What tile is now fashionable for the bathroom. Which tile to choose for a modern bathroom renovation. Tiled floor - versatility and beauty

The bathroom has always played a special role in the life of any person; moreover, it can be said without exaggeration that this is one of the most important rooms in the house. As a rule, our day begins and ends with a visit to this particular room: and what, if not a stylish design, will give a good, high spirits in the morning and relax, set you in a peaceful mood in the evening. Fashionable bathroom tiles 2017. 40 photo ideas:

It's no secret that the foundation of any successful trendy bathroom renovation is the right choice of ceramic tiles. However, how to understand the modern diversity offered to us today?

Watch the video: Fashionable bathroom tiles 2017

There is a necessary set of characteristics that bathroom tiles should have: wear resistance, moisture resistance, withstand the action of various aggressive detergents, and it must also have strict geometric shapes. It is these qualities that distinguish the quality products of world famous Italian, Russian and Spanish manufacturers. It is these countries that have proven themselves well in the world market.

Fashionable bathroom tiles 2017, of course, in addition to quality characteristics, the design of ceramic tiles also plays an important role. Any serious manufacturer offers consumers a wide range of shades and shapes. As a rule, the shape of the tile is rectangular, most often of a medium shape. But there is an abundance of color. Recently, ceramic classic bathroom tiles have become more and more popular, interspersed with various contrasting colors, which undoubtedly creates a spectacular impression. Bathroom tiles 2017 photo:

High-tech lovers will suit the tile for the bathroom in cold shades. In addition, tiles that imitate various materials come to the aid of those who wish to experiment with texture - be it fabric, wallpaper, various metals, wood. Today you can choose ceramics with three-dimensional ornaments of completely different styles and directions.

All this makes it possible to implement the most daring design ideas. You can trust your own taste and skill - it's good that today we have access to a huge amount of information, detailed master classes on special sites. You can entrust such a responsible job to a professional designer, because having the opportunity to choose among such a variety of ceramic tiles, you can implement almost any, even the most daring and original ideas of designers. Fashionable bathroom tiles 2017 photo:

Tiled and marble floors

One of the most important parts of a bathroom renovation is the floor. Concrete is not only a supporting structure, but also a rather vulnerable material that needs protection from high humidity. For this, various types of floors have been developed. Modern technologies in the field of repair not only protect, but also decorate your floor. Concrete is decorated with a variety of tiles, tiles and slabs. In order to better navigate this, consider the most popular types of bathroom floors.

Bathroom floor types

Bathroom floor tiles, when we talk about the types of bathroom floors, we must take into account the specifics of the room. The bathroom is always humid, there are frequent temperature changes, hard scratching objects fall on the floor and chemicals are spilled. Given all the features of bathrooms, we can get the following types of floors that suit us: bathroom tiles, plastic flooring, vinyl or marble floors.

Tiled floor - versatility and beauty

The most popular and sought-after option in our time is precisely the bathroom tiles 2017. Concrete interacts very well with any type of tile and is perfectly protected. The tile looks good and neat and, in addition, allows you to choose colors for every taste. If you want to make repairs on a budget and with high quality, then the best option for you is a tiled floor. The concrete under it does not dampen, does not exfoliate and does not become moldy, which means that the tile itself does not collapse. Fashionable bathroom tiles 2017 photo:

Remember that the denser the bathroom floor tiles, the less vulnerable they are to moisture and chemicals. That is, it is best to choose tiles with low porosity. In addition, in order to protect the tile or its enamel from destruction, use milder and less concentrated products for mopping. Then your tiled floor will serve you for many years.

Marble floors - luxurious bathroom

Natural stone, of course, is valued much more than artificial tiles, so if you are a lover of chic interiors, then marble bathroom tiles will suit you. Love for natural materials came to us from Europe, so if you have European-style renovation in your apartment and bathroom, then marble will be much more logical than tile. Marble floors look fashionable, expensive, strong, they will make your floor luxurious. Concrete under marble floors holds up just as well as under tiles, but marble floors certainly don't look much better. But they don't cost much more.

