Dream interpretation of the loss of the keys to the apartment. What is a bunch of keys in a dream a sign of? Why do the keys dream - let's open the dream book. New family dream book

Sleep "Key" - one of those dreams that are deciphered almost literally. The key opens doors, chests, books, hearts. Secrets, knowledge, emotions are locked with a key. Of course, the interpretations of different dream books differ from each other, but they all agree on one thing: the key in a dream is a change in life. But in which direction these changes will be depends on what you did with the key and what it was like in your dream. We will answer the most exciting questions that arise after seeing a dream in which the key appeared.

Varieties of keys

  • Why is the key dreaming (of the apartment) - decision, insight, answer, knowledge of the secret.
  • Why dream of a bunch of keys in your hand - to be aware of events, to keep under control, to be the main thing in business.
  • What is the dream of someone else's key - the desire to reveal one's potential in oneself and in relations with a stranger.
  • Why dream of a bunch of other people's keys in a dream - the desire to open up completely, to show all your potential, your knowledge, skills.
  • Why dream of car keys - a joyful event in life, a valuable acquisition, a happy chance. (cm. )
  • Why dream of a broken car key - an unsuccessful acquisition, a period of stagnation begins in your life.
  • Why dream of a broken key - if you saw the key already broken - parting, death.
  • Why dream of lost keys - an unpleasant incident, an awkward situation.

Actions performed by the key

Key appearance

  • What is the big key dreaming of - the right decision, a way out of an impasse / / revealed secret, knowledge.
  • Why dream of a golden key in a dream - decent pay, good luck, fulfillment of desire / / patronage of an influential person. (Cm. )
  • Why does the silver key dream in a dream - you are a master of thinking logically, you do it with success, without obvious manifestations of any emotions. (Cm. )
  • Why dream of a rusty key in a dream - a bad dream.
  • What is the dream of a new key - new ideas, new deeds, a new way of life.

Varieties of other keys

Miller's Dream Book Keys

  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams "keys" - unforeseen changes.
  • Losing keys in a dream is a sad unpleasant event.
  • Find the key in Miller's dream - peace reigns in the family, and revival in business.
  • Finding a bunch of keys in a dream is a happy family, successful work.
  • Dream Interpretation: a broken key - the cause of separation will be either jealousy or the death of a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: an unlocked door (to a woman) - a new admirer will dutifully fulfill all whims.
  • Dream Interpretation: to lose the key “clasp” from the chain in a dream (for a girl) is a quarrel with a loved one.
  • In a dream, closing the door with a key (for a girl) is a quick marriage.
  • Why dream of losing the keys of Miller's dream book (for a girl) - she herself will ruin her reputation with thoughtless and stupid actions.
  • Dream Interpretation: car keys in a dream - a joyful event, a valuable purchase.

Freud's Dream Interpretation Key

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Modern dream book

Esoteric dream book

  • I dreamed of a key in a dream - you will discover something new for yourself.
  • Why dream of opening with a key (turning it in the lock) - you will start a business that will be successful.
  • Dream Interpretation: a golden key is a great success.

Dreams for the fulfillment of desires

Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about the keys - the obstacles that arose on the way will disappear, the problems that are now hanging over you shortly after the dream you saw are easily resolved.

Loff's dream book

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov Key

I dreamed of a key in a dream - you will find the right solution, answer the question.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Dream "key" - a talisman.
  • Dream Interpretation: find the keys - get the answer to the question that tormented you.
  • Dream Interpretation: losing the keys to the house is a strong experience.
  • Look for keys in a dream - you will abandon work, duties.
  • Why dream of a treble clef - superiority, dominant.
  • I dreamed of a key of water (spring) - the health of the patient.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Seeing the keys in a dream means false confidence, a wrong erroneous decision.

Love dream book

  • Sleep: the key is broken - part with your loved one because of jealousy.
  • Losing keys from a chain in a dream is an unpleasant quarrel with a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: open the door with a key (for a woman) - a new fan.
  • Dream Interpretation: lock the door with a key (for a girl) - soon a legal husband will enter this door.
  • Dream: give the keys to the apartment - ruin your reputation with stupid talk and indecent behavior, happiness will pass you by.

Idiomatic dream book

What does it mean to see keys in a dream - is associated with the expressions: “The key with the right to transfer” - knowledge of the secret; "Pick up the key to a person" - a relationship based on trust; "Golden Key" - the fulfillment of a desire, access to something secret; "To have the key to ..." - a clue, an answer to a question, a solution to a problem.

Autumn dream book

Dream: to lose the keys to the apartment - theft will happen in reality.

The locksmith held a wrench in a dream - laborious work.

