The best universities in Canada, ranking of the best universities in Canada. Benefits of enrolling with Compass. List of documents for admission to a Canadian university

Alumni have included 5 Canadian Prime Ministers, 4 foreign leaders and 6 Nobel Prize winners.

Every year, about 68,000 students enter the University of Toronto, of which about 16% these are foreign students.

The university is Canada's most important research institution and has gained an international reputation for its research.

The University of Toronto offers more than 800 undergraduate programs in the fields of humanities and social sciences, health, physics and mathematics, commerce and management, computer technology, engineering, kinesiology and physical education, music and architecture. The university also offers more than 200 master's and doctoral programs.

2. University of British Columbia

The oldest university in the province, the University of British Columbia (UBC) is one of the most competitive in Canada.

There are two campuses, one in Vancouver and one in the city of Kelowna in the Okanagan Valley. The main campus in Vancouver is close to several beaches and boasts mountain views. The campus has many botanical gardens, as well as the famous Plant Research Center with a collection of more than 8 thousand different plant species.

The University of British Columbia has 210 interest clubs. The university has its own base at the Whistler ski resort.

Staff, teachers, and graduates of the University of British Columbia have received 7 Nobel Prizes and 64 Olympic medals. Alumni include three Prime Ministers of Canada.

UBC offers a special joint undergraduate program with Sciences Po, a higher education institution in Paris.

In total, UBC has more than 50,000 full-time students, and a quarter of them are international.

3. McGill University

McGill University is a public research university located in the city of Montreal. This is the oldest and most famous university in Canada.

Thanks to the latest technologies and innovative research programs of the University, which have received worldwide recognition, the number of the best professors and students here increases every year. The university includes 73 research institutes, 6 branch hospitals and a network of 17 libraries.

McGill University is the only Canadian institution represented at the World Economic Forum's Global University Leaders Forum, which brings together 26 of the world's leading universities.

The university has over 40,000 students from 150 different countries.

4. McMaster University


The university was named after Senator William McMaster, who bequeathed a significant sum of money, $900,000, to create a “Christian educational institution.”

The main territory of the university is located in the west of Hamilton, Ontario, adjacent to the Westdale residential area and the Royal Botanic Gardens.

McMaster University's strongest areas are medical sciences, engineering and nuclear physics. The university has its own nuclear reactor (McMaster Nuclear Reactor).

The University's Faculty of Engineering is one of the most prestigious faculties in Canada. Its emblem, the fireball, is a source of particular pride for McMaster engineering graduates.

In total, this university offers more than 140 bachelor's, 36 master's and 28 doctoral programs.

5. University of Montreal

The only French-language university in the top five, the University of Montreal is the second largest university in the country by student population. A quarter of them are foreigners.

The main campus of the university is located on the slope of Mont Royal. The famous tower was built in the Art Deco style in the 20th century.

The university offers more than 650 programs at all levels of study and annually issues approximately 3,000 master's and doctoral degrees.

Sports are a popular activity at the university. Students play on teams called Carabins and compete in badminton, football and hockey, among other sports.

Ten premiers of the province of Quebec are graduates of the university, in addition to many other government officials who were educated at the University of Montreal.

Best Universities in Canada 2018

The prestigious QS World University Rankings published a list of the best universities in Canada in 2018. This year's QS World University Rankings included 26 Canadian universities, 4 of them in the top 100, and another 9 in the top 300. If it's time to choose where to study in Canada, take a look at the top ten educational institutions in the country.

1. University of Toronto

The University of Toronto has once again surpassed McGill University to once again become the best university in Canada. This year he is in 31st place in the world rankings. The university has approximately 88,700 students across its three campuses in Toronto. The university was founded in 1827 and is known for its research, including such significant ones as the discovery of insulin and stem cells.

2. McGill University

McGill University, ranked 32nd in the world, was founded in 1821 and has about 40,500 students, a quarter of whom come from other countries. The university is located in Montreal. It boasts the largest number of Nobel laureates (12) and Rhodes Scholars (142) of any Canadian university.

3. University of British Columbia

The University of British Columbia has lost several positions in the rankings this year and is in 51st place, but, nevertheless, it remains the third university in Canada. It has about 62,900 students, including 14,434 foreigners from 162 countries. Campuses are located in Vancouver and Kelowna.

4. University of Alberta

Moving up 4 spots, the University of Alberta shared 90th place in the rankings with a university in South Korea. The University of Alberta was founded in 1908 and its main campus is in Edmonton. The university has 37,830 students from 143 countries. Its impact on Alberta's economy is estimated at C$12.3 billion annually.

