Tan is a healthy and unusual drink. Description of the fermented milk drink tan with a photo, how it is useful, as well as its contraindications; recipe for cooking at home How to cook tang at home recipe

Tan is a Caucasian sour-milk refreshing drink made from milk, sourdough and salted water. In addition to its refreshing properties, tan also: perfectly satisfies hunger, tones up, normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, improves digestion, improves immunity, stimulates brain activity and strengthens the cardiovascular system. They also drink tan for weight loss, recuperation after heavy physical exertion, and also to relieve a hangover.
Attention! Tang is contraindicated in high blood pressure, high stomach acid and kidney disease.

Tan is very easy to prepare at home from mineral water and some fermented milk product, such as kefir. For taste, aroma, increased benefits and just for beauty, you can add your favorite greens, cucumbers or apples to the drink. Remember that it is best to drink freshly made tang!
It is interesting that in those recipes where heating of milk is required, it is recommended to check its temperature directly by hand - this is done so that the milk sours faster.
Tan with mint:
- 1 tbsp. mineral sparkling water;
- 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir;
- a few mint leaves;
- salt to taste.
Mix all the ingredients with a blender or mixer, mint can be replaced with lemon slices.
Tan with greens:
- 1 liter of mineral sparkling water;
- 1 liter of sour milk;
- 1-2 fresh cucumbers;
- a bunch of parsley;
- a bunch of dill;
- a few green garlic leaves;
- a few leaves of basil;
- salt to taste.
Wash cucumbers and greens, cut and chop in a blender, pour sour milk into the resulting mass and add salt - beat again. Then pour mineral water into the milk and whisk for a short while. Pour the finished tan into glasses.
Caucasian tan:
- 200 ml matsoni;
- 200 ml of cold water;
- salt to taste.
Matsoni can be replaced with kefir or sour milk. Blend ingredients until smooth, add salt and enjoy!
If you want to cook tan on yogurt, then use the following recipe.
How to make yogurt at home:
- 1 liter of milk;
- 200 g of sour cream.
Boil the milk and pour it into a glass jar, cool a little to a pleasantly hot temperature, add sour cream and mix well. Then close the jar with a lid, wrap it with a newspaper, and on top with a blanket. Leave for 12 hours.
Leave some ready-made yogurt for the next starter and use instead of sour cream.
Tan with pickled cucumber:
- 3 liters of milk;
- 250 g of "Bifidok" or "bifidobacteria" (can be bought at a pharmacy);
- 150 g of pickled cucumber;
- a little dill;
- salt to taste;
- water to taste.
Add bacteria or "Bifidok" to milk and bring the mixture to a boil and without boiling, immediately remove from heat, cover with a lid, wrap in a blanket or sweatshirt and leave overnight. In the morning, add finely chopped cucumber, dill to the drink and pour in water to taste, salt and serve. The amount of water used depends on whether you prefer a thick or thin drink. Water can be sparkling and plain.
Leave a little drink (without cucumber, herbs and water) for sourdough for the next time. And you can use ready-made "bifidobacteria" - it's simple and effective.

Ayran is a product made with mixed milk and yeast. Milk is used from a cow, sheep or goat. Circassia is one of the places that are considered the birthplace of ayran. The cuisine of the Caucasian, Central Asian people has been using this drink since very ancient times.

Ayran drink takes on a different appearance depending on where it was prepared. For example, people living in one place prefer a liquid drink that quenches their thirst. Nomads prefer thick as sour cream, which is convenient to transport.

But before use, it must be diluted with milk, water or koumiss.

Such a nutritious product helps to restore strength on a long journey. The Armenian ayran is called tan and only slightly differs in composition from the true Caucasian ayran.

Thanks to the properties of this drink, Caucasians have found a recipe for longevity.

And it consists in curing intestinal and gastric diseases, as well as a strong bactericidal effect on the entire body.

There is one legend. The Caucasians kept the recipe for ayran tan for a very long time, until one Russian beauty fell in love with the prince. She agreed to marry him, only in exchange for the cherished leaven, with which this fermented milk product is prepared. Since then, the Russian people began to use it to preserve their youth and beauty.