Summer dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: losing the keys to the apartment - frivolity will not lead to good.
  • Why dream of a wrench in a dream book - correct some situation for the better, improve relations.
  • Interpretation of sleep wrench - if in a dream it’s not you, but the other was doing something with a wrench, then such a dream says that your sewer will become clogged in reality and there will be many problems with this.

Spring dream book

To receive a bunch of keys in a dream - to know the secret, get a clue, find a solution.

Sleep: hold a wrench in your hand - a dream book - a repair or an accident in the house.

Women's dream book

  • Keys in a dream for a woman - dream of changes that you could not foresee or foresee.
  • Why dream of losing the keys to the house - unpleasant events.
  • Why dream of finding a bunch of keys - a calm family life, work that brings a normal income.
  • Why dream of a broken key to an apartment - separation from a loved one will happen either because of jealousy or because of the death of a loved one.
  • Why dream of closing the lock with a key (for a girl) - an early marriage.
  • Lost the key in a dream dream book - ruin your reputation because of stupidity.

Small Velesov dream book

  • The meaning of sleep is the key (to a man) - an economic wife, a good deal, a full house.
  • Why dream of finding the keys - to know the secret, find the answer, get the win.
  • Finding keys in a dream (for a woman) is a new fan.
  • Dream: find the keys to the apartment (for a girl) - a wedding.
  • Dream: about lost keys - death, worries, jail.
  • Sleep: hold the key in your hands - run everything, know everything about the progress of the case.
  • I dreamed of a key in my hand (to an unemployed person) - to find a job.
  • Dream Interpretation: drinking water from a key (source, spring) - health, the patient will soon recover. (Cm. )

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of keys - a symbol of some knowledge - to know the secret, to find a solution.
  • Dream Interpretation: hold the keys in your hands in a dream - soon fate will give you a happy chance, a new job, a new acquaintance.
  • Dream Interpretation: to lose the key to the door is a disappointment in love.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bunch of keys in your hand - get a responsible job, position at work.

Erotic dream book

Key in a dream dream book - Dream Interpretation: interpretation of keys -acquaintance with a person with whom there will be love, but you will wrap everything in scandals and troubles.

Psychoanalytic dream book

  • I dreamed of a key to the door - a source of difficulties, solving problems, the key to success.
  • Why dream of a sorcerer with keys - the key of the kingdom, a symbol of power, secret knowledge.
  • I dreamed in a dream a key - a symbol of the phallus, male power.
  • I dreamed of the keys to the apartment (for a girl) - marriage, the key to a happy family life.
  • The interpretation of the "treble clef" dream - just as the treble clef "leads" the camp of notes, stands in their "head", so the new acquaintance will act extraordinary, and will subdue you to his will.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Dream Interpretation: find a bunch of keys - family joys, improving things at work.
  • Dream Interpretation: looking for keys is a dismissive attitude to work, to one's duties.
  • There are two keys in a dream - good luck in family life and at work.
  • Dream Interpretation: two keys to lose - irritation, dispute, scandal, gossip / / self-doubt, feel your own inferiority.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of keys in a dream is a good sign.
  • What does it mean in a dream to collect keys scattered on the floor - happiness in family life, a full table, healthy children.
  • Dream Interpretation: holding a bunch of keys in your hands is a change in life.
  • To dream of a golden key to a door - friendship with a respected and influential person, his patronage.
  • Dream: car keys - Dreamed of car keys in a dream - a valuable purchase, a joyful event.
  • Dream: to lose the keys to the car - a period of stagnation begins in your life.

Jewish dream book of Azar

Dream Interpretation: to see the keys in a dream - arrest, imprisonment, imprisonment, prison.

Numerological dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: one key on a bunch is a weak idea, it will not bring much benefit. After 1 month, one will give you advice on how to increase profits, listen to him, the advice will be sensible.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see 2 keys in a dream - dream book: 2 keys - get down to business with redoubled energy.
  • Dream Interpretation: three keys on a bunch - dream book: 3 keys - when you get down to business, attract three components of success: determination, intelligence and slowness.
  • Dream Interpretation: four keys in a dream - dream book: 4 keys - go travel and visit all four corners of the world.
  • Dream Interpretation: ten keys in a dream - dream book: 10 keys - think about the offer that you received 10 years ago. It will bring you happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation: turn the key in the lock 1 time - a day after the dream you see, you will find yourself in an awkward situation because of a person who has great power over you.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Dream Interpretation: to see a bunch of keys on a stone - an amulet from damage and the evil eye is urgently needed.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Dream Interpretation: open the lock with a key - an intimate friend / girlfriend, lover / mistress.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

  • Seeing spring water in a dream is a benefit, a good life, happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation: big key - a good deal, big money.
  • Dream Interpretation: stolen keys - imprisonment.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding the keys to the apartment is a benefit.

