How the politician Vadim Tulipov died. Senator Vadim Tulipov died, having broken his head from a fall. Notable proposals and initiatives

Today, April 7, St. Petersburg says goodbye to Federation Council Senator Vadim Tyulpanov. All relatives of the politician were present at the memorial service.

A farewell ceremony was held at the Mariinsky Palace for Senator of the Federation Council Vadim Tyulpanov.

The hall hardly accommodated all those who wished to see off the politician's last journey. While men and women, dressed in dark clothes, approached the coffin, laying flowers (mostly red roses), Vadim Tyulpanov's family accepted condolences: the senator's widow, his daughter Milana and son Vlad, son-in-law Alexander Kerzhakov (who had tears in his eyes ) and other relatives.


Surprisingly, the widow and daughter behaved very courageously. Milan, who was expecting her first child, sitting on a chair, drank water from a bottle, accepted words of condolence and kisses, periodically biting her lip and looking around. The widow, with her hands in front of her on her knees, swayed back and forth. The most emotional of all was the son of the late Tyulpanov, 12-year-old Vlad.

When he was once again approached to express his regret over the premature death of his father, he could not contain his emotions and burst into tears. Milana, instantly exchanging places with her mother, handed her brother a bottle of some liquid (possibly soothing), a handkerchief in which he blew his nose with pleasure, whispered something in Vlad's ear. The teenager tried to pull himself together, but now and then tears flowed from his eyes. But only the reddened tip of her nose spoke of Milana's grief.

It should be noted that after the memorial service at the Mariinsky Palace, Vadim Tyulpanov will be buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. As wrote earlier, the 52-year-old senator of the Federation Council died on April 4 in St. Petersburg. The father-in-law of Russian football player Alexander Kerzhakov died after falling down a spiral staircase at the Oasis sports and health club. Later it turned out that the cause of death was acute heart failure caused by coronary artery disease.

04/04/2017 - 21:39

Terrible news continues to come from St. Petersburg. Senator Vadim Tyulpanov tragically died today, 04/04/2017, at the age of 53. The cause of death in the media has already been named. Colleagues and friends are shocked that Tulipov died.

After the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, the sad news continues to come. The fact that Vadim Tyulpanov died became known on Tuesday evening. The cause of death was TBI. The senator slipped in the bath and died from a skull fracture. Colleagues and associates of United Russia were shocked to learn the tragic news. Alexander Teterdinko, head of the United Russia faction in St. Petersburg, expressed his grief to his daughter and wife.

From the biography of Vadim Tyulpanov, it is known that for the last 2 years he has been a member of the Federation Council from the executive branch in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Previously, he spoke for the legislature in St. Petersburg.

Vladimir Tyulpanov took an active part in the election campaigns of Vladimir Putin. The politician made a huge contribution to the life of his people. Last December, he proposed introducing a chess lesson in elementary grades.

The personal life of Vadim Tyulpanov is well known to many. The politician raised a daughter and a son. Milan a few years ago became the wife of the famous football player Kerzhakov. Among the hobbies of the deceased Tyulpanov, fishing, vocals and the active use of the Twitter network can be noted.

Everyone was somewhat surprised by the strange death of Senator Vadim Tyulpanov, the former speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. After Tyulpanov laid flowers at the place of death of metro passengers from the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, for some reason he went to some kind of viper and there in the bathhouse, hit the back of his head, received a fracture of the base of the skull and died.

Today, helpful sources have corrected: they say that 52-year-old Vadim Tyulpanov died of heart failure. But the bird has already flown.

Journalists rushed to investigate where the great senator died.

And this is what came out of it. The unexpected absurd death in the health complex "Oasis" of the famous St. Petersburg politician, member of the Federation Council Vadim Tyulpanov, shocked his colleagues.

That "Oasis"

We visited the "Oasis" to try to find out the circumstances of the death of Mr. Tyulpanov, - writes "MK".

The daughter of Vadim Tyulpanov, Milan, is the wife of football player Alexander Kerzhakov. She is pregnant, the senator was preparing to become a grandfather.

A few days before his death, Vadim Tyulpanov left a strange tweet on his page, which was called "prophetic."