5. University of Montreal (Université de Montréal)

Of the French-language universities in Canada, the University of Montreal is the most famous. This year he is in 130th place in the world rankings. The university was founded in 1878. It is one of Canada's leading research universities, generating more than half a billion dollars in research revenue. The university is one of the top ten employers in the region.

6. McMaster University

McMaster University climbed 9 spots this year to rank 140th in the world. The university was founded in 1887 in Toronto, but in 1930 moved to Hamilton in Ontario. McMaster has 70 research centers and institutes and is particularly famous for its medical school.

7. University of Waterloo

Also located in Ontario, it is one of Canada's youngest universities, having only opened its doors in 1957. This year it ranks 152nd in the world university rankings. There are currently 36,670 students studying at the University of Waterloo, of which 37% come from outside Canada.

8. University of Western Ontario

Formerly known as the University of Western Ontario, the university was founded in 1878. Located in London, Ontario. The number of students is about 28,800. In the world ranking it shares 210th place with the University of Antwerp.

9. University of Calgary

The University of Calgary was ranked 217th in the world - down from last year, but still among the top 10 Canadian universities. Founded in 1966, the university has five campuses, including one in Qatar. The University of Calgary is home to many important inventions, including the neurochip.

10. Queen's University

Queen's University is ranked 224th among universities in the world in 2018. This is one of the oldest universities in Canada, founded in 1841, 26 years before the advent of the state of Canada. Today, about 22,500 students study here, 10% of them come from other countries.

Read more information about education in Canada in our section ""

In terms of education, Canada in 2019 is one of the most advanced countries on the planet. Canadian universities occupy high places in world rankings, and the flow of students and people wishing to get an education in this country increases every year.

This is explained by the fact that colleges and universities in Canada offer a truly high-quality level of teaching on par with and, but at a more affordable cost.

University of Toronto

This is the largest and most famous public university in Canada in 2019, the focus of which is research activities. It is one of the twenty world higher educational institutions. Known for his scientific developments, including the creation of insulin, the discovery of stem cells and the invention of the first electron microscope.

Only the best students study at the University of Toronto due to very strict selection and high competition for places. Permanent quotas for foreign students are 9%. Medical and law faculties are very popular; enrolling in them is quite difficult, but it is worth it, because a diploma from this educational institution is equivalent to diplomas from Stanford, Harvard, and.

One of the most famous universities in Canada through the eyes of its students. We recommend watching it.

Once enrolled, students have tremendous opportunities, including the chance to become exposed to the latest scientific research and discoveries, to study with the best teachers in one of more than 700 undergraduate programs and about two hundred degree programs.

A prestigious university with an excellent reputation among universities in North America. The most popular areas are engineering, especially the faculty of mining engineering, as well as business management and plastic arts.

The university has been successfully operating a medical research center for 11 years, which is recognized as the best medical university in the country. The educational institution actively conducts research in the fields of ecology, chemistry, linguistics, agriculture and forestry, as well as geography.

McGill University, Montreal.

One of the main advantages is the location in a picturesque province with mountain peaks and clear lakes. This attracts a large influx of both local and international students to Alberta universities. The University of Alberta is one of the top 3 best public universities in the country and one of the hundred educational institutions in the world. Applicants are offered a huge selection of programs from the humanities to applied sciences.

It is the largest educational institution in the province with more than 300 undergraduate programs and two hundred postgraduate programs. The university provides financial support to a large percentage of students, including foreigners.

University of Alberta in Canada.

Ranked among the leading research institutes in the field of science, the proportion of foreign students is 10%. A special feature of this institution can be considered its own nuclear reactor, which, in addition to being used for educational purposes, is used in the production of radioisotopes.

The university is actively pursuing developments in the fields of genetics, biochemistry, genetics and engineering. The university also boasts famous achievements, including deciphering the cholera gene and studying the brain of Albert Einstein.

It was in the McMaster University building that the moons of Uranus were discovered by George Kavelarz.

McMaster University, Hamilton.

Ranked among the top ten universities in Canada for quality of teaching. The faculties of humanities and natural sciences, engineering and medicine are especially popular among students. According to global ratings, a diploma from this educational institution is highly rated by employers from all over the world. The academic year is divided into two semesters and costs about $17 thousand.

It is ranked among the country's leading research universities and is a U15 league that brings together the most productive research centers in the Canadian educational system. There are increased requirements for applicants compared to other educational institutions in the province of Alberta due to which only a third of incoming applications are accepted.

The University of Calgary is famous for the fact that it was there that the neurochip was developed.

