What to put in an empty corner? Decor of corners in rooms and corridors. Making corners in a living room - filling the void (55 photos) How to decorate a corner in an apartment

Immediately it is worth explaining that the corners are external and internal. The first, as it is not difficult to understand, are mounted on top of the finish, and the second under it. This means that the functionality of the elements is slightly different. Both types serve to protect the outer corners from impact, while the outer ones additionally carry an aesthetic message. There are also corners and internal ones that protect not from impacts, but from deformation changes in the base of the walls, while keeping the exterior finish intact. Let's take a closer look at each type of corners.

Table 1. Varieties of plastic corners.

Corners, photoDescription
The perforated corner belongs to the category of internal - it remains in the layers of plaster or putty, which means it is invisible to the eye. Perforation is needed on it so that the gypsum mixture passes through the holes, thereby fixing the element more firmly. Theoretically, such corners can be used for internal and external corners, but in practice only for external ones. The fact is that they have an uneven geometry (the angle is somewhat sharp) and at the same time it is normal to spring like that when you try to unbend them a little. And if, when mounted on an outer corner, it can be additionally fixed in the desired position with a masking tape, then such a number will not work here.

This corner helps to make the corners more even. In the event of an impact, the outer layer of putty can fly off from them - all this is quite simple to restore.

This version of the perforated corner will cost you a little more, but it has an additional layer of fiberglass that will protect the corner even better. When buying, also look at the quality of workmanship if you need to reinforce the inner corner in the room.

The undeniable advantage of plastic plaster corners is that they are not subject to corrosion. They can be safely used in wet areas, while their metal competitors will not tolerate the harmful effects of steam.

Another type of corner is intended for framing and precise puttying of drywall arches, etc. Since the arches have no internal corners, the purpose of such an element is the only one. They can be used when puttying plasterboard ceilings that have curved sections.

Advice! You can make such a corner yourself by cutting one side of a regular perforated corner in some increments.

L-shaped corners are mounted on top of the trim. They come in different sizes, shapes and colors. Most often there are white corners, but you can also buy textured ones that imitate a wood pattern. To be honest, we have never seen other pure colors in stores.

Such a corner allows not only to protect the corner, but also to make it visually more even and attractive. He will not allow, say, wallpaper to peel off in this difficult place, so the edging of a door or window opening will always look attractive.

This corner is very thick. It is not made of plastic (PVC), but polyurethane. Both are polymers, so we didn't break them down into separate classes. The purpose of such a corner is exactly the same as that of the previous one, however, they are completely inelastic, so they need well-prepared corners.

Another type of outdoor decorative corner. It differs from the previous options in that it can bend, as shown in the diagram on the left. This property makes it more convenient to use, especially if you need to mount the corner on an uneven corner. It can be used for both external and internal corners.

The solution also has a drawback - there is a thin film at the junction of the blades, which can easily be torn upon impact.

This version of the corner is designed to be used in conjunction with ceramic tiles. Its shape is such that the mounting tail must be immersed in the adhesive connecting the tile and the wall during installation. Such an insert is very useful - it will protect the finish from chips, and more importantly, in the event of a head hit, which can happen in the bathroom if a person slips, the falling one will be limited to a bump, and not a heavy cut. Such a measure can save someone's life.

These corners are used by good tilers only at the request of the client. The fact is that their installation is problematic, and the corners rarely turn out beautiful. Often the surface of the tile is deformed, which is allowed by the standards in its manufacture, in another situation it may simply be an uneven wall. All this leads to the fact that it is impossible to press the corner against the wall, and there are large gaps that you cannot normally cover even with grout.

Such corners are mechanically attached to the frame, which is sheathed with plastic. They are both decorative and load-bearing structural element. Carefully cover the cut edges of the plastic panels. They are quite difficult to install, and the last corner is completely made from the start, since it is impossible to install the inner one.

A corner similar in design, only for external corners.

There are some other models of corners, but they are very specific, so when decorating walls, they will not be needed.

Prices for various types of corners for protecting wall corners

Plastic corners to protect wall corners

Installation of plastic corners

So, in fact, we have three types of corner, which are mounted on different materials and for different purposes. Let's take a closer look at how to install each.

