Kindergarten group decoration for the New Year. How to beautifully decorate a group in kindergarten for the New Year with your own hands Decorating a group for ng

New Year in kindergarten is a special event. Kids still believe in the existence of Santa Claus and fairy-tale characters and expect gifts and miracles. Decorating a kindergarten for the New Year is a troublesome and pleasant task at the same time. The main burden falls on educators, but the help of parents and their children can be very significant and will allow you to immerse yourself in a magical atmosphere long before the holiday. There is a lot of work - you need to decorate the group, the hall, the stairwells, the music room, the outdoor area. The decorations should be bright and colorful, but not distract children from daily activities and comply with all safety measures.

Kindergarten teachers are inventive people; as a rule, they decorate the group for the New Year on their own, without resorting to the expensive services of designers. Here are a few ideas to help them. Someone will find something new for themselves, and someone will remember the well-forgotten old.

The theater begins with a hanger, and the kindergarten group begins with the front door and lockers for clothes. The door can be decorated with a wreath, the basis of which is a wire frame and green paper or tinsel. The New Year's composition will be complemented by purchased or fairy-tale figurines, decorative candies, and small “gift bags.” You can decorate cabinet doors with the same items, attaching them to the top so that children are not tempted to rip them off.

You can put a small Christmas tree in a group, provided that it does not interfere with activities and games, and does not risk being knocked over. It is better to do without garlands and glass toys. The kids are curious. Such decorations can be dangerous for them, and sparkling lights will not allow them to fully rest during the daytime nap.

You can draw a Christmas tree on a piece of whatman paper and attach it to the wall. An original decoration for this beauty will be photographs of children or toys made by them themselves. Another option is a competition among parents for the best miniature Christmas tree. What is important here is not victory, but participation. A parade of a wide variety of Christmas trees will make the group look amazing for the New Year.

You can also involve parents in decorating walls and ceilings. A fairy tale can be easily created using improvised means. The walls can be painted with special paints or gouache, and decorated with crafts made from fabric, paper, and foil. Light paper figures or balls - hang from the ceiling.

Garlands and snowflakes are also attached there, which children are happy to make themselves. Have them actively carve decorations () and take part in decorating their group.

New Year's decoration of the music hall

An assembly or music hall is a place where a meeting with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will take place. Gifts, miracles await there, many secrets lie behind this door. So you need to show special diligence in decorating so as not to disappoint little dreamers on their favorite holiday - New Year.

In this place, the Christmas tree and window openings can shine with a wide variety of lights and garlands, of course, taking into account fire safety. It is better to decorate the lower tiers of the forest (artificial) beauty with unbreakable toys, and raise the glass ones higher.

Gifts can be placed in advance under the tree or in a corner designated for them. In this place there can be a fairy-tale hut, a cheerful snowman, small “copies” of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and any New Year’s characters. Drapery or lighting will add mystery and mystery to this composition.

You also need to drape one of the walls to highlight the stage for performances by big and small artists. Any flowing, shiny fabric is suitable for this, but the best choice would be a unique material - polysilk. It can be used to create a stunning holiday effect and can even be used in outdoor decorations due to its durability and moisture resistance.

Children's "works" are not very suitable for decorating the assembly hall. It’s better to let adults cut out New Year’s figures from paper and other improvised materials. You can decorate the room with purchased snowflakes, foil streamers or a variety of shaped paper balls, which are also easy to buy.

We decorate windows, stairs, yard with our own hands

Decorating a kindergarten for the New Year means not missing a single corner. It is better to leave the flights of stairs on the side of the railings alone, and place New Year's drawings and compositions on the wall along the stairs.

Mirrors and windows can be decorated using stencils and stained glass or other washable paint. The technique is simple. Figures are cut out of paper according to a template or a drawn outline and glued to the mirror using ordinary water. Excess moisture is removed and paint is lightly “sprayed” onto the surface. Then the stencil is removed - the painting is ready.

Of course, there should be a Christmas tree in the yard. A suitable growing tree can fulfill its role. It doesn’t matter that without needles, it can be created using green lighting.

Special garlands and LED strips can be used to decorate a fence, building facade, gazebo for games, trees, and shrubs. You shouldn't do this yourself. It is better to entrust such work to specialists for safety reasons.

But there is another part of the work that requires not so much special training as imagination, enthusiasm and fun. Snow figures will turn any New Year into a fairy tale. Parents, especially active dads, will help here. The exception is the case when there is no snow at all.

The New Year holiday comes to us every year. But every time the children wait for him with impatience and anticipation of a miracle. Try not to repeat yourself. May there be new decorations, new joy, and new dreams every year.