Assyrian dream book

I dreamed of a key with water in a dream (spring, source) - wealth.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation: spring water is in full swing - purity, internal connection with female energy, intuition.

Gypsy dream book

  • The interpreter of dreams "water is in full swing (spring)" - good health.
  • Sleep: lose the keys to the house - the death of parents or friends, or a patron.
  • Finding a bunch of keys in a dream for a woman is a lover, a good friend.
  • Finding the keys in a girl's dream is marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man found the keys in a dream - a profitable business.

Dream Interpretation Frost Keys

The key in a dream means:

a) they will feel passion for you, they will try to seduce you, persecution from a fan;

b) ill-wishers will arrange a trap for you, you need to be very careful not to fall into it;

c) get an answer to your question;

d) if you are young, then your wedding will be soon;

e) a successful business, a profitable deal;

e) changes in life will be unforeseen.

Find keys in a dream:

a) win a lottery, dispute;

c) acquisition, purchase:

d) getting rid of the hassle;

e) establish peace in the family.

Lose keys in a dream:

a) lose power

b) lose control over the situation;

c) parting with a loved one;

d) jail time.

Break the key in a dream:

a) separation due to jealousy;

b) the death of a loved one;

c) false hope;

d) unfulfilled dreams.

Lock the door in a dream with a key:

a) marriage;

b) the right choice in personal life;

c) avoid publicity.

Islamic dream book Key (Muslim dream book Keys)

  • Keep the key in your hand in a dream - the lot of Allah, the help of the Almighty, victory over enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: the clang of a bunch of keys - great power will beckon.
  • Why dream of holding a big bunch of keys in your hand - you will achieve great power.
  • Why dream of opening the door with a key from the outside - you will overcome all the difficulties that you encounter on your way.
  • Why dream of taking a bunch of keys home to yourself - successful business.

Dream Interpretation Vanga Key

Folklore dream book

What does it mean when you dream of losing the key - they will rob you in reality.

Generalized dream book

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Dream Interpretation: the keys to the apartment - the secret will soon become clear.

Why dreamed of a wrench in a dream - to a real repair or accident.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

I dreamed that I was looking for the keys, because I lost it - in reality they will rob you.

Seeing in a dream: a worker wrench is doing something to them - laborious work lies ahead.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Asking for a key in a dream because your own is lost is frivolity in reality.

Why dream of a wrench in the hands of a locksmith - the sewer will soon become clogged.

Dream interpretation combined

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

ABC of dream interpretation

  • Seeing house keys in a dream is a symbol of knowledge that can reveal a secret.
  • Dream Interpretation: hold the keys to the apartment in your hands - a successful marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: to lose the keys to a new apartment - a new love will be unsuccessful, disappointment.
  • Dream: I dreamed of a bunch of keys in a dream - a responsible position.

American dream book

Seeing locks with keys in a dream - Dream: keys door lock - you have the ability to open any door both on the spiritual and physical levels.

English dream book

  • What does it mean to see in a dream the keys to lose - disappointment, displeasure.
  • Sleep: give the keys to the house to an outsider - marriage.
  • I dreamed: to receive the key from my beloved, the interpretation of sleep is the birth of a child.
  • In a dream, giving the keys to a man is marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: opening many locks with a bunch of keys in a dream is wealth, as a result of successful trading.

Eastern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: the key in the lock broke - separation.
  • Dream Interpretation: stole the keys to the apartment - unpleasant adventures.
  • A bunch of keys in a dream for a woman is a lover.
  • Dream: find two keys - family happiness and successful business at work.
  • I dreamed of opening the door with a key - a new fan.
  • Dream Interpretation: locking the lock with a key is a successful marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: giving away the keys - stupid talk will ruin your opinion.

Imperial dream book

The key opens the lock, unlocks the Door leading to Heaven along the Platonic stairs. In his life, a person opens this Door twice: at birth - the door from Heaven to Earth and at death - the door from Earth to Heaven in order to close it after himself. This Door closes behind the departed Apostle Peter, who guards this door to Paradise. The Apostle Peter in Christianity is depicted as an old man who holds two keys in his hand. With a golden key, he opens the door to the newly born, and with a black key he closes it for the departed. (cm. )