Hidden corners for putty

For work, we need the following set of materials and tools:

  1. Perforated corner.
  2. Putty or gypsum plaster, depending on at what stage you perform the installation.
  3. Container for mixing the mixture.
  4. A pair of spatulas.
  5. Something for cutting corners, such as metal shears.
  6. You can also use a construction stapler to pre-fix the part.

Step 1 - applying putty to the corner. Cut off the corner along the length and knead the putty in a bucket. Next, we collect it with a spatula and apply it directly to the corner so that it hits both adjacent walls. We pass in this manner the entire area on which the corner will be glued.

Step 2 - install the corner. We put the corner in place and press it into the putty. Press down better so that a minimal layer remains under the plastic.

Interesting to know! Plastic corners often have a bulge in the middle, which is why you need to build up a layer of putty in order to smoothly approach the corner. To prevent this from happening, the walls can be sanded, which will allow you to drown the part inward. You can’t do this on drywall, so we go as we go.

Step 3 - press the corner. The corner must be pressed from both sides at once. Use a spatula for this - this will allow you to align as accurately as possible in a plane with the walls.

Step 4 - level the putty. Then we draw a spatula along the corner and remove all the protruding putty, simultaneously leveling it and filling the voids. Make the edges as smooth as possible, but do not try to create a perfectly smooth surface - this is now useless. At this stage, you can check the evenness of the position of the corner according to the level and make adjustments if necessary.

Step 5 - stretching the corner. We give the starting layer of putty to dry, after which we proceed to leveling the corner. We need a small rule that will help smooth out the difference as much as possible, due to the protruding corner. We apply putty on the walls and stretch it, getting an even and beautiful angle. In principle, that's all, but if you wish, you can once again smear everything under zero with a spatula after this layer has hardened.

Due to the rigidity of the corner, we managed to achieve the correct geometry of the outer corner of the window slope, it is also possible to do this only with a trowel, but some experience is required, and such a corner will not be strong.

If you are not a fan of whitewashed gypsum walls, but at the same time want to be able to change the look and mood of the rooms more often and at no extra cost, then why not look towards wallpapers that can be painted over and over again? In we will tell you how to paint wallpaper for painting correctly, strictly according to technology, so that they serve for a long time.

Prices for various types of putties


Video - Installing plastic corners

Installing external corners with glue

Do you think that it will be easier to stick plastic corners on glue than to wall up perforated ones into putty? You are deeply mistaken, since this work requires high accuracy in measuring and cutting material. Now you will see for yourself.

To work, we need the following:

  1. Masking adhesive tape for pre-fixing parts.
  2. Glue liquid nails and a gun under it.
  3. A stationery knife with thick blades or metal scissors for cutting a corner.
  4. Tape measure and pencil for measurements.
  5. White silicone sealant to mask possible gaps.
  6. Square for adjusting an angle of 45 degrees.

In the example, we will consider how the window slope is framed.

Step 1 - prepare the workplace. In order not to spoil the window sill (soil and scratch), it must first be covered with something. We have laminate flooring. We put all the necessary tools on top so that it is always at hand.

Step 2 - measuring the sides of the slope. With a tape measure, we measure the height of any of the sides of the slope. It is important to focus on the distance from the window sill to the edge of the horizontal side of the slope. Errors are not allowed, so measure everything to the nearest millimeter - use a good tool, not a rusty old one, on which you can’t make out the graduations.

Step 3 - marking the corner. We transfer the resulting dimensions to the corner and put a mark with a pencil. Make sure that the corner does not bend, otherwise you will get large errors. It is best to lay it on a flat surface and take all measurements in this position.

Step 4 - Marking at 45 degrees. We take the square and set it as shown in the photo, orienting exactly on the mark made earlier. We draw an oblique line along which we will cut the part.

Advice! It is also better to make the first mark in the corner, setting exactly 90 degrees, so as not to make a mistake when cutting.

Step 5 - cutting the corner. We cut our corner exactly along the drawn lines. There shouldn't be any questions here. The only thing is, if you use metal scissors, you can carefully trim the edges.

Step 6 - Apply glue to the back of the corner. We load a tube with glue into the gun and squeeze it onto the inside of the corner. We advise you to double-check the item beforehand, you may have made a mistake in the measurements. Glue can be applied in a continuous strip or do it pointwise.

Step 7 - gluing the corner. Then we apply the corner to the installation site and press it along the entire length. If you have glue sticking out of the edges, then immediately wipe it off with a damp cloth.

