Electric fireplaces. How to choose a fireplace: an electric fireplace in the interior Types of electric fireplaces for an apartment

A real fireplace is a luxury that not everyone can afford. In some premises, for example, apartments, you will not be allowed to establish fire safety standards and many other rules. In addition, it is an expensive design both in installation and maintenance. But sometimes you really want to give your home extra comfort! Electric fireplaces with the effect of live fire will help you with this. They are safe and practical. How to choose the right electric fireplace?

Features of electric fireplaces

Electric fireplaces are infrared electric heaters of directional radiation. The design of the device includes a body made of wood, plastic or metal and a reflector with a heater placed at the focus. The principle of heating is as follows: turning on the fireplace ensures that air is reflected from the inner walls, which creates a heating effect. Heat is directed forward without dissipating to the sides.

Many models of electric fireplaces fit easily into the interior of the room and do not take up space.

The advantages of electric fireplaces are as follows:

  • compactness and lightness (weight is about 50 kg);
  • starts heating immediately and in the required quantity;
  • no chimney, pipes or ventilation are required, such a device does not emit carbon monoxide and carcinogenic compounds;
  • the operation of the electric fireplace is easily regulated by several heating modes;
  • the built-in thermostat maintains a constant temperature in the room, eliminating the overexpenditure of electricity; thanks to the fan, heating is accelerated;
  • fireproof, the surfaces almost do not heat up, so there is no risk that you will get burned;
  • can be placed anywhere where there is access to an outlet: in the middle of the room, close to the wall, etc.;
  • aesthetic characteristics allow you to choose an electric fireplace for any interior.

In addition, electric fireplaces are quite inexpensive.

Of course, this device has some disadvantages. For example, to connect it, you will need a separate power line, since the wiring may not withstand such a load and the machines will constantly knock out. In addition, you need to regularly ventilate the room in which the fireplace is located, because oxygen is burned during its operation.

Heating power

Most models of electric fireplaces are energy-saving, their power is no more than 2 kW. This is enough to effectively heat a room up to 20 square meters. A separate power line in this case may not be needed.

But a decorative device that does not provide space heating consumes from 100 to 200 watts.

Note! If you still choose an electric fireplace model with a power of 2 kW or more, be sure to check the quality of the wiring. Consider the maximum allowable load on the network, especially in old houses and in rural areas.


The realism of the flame can have several levels, and this significantly affects the price.

Fake coals or logs are made of colored glass or transparent painted plastic. Illuminating bulbs are built into them. Smoldering is provided with the help of reflective screens. These budget models do not look very realistic, they only simulate smoldering, and not a full-fledged fire.

Often a fire in an electric fireplace is imitated with the help of artificial logs.

In expensive models that imitate flames, the effect is provided by complex systems of reflective mirrors, strips of foil or silk ribbons. This helps to achieve maximum realism.

Instrument classification

Before buying an electric fireplace, decide where it will be installed. There are several types of devices, and each of them has its own design features.


Floor device - the most democratic solution. It will not require you to do any facing work, or install a portal, frames and niches. The design is simple and mobile, it can be placed anywhere in the room at will.

Outdoor electric fireplaces are of two types:

  • attached - they are placed close to the wall (frontal) or in a corner (corner);
  • free-standing - placed anywhere.

Floor electric fireplaces are ideal for small spaces, in particular small apartments. In summer, you can remove the device so that it does not interfere with your movement.

Photo gallery of outdoor fireplaces

White side electric fireplace Black side electric fireplace Side fireplace Attached electric fireplace Triangular Freestanding Fireplace Rectangular freestanding fireplace


Such an electric fireplace is mounted directly on the wall or in it. Outwardly, it looks like a thin plasma TV. Its main distinguishing feature is its decorative effect. In addition to its direct purpose (heating a small room), it can serve as a lighting device.

You can opt for this device if only the visual effect is important to you.

Photo gallery of wall-mounted electric fireplaces

Black wall-mounted electric fireplace in a light purple interior Black wall-mounted electric fireplace in a room decorated in red and white White wall-mounted electric fireplace in a bright room White wall-mounted electric fireplace in the interior

Embedded devices

To install it, you should first prepare a niche in the wall or even make a portal that imitates a real fireplace. Suitable for this:

  • metal;
  • stone;
  • tree;
  • ceramics;
  • drywall.