Not at all upmarket

The building in Ogorodny lane, 5, is a beautiful Stalinist house, unwashed cars stand chaotically in the parking lot, a string of carriages in the front doors. Sports and fitness complex "Oasis" occupies part of the ground floor. He has no website, no advertising - drive up to the tiny porch and call. Now, after the death of the senator, everything is closed here and they do not answer calls. The porch of the Oasis looks out over ordinary old garages with rusty doors.

“This is a family hostel,” a local resident tells MK. - There are no separate apartments, except for one - there people bought a communal apartment by room. But all sorts of serious cars have been here, especially in the mornings - around 11 o'clock - I often saw such big black jeeps here.

“No powerful people of this world live here, ordinary people,” echoes a man walking near the house with a child. - And there was no special security for this complex, cars just drove up, people went through this door. We, mere mortals, did not go there.”

“There used to be a health complex there,” says another resident of the area, who works in a neighboring house. - The deputies also gave us season tickets. There, in the basement, a swimming pool, exercise equipment, it was good. But then they stopped letting us in, they converted us into Oasis, a long time ago, at the end of the 90s. But, apparently, it was not bad there, if Tyulpanov himself went. Although I, honestly, was surprised at first: what would he do here?

Municipal deputy Artemy Galitsyn spoke with Vadim Tyulpanov two hours before his death. The senator told him nothing about going to the bathhouse. They discussed the upcoming meeting with the Deputy Minister of the Interior regarding the security of the Confederations Cup. Tulipov supervised him. According to Galitsyn, Tyulpanov often visited St. Petersburg: he actually continued to live here, and went to work in Moscow.

MK asked the senator's office why he chose such an unfashionable place. “Vadim Albertovich was fond of swimming, he constantly went to the pool,” employees comment on the situation. “It’s difficult to talk about any particular favorite place, especially in St. Petersburg, Vadim Albertovich spent a lot of time in Moscow or on business trips around the country.”

How much can you believe the information that the senator became ill with a heart?

It is impossible to say for sure yet, there has not been an autopsy yet. After everything will be clear.

(According to the latest data, the cause of death of Vadim Tyulpanov was nevertheless "acute heart failure and other forms of acute coronary heart disease," the senator's press service reported with reference to the examination data).

The only intelligible explanation for Tyulpanov's presence in the Oasis is his attachment to familiar places, because not far from here, in the Dachnoye municipal district of the Kirov district, he began his political career.

Meanwhile, his colleague in the Federation Council Committee on Regulations and Organization of Parliamentary Activities, Senator Vyacheslav Timchenko, considers the version of Tyulpanov's possible heart problems to be unexpected. “Vadim Albertovich was a very energetic person, he was in constant motion. I do not think that he could have had health problems or suffered from heart failure.

He was always on the move, never stood still. Traveled to the regions for elections. Today he was supposed to fly to Turkmenistan on the instructions of the Federation Council, and on April 17 he was to lead a team to inspect the stadium in Rostov-on-Don. The tragic death of Vadim is purely an accident. We will all miss him greatly."

Meanwhile, the St. Petersburg media reported yesterday that investigators had taken a certain man from the Oasis for interrogation - according to some reports, he was an employee of the health complex.

Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov is a former speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Federation Council, as well as the initiator of numerous legislative projects and just a happy family man.


(photo of which is presented below) was born in May 1964 in the city of Leningrad. At the age of 22 he graduated from the Higher Marine Engineering School in Leningrad.

Biography, work activity

Vadim Tyulpanov, whose biography began in the city of Leningrad, after receiving a diploma of higher education, gained experience on the ships of the Baltic Shipping Company. He started as a minder and worked his way up to a senior mechanic.

Climbing the career ladder

In 1993, Vadim Albertovich became one of the founders of a company engaged in maritime transportation (CJSC Merktrans).

After 4 years, he became one of the founders of the Regional Fund for the Legal Protection of Pensioners and the Poor in St. Petersburg. At the same time, he was elected to the post of chairman of the fund. The organization was engaged in issuing a newspaper and advising citizens on a gratuitous basis.