Attention! Do not use synthetic resin based compound. It can be washed off only with a solvent. You will definitely stain the wallpaper and putty with untidy yellow spots. Buy acrylic glue, you can also use silicone, but it will also be difficult to remove.

In exactly the same manner, we put the second vertical side.

Step 8 - preparing the corner up. It will take longer to tinker with the upper part of the slope. We need to accurately measure the distance from corner to corner, then transfer it to the workpiece and put marks. At the same time, we measure not from the edge of the part, but with an indent wider than the thickness of the corner. Next, ears are cut out on the corner, as shown in the photo. We do not mark the oblique cut, since we will do it after the fact.

Step 9 - simultaneous marking and cutting. We take our workpiece and set it on a slope, slipping the ears under the oblique sections of the vertical elements. Then a clerical knife with a sharp blade is taken - with it we carefully first outline the line, and then we go deep into the incision with repeated passes until we completely cut off the excess part.

As a result, we get a very even joint. If, nevertheless, the gap remains, then it can be easily covered with white silicone sealant. Next, the upper corner is removed, glue is applied to it, after which it is finally mounted.

Prices for different types of liquid nails

Liquid Nails

Video - How to glue plastic corners on slopes

Installation of corners for ceramic tiles

We already wrote that the use of such corners not only decorates the finish, but also makes the outer corners in the room less traumatic. For this reason, we advise you to always use them, especially since it is much more difficult to make corners from tiles with a 45-degree cut. In our work, we must take into account the following points

Step 1 - choose the right size corner. Wall tiles from different collections can be from 5 to 12 mm in thickness. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right size of the corner. To do this, be guided by the numbers, choosing so that the corner is 1 mm larger, since you also need to take into account the thickness of the tile adhesive layer. Or take one tile and slide it into the cavity of the corner - it should fit into it and go inside a little.

Interesting to know! If the tile does not go inside the corner, you will not be able to hide the irregularities of its edges.

Step 2 - tiling one side of the corner. The corner has only one mounting flange, so it will only be held by tiles on one side of the corner. On the other side, it has a small protrusion, which should hide the edge of the tiled surface on the adjacent wall. From this we deduce the following procedure. First, one side of the corner is tiled, and it is desirable to leave the factory, not cut off side on the corner.

In this case, it is necessary that the resulting face be set strictly along the vertical level. Also, it should not protrude much beyond the corner (only 1 mm, it is better to check this by applying the corner on a dry one) or, conversely, not reach it.

The plane of the wall itself must also be level and not have differences throughout, otherwise gaps will appear between the finish and the decorative element.

Step 3 - prepare the corner. Then we take a tape measure and measure the exact distance, in the manner we did in the previous instructions. The corner also needs to be cut at a 45 degree angle, but this is difficult to do due to the rounded shape of the element. In work, we need a miter box in which we need to lay a corner, and, guided by the mark, cut the part with a hacksaw.

Advice! Immediately shorten the mounting part of the part by half a centimeter, as it may later interfere with docking with the horizontal corner.

Step 4 - fixing the corner. We install the corners in their place. In the example in the photo, the master is laying tiles on a gypsum fiber wall, so he fixed the frame with self-tapping screws with a press washer. This solution is temporary - the screws will be unscrewed as the corner is tiled. Alternatively, you could use a stapler with staples, then you don’t have to remove anything.

If your wall is concrete, then you can strengthen the corner with a thin layer of tile adhesive, which is applied before installing the element. You can do without temporary fixing, but then there is no guarantee that you can definitely combine the parts. Please note that the master with the photo did it perfectly.

Step 5 - cutting the tile and trying it on. According to the planned layout, we cut the tile, which will be installed on the second side of the corner. We apply it for a preliminary measurement and see that it cannot enter the corner. The fact is that all wall ceramic tiles have some narrowing at the edges. Some models do have a deliberately convex shape, and the difference can be up to 3-4 mm. How to act in this situation?

Step 6 - marking the back surface of the tile. Firstly, you can initially attend to buying a wider corner, but again, without cutting the tile, you won’t be able to measure it on the spot. Secondly, we can slightly reduce the thickness of the tile where it overlaps the corner mounting strip. To do this, first make a mark with a pencil on the back of the tile, then take a bar with sandpaper and clean off 1-2 mm of material. Of course, such work takes much more time from the master, but if you could not accurately select the size of the corner in advance, there will be no other way out.