Thanks to this design, you can create the illusion of a country house even in an apartment.

A built-in electric fireplace will require the installation of a portal, but it completely imitates a real hearth

A built-in fireplace, like a floor-standing one, can serve not only for decorative purposes, but also for space heating. The main condition: the thickness of the walls of the fireplace portal must be at least 30 cm. For small apartments, this may not be a suitable option.

Rules for choosing a fireplace for different rooms

In order for the electric fireplace to produce maximum efficiency, it is very important to install it correctly. In this case, the purpose and type of the room should be taken into account, that is, where it will be located - in a house, apartment or in the country.

So, in a private house, a heating system (stove, gas heating, etc.) is provided, so the heating functions of an electric fireplace are optional. You can easily get by with decorative models to decorate living rooms with them. Don't forget to consider the size of the room.

For example, in the living room, it is better to place an electric fireplace near a wall perpendicular to the windows. This is an ideal place both from an engineering and design point of view. In a large room, a built-in appliance will look good, which will require a niche or portal. Whereas for a small room, a wall-mounted one is better suited, which, unlike the floor one, will not take up space and will not get in the way under your feet.

Choose a model of electric fireplace depending on the size of the room and its purpose

Is it worth it to take care of choosing an electric fireplace for a summer residence? Certainly worth it, especially if you use it for frequent living, and not just during the gardening season. In a large country house with spacious rooms, you can install an electric fireplace that completely imitates the hearth both visually and technically. However, the ideal would be a floor device that can be placed anywhere in the room, moved to the terrace or taken with you when you have to leave the cottage for the winter.

Video review of electric fireplaces

Properly selected electric fireplace will help you transform your home, give it comfort. We hope our advice will help you make the right choice. Let us know in the comments what you think of these handy and practical devices. Good luck to you!

The fireplace in the twenty-first century is undoubtedly more than just a heating appliance. Creating a real fireplace is fraught with certain difficulties, so many people choose electric fireplaces, modern models of which have a stylish design and are made of high-tech materials. But what should you pay attention to when choosing an electric fireplace?

Types of electric fireplaces

The operation of an electric fireplace is based on the action of a tubular electric heater, which can be of an open or closed type. The design of this decorative and heating element of the interior is a hearth or firebox and a portal - that is, a frame. The last element of the fireplace can be metal, made of stone, ceramics, wood, plastic, etc. The firebox can be built-in - a cassette controlled by a remote control or replaceable. According to the location of the fireplaces are:

  1. Floor. Differ in the simplest design and mobility. They can be placed anywhere in the apartment and can be easily removed if necessary.
  2. Mounted. They differ in aesthetic appeal, but have low heat transfer.

According to mobility, fireplaces are divided into built-in or portable. The latter have a compact body and are equipped with a roller for movement. Built-in are placed against the wall and consist of a frame, an electrical unit that imitates logs and a flame.

There are also mini-fireplaces that can be placed on tables or built into pieces of furniture, as well as large-format appliances that are distinguished by their sophisticated look and large heating area. Choose the first option, which is optimal for owners of small premises, and the second for large houses and apartments.

What criteria should be considered when choosing an electric fireplace

In order not to be disappointed in your choice, you must consider the following:

  • the place where it is planned to place the fireplace;
  • indicative budget;
  • main functions of technology;
  • additional features of the device;
  • personal preferences;
  • the purpose of the purchase, the purpose of the device - decorative or heating.

Characteristics of electric fireplaces

In order not to experience disappointment from the purchase, it is necessary not only to take into account the above criteria, but also pay attention to the following characteristics of the electric fireplace.


If the main purpose of the acquisition is space heating, then you should look at such a characteristic as power. It is determined by the dimensions and functionality of the device, as well as how productively it heats the room.

REFERENCE! The calculation of the degree of heating can be calculated based on the following ratio: 1 kW heats 10 square meters. The power range can be found in the technical data sheet.

Installation method

According to the installation method, electric fireplaces are:

Decorative Features

Many owners of this device love to admire the flame. In most electric fireplaces, it is difficult to distinguish it from the real one. However, in more expensive models, the flame is more realistic. The most common and budget option is when coals are made from painted transparent plastic. In some models, strips of fabric are used to simulate a flame, which are driven by a built-in fan. In others, the fire is reproduced on a liquid crystal monitor. There are also 3D hearths, where the burning effect is created due to water vapor and the glow of halogen lamps. Models are available with sound effects that mimic the crackling of logs.

