How to make baby compote from. Juices and compotes for an infant: when to give and how to cook. Dried apricot compote

Feeding babies is a broad and serious topic. For many decades, scientists have been conducting research, observing the reaction of babies to certain types of complementary foods and supplements, and helping to form a complete optimal diet for babies. Despite this, there is no unanimous medical and scientific decision on what should be the nutrition of infants. What can we say about ordinary parents, on whose heads a whole heap of various recommendations and tips on raising and feeding crumbs falls.

Should I drink the baby?

Many parents believe that in the period up to six months (or even the entire period of breastfeeding), the baby does not need additional drinking. In general, it is difficult to argue with such a statement, but still, one should not forget that each child is very individual, and in addition, there are situations in which additional fluid is simply necessary for the baby (first of all, it is hot weather or an increase in body temperature in a child) . Additional liquid for the baby is also necessary with artificial or mixed feeding.

Let us consider in more detail what can be given to drink to babies of different ages:

  • in the first month after birth, the baby should be given only purified boiled water. If the baby refuses to drink, you can sweeten the drink a little (a 5% glucose solution is suitable for this);
  • children aged one month and older can be given chamomile and fennel tea (infusion). In stores, you can easily find ready-made children's tea with fennel and chamomile. It helps to strengthen the immunity of the child, has an antibacterial effect, and also serves as an excellent prevention of colic and bloating;
  • from three months, the juice of pears and green apples is introduced into the diet of the crumbs;
  • at four or five months it is allowed to give juice of apricots, peaches, etc.;
  • a six-month-old baby is quite ready to use homemade compotes. Made with your own hands, such compotes will help mom and baby significantly diversify their diet and enrich it with vitamins.
How to make dried fruit compote?

Dried fruit compote for babies should be made from high-quality, natural ingredients, without dyes and flavors. It is best to use organic products or hand-picked dried fruits.

It is best to cook dried fruit compote without sugar. If you still really want to sweeten it, get fructose for this purpose.

So, to prepare apple compote from dried fruits for babies, we need: a handful of dried apples, water and (optionally) fructose. First of all, dried apples should be washed and soaked in warm water for 5-10 minutes. After that, the soaked dried fruits are washed, removing dust and small adhering rubbish, and dipped in boiling water. How much to cook dried fruit compote? It is not necessary to cook compote for a long time. Reduce the gas to a minimum (so that the compote does not boil very much) and cook for 5-10 minutes. After that, turn off, cover the pan with a lid and let the drink brew. Ready compote is filtered and cooled to a temperature comfortable for drinking. Before drinking, the drink can be sweetened, but not too much. Delicious dried fruit compote is ready.

The benefits of dried fruit compote for a baby are undeniable. This compote provides the necessary vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and trace elements: iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium.

In addition to apples, you can use other fruits. For example, prunes compote is an excellent remedy for constipation. Vitamin compote-assortment of dried fruits for babies will become not only a source of additional fluid, but also a means of strengthening the immune system.

The method of preparing various compotes from dried fruits does not differ from the already described recipe for apple compote. In addition to dried fruits, compotes for children can also include fresh fruits and berries, while the cooking technology does not change. It is best to use familiar fruits and berries for compotes, avoiding exotic species like pineapples, lychees, mangoes, etc.

Remember also that all new products (including uzvars, compotes, infusions) should be introduced into the diet gradually, in small doses, with an interval of several days (most often about 7-10 days).

Although the most useful food for babies is mother's milk, nevertheless, you still have to give your baby additional drinks with other drinks. Breast milk supplies the child's body with all the necessary substances that allow the baby to grow and develop. But if it’s a dry summer, it’s hot in the room, or the baby has some difficulties with digestion, then it would be appropriate to cook dried fruit compote for babies, such a drink can replace fruit juices and even water.

A quarter of a century ago, the World Health Organization laid down rules that for the first four weeks of life, an infant should not be given any drink at all - only mother's milk. Although this product consists of 88% water, nevertheless, its energy value is very high.

Breast milk for a child is not so much a drink as food. But after 28 days, the newborn already begins to need more fluid. And then you have to solve the problem with new drinks.

