you to place the outerwear of the whole family without cluttering up the room. Things in the closet are better stored and are not prone to scuffs and tears.

How to choose a corner hallway

First of all, every housewife should decide on the capacity of the new furniture, namely

  • depending on the preferences of your loved ones, the number of things can vary from one to several dozen - pay attention to the outerwear of the whole family;
  • additional racks will serve as an excellent place to store hats;
  • on open shelves you can store perfumes, gloves or decorative items in accordance with the style of the apartment;
  • a special compartment or cabinet for shoes can hide most of the products;
  • drawers are great for storing cleaning products, keys or bags.

When choosing new furniture, you should also consider:

  • the color of the hallway - try to choose shades that are as close as possible to the old furniture;
  • a mirror will be an additional plus if your corridor is too small and you want to visually expand it;
  • external hangers are convenient for daily use, but make the hallway untidy;
  • sliding doors save space;
  • hooks and decorative elements of furniture should match the color of the handles on the doors (silver or gold).

Benefits of buying from us

If you dream of furnishing your apartment in a new way, the employees of the BestMebelShop inexpensive furniture online store will be happy to help you. Our pricing policy will pleasantly surprise any buyer - you are guaranteed to find the models that suit you.

Here you can buy corner hallways inexpensively from a manufacturer in Moscow. We will be happy to help you decide on the product - our competent staff will advise the best solution for your apartment. Assembly and delivery of new furniture will occur as soon as possible.

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Date: 20.07.2016

Narrow corridors in a small apartment can be made comfortable and compact with the help of corner hallways made specifically for small spaces (see photos on our website).

Almost all the houses built in the Soviet era solved the issue of resettling people in separate city apartments. The houses of the times of Khrushchev and Brezhnev were distinguished by their small size. The task of the state was to provide housing stock for workers of newly opened industrial enterprises. Few people thought about the functionality of apartments. The emphasis was on quantity over quality. The insignificant space allocated for the corridor made it possible to install a cabinet and a hanger. For people moving out of tiny houses, this was a blessing. This is not enough for modern man. To increase the functionality and improve the appearance of narrow corridors, there is a solution!

Visually expand a narrow corridor by attaching the corridor to the room, using a glossy coating of walls and furniture, painting the floor and ceiling in light colors, installing a full-wall mirror, and zoning the space.

First of all, the installation of a hallway solves the problem of a narrow corridor. Depending on the depth of the shelves, you can choose the appropriate option for storing things, shoes and accessories. The clutter of the room creates the effect of reducing space. When choosing a wardrobe for a narrow hallway, consider size and functionality. Size is important for saving space in the hallway, functionality is important for a reasonable distribution of closet space.

Corner wardrobe for the hallway can be completed at your discretion

Focus on color and taste

Tip: to visually expand the space and create the illusion of a wide hallway with a minimum occupied space, a hallway painted in light colors will help. In order not to create the impression of a hospital, government agency or museum, experiment with adding bright elements in the form of paintings or stickers to the overall design of the furniture.

White color is easily soiled, so give preference to beige, lemon, pink colors. Yellow color will create the illusion of the sun, especially if the lighting is diffused. Some create a shining tunnel with the help of multi-colored lamps. This technique allows you to make the corridor fabulous. Especially liked by children and creative people.

Yellow color creates the illusion of the sun

You can choose furniture with mirrored doors. It has long been noticed that the presence of mirrors visually expands any room. The advantage of a hallway with mirrors is that you can see yourself in full growth. Thus, the hallway takes on the appearance of a small hall. It is impossible to install cabinets with full-wall mirrors in small hallways. Usually practice floor mirrors in large rooms. In a small and narrow hallway, the mirror reflects the objects in it and, accordingly, does not push the walls apart, but demonstrates the congestion of the interior.

Corner wardrobe for a small hallway with a mirror increases the visual space

The main requirement for hallways is multifunctionality. The purchase of furniture should be thought out, the modules themselves should be correctly placed. The main function of the hallway is the ability to hang outerwear, put shoes, put hats and find a place for small items. Corner hallways do an excellent job with this task. It is welcome to have a board with hooks for keys, umbrellas and bags in the closet.

The main requirement for hallways is multifunctionality

For narrow hallways, choose a closet that is as shallow as possible, but high. For ease of use, it is better if it is equipped with exit compartment doors or blinds. This simplifies the care of furniture and makes it possible for two people to pass each other in a narrow corridor. With the door open, one person will have to wait until the second one takes the right thing and closes the door.

Do you know about the existence of hallways with a folding ottoman? It will take up little space, but will facilitate the process of putting on shoes by the owners of the apartment and guests. Designs with padded stools are made exclusively to order.

For small corners, a small but tall corner cabinet is suitable

The best solution to the problem of a narrow corridor was the invention of corner hallways. This is possible only with a certain layout of the apartment. The corner hallway consists of modules, assembled as a constructor. It is advisable to select modules of the same company in a single color scheme that harmoniously fits into the overall design of the corridor. In a small area, you can equip the whole world if you approach this issue creatively.