Living fire in an apartment building is very risky and often impossible. However, electric fireplaces come to the aid of those who do not leave the dream of warming themselves by the hearth on long winter evenings. This type of device not only performs many of the functions of a wood burning hearth, but also has a number of advantages.

Electric fireplaces for the apartment have been quite popular for many years. There are several types, before buying a device, you need to decide which one is best for you.

The first type is electric furnace, which is, in fact, an ordinary heater, the design of which can be made in any style. The advantage of the device is that it is very compact, it can be easily moved to another place or even transported to another house.

The second type is hearth. The peculiarity of fireplaces of this type is that they do not have a body, appliances can be placed in any portal. Hearths are very popular among designers, because the appearance of such devices does not limit the flight of their imagination. Such fireplaces will fit into any interior, even the most unusual and futuristic.

The third type is wall fireplace. It looks like a large plasma TV, which shows only one program. The fireplace does not need additional space, and anyone, even the most inexperienced master, can install it. Among the additional functions of this device is heating.

Fourth - built-in electric fireplace. This type is the most natural of all, some models are completely difficult to distinguish from real ones. They are usually built into special portals, which you can either buy or make yourself from drywall. Also, fireplaces of this type can be built into a niche in the wall or even into the furniture itself.

Fifth type - floor standing (portable) electric fireplaces. They are a complete composition: they do not need installation, a portal or a niche.

Which models are better is up to you.


  • Electric fireplaces are a good choice for those who want to make their apartment more stylish and comfortable. They are safe and easy to care for - their owners will not need to clean the soot from the fireplace after each use.
  • Installing an electric fireplace is very simple and does not take much time, anyone can handle it. Most often, it is enough just to select the right place for the device and plug the device into a power outlet. With an electric fireplace, unlike a real one, there will be no problems - you do not need to coordinate its installation, provide a foundation and a pipe for removing smoke.
  • Electric fireplaces are safer than conventional ones, as they do not heat nearby pieces of furniture. And an accidental burn is impossible - the device itself is practically not heated.
  • The fireplace itself, as well as its installation, will cost much less than a wood-burning one.
  • The new models are very realistic: the fire is difficult to distinguish from the real one. Particularly successful in this steam options.
  • Electric fireplaces require almost no maintenance, but a wood-burning one will have to be regularly cleaned of ash and dust.
  • The device is “powered” only by electricity, but for the real one you will have to buy firewood.
  • Has a heating function. Often there is enough power to heat a room of about twenty meters.


  • artificial flame. No matter how plausible it may be, the present looks spectacular. In inexpensive models of fireplaces, the flame is looped, repetitive, in steam ones it is more natural and natural.
  • If you turn on the heating function, the power consumption will increase significantly.

Varieties of models

The stores have a large selection of fireplaces of various designs. You can either buy a portal to the hearth or make it yourself from drywall. Handmade portals are of two types - more complicated, lined with stone or brick, and simpler - decorated with various polyurethane elements. Among the purchased ones there are portals decorated with marble, wood, metal structures or bas-reliefs. There are also simple options that are perfect for a Scandinavian-style or loft-style interior.

According to the type of flame, electric fireplaces can be divided into 3 types:

  • The effect of "flame" is created due to the fluctuation of scarlet ribbons and strips of foil.
  • "Flame" is just an image on the monitor, accompanied by the sound of wood crackling. This option is called multimedia.
  • Steam electric fireplace - the most natural of all. Its "flame" is obtained, thanks to the steam illuminated with the help of red and yellow halogen lamps. Such fireplaces sometimes have an additional function - some models come with a reservoir for aromatic liquid with the smell of burning wood.

How to choose

There are a lot of fireplaces for sale now, so the most important thing is to decide before buying how the fireplace should look and what functions it would like to have.

If you only need a fireplace to decorate the interior, then feel free to take the device that you like.

The most important thing is that the portal fits organically into the design of the room. Remember that cladding is considered the best from natural materials- stone, marble, wood, but there are quite worthy options made of high-quality plastic. In any case, price plays a decisive role here.

If additional space heating is required from the fireplace, you should pay attention for power electric heater. The approximate power of most appliances is 2 kW, which is enough for a room up to 20 meters. With a larger area, it is better to choose a more powerful electric heater.