The rules here are:

  1. The entire first month of the baby is fed exclusively with breast milk, no drinks can be given.
  2. Over the next month, the child can begin to give water, and it must be filtered and boiled.
  3. In the third month, it is permissible to introduce tea into his diet, which can be prepared on the basis of chamomile or fennel.
  4. Weakly concentrated juices, made first from apples, and later from pears or peaches, are introduced from the fourth month.
  5. When the child is six months old, it is the turn of light compotes.

What compotes are suitable

Although compote for babies contains less vitamins and healthy minerals than the same fruit juices, it is still recommended to start gradually giving it to babies when they are already six months old.

However, if the baby drinks juices with pleasure, then you can do without compote for up to a year, but if the baby does not like juices, then dried fruit compote for babies will be a good alternative, starting from four months. Yes, and at an older age, dried fruit compote for babies can be boiled in the winter, when fresh fruits are no longer available.

The advantage of dried fruits is that compote for babies can be cooked completely without sugar. The drink will come out quite tasty anyway, and from an excess of sugar at such a young age, children may well begin to develop caries.

And yet, at first, when giving compote to children, it is important to dilute it with filtered water in order to reduce the concentration. You can give your baby compote to drink using a bottle with a nipple, and also give him a drink during feeding.

compote recipes

As we have already mentioned, it is better to start preparing the first compotes for newborns from dried fruits. Gradually, as the baby grows older, you can already take fresh fruits - apples, pears, etc. To begin with, you should choose any one type of fruit or dried fruit to introduce the baby to the new drink gradually, carefully watching if the baby has negative reaction.

Fresh fruits should be boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, no more, and dried fruits will have to be boiled for about half an hour. It is desirable to put sugar to a minimum or do without it at all. Sometimes sugar is replaced with fructose, but for this you definitely need to get the go-ahead from your pediatrician.

From dried fruits

Dried apple compote with prunes - healthy and tasty

To make a drink from dried fruits, such as apples, they must first be completely cleaned of litter. For this:

  • dried fruits are poured with cold water;
  • stand until the fruits swell, and all the existing rubbish sinks to the bottom;
  • water is carefully drained.

To cook baby compote in a saucepan, use this recipe:

  • dried apples are carefully sorted out, then washed, and as long as possible, five to six times in warm water;
  • put dried fruits in a pot of boiling water;
  • boil for about 20 minutes.

Another way to prepare compote is to use a thermos. In this case:

  • well-washed dry apple slices are placed in a thermos;
  • pour a glass of boiling water into the container;
  • leave the thermos to infuse until the morning;
  • in the morning, pour the contents of the thermos into a saucepan and add another glass of water;
  • bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Dried fruit compote for babies, as we have already mentioned, should be given starting from six months or after a year if he likes fruit juices.

How to choose the right dried fruits

It is advisable to buy dried fruits in the store not by weight, but in ready-made packages. Make sure that the fruits do not have bright colors and there are no visible damage on them.

When sorting through loose dried fruits, look for those that do not have mold or rot. The fruits themselves should not leave greasy spots on the hands.

From fresh apples

Fresh apple compote should be administered with caution due to possible allergies

When the baby grows up a little, it is allowed for him to cook a compote of their fresh apples. Later, a second product can be added to this fruit, for example, raisins, then a third - apricots, etc. The main thing is that the baby does not have an allergic reaction and that his ventricle successfully tolerates new products.

It is already permissible to experiment with fresh products, increasing or decreasing their concentration. How exactly to proceed depends on the freshness of the fruit, the amount of acid contained in it, taste, etc. You can also boil and infuse the broth a little more or a little less.

The simplest compote for babies from fresh apples is cooked according to this recipe:

  1. They take an apple, always green, wash it and peel it.
  2. The core is cut out of the fruit, then it is cut into thin slices or cubes.
  3. Boil 1.5 cups of water in a saucepan, put the cooked slices into the water.
  4. Cook compote for no more than five minutes.
  5. Turn off the fire and let the broth brew until its temperature is equal to room temperature.

Ready compote needs to be filtered, and after that, give them crumbs to drink. By the way, boiled cubes can also be used to make mashed potatoes for the baby.

From prunes or dried apricots

A mixture of prunes and dried apricots in any form has a good effect on the digestive tract

It is permissible to offer such a decoction to children from five months. Prunes are a very necessary berry, thanks to which digestion is normalized, the intestines are cleansed. Doctors recommend prune compote for babies and their mothers if they suffer from constipation, as well as with a cold or high temperature. Infusions of dried apricots are also able to reduce heat at a temperature.

To brew a drink, you will need about half a cup of dried fruit and about ¼ cup of sugar, a liter of water.

  1. Dry prunes or dried apricots are poured with boiling water for five minutes, then washed several times in warm water to get rid of debris.
  2. Pour sugar into a saucepan with boiling water and mix.
  3. Put dried fruits in sweet water and bring to a boil. Cook for 20 minutes until the berries are soft.
  4. The compote is cooled to room temperature, then filtered.

Other types

Cherry and currant compote may seem too sweet

Compote can be prepared from dried apricots or raisins without any cooking. It is only necessary to pour well-washed fruits with boiling water overnight, cover the broth with a lid and let it stand until the morning. In the morning the compote will be ready for use.

And here's how you can make compote from cherries and blackcurrants:

  • berries are cleaned from cuttings, then washed thoroughly;
  • cherries and currants are poured with sweet syrup, always hot, and allowed to soak for 15 minutes;
  • put the mass in a jar and again pour it with syrup, but already cold;
  • pasteurize the drink for 20 minutes, making sure that the temperature does not rise above 70 degrees.

For cooking, you will need one and a half kilograms of currants and cherries, a liter of water and sweet syrup. Such compotes can be given to children after a year, since some babies are allergic to cherries, and they can’t have too much sweet.

Rosehip decoctions

Rosehip decoction is a storehouse of nutrients for babies

Rose hips contain 10 times more ascorbic acid than black currants. All pediatricians recommend drinking a rosehip decoction for an infant from the age of five months. Rosehip contains calcium, which will just be in demand by this age, since babies are already starting to cut their teeth.

But you need to choose exactly those rose hips that are able to preserve vitamin "C" all year round. These include the spiny and Dahurian rose hips.

Babies should be given a decoction of wild rose at the rate of:

  • 20 grams per day, if they are not yet six months old;
  • from 30 to 50 grams per day for children under two years old.

Drink a decoction before meals, several times a day. Here are a couple of recipes for making it.

  1. 10 g of wild rose are poured with boiling water and allowed to infuse for at least five hours. You don't need to add sugar.
  2. The rosehip is crushed. Two tablespoons of it are poured into 400 ml of water in a glass jar. The jar is placed in a saucepan filled with hot water, then boiled for 10 minutes. After the broth is allowed to cool and filter.

So that the decoction does not lose its beneficial properties, it is advisable to use it within the first two days.


You should not give such a decoction to children suffering from stomach diseases - a large amount of vitamin C contained in rose hips can cause an exacerbation. Also, excessive consumption of the drink can wash out calcium, which affects the functioning of the kidneys. Such decoctions are not recommended for children suffering from increased blood clotting.


Whatever drink you want to prepare for your baby, you still need to start with one fruit. It is better if it is a green apple. Then you can add other fruits or berries, choosing those that do not contain allergens.

Every time you give your baby compote to drink, be sure to watch his reaction for several hours. Add new fruits to the compote only after a couple of days, if the baby's body reacts normally.

Before cooking, dried fruits must be carefully prepared by washing and cleaning from litter.

Before introducing new fruits and berries, it is advisable to get advice from your local pediatrician.

Agree, the older the baby, the more varied and tastier his diet should be, while not at the expense of the benefits not only in food, but also in drinks. A worthy alternative to ordinary water is dried apricot compote for a child - moderately sweet, pleasant in taste, saturating with essential microelements. Its vitamin composition will positively affect the development of the baby in the spring, during the period of beriberi, and in the winter - during the period of infectious diseases, and in the summer.

Pediatricians unanimously say that dried apricot compote during breastfeeding is only beneficial for the baby and from the age of 8 months it can be safely introduced into the diet instead of herbal tea. However, remember that pure water should not be replaced with compote.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of a drink for babies, since in the composition we find potassium, magnesium, as well as vitamins C, E, A and fiber. Trace elements are necessary to maintain the salt balance in the body, this is especially important in the heat, vitamins benefit the body all year round, and fiber has a beneficial effect on peristalsis.

In addition, the fructose contained in dried apricots does not lead to insulin surges and does not undermine the child's still unformed endocrine system.

What kind of dried apricots to use

Dull and dry

It is in such ordinary, not too beautiful-looking dried apricots that there will be the least harmful "chemistry", because too bright color or excessive elasticity and juiciness, as a rule, speak of a special processing of the goods.

The color should be even without dark spots and damage.

"Domestic" production

That is, the farther the homeland of our dried apricots, the more likely it is to be saturated with substances that extend the shelf life. We look at the expiration date - the more natural the product, the smaller it is and ideally should not exceed 12 months.

Let's try to prepare a drink for a child according to a standard recipe.

Dried apricot compote


  • Dried apricots - 100 g
  • Water - 200 ml + 200 ml


  1. To begin with, let's deal with dried fruits: thoroughly rinse the dried apricots in running water, and then pour 200 ml of filtered water and leave for 30 - 40 minutes.
  2. Pour another 200 ml of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and send the soaked dried apricots to it along with the broth. We keep it on a very low heat for 10 - 12 minutes, bring to a boil and immediately turn it off.

How to drink

We offer the baby such compote cooled to room temperature.

  1. For the first time, we dilute the drink with boiled water 1: 2 and monitor the reaction for at least a day - you need to make sure that the child will not have colic or rashes.
  2. If all is well, the next day a single serving can be diluted already 1:1.
  3. For the third time, we give our baby compote from dried apricots already in its pure form.

You can give a drink either at the request of the child or from 2 to 5 times a day in small portions - the hotter, the more liquid the baby should consume per day, and compote from dried apricots for babies in the heat is especially good because it restores potassium - sodium balance.

As you can see, preparing dried apricot compote for a child is easy and simple! And the baby will get a lot of benefits and pleasure.

Your baby is growing up, one mother's milk for nutrition is no longer enough. It is necessary to gradually prepare it for ordinary food and drink. Compote will be the first such drink. The preparation of this product for babies has its own characteristics, since not every fruit can be given to children. The most suitable are apples. They are the easiest to cook, and they are the easiest to digest in infancy.

It is already difficult for a mother to feed a six-month-old baby with one breast, so the baby can begin to drink compote

From what age to give compote?

Your baby is six months old! Do you have a question, what to feed him in addition to milk? For example, are apples good for a 6 month old baby? Is his digestive system strong enough? If possible, how much, how often, from what fruit should it be made?

At 5 months, the child was still too young to drink compote, but by 6 he is ready to take it. Do not rush, first let him just try - a teaspoon. Look at the reaction of the child - whether he will begin to swell, whether an allergy will appear. Gradually, by 7-7.5 months, bring the daily portion to half a glass. By 1 year old, the volume can even reach a glass. It is not necessary to give it all at once - it is better to divide it into 2-4 doses. For such babies, it is better to make it from green-skinned apples - they are more hypoallergenic than red or yellow ones.

The benefits of compote

There is almost no vitamin C in the drink - it collapsed due to heat treatment. However, there are other vitamins, pectins, minerals, antioxidants, the same fiber.

In a baby from compote, intestinal motility increases, it is populated with beneficial microflora, which strengthens immunity, helps to cope with constipation, improves digestion, and prepares the child for solid food. If the baby has a lack of lacto and bifidobacteria, he cannot normally fight infections.

For the first time, the baby can be given only one or two spoons of compote. If there is no reaction, then gradually increase the portion of the drink.

In winter and spring, there are practically no useful substances left in apples, so it is better to replace them with dried fruits, cook a decoction of them. Well, if at the same time they are dried not in the oven, but in the air, in the shade. Then there are more vitamins in them, and the fruits will not dry out. Overdried dried fruits give a bitter aftertaste, which is unlikely to please the baby. Dried fruit compote should be drunk in the same volume as fresh fruit. However, there are situations when it is especially necessary to drink a lot, for example, in extreme heat or during an illness of the child.

At this time, compote instead of water is given only to those children who are already used to it. Then they will not refuse to drink it.

cooking recipes

In the summer it is very useful to make a drink from fresh fruits. Only if you start giving your baby new types of fruit, add one each time. He needs to get used to the product and taste that is unusual for him. There are different recipes for how to make compote, choose which one you like best.

Traditional way: take an apple of medium size, wash it. Peel it from the peel and seeds, fill it with boiled water - about two glasses. Boil on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Add fructose - sugar can cause bloating, and honey is contraindicated for babies.

For children's compote, it is better to stop the choice on green apples, since such fruits should not cause allergies in a child.

Try to brew a drink in a thermos:

  1. Wash a fresh apple, remove seeds and peel.
  2. Cut into slices of any size.
  3. Then put in a thermos and fill with boiling water.
  4. Close the thermos and leave to infuse overnight.
  5. After a few hours, it will be ready - the apples will “reach” by themselves.

The drink should not be hot. Before offering a drink to a baby, cool to room temperature and strain.

From dry apples

Apple compote for babies is also prepared from dried fruits. It is good because it has its own pronounced taste, sweetish and fragrant, and it does not need to be sweetened with anything. Dry apples contain the same substances as fresh ones, and it is preferable to cook it when there are no useful substances left in fresh ones - this is winter and spring. There are also various recipes for this.

The traditional way is the easiest. Take a handful of dry apples and wash them well. Put in boiled water and leave for about 30-40 minutes until the fruit swells. Particularly stubborn motes will come off them, which always remain on the fruit when dried. Rinse them again, put in boiling water - about 1.5 cups, and simmer for about half an hour. Then set aside and cool. Strain.

For compote, you can use fresh or dried apples (see also:)

It will also be possible to brew a knot in a thermos. Prepare apples in the same way as in the first method. Place them in a thermos and cover with boiling water. It should be infused, so it is more convenient to do it at night. If the compote is too saturated, add a little boiled water to it. Two cups of boiling water will require 100-150 grams of fruit.

In the same way as when preparing with fresh fruits, you should not make it immediately from a mixture of many dried fruits. Add them one by one. The next ingredient after apples can be prunes. At first, do not mix both compotes, but give them separately. With prunes compote, start introducing your child with one teaspoon too.

From prunes

For some children who have digestive problems, acquaintance with prunes can begin as early as five months - just not compote, but a drink made from prunes.

For a five-month-old baby, such a drink will be useful. It cleanses the intestines well, helps peristalsis. In any case, check with your pediatrician first. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of pitted prunes and a tablespoon of fructose (or sugar) per liter of boiling water.

Prunes in compote will help the baby with digestion

Dilute fructose in water, then soak the prunes for half an hour, rinse it. Put in water and boil for 15-20 minutes until the berries are soft. After that, cool and strain the compote.

When the baby gets used to the prunes compote, you can give him apple compote with prunes. There will be no bad reactions from him. Such compote can also be insisted in a thermos, then it will come out even tastier. And then mix with fresh apples and other fruits.

Raisin compote

It is recommended to prepare a child from 8 months of age. It can be cooked as a separate compote, or mixed with fruits already familiar to the baby in any proportion. This compote is not stored for a long time, it is better to prepare it immediately before use. Raisins are better to choose from light varieties. For cooking you need:

  • a tablespoon of raisins;
  • half a cup of boiling water.

A portion of raisins must be sorted out and poured with cool water for half an hour so that it swells and all the garbage that always accumulates in its folds is removed from it. There is no need to add sugar to the compote, the raisins are sweet on their own.

Rinse again, pour boiling water over and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. The lid must be closed. You need to start with a teaspoon, then bring to a full serving. The same raisin drink is worth drinking to the mother of a newborn child - it will make milk more useful, and will help the baby in case of constipation.

Gradually adding new components to the compote, you will accustom the baby to a variety of drinks and foods.

From dried fruits

The complex collection of dried fruits includes many components. Cooking a compote of dried fruits for a baby is worth it when he has already tried all the fruits separately. Well, if it is made from apples, pears, prunes and raisins - there are many options, you can combine as you wish. Dried fruits must be soaked in boiled water before cooking compote for babies. Fruits should be sorted out so that they are not spoiled.

You can make such a compote in the usual way in a saucepan or steam it in a thermos. It is worth starting to give it from 7-8 months. Raisins do not usually cause disorders in children.

When the child is older, you can make compotes richer, and at the age of about a year, start adding dried apricots. Together with raisins, it will give the dried fruit compote a natural sweetness, and will allow you not to add sugar, which is best avoided until the age of three.

A child from 12 months old can drink compote with almost all fruits. It is good to add honey instead of sugar as a sweetener. To exclude an allergic reaction, it is worth smearing a drop of honey near the elbow. If after a few hours there is no redness in this place, you can try giving honey to the child, starting with a very small amount.

So gradually, starting with compotes, you can teach your child to eat fruits and various tastes.

Newborn babies constantly receive all kinds of useful substances, micro and macro elements along with mother's milk. Every month, babies need even more nutrients, and the most appropriate way to provide him with good nutrition and development is prune compote for babies.

Composition of prunes

Prunes themselves have a considerable amount of pectin and various. All of them give a mild laxative effect, so prunes compote for constipation is ideal for babies. This food also contains magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, saturated fatty acids and vitamins B and E, which have antioxidant properties.

How to choose the right product

Before you cook prune compote for babies, you must definitely choose the main ingredient correctly so as not to harm the baby.

As you know, prunes are produced from Hungarian (plum variety). The times when dried fruits were made naturally by hanging in the shade are long gone. Today, people speed up this process by dipping the plum into a container of sonic soda. After that, cracks form on the peel, due to which the prunes dry out much faster. And to protect the product from pests, it is treated with sulfur dioxide.

Chemically processed foods look better than those dried in the traditional way. Therefore, when choosing prunes, you should look for black matte fruits with a stone. The plum shine that customers love so much is achieved with glycerin or fat of unknown origin, and this will not be good for babies. If prunes have a slightly smoked taste, then this means that they were treated with liquid smoke.

Choose your baby food carefully. On the packaging of really worthy prunes that do not harm the health of the child, it must be indicated that it is dried in the traditional way and no chemicals were used in its processing.

The drinks

Depending on the method of preparation, prunes drinks are divided into categories:

  1. Decoction. The easiest way to make a drink for babies. The broth is prepared over low heat: dried fruits should be boiled in boiling water for about 10 minutes. In total, for one glass of water, you will need to take 3 fruits of each dried fruit, which must first be kept in cold water for about 15 minutes. Before serving the baby, the drink should be cooled to the required temperature.
  2. Infusion. A drink with an unsaturated taste contains many useful substances. As in the previous version, the fruits must be cooled in cold water, and then pour boiling water and wrap the container well. The drink in this state will cool down for about 6 hours, after which it can immediately be given to the baby.
  3. Compote for babies from prunes. This drink is the most common, because it contains the maximum amount of useful elements. But you should be careful with it, since this option can cause allergic reactions in a child due to the high sugar content. The most interesting recipe is prunes and dried apricots compote for babies: a couple of glasses of water, a tablespoon of sugar and five fruits of the main ingredients are mixed in a container and then sent to the fire. Boil the drink should be on low heat for about 15 minutes. This recipe is undoubtedly liked by all parents and children, but there are other options besides it. You can get acquainted with them, as well as the useful properties of compote, below.

Benefits of compote

Among the most important advantages of the drink:

  1. It improves brain activity, so it is recommended to use it not only for children, but also for adults.
  2. Increases immunity, which is especially important in the winter season.
  3. Normalizes metabolism.
  4. Regulates the intestinal microflora.
  5. Has a laxative effect.
  6. Improves appetite.


It is undesirable to use prune compote for babies in the presence of diabetes, problems with diarrhea, gastritis, peptic ulcers, as well as individual intolerance to the ingredients. There will be no noticeable deterioration from a small amount of drunk compote, but it is still not recommended to take risks. If you really want to, then you should visit a doctor to clarify whether this drink can be consumed and in what quantity.

From what age to use compote

Prunes are allowed to be given to children from about 4 months. First, it should be drinks without added sugar, and already prunes compote - for a 6-month-old baby. If the baby is bottle-fed, then he can drink dried fruit drinks from the age of 3 months to improve bowel function.

Introduction to Diet

Compote for babies from prunes should begin to be given in minimal portions: from one teaspoon to 100-150 ml per day. The baby may perceive new foods in different ways, so his reaction must be monitored carefully. Dried berries and fruits are not even to the taste of some adults, but they can use them through force if necessary for treatment, but a baby will not do this.

Doctors recommend giving babies a one-component prune compote for babies, the recipe of which is provided below. In this way, you can easily identify allergic reactions to ingredients and individual intolerance to the child. You can enhance the laxative effect with dried apricots or figs, but these components should also be introduced gradually and in small portions.

In the event that the child does not want to drink a drink in any way, then you should not force him. Perhaps he is simply not yet ready for the use of components unknown to him, from which an incomprehensible smell emanates. Over time, he will still fall in love with compote and it will become his favorite treat. There is a sourness in it, which is immediately noticeable, but you can easily get rid of it by masking it with honey, syrup, or some other dried fruit.

Compote for constipation

Young parents are used to buying a variety of juices and cereals for their babies, but more experienced mothers know for sure that dried fruit compotes will be the best for children. With dried fruits, of course, there will be a little more worries than with fresh ones, since it will take about half an hour to cook them, but still the effect of such drinks will exceed all expectations.

To prepare the simplest compote for a baby, you only need to take prunes and thoroughly clean it of dust and dirt: pour the fruit with chilled water, hold for about 15 minutes and drain the water. Thanks to this procedure, the litter will go down to the bottom of the container and the product can be safely used without fear for the health of the baby. After the ingredients are ready, they must be immersed in a pot of boiling water and boiled for about 25-30 minutes. Then you will need to drain the liquid into a separate clean container and from there give the compote to the baby.

A good option is a compote of apples and prunes for an 8-9 month old baby, which is prepared using a thermos. Apples and prunes are taken as the main ingredients. They are cleaned in the same way as it is written above: in cold water. It is necessary to lay out all the fruits in a thermos, pour exactly a glass of boiling water and leave it for a day. Then you need to pour the contents of the thermos into a separate container, add another glass of boiling water there and boil for 10 minutes.

From five months old, babies can be given a compote of prunes and dried apricots / raisins. The first ingredient must be cleaned and boiled for 20 minutes, and the rest do not need to be cooked, because it is enough just to pour boiling water over them. An infusion of dried apricots or raisins should be left for literally 5-10 minutes, and then combined with cooked prunes and insisted until morning.

A universal recipe suitable for children, teenagers and adults is a compote of cherries, prunes and black currants. At first glance, this combination may seem strange, but in the end, such a drink will be enjoyed by everyone. For cooking, you will need to rid the berries of the cuttings and rinse thoroughly. Prunes should be boiled for about 25 minutes, and cherries and currants should be poured with hot syrup at this time and allowed to soak for about 10 minutes. This mass will need to be put in a jar along with a decoction of prunes and add the syrup again, but already cold. For about 20 minutes, the drink should be infused, after which it can be safely consumed by both adults and children.


Children with weak immunity and other health problems are allowed to give about 5 ml of compote for up to a year. The following rules will help to cure the baby:

  • compote should be given in the morning (up to 13 hours), not during breastfeeding, but between them;
  • for the first time, it is necessary to give the baby no more than half a teaspoon of the drink, and then gradually increase the dose to several tablespoons.

To get the desired effect, you should adhere to the optimal dose. Every parent should know how to cook plum compote for a baby correctly, so as not to harm his health, but only to get rid of unnecessary problems. No need to force a child to drink a drink if he does not want to. It is quite possible that, for example, at 8-9 o'clock in the morning he will refuse sweet compote, and in just a couple of hours he will be happy with such a delicacy.