In addition, marble bathroom tiles require a very careful attitude - marble, especially dark marble, is easily scratched and sensitive to chemicals. But if you decide to afford this luxury, then you can definitely take care of it!
And, of course, regardless of whether you have marble floors in your bathroom or a regular tiled floor, they need to be kept clean and relatively dry, and then your bathroom will look good and tidy for a long time. Classic bathroom tiles photo:

This article is addressed not only to design professionals, but also to anyone who is thinking about updating the interior and is looking for tiles for the bathroom, kitchen and living space.

In it, we present 6 main trends in the design of ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware. We will tell you which tiles will be fashionable and in demand in the coming years, and which solutions have already lost their relevance.

Trend #1 - Neutral Elegance

Simplicity and elegance are back in fashion. Tiles with a laconic design are replaced by lush collections with complex decor and bright patterns.

In the near future, imitations of wood, marble, concrete, plaster, complemented by discreet decor, will be relevant. They are gradually replacing tiles with a large pattern, multi-colored decor and an abundance of additional elements.

In the photo: Atlas Concorde Brave Wall Design collection of ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware.

In the photo: floor porcelain tiles from the Fap Roma collection.

Trend No. 2 - drawings and patterns

Graphic ornaments are in vogue. Gaining popularity and "", all kinds of strokes, wavy lines and geometric shapes depicted on the surface of the tile.

Exaggerated, "cartoon" imitations of the pattern of marble, wood and other natural materials, made in bright cheerful colors, will be relevant.

In the photo: a tile with a stylized pattern of Sant Agostino Digitalart fabric.

Trend number 3 - copying natural materials

With the development of production technologies, imitations of natural materials in ceramics are becoming more and more realistic. Where the use of wood, natural stone or clay is not possible, ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware that imitate them are excellent.

Trend number 4 - going beyond the usual

As opposed to copying natural materials, a direction is developing in which tile design focuses on the properties of the ceramic itself. Relief and volume, the combination of ceramics with glass and metal, the play of light on the surface of the tile, giving it volume and texture, non-standard format - all these are new, fresh and not boring techniques for designers and buyers.

Tiles with various “special effects”, such as relief or a special surface structure, open up completely new possibilities in decorating living spaces. It looks fresh and unusual, emphasizes the individuality of the interior and the tastes of the owner.

Trend number 5 - eclecticism

Eclecticism or a mixture of different styles is a feature of the modern lifestyle, which is also reflected in the design of tiles. The combination of ethnic patterns and industrial surfaces, elements of antiquity and hi-tech, the opposition of artificial and natural - all this inspires designers to create bright, different collections of ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware.

Collage and patchwork, graffiti and comics, famous works of art and uncomplicated modern ornaments, a combination of drawing and natural texture - all these motifs are in demand today, and are unlikely to cease to be relevant in the next 2-3 years.

Pictured: Bayker Batik patchwork tile.

In the photo: "patchwork" of ethnic motifs in Panaria Ceramica Memory Mood tiles.

Trend number 6 - a new form

In the last couple of years, tiles have been massively moving away from the usual square and rectangular formats. They are replaced by hexagons, rhombuses, triangles, and completely abstract figures that add up to various modules. Tile of non-standard format turns from a background covering into a decorative element.

The emphasis on form and pattern is perhaps the latest trend in ceramic tile design. Rhombuses, hexagons, V-shaped elements and other ceramic figures may well become the most popular decor in the coming years.

From theory to practice

Now that you know which tile will be the most fashionable, it's time to move on to choosing and buying! You can find tiles in the style you like on our website or in the showroom of the ART REAL salon. We work daily. Come!

For professionals and not only

The full text of the study of the Institute of Ceramic Technology on the design of ceramic tiles in 2015-2016 in English can be downloaded from us in PDF format.