Political activity

In 1998, Vadim Tyulpanov was elected a deputy of the Kirov region. At the same time, he is trying to become a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the 2nd convocation of St. Petersburg. The first round of elections was successful for the candidate, and he moved to the second. In his pre-election speeches, the politician promised to join Yuri Boldyrev's bloc in case of victory, which earned him support and approval. At the same time, his name was included in the governor's list. At the second stage, Tulipov won and was elected.

However, instead of the promised support of the Tyulpanov bloc, he joined the Industrial faction, and later the Petersburg Districts faction.

In 1999, the politician becomes the chairman of the commission on transport issues of the AP.

In 2000, as a result of the political struggle of several parties, the Tyulpanov and Kramarev faction won and was recognized as a representative in the Legislative Assembly of the Unity movement.

At the same time, presidential elections were held. Vadim Tyulpanov was one of the supporters and attorneys of V.V. Putin.

In the summer of 2001, Vadim Albertovich was elected to the post of deputy chairman of the legislative assembly of the cultural capital.

A few months later, the politician replaces his post and becomes the head of the Unity faction.

The following year, 2002, Vadim Tyulpanov changes faction and moves to the St. Petersburg branch of the People's Party of the Russian Federation.

Working with the United Russia party and developing a political career

In the spring of 2002, Tyulpanov became the organizer of the Unity - People's Party faction.

Later he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. At the same time, the politician coordinates the United Russia political party. In an interview with journalists, Tyulpanov announced his intention to run for the election of the speaker of the city parliament of the 3rd convocation. In early 2003, he won the election of the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the third convocation, having received a majority of the votes of the deputies.

In the summer of 2003, during the election of the governor of St. Petersburg, Vadim Tyulpanov (photo is presented in the article) is part of the election headquarters of V. Matvienko.

A year later, in the summer of 2004, Vadim Albertovich was elected to the post of secretary of the political council of the United Russia faction (its branch in St. Petersburg).

In the spring of 2007, the politician was elected a deputy of the 4th convocation of the Legislative Assembly, and he was also re-elected to the post of chairman of the meeting.

In the winter of 2011, Tyulpanov again becomes a deputy of the 5th convocation of the Legislative Assembly.

At the same time, Vadim Albertovich becomes a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Legislative Assembly of the city of St. Petersburg.

Since 2013, Tyulpanov has been a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia faction.

In 2014, the politician is empowered by a representative from the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and in October he already holds the post of senator from the executive body of state power.

Participation in the preparation for the World Cup

During the period of preparatory events for the World Cup (in 2015), the Federation Council creates a commission that organizes and controls the event. Tulipov becomes the head of the new structure. In the autumn of the same year, Vadim Tyulpanov, to whom the Federation Council transferred most of the powers, is a member of the coordinating council involved in the preparation of the championship in the Russian Federation in 2018.

Notable proposals and initiatives

Among the most famous proposals and initiatives of the politician are the following:

  • In 2002, Vadim Tyulpanov initiated a competition for the best words to the anthem of the Russian Federation. The following year, the event was enshrined in law.
  • The year 2006 was marked for the politician's career by a proposal to amend the Federal Law "On Veterans". He insisted on equating the inhabitants of Leningrad with the status of participants in the Second World War. His initiative was supported, and the citizens of the besieged city began to receive a second pension.
  • In 2007, Vadim Albertovich was elected to the post of project manager of the United Russia faction on the maritime development of St. Petersburg. The project envisaged the expansion of the city's maritime capabilities, the protection of waters, the increase in personnel, as well as the development of sea tourism.