  • I dreamed of getting the keys in a dream - Dream Interpretation: getting the keys - you will find a solution to the problem that will correspond to both the problem itself and your internal capabilities to solve it.
  • I dreamed of looking for and finding the keys to the house - a favorable sign - if you get rid of impotence and gain the joy of the desire to move forward, then you will gain great knowledge, find the meaning of your existence.
  • Dream Interpretation: opening a chest with a key is an adequate solution to the situation, the ability to correctly apply force. Every person is the keeper of personal experience, as well as the experience of his culture of countless different options for action. However, there is only one correct and most effective solution. That is what you will find.
  • Dream Interpretation: to find keys, but not to be able to open a single door - since you are acting at a given moment in time will not bring any result. Change your mind, think and find the right one.
  • Dream Interpretation: the key to the lock does not fit - Dream: they gave a bunch of keys, but not one came up to the front door - what you think and what your goal is is very different: the way of thinking does not match the goal.
  • To receive a key as a gift in a dream - you will learn valuable information.
  • Why dream of losing a bunch of keys in a dream - an unfavorable sign - you will lose the power of movement in reality, you will lose your own Self.
  • Why dream of a castle and a golden key - a symbol of the dreamer's emotional state, portends stormy, emotional events.
  • Why dream of taking silver keys - you have a highly developed propensity for logical analysis. You do everything thoughtfully, without unnecessary emotions and obvious external manifestations.

Russian dream book

I dreamed "they gave the key in my hands" - Dream Interpretation: they gave the keys in my hands in a dream - they will love you dearly.

Dream Interpretation: to break the key in the lock in a dream - to be in a very difficult position.

Family dream book

  • Sleep: keys and lock - unforeseen changes.
  • Why dream of losing the keys to a new apartment - you will be very saddened by the events that will happen very soon.
  • Why dream of finding keys - peace in the family.
  • Why dream of a broken key - Dream Interpretation: a broken key - separation.
  • Why dream of an unlocked door in a dream - a new admirer who will be humble and kind.
  • Dream Interpretation: a door locked with a key in a dream is marriage.
  • Losing keys in a dream - reputation is at stake, behave prudently.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

  • In a dream, they handed over the keys - they will reveal an important secret to you.
  • Forgetting the keys in a dream and not being able to enter the house is dissatisfaction with love.
  • Sleep: a bunch of keys in hand - a positive dream - especially for families.
  • Seeing in a dream how I collect scattered keys is a lucky break.
  • I dreamed of a golden key in a dream - friendship with an influential person.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Dream Interpretation: to see the keys in a dream - a difficult issue will be resolved in the very near future and you will find the solution yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive a key from a man is the birth of a child.
  • The dead man gave the keys in a dream - Dream Interpretation: the dead man gave the keys - listen to good advice, it will help you achieve complete success.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Why dream of a bunch of keys to an apartment - Dream: a bunch of keys to an apartment - there is one door, but there are many keys - such a dream speaks of the loyalty of the servants, of a big good housekeeping.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • Dream Interpretation: cold water from a key is a cold.
  • I dreamed of "washing myself with water from the key" - to have good health.
  • Dream Interpretation: boiling spring water in a dream is a success with the opposite sex.
  • Why dream of a padlock with keys - unexpected obstacles.
  • Dream: I dreamed of a bunch of keys in my hands with a keychain - do an act, you will be proud of it, praise from relatives.
  • I dreamed that I found the keys - consent in the family, to fix things.
  • Dream Interpretation: open the door with a key - you will be suspected of something bad.
  • Dream Interpretation: locking the door with a key from the inside is a strong desire to be alone.
  • Dream Interpretation: lock the door with a key from the outside - marriage will be happy.
  • Dream Interpretation: drop a bunch of keys - damage your reputation.
  • Dream Interpretation: stringing new keys on a ring is a win.
  • Dream Interpretation: the door lock and the key sticks out in it - a new fan.
  • Dream Interpretation: the key is broken in the lock - separation due to jealousy.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • Dream Interpretation: they gave the key to the apartment - life will change for the better.
  • Dream Interpretation: the loss of a key is a “black streak” in life.
  • In a dream, a man gives a key - Dream Interpretation: a man gives keys - big changes in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: give the keys to a man so that he carves the same one - you are the blacksmith of your own happiness.

Universal dream book


Summing up all of the above, I would like to say that in most cases the keys in your dream speak of finding the right solution, answering questions that tormented you, having knowledge, or about a new stage in your life. So if you are tormented by a question that you cannot find an answer to or you need to somehow get out of a difficult situation, let you dream of a key and the next day you will find what you were looking for.

Key - is considered a simple symbol in night dreams. As a rule, direct associations with keys are used in interpretation, such as opening access to certain benefits and receiving a pleasant opportunity in life or an answer to an important question.

For a more complete interpretation of dreams, you need to take into account the fact that the key can appear in a variety of plots. Such a symbol can portend a very important event in life, so it is important to understand what this subject is dreaming of. The key in a dream can symbolize power in reality, but at the same time the dreamer must realize how to use it correctly so as not to harm.