Tags: Fap , Atlas Concorde , Tiles , Ceramic tile, Porcelain tile , Wood effect , Stone effect , Marble effect , Decor , Bayker , Embossed , 3D , Sant Agostino , Novabell , Patchwork , Brick effect , Concrete effect , Hexagonal , Metal effect , Fabric effect , Atlas Concorde Russia , Art&Natura , Equipe , Cisa , Panaria Ceramica , Cerasarda , Triangular , V-shaped , Chevron , Plastered , Equipe Hexawood , Ceramic parquet, Gardenia Orchidea Walk , Sant Agostino Digitalart , Cerasadra Sardinia , Herringbone , FAP Roma , Atlas Concorde Brave Wall Design, Panaria Ceramica Memory Mood , Cisa Slate , Ethnic style, Diamonds , Art&Natura Stonewood , Novabell My Space , 6 Major Trends

For quite a long time, the bathroom has ceased to be just a room for personal hygiene. Today it is increasingly characterized as a place of relaxation, where you can relax, take a shower or soak in the bath. And the repair in it, respectively, is carried out following the latest trends. Thus, to create a beautiful and cozy design, it is important to know which tiles are in fashion right now.

Following trends and chasing fashion

Given the modern approach to bathroom renovation, requests for the choice of finishes have changed a lot. However, ceramic tiles are still the best option for finishing. And at the same time, her choice is approached with great care, and a careful selection is carried out. Approximately the same used to choose flooring or wallpaper in the bedroom and living room.

As you know, modern tiles, along with their aesthetic qualities, also have good performance characteristics, including ease of maintenance and high resistance to fire and much more.

But nevertheless, there are many variations of choice, and even choosing which tiles to put on the floor in the bathroom, many face difficulties. But we’ll talk about how to choose bathroom tiles separately, and now we’ll take a closer look at current trends, and still decide which tile is in fashion now and which one to choose.

Most popular tile options

A small preface, we note how the repair was carried out earlier. Materials were selected according to the principle of a dark bottom and a light top, on which, in fact, the choice ended. And it was quite rare to find something extraordinary and original. Now, considering the color of the tiles in the bathroom, which is better to determine is rather difficult, we can only note that the following have become the most popular options:

  1. Tiles imitating natural stone.
  2. Imitation of wood materials.
  3. Tiles look like leather or fabric.
  4. Mosaic and its imitation
  5. Floral prints.
  6. And lastly, high-tech design.

But let's take a closer look at each of the options in order to decide for ourselves which tiles to lay out the bathroom.

A natural stone

The first type is ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware with a textured solution in the form of natural stone. Stone products and in general the texture of such material will never lose its recognition among consumers, which is why this solution is gaining more and more popularity.

This kind of coating allows you to give the room a certain atmosphere of tenderness and firmness. But we note that the decision to equip the design of the bathroom in this way is not affordable for everyone. Although a tile that imitates the coating of marble, shell rock can help bring almost any fantasy to life. But the cost of such coverage is still high.

imitation wood

Speaking about which tiles in the bathroom are now in fashion, more and more material is mentioned that imitates wood flooring. The design made of wood gives comfort and warmth, and also helps to relax better and faster, both on the physical level and on the subconscious.

Even considering the fact that tiles are used to create such an interior, and not natural wood, you still get the feeling that you are in a Russian bath or sauna, which allows you to relax, unwind, feel completely safe and detached from the outside world .

Leather and fabric

Going further, you can see coatings that imitate sheathing with leather materials or fabric. Especially popular is the design of imitation snake or crocodile skin. This solution is often found in people who love everything as elegant and non-standard as possible.

The surface of the tile not only imitates the pattern, but also completely repeats the texture of different types of leather or fabric. In addition, the coating itself is not slippery, which also allows this kind of flooring to be finished. The coating itself looks quite interesting, one might even say extravagant.

Mosaic and its imitation

Probably the most popular option is the mosaic finish. Everyone who had the opportunity to visit the oriental baths remains impressed for a lifetime, in particular, he is left with the decoration of the walls, which is made by hand with small mosaics. After such a view, you can forever forget even to think about what kind of tile is now in fashion for the bathroom, and give your preference to just such a solution.

Such a peculiar work of art, which was able to organically combine various kinds of materials, including stone, and glass, and even mirrors, and all this in one single drawing. Right now, such a solution is more popular than ever, current technologies create dozens of varieties of tile coatings that imitate just this kind of mosaic.

This is a tile that has a common pattern, but on the other hand, hundreds of independent, at first glance, elements from each other. Each of them has its own uniqueness, but together they represent a whole picture that shimmers with colors.