The largest bilingual educational institution in North America. For many years, it has been ranked among the top twenty universities in Canada and among the top 300 universities in terms of teaching quality. Admission is based on the student's previous academic performance. The cost of training is about $5 thousand, plus students can count on scholarships; there is also a distance learning program.

The university is famous for its activities in the development of medical, legal and diplomatic fields. The medical program is provided at a very high level and is one of the highest quality in Canada.

Victoria University

The institution's good reputation is due to its level of research, scholarship and teaching style. A special feature of the University of Victoria is its innovative programs and active international activities. It is in third place in terms of the number of Co-Op programs, which allow you to alternate semesters of study with paid internships in large enterprises.

Many university teachers are winners of prestigious awards and prizes. The main focus of the institution is the Faculty of Business, but the areas of humanities, social sciences and natural sciences are also in demand.

This educational institution is located in the north of Toronto and is one of the three largest autonomous public general institutes. The University of York is famous for having the country's only research center in the field of space engineering.

The humanities and art faculties are very popular among applicants. This is the largest educational institution in the country that trains psychiatrists and psychotherapists.

The development studies program was noted with great interest, which is a current interdisciplinary direction in the study of life in undeveloped countries of the world and the preparation of projects and developments for their urbanization.

The motto of the University of York is "Tentanda via".
(The path must be tried).

University of Manitoba

For many years it has not left the top twenty universities in Canada. This is the only university in the west of the country that conducts intensive research and offers about a hundred programs in various areas.

About 30,000 thousand students study at the university in Canada, among whom there are places not only for citizens, but also for foreigners, including Russians.

Research activities at the university are actively carried out in the field of nanotechnology, the food industry and the study of the planet's climate. But the most impressive results were achieved in medical research in cardiology, oncology and infectious diseases.

The institution actively involves the private sector in its research and receives good support from the indigenous population of Canada, thanks to a program specially developed for them for people from indigenous peoples.

It is among the students of this university that the largest number of holders of the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship is found.

The following video will tell you how, and then immigrate to this country.

Popular provinces and cities for studying

Universities in Montreal are 6 major educational institutions for students from all over the world; in addition, there are about a dozen colleges and a large number of language schools in the region.

It is here that the oldest university in the country, McGill, is located, among whose graduates are many famous scientific and cultural figures: astronauts, Nobel laureates, winners of Oscars and other prestigious awards.

No less famous is the University of Montreal with its policy of teaching in French and great achievements in the field of nuclear research. Other universities in the region, such as the University of Quebec in Montreal and Laval University, are no less popular.

Many factors attract students to Montreal, for example, the fact that it is a bilingual city, that is, it has two official languages ​​and both French and English are equally popular. Due to the large number of educational institutions, this is mostly a student youth region with affordable housing costs and convenient campus locations in park areas.

British Columbia's universities also attract crowds of students every year, with a greater concentration of universities in different fields located in the province's largest city. Universities in Vancouver are represented by ten largest educational institutions, the advantages of studying there are not only in obtaining a quality education in Canada, but also in living in the most beautiful region of the country.

Simon Fraser University has a mountaintop research center and a reputation as one of Canada's leading medical schools for medical discoveries.

The University of British Columbia is another renowned university for its campus location, which gives students the opportunity to conduct research in state-of-the-art laboratories on a large farm.

And for those who prefer fine arts, there is the Emily Carr Institute in Vancouver, where students study design and various types of creative directions.

For humanities and language courses, head to Langara College. And for adherents of technical fields, the British Columbia Institute of Technology is suitable, since the developments in engineering that are carried out on the basis of this university are known and recognized by the world community.

Vancouver is famous not only for Canadian universities, but also for the fact that it has been included three times in the international list as the best city on the planet with good ecology, cosmopolitanism and transport infrastructure.

Tuition fees at universities in Canada

When choosing an educational institution, it is taken into account that studying is cheaper by about 30%. In addition, there is a discount program for students on travel on public transport, visits to museums, theaters and fitness centers.

However, in this regard, provinces and cities do not have a unified system, and the cost of training, rental housing and other issues are determined individually.

Admission to a Canadian university

Conditions for enrollment in a Canadian university differ depending on the chosen educational institution. Most international students apply after completing their upper secondary education. For Russians and students from other countries, the requirements for admission to the Canadian educational system in 2019 include:

  1. Age 17-18 years.
  2. Certificate or diploma with an extract of points.
  3. Possession of a basic English language. Provide a certificate or
  4. Depending on the university, passing a French language exam or a certificate of passing the SAT test.
  5. Confirmation of financial solvency.
  6. In some cases, you may need an essay or motivation letter and recommendations from past teachers.
  7. Achieving high GRE or GMAT scores with .
  8. For medical universities, you will need to pass appropriate exams and testing.
  9. In certain regions - a medical examination.