Why is the key dreaming

In order to understand what the key dreamed of, it is necessary, first of all, to remember its appearance. If he appeared without reference to a specific plot, as an iconic symbol, then he indicates that the dreamer has an unimaginable natural potential. You have your entire destiny in your hands and you are the master of it. Therefore, you may well become a happy person.

big key

The big key seen in the dream emphasizes that you have great opportunities in life. You have great prospects, but for this you need to show an active life position.

See the key in your hand

A very good sign is the fact that if you saw a key in your hand in a dream. In this case, the associations connecting the dream with real life are simple. Allegorically, they mean that the dreamer has the key to happiness in his hands and he definitely needs to use it.

In dream books, the following interpretations of keys in dreams stand out:
  • Scattered keys lying in one pile indicate the inner freedom of a person and emphasize the fact that he enjoys it.
  • A few small keys portend great wealth in the near future. This dream is especially good for entrepreneurs and businessmen. Since it promises prosperity in reality, which will not be threatened by anything.
  • A bunch of keys portends great joy and satisfaction from one's own active actions.
  • A pair of keys seen in a dream predicts changes in personal life, which are likely to be associated with an unexpected acquaintance.

The key dreamed of a woman

The key that a woman saw in a dream indicates that she will soon have a rich admirer. And if a young girl sees, according to the plot of a dream, that she closes the door with a key, then this portends an imminent marriage. But when a married woman or a married man dreams of the process of closing the door with a key, this symbolizes the fact that a person seeks to get away from solving important family problems. If the dreamer opens the door with a key, it means that in reality he is looking for a way out of this difficult situation.

Broken key - interpretation of sleep

If you dreamed of a broken key, then this indicates that in real life you are faced with a difficult task, the solutions to which you have not yet found. Sometimes such a dream is a symbol of a person's confusion in reality. But on the other hand, these night dreams are advised to abstract from the current situation and not get hung up on it. After that, the solution will appear by itself.

If in a dream you saw broken or damaged keys, then this is an unkind sign. According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, one should be afraid of losing a dear person in real life. Often the cause of separation, after such a dream, is betrayal.

Keys to your own car

When you dream of the keys to your own car, this indicates that in reality new opportunities will open up for moving towards the intended goals. You should not doubt, because this is really what you need at the moment.

A good sign is the keys to your own apartment, seen in a dream. This is evidence of a prosperous and happy life. Harmony and prosperity will reign in the house, and all family members will understand each other perfectly.

Lose the key

Losing the key to the plot of a dream is not a very good omen. Why dream of such a plot? This is a sign that in real life you will lose control of the situation. Sometimes this may indicate that certain life circumstances will take you by surprise and, due to your own confusion, you will make the wrong decision.

But if you found your own lost key in night dreams, then this indicates that you can easily solve any life problems. You will be able to take the situation into your own hands, so there is no need to doubt, but you should begin to actively act in reality. Even better if you managed to find someone else's key in a dream. This symbolizes that you will be able to awaken internal reserves and take very serious steps that will lead to success.

Why dream of collecting keys

If you not only see in a dream the keys scattered around you, but also try to collect them, then in real life a happy accident will happen to you. Which - do not try to predict, as it is simply impossible to do. Trust fate and wait for a miracle.

Giving the key - the meaning of sleep

The plot of a dream in which you give someone a key is very symbolic. This indicates that in real life you will have real friends with whom you can establish a trusting relationship. Very often, such a dream is a harbinger of a happy marriage, symbolizing that you are giving your betrothed or betrothed the key to your own heart.

Accept keys from anyone

The most common question is why one dreams of taking or accepting keys from strangers in a dream. When someone gives you keys in night dreams, this means that someone in real life will provide you with effective help. In addition, such a dream hints that a chance will be given in life and it should not be missed. Therefore, it is very important to carefully look at the events taking place around you in reality.

break the key

If you dreamed that you broke the key in a dream, then this indicates that events will occur in life that you cannot influence. Moreover, they can be both positive and negative. Sometimes such a dream can symbolize a crisis in a relationship with a partner.

Despite the fact that the key is a rather ambiguous symbol in a dream, it is quite easy to decipher its appearance in night dreams. The main thing is to compare the events of real life with a dream and listen to your own intuition.

Why dream of a bunch of keys? The authors of dream books think differently. Consider favorable and unfavorable interpretations set forth by popular authors. Try to remember your dream in detail, and then find a suitable prediction.