Useful tips

If you want to decorate your home, office or other premises, try using DIY crafts.

Making colorful decorations is not at all difficult, justneed some materials for work, a couple of tips and your imagination.

To make it easier for you to figure out how decorate beautifully home, garden, office, room or desk, here are some interesting ideas:

On our website you will also find:

  • How to make a snowflake
  • DIY New Year gifts
  • DIY Christmas balls
  • DIY New Year cards
  • DIY New Year's ideas
  • DIY New Year's compositions

New Year's decoration ideas. Decorations made of colored ice.

This is a very beautiful New Year's decoration for any home, store, garden, etc. The most important thing is that making such a decoration is not at all difficult.

You will need:


Food coloring

1. Fill the balloons with water.

2. Add food coloring to the water.

3. Place it in the cold and let the water freeze.

4. Remove the balls.

You can make various ice sculptures in a similar way.

For example, to make a medallion like this out of ice, you need to make multi-colored ice cubes:

* pour water into ice trays, add a couple of drops of food coloring (you can use different colors that can be combined)

* when your water turns into ice, put the ice cube in a round mold, fill it with water and freeze again

* if you want to make a hole in the medallion, this is possible in several ways.

For example, before pouring water into a cube, place a small glass in a round mold.

You can also drill a hole, or use a thin stream of hot water.

From such ice floes you can build mosaics and various figures.

Helpful advice: to get transparent ice, freeze boiled water, and if you want matte ice, freeze raw water.

New Year's decoration of facades. New Year's wreath on the door.

To decorate your house, you don’t have to buy a lot of things for New Year’s decor; you just need to know a few tricks and ideas that will help you decorate both the interior and the facade with your own hands.

Here is one simple example - a New Year's wreath on the door.

1. Prepare old, unnecessary magazines and cut them into strips 2 cm wide (any length, but the same for everyone).

* Try cutting strips of approximately the same tone (any tone of your choice), in this example it is red.

2. Fold each strip in half and secure the ends with glue or a stapler.

3. Cut a circle out of cardboard. Inside the circle, use a stationery knife (or a simple knife and then scissors) to cut out the same circle - you will get the basis of a New Year's wreath.

4. Using PVA glue, pencil glue or a stapler, begin to carefully glue (attach) paper strips folded into a loop onto the cardboard circle (see picture).

4.1 First, make the first row, and when creating further rows, the loops need to be glued (fastened with a stapler) slightly on top of the other loops of their previous row.

4.2 Cover the entire cardboard base.

5. All that remains is to attach a ribbon or thread to hang the New Year's wreath.

Try making several round wreaths in the same style and joining them together to decorate a large part of the façade.

New Year's home decoration. "Precious" New Year's balls.

Decorating your home for New Year is a very enjoyable process, and if you use homemade decorations, you will get double the pleasure.

You will need:

Glue (glue gun or glue stick)


Foam balls

Headed pins


1. You will need elements of costume jewelry - beads, for example. Place all the parts in a deep plate.

2. Start adding beads and/or other matching pieces of jewelry onto the pin. Leave about 1/3 of the pin uncovered. It is advisable to start putting on with a small bead.

* You can use beads, especially if some elements may slip through the pin.

3. Apply a little glue to the tip of the pin and insert it into the foam ball. The glue will not only allow the pin to stay firmly in place, but also prevent the beads from “walking” on it.

4. You need to fill the entire ball with these pins. Leave some space for attaching the tape.

5. Add the ribbon, securing it with glue. After that, cover the place where the tape is glued with a few more pins and beads.

*If it is difficult to insert pins with beads into certain empty spaces, try placing only beads on them.

These beautiful balls can decorate any interior.

New Year's garden decoration. Lollipops in the garden.

Make your neighbors think you have giant candy canes growing in your garden. This craft will cost you a penny, but will be an excellent New Year's decoration that everyone, and children especially, will enjoy.

You will need:

A straight branch, stick or something similar (made of iron, wood or plastic)

Plastic plates

Scissors or utility knife

Acrylic paint or gouache

Plastic bags

1. Prepare plastic plates and cut off the outer part.

2. Using paint, paint the plates to look like candy canes (see picture). Use multiple colors for variety.

3. After the paint has dried, take 2 plates and glue them together, placing a branch (stick) between them.

4. Wrap the "candy" in plastic bags to make it even more realistic.

Now you can decorate your garden with festive “candy.”

New Year's decoration of the hall. Balls with tasks and countdown.