It is also important to be able to adjust the air temperature, the brightness of the flame.

Before buying, you should decide on the size of the electric fireplace and choose a place for it.

It is better to do this at the repair stage, since an additional outlet will be needed for the fireplace. Please note that it is undesirable to buy something unnecessarily large in a small room - it will look out of place.

Electric fireplace design and interior styles

If you have already decided to buy a fireplace, then the next step is to choose which portal is right for your living room.

    1. If the room is designed in a classic style, then the appropriate fireplace is selected. The portal should be decorated with stucco or marble, the preferred shape is rectangular.
    2. For baroque or empire, you can additionally use gold.
    3. English classical style is more suitable for an office, but it is also quite appropriate in the living room. The fireplace portal in such a room can be decorated with wood panels.
    4. Country style, or rustic style, is characterized by rough natural materials. The best cladding option is natural stone, but quite good and artificial options are now being sold. If you make the portal yourself, then it is better to choose an artificial one right away - it is easier to work with it.
    5. If the interior is planned in a loft style, then the best option for decorating the portal is, of course, a brick. Moreover, the brick should be more natural, unprocessed.
    6. If your choice is ethnicity, then look at various ceramic tiles (in the patchwork style, for example), tiles.

Electric fireplace

Despite the wide variety of electric fireplaces, they practically do not differ in the type of design. Each electric fireplace consists of a portal and a hearth. The hearth is a place to simulate combustion in the heating system. The portal is a fireplace frame that performs a decorative function in the fireplace. As for heating, the process of heat release takes place in a firebox or cassette. Depending on the model of the device, the heating mechanism has a rigid connection to the portal or a removable structure.

The hearth for an electric fireplace also applies to decorative elements. The device itself is put into operation with the help of Tenov (tubular electric heaters). Electric heater today is found in several variations, it can be:

  • Fully sealed quartz tubular coil;
  • Biospiral;
  • Nichrome coil.

The efficiency of heating equipment is increased by a reflector placed behind the mechanism. This mechanism plays an important role in space heating - it prevents heat loss by reflecting heat energy back into the heated space. To speed up the heating of the room, a special fan is used to increase convection.

The electric hearth is considered a universal device, since it is possible to regulate the heating power in it. Intensity control allows you to maintain the temperature in the room at the desired level, regardless of weather conditions. The temperature is adjusted by turning on the heaters in turn (the fireplace consists of several heating sections).

It is worth noting the expensive models that have gone far ahead in the issue of regulating the temperature in the room - the engineers "taught" such fireplaces to independently maintain the temperature and humidity in the room at a certain level.

Types and features of operation

A feature of modern heating equipment is its high mobility - if necessary, the turned off fireplace can be moved to another room or taken with you on vacation. For its operation, very few resources are needed - only access to an outlet and a flat screed on the floor.

Equipment classification:

  • Electric fireplaces with built-in hearths;
  • Electric fireplaces with removable fireboxes;
  • Autonomous furnaces.

Fireplaces with built-in hearths have a lot of advantages: they are easily transported from place to place and have small dimensions. When choosing such a heating device, it is necessary to take into account its main purpose - they imitate a real flame well, however, they are completely unsuitable for heating a living space.

The imitation of burning wood is so realistic that guests can even confuse the electrical device with a real hearth for a wood-burning fireplace. The only drawback of this series is its strong dependence on modern trends in design and fashion. Practice has shown that cheap models almost instantly fail after a few months of operation.

Electric fireplaces with removable fireboxes are considered more expensive equipment, since the price of the portal is added to their cost. Fireplaces with fireboxes in appearance almost do not differ from traditional equipment. Fireplaces with fireboxes are distinguished by a wide variety of shapes and design solutions. A wide variety of design solutions is achieved through the use of different finishing materials.

Autonomous fireboxes are produced in a classic version, which differs little in appearance from traditional fireplaces. Autonomous cassettes are inserted not only into electric, but also into a conventional fireplace. Manufacturers of such devices have taken a step towards the owners of conventional fireplaces and created a hearth with the possibility of mounting on a conventional non-working fireplace, which has an exclusively decorative function.


The number of functions depends on the manufacturer and the cost of each model. It is clear that expensive models are distinguished by a large set of functions and better performance. Expensive models have additional features, such as adjusting settings, built-in shelves for mini-bars, exhibitions of souvenirs and more.