The most mysterious soothsayer Nostradamus gives the most complete interpretation of a dream in which you see a bunch of keys to an apartment. His interpretations are as follows:

  • Did you see in a dream only one key in a bunch? This means that in real life you are fixated on some problem and are trying to find all kinds of ways to solve it, trying to find the easiest way.
  • If with the help of the keys from the bundle you open the door to some room, then the dreamer will face some difficult situation in real life, which will have to be solved in the very near future. There is also a global prediction - soon a grandiose discovery will take place in the world, which will change the life of all mankind for the better.
  • If in a dream you break a key from a bunch, the prediction also applies to all people, and not just the dreamer. There will be a tragedy on a cosmic scale - perhaps a very large accident is coming at the space station.
  • If the dreamer saw a huge bunch of keys, a long and very exciting journey awaits him, during which he will see many new things, visit several countries at once. But this will not happen in the near future, but in the distant future.
  • If there are only two keys in the bundle, then the situation that worries you in real life will be resolved in a very unexpected way.
  • If in a dream you lose a bunch of keys to your own house, then in real life you will find yourself in a situation in which you will feel extremely awkward and difficult.
  • Had a dream about how a stranger gives or gives you a bunch of keys? So, soon in real life you will get into trouble. But some influential person will help you, who will get you out of trouble and help solve all problems.
  • Keys made of precious metals dream of financial well-being, winning, sudden enrichment.
  • If in a dream you are looking for and cannot find the keys to your apartment, problems are coming in your relationship with your loved one.

Loff's dream book

According to David Loff, dreaming keys can predict the following events:

  • If you lose a bunch of keys to your own apartment in a dream, then in real life you will lose power, control over some situation that is significant to you. Also, the usual benefits may not be available, or you will not be able to solve an important task due to conflicts with others.
  • If in a dream you find keys that have long been lost in real life, then you are striving to change your life for the better. You are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, so you are making every possible effort to rectify the situation.
  • And why dream of finding someone else's bunch of keys that cannot be used in a dream - they do not fit any lock in the kingdom of Morpheus? This means that in real life you strive to develop, change yourself for the better, and reveal your own potential. Look for all possible methods, and the results will not be long in coming.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Why dream of the keys to the apartment, according to the author of Tsvetkov's dream book? He gives only one concise interpretation. A bunch of keys in a dream means that in real life you will receive a hint that will help you make the right decision in a matter that is significant to you.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Hasse gives several interpretations:

  • If you just saw a bunch of keys in a dream, the next deal will be completed with great benefit for you.
  • If you lose the keys in a dream, then in real life you will lose something: freedom, power or money. Be careful and think over all your actions, then losses can be avoided.
  • If you find a bunch of keys, then in the near future you will receive great benefits or find yourself in a winning position in a situation that is significant for you.

Esoteric dream book

  • If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, expect in real life something new, amazing, unfamiliar to you before.
  • If in a dream you are trying to open the door with keys, it means that soon in real life you will start some new business, the results of which will please you very much. Expect success.
  • If the keys in the bunch are made of precious metals, good luck will accompany you in everything. The time has come for luck - a great chance to start new business, plan something and achieve goals. Pay attention to social activity - it will bring the best results.

See in the video what else the keys can dream of:

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

There is only one prediction in Meneghetti's dream book: a bunch of keys may dream that in real life you will make the wrong decision due to the pressure of public opinion. Try to listen to yourself, and not to the stereotypes that others impose

English dream book

  • If you dream that you have lost the keys to someone else's apartment, this is an unfavorable sign. In real life, either a major disappointment or dissatisfaction with your own actions awaits you.
  • If in a dream you give a bunch of keys to a stranger, wait for a marriage proposal. A man in love wants to lead you down the aisle.
  • If the keys are given to you or you find a bunch, replenishment will soon appear in your family. The long-awaited child will be born, and life will change dramatically.

Also, a bunch of keys may dream of financial well-being, which you have been trying to achieve for a long time. Your deeds and work will finally bring significant results.

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive Dream Interpretation of Juno online service - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books - both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known dream interpreters and those little known so far, but no less talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one site, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. Here you can find answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of sleep on any subject by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed about and choosing from them the one that will "hook" you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at that time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use the additional information in the Juno heading - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days you have prophetic dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams are dreamed on the full moon, at which time many more dreams are dreamed. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in introspection. What was dreamed about on the growing moon requires realization in reality - pay special attention to this. You will find out which days of the week and lunar days are empty, and which are prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days come true, and on 29, 1, 2, etc. - almost nothing). Important dreams are dreamed on such dates of the month as 1,3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

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When searching by the entered word, observe the following rules:

  • The word must contain only Russian letters. All other characters will be ignored.
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  • In the case of an advanced search, all words containing the entered combinations of letters will be displayed. For example, with an advanced search for the word "tea", the program will give an interpretation of the words "TEA" and "CASE".
  • The case of the entered letters does not matter. For example, entering the words "hand", "HAND", "Hand" and "hand" will give the same search result.

