British money presentation for an English lesson on the topic. Old English money Presentation in English of the functions of money

Presentation in English about the role of money in human life. The work uses sayings and statements of famous people about money, as well as the results of a small study on the attitude towards money of different age groups and different genders.



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cash capital hard cash currency wealth green riches necessary bread tin dough shekels wonga mazuma

What is the role of money in our life Proverbs Notabilities Religion Survey

Religion Money talks You are rich; I don’t mind: you are stingy, I condemn you for it Money is the root of all evil

Notabilities "Money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make a complete use of the other five" "Money doesn"t make you happy. I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million" "Money couldn't buy friends but you got a better class of enemy"

Money makes money Money makes the mare go A penny saved is a penny gained Money spent on the brain, is never spent in vain The desire for money is a cause of much unhappiness Money isn't everything You can"t take it with you when you go Proverbs

Survey 20-30 years men: spending , evil , garbage , muck , corruption , drugs , paper women: profit , welfare , mental equilibrium , new opportunities, support , joy

Survey I. the 2 0 -30 age group: riches, welfare, flat, car, authority, familial wellbeing, life, pleasure, “zeloynenkie”, to rustle, “noliki” etc. ; II. the 30-40 age group: extra money made on the side, work, business, wallet, salary, success, exchange, million, paper, alcohol, currency etc.; III. the 40-60 age group: toys, flowers, food, without debts, interests, welfare, joy, roubles, purchases, corruption, opportunity, coins.

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A bargain is a bargain. A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.

Queen Elizabeth II Edward Elgar Elizabeth Fry Adam Smith

English Banknotes

Improve Prison Illustrate Issue Develop Evolution Various Recently Composer Governor Image Site Picture Not long ago Different Make better Gradual development Director Invent Location Music writer Print Place for punishment Show

Queen Elizabeth II Edward Elgar Elizabeth Fry Adam Smith What are the banknotes? Who are these people?

Word Formation suffexes prefixes ending

Let`s have rest!

What are the banknotes? Who are the famous people on them? Past Simple Tense ed - ending irregular Did + V - inf ? Didn`t + V – inf .

All the banknotes in the UK have a potrait of 1. ……………. on the front. This is the so-called “2. ……………”,the 5 pound note.

On the 3. …….. side of the 5 pound note there is a portrait of 4. ……………. .She was famous for improving living conditions for women in European 5. ……….. .

The ten pound note, or “ 6. …………” is orange. It was first 7. ……… in 1759.

Since 2000,Victorian naturalist, Charles Darvin, has been on the 8. …… of this note.

The twenty pound note is 9. ……… .

Until very recently it had the picture of British 10. ………., Sir Edward Elgar, on the back

The new 11. ……….pound note shows Adam Smith, one of the fathers of modern day 12………...

The fifty pound note is 13. …. .Until 2.11.2011 it h as a portrait of Sir John Houblon. He was the first 14. …………. of Bank of England

Key: Elizabeth II Fiver Back Elizabeth Fry Prisons Tenner Issued Back Purple Composer Twenty Economics Red governor Marks: >5 – try again 5-7 – satisfactory 8-11 – good 12-14 - excellent

Was the information interesting, useful, new for you? Are you satisfied with your work? Complete the phrases: I have learned……. I would like to learn more about……

Homework: Workbook: p. 30 ex. 1-4

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British and American money Torina Lyudmila Vasilievna teacher of the 1st category MBOU "Secondary School No. 18" Abakan, Republic of Khakassia

Purpose: to familiarize students with the monetary system in the UK and the USA, with a traveler's check. Objectives: development of attention; development of the ability to guess by definition; development of the ability to choose expressions; development adequate to the situation; development of the ability to speak based on what has been read; developing the need and ability to understand the lifestyle and behavior of people of another culture. Speech material: lexical: pounds, pence, dollars, cents, currency, coin, basic unit, exchange rate, commission charge, receipt, bank account, euros.

