Task 26 exam in social science solution algorithm. Difficulties in completing tasks of the basic level

There is an opinion among schoolchildren that social science is the easiest subject of the exam. Many choose it for this very reason. But this is a delusion that leads away from serious preparation.

Changes in KIM USE 2019 in social studies:

  • The wording was detailed and the grading system for task 25 was reworked.
  • The maximum score for mission 25 has been increased from 3 to 4.
  • Detailed wording of tasks 28, 29, and improved systems
    their evaluations.
  • The maximum primary score for completing the entire work has been increased
    from 64 to 65.

How to start preparing for the exam in social studies?

1. Learn theory.

For this, theoretical material is selected for each task, what you need to know and take into account when performing the task. There will be questions with a philosophical bias (individual and society) and sociological (relationships in society). Remember that there are only 8 topics: society

  • human
  • knowledge
  • spiritual sphere (culture)
  • social sphere
  • economy
  • politics
  • right

Indicates on what topics the survey will be in assignments. Within each topic, there are many smaller subtopics that you should pay attention to when studying.

To obtain a high result, the examinee must confidently operate with basic concepts and terms. Analyze information provided in the form of graphics. Work with text. Competently reason within the framework of the problem posed, concisely express your thoughts in writing.

Important Tip: in preparation, materials and manuals for 2016 and earlier should not be used, as they have lost their relevance to the updated assignments.

2. Study well the structure of tasks, the system of their evaluation.

The examination paper is divided into two parts:

  1. Tasks from 1 to 20 requiring a short answer (word, phrase or number);
  2. Assignments from 21 to 29 - with a detailed answer and mini-essays.

Evaluation of USE assignments in social science was distributed as follows:

  • 1 point - for 1, 2, 3, 10, 12 tasks.
  • 2 points - 4-9, 11, 13-22.
  • 3 points - 23, 24, 26, 27.
  • 4 points - 25, 28.
  • 6 points - 29.

The maximum you can score is 65 points.
The minimum should be - 43 total points.

Pay special attention to the tasks of the exam with a detailed answer in social studies.

3. Solving the tasks of the exam in social science.

The more test tasks you complete, the stronger your knowledge will be. Tasks are formed on the basis of a demo version from FIPI in social studies. Solve complete and thematic online tests with answers no matter what stage of theory you are at. After registering on the site, check and analyze your mistakes and keep statistics in your personal account, so that later they will not be allowed on the exam.

Exam Success Formula

High scores on the exam = theory + practice + systematic repetition + clearly planned time for classes + desire / will / diligence.

Get ready. Do your best. Strive for success! And then you will succeed.

Preparation for the exam in social studies. Algorithm and solution of tasks No. 27 (USE 2016) on the topic Politics

Publication date: 01.07.2016

Short description:

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The task-task of the Unified State Examination is a task of a high level of complexity that tests the ability to apply socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive tasks on topical social problems.

The task requires: analysis of the information provided, including statistical and graphical information; explanation of the connection of social objects, processes; formulation and argumentation of independent evaluative, prognostic and other judgments, explanations, conclusions.

For the complete and correct completion of the task, 3 points are awarded. With an incomplete correct answer - 2 or 1 point.

A cognitive task has a certain structure: a condition (a problem situation, a social fact, statistical data, a problematic statement, etc.) and a requirement (a question or a system of questions, some indication on how to interpret the condition).

In KIMAH USE, various tasks are presented. They can be classified according to a number of indicators:

    condition models (problem situation, social fact, statistical data, problem statement, etc.)

    according to the construction of the requirement (question or system of questions, some indication on the interpretation of the condition)

The classification can be supplemented with new types of tasks.

This paper presents tasks - tasks with answers on the topic "Politics"

Algorithm for solving cognitive problems

1) Carefully read the condition of the problem and remember the question. If necessary, clarify the meaning of incomprehensible terms using dictionaries, reference books or a textbook.

2) Match the questions or instructions formulated in the problem with its condition:

    determine what useful information is contained in the condition for solving the problem;

    think about whether these conditions of the problem contradict each other (it is the contradiction of the data that can suggest a solution).

3) Think about what additional knowledge should be involved to solve the problem, what sources to turn to:

    identify the area of ​​knowledge in the context of which the question (requirement) of the task is posed;

    reduce this area to a specific problem, information that needs to be recalled;

    correlate this information with the given conditions of the problem.

4) Outline the intended answer in accordance with the question or prescription.

5) Think of the arguments that support each stage of your decision.

6) Make sure your answer is correct:

    whether the answer corresponds to the essence of the question (prescription) of the task;

    if several questions are given in the task, is the answer given to each of them;

    are there any contradictions between your arguments;

    whether there is any data in the condition of the problem that contradicts the solution you propose;

    whether any other conclusions follow from the condition of the problem besides those outlined by you.

Does this qualification correspond to the values ​​of a democratic society?

Give three reasons

    the age limit does not contradict the values ​​of a democratic society;

    For example:

    age limit applies to

all citizens of the appropriate age, i.e. the principle of equality is not violated;

    the age limit does not exclude other opportunities for adolescents and young people to participate in the political life of the country;

    the age limit is expedient due to

terms of political socialization of adolescents and youth

Many modern political scientists write about the illusory nature of the freedom of expression of the will of citizens at polling stations during elections. Thanks to the massive influence of the media, public consciousness determines its priorities, people vote under the influence of the position of the media, and not their own views and beliefs.

Suggest three ways to increase the political maturity and responsibility of the voter, protect his right to free choice

    citizens need to get acquainted with the widest possible range of opinions and points of view on the programs of candidates and parties, study analytical materials

    citizens need to improve their level of both general and political culture and literacy, learn to distinguish populism from real demands and promises;

    citizens should not take on faith, uncritically, the statements and promises of politicians, they should strive to obtain additional information from various sources

In country N., the government is formed by the political party or bloc of parties that have won elections. Deputy seats

(mandates) in the People's Assembly are distributed among political parties depending on the votes they have received, provided that these parties have overcome the 9% electoral barrier.