In the collection of our service there are more than 75 dream books, many of which only we have, there are such well-known and popular sources as Miller's dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first of the dream interpretations in the world), Vanga's dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as the interpretation of dreams of different peoples (Russian, old French, old Russian, Slavic, Maya, Indians, gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese of the Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author's dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou Gong, Old Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zadkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of interpretation of dreams as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (on the recommendation of junona.pro - the best), the Russian noble dream book of Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as the modern universal, feminine, masculine, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale mythological, esoteric, catchphrases, symbols, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, dream book - self-instruction book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of sleep that they were looking for.

The theme of love and personal relationships is widely represented in the dream book, but other topics also have detailed coverage. Have a nice dream!

2008-2019 Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.

Interpreting what the keys are dreaming of, the dream book draws attention to the details and events that appeared in the dream. The symbol portends the fulfillment of a desire or indicates the causes of difficulties, warns of a threat to property, and reveals difficulties in relationships.

What do the keys mean

The Muslim prediction, which means the keys, promises help from above. It is possible to get someone's weighty kit in a dream shortly before promotion, gaining additional powers. If you are lucky enough to give the find to the rightful owner, luck will accompany the difficult case.

The erotic dream interpreter calls for maintaining at least the remnants of prudence during amorous adventures, of which many are foreseen. In Azar's dream book, a hiding place for a key means restrictions.

Dream Interpretation Enigma

In the interpretation of the Enigma dream book, non-standard situations are considered with special interest, which in no way can be an echo of everyday life.

The product of deliberately primitive work suggests that the solution to the problem will surprise with its simplicity. Locking a prisoner in a prison cell happens to secretive persons.

Miller's predictions

Miller's dream book provides interesting explanations of what the keys are dreaming of. Loss symbolizes the unpredictability of the situation, complications out of the blue. The discovery promises advice and love in the family.

Lonely locked door promises changes in personal life. Gustav Miller considers rust and breakdown to be a harbinger of separation forever.

The explanation of the famous seer Vanga, what the keys that do not belong to you are dreaming of, advises you not to exaggerate your own capabilities, to seek help.

Vanga calls common sense, perseverance, determination as assistants who do not have support or decide to act independently.

What Freud Says

According to Freud, the interaction of an object with a keyhole symbolizes intimate contact. The dreamer lady prefers coitus interruptus to other types of contraception.

For both sexes, the upcoming romantic relationship will bring disappointment. Relationships want to quickly break and forget.

Acquisition methods

Dream Interpretations will tell you why you dream of getting the keys in one way or another. If you are lucky enough to find it, the Great Dream Interpreter promises financial success with the light hand of an influential person.

Finding keys in a dream happens at the peak of charm and sociability. The number of obstacles is minimized, it's time to resolve a difficult issue. The upcoming trip will be unforgettable.

The esoteric interpreter identifies the sign with progress in learning, self-knowledge, and the disclosure of creative potential.

Relatives give

When keys are presented in a dream, the sorceress Medea promises a meeting. If relatives donated, you will find out valuable information.

When friends donate a duplicate from their own home, visit them - you won't regret it. If a gift is given to the bride and groom at a wedding, you will experience happiness.

Don't take someone else's

It is curious to know why one dreams of getting keys with a fight:

  • They took strangers - you will find a non-standard solution;
  • They took away from a strong opponent - the risk will justify itself;
  • They took their own from the thief - avoid terrible danger;
  • They take it from you - take care of your reputation;
  • They took it without asking - you will find yourself in an uncomfortable position.

Saw a master key

If you saw in a dream how you pick up a master key to an unfamiliar lock, the Wanderer's dream book suggests remembering whether the attempt was successful.

We saw how the door opened - in reality, the chances of success are high. They left with nothing - your idea is initially hopeless. It happens to independent individuals to make a master key on their own.

Loss in a dream

Loff's dream interpretation considers keys lost in a dream to be a harbinger of trouble. The sleeper is threatened by gossip, shame, infringement of rights. They lose an irreplaceable item on the eve of material losses, disfavor of the leadership, quarrels with passion.

Feverish search personifies promiscuous love affairs. The situation warns of a high probability of making a serious mistake due to confusion, disorganization. If in the end the loss was discovered, the optimism and resourcefulness of the dreamer will prevail over adversity.