Corner cabinet modules must be made in the same style

Installing modular furniture in small narrow hallways will solve many problems at once. Ordering a whole set for the hallway is not always affordable. Then modules come to the rescue. The main part of the modules do not fit well at a corner location. Keep this in mind when choosing drawers and shelves. But don't leave modular corner hallways out of your sight. The design of the modules is square, with sharp corners. Leave some space free around the hallway.

Corner rounded wardrobe is the least traumatic

Interesting fact. Often used the technique of rounding corners, smoothing the sharp parts of the door. Visually creates the impression of lightness and increased space. This will be useful for people with small children. Eliminates the possibility of injury.

Modern designers can develop corridor projects in which the hallway is separated by zoning from the rest of the apartment, becomes a bright accent at the entrance to the apartment, or can become part of the whole room.

Corner cabinet for a small hallway can be an interesting shape

The fantasy of the owners of the apartment will tell you better than the designer how to equip the hallway as comfortably as possible.

Modular corner cabinet for a small hallway does not take up much space

Solutions for turning a narrow corridor into a comfortable large room

In order for a small hallway to accommodate all the necessary functions, you can put into practice several ideas:

  • Paint walls, floors and ceilings in light colors (visually expand the space and bring an element of freshness);
  • Use built-in storage systems (it will help with storing things that are rarely in demand; for perfectionists, lovers of perfect order, they are indispensable);
  • Correctly combine furniture and other decor items;
  • Hang a mirror (of medium size, as noted above, do not get carried away with huge mirrors in the narrow space of the hallway);
  • Give preference to modular furniture (it is compact and includes the possibility of design);
  • Instead of bulky doors in the hallway, use sliding doors or blinds;
  • Pay attention to the lighting of the hallway (scattered gentle light that refracts the mirror or glossy surfaces of the walls and accessories creates a cozy atmosphere in the hallway);
  • Purchase or construct a corner hallway on your own (furniture workshops will custom-make any design, decorate it according to your wishes and needs, create a comfortable configuration with a minimum size);
  • Decorate your entryway in a minimalist style.

A light corner cabinet and the walls of the room visually increase the small hallway

It is advisable for owners of small corridors to store non-seasonal items in other places of the apartment. The hallway serves to use things worn in the current period of time. Do not litter the hallway with unnecessary things.

A corner cabinet can be much larger on one side than on the other.

A good solution to the issue of a small corridor space would be the acquisition of a corner wardrobe. The developers of the cabinet design took into account everything down to the smallest detail. This is a well-designed modern system for storing clothes.

For small hallways, a corner wardrobe is perfect

Visually, the sliding wardrobe is small in size, but when opened it turns out to be roomy and convenient to use. The benefits of installing a sliding wardrobe are obvious. It fits almost the entire wardrobe and even more. You can not save on boxes and shelves. The cabinet is equipped with a pull-out hanger system. They are square, semi-circular and rectangular. You can get a spacious wardrobe while occupying a minimum of space by purchasing a diagonal-corner wardrobe. This allows you to rationally use the space of the corridor and equip it with a mini-wardrobe. With compact dimensions, such a cabinet has many shelves, drawers, mezzanines and hanger bars of different lengths. The bars are attached at different levels and allow you to hang clothes from shirts and blouses to fur coats and evening dresses.

Cabinets are:

  • Diagonal. You can even enter such a closet, the doors are located diagonally. It looks bulky, but the internal filling will make you forget about the problem of storing things forever. Diagonal corner wardrobes are distinguished by their low cost, since the facade is the most expensive part of the wardrobe. In this design, it takes up less space than in cabinets designed according to a different principle. The workload of the cabinet is high;
  • Corner wardrobe with an angle of 90o. Two sliding wardrobes in this design are made into one with an angle of placement of 90o. This model has a relatively low price due to the ease of execution, but this is not the best option for storing things that are not in demand today. The problem is that getting the right thing is not so easy. The system has proven itself to be inexpensive, roomy, but inconvenient to retrieve;
  • Corner wardrobe, consisting of three elements. In this design, two straight cabinets and one corner cabinet are interconnected. Suitable for hallways with a long narrow corridor. The most successful wardrobe model. The closet is roomy. The inner part with retractable rods makes it easy to get any thing. When installed from the hallway to the living room, it serves as an excellent adapter, smoothly flowing deep into the room. It looks especially beautiful if you maintain a harmonious combination of colors in the design of the apartment.

The solutions described above will ennoble your hallway and make it sparkle with new colors. Don't be afraid to experiment.

You can listen to the opinions of professionals, but you can focus on your own taste and preferences.

Corner concave sliding wardrobe for a small hallway saves space even more

Corner cabinet for a small hallway should be compact

Hallway corner furniture

42 photos of corner hallway ideas for small corridors: