Decoration in a group on the theme of autumn. Decorating a group in a kindergarten for autumn with your own hands. Autumn decoration. Decorating group interiors - Decorating a compensating group in an autumn theme

For them, such an activity will be, first of all, useful in that kids can easily learn to determine what kind of natural material is in front of them. In addition, no one has yet canceled autumn walks in nature.

How to make a garland of autumn leaves?

Leaf lanterns

Another great option for decorating a kindergarten group with your own hands for autumn (photo) is lanterns made from autumn leaves:

1. Collection and preparation of leaves. When collecting leaves, you should remember that all leaves must be whole and preferably identical in color. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that there are no spots on them. It is possible that the sheet is already damaged. It cannot be used during the creation of a flashlight. In addition, the leaves will need to be dried a little. To do this, the material is laid out between the pages of a thick book and its existence is successfully forgotten for several days.

2. Preparing jars. The basis of the flashlight will be small jars. It is desirable that they be of an unusual shape and size. Before use, the container should be thoroughly wiped with a cloth or sponge.
Then the jars are completely covered with glue.

3. Gluing leaves onto jars. After processing the jars, you must immediately place the leaves on them. On top is another layer of glue. It is important that the leaves fit very tightly to the jar. At the same time, there should be no gaps between them.

4. Decoration. When the glue dries, the jars need to be tied with twine or ribbons.
The original version of making lanterns from autumn leaves involves using a candle stub. They put it inside the jars and light it. It is unacceptable to use such an accessory in kindergarten. Children can get burned or even knock over the jars, starting a fire.

As an alternative, you should use a regular garland of small lights. One device can be enough to fill several jars at once.

Basket of pine cones

When considering options for how to decorate a group in a kindergarten for autumn with your own hands (photo), one cannot ignore those fakes that can be made from pine cones. Fortunately, there is an incredible amount of this natural material on the street in the fall. A basket of pine cones will fit well into any interior, be it a group in a kindergarten or even a child’s nursery.

Product creation technique:

1. First you need to fasten the cones together. In this case, you will need a thin wire. The cones are fastened in a circle. It's very easy to do. The short end is wrapped around the pine cone, and then twisted around the second. Then they put another cone and wrap a wire around it. Then proceed in the same way. It is advisable that the wire be matched to the tone of the cones. This way it will be less noticeable.

2. Having formed one circle, you need to make another one. The more circles, the deeper the basket will be. For a medium basket, three circles are enough. Each of which should contain no more than ten cones.

3. The rings are connected to each other using hot glue.

4. To make a handle, you need to glue a semicircle from pine cones. To secure the handle, use glue and wire.

Place thick cardboard at the bottom of the basket. Fresh fruits and sweets are placed inside. Children can enjoy them throughout the day.

Photo frame made of acorns

How to decorate a kindergarten group for autumn with your own hands, if not with a frame of acorns? This is not only an original decorative element, but also an incredibly functional thing. Using these frames you can create a photo corner. The teacher probably has a lot of photographs with children from a variety of events. It's time to find a suitable place for them.

It is quite possible to involve children in collecting acorns. They will certainly like this activity. Then the acorns need to be sorted. There should not be any damaged or bruised ones among them. Such material will reduce the entire aesthetic appeal of the frame to nothing. If the acorns are wet, it is necessary to slightly dry the material. To do this, just put them in a warm and dry place for several hours.

The basis of the accessory is a purchased frame. It is desirable that it be wooden. The color should be closer to brown. By choosing the right shade, you can avoid the possible appearance of gaps if the acorns were not glued as close to each other as necessary.

Apply instant glue to the base (regular PVA obviously won’t work here) and carefully glue the acorns (one at a time). To make the frame even more original, you can use only caps. After waiting for the product to dry, all that remains is to insert the photo and hang it on the wall. You can also do

Made with your own hands. You can use autumn leaves, cones, and fruits as materials. How to decorate a kindergarten group for autumn with your own hands? The photo shows all the beauty of this season.

Making a garland of leaves

The simplest and most unusual way to decorate a group is a garland of autumn leaves. Their variety of colors makes the garland bright and cheerful. It can liven up a room and attract the attention of kids.

First you will need to collect the leaves. Children need to be involved in this process. They are happy to help their parents and teacher, thereby making them feel important. For the garland, it is advisable to choose leaves of the same color. They should be sorted out first. It is necessary that the leaves are whole and without a single spot.

The next step will be preparing the leaves. That is, they need to be cleaned of dust and the cuttings trimmed. It is advisable to separate the leaves by size.

Now you should clearly decide on the place where the garland will be located. It is by location that you can understand what size the garland should be. Then you need to cut a piece of paper to a certain length.

The paper should be laid out on any surface. Now you need to find a fishing line. One tip should be secured to one side of the paper. Then it must be pulled and secured at the other end.

After all the preparations, you need to lay out the leaves face down. And the fishing line will remain on the back side. The leaves should be laid out in order, that is, from the smallest to the largest sizes.

At the last stage you need to secure the fishing line and leaves. This can be done very easily. Glue is used for these purposes. ready. Now you know how to decorate a kindergarten group for autumn with your own hands.

Making fun lanterns

In addition to the garland, you can hang lanterns made of autumn leaves in the group.

It all starts with the selection of leaves. When collecting leaves, carefully monitor their condition. They must be intact and without stains. To create a lantern you will need to dry the leaves a little. To do this, after collecting the leaves, you need to place them one by one on each page of the book. They must lie there for several days.

Now you should prepare the jars. They will become the basis for our flashlight. Jars of different sizes and shapes will look more interesting and unusual. They should be wiped off before use. Then you need to apply glue to the jars.

Then the leaves are glued onto the jars. Another layer of glue is applied on top, and leaves are molded. They need to be stuck in random order, but so that there are no gaps.

At the very end, start decorating the jar. Lanterns can be decorated with ribbons or some buttons. You can decorate jars with anything. You can install a candle inside the flashlight. But in kindergartens it is prohibited to use this attribute, as children can start a fire or get into a burning flame.

If you don’t know how to decorate a kindergarten group with your own hands, photos for autumn will help you make a decision.

Create an original basket of pine cones

Many parents love to make crafts from pine cones. They can be collected in advance on the street. Walking along the road, you can meet many lonely fir trees, and pick up the cones. From these attributes you can create a basket that will fit perfectly into any interior.

First you need to connect the cones together. For these purposes you will need a thin wire. The cones should be fastened in a circle. First you need to wrap one pine cone, then wrap the other. Choose wire of the same color as the pine cones so that they are barely noticeable.

Now you need to form another circle of cones. The more circles you make, the deeper your basket will be. Usually they make three tiers, each of which uses 10 cones.

To glue the headbands you need to use hot glue. And for the handle, just create a semicircle and attach it to the base.

Place cardboard at the bottom and fill the basket with fruits and candies. If you don’t know how to decorate a kindergarten group for autumn with your own hands, then the basket will fit just in any interior.

Every year, teachers in any kindergarten try to celebrate autumn in different ways. Every time parents come up with something new to decorate the group. Since it mostly rains in autumn, you can create the appropriate atmosphere. Create a large colorful umbrella. You can install a basket with vegetables, fruits and mushrooms. You can stick leaves of various shapes and colors, cut from colored paper, onto the windows.

Making a big mushroom out of paper

To create a large mushroom you will need a white sheet of paper. You need to fold it in half and cut out the leg with the cap. If you need more mushrooms, but a little smaller in size, then the sheet needs to be folded in half and cut out. Then fold ½ sheet in half again and cut out the parts.

The hat and the leg need to be connected, and then the grass is cut out and glued to the base. The mushroom can be cut out of colored paper, it will be brighter and more beautiful. For example, the cap may be red and the stem may be yellow. The grass, accordingly, is made green. Ready mushrooms are attached to the window.

How to decorate a kindergarten group for autumn with your own hands? You can start doing this from the windows. They experience real leaf fall. To do this, you need to purchase leaves in the store. They will serve as details for the outline. Usually maple leaves are chosen. Then you need to cut out a lot of leaves from colored paper. It is desirable that they be of different sizes. After which the leaves need to be attached to the window in any order.

You can make anything out of paper. A large sun is cut out, which can be hung from the ceiling. Children respond very well to cartoon characters. You can make smeshariki from vegetables and place them in a clearing of leaves. Eyes, hands and other parts of the body are made of plasticine.

Children love to help teachers and participate in decorating the group. They enjoy making various crafts. There is a very interesting craft for which you will need wax paper, pencils, and a grater. First you need to grate wax pencils of different colors. Place the resulting shavings between two sheets of wax paper. Place a plain sheet of paper on top. All layers on top should be ironed. But the power on it must first be reduced. This procedure will help melt the chips.

After this, you need to use a maple leaf stencil. It is placed under the paper. Trace the leaves on top and cut them out. They can decorate the group however you like. Hang the leaves on strings from the ceiling or stick them on the window. If you don’t know how to decorate a kindergarten group for autumn with your own hands, then use the Internet. Here are various options for decorating a room with photos, where you can clearly see what the craft should look like.

Autumn decoration of preschool educational institution. “We decorate the kindergarten to please the children” - step-by-step production of window stickers

Molchanova Olga Ivanovna, teacher of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 24, village. Krutoy Log, Belgorod district, Belgorod region"
Description: This master class is intended for school-age children (from 7 years old), additional education teachers, educators, and creative people who like to create things that are easy to make with their own hands.
Purpose: interior decoration.
Target: making do-it-yourself embossed paper from colored paper.
Tasks: develop skills in working with colored paper; develop creative imagination and abilities; develop aesthetic feelings.
Materials and tools:
1. colored double-sided paper (preferably for a printer, it is brighter),
2. scissors,
3. tape,
4. pencil.

The wonderful time of year has arrived - autumn, and holiday matinees in kindergarten are approaching. And of course I want to decorate the group’s interior beautifully, brightly, and festively. I offer a simple and affordable decoration option.

Step-by-step production:

1. If you need a large mushroom, then take a whole sheet of paper, fold it in half lengthwise and cut out the stem and cap of the mushroom. If the mushrooms are smaller. Then we cut the sheet in half, fold it and cut it out.

2. We connect the cap and the leg with tape and cut out the grass, gluing it to the mushroom.

and to make beautiful autumn leaves, I bought a couple of pieces in the store, cut them out of colored paper along the contour and it turned out to be a real fall of leaves.

And of course, the decoration of the group was the joint crafts of children and their parents.

The group turned out to be bright and elegant, and the children love to change the interior and add something new, and we adults help them with this.

Autumn fairy tale in kindergarten

I bring to your attention some ideas for decorating a room for the autumn holidays. The material will be useful to teachers and music directors in kindergarten.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere.
Tasks: prepare the premises for the autumn holidays, evoke an emotional response in children and their parents.

Our kindergarten does not have a large music hall, and we spend matinees in a group. We hang curtains in accordance with the theme of the holiday and decorate them. This creates a central wall.

Bright autumn
The rain is quietly knocking on the room.
Autumn has come to my house again,
Like a bright wonderful bird
He waves his motley wing at me.

There, outside the windows, is a miracle palette,
Yellow-red colors are burning.
Autumn played a tricky trick,
Throwing an outfit on the trees.

Maples in incredibly bright dresses,
There is a golden outfit on the aspen trees,
And the birches are dressed like a king,
Poplars - in sundresses with a border.

The rain cleans clothes diligently,
Bringing the whole world clean.
Everything sparkles in the generous autumn,
And the soul finds a dream.
Tatiana Lavrova

So that autumn comes to our makeshift hall, we hang maple leaves, the sun and clouds with raindrops on the curtains. In one corner we place a birch tree with yellow leaves made of corrugated paper and a green Christmas tree with cones. Near the Christmas tree, a large mushroom is hidden under a scarf, containing treats for the children. In the other corner there is a rowan bush with red berries made of foam rubber. In the center there are mushrooms and a bed with carrots for outdoor games. We add animals: on the birch tree there is a squirrel, under the tree there is a hedgehog, in the garden there is a bunny. So the autumn decoration is ready. The holiday can begin!

Autumn festival in the garden –
Both light and fun!
These are the decorations
Autumn is here!

For kids, you can use a small screen and show a puppet show.

And the kids will find a treat in a large raspberry.

Well, if it rains, then we will all wait out the bad weather together under an umbrella.

At the festival, children dance with maple leaves.

Participate in skits.
“How animals collected mushrooms”

Bunny, don't feed the bunnies, all the guys say:
Bunnies don't eat mushrooms!


Look, at the edge
Girlfriends are dancing merrily.
Who are they? The name of?
Maybe they can sing for us?

“Once upon a time I lived with my grandmother...”

That's a carrot, that's a carrot!
You handled it cleverly!
But carrots are not simple!
There's something inside her...
Treat for the guys!
Look at how many of them there are!

"Fly agaric boys"

In a clearing near a tree stump
Two funny boys
In red caps askew
They chant all day long:
“We are not angry guys,
Although poisonous.
There are polka dots on the cap,
And the skirt has legs.”
Two mushrooms stood like this
At the rotten stump.
And under this under the stump
The flies had a cozy home.
Flies have settled there,
Cheerful girlfriends.
And each with one eye
I was watching for fungus.

Well, and, of course, they meet fairy-tale characters.
Grandfather Grapes



Swamp kikimora

Baba Yaga, Leshy and the sorceress Autumn herself

The holiday ends, leaving wonderful memories and a great mood.

Autumn, autumn, we ask:
Come see us in a year.
Bring your gifts
The people are waiting for the harvest.
So that we have berries and fruits on the table,
So that people on earth are well-fed and happy!

In order for autumn to become the full-fledged mistress of the classroom or party hall, I suggest interesting ideas for autumn decor for schools and kindergartens. Join us: the grand autumn ball begins!

Decorating the stage of the festive hall

To make the autumn festival a success, be sure to take care of the stage - the main object of attention of young spectators.

Trees made of organza and cardboard, decorated with colorful foliage; paper mushrooms; crane key “in the sky”; baskets with apples, pears and, of course, the main hero of the occasion - the beautiful girl Autumn - these attributes will help you create a special atmosphere in the festive hall and attract admiring glances to the stage.

A light Autumn dress can be decorated with bunches of rowan berries, leaves, and it is better to decorate your head with autumn flowers: marigolds, sunflowers, asters.

Colored umbrellas, crying clouds, decorative pumpkins and soft toys will qualitatively complement the picture. You look and don’t believe your eyes - it’s like you’re in an autumn forest...

Compositions made from curtains and tulle are very interesting and warm in autumn.

Autumn lanterns

Autumn lanterns will create a mysterious, fairy-tale atmosphere in the hall and cover the walls with all kinds of patterns - an ideal solution when preparing an evening for high school students. However, kids will also enjoy admiring the flickering lights “scattered” on window sills, tables or the floor.

A large candle surrounded by corn cobs or cinnamon sticks will create its own unique flavor and will make everyone who enters the room hold their breath. However, do not forget about safety precautions! It is best to place such candles on a ceramic stand.

Garlands of autumn leaves

What is an autumn holiday without leaves? They are the ones who give us a feeling of celebration and create a magical autumn mood.

Decorating your classroom or playroom with paper leaves is easy. Print the following templates on colored paper and hang them in a row on bright threads - the garland is ready!

You can create a cheerful atmosphere of an autumn forest using felt. Look how bright and graceful the leaves are coming out! Just don’t forget to stitch them with gold and silver threads.

A garland, a wonderful curtain or a mobile can be created from real leaves. Dry the leaves under a press and cover with a layer of wax. Hang it on colored threads, alternating with beads.

And what an incredible palette of colors the stained glass windows from autumn leaves create! Baking paper, PVA glue, tape and colored leaves will help turn the classroom into a real forest clearing.

Various garlands made of paper, burlap, pine cones and other natural materials look interesting.

Autumn bouquets and wreaths made from natural materials

Warm autumn compositions full of bright colors are an unlimited field for creativity. Make a stylish wreath for the classroom door or create an autumn bouquet for the desk of your favorite teacher - and the beautiful autumn will live in your classroom for a long time.

Dried leaves, twigs of rose hips and lingonberries, autumn flowers and fruits, pine cones and acorns, and instead of a vase - a birch stump or pumpkin - the variety of autumn bouquets is impressive. Choose a composition to suit your taste and delight your classmates with unique autumn decorations.

A wreath made from natural materials will be a bright addition to the autumn decor. Make the base from thin twigs, polystyrene foam, leaves or spikelets. But you can decorate the composition with anything - seasonal fruits, chestnuts and acorns, small pumpkins, pine cones and fir branches, maple or oak leaves.

Attention! When making the base, twist the branches tightly to form a circle. Secure with wire, tape or twine in several places. The wreath parts are attached using hot glue, toothpicks, and double-sided tape.

Grass, leaves, and spikelets can be woven into the base of the wreath, but apples, acorns, and chestnuts can be pre-strung on wire and wrapped around the wreath in a spiral.

A wreath made of physalis will become an exquisite interior decoration. Its fragile, bright lanterns will make you forget about the autumn blues.

Look around, take a closer look at the autumn gifts and you will understand that you don’t need to buy anything - nature itself has made sure that every home, school or kindergarten turns into magical autumn castles. Don’t be lazy, come up with an idea and go ahead - create something beautiful!..

I almost forgot! A collective craft made from natural material is a source of pride for any class or group. It would be wonderful to decorate the interior with an elegant house and place fancy forest animals in it.

Happy creativity!