Decided to give

Dream Interpretations will help you figure out why you dream of handing over keys to third parties:

  • They gave a duplicate to a friend - in reality this guy will upset;
  • An unknown person took it without asking - there is a quarrel ahead;
  • The man gave the kit to the lady - there is a high risk of blabbing;
  • Giving keys happens on the eve of a serious conversation;
  • The one who received the kit needs help.

Broke inadvertently

The dream book of Nostradamus presents a frightening explanation of why the key broke in a dream. A man-made catastrophe in space will terrify every earthling.

The prediction for spring birthdays speaks of less global consequences. A broken or hopelessly bent key predicts failure in love and travel.

Broken, thrown away

If the keys were broken intentionally in a dream, disappointment in a dear person lies ahead. When it breaks during the manufacturing process, circumstances will ruin the plans.

If you happen to throw it away, the esoteric Tsvetkov believes that the sleeper likes to complicate everything. If they returned to the owner the bundle he threw away, the intrigue will end in a scandal.

No entry or welcome

In dream books, manipulations with keys matter: they had to open or close locks in a dream.

Sophisticated designs remind of the benefits of non-standard solutions. If you unraveled the secret in a dream, in reality you will receive valuable information. When a girl locks a guy inside, the symbol betrays the intention to hide the relationship with him.

The opening is an alarming and promising sign: it is not known what surprise awaits outside the door. The folk oracle promises a stormy romance, full of passions, jealousy, quarrels. The room closed from the inside personifies the will of chance.

Hiding, dropping, collecting

It is curious to know what other actions and small incidents dream of:

  • They hid the keys - in reality, strive for solitude;
  • A secret place is identified with restrictions;
  • They hid someone else's kit - you are a born spy;
  • Forgotten - carelessness can be costly;
  • Dropped - risk social position;
  • Collected - lucky in several areas of life;
  • Raised from the ground in the yard - the joy associated with children;
  • They got it from under the kitchen table - there will be a full bowl of the house.

What things have you seen

Dream Interpretations specify what they looked like, what the keys that they had seen were intended for. Vintage items symbolize the past, their attractiveness reflects pride in well-lived years, light nostalgia.

Rusty, darkened from time to time personify impartiality, cold calculation. If metal was rubbed in a dream until it became shiny again, an influential patron will help fulfill a cherished desire.

If you have seen a modern "pill", an innovative idea will be recognized. Deliberately large indicates that you are point blank not noticing the obvious.

What is the dream of a couple

Two keys portend a pleasant surprise. The loss of both immediately betrays dissatisfaction with oneself, a tendency to conflict.

If a pair of identical products dreamed up before leaving, a great travel companion will turn an everyday business trip into an amazing journey. If they belonged to someone else, you are driven by a thirst for self-realization.

Where are they stored

Healer Akulina clarifies where they had to get the keys from. Taken out of your pocket - get a responsible task. Kept in your wallet - new financial prospects will open.

Carried in hand - you will be well aware. Found "foundlings" in your bag - you are too frank. The hand-knitted cover calls to be more attentive to the wards and subordinates.

Dreamed of doors

What door do the keys that you dreamed open? If intended for massive gates, the alarm will be in vain.

If you dreamed about the keys to an apartment or a room, you will find out someone's secret. From the car - there will be an opportunity to make an expensive purchase, loss or breakdown promises unsuccessful investments.

curious signs

Keys on the same chain or string with a pectoral cross testify to the credulity of the sleeper, which ill-wishers can take advantage of. Beware of occult influences.

Metal ringing on the belt of an old key keeper predicts troubled times. If you are lucky enough to buy a keychain, you will win the respect of others.

There is a key, no lock

In the dream books there are idiomatic explanations of what various keys dream of. This mission can be fulfilled by a word: if you know it, get help, a forgotten password promises difficulties.

Violin reflects an imperious disposition. Wrench, adjustable or gas warn that a difficult task remains to be solved. The spring represents health, purity, well-being.

Likes are spinning 😍⭐️

Questions to the author

Choose your dream!

Did you ever dream?


    • You may find yourself in a difficult financial situation, up to confusion and depression. But remember that troubles are temporary, so don't panic! 😚

      In a dream, I take out two pairs (bundles) of keys from my bag, the third bunch remains in the bag, these are my keys, and I give those two to a big big man and thank him. These were the keys to the hotel room where I had to spend the night. What does it mean?

      • It is a symbol of patronage, protection ❤️. In your sadness, you will not be left alone, you will be supported and warmed. In the light of this alien kindness, everything else will seem petty and unimportant!

        Hello. My dad died last year, and his set of keys is now mine. I dreamed that I couldn’t find the key to my father’s house on a bunch (the house was inherited by me), and then dad appeared and gave me a whole bunch of duplicate house keys. Please tell me why such a dream.