Step 7 - fixing the corner. We proceed to the installation of tiles and the simultaneous fastening of the corner. We take the diluted tile adhesive and with a spatula gently press it into the perforation of the mounting plate. Do not make layers and immediately remove all unnecessary, as this glue will interfere with the normal sinking of the tile into the corner.

Step 8 - Applying glue to the wall. We spread glue on the wall using a comb bevel. You can also apply it and not a tile, but then you will need to remove the excess from the edge that we turned before installation.

Step 9 - gluing tiles. We glue the tiles. To begin with, we feed it a little forward with a turned edge so that it enters the corner. Then we press the second side and gently tap it on the surface. We align the plane with the rest of the already installed tiles and continue to move on, simultaneously unscrewing the screws so that they do not interfere with work.

Step 10 - additional fixation of the corner. When the tile adhesive dries, the corner will merge into it, and it will be impossible to remove it just like that, but while the composition is still liquid, the decorative element can be accidentally displaced, which will disrupt the structure of the adhesive. To prevent this from happening, we additionally fix the corner with pieces of masking tape.

Prices for different types of ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles

Video - How to install corners on a tile with your own hands


So, we have dismantled the installation of three types of corners. We didn’t write about the options on the PVC panel, since everything is already very clear there - we fix the part in level on the brackets, insert the panels into it. The material turned out to be quite informative and voluminous. We hope you found the information you are interested in.

To carry out repairs in an apartment or in a house is only half the battle. It is also important to maintain its condition for a long period. Difficulties can arise with this, since small children or pets are able to ruin wallpaper, flooring, doors and other finishing materials in a short period of time. The outer corners of the walls, which are located on the “passage”, for example, in the corridor or in front of the entrance to the room, may suffer the most. Is it possible to get rid of such an influence of time on the walls of the house and how can additional finishing of the corners in the apartment help in this?

Such material for finishing an apartment as corners has several purposes:

  • visual alignment of the angle;
  • protection from damage that is inevitable in an apartment or house, especially where pets live;
  • pollution protection;
  • decorating and decorating walls.

In addition, such decorative trimming of the corners can be successfully used to improve the appearance of doorways, window plumes and the design of panel joints. Their use can only be limited by the imagination of the owners of the apartment. Thanks to a large selection of decorative corners, you can easily choose the best option for any room.

Advantages of plastic decorative corners

Options for mounting finishing materials on wall corners

The type of corners will depend on the option of their installation. Plastic products can be fixed using additional means (specialized glue, "hatless" carnations) or using an adhesive layer that has already been applied to the inner surface of the corner. A clear advantage of the second option is the flexibility of the product and the possibility of breaking it at any angle. But not all the material with which the corners of the walls can be finished, it is possible, even during the production process, to apply an adhesive composition. For example, artificial stone belongs to such a finishing material. It consists of tiles of different sizes, which are made of concrete or plaster. Decorative stone can decorate any external corner in the apartment. The design of modern hallways or living rooms in this way is very popular (photos can be viewed on Internet portals).

Regardless of the chosen type of fastening of this decorative element, the finishing of external corners should be carried out only after the repair of the walls is completed. That is, all the necessary work has been completed: wallpaper has been glued, paint has been applied, decorative plaster, etc.

Installation of plastic decorative corners

Before proceeding with the installation, make sure that the wallpaper, paint or plaster has dried sufficiently so that the plastic surface does not damage them. You should also purchase an adhesive that will be used to attach the decorative corner. If a self-adhesive model is used, then there is no need to purchase such a tool. Please note that the adhesive layer on such corners is covered with protective paper, which must be removed before gluing to the wall surface.

As mentioned earlier, the following can also be used as "fixing" means:

  • carnations without caps;
  • liquid Nails;
  • sealant.

When buying liquid nails, you should pay attention to the fact that the product is not high strength (the degree of strength is indicated on the package, as well as the list of materials with which this product can interact). Since when used with plastic products there is a risk of corrosion. Liquid nails with high strength are designed for heavy (metal) parts.

Although decorative plastic corners can visually transform uneven wall corners, you need to determine what level of “curvature”. To do this, you can use a regular ruler or a flat board: it should be applied to the edges of the corners between which the unevenness is located and analyze the degree of "distortion". If the transition from a flat wall to a curved one is not very noticeable, then you can safely mount the product. Otherwise, if you install a decorative corner on a strongly curved wall, then after a while a gap will form due to a significant difference in the size of the corner.