  • In 2009, Tulipov, together with the city's social committee, created the United Family project. Within the framework of the new structure, active assistance is being organized to orphanages, shelters and boarding schools. A single Internet portal is being created, which contains information on each child, as well as a video about his fate. The project provided great support and assistance in the placement of children in new families. It covered almost all social institutions of the city.
  • In 2011, the politician becomes the initiator of the creation of the Social Code of the city. It contained information about all benefits and their amounts for various groups of citizens (poor, large families, students and other categories).
  • In 2012, the politician initiated a change in some provisions of the Federal Law "On the formation of the Federation Council."
  • During the discussion of the issue of charging fees for admission to museums for various groups of citizens, he proposed not to charge it from students, and also to provide them with the opportunity to visit libraries free of charge.
  • In 2013, he initiated a change in the situation of prisoners, as well as persons under house arrest. In particular, he proposed to provide persons under house arrest with the opportunity of an hour's walk, arguing the need for a citizen to make purchases, as well as other necessary measures. Persons in a pre-trial detention center and under arrest were given the opportunity to send their relatives and friends on their last journey.
  • In 2013, he initiated tougher penalties for phone calls with the threat of terrorist attacks.
  • In 2014, he proposed to increase the punishment for hooliganism and debauchery on airplanes.
  • In the same year, he became the organizer of an aid center for Ukrainian refugees.
  • In 2015, he made a proposal to reduce the maximum permissible speed of a vehicle in populated areas. According to him, this would help reduce the number of accidents on the roads, as well as reduce the percentage of deaths.
  • In the summer of the same year, he proposed changing the requirements for baby boxes. In his opinion, it is necessary to amend the current law in order to increase security, as well as establish rules for their organization and equipment.
  • In the autumn of the same year, he became one of the initiators of changing the conditions for the detention of persons by law enforcement agencies. According to supporters, the detainee should be guaranteed the opportunity to make one phone call, as well as calling a lawyer even at the time of drawing up and signing the protocol on detention.
  • In October 2015, he proposed to multiply the responsibility for roofers, since the desire to take a beautiful photo very often ends in tragedy.

political opinion

Tyulpanov's position is best seen in his statements and actions.

  • He sharply criticized Estonia when the country's authorities decided to reburial the bodies of Soviet soldiers.
  • The politician was an active supporter of the abolition of zero ppm, arguing his position by the fact that any citizen can drink medicine or kvass and should not be afraid to pass a police detector test.
  • He is in charge of organizing the work of the children's hospice.
  • He is a member of the board of trustees of several saints' cathedrals.
  • He advocated the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation.


The politician has very broad interests that are not related to work. He is interested in music and singing. Vadim Albertovich recorded two CDs. One of them is dedicated to women, and the second is a collection of military songs.

Tulipov is very fond of fishing and does not miss the opportunity to spend time in nature and outside the city.

Interested in politics and television. He has hosted several programs. So, Vadim Tyulpanov hosted a program on REN-TV, and since 2012 he has been working as the host of the Petersburg Meetings TV show, which is broadcast on the Culture channel.

Vadim Albertovich actively leads "Twitter". Here he shares his vision of the political situation, and also expresses his opinion on some events in the country.


The politician is the owner of many awards of the Russian Federation. Among them are such as "For Merit to the Fatherland", the Order of Honor, the gratitude of the President, medals and signs, as well as orders.

Vadim Tyulpanov: family

The famous politician is married. Vadim Tyulpanov, whose wife (photo below), Natalya, has a higher philological education, has found support and support in the family.

Together they are raising two children: an adult daughter, Milana, and an 11-year-old son, Vladislav. The girl (who is currently 21 years old) is actively involved in sports and has a category in tennis. Milana recently graduated. She studied at the State University of the Cultural Capital, at the Department of International Journalism. The girl does not plan to stop there, intending to get a degree at the University of London.

Vadim Tyulpanov, whose wife and family support him in everything, is the happy head of the family and a successful politician.


The 8-year era of Matvienko's reign has ended. At least she won't come back to St. Petersburg again. Following her, her entire team will gradually perish. Those who, with their tireless work, made happy dozens, or even hundreds of people - relatives, children, lovers, close friends and associates, and laid a solid foundation for their own well-being.
They leave quietly. No intrigues, no scandals, no revelations... We decided that it would be unfair if the brightest achievements of our heroes remain a mystery. Therefore, we will do everything in our power to satisfy the universal craving for useless and joyless knowledge. We swear by the bright name of Julian Assange!

Dear friends, we will try very hard, but since our possibilities are not unlimited, we are not able to tear off all the masks and covers. So, do not be shy - join, share information.

Every official has a place in history ... even if this story smells bad!
How Tulips hung on Beglov's yacht

Probably, it will be of interest to many to learn some details of the life and rest of one of the most faithful associates of Valentina Ivanovna, a tireless worker in the field of parliamentarism, speaker of the Legislative Assembly and concurrently the main Petersburg United Russia Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov.