Floral prints

Another option is a bright tile with a floral texture. This kind of material can radically change the entire room. In addition, with the help of such materials, you can visually increase it or reduce it. Using a different pattern, you can influence the room in different ways, respectively.

Such manipulations are carried out through the use of drawings of different sizes, in turn, small flowers will contribute to a visual increase, while large ones, on the contrary, will decrease. This is what should be taken into account when choosing.

Considering the recommendations of designers, it is desirable to use this kind of tile to focus on one of the areas of the bathroom. For this, a combination of different types of tiles is used, including the standard plain one. That is why you need to know what bathroom tiles are.

High tech

And the last popular option is to perform high-tech repairs. The very same tile of this style is a coating in one color, with a complete absence of any transitions or halftones.

Thus, it is possible to create the most simple and elegant room in which each element will simply scream about its rationality and symmetry.


Having considered the variety of types of tiles, we think you have come to the conclusion which trendy bathroom tiles are right for you. Finally, we note that the selected tile should not only emphasize your taste, but make the room and stay in it as simple, pleasant and comfortable as possible.

We also note that, contrary to modern fashion, photo prints and classic monochrome design options are still popular coating options. And finally, we suggest watching a few videos that show illustrative examples of bathrooms decorated with the latest fashion.

A universal option for decorating the floor and walls in the bathroom is tile or ceramic tiles. But is it so easy to choose the design of this material?

Having seriously thought about the design of the bathroom, do not forget that repairs are being done here for many years, so the design should remain relevant as long as possible.

One of the materials that has not lost its popularity for many years is facing tiles used for finishing floors and walls. And if earlier tiles with an unremarkable design played an exclusively practical role, providing durable protection for your walls, today this material can be used both as a stylish accent and as a backdrop that creates the right atmosphere.

Let's talk in more detail about how to achieve the desired result using finishing materials that are relevant this year. Now we will show you the best bathroom design photos of 2020 and trendy tiles for a small bathtub, which most often have problems with decorating.

Pros and cons of bathroom tiles

Bathroom: design, photo - trendy tiles 2020

We can talk for a very long time about what opportunities a standard tile opens up to us.

Firstly, this option protects the surface much better than others from moisture, steam and temperature extremes.

Secondly, with proper installation of tiles, you can forget about the appearance of fungus and mold, and the strength of such materials allows you not to redo the cladding for years.

Modern tiles have other advantages:

Advice: if you are planning repairs for many years, you should not deliberately choose cheaper materials. Many types of tiles are brittle and can break when subjected to heavy objects.

One of the few disadvantages of tiles is the need for professional installation, as well as the use of some additional materials in this process. And if you want to create a real masterpiece on the walls, using tiles of several varieties at once, you will have to work hard and spend a lot of time.

Bathroom: design, photo - fashionable tiles 2020 for a large bath

Material quality

How to choose a tile that meets your expectations? It is important for each of us that the tile is practical, durable and easy to install, and also looks in accordance with the latest trends in interior fashion. Therefore, spend enough time choosing the right material, and at the time of purchase, be sure to check the entire batch for defects.

Advice: the optimal thickness of the finishing tiles should be at least 0.7 cm for walls and 0.9 cm for the floor.

Consider the porosity of the material structure. Porous type tiles react poorly to detergents and chemicals. If you plan to clean the room often, choose denser and smoother options.

It is equally important to decide on the adhesive on which the tile and ceramic tiles will be planted.

Most types of glue are toxic, and when exposed to high temperatures, their negative properties only increase. Therefore, make sure in advance that the means used to fix the tiles to the wall or floor are as safe as possible.

Having settled the technical issues, you can proceed to the choice of design.

For a small bathroom, it is better to choose glossy materials in as light shades as possible: they will visually expand the space.

Another good way to visually increase the area is to create horizontal stripes from tiles that will make the walls wider.

Fashionable bathroom tiles can be plain or consist of several colors at once. The most common bathroom wall color ideas are white, beige, light green and blue. Such light shades harmonize well with black, brown, blue tones.

Advice: it is not necessary to combine tiles of different colors on each wall. With the help of a brighter or darker shade, you can create an accent on one of the surfaces - as a rule, an area with a mirror is chosen for this purpose.