1) State any principle of democratic suffrage.

2) What type is the electoral system of the country H.

3) What is another type of electoral system called?

4) State one difference between the two electoral systems

1) the principle of democratic suffrage:

    principle of equality

    principle of universality

    adversarial principle

2) in the state - proportional electoral system;

3) another type - majoritarian

4) Differences: With a proportional system, voters vote for party lists, with a majoritarian system - directly for the personalities of the candidates; under a proportional system, mandates are distributed depending on the number of votes; under a majoritarian system, the winner is the candidate who receives the majority of votes established by law

In the state of N., curias of large farmers, townspeople, and working peasants are created to elect representatives. Representatives are elected by assemblies composed of electors from each curia. Thus, the agricultural curia elects 50% of the electors. At the same time, the share of large farmers in the country does not exceed 10% of the population.

    What percentage of democratic suffrage is violated in this case?

    Give two more principles of suffrage in a democracy and reveal their essence

    violation of the principle of suffrage - equal suffrage

    the other two principles: universality of the suffrage, its alternativeness, direct election of representatives, secrecy of voting;

    two principles: generality suffrage means that all capable citizens who have reached the age of majority have the right to participate in elections

alternativeness elections involves the nomination of at least two candidates for one seat

In the parliamentary elections in the country of N., many had no doubt that the leader of the conservative party, Prime Minister P., would be successful. However, the democratic party won the election. Its leader A. looked like an insignificant figure next to P., but unlike him, he offered the voters a broad and specific program for reforming the country.

1. What area of ​​public life is referred to in this passage?

2. What type of electoral system is described in this passage?

3. Using social science knowledge, indicate any three signs of this type of electoral system

    The sphere of public life is political

    type of electoral system - majoritarian

    signs of the majority system

    in elections to representative bodies

authorities the entire territory of the country is elected to territorial units - constituencies

    in every county where possible

the same number of voters

another candidate

    a deputy is elected

majority in the constituency

Many modern political scientists write about the illusory nature of the freedom of expression of the will of citizens at polling stations during elections. Thanks to the massive influence of the media, the public consciousness determines its priorities, people vote under the influence of the position of the media, and not their own views and beliefs.

Suggest three ways to increase the political maturity and responsibility of the voter, protect his right to free choice.

1) citizens need to get acquainted with the widest possible range of opinions and points of view on the programs of candidates and parties, study analytical materials;

2) it is important for citizens to find out the “track record” of candidates, which they actually made, to get acquainted with the opinions of independent, possibly foreign experts;

3) citizens need to improve their level of both general and political culture and literacy, learn to distinguish populism from real demands and promises;

4) Citizens should not take on faith, uncritically, the statements and promises of politicians, strive to obtain additional information from various sources, etc.

A single national district has been created in the country of K. The government is formed by the bloc of parties that wins the elections. Deputy seats (mandates) in the legislative assembly are distributed among political parties depending on the votes they have gained, provided that these parties have overcome the 10% electoral threshold.

What type of electoral system is in country K?

List one of the advantages and disadvantages of this electoral system.

type of electoral system - proportional


    involves the active work of political parties, including opposition

    stability of political elites

    stability of the current political course

Disadvantages of this type of electoral system:

    lack of personal responsibility of parliamentarians to voters, there is no mechanism for recalling deputies by the population;

    in parliament, as a rule, small parties that are not able to overcome electoral barter are not represented

    the emergence of new political leaders and the renewal of elites are hindered;

In state H, representative bodies of government are created in accordance with the rule “Winner takes all. To be elected, a candidate must obtain an absolute majority of the votes cast in the round of votes.

1) What type can be attributed to the electoral system of state H?

2) On what basis did you determine this?

3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of electoral system

Majoritarian system (absolute majority)


    one deputy, one constituency

    the winner of the election is the one who won 50% + one vote


    ease of determining results;

    the elected MP will represent; absolute majority of voters

    direct acquaintance of deputies with their constituencies;

    awareness of voters about the personality of the deputy and his political qualities;


    not all political forces can be represented in parliament (as a result, up to 49% of the votes can be lost);

    Virtually eliminates the possibility of a small party winning elections;

    With the majority system, a 2nd round is possible, this system is more expensive;

    It does not always allow revealing the political mood as a whole.

In R.'s country, the government is formed by the bloc of parties that wins the elections. deputy seats (mandates) in the legislative assembly are distributed among the lists of candidates if these parties have overcome 5% barter.

What type of electoral system belongs to country R.?

What is another type of electoral system called?

State the difference between these two systems.

Name any common feature of electoral systems in a democratic society

Type of electoral system - proportional electoral system

Another type is the majoritarian electoral system.

Common feature:

    alternative nature of elections;

    Applicants submit information about their income.

In state J. there is a hereditary transfer of power. However, the power of the ruler is limited by the laws of the country and parliament. Parliamentary elections take place regularly, on an alternative basis. Citizens have full rights and freedoms, the institutions of civil society are active. State J includes 33 territories that do not have political independence.

Based on the facts below, infer the form of state J. First identify the elements of the form of state, and then specify them for state J

    form of government - constitutional monarchy

In the state of K., legislative power is exercised by the parliament, and the popularly elected head of state forms the government and heads the executive branch.

1) What is the form of government in the state and its type?

2) To whom is the government in the country accountable?

3) Can the parliament pass a vote of no confidence in the government?

    Can the head of state dissolve parliament?

    type of government - presidential republic

    the government in the country is responsible to the president

    parliament fails to pass a vote of no confidence in the government

    The president does not have the right to dissolve parliament

In country O, the head of state is elected by popular vote. All citizens are obliged to adhere to the national ideology, there is constant state control over all spheres of life of citizens, extrajudicial persecution of opposition movements is carried out. The state of O. includes territories that do not have political independence.