At the present time, it can be found on the shelves of our markets. Only it is far from a real drink, because it contains a lot of preservatives. It is best to cook ayran at home, especially since it is very easy to make.

The main ingredients are suzma and katyk. The latter is curdled milk made from boiled milk, which is evaporated to a third. And the first is strained katyk, something between cottage cheese and sour cream.

What is useful ayran product?

But as in every product, there are both positive and negative properties.

  1. The big minus of the drink is only that the body, not accustomed to it, may initially behave inappropriately. Therefore, it is worth starting to drink ayran little by little and in small sips.

How to cook ayran at home?

Cooking ayran is not at all difficult. Everyone at home once prepared homemade yogurt with the help of starters and milk. Making your own drink is also easy. Let's get started.

Recipe 1. Ayran on traditional sourdough


  • Leaven;
  • Water;
  • Salt;

Cooking method:

  1. If you have the opportunity to buy natural sourdough katyk or syuzma, then great, we take it.
  2. We dilute with water in proportion to 2 to 1, salt, add ice.
  3. This sourdough is very dense, so we drink ayran immediately after preparation.

If you didn’t have time to drink right away - it doesn’t matter, shake it well and mix it and you can use it. It is also desirable that the water was melted. But if there is none, then you can take table mineral slightly carbonated water.

Recipe 2. Ayran thick from nomadic people

Nomadic people are constantly on the move. They don't need anything special to cook ayran.


  • Caucasian waterskin;
  • Milk;
  • Water;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. They take a Caucasian wineskin, pour fresh milk into it and add sourdough. Then they hook the container to the village of their horse.
  2. After a few hours, dilute with water and salt.
  3. On the go, this drink is the best way to tone up.
  4. At home, you can do the same thing, using any other container instead of a wineskin, and instead of shaking from a horse’s ride, use the usual stirring.

Recipe 3. Ayran at home

First way:


  • Milk (cow, goat) grams 220;
  • Sourdough gram 40. By the way, sourdough can be in the form of sour cream, curdled milk or kefir.

Cooking method:

2 way:

  1. We buy unsweetened yogurt, sufficient fat content, density. Beat it with a mixer together with salt (pour to taste) and water until foam forms. Ready!

Recipe 4. Ayran with cucumbers or sasik.


  • 800 grams of kefir 7%;
  • garlic clove;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • A spoonful of olive oil;
  • A spoonful of finely chopped fennel;
  • A teaspoon of chopped mint, thyme;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate cucumbers into kefir, salt, mix.
  2. Drop by drop, add oil, without stopping, stir, then mint, thyme, fennel.
  3. We crush the garlic, send it there.
  4. Pour into glasses.

Airan tips:

  • For a cooling and refreshing effect, add a few pieces of ice to the drink;
  • A diluted product cannot be stored for a long time, it must be drunk immediately or within a day, but at the same time stored in the refrigerator;
  • Milk, koumiss, mineral water (without soda), pure well water are ingredients that can be used to dilute the leaven;
  • It goes well with fresh herbs such as cilantro, basil, dill, mint, fennel and thyme, as well as spices zira, paprika, coriander, garlic and salt;
  • Fruits and berries will also emphasize the sweet and sour taste of the drink. They need to be cut, added to this cocktail, let it brew a little or beat together in a blender.

Tan - a kind of ayran

Matsoni or matsun are special starter cultures for tan. They are made from lactic acid streptococci, Bulgarian sticks.

Tan is a Caucasian sour-milk refreshing drink made from milk, sourdough and salted water. In addition to its refreshing properties, tan also:

  • perfectly satisfies hunger,
  • tones,
  • normalizes the water-salt balance in the body,
  • improves digestion,
  • boosts immunity,
  • stimulates brain activity
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system.

They also drink tan for weight loss, recuperation after heavy physical exertion, and also to relieve a hangover.

Attention! Tang is contraindicated in case of high blood pressure, high acidity of the stomach and kidney diseases. PREPARATION RECIPES:

Tan is very easy to prepare at home from mineral water and some fermented milk product, such as kefir. For taste, aroma, increased benefits and just for beauty, you can add your favorite greens, cucumbers or apples to the drink.