Installation of decorative corners does not require special knowledge, even a beginner who does not have sufficient knowledge can do it. Since this product should be fixed only after the final processing of the walls, the process is greatly facilitated.

Installation instructions

For the installation of self-adhesive corners, the same sequence of actions is applicable, with the exception of point No. 1 (applying glue to the surface of the corner).

Instead of plastic decorative corners, MDF products covered with plastic film can be used, and, as noted earlier, decoration with decorative stone is also possible. All of these materials can also protect wall corners from chafing and damage. Photos of the corners in the design of which these materials were used can be found on Internet resources.

Decorative corners made of MDF, thanks to a wide selection of colors, can become a great decoration for any room. You can also attach them to the walls using special adhesives, sealants or liquid nails (on the packaging of the selected product, MDF should be in the list of materials with which the adhesive interacts). Like any other decorative corners, such products can be used not only to decorate walls, window and door spans, but also serve as decoration and protection for other interior items.

Curved corners are a common phenomenon that occurs not only in old apartments, but also in new buildings. If small wall irregularities can be masked with wallpaper or decorative elements, then corner defects after finishing with wallpaper or tiles will be even more noticeable. Alignment of external and internal corners can become part of the process of finishing the walls with finishing plaster and putty, or can be done separately if the condition of the wall surface does not require serious intervention. Let's find out how different methods.

Internal corners

The choice of one of the three alignment methods in this case depends on whether it is done together with the plastering of the walls or independently.

Lighthouse Alignment

This method is used only in the process of working with the entire surface of the walls.

Necessary materials

  • lighthouses - metal or wooden slats;
  • screws or dowels;
  • rule;
  • plumb;
  • spatulas - straight and angled.

Sequence of work

  • Fasten the beacons to the surface of the walls using fasteners at a distance equal to the length of the rule. Indentation from the corner - 5-7 cm.
  • Using a plumb line, determine deviations from the vertical, make marks on the floor and ceiling, and, if necessary, place wedges in the right places.
  • Start applying plaster on one side. Fill the space between the beacons, distribute the solution with the rule. After the layer dries, go to the second wall.

Important! Make sure that a large amount of the mixture does not collect at the junction. To eliminate excess after the composition has dried, use a spatula.

  • To form an even joint, use an angled spatula moistened with water.
  • After the plaster has dried, remove the beacons and seal the voids with the same compound.

Use of the counter-shoulder

The best solution when aligning the corners is to use a counter-shoulder - a perforated corner made of aluminum.

Necessary materials

  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • long rule;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty mix.

Sequence of work

  1. Measure the required length of the aluminum corner and carefully cut it with special scissors, being careful not to bend the malleable metal.
  2. Apply a small amount of gypsum plaster to the joint of the walls and attach the counter-shulz, pressing it lightly with a rule. Remove excess mortar with a spatula, moving away from the joint with smoothing movements.
  3. After the putty has dried, go over the surface with sandpaper. If there are small irregularities, apply another thin layer of putty.

Sickle method

How to level the corner of the wall if it is not planned to carry out large-scale work on plastering and puttying the entire surface of the walls? In this situation, a wide sickle ribbon will help out.

Necessary materials

  • wooden rectangular bar 50-60 cm long;
  • plaster putty.

Sequence of work

  1. Apply a small amount of mortar to the joint of the walls and to the surface adjacent to the corner. The width of the strip of applied putty will be 10 cm on each side.
  2. Attach the reinforcing tape to the top of the corner and gently unwind the roll so that the sickle does not move to the side.
  3. Pressing the bar to the joint, give the corner the correct shape. If the tape is wrinkled during the process, level it with a spatula, remove excess putty, moving in the direction from the joint.

Important! The movements of the spatula must be careful not to disturb the position of the tape. At the same time, you cannot wait for the mixture to dry, as this will deprive you of the opportunity to adjust the position of the sickle.

Alignment of external corners

For external corners, there are two ways to align: with and without a counter-shul.

Alignment method without countershoulder

To align the outer joint of the walls in this way, you will need:

  • spatulas;
  • rule;
  • perfectly flat board or plank wrapped with tape;
  • fine-grained sandpaper.