If you are laying out elements according to the principle of horizontal combination (for example, making the lower zone of the walls darker) - keep an even border on each surface, and also keep in mind that the borders of each element of the interior (for example, cabinets or the bathroom itself) must also be aligned to it.

Tiles of different colors can be laid out in a checkerboard pattern. If you decide to implement such a design idea both on the floor and on the wall, do not combine contrasting shades: it is better to give preference to two delicate tones.

The choice of shade will also depend on the purpose for which you decorate the interior. If you want to maintain a relaxing, light atmosphere, light and close to nature tones are suitable for you: for example, mint, lavender or blue.

In the bathroom, where it is necessary to recharge with energy and cheerfulness, brighter accents would be appropriate: red, orange, yellow.

Bathroom: design, photo - fashionable tiles 2020 for a small bath, photo

What tile design options are in fashion today? First of all, these are plant and flower elements. Drawings on the theme of nature will add new colors to the interior of the bathroom.

No less relevant are geometric and abstract ornaments, classic-style patterns and strict lines.

Do not forget that each pattern imitates a certain direction in design. The bathroom will be cozy only if the style of decoration, plumbing and other interior elements is repeated.

You can mix several styles, but they must have similar features: for example, classic and baroque, modern and high-tech are in harmony with each other.

How to make decor even brighter

To emphasize the modernity and sophistication of the bathroom, you need to be able to choose the right decorative materials.

Instead of standard tiles, give preference to finishing in different sizes and shapes: today you can find large slabs designed for floors and walls at the same time, and small tiles for creating mosaic patterns.

Tiles can be laid out in such a way that it has a horizontal, vertical or diagonal orientation. Depending on the direction, the shape of the room will also change: your bathroom will become wider or taller with the help of such visual effects.

Especially popular are tiles that can be glued to walls and floors in the form of brickwork. You can go even further - and find a tile that imitates such a surface even with its design. By the way, today tiles are produced that imitate other materials: wood, marble, etc.

Fashionable bathroom tiles 2020, photo

If you are not afraid of the difficulties associated with the lengthy or costly laying out of non-standard elements, look for options for rounded and smooth shapes. Such walls will make the bathroom light and airy, so you can get the maximum comfort from your stay in this room at any time.

In the interior of both small and large bathrooms, it is allowed to combine tiles of different shapes and sizes. But the overall picture should turn out to be holistic and harmonious, so it would be better if you sketch out a sketch of the future design of your walls in advance.

In addition to tiles with unusual shapes and colors that imitate natural materials, different types of photo tiles for the bathroom are becoming more and more popular.

Any pattern can be applied to such a surface, so turning a bathroom into a kind of oasis or imitating the sea coast becomes easy.

For rooms with bright lighting in different angles, tiles with patterns consisting of matte elements are suitable. It can be drops, flowers, full and other patterns.

When light falls, such drawings will be striking, but they will not stand out as accents against the general background. Therefore, this design option is more suitable for those who seek to create a relaxing environment.

The next trend is tiles with a relief surface. In order to make the bathroom more elegant, you can choose tiles with a protruding wave-like pattern, circles, rhombuses and other ornaments for one or all walls.

The advantage of embossed tiles is that most of the defects of such a surface are not striking at all. And with the right choice of motive, you can favorably emphasize the advantages of the layout and shape of the room.

Modern bathroom tiles, photo

Patchwork tiles are a design idea for creative and creative people. This option includes several elements of different colors that visually imitate a patchwork fabric.

You can implement such a solution on your walls even without tiles with the desired design: just pick up a few multi-colored fragments with the same parameters and join them in the desired sequence.

One of the most difficult, but also the most interesting ideas for decorating the walls in the bathroom is the use of tile materials with shapes imitating honeycombs. Such a design will bring you even closer to nature, and in the interior it will become a stylish accent even if you prefer calmer shades to bright ones.

You can think for a long time about how to make the bathroom more comfortable with floor and wall tiles: there are no universal options, and fashion is constantly returning old shapes and colors.

Therefore, be guided by your own preferences and associations: if you and your loved ones feel comfortable in a new environment, the finish will not have to be changed for many more years.