Remember that it is best to drink freshly made tang!

It is interesting that in those recipes where heating of milk is required, it is recommended to check its temperature directly by hand - this is done so that the milk sours faster.

Tan with mint:

1 st. mineral sparkling water; - 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir; - a few mint leaves; - salt to taste.

Mix all the ingredients with a blender or mixer, mint can be replaced with lemon slices.

Tan with greens:

1 liter of mineral sparkling water; - 1 liter of sour milk; - 1-2 fresh cucumbers; - a bunch of parsley; - a bunch of dill; - a few green garlic leaves; - a few leaves of basil; - salt to taste.

Wash cucumbers and greens, cut and chop in a blender, pour sour milk into the resulting mass and add salt - beat again. Then pour mineral water into the milk and whisk for a short while. Pour the finished tan into glasses.

Caucasian tan:

200 ml yogurt; - 200 ml of cold water; - salt to taste.

Matsoni can be replaced with kefir or sour milk. Blend ingredients until smooth, add salt and enjoy!

If you want to cook tan on yogurt, then use the following recipe.

How to make yogurt at home:

1 liter of milk; - 200 g of sour cream.

Boil the milk and pour it into a glass jar, cool a little to a pleasantly hot temperature, add sour cream and mix well. Then close the jar with a lid, wrap it with a newspaper, and on top with a blanket. Leave for 12 hours.

Leave some ready-made yogurt for the next starter and use instead of sour cream.

Tan with pickled cucumber:

3 liters of milk; - 250 g "Bifidok" or bifidobacteria (can be bought at a pharmacy); - 150 g of pickled cucumber; - a little dill; - salt to taste; - water to taste.

Add bacteria or "Bifidok" to milk and bring the mixture to a boil, without boiling, immediately remove from heat, cover with a lid, wrap in a blanket or sweatshirt and leave overnight.

In the morning, add finely chopped cucumber, dill to the drink and pour in water to taste, salt and serve.

The amount of water used depends on whether you prefer a thick or thin drink. Water can be sparkling and plain.

Leave a little drink (without cucumber, herbs and water) for sourdough for the next time.

And you can use ready-made bifidobacteria - it's simple and effective.

Cook with love! econet.ru

Kievyan street, 16 0016 Armenia, Yerevan +374 11 233 255

Tan is a fermented milk drink made from cow's or goat's milk with a special starter culture and the addition of salt water. It comes in carbonated and non-carbonated and is considered the best thirst quencher. Tan is similar in recipe to ayran and is most common in the Caucasus and Central Asia. The birthplace of this healthy drink is Armenia, where its secret recipe was passed down from generation to generation, which came to Russia only in the 19th century.

Sour-milk drink tan: harm and benefit

To begin with, let's determine how useful the drink is tan? This product contains a lot of lactic acids and proteins that help the normal functioning of all organs. Due to this, it is especially recommended to use it for people who are engaged in heavy physical labor and athletes. Also, tan has bactericidal properties and helps to kill harmful microflora in the intestines. This drink is very good at curing a hangover. It perfectly restores the water-salt balance in the human body, removes headaches and adds strength. Tan helps improve digestion and increases appetite. With constant use, thanks to the active microorganisms that are part of the drink, gastrointestinal disorders are treated. Doctors recommend drinking up to one and a half liters of fermented milk products a day, which will help you forget about problems with your intestines and stomach and strengthen your immune system. Tan will help keep the skin youthful, since the protein it contains is the main building material of the body. Eating this fermented milk drink will help you lose weight, because it contains only 21-26 kcal per 100 ml.

However, tan drink can also harm the body. It is not recommended to drink it for those who have increased acidity in the stomach. And because of the presence of salt in it, they should not be abused by people with high blood pressure and kidney disease.

We offer you a classic recipe for a tan drink.


  • matsoni or katyk (or another fermented milk drink, such as kefir or yogurt);
  • mineral or boiled water;
  • salt;
  • herbs (optional)


Pour matsoni or katyk into a saucepan, gradually add mineral water, not forgetting to stir all the time. Salt to taste and add spices. Tan drink made according to the classic recipe is ready!