Deputy Tyulpanov is a modest civil servant who receives a little more than 140 thousand rubles a month at his post. He lives according to income, no frills. In St. Petersburg, Vadim Albertovich's favorite district is Petrogradsky. For a long time, the Tulipov family lived in a house on Bolshaya Pushkarskaya Street. And most recently she moved to a luxurious apartment on Krestovsky Island. A 200-meter apartment with a market value of at least $ 1.5 million cost the legislator many times cheaper: a personal bonus from the developer. Not otherwise than on the basis of sympathy for the program goals and objectives of "United Russia" ...

In this modest house there is a “closet”
Pope Carlo Vadim Tyulpanov

Tyulpanov also has a dacha in the Vyborgsky district of the Leningrad region, on the 37th kilometer of the Primorsky highway. Excuse me, this is not a dacha, of course, but an estate or, in Soviet terms, a recreation center. In the center of the "base", between the buildings, a fountain beats. True, the base is being built for a long time, a real long-term construction.

The point is this. Back in the summer of 2005, journalists got wind of the fact that the speaker of the St. Petersburg SakS in a pine forest on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, in a nature protection zone, was building a huge country complex. They also got into their hands a document, according to which money was to be allocated from the budget of St. state property of St. Petersburg for the organization of recreation and rehabilitation of children”).

A source from the speaker's entourage told reporters that his boss's dacha is being built with money allocated for the repair of a children's camp. And the source didn't lie. The journalists went to the place and saw: the children's sports camp was in ruins, and nearby, across the highway, a healthy tower was being built, the scale of which would not be envied by the poorest Moscow boyars. “I headed along the coast of the Gulf of Finland towards Primorsk. And a few kilometers away I found a large-scale construction site. A gravel path leads from the freeway to the gate, - the correspondent described what he saw. - The complex of buildings is fenced off from the world by a two-meter wooden fence. The future owners of the villa, apparently, plan to relax on a grand scale. The luxurious log house has an underground garage, a luxurious terrace and a living attic, which is, in fact, the third floor.

Nearby is another house, more modest, intended, apparently, for guests. There is also an indoor pool and a large bathhouse, in the corner of the fenced area there is another incomprehensible structure made of logs, and at the gate there is a guard house.

The entire complex as a whole occupies an area of ​​exactly one hectare and is located less than a hundred meters from the Gulf of Finland, although the signs installed on the side of the highway speak of a four-hundred-meter (!) security zone in which it is impossible not only to build houses, but also to drive by car, and put up tents. Moreover, through a small gate you can exit the closed area directly to the sandy shore. Whatever you say - everything is for a person and for his sake.

This sign, marking the boundaries of the water protection zone, is intended only for ordinary people. It does not apply to difficult people.

What happens behind this fence is one of the most carefully guarded secrets of the St. Petersburg "United Russia"

The correspondent asked the fishermen who live in a camp near the estate, who, they say, is building such a tower?

“This is Matvienko’s deputy, such a big-faced one, they always show him on TV.

— Lobko? I asked.

— No, not Lobko. Lobko we still remember from Soviet times. This one is new, like his ... Tulips.

And when the correspondent showed the photo of Tyulpanov to the builders, they immediately answered:

“Oh, this one! That's right, he came! - the dark-haired boy pointed to the photo of the speaker of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, Vadim Tyulpanov. The boy's comrades agreed that the owner of the dacha is very similar to the head of the St. Petersburg branch of United Russia and the chairman of the local assembly.

This article, entitled "The Party took up the villas," caused a stir. TV journalists hastened to look at the gingerbread house of Vadim Albertovich on Primorskoye Highway. But the frightened speaker managed to post. And TV people to the tower are notlet the guard down. The information reached Boris Gryzlov. Tyulpanov had no choice but to assure that he had nothing to do with the construction site on Primorskoye Highway. Journalists traveled there in the winter of 2006, the summer of 2008 and the fall of 2010. But the situation does not change: the children's recreation center is being destroyed, and the recreation center for Tyulpanov is slowly, but being built.

This is what it looked like during construction. After publications in the media, the security of the "secret" object was strengthened and it is now almost impossible to get close to it.

As you can see, the speaker’s household is not small; in order to maintain it, a huge staff of servants and guards is needed - a total of over 160 people

Vadim Albertovich repeatedly gave interviews to various publications, where he painted the details of his free time. Especially often the speaker of the city parliament talked about how he likes to spend his free time at the dachas. Doesn't lie. In this matter, absolutely not lying!