Based on the above facts, determine each of the three components of the form of the state of O. (be sure to first name the component of the form of the state, and then specify each of them for the state of O.

    form of government - republic

    form of government - unitary state

    political regime - totalitarian

The Legislative Assembly of one of the republics of the Russian Federation approved a bill proposed to the government of the republic. According to this law, in order to combat capital flight, the republic introduced its own currency.

Does the legislature of the republic have the right to approve this bill?

Give two reasons to support your position

The legislature of the republic does not have the right to approve a bill concerning the introduction of its own currency;

    in order to preserve state integrity, the Constitution of the Russian Federation reserves the right to establish currency regulation with the state;

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the unity of the economic space, the free movement of goods, services and financial resources.

State Z was a presidential republic before the adoption of the new constitution, and after its adoption it became a parliamentary republic. However, the presidency was retained.

Who will lead the executive branch in Z?

What powers will President Z retain? (Specify any one authority.)

To whom will the government be accountable?

The executive branch will be headed by the head of government;

The government will be accountable to parliament.

The following powers of the President may be named:

He promulgates laws

Issues decrees, awards,

Formally appoints the head of government (only the head of the party or bloc of parties that won the elections), has the right to grant amnesty to convicts,

Retains representative functions;

Has the right to formally approve the composition of the Cabinet of Ministers;

The right to open the first session of the new parliament.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation states: The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person” (Article 7)

Based on social science knowledge and social experience, indicate any three such conditions.

    work and health of people are protected;

    a guaranteed minimum wage is established;

    state support for the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood is provided;

    developing a system of social services that support the disabled, the elderly;

    state pensions are established;

    allowances and other guarantees of social protection are established

In the state of Poland, the government is formed by the party that won the elections to the Legislative Assembly and is responsible to it; The Prime Minister is the head of the executive branch, the head of state is elected by the Legislative Assembly. Elections to the Legislative Assembly are held regularly, on an alternative basis. Citizens have full rights and freedoms, civil society institutions are developed. The state of P. includes territories that do not have political independence.

Based on the above facts, draw a conclusion about the form of the state of P. (First, indicate the elements of the form of the state, and then specify each of them for the state of P.

    form of government - parliamentary republic

    form of government - unitary state

    political regime - democratic

Article No. 47 of the Fundamental State Laws of the Russian Empire (1906) read "The Russian Empire is governed on the firm basis of laws, charters and institutions emanating from the autocratic power"

What form of government is enshrined in the above fragment of laws?

Give two characteristic features of this form of government.

Absolute monarchy


    Supreme power is unlimited by law

    The supreme power itself is the source of the law

    The monarch has all the fullness of both legislative and administrative and judicial power.

Is it by chance that different peoples have different forms of government and territorial-state structure?

What factors contribute to the formation of a certain form of the state?

Give at least three factors

As factors contributing to the formation of a certain form of the state, the following can be given:

    historical traditions;

    the culture of the people, its civilization; religion;

    social and national composition of the population; geographical conditions;

    economic features, etc.

In accordance with the act of the highest legal force of the Russian Federation, the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation in Russia is its multinational people.

What is the name of the act of the supreme legal force of Russia?

What is the essence of the principle of democracy in Russia?

Specify two forms of implementation by the people as a source of power of their powers

An act of supreme legal force is named: the Constitution.

The essence of the principle of democracy: the people - the source of power; people - the bearer of sovereignty

Forms named:

    participation in a referendum (plebiscite)

    participation in elections of federal local legislative bodies

    participation in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation

The next parliamentary elections in the country of N. led to the expansion of the representation of the opposition party. One of the first items on the agenda was the issue of the government's report and the adoption of the budget for the coming year.

1) What type of political regime does this situation correspond to?

2) Indicate two signs by which you determined this?

3) Based on social science knowledge, give one more feature that characterizes the political regime you named

    Political regime: democratic

    signs of a political regime:

    existence of parliamentary elections

    the presence of an opposition party in parliament

    important state functions of a representative body of power

    additional feature: freedom of the media

In country Z, there is a single political party, which is called "state", because it acts as an instrument for the all-encompassing control of power over society, the behavior of citizens.

What type of political system does country Z belong to?

Give two reasons to support your answer.

Type of political system - totalitarian.


There is only one political party in the country;

The party controls state power:

The state controls all spheres of society.

Read the description of the political regime: “The head of state was more interested in political passivity and obedient subordination of society than in actively involving the people in his plans. The leader and his supporters were not armed with a clear and coherent ideological theory, and the media and economic activity were to some extent autonomous from state regulation.

Can this political regime be classified as totalitarian?

Give at least three arguments to support your position.

If you think that this regime is not totalitarian, define its type

This political regime cannot be classified as totalitarian. The following can be given as arguments:

    totalitarianism strives in every possible way to attract the masses in politics, however, as a controlled and obedient subject of political action;

    In a totalitarian state, ideology is an official theory that provides answers to all questions from the field of human life;

    The ideologization of all public life under conditions of totalitarianism necessarily requires a monopoly of power on information, complete control of the media;

    The economy and production under a totalitarian state are under strict centralized control, since it ensures the power of the state.

Thus, the signs given in the description of the political regime do not correspond to a totalitarian regime.

Comment on the statement of King Henry 5 from one of Shakespeare's plays: "The duties of every subject are the duties of a king, but the soul of every subject is his personal property"

The essence of what political regime is expressed in this statement?

Why? Give at least 4 signs of this political regime


    The concentration of power in the hands of a political leader or a certain group;

    The state has only key and decisive levers of influence on public life;

    Refusal to interfere in private life;

    The absence of the all-penetrating nature of state influence on society;

    Greater autonomy of the political system of society in relation to the economic;

By studying the types of leadership in state Z, scholars have learned that the heads of state delegated their powers to their eldest sons, created laws, and performed the function of the supreme clergyman.