To learn how to apply to a university in Canada, watch the following video.


The best universities in Canada enter into partnership agreements with large global corporations, and the educational system, as a rule, involves obtaining not only a theoretical basis, but also practical experience.

When studying at universities in Canada, the emphasis is on taking seminars and participating in projects. This fact is welcomed among employers, so graduates of Canadian universities can expect highly paid jobs both in the country and abroad.

Canadian universities have a serious endowment - capital to finance research and attract leading scientists to teach and develop science. This approach helps students become involved in great world discoveries and achievements.

UniversityCityMaster's degree

Bachelor's degree

21 1 University of TorontoToronto33,437$ 33,437$
34 2 Montreal26,008$ 7,181$
35 3 University of British ColumbiaVancouver21,693$ 5,886$
97 4 University of AlbertaEdmonton17,899$ 17,899$
108 5 University of MontrealMontreal9,156$ 12,500$
117 6 Hamilton17,068$ 17,068$
172 7 Waterloo17,318$ 17,318$
198 8 University of Western OntarioLondon18,876$ 18,876$
202 9 Calgary13,929$ 9,643$
204 10 Queens UniversityKingston17,942$ 20,898$
209 11 University named after Simon FraserBurnaby14,924$ 8,208$
233 12 Dalhousie UniversityHalifax7,000$ 7,000$
241 13 Ottawa5,000$ 7,000$
255 14 Victoria
258 15 Laval UniversityQuebec25,625$ 24,209$
323 16 University of GuelphGuelph5,000$ 5,000$
372 17 University of SaskatchewanSaskatoon11,501$ 11,501$
424 18 University of QuebecQuebec7,000$ 7,000$
465 19 University of ManitobaWinnipeg3,000$ 5,000$
478 20 Carleton UniversityOttawa7,000$ 7,000$
485 21 Concordia UniversityMontreal28,584$ 28,584$
520 22 York UniversityToronto16,733$ 19,015$
643 23 Memorial University of NewfoundlandSt. John's3,000$ 10,000$
669 24 Université de SherbrookeQuebec3,000$ 5,000$
729 25 University of WindsorWinsor5,000$ 12,500$
816 26 Ryerson UniversityToronto23,000$ 20,000$
970 27 Université du Québec MontréalMontreal10,000$ 10,000$
1058 28 University of New BrunswickSaint John12,500$ 12,500$
1096 29 École Polytechnique de MontréalMontreal15,000$ 15,000$
1101 30 University of ReginaRegina10,000$ 10,000$
1161 31 Brock UniversitySt. Catharines15,000$ 15,000$
1202 32 University of LethbridgeLethbridge12,500$ 12,500$
1216 33 Wilfrid Laurier UniversityWaterloo15,000$ 15,000$
1357 34 University of Prince Edward IslandCharlottetown10,000$ 10,000$
1384 35 University of WinnipegWinnipeg10,000$ 10,000$
1388 36 Lakehead UniversityThunder Bay15,000$ 15,000$
1417 37 Trent UniversityPeterborough20,000$ 20,000$
1436 38 Athabasca University
1514 39 HEC Montréal Ecole de GestionMontreal17,500$ 17,500$
1522 40 University of Northern British ColumbiaPrince George12,500$ 12,500$
1534 41 University of Ontario Institute of TechnologyOshawa15,000$ 15,000$
1543 42 Ecole de Technologie SuperiorMontreal7,500$ 7,500$
1544 43 Université INRS Institut National de la Recherche ScientifiqueQuebec
1568 44 Saint Francis Xavier UniversityAntigonish15,000$ 15,000$
1599 45 Saint Mary's UniversityHalifax12,500$ 12,500$
1651 46 Acadia University 15,000$ 15,000$
1665 47 Université LaurentienneGreater Sudbury12,500$ 12,500$
1811 48 Mount Allison UniversitySackville12,500$ 12,500$
1884 49 Université de MonctonMoncton
2273 51 Thompson Rivers UniversityKamloops15,000$ 15,000$
2623 53 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityHalifax12,500$ 12,500$
2684 54 Nipissing UniversityNorth Bay15,000$ 15,000$
2721 55 Brandon UniversityBrandon7,500$ 7,500$
2812 56 Trinity Western University
3065 57 Cape Breton UniversitySydney15,000$ 15,000$
3149 58 Université du Québec ChicoutimiSaguenay12,500$ 12,500$
3447 59 British Columbia Institute of TechnologyBurnaby7,500$ 7,500$
3739 60 MacEwan UniversityEdmonton15,000$ 15,000$
3750 61 Northern Ontario School of Medicine (Laurentian University Lakehead University)
3858 62 Vancouver Island University (Malaspina)Vancouver12,500$ 12,500$
4078 63 Université du Québec Trois-RivieresTrois-Rivieres15,000$ 15,000$
4293 64 Saint Thomas University
4345 65 Royal Roads UniversityVictoria
4442 66 Université du Québec OutaouaisGatineau12,500$ 12,500$
4581 67 Bishop's UniversitySherbrooke15,000$ 15,000$
4664 68 Emily Carr University of Art + DesignVancouver10,000$ 10,000$
4693 69 University of the Fraser ValleyAbbotsford12,500$ 12,500$
4705 70 Northern Alberta Institute of TechnologyEdmonton
4821 71 Université du Québec RimouskiRimouski15,000$ 15,000$
4967 72 Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversitySurrey12,500$ 12,500$
5657 73 Capilano UniversityNorth Vancouver
5798 74 Université du Québec Abitibi-TemiscamingueRouyn-Noranda17,500$ 17,500$
5865 75 Southern Alberta Institute of TechnologyCalgary