You will need:

12 balls (you can prepare more just in case)

Strips of paper (to fit into each ball)

Marker or pen

Small gifts (surprises)

1. Prepare paper strips and write different tasks on them. For example:

* have a snowball fight

*eat a cookie

*tell a joke or story

* sing a song

* tidy up the table (at least one useful task)

* congratulate anyone on the New Year

* turn on the music and dance in disco style

2. Roll the strip into a tube and place it in a ball.

3. Inflate the balloon and stick it to the wall with tape.

4. Write the time on each ball, starting, for example, from 12-00 to midnight. Every hour, have someone blow up the balloon and read the task.

*You can prepare more balls depending on the number of participants in the event.

New Year's decoration of premises. Pine cone decoration.

You will need:

Wooden beads

Scissors (you can use garden scissors to make it easier)

White paint, if desired


1. Collect a lot of cones, prepare wooden beads and several circles cut out of felt (diameter 5cm).

2. Using garden shears, cut off several sections of one pine cone.

3. Glue the parts of the pine cone to the felt circle so that they act as petals. Continue gluing until you reach the middle.

4. Glue a wooden bead into the middle of the “flower”.

5. If you wish, you can paint the tips of the flower or the entire flower with white paint.

6. To create a garland, you can glue twine to the back of the flowers (on the other side of the felt circles).

DIY New Year's decor. Flameless decorative fire.

You will need:


Thick fabric

PVA glue

Stationery knife

Tree branches

We will send the material to you by e-mail

Children are waiting for the annual fairy tale, and the magic begins on December 31, but first comes to the kindergarten group. Caring parents and attentive educators can give children the expectation of a miracle. To do this, you just need to think through all the nuances of the decor in advance. If you know how to decorate a kindergarten for the New Year with your own hands, then the process of preparing for the holiday will be fun, fast and exciting. The editors of the site sincerely wish you great ideas in this direction and share the best!

It is more advisable to start the process of decorating a kindergarten on weekends. In this case, the pupils will leave the walls of their favorite children's institution, and will return to a colorful and elegant room. But the older group themselves are not against taking part in the wonderful metamorphoses on the eve of the New Year. Therefore, we proceed from the age of the children.

Preparations begin in advance, because decor does not appear out of nowhere. The best decorations are those that are created together by the hands of children and their parents. Some crafts are made in class, some are brought from home. To avoid chaos in the form of a bunch of decorations, it is better to think through all the nuances of the future composition in advance.

Ideas for decorating a kindergarten with your own hands for the New Year: decorating the ceiling, windows, walls and other surfaces

In order to decorate the group and other rooms in the kindergarten with your own hands in an interesting and beautiful way, they think about what the decor will be and where to hang it. The main requirement is safety. This is especially true in younger groups, where there will definitely be a few brats who will decide that some decorations should be tasted and see what happens if they are broken.

Ceiling hanging decorations in kindergarten for the New Year

The ceiling in a kindergarten is a wonderful background space that needs decoration. Today, most often in institutions, Armstrong type ceilings are used. This is very convenient for hanging all kinds of decor. Otherwise, stretch a fishing line through the entire room - hanging elements are placed on it.

When decorating a Christmas tree, you should experiment with the color palette of toys: children will appreciate it if each tier of the forest beauty is decorated with a certain color.

It’s good when children do . Subsequently, the guys, as a rule, highly appreciate the fact that their work decorates the Christmas tree.

Related article:

: photos, decoration methods. How to decorate a Christmas tree: longitudinal, spiral, circular, chaotic design; style of New Year trees: Scandinavian style, high-tech, classic, Provence, retro, eco - in our publication.

Dressing up the locker

A locker in a kindergarten is associated with a personal place to store things; children are sensitive to them. Moreover, it’s worth hanging some decorative New Year’s element on each cabinet.

We decorate a kindergarten with our own hands: decor of different rooms

Having made New Year's toys with your own hands for kindergarten, you should think about where they will find their place. It’s good when the decoration plan is thought out in advance. In this case, the entire registration process will be friendly and short.

The staircases, locker room, foyer, music room and groups are subject to decoration.

Stairs between floors and corridors

The staircase is decorated in two ways: the decor is hung on the railings or on the walls. If you want to combine both methods, this will be the best solution.

Garlands and various thematic compositions are hung on the walls.

How to creatively and fabulously decorate a kindergarten group

For such an activity as decorating a group in a kindergarten, faithful teachers always take on it. And it would be good to involve parents in resolving this important issue - who else knows the preferences of their own children better?

Decorating the kindergarten music room for the New Year

The most important thing is to remember that just as we decorated the hall in the kindergarten, that’s how we will hold the New Year’s party there. We put all our energy and creative ideas into decorating the music room.