What type of leadership existed in State Z?

Give two facts that will allow us to assert that state Z is an unlimited monarchy.

type of leadership - traditional.

The following facts may be stated:

    Power is inherited;

    The monarch makes laws;

    Is the head of the church

In the political scientist's lecture, the idea was expressed that political parties act as a link between civil society and the state.

Give three reasons to support this opinion.

    organization of opposition to state bodies, pressure on them, if they

    politics does not reflect the interests of those strata represented by the party;

    Carries out mediation between civil society and political power;

    Training and promotion of personnel for the state apparatus;

    They serve as spokesmen for the interests, needs and goals of certain social groups.

The stronghold and hallmark of this ideological trend is Great Britain with its careful attitude to traditions, stiffness and gentlemanship, according to which each “Lord Baskerville and Berimor’s servant” are, first of all, representatives of their families, living for centuries under the roof of one house.

What ideological trend are we talking about?

List four features that you use to determine this.

It's about conservatism.


    Respect for traditions

    Rigidity and Gentlemanship

    Continuity (for centuries they live under the roof of one house

    Hierarchy ("Lord Baskerville and Servant Berimor")

Read the description of the party “The party emerged in the process of evolution from the middle of the 19th century from parliamentary groups. It is not numerous in its composition, it consists of professional politicians.

What kind of party are you talking about?

List at least three characteristics

(in addition to those indicated) of this batch?

Which party is the antipode of the species in question?

It's about the cadre party.

The characteristic features of this party can be given:

    has free membership;

    operates solely for the purposes of election campaigns;

    there is no procedure for joining the party;

    is not centralized relies on the financial support of the privileged strata of society.

The antipode of the species under consideration is the mass party

In Japan until 1993, the invariably ruling Liberal Democratic Party consistently outperformed the second most important party (the Socialist) by a factor of two or more, which received about 20% of the vote. Due to the fact that other parties represented in parliament had very little in common with the socialist ones, the liberal democrats did not encounter difficulties in organizing the work of the cabinet of ministers and approving their bills.

Is it possible to state that there was a one-party system in Japan?

If not, how would you characterize this system? Justify your position

It cannot be stated that Japan had a one-party system. There are many parties in this country that can really influence the political life of society, which completely does not correspond to the essence of a one-party system, which is distinguished by the functioning of one party, which eventually removes all competitors from political life

The party system in Japan can be characterized as "atypical multi-party" or quasi-multi-party

In a one-party system, the formation of opposition and other parties is prohibited.

The essence of what ideological direction is revealed by the following statement: “Man is the only creature of the Universe capable of conscious of his freedom, therefore only he can measure and evaluate it”?

Justify your point of view.

Give 4 characteristic features of this ideological direction

The above statement reveals the essence of liberalism, since the root of its views lies in the idea of ​​the self-sufficiency of the individual, which is naturally inherent in her freedom as a quality of being. Freedom within the framework of liberal ideas is an unconditional category, which is an initial value in itself.

As characteristic features of this ideological direction, the following can be given:

    adherence to the parliamentary system;

    negative attitude towards the expanded economic and social functions of states;

    the need for separation of powers;

    political pluralism and the rule of law;

    ensuring basic political rights and freedoms of citizens

    respect for the dignity of the human person;

    compromise; consensus in solving the most important political problems;

    liberal ideology focuses on the idea of ​​individual freedom, defending the natural human rights to life

    political pluralism, freedom of thought, speech

    priority of private property, ideals of a market economy

Analyze the following situation

A reclusive scientist, defending moral and ethnic principles, is persecuted by state structures, which draws the attention of the world community to the problem of observance of human rights and freedoms

An energetic journalist at his own risk investigates the corruption and mafia connections of government officials, making this phenomenon public

What is the meaning of these situations?

What two conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of these situations

The concept reveals "political participation". Based on the analysis of these situations, it can be concluded that political participation, firstly, can manifest itself at different levels, and secondly, it can affect the political process and even change it.

If the material does not suit you, use the search

USE 2017. Social studies. Workshop. Part 2 tasks. Lazebnikova A.Yu., Rutkovskaya E.L.

M.: 2017. - 96 p.

The workshop on social studies is focused on preparing secondary school students for the successful passing of the Unified State Exam. The manual contains a detailed analysis of all types of tasks in part 2, several dozen tasks of a high level of complexity for practicing each type of task, as well as recommendations for completing tasks of a high level of complexity, an analysis of typical mistakes, answers and criteria for evaluating tasks in part 2. The book is intended for teachers, parents, tutors, as well as secondary school students for self-preparation for the exam.

Format: pdf

The size: 1.5 MB

Watch, download:drive.google

Preface 4
Features of tasks of part 2 6
Tasks for working with text (21-24) 10
Characteristics of texts 10
Job Description 13
Common Mistakes 22
Test Yourself 27
How to work with text on exam 37
Training tasks 38
Disclosure of the meaning of the concept and its application in a given context (25) 46
Purpose of the assignment and assessment criteria 46
Common Mistakes 49
Tips and tricks 51
Training tasks „ 53
Tasks for concretization of theoretical provisions (26) 54
Tasks-tasks (27) 59
Training tasks 70
Tasks for drawing up a plan (28) 75
Features of drawing up a plan on the proposed topic 75
Training tasks 77
Task 29 83
Social science essay: task specifics 83
Examples and comments 91

Part 2 is the most difficult part of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies. It contains tasks with a detailed, freely formulated answer, mostly of high complexity. The exception is tasks for texts 21 and 22, the purpose of which is to test not so much the level of knowledge of students as their ability to extract information from the presented text. At the same time, these tasks help in understanding the text and its subsequent analysis.
Tasks of a high level of complexity 23-29 are designed to test the breadth and depth of students' mastery of social science material and to identify the level of their intellectual skills. These tasks require the ability to give arguments, facts, examples to substantiate one or another theoretical position, to formulate one's own point of view, to connect theoretical knowledge and specific opinions and social situations. The same tasks also provide for the identification of the general erudition of students, the ability to use contextual knowledge, as well as knowledge of related humanitarian disciplines: history, literature, geography.
Task 29 completes the work - a mini-essay (essay) on one of the five topics, presented in the form of an aphoristic statement. Each essay topic corresponds to one of the six basic sciences of the social science course: philosophy, economics, sociology, and social psychology, political science or jurisprudence. Performing this task, the examinee selects the statement-topic. Having chosen a topic, a graduate can demonstrate his knowledge and skills on the content of the social science course that is most attractive to him.