According to the type of functioning, all hearths for a fireplace are conventionally divided into two groups: with space heating and without heating (decorative). The second group of fireplaces is often used in summer for decorative purposes.

  • Decorative. Modern fireplaces are not only high-quality heating of a living space, but also a way to emphasize the merits of any design. Current technologies have reached such a level of development that manufacturers of heating devices can create truly unique design solutions.
  • Air humidification is an additional function that is not present in the entire model range of the device in question. Air humidification is carried out by a special device, which is located at the bottom of the fireplace - several liters of water are poured into it. When heated, the water begins to evaporate. Water vapor mimics smoke, thus humidifying the climate in the room.
  • Aromatization of the room. In expensive models there are special containers for flavoring substances. They are activated automatically after turning on the fireplace.

Electric fireplaces

The system of imitation of natural flame in the hearths

The hearth for an electric fireplace is often criticized by buyers just because they do not know how the natural flame simulation system in the hearths should actually work. This parameter depends on the cost and quality of the material used in production at the time the hearth was created.

The electric hearth perfectly imitates the burning of coals, firewood and other types of fuel on the portal screen. The simplest models do not differ in complex design and are able to remotely resemble the burning of a real flame. A primitive imitation of combustion is carried out by a flickering red light bulb. A more expensive product is distinguished by a complex design of light bulbs and a better imitation of burning.

"Advanced" simulation systems quite realistically display the "flashes" and "flickers" of the flame due to the lighting elements rotating around the light bulb, located in tinted sectors. Such lighting is often placed by manufacturers behind blocks that depict logs and coals, or inside imitation mechanisms.

A seemingly simple device for simulating a burning fire has a complex design, since its effectiveness depends on the location. Light bulbs in the hearth can be located in the middle or at the bottom of the fireplace. Light bulbs located in the middle have one drawback: illuminated burning firewood looks, to put it mildly, unrealistic. In the second case, the combustion simulation system is located deeper, and the hearth itself is framed by a fireplace grate. In this way, manufacturers are trying to hide the shortcomings of the wood burning simulation system in cheap models.

In expensive models, the simulation system has a rather complex design. Self-respecting manufacturers use a system of mirrors in the hearths of the fireplace. With the help of mirrors and moving strips of foil, it is possible to achieve better illumination and images of burning coals. The most expensive electric fireplace can simulate smoke. Only instead of smoke, the device releases water vapor, harmless to humans, saturated with various aromas.

Expensive equipment in some cases can even imitate the crackling of firewood during combustion. The characteristic crackle of firewood is provided by an optional module - a cracker. It is worth noting that even such an insignificant detail as a cracker can have several types of sound accompaniment, the quality of which, of course, depends on the cost of materials.

Decorating an electric fireplace: accessories and hearth framing

The electric hearth can be decorated in different ways, regardless of the requirements of the time. The fireplace has always played an important role in human life - it diluted the routine existence with a cozy atmosphere of fire and original design. In the Slavic peoples, historically it so happened that the heating device was the center of home life and the pride of homeowners. All family members took an active part in decorating the fireplace.

Nowadays, practically nothing has changed in the mentality of people: they also try to decorate the fireplace with various accessories and decorative elements. Only the requirements for the design of modern heating devices have changed. Electric fireplaces in our time have remained the central object in the home interior.

It is worth noting that the design of electric hearths for fireplaces is not limited to decorating the hearths and portals themselves. Lattices, wooden mantelpieces, wrought iron coasters, scoops, antique brushes - all this creates a single and unique ensemble that can emphasize your individuality and ability to create an unusual interior design. You can also place retro clocks, bronze statuettes with patina or candlesticks on the mantelpiece.

Above, we were talking exclusively about situational design, that is, one that is suitable only for certain situations. Now we will talk about the classic options for decorating a room with fireplaces. Cottage owners are experimenting with stone tiles and their imitations. Summer residents prefer the interior of the hearth made of “wild” stone, which, in terms of external forms, is somewhat reminiscent of French rural hearths.

The English style of fireplace design is considered a universal option. Such a fireplace does not differ in the great depth of the hearth. Portals of such heating devices are framed with oak, walnut or cherry. Another classic option is the French style, which is easily recognizable by its brick fireboxes.

Fireplace grates are often used as an additional decorative element. They perform two important functions: they decorate the appearance of the equipment and hide the flaws of simulating a real flame from the eyes.