Other options for making tan

There are several other ways to make tana at home. You can change the composition of ingredients and spices as you wish. Naturally, this drink will be different from what is sold in the store, as each manufacturer has his own recipe.

Tan - the first recipe


  • bifido-enriched kefir - 0.5 l;
  • cold water - 300 ml
  • salt and spices to taste.

Pour bifid-enriched kefir into a saucepan, add cold boiled water, salt to taste and beat with a blender. Instead of ordinary water, you can pour in mineral water. Real tan should be liquid. I add various herbs to the drink to taste: thyme, oregano, dill, parsley or basil. They only enhance the bactericidal properties. Some people add fresh or pickled cucumber and garlic to the drink.

Tan - the second recipe

We dilute kefir with cold mineral water in a ratio of 1: 1, add salt to taste and fresh mint, beat with a blender. Instead of ordinary table salt, it will be even more useful to add refined sea salt.

Tan can be consumed immediately, you can let it stand for a while, but it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator for no more than three days. It is used as a basis for and added to. Okroshka with tan turns out just great, besides, it has been proven that it is better to season vegetable cuts with sour-milk products!

This Caucasian drink is drunk for weight loss, recuperation after heavy physical exertion, and also ...

Drink for weight loss, and hangover relief

Tan is a Caucasian sour-milk refreshing drink made from milk, sourdough and salted water.

In addition to its refreshing properties, tan also:

  • perfectly satisfies hunger,
  • tones,
  • normalizes the water-salt balance in the body,
  • improves digestion,
  • boosts immunity,
  • stimulates brain activity
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system.

And also tan drink for weight loss, recovery after heavy physical exertion, and also - to relieve hangover.

Attention! Tang is contraindicated in high blood pressure, high stomach acid and kidney disease.


Tan is very easy to prepare at home from mineral water and some fermented milk product, such as kefir. For taste, aroma, increased benefits and just for beauty, you can add your favorite greens, cucumbers or apples to the drink.

Remember that it is best to drink freshly made tang!

It is interesting that in those recipes where heating of milk is required, it is recommended to check its temperature directly by hand - this is done so that the milk sours faster.

Tan with mint:

1 st. mineral sparkling water;
- 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir;
- a few mint leaves;
- salt to taste.

Mix all the ingredients with a blender or mixer, mint can be replaced with lemon slices.

Tan with greens:

1 liter of mineral sparkling water;
- 1 liter of sour milk;
- 1-2 fresh cucumbers;
- a bunch of parsley;
- a bunch of dill;
- a few green garlic leaves;
- a few leaves of basil;
- salt to taste.

Wash cucumbers and greens, cut and chop in a blender, pour sour milk into the resulting mass and add salt - beat again. Then pour mineral water into the milk and whisk for a short while. Pour the finished tan into glasses.

Caucasian tan:

200 ml yogurt;
- 200 ml of cold water;
- salt to taste.

Matsoni can be replaced with kefir or sour milk. Blend ingredients until smooth, add salt and enjoy!

If you want to cook tan on yogurt, then use the following recipe.

How to make yogurt at home:

1 liter of milk;
- 200 g of sour cream.

Boil the milk and pour it into a glass jar, cool a little to a pleasantly hot temperature, add sour cream and mix well. Then close the jar with a lid, wrap it with a newspaper, and on top with a blanket. Leave for 12 hours.

Leave some ready-made yogurt for the next starter and use instead of sour cream.

Tan with pickled cucumber:

3 liters of milk;
- 250 g "Bifidok" or bifidobacteria (can be bought at a pharmacy);
- 150 g of pickled cucumber;
- a little dill;
- salt to taste;
- water to taste.

Add bacteria or "Bifidok" to milk and bring the mixture to a boil, without boiling, immediately remove from heat, cover with a lid, wrap in a blanket or sweatshirt and leave overnight.

In the morning, add finely chopped cucumber, dill to the drink and pour in water to taste, salt and serve.

The amount of water used depends on whether you prefer a thick or thin drink. Water can be sparkling and plain.

Leave a little drink (without cucumber, herbs and water) for sourdough for the next time.

And you can use ready-made bifidobacteria - it's simple and effective.