The first task of the Unified State Examination in social studies is aimed at testing general, systematic knowledge of the subject. It is presented in the form of a table or diagram in which one word or phrase is missing; The task of the examiner is to correctly insert the missing element. The task can be related to any aspect studied in social science - from morality to political culture. However, it is always a classification: types of society, functions of the market, forms of government.

The task belongs to the basic level of difficulty; it is not so difficult to perform it, provided that you have a good knowledge of the theory - especially when you consider that the rest of the elements of the circuit are filled in and are a kind of hint. The correct performance of the first task is estimated at 1 point.

Task execution algorithm

  1. We carefully read the task;
  2. We look at what elements are already present in the table / schema;
  3. We recall the theory on the topic of the assignment;
  4. If a table is given in the task, we remember what corresponds to the characteristic given to the missing word;
  5. We determine the missing element and write it in the answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 1 USE in social studies

The first version of the assignment


As you can see, the task is related to electoral systems, which determine the procedure for determining the results of voting. 2 of them - majoritarian and mixed - are already indicated in the table. We remember that there are 3 types of electoral systems in total: the already named majoritarian and mixed, as well as proportional. Thus, if you know what types of electoral systems exist, or if you remember what the feature of the proportional system is, it will not be difficult for you to complete the task.

Answer: proportional.

The second version of the task

A task where not a table is given, but a diagram, at first glance, seems more difficult - after all, there are no characteristics of each element that could facilitate understanding of what is at stake. However, if you look closely at the functions, it is easy to remember that such a combination of them is typical for such a social institution as the family.

Answer: families.

The third version of the task

Write down the missing word in the table.


The task is aimed at testing knowledge about unemployment. We see that several of its most common forms are already listed in the table. Knowing the theory, we remember that this form of unemployment, which occurs due to the dynamics of the labor market (that is, the fact that people can voluntarily decide to change jobs in search of better working conditions), is called frictional. In this case, even if you have forgotten what frictional unemployment is, you can write it down in the table, knowing that this is one of the most common forms of unemployment that will be present even in a situation of full employment in the economy.

Answer: frictional.

The fourth option

Write down the word missing in the table.


In this option, the knowledge of the examiners about various forms of spiritual culture is determined. As we remember from the course of social science, these include religion, philosophy, science, art, morality ... If you look at the definition given in the assignment, you can easily determine that we are talking about morality - after all, it is a set of ideas about good and evil , about right and wrong, in accordance with which certain rules of behavior are formed in society.

Answer: morality.

Fifth variant of the task

Write down the missing word in the diagram.

If you remember the basic theory related to the Law theme, you will not find it difficult to complete this task at all. A closer look at the diagram shows that it displays all the main branches of law, except for criminal law. Of course, a question may arise related to the existence of such branches of law as, for example, land or financial. However, since we are talking about the main industries, you need to choose what is considered in the course of social science more often and in more detail.

Answer: criminal.

The sixth option

Write down the missing word in the table.


Activities are divided into two main types - material and spiritual. Knowing only this, we can already fill in this table, and using the given characteristic, it becomes even easier to do this. Since all options for the first task of the Unified State Examination in social studies are associated with various general classifications related to the most important aspects of the subject, it is considered one of the easiest - you can correctly complete it in 1-2 minutes, leaving more time to complete more difficult numbers.


Algorithm and methodology for solving tasks

in preparing students for the exam in social studies.

Today, in connection with the introduction of the Unified State Examination, the teacher of history and social studies faces a problem: how to organize training in order to achieve the goal and solve the tasks set in the educational standard in history and social studies and prepare graduates for the Unified State Examination? I, like many other teachers, had to revise and rebuild the system for preparing students for final certification. An important condition for the effectiveness of the educational process is the inclusion of all spheres of the child's personality and the maintenance of interest and activity throughout the lesson.





Action algorithm

First, I applied the tactic "make the difficult ones in the beginning, while there is strength, and leave the easy ones for last". Many, of course, will come down with criticism, but what about weak students who cannot do tasks C and waste their time. There are two options here: 1) multiple solvability of tasks and memorization of approximate answers, or 2) refuse the exam at the preliminary stages (grades 8-10), where there is preparation for the theoretical part and control through tests (nevertheless, this exam is not mandatory). As for the tasks themselves, I would like to immediately put C8 and C9 before the task at the very beginning (that is, students start at the very beginning not from Task 1, then Task 2, namely from C8 and C9), and they are given goal and motivated specific task in the future. Tasks C8 and C9 are essentially a term paper or a thesis. Therefore, learning to do it yourself is the task of the school period. The subject of social science is the only subject that teaches not only communication and communication in society, but also sets a paramount task already in your student years - writing your own creative and research papers.

Secondly, when solving tasks C, knowledge of educational material on social science will be ineffective, so information blocks from various sources should come to the rescue. And now I'm not talking about interdisciplinary disciplines, because it goes without saying. I mean about the media. Since the 6th grade, I have introduced the practice of compulsory homework "5 news blocks". At the beginning of the lesson, we devote 3 minutes to reasoning, analyzing events taking place in the world, in Russia and specifically in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

3) awareness in all areas.

I block- (С8,С9) - let's call it " coursework prototype. , for which the test-taker should spend no more than 20 minutes, for task C8 (5-7 minutes), the rest for writing an essay (C 9).