Phonetic exercise Listen, repeat and read: pound exchange commission charge pence rate coin cent basic unit currency receipt bank account euros

Read the text Pounds and pence, dollars and cents The basic unit of British currency is the pound. One pound is 100 pence. There are eight different British coins; there are one-pence coins, two pence coins, five-pence coins, ten-pence coins, twenty-pence coins and fifty-pence coins. There are also one pound coins and two pound coins. Then there are live – pound notes, ten-pound notes, twenty – pound notes and fifty – pounds notes. The basic unit of American currency is, of course, the dollar. One dollar is 100 cents. There are five different coins; there are one-cent coins, five – cent coins, ten-cent coins, twenty-five-cent coins and fifty-cent coins. There are one-dollar notes, five-dollar notes, ten-dollar notes, twenty-dollar notes, fifty – dollar notes and one-hundred-dollar notes. Usually the exchange rate is about one and a halt dollars to the pound.

Understanding from the context 1. Make sentences about the Russian currency using new vocabulary 2. Based on the text given, select English equivalents for these six Russian words: also usually currency different basic unit

Finding information Answer the questions using the text about British and American money. 1. What denomination of banknote is there in the USA that is not in the English monetary system? 2. The Americans and the British have the same coins of four denominations: which ones? 3. Let's say you need to tell a foreigner about Russian coins and banknotes. Which monetary system is the Russian one more similar to: the English one or the American one? 4. Which banknote is worth more: 1 pound or 1 dollar? 5. Which is more expensive: 20 pounds or 25 dollars?

Jumbled sentences 1. unit/pound/The/British/basic/of/the/currency/is 2. unit/dollar/The/American/basic/of/the/currency/is 3. about/The/half/exchange/ one/pound/a/dollars/rate/to/is/the/and 4. pence/One/100/pounds/is 5. British/are/coins/eight/There/different Key: 1. The basic unit of British currency is the pound. 2. The basic unit of American currency is the dollar. 3. The exchange rate is about one and a half dollars to the pound. 4. One pound is 100 pence. 5. There are eight different British coins. 1. Put the words in the correct order. 2. Arrange the words so that you get a complete sentence. Example. and/one-pound/There /coins/two-pound/are/coins There are one-pound coins and two-pound coins.

All about your currency Money word search Using the story about British money as a model, make up several sentences about Russian currency, banknotes and coins. I P R I C E C P D O L L A R H R C U C O I N E A H N W V B C Q N A D H C A X U O N J P E N C E T G R Y N K L B E E A L T M S U O Find ten words related to the topic “Money”.

Missing words Choose phrases from the text that can be inserted into the gaps in these sentences. 1) The… .. is 1.1 dollars to the euro. 2) … … Is the CD player? 3) You can buy stamps at the…. . 4) “It costs 11.” “Here, s a pound coin and a…..”. 5) At the bank, the….. is 2%. Key: 1) exchange rate, 2) How mach, 3) post office, 4) ten-pound note, 5) commission charge.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

British seasons and holidays associated with them.

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Methodological development of the lesson and presentation “Money, famous people, British currency”

Presentation on the topic: “English money” consists of 18 slides; It can be used in foreign language lessons and elective classes to familiarize yourself with English money.

British currency uses both notes and coins. One pound sterling is equal to one hundred pence. Pence are indicated by the letter ‘p.’ £1 = 100p

The five-pound note, is blue and green in color and has a portrait of Elizabeth. the £5

The ten pence coin pictured a lion, which is wearing the crown of the Monarch. The twenty pence coin pictured the Tudor Rose. The rose is the national flower of England.

Vaulina Yu.E. ,Evans V., Dooley J., Podolyako O.E. // English in focus. 8th grade: textbook for educational institutions - 2nd ed., additional. and revised - M.: Express Publishing: Education, pp.: ill. -Pound sterling sign image- - Image-English money- Vaulina Yu.E. ,Evans V., Dooley J., Podolyako O.E. // English in focus. 8th grade: textbook for educational institutions - M.: Express Publishing: Education, 2010-p.53

English money - 10 pounds sterling - - English money - 20 pounds sterling - - English money - 50 pounds sterling -

-. English coins - 10 pence - http://www. coins-and-banknotes. com