Sequence of work

  1. Knock down large protrusions, fill large gaps with plaster.
  2. On the surface of the wall at the point of contact with the joint, place the bar. Do this in such a way that it protrudes from the corner by a distance equal to the thickness of the required plaster layer. Fasten it to the floor and ceiling, with the right length it can be inserted as a spacer.
  3. Apply the mixture, spread with the rule of motion towards the joint with a slight downward slope. If necessary, repeat the procedure after the layer has dried.
  4. After two or three days, remove the plank and attach it to the ledge on the other side, already plastered, and repeat the above steps.
  5. After drying, sand the surface.

Forming an outer corner with a counter-shoulder

Using a profile will not only simplify the alignment process, but also reliably protect the outer corner from damage.

Necessary materials

  • gypsum mixture;
  • rule;
  • putty knife;
  • level;
  • sandpaper with fine grain.

Sequence of work

  1. Apply the prepared mortar to the surfaces adjacent to the wall joint.
  2. Fasten the countershoulder cut to the desired length at the joint, using the rule to prevent deformation of the aluminum corner.
  3. Remove excess mixture with a spatula, check with a level that the corner is fastened correctly, if necessary, adjust its position.
  4. After drying, sand the surface with fine sandpaper.
  5. The final leveling is carried out together with the application of putty on the rest of the wall surface.

Aligning corners with plaster or putty is a more familiar method for many, but at the same time it is quite “dirty” and laborious. It is worth resorting to this method if the curvature is minimal. In the case of significant curvature of walls and corners, it would be more appropriate to use drywall sheets.

When building a house, the decoration of the outer walls plays an important role. It not only provides visual appeal, but also protects the house from the influence of bad weather and the environment, thus significantly increasing the service life. In this article, we will consider the options for exterior decoration of the walls and corners of the house, as well as analyze the option of decorative cladding of the corners of the building from the outside.

general information

Before proceeding with the processing of the outer walls of the house, you will need to first install windows and doors if the building was just built. If you plan to finish a wooden house from the outside, then it is necessary that it shrink. Also keep in mind that wall cladding should be carried out after the wood has completely dried.

You can perform work at almost any time of the year, so no complications should arise with this. The choice of coating often depends on the material from which the building was built. Sometimes simple plastering or painting is enough, while in other cases additional wall insulation is required.

Also keep in mind that some types of finishes can significantly increase the pressure on the foundation, so before using stone or brick, make sure the base of the building is strong.

Types of external wall cladding

Nowadays, there are a fairly large number of surface treatment methods. Most often, the following are used for external walls:

  • wall cladding with natural stone;
  • brick covering;
  • artificial stone;
  • sheathing using siding or lining;
  • applying plaster to the wall.

Let's take a closer look at each option.

A natural stone

The use of stone for exterior walls will give the house an austere appearance. Such processing of the outer walls demonstrates the success and prosperity of the owners of the house. The advantages of stone cladding include:

  • strength of the processed facade;
  • high service life of the coating;
  • attractive appearance.

Also keep in mind that due to its properties, the stone will perfectly cope with protecting the surface from moisture from the outside. The stone can be used both for complete finishing and for partial finishing, for example, for the basement or corners of the building. There are two types of building stone to choose from: processed or unprocessed. The latter option looks more attractive, but it is a little more difficult to work with it.

Quite often, granite is used for exterior walls; this option also has a decorative effect. Marble is also used, which has a wide variety of shades. The price is really quite high, so not everyone can afford this luxury.

Another disadvantage is the large weight of natural building materials. However, there is a stone called travertine, it weighs much less, while it has good sound and heat insulation effects. The method of finishing with travertine is greatly simplified, and the price does not bite so much.

Keep in mind that finishing the walls outside with stone is in any case a rather expensive and difficult task that will require special skills and knowledge from the worker. Therefore, we recommend paying careful attention to other cladding methods.

Fake diamond

The choice of artificial material is a good option for the treatment of exterior walls. It doesn't even require any preparation. This stone has almost the same performance as the real material.

This method of finishing allows you to give the building a pleasant appearance and at the same time only minimal costs will be required. Keep in mind that the texture of such a stone can be both smooth and embossed, so the choice is yours. There is also a fairly large variation in shades, which will provide the house with a unique design.