II block- (С1-С4) - work with the source. So, C1 is an elementary task that can take from one to three minutes, and it is not the task itself that takes the most expense here, but reading the source, which is very voluminous and intimidating, which leads to failure or abandonment "for later". Therefore, it must be performed with maximum brain work and concentration, therefore, at the beginning of the exam, but not at the end. The total time for this block should also take 20-25 minutes.

III block -

I V block -

V block


in) legislative activity in the field of business law.

b) pension reform;

b) Skolkovo.

One of the options for the disclosure of this topic.


    www. ege.edu.ru


    Aleksashkina L.N. Story. USE: teaching aid for preparation - M .: Exam Publishing House, 2006.

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2. Collection and analysis of information

3. Action algorithm

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The project is presented in the form of a report of effective initiative experience, has practical value, since it is a system of actions of a teacher, schoolchildren and parents in the period of preparation for the exam, it developed the principles of work of a teacher with students being examined.

Relevance: Today, in connection with the introduction of the Unified State Examination, the teacher of history and social studies faces a problem: how to organize training in order to achieve the goal and solve the tasks set in the educational standard for history and social studies and prepare graduates for the Unified State Examination. I, like many other teachers, had to revise and rebuild the system for preparing students for final certification.

An important condition for the effectiveness of the educational process is the inclusion of all spheres of the child's personality and the maintenance of interest and activity throughout the lesson.

First of all, of course, it is necessary to organize systematic work in the classroom to prepare students for the exam in the subject.

1) in the 8th, 9th grade - propaedeutic work (the use of test tasks in the control of students' knowledge)

2) in the 10th, 11th grades - in the lessons of generalization of the material, in the control of knowledge - the use of test tasks of different levels of complexity; familiarity with the typology of level tasks from No. 22 to No. 40 (tests of a developing and controlling nature), while developing the skills of adequate self-assessment of students in the process of working with test material.

In the course of studying the course, it is advisable to increase attention to the development of a wide range of general educational and subject skills. In almost every lesson, tasks can be used to compare similar processes, phenomena; classification of social objects; establishing the correspondence of two rows of information; to search for the missing link to reinforce the desired conclusion, etc. Examples of such tasks can be found in the publications of open USE materials.

Special efforts are required to work on the formation of the leading concepts of the course. In a special group, it is appropriate to single out polysemantic concepts (society, culture, knowledge, truth, economics, law, etc.). It is important to fix the different meanings of these concepts, to identify their correlation, hierarchy. In the practice of teaching, the method of analyzing concepts in "bundles" (nature - society, culture - society, nature - culture, society - civilization, etc.) has proven itself well.

Separate lessons can be conducted in the form of workshops, laboratory-type classes. In the course of practical classes, students, relying on a textbook, on the teacher's explanation, with the involvement of media materials, perform a variety of cognitive tasks, including such a variety as a task-task. In laboratory-type lessons, high school students turn to the analysis of various sources of social information, primarily to unadapted scientific, philosophical, journalistic texts.

Project problem: Successful solution of complex USE tasks to obtain a passing and the highest possible score.

Objective of the project: Show students the algorithm and methodology for solving USE tasks.

Before setting and solving the problem itself, a certain statistical pattern among students was revealed using a survey, which showed the following data:

Particular attention should be paid to the following aspects:

1. The most important moment in preparing for the exam is the work on students' understanding of the wording of the question and the ability to answer strictly the question posed. In the process of this work, it is recommended to use various exercises, the essence of which is the analysis of the wording of the question and the selection of the correct answer, i.e. corresponding to this wording.

2. For the successful completion of USE tasks, constant training in solving these tasks is needed. The more students solve the USE assignments of past years, tests from various textbooks, assignments invented by the teacher himself, the more experience they will have, and the less possible unpleasant surprises they will expect during the exam.

3. Much attention should be paid to the analysis of tasks that caused the greatest difficulty. To do this, the teacher, if possible, should analyze all the works written by students and highlight the most difficult tasks, analyze them in class with the students, find similar tasks (by topic and type) and work out their solution with the children.

4. It is very important that children learn one simple truth: preparing for the exam is hard work, the result will be directly proportional to the time spent on active preparation for the exam (i.e., such preparation when all distractions and all attention are practically eliminated devoted to preparation). This truth seems banal. But, believe the experience, in order to successfully prepare for the exam, students must understand very well the complexity and importance of preparing for this exam.

5. 2-3 months before the exam, the intensity of the preparation should, apparently, reach its peak. At this time, children should write several tests based on the exam, you need to engage with them in active repetition of the most difficult topics. A month before the exam, such hard work should stop - students need to be given time to prepare psychologically for the exam.

6. When solving tests, one should not neglect intuition if there is not enough knowledge. Very often, it is the intuitively obtained answer, and not the one based on fuzzy knowledge, that turns out to be correct. Intuition, as a rule, prompts the correct answer as soon as a person has read the task, so you need to change the answer only if the student remembered the material and is absolutely sure that his original answer was wrong.

7. There is also another feature of the Unified State Exam in social studies - the need to write an essay. The technique of writing an essay is in many teaching aids. I like the POPS technology more, in which the student has a ready-made algorithm for learning actions expressed by the first letters of the abbreviation POPS:

  • P - position (explains what his point of view is, suppose, “I believe that the death penalty is not needed ...”);
  • O -justification (does not just explain his position, but also proves it, starting with a phrase like: “Because the number of serious crimes, rapes, murders is increasing ...”);
  • P -example (when explaining the essence of his position, he uses specific examples, using turns of the type: “I can confirm this by the fact that an increase in crime has been observed in recent years ...”;
  • FROM -consequence (concludes as a result of discussing a certain problem, for example, “In connection with this (the retention of the death penalty, we do not observe a decrease in the growth of crime ...”).

The most important thing that the use of this technology gives is that students express their point of view, their attitude to the proposed problem.