Canada offers high-quality and affordable English-language education, and, importantly, the opportunity to stay in the country after studying with successful employment! Today, there are more than one hundred universities in Canada that offer training programs for foreigners. Foreign students can expect such bonuses as comfortable living in a country with a high standard of living, good scholarships and internships. The ratings are designed to help you make important choices in education that will determine your entire future life. Among the existing ratings, the following are especially popular:

  • Quacquarelli Symonds is a list of the top universities, which is compiled by a British consulting company that has been ranking universities since 2003. Important indicators when compiling ratings are: the role and significance of the university’s research center, the professionalism of teachers, the institution’s involvement in the internationalization of education, etc.
  • The Center for World University Rankings has been compiling its rankings since 2012 based on 8 key characteristics and takes into account such indicators as: determining the quality of educational services, career success of graduates and the number of international awards they received, citations, number of publications from the university per year, etc.
  • The Times Higher Education is one of the most popular rankings, which has been compiled by the British publication for more than 10 years. The place of a particular university depends on many indicators: the quality of teaching, the level of dissemination of knowledge and innovation, the role of scientific discoveries, the number of Nobel Prize-winning teachers, the quality of the material base.

20 best universities in Canada according to The Times Higher Education


University of Toronto

University of British Columbia

McGill University

McMaster University

University of Montreal

University of Alberta

University of Calgary

University of Ottawa

University of Waterloo

Western University

Dalhousie University

Laval University

Queen's University

Simon Fraser Universi

University of Victoria

University of Manitoba

University of Saskatchewan

Carleton University

Concordia University

1. Leader in higher education in Canada according to the Times: University of Toronto, has more than 700 bachelor's and 200 master's programs. This is the largest university in the country, the most prestigious and respected. Ten university graduates received the Nobel Prize.

2. Second place is deservedly occupied by the University of British Columbia, founded in 1915 and since then has never left the top three universities in Canada. Most of the teaching staff are doctors of science, and among the university’s graduates there are 7 Nobel laureates. Today, the university is working on current problems in the field of science of global importance.

3. Leading Montreal university McGill University, which took third place this year, has 12 Nobel laureates. University scientists make a great contribution in various fields: economics, biology, medicine, etc. The educational institution is distinguished by its cooperation with more than 100 research centers around the world.

4. McMaster University - the fourth best university in the top - is distinguished by its commitment to innovation and is a center of attraction for young scientists, as well as artists and designers.

5. The University of Montreal closes the TOP 5 universities in Canada. The University of Montreal is a record holder for the number of students: it offers high-quality and balanced academic courses, and has a developed research center.

  • The university, located in Vancouver, shared its place in this year's ranking with a number of universities: from 8th to 12th. Today, the university offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs. Students from all over the world leave extremely positive reviews of the university as a university with the highest quality of teaching. Majors in the fields of business, media, economics and accounting are very popular. More than 17% of foreign students study at the university, which is a very high figure for Canadian universities. Students will also be pleased with the prices for the programs: the university offers the most affordable higher education, without compromising on the quality of educational services. The cost of training for the year will be from $15,900 CAD.
  • is included in the TOP-20 and plays an important role as a research center and center of specialized institutes. Thanks to its balanced, full-fledged programs, the university deservedly has a high reputation. The teaching staff is represented by qualified teachers who follow innovation and modern research. For all its advantages, the University of Manitoba sets affordable prices for foreign students, and the prices for accommodation will pleasantly surprise you. The cost of studying at the university will be from $9988 CAD per year.