How to choose a hearth?

Given that the hearth is the main decorative part of the electric fireplace, the issue of its combination with the design of the room must be taken very seriously.

Selection Tips:

  • Decide on the purpose of using the equipment. Yes, it sounds trite, but, as practice shows, buying an expensive fireplace for decorative purposes does not always justify such expenses. If you plan to purchase a product for space heating, then the emphasis should be on its technical characteristics;
  • If you plan to use an electric fireplace to heat the apartment, then special attention should be paid to its power. An electric fireplace of average cost and a power of 1 kW does an excellent job of heating a living area of ​​10 m2. It is worth noting that before installing a fireplace, an audit should be carried out among the wiring or completely replaced, since modern heating devices create a heavy load on the network;
  • Fireplaces in the interior are represented by a wide variety of specifications and prices. When choosing a device for heating, you need to try to correctly balance between the price and its technical characteristics. In some cases, it is better to give 10-20% more and provide yourself with a reliable product than to save the specified amount and purchase, to put it mildly, a model of far from the best quality;
  • Buy goods only with a warranty card and company logo. This small piece of paper is a guarantee of quality and branded equipment. In addition, the warranty card entitles you to free maintenance and replacement of non-working equipment for 1 year;
  • Consult a designer. Before buying such an important element of decoration, you need to coordinate your decision with an experienced designer. Practice has shown that not all models are well combined with home design. For example, for a classic design of a living space, it is better to choose a hearth for an electric fireplace with a wood or marble frame; high-tech style requires modern technical solutions and strict lines. There can be plenty of such features, so do not neglect the advice of an experienced designer.

Thus, there are a lot of nuances in choosing a fireplace and it simply does not make sense to describe all the features. We have only introduced you to the most important selection criteria. Naturally, you can be guided by other selection criteria if you are well versed in modern electrical technology.

Manufacturers with a worldwide reputation

An electric fireplace is not uncommon today. Nowadays, buyers and manufacturers have appreciated their main advantages: mobility, autonomy, safety and versatility. In this regard, a wide network of manufacturers has been created. A wide variety of electric hearths has led to confusion among buyers and different attitudes towards global manufacturers.

Modern research in the field of heating equipment quality has made it possible to create a rating of manufacturers:

  • Glen Dimplex Group. The Irish company has been holding the first position in the production of electric fireplaces of the highest quality for 20 years in a row. Its products are distinguished by high cost, a wide variety of design solutions and excellent performance;

  • Twin Star International. The American company regularly shines on the world market and is set as an example to other companies. She repeatedly received awards "for the best electric fireplaces." The business card of the company are functional and stylish fireplaces;

  • BFM Europe is an English company with a ten year history. In its ten years, the company has never become the object of criticism from buyers. It confidently continues to hold the first positions in its region in the production of modern heating equipment for hearths. The most popular series of fireplaces is produced under the Celsea brand. The Celsea brand is distinguished by a very realistic imitation of burning wood on the hearth screen. An equally recognizable brand is the Pureflame series of fireplaces;
  • Paite Electric Appliance is a Chinese company that has earned a worldwide reputation with the highly successful Panoramic series. The company ranks first in China in terms of the number of sales of modern heating equipment and shares the 4th place with BFM Europe in the world;

  • Real Flame is America's oldest electric fireplace company. Built-in, wall-mounted and desktop electric hearths are produced under its logos. In addition, Real Flame specializes in the production of multimedia portals and accessories for modern equipment.

  • Electrolux is a Swiss company that closes the ranking of the world's most popular manufacturers of electric fireplaces. Despite its relatively young age (the company is only 5 years old), its hearths are highly respected by Swedes and Europeans. The company is steadily climbing the ranking ladder to the first place year after year. Experts predict it will come out on top in 3-4 years.

World-famous manufacturers are actively using the possibilities of modern technologies for the most accurate simulation of burning wood on the screen of an electric fireplace. High-quality hearths for fireplaces are equipped with LED lighting for ash, coals or logs. Some models are equipped with additional lighting elements to achieve even greater realism in the display of flames.

The listed companies produce several model ranges of fireplaces, which differ in universal sizes and a different set of technical characteristics. For example, the American company Real Flame recently released a series of inexpensive electric ovens Tokio 33. The model in question has excellent performance and relatively low cost. Various modifications of this stove cost between 40 and 60 thousand rubles.