In this project, teachers, schoolchildren and their parents act as partners. Cooperation is not just the teacher's openness and attitude towards children, it is also the ability to organize joint creativity through a certain system of principles and measures.. One of the most important qualities of a teacher is his ability to organize interaction with high school students, communicate with them, manage their activities. The implementation of certain activities with children from an adult "requires awareness of his own readiness and the ability to be tolerant and show a desire for cooperativeness." That is why the teacher needs to carefully think over the forms and methods of work, present them more tactfully to students, and interest them in the final result.

The organization of preparatory work for the exam takes place in an atmosphere of direct interaction between the teacher and children.

The main thing that teenagers need during this period is the emotional support of teachers, relatives and friends. Psychological support is one of the most important factors determining the success of a child in passing the exam. Supporting a child means believing in him. The task of teachers and parents is to teach the child to cope with various tasks, creating in him the setting: “You can do it.” There are words that support children, for example: “Knowing you, I am sure that you will do everything well”, “You do it well”. Only coordinated work of all project participants can give a good result.

Problem Solving Scale: this project involves the implementation of systematic work for 3 years, but not less than 2, in the elective courses of students, in preparation for the exam in social science;

That is why this project, having passed a certain period from the moment the problem was identified (2012/2013 academic year), has its own specifics, which involves a specific algorithm and methodology for solving USE tasks;

During the implementation of the project, the following criteria were identified:

Mandatory need to solve all tasks including tasks C (from 1 to 9)

Achievement of the maximum primary score

When implementing practical skills in solving the Unified State Examination in social studies (C8, C9), lay in the future the skill of writing term papers and theses in universities and colleges.

Stages project implementation:

Stage I: from 6th to 8th grades - accumulation of the theoretical part in social science.

II stage: Grade 9 - testing theoretical skills and abilities in practice in the form of the OGE in social studies.

III stage: grades 10-11 - systematic preparation for the exam (with in-depth study of additional theory).

This project has its own negative consequences - this project is largely aimed at elective courses and is partially applicable when conducting control and independent work after passing a large block or cycle.

The need for this project lies in the introduction of new methods and the departure from the standard system for solving the exam.

Action algorithm

in preparation for the final certification in the form of the Unified State Examination in social studies.

1. Get acquainted with the demo version (www.ege.edu.ru). Every year the demo version is updated, so we get acquainted with the document of the last year on the specified site and get the right idea about the examination paper.

2. When completing the USE task in social science, I identified a number of patterns in the behavior of teachers, and specifically the lack of desire to complete tasks C, especially her last tasks. These actions are connected with the dissipation of forces in previous tasks, which were less difficult, but nevertheless, passing them, the examinees spent time and energy. Therefore, I developed my own methodology when performing tests.

First, I used the tactic "make the hard ones in the beginning while you have the strength, and leave the easy ones for last." Many, of course, will come down with criticism, but what about weak students who cannot do tasks C and waste their time. There are two options here: 1) multiple solvability of tasks and memorization of approximate answers, or 2) refuse the exam at the preliminary stages (grades 8-10), where there is preparation for the theoretical part and control through tests (nevertheless, this exam is not mandatory). As for the tasks themselves, I would like to immediately put C8 and C9 before the task at the very beginning (that is, students start at the very beginning not from Task 1, then Task 2, namely from C8 and C9), and they are given goal and motivated specific task in the future. Tasks C8 and C9 are essentially a term paper or a thesis. Therefore, learning to do it yourself is the task of the school period. The subject of social science is the only subject that teaches not only communication and communication in society, but also sets a paramount task already in your student years - writing your own creative and research papers.

Secondly, when solving tasks C, knowledge of educational material on social science will be ineffective, so information blocks from various sources should come to the rescue. And now I'm not talking about interdisciplinary disciplines, because it goes without saying. I mean about the media. Since the 6th grade, I have been introducing the practice of compulsory homework "5 news blocks". At the beginning of the lesson, we devote 3 minutes to reasoning, analyzing events taking place in the world, in Russia and specifically in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Sources can be television news blocks on federal channels (First, Russia 1, NTV and Russia 24, where information blocks are broadcast around the clock), as well as newspapers, magazines and even the social network VKontakte, where students are constantly, even during lessons.

What does watching and reading the media give when solving USE tasks?

1) remembering new terms that they are unlikely to hear in everyday contact with parents and friends;

2) analysis of events and development of one's opinion or point of view;

3) awareness in all areas.

Thirdly, when solving the USE itself, the entire test is divided into several blocks with a specific time period, which he must constantly adhere to:

I block - (С8,С9) - let's call it "prototype coursework", for which the test-taker should spend no more than 20 minutes, for task C8 (5-7 minutes), the rest for writing an essay ( C 9).

II block - (С1-С4) - work with the source. So, C1 is an elementary task that can take from one to three minutes, and it is not the task itself that takes the most expense, but reading the source, which is very voluminous and intimidating, which leads to failure or leaving "for later". Therefore, it must be performed with maximum brain work and concentration, therefore, at the beginning of the exam, but not at the end. The total time for this block should also take 20-25 minutes.

III block - (B22-B27) - work with tables, the choice of a generalizing concept, classification, differentiation, definition of terms. Strange as it may seem, but after block C1-C4, you need to leave tasks C5, C6, C7 because these tasks take the maximum waste of time and in most cases students cannot answer the questions correctly, therefore, in order to successfully continue the exam, the test-taker must leave exactly this three tasks C and thus he will gradually move from the most difficult tasks to less ones, which will give rest to the brain. Moreover, the student will already have many terms and concepts in his language after tasks with a source.

I V block - (Tasks 1 - Tasks 21) - the solution of all simple tasks in the areas of social science (social, economic, political, spiritual).

V block - (C5-C7) - solving the most difficult tasks, at your own discretion for a high score when entering a university, but taking into account the fact that the student has already reached a passing score (i.e. these are the tasks that cause many questions and answers from the test-takers even strong students do not always match the answers of the test compilers, therefore, so that eleventh-graders do not waste their time knowing that their answer is unlikely to be correct, it is better to leave these tasks for last).