Trends in the interior are long-playing. This is especially true for tiles that are laid once and for 10 or more years. Fashionable ceramic tiles in 2018 will remain relevant in 2019 and beyond. Let's look at the latest trends, selection and styling features so that the design looks fresh and stylish for a long time.

What does fashionable tiles look like 2018-2019?

Modern tiles are used not only in kitchens. It decorates living rooms, bedrooms, hallways. The floor or wall in the living room, lined with seamless tiles, looks very impressive.

The most fashionable tile today - imitation of other materials. Ceramics often mimics stone (in particular, marble). It looks no worse than natural stone, while being cheaper and much easier to maintain. Marbled tiles are ideal for any space and purpose, even for a backsplash.

There are many models of tiles that imitate wood of different species. It is so realistic and impressive that some consider it to be a full-fledged alternative to laminate flooring. There are also cork tiles and shabby, worn wood tiles.

Fashionable tiles 2018-2019 can mimic fabric. It has classic fabric patterns (like tartan check) or textures (like jeans).

In industrial interiors, loft-style design, metal-like tiles and concrete-look tiles are increasingly being used. At the same time, the “metal” tile is not chosen perfectly shiny and smooth, but similar to steel sheets with rust streaks.

Other trendy tiles 2018-2019 - 3 D-tile. It is difficult to install, but it looks very unusual both in the bathroom and, for example, in the living room as a textured accent wall.

Relevant tile with drawings, which seem to be done in watercolor. In particular - a tile with flowers. It is used as decorative inserts.

Fashionable ceramic tiles - large format. In length, such a tile can reach one and a half to two meters. But it should be borne in mind that large tiles are difficult to bring into the room, they are fragile, heavy, expensive, difficult to install. Therefore, it is better to stop at a large tile within reasonable limits (up to a meter in length).

In addition to the standard rectangular and square tiles, in fashion tile in the form of a hexagon, resembling a honeycomb.

As in previous years, white does not lose ground tile-"boar", or "metro", visually similar to brickwork.

How to choose ceramic tiles?

There are several rules for choosing trendy tiles for the bathroom, kitchen and other rooms.

  1. It is better to buy products from foreign factories (Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal).
  2. If finances allow, it is advisable to choose tiles at a price of $ 25 per square meter. Among inexpensive tiles, there are often products of different thicknesses and shades within the same batch.
  3. You should not buy a tile that is being phased out, even if it is sold at a big discount. The material may not be enough, and it will be impossible to replace the tile if damaged.
  4. For the floor, it is desirable to use matte tiles, not glossy ones. Matte tiles are not slippery and wear out less.
  5. It is possible, but not necessary, to focus on tile collections, which initially contain matching light wall tiles, dark wall tiles, floor tiles, decorative tiles (with patterns, patterns) and borders.
  6. Borders are best used in large bathrooms (over 15 sqm) with expensive repairs. In small bathrooms, it is preferable to do without them.

Basic rules for laying tiles

Laying tiles should always be entrusted to professionals - then its service life will be calculated in decades. There are many subtleties to consider. Here are just the main ones.

  1. The layout of the tiles must be displayed in the project so that there are no ugly (narrow) cut tiles. This indicates the name of the tile and its size in all areas.
  2. The height of the tile layout can be adjusted with a stretch / slatted ceiling.
  3. To avoid having to use small trims in a row of tiles, you need to remove one full tile from the row, divide the unfilled space in half, and use two medium or large trims.
  4. Decorative tiles cannot be cut, it spoils the pattern. Borders can only be cut in width, not in height. Floor and background tiles can be cut as you like.
  5. Grout for floor tiles is selected in color, for wall tiles - in color or a tone or two lighter. If the tile is not plain, the grout is selected for the lightest color. The exception is creative design solutions: contrast grout, bright grout, etc.

Tiling in Moscow

The La Primavera studio employs designers and master tilers with extensive experience. Designers will help you choose fashionable tiles, decide on color, texture, combinations. And the tilers will do the laying in compliance with all technologies and taking into account modern requirements as part of the renovation of a bathroom, toilet, kitchen or other premises. Call: +7 495 21 51 948.