Siding in our time has gained quite high popularity, due to good indicators of price and quality. This coating is mounted with an overlap - this must be taken into account when finishing the wall. Mostly this material is made of vinyl, but there are options for metal or even foam. Such processing of external walls and corners has the following advantages:

The installation of siding must be carried out on the frame of the house. Quite often, during installation, a heater is used. The only drawback of this finishing option can be considered a poor combination of siding with other decor options. Please note that installation must be carried out very carefully to prevent damage to the material.

Clapboard finish

The lining is made from natural environmental components, so it will not cause any harm to a person. It is made in the form of a processed wooden board. The lining will provide the house with an attractive appearance, in addition, it will visually align the outer wall and provide good sound insulation.

However, such a finish for external walls and corners has almost all the disadvantages of wood, so additional processing with special solutions will be required. The lining is most often made from the following types of wood: oak, pine, spruce, birch, walnut and linden.

Brick use

Brick will provide good protection for the exterior walls and corners of the house from environmental influences. This processing method can be considered one of the most durable options. In addition, the brick will provide a sophisticated appearance and will not require special care. The installation method is also quite simple.

Thanks to the ability to vary the dimensions and shape of the brick, you can create an unusual design. The use of fired bricks will also achieve impressive results. The main disadvantages of such a finish can be considered a large weight and high price of the material.

Facing with plaster

Stucco is mainly used when it is necessary to create a decorative effect of the outer wall and provide fire protection. Decorative solutions are of different types, silicate mixtures are especially popular.

Acrylic solutions are also quite often used, which have improved characteristics. Decorative plaster for exterior walls and corners is presented in many options, so the choice will not be easy.

This finish will protect the building from moisture and fire. Significant disadvantages can be considered a short service life, which will not exceed ten years, as well as the need for additional alignment of the wall, and especially the corners, which will take time and effort.

Combined finish

There are two ways to combine:

The latter method of combination has been used noticeably more frequently. These methods will provide an interesting interior of the building and endow it with the properties of each type of cladding.

Finishing the outer corners of the house

Corner processing is often made from the same materials as the wall. Also, the occasion when you want to create a decorative effect. For finishing corners, brick, stone, plaster, foam plastic, tile and other materials are used. Remember that working with corners is quite hard work and sometimes it can be difficult to do without the help of professionals.

Recently, special foam panels have been used to finish the outer corners of the building, which provide an unusual decorative effect. The same treatment is suitable for wooden houses. With such a cladding, the building acquires the effect of antiquity and becomes like a castle. We recommend watching the following video to see the processing of corners with foam in practice:

Summing up

As you can see, the exterior decoration of the walls of the house is an extremely important activity, which provides a decorative effect and allows you to achieve additional protection. There are a lot of options, and choosing one of them will be quite difficult. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which were discussed in detail in the article. If desired, you can choose the combination option, however, it must be borne in mind that it will be quite difficult to carry out the finishing, as special skills and knowledge will be required. The choice of exterior wall cladding method will depend only on you and your personal tastes and preferences. We recommend watching a special video to learn more about the methods of finishing the exterior walls of the house and their corners.

Repair in the apartment with his own hands at least once in his life was done, probably, by every person. Non-professionals sometimes find it difficult to cope with some tasks.

If you can level the surfaces of the floor and ceiling without any problems, then finishing the corners of the walls is not an easy task and will require some knowledge and skills. Protecting the corners of the walls is a must if there are small children and animals in the apartment.

After all, plaster mixtures are not durable, and one has only to touch the corner, as the plaster can crumble, especially at the outer corners.

Various types of corner protection

If the corners are very skewed, then you will have to spend a lot of effort and material to align them.

The inner corners are more or less protected by wallpaper, which allows you to hide the bumps. But the outer corners are always in sight and it is not easy to hide damage here. This requires the use of a special decorative coating.

To strengthen the inner corners of the walls, plastering of the corner itself and the wall adjacent to it is often used, and drywall is also used to correct and finish the corners.

You can protect the corners in the apartment in different ways and materials. When applying plaster, it should be borne in mind that this method is quite laborious and time-consuming. If the corners of the walls are too uneven, then a large amount of plaster will be required not only on the corner, but also on the walls.

A special metal corner will help form an even corner

As you know, the layer of plaster should not exceed 2 cm, otherwise cracks will occur. To close the inner corner, it is necessary to use a metal counter-corner.

The corner of the wall is pre-treated with a primer, then the counter-shults are covered with a layer of putty and, pressing down, are glued.