And in the end, I would like to say once again about the main idea, this algorithm is not mandatory, but the studies and results have shown that it is more efficient. The problems largely lie in the fact that schoolchildren choose the Unified State Exam in social science and history as the easiest, although they are not. The hype in choosing a university and a profession for many is concentrated in the humanities and law faculties, where an exam in social studies is required. The majority of students who choose this test study for "good" and "satisfactory" grades (that is, their choice of the Unified State Examination in social studies did not come from their own desire and desire to enter this particular university and further pursue this profession, but from the desire simply at least somewhere to do, and then we'll see). The difficult situation was until 2014 in the 9th grade, when the OGE, due to the obligation, besides mathematics and the Russian language, also took social science and computer science. It must be admitted that many children simply failed the third exam. Therefore, the rejection of this practice was a boon for teachers and for the test-takers themselves.

Methodology for solving test tasks in social science.

When writing an essay, you can use the following approximate plan.

1. Introduction - introduces the topic, gives preliminary, general information about the problem that is behind the proposed topic. The introduction may contain an answer to a question asked on the topic; contain a fact from the biography of the author or characterize the historical period, if this information is important for the subsequent analysis of the text.

2. Main part: is a detailed analysis of the statement. In the main part, it is necessary to demonstrate knowledge of the material, the ability to logically, reasoned and stylistically correct, to correctly express one's thoughts. The main part is a test of how well the topic is understood. The main part can begin with a thesis - a position that you will prove. Then give arguments, there should be at least two of them. Support your arguments with examples from the text.

3. Conclusion: summing up, summarizing what has been said, completing the text, re-drawing attention to the most important thing. The final part should be short but capacious; organically related to the previous presentation. In conclusion, the attitude of the writer to the problem can be expressed. It should be stated correctly, without excessive emotional assessments, have a clearly expressed meaning and be prepared by the material of the main part.

C8 plan on a specific example:

"Internal policy of the Russian Federation". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


One of the options for the disclosure of this topic.

1. The concept of the internal policy of the state.

2. Priority directions of the internal policy of the state in the field of economy:

a) improving taxation;

b) support for small businesses;

c) Legislative activity in the field of business law.

3. The main directions of the social policy of the state:

a) protection of motherhood and childhood;

b) pension reform;

c) support for socially unprotected groups of disabled people;

d) the national project "Health".

4. Development of science and education:

a) national project “Education;

b) Skolkovo.

5. Other directions of state policy.

6. Domestic policy of Russia: results and prospects.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, interrogative or mixed forms.

When analyzing the response, the following are taken into account:

The presence of plan items that are mandatory for the disclosure of the proposed topic;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan in terms of their relevance to the given topic;

Correspondence of the structure of the proposed answer to the complex type plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, which are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic, are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for the disclosure of this topic.

1. Measures of economic activity (macroeconomic indicators) and the system of national accounts.

2. Functions of macroeconomic indicators:

a) measuring the volume of production at a particular point in time

b) definition of factors that directly affect the development of the economy

c) tracking the dynamics and determining the forecasts of economic development

d) development of state economic policy.

3. Main macroeconomic indicators

a) GDP gross domestic product (this is the value of the final product produced in the territory of a given country for a certain period

b) gross national product (GNP) (this is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by the citizens of the country both in this country and in other countries for a certain period of time

c) personal income (PI) (total income received by the owners of economic resources (factors of production));

d) the volume of GDP per capita or per person employed in the economy

e) the volume of investments in the national economy

f) the volume of national exports and imports, etc.

4 System of National Accounts - information about the state of the economy.


Information resources (special literature and the Internet).

2. Educational and training materials for preparing for the unified state exam. Social science / Editor-compiler E.L. Rutkovskaya - M .: Intellect-Center, 2003.

3 Shapoval V.V., Mitrofanov K.G., Saplina E.V. Rules and techniques for successfully passing exams - M., 2004

4. Exam materials for preparing for the unified state exam. USE-2013. Russian history. Moscow: Federal State Institution "Federal Testing Center", 2013.

5. Social science: USE-Textbook. P.A. Baranov, S.V. Shevchenko. Edited by P.A. Baranov. Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2014.

6. Shapoval V.V., Mitrofanov K.G., Saplina E.V. Recommendations and training materials for preparing for testing in the history of Russia - M., 2005

7. USE 2012. FIPI. Social science: examination tasks. Compiled by E.L. Rutkovskaya, O.V. Kishenkova, E.S. Korolkova and others - M .: Eksimo, 2012.

The most important way to prepare for the exam is ICT - technology. The Internet allows the most effective preparation for the exam. Therefore, I present to your attention the addresses of sites that will help in preparing for the final certification in the form of the exam.

1. www. ege.edu.ru

2. http://humanitar.ru/page/11_class

3. http://ege59.ru/

4. http:///filecom.php?fileid=98672739

5. http://ege.yandex.ru/history/

6. http://info-olymp.narod.ru/prz.html


1. Aleksashkina L.N. Story. USE: teaching aid for preparation - M .: Exam Publishing House, 2006.

2. Artasov I.A. On the system and principles of preparation for the exam in history and social science. "Teaching history at school", 2006.- No. 9.

3. Baranov P.A., Shevchenko S.V. Social Science: USE - Textbook. . Edited by P.A. Baranov. Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2014.

4. Methodical analysis of the results of the unified state exam. Novosibirsk Institute for Monitoring and Development of Education.

5. Shapoval V.V., Mitrofanov K.G., Saplina E.V. Rules and techniques for successfully passing exams - M., 2004.

6. Shapoval V.V., Mitrofanov K.G., Saplina E.V. Recommendations and training materials for preparing for testing in the history of Russia - M., 2005. on the project "Infourok"!

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