Real estate, as you know, requires supervision and cleaning, and you also need to cook, take care of children ... In general, housekeeping is a troublesome business. Not surprisingly, more than 160 people work in the service of the speaker's family. Envelopes with the assistance of the Tulipovs' servants are delivered throughout the city - there are many sites. By the way, in addition to cooks and maids, fortune-tellers, astrologers, psychics are on the salary of the head of St. Petersburg United Russia. The speaker's wife Natalia is a lover of mysticism and other palmistry.

As the servants say, as soon as Valentina Matvienko was offered to move to the post of head of the Federation Council, the very next day, June 25 of this year, a party was held at the Tulipovs' dacha (the same dacha - a former children's camp). The event was dedicated to the imminent resignation of the governor. The guests drank to the health and well-being of the future head of the executive power of the city - V. A. Tyulpanov. “For good luck” the speaker was presented with a boat. It's funny, but, judging by the reviews of eyewitnesses, the hero of the occasion himself did not at all doubt the declared development of events. The fact that SUCH characters like him NEVER become governors, and all congratulations are akin to bullying, for some reason did not occur to Vadim Albertovich.

At about the same time, VKontakte friends, obsequiously squatting, asked Tyulpanov’s daughter Milana: “ Will you become the daughter of the governor of St. Petersburg? If so, would you trade your BMW for a Maybach?” - "I actually have a Toyota!" - modestly clarified the heiress .

Will you become the daughter of the governor of St. Petersburg? If yes, will you change BMW to Maybach? =)

I actually have a Toyota!

However, even the preparations for the accession to the throne did not prevent the Tulipovs from enjoying a vacation in Europe. It turns out that Vadim Albertovich has a villa in Malaga (Spain), where he flies for the weekend whenever possible.

This is the entry left by Milana Tyulpanova online about plans for the summer

what are your plans for the summer? When, where and with whom are you leaving?

Now I’m in Moscow, and so far there are some minor problems, I don’t know exactly when I’ll be back, then I had to fly with a lerka to rest, but my circumstances also arose, and in August I went to Spain with Vlad and my family)

But such photos recently appeared on her Twitter and on the page in VKontakte following the results of the holiday:

Nothing so-so balcony - my apartment is even smaller ...

And with the fence, according to tradition, everything is in order ...

In the house, on a regular basis, on a constant salary, a caretaker, a cook, a cleaner, a security guard work. Other servants, including a personal hairdresser, are brought with them from St. Petersburg, and the driver is hired on the spot, in the same taxi company. When the owners come to the villa, they live a very meaningful and healthy life. Every day a massage therapist comes to them (his services cost 80 euros), a Spanish teacher, a tennis coach.
This year - despite the dramatic events on the St. Petersburg Olympus - the family's vacation lasted several weeks. First they had fun in Malaga, and then flew to Nice, from where they went on a sea cruise around France and Italy. The Tulipovs, together with their friends and servants, hung out on the 60-meter yacht of their close friend, an authoritative businessman, the general director of Lukoil-Neva, Ali Beglov.

And here is the boat itself...

With Beglov was his wife Galina and sons - 5-year-old Nail and 20-year-old Eldar. Musicians, fireworks... Lukoil's representative paid for everyone with truly oriental generosity, including those in the casino.
The nanny of the youngest offspring of the Tyulpanovs (the “godson” of Matvienko) Vlad, Irina Rozankina, posted some of the photos from the cruise on her VKontakte page. " And how do you like on a leather sofa?- Admiringly-enviously ask friends. " And on the sofas, and on the tables, and in the cabins, and in the jacuzzis J - everywhere was ULTRA LUX!" - does not hide the satisfaction of the nanny.
One can imagine how disappointed Vadim Albertovich was when he returned from a fabulous journey, when it turned out that he would not be a governor. However, while he remains with his own, and no one encroaches on his gains and gains acquired by overwork.
Maybe, however, just not everyone is aware of his achievements in the field of personal consumption yet ...
Illustrations: Rozankina's page.

Rozankina with her ward - Vlad Tyulpanov