This metal corner has a reinforced mesh along the edges, which subsequently goes under the plaster and makes the corner even.

Using drywall and metal corner profile

Very often drywall helps to finish the corners and walls. With a slight curvature of the corner itself, a frameless method of fixing drywall is used, but if the curvature is more than 2 cm, it is worth using a frame made of a metal profile or wooden bars. This method allows you to achieve almost perfectly even walls and ceilings, but at the same time the size of the room itself is significantly reduced.

You can trim the outer corners of the walls in the apartment using a metal corner profile. This method of protecting the corners of the walls is the most optimal and allows you to protect the corner from any mechanical damage.

After the completion of all repairs, this corner becomes completely invisible.

The standard length of the metal corner is 3 m, if necessary, it can be easily cut with metal scissors.

If the corner is straight and even, then you can attach the profile with small nails, but if there are some irregularities, it is best to use alabaster or plaster to install the profile.

Protective metal corners allow you to achieve perfectly even corners in the apartment. Even a non-professional can cope with their installation.

Use of plastic PVC corners

PVC fittings are glued on top of the finish

To date, one of the most popular ways to design external corners is the use of plastic. Such wall corners are widely used and are suitable not only for decorating external corners, but also for decorating window and door slopes, panel joints and arches.

Available in a variety of colors, there are even transparent, have a width of 10 to 100 mm. The length of the PVC corners ranges from 1.5 to 3.0 m. They are already glued to the finished ones, preliminarily, often they complete the finishing work.

Advantages of PVC corners:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of use even for beginners in repair;
  • a wide variety of shades;
  • visually align even strongly curved corners;
  • long term in operation;
  • fairly easy to care for.

The decor of the corner in this way helps to avoid destruction and mechanical damage. Before gluing PVC corners, it is necessary to determine the degree of damage to the wall corner in order to correctly select the width of the plastic corner. Then you need to use a drywall knife.

You can glue these corners in different ways:

  • using mounting adhesive for plastic products;
  • using a solution of a dry putty mixture;
  • glue can initially be applied to the PVC corner.

Apply the adhesive according to the instructions on the surface of the corner and press the PVC corner to the wall, remove excess glue and wait until completely dry. For best results, it is recommended to fix the plastic corners with masking tape.

The use of corners made of wood and polystyrene foam

Wooden corners are not very plastic

The decor of the corners of the walls in the apartment can also be done using wood corners. The advantages of this finish are that wood is an environmentally friendly material and has an attractive appearance.

Its plasticity allows you to carve the surface of a wooden corner, which will give the room a unique design. Using such decoration of the room, it is worth considering the need to avoid a sharp temperature drop, otherwise the wooden corners are deformed. It is impossible to glue this type of corners in rooms with high humidity. How to finish the corners with putty, see this video:

Probably the most affordable way to finish the corners of the walls of an apartment is a polystyrene corner. Such corners are easy to install and can be repeatedly painted. They are easy to care for, as they do not absorb dirt.

Such products are used in rooms with different temperature conditions and high moisture content.

Stone corners and their advantages

Synthetic stone is used to finish the corners

Stone has recently become one of the most popular ways to decorate and reinforce wall corners.

There are more and more rooms decorated with artificial stone.

With this method of design, there is no need for walls in the apartment; it is especially appropriate to use decorative stone with very uneven outer corners.

It should be noted that artificial stone is much lighter and more affordable than its natural counterpart and is easier to maintain and maintain.

You can glue the decorative stone yourself, for this you must first clean them from dust and dirt. Then dilute a special tile adhesive according to the instructions. Apply it in a thin layer with a spatula on the stone and in a thick layer with small cakes on the wall. The stone is applied to the wall and pressed, the excess solution is removed. For information on how to trim the corners with stone, see this video:

After pasting three rows, you should stop and let the mortar dry, then you can put three more rows of decorative stone. And so gradually finish the entire surface. Thanks to a huge selection of colors and textures, decorative stone can be matched to any interior.

Combine different ways of finishing corners

Following the listed types of finishing corners in the apartment, certain conclusions can be drawn. The most expensive type of finish is artificial stone, and the most time-consuming method of finishing is considered to be leveling the corners with drywall. Different types of finishing corners can be easily combined with each other and used in repairs at the same time. External corners with such protection will be installed "in the shield" and have an aesthetic appearance for many years.