Don't forget about decorating the kindergarten yard for the New Year

Even approaching the gate of a children's educational institution, the child will experience a lot of positive emotions if there is a festive atmosphere outside. It is created by the hands of the kindergarten staff, and it is worth giving them credit for such work. If parents take part in preparing a kindergarten for the New Year, then such an institution can be proud of its students and their families.

In regions with good snow cover, snow will be an excellent decorative material. These are fortresses, figures, snowmen - they can be painted in different colors or decorated with pine and spruce branches with toys.

If there is little or no snow, but there is frost, then pour colored water into gloves and balls of different shapes. Once the ice forms, the shell of the balls is broken open to create a cool yard decoration.


Project “New Year, at the Gates”. New Year's decoration of the group at the preschool educational institution.

Winter has brightened up...
Winter has brightened up:
The headdress has fringe
From transparent ice floes,
Snowflake stars.

All covered in diamonds, pearls,
In colorful lights,
The radiance is pouring around,
Whispers a spell:

Lie down, soft snows,
To the forests and meadows,
Cover the paths
Leave the branches down!

On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
Light visions
Tricky gossip.

You, blizzard, are a miracle,
Round dances of the backwaters,
Take off like a white whirlwind
Turning gray in the field!

Sleep, my land, sleep,
Keep your magical dreams:
Wait, she’s dressed in brocade,

New dawn!
M. Pozharov

Every year, on the eve of the New Year holidays, our group’s premises are dressed up in festive decorations. In December 2015, with the help of our parents, we decorated the windows with carved paper snowflakes and protrusions. Ideas and templates were drawn from Internet resources. It was as if the atmosphere of a New Year's fairy tale reigned in the group. Everyone gave us rave reviews and took pictures in front of the group's windows.

However, as teachers, we did not receive complete satisfaction from the work done. After all, all this beauty was made by the hands of adults, and we would like every child to be able to take part in the fabulous decoration of the group. We understood that children of 5 years of age would not be able to cut out beautiful, carved snowflakes; their mastery of the cutting technique was far from perfect. It was then that the idea was born - next year, let the children do what they can do, and our task is to combine the result of child labor into a common composition.
A year has passed. In December 2016, the “New Year at the Gates” project started in the preparatory group. In a conversation with the children, we remembered how wonderful the children used to decorate cards for their grandmothers with palms cut out of colored paper. What if you cut out palms from white paper and make them into window decorations? Everyone liked this idea. We stocked up on white paper, hard work and patience, and together with the children we got down to business. Our students traced their palms with a simple pencil and diligently cut them out with scissors.

And then, together with the teachers, they glued them onto cardboard templates.

We fantasized a little, and as a result we got a snowman, a Christmas tree, and bunnies.

We decorated the figures on both sides so that our winter fairy tale could be seen not only from the group, but also from the street.

We placed a snowman, a Christmas tree and two bunnies on the windows in the bedroom. The children, going to bed, listened to tales about New Year's miracles and looked at the hand-made paintings on the windows. Each child understood that this was the result of common work, and he was also involved in it. You won’t believe it, but the children even remembered where and whose palms were.

Our parents did not remain indifferent and kept bringing us openwork snowflakes. Well, what's the New Year without Father Frost and Snow Maiden? Here we have, in the group room, on the windows, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, in fur coats made of openwork snowflakes.

I’ll tell you a little secret, Grandfather Frost’s face was printed out, painted, the outline of a fur coat was drawn on the window (by hand, without templates), and then all the details of the figure were attached to the window with tape. I keep asking myself: how did we manage to live and work before the invention of scotch tape?

And here comes the Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden's braid was drawn and attached separately.
The fur coats of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden were also decorated with an edging of palms cut out by children.

We live in Russia, our children should know and love their country. Therefore, it was decided to decorate the central window of the group with the symbol of the Russian New Year - the Chimes on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin. And also, the symbols of Russian winter - red-breasted bullfinches.
We found a template for the Kremlin Tower on the Internet, modified it a little, made a stencil, transferred the outline to the window, and painted it in our own way.

We painted the pictures on the windows with white water-based paint using red and orange gouache. The frames were painted on all the windows with the same white paint; in our opinion, this made it possible to combine all the windows of the group into a composition in the same style.

The final point in the New Year's window decoration was an openwork curtain made from snowflakes cut out by parents according to a single template.

Admire our windows.

On New Year’s Day it is customary to give gifts; such a gift to all employees, children and parents of the “Darovanie” kindergarten was made by the hands of teachers Antonova T.G., Amirova G.R. and Chapurina N.A., fireplace made of cardboard boxes. We installed a fireplace in the hallway of the group; everyone can come up to the fireplace to admire and take New Year’s photos.