Average prices

After considering the world leaders in the production of electrical devices for heating, due attention should be paid to the price. Imported hearths will cost buyers approximately $400-600. If we consider cheaper options, then you can buy a fairly good product for $ 150. Prices for the most expensive models start at $ 1,000 per item.

As for accessories and decorative elements, they can be purchased for 50-60 dollars. It should be noted that domestic producers are not much inferior in product quality, however, they differ greatly in price - it is much lower than imported goods. The question arises: why buy imported goods, if you can buy domestic? It's all about the design and technology used. Imported goods are characterized by a wide variety of design solutions.

Video: Unpacking, assembly and review of the Electric Fireplace

These devices are thermal fans or heat guns, in terms of Yandex Market. Soviet citizens are accustomed to the term wind blower. Inside the electric fireplace there is a spiral blown by a fan. This is the principle of operation. Then, tools are used to simulate an open flame. Consider which electric fireplace is better to buy, how to find it.

What is an electric fireplace

Let's get to the theory.

Most people are deprived of the opportunity to put a brick fireplace at home. The medieval one is made of stone, the chimney is lined with a certain shape, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe furnace. Sizes are standardized: it took centuries to form the correct ratios. In the current conditions, it is not possible to use means for removing combustion products in a high-rise building.

A decorative fireplace, as an option, also does not suit any person. I want more warmth.

From these considerations, people buy an electric fireplace. According to the principle of operation and tasks, the technique is divided into:

  1. Purely decorative devices designed to create the right mood in an environment.
  2. Real heating devices of small power.

In both cases, a lot of time is devoted to imitation of an open fire: from shreds of matter swaying behind the screen to an illuminated steam generator on a quartz element. Depending on the complexity of the simulation, the price is formed. As for the heating device, the element does not have much effect on the cost.

Fire simulation systems in modern electric fireplaces

Today, there are several systems for simulating open fire, which is primarily of interest to buyers. It is possible to see electric fireplaces equipped with LCD or plasma displays on the shelves. When it comes to graininess, discard the plasma.

It is better to take an LCD fireplace for an apartment. The plasma panel is viewed from a distance exceeding 3-5 diagonals - three or more meters. Learn the fact: people often get close to an electric fireplace, not wanting to see grains of the image instead of fire! The conclusion is obvious.

A promising (not the most expensive) method is to simulate orange tongues using a quartz steam generator. The principle of operation is based on high-frequency oscillations of the crystal under the action of an electric current. Steam is generated in the fireplace already at room temperature. This is great, the lack of moisture has become a global difficulty of the premises. More often this occurs in winter. If you properly regulate the operation of the electric fireplace, you do not need a humidifier.

We add that it is not necessary to turn on the heating part. In winter, the portal for an electric fireplace gives warmth, in summer let it shine without a fan heater. As for humidity control, paying 400 rubles for a decorative (for example, in the style of the captain's cabin of a sailboat) hygrometer is no longer difficult.

A simple system for simulating a flame in electric fireplaces is rightfully called a mechanical one. Often pieces of fabric are hung behind the illuminated screen, set in chaotic motion by the flow of a fan heater. As a result, we see something similar to the reflections of fire.

Search for the right electric fireplace on the Internet

The Yandex catalog lacks a clear classification of electric fireplaces, and it is difficult to find the right model. But maybe we can find a way to get what we need.

The classification according to the e-catalog is incomplete, see what options are presented to find the right electric fireplace:

Choosing an electric fireplace

Summarize. The hearth of an ultrasonic electric fireplace is a source of heat and moisture for air at the same time. This is good for health - it blocks the decline in immunity in the autumn-winter period. As for the placement, a corner electric fireplace is appropriate when the room is relatively small.

From the story about power, it is clear that 1.5 kW is enough almost always, for example, for 15 square meters left without heat in a mild winter. The heating method is forced convection, the heat exchange process looks fast. By the way, convectors equipped with fans are good. Being hung on the walls, they quickly fulfill their assigned duties. Sometimes it is more convenient to purchase a decorative electric fireplace without a heating function.

It does not hurt to look through the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170 On the approval of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock, where Appendix 11 contains norms for the operation of heating equipment. In particular, from paragraph 5.2, subparagraph 2.5.1 it follows that the Appendix is ​​no longer recommended, but mandatory.