Doors with glass for a fireplace: requirements, choice, design. Not only reliable, but also beautiful: what you need to know when making a do-it-yourself oven door with glass? Do-it-yourself fireplace door with glass

Fireplace enthusiasts are divided into two categories - those who like open fireplaces, and those who prefer the closed type. All that distinguishes open from closed are the doors for fireplaces! Let's try to objectively consider both options, highlighting their pros and cons.

Fireplace door with glass - buy or save?

Closed fireplaces are not only doors, but also a cast-iron or steel firebox inside the building. Technology does not stand still, and even ordinary fireplaces are already equipped with various economic systems, trying to use their resources to the maximum. But does the open type really have no chance, and is it hopelessly outdated? In fact, this is not so - the open type of fireplaces has very significant advantages that cannot be simply ignored.

  • First, you will be able to see the fire, not hidden behind glass or other barrier.
  • Secondly, an open fireplace gives off heat in the form of radiant energy, which is more useful than convection heat.
  • Thirdly, an open firebox looks more harmonious in traditional fireplace arrangements.
  • Fourthly, an open fireplace is a source of open fire, on which you can cook food on a grill, spit or in a pot.
  • And fifthly, open fireplaces begin to give warmth literally from the first spark!

Among the disadvantages of the open type is a rather low efficiency– a fireplace cannot be used as a serious alternative to a heating system, especially in regions with a cold climate. While the firewood is burning, then the fireplace heats up, practically without accumulating heat. Of course, the very first drawback is the low safety of the structure - sparks flying in all directions can really cause a fire, not to mention the fact that an open fire in a house with small children is generally inappropriate! Add to all this the possible appearance of smoke, especially during ignition, a draft through the chimney, the consumption of a large amount of combustion air.

Closed fireplace - why put doors for fireplaces?

Now on the scales we take the closed type of fireplaces. We note right away that ideally this is not only a furnace door, but also many other technological achievements. For example, if desired, a closed fireplace can become the central unit of the backup heating system - it can either be connected to the water circuit in the radiator system or make forced convection of hot air. In the country, this option can generally be the main one, if the heated area is not very large. The design of the closed type, compared to the open counterpart, allows you to get much more heat from the same amount of wood.

The fact is that in an enclosed space the most complete combustion of wood is achieved - according to some studies, the efficiency of closed fireplaces is 4 times higher than the efficiency of open-type samples!

Accordingly, a high level of efficiency allows you to spend wood at times more economically. In addition, a well-made closed fireplace will have the ability to control the supply of primary combustion air, and in simple terms, you will be able to regulate the intensity of combustion and its duration. For example, for evening gatherings, you can keep the burning to a minimum, while on cold winter evenings you will quickly warm up by turning on the air supply to the fullest.

Another advantage of closed fireplaces is the carbon monoxide afterburning system. In fact, this dangerous gas is a product of incomplete combustion of carbons, formed due to a lack of oxygen during combustion. However, in closed types of fireplaces, an additional air flow is supplied to the upper part of the combustion chamber, which contributes to the complete combustion of CO - its oxidation to harmless CO 2. Fire safety of closed fireplaces, for obvious reasons, is an order of magnitude higher than open ones. In addition, as a pleasant bonus, you will get much less soot and coal, since the combustion of firewood will be more complete. Often, well-made closed structures also have a removable ash box into which all the ash is poured. Fire-resistant glasses, as a rule, have an increased resistance to pollution by combustion products.

Of course, all the advantages of a closed type can be completely nullified if the protective door and other parts described above are not properly installed. The more complex the system you purchase for your fireplace, the less likely you are to be able to assemble it yourself. However, if you decide to get by with just installing a door for greater security, then this process is quite doable without outside help.

Fireplace door - do-it-yourself installation

When you decide to install a furnace door immediately at the stage of building a fireplace, this process will go completely unnoticed for you - the brickwork will be immediately adapted to the door. However, when the fireplace was built several years ago, and you decided to do this simple, at first glance, task, then there will be much more trouble. In order for the door to be installed without unnecessary monotonous labor, you will need tools such as a grinder equipped with a cutting wheel for ceramics, a building level, heat-resistant oven mixture, ceramic dowels and screws, asbestos thread.

How to install a fireplace door with your own hands - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Decide on the size

Manufacturers of fireplace doors do not produce them wider than 70 cm - such a design would be too heavy for a fireplace. Therefore, the fireplace door with glass that you are going to buy should not be wider than 50 cm. When the door is purchased, remove the glass from it to avoid unforeseen situations during installation. Usually this is easy enough to do - the glass is clamped with bolts.

Step 2: Grooving

The most dusty and dirty work awaits you, because you will have to cut nothing more than a brick, and even in an enclosed space. With a high power grinder, you can reduce the amount of dust if someone else pours water on the cut line, but if the grinder is less powerful, you will have to cut it exceptionally dry. In this case, do not even think about doing without a respirator (or at least a gauze bandage) and goggles, otherwise all this dust will settle on your lungs and eyes. After you have gone through one seam, you can chop off pieces of brick with a hammer and chisel. Try on the door - if it is inserted tightly, then we have reached the desired goal.

Step 3: Insert the door

Heat-resistant oven mix should be mixed as thoroughly as possible, following the instructions on the packaging. It is better to knead in small portions so that you can work it out in half an hour. When the solution is ready, soak the asbestos cord in it and wrap it around the perimeter of the door in at least two layers, trying to achieve its uniformity. Once the cord is wound, gently push the fire door into place, tapping the surface of the fire door with a rubber mallet if necessary.

Additionally, the door must be fixed to ceramic dowels - it must be provided with the appropriate connectors. If you notice a gap somewhere along the perimeter, even a small one, it is best to close it with the same asbestos cord - dip it in the solution and push it into the gap with a screwdriver, and carefully seal the surface with the rest of the solution.

Of course, the fireplace has a number of advantages. Firstly, it is a perfect heating system. Secondly, glass fireplace fascinates with its appearance, especially when the process of burning firewood is observed. is an element of fire protection. And, thirdly, such a fireplace is easy to make with your own hands.

A fireplace is a unit, many elements of which can be made of glass. But not all glass is suitable for use in construction, and the reason for this is high temperature.

How to choose the right glass

In order to choose the right fireplace glass, you must decide on the purpose of the purpose of the fireplace itself.

If it serves you to heat the room, then you should choose laminated refractory glass. Such a material can withstand high temperatures and is actually two-layer and three-layer. But for a room, single-layer glass is enough. Consider the main characteristics of protective glasses for furnaces:

  • Heat resistance. This is the main parameter that indicates the maximum temperature value that fire-resistant glass for a fireplace can withstand.
  • Term of operation. This parameter shows how long the material will last at a certain temperature. Time is indicated in hours.
  • Strength. This parameter depends on the thickness of the product, which is indicated in mm. Usually the value can vary from three mm. and more. This parameter is important, because the strength of the glass depends on it. Select a maximum glass thickness of approx. 4 mm.
  • Noise isolation- is a parameter that dampens the internal noise in the furnace.

Fireplace glass elements

To protect the house from fire, they are used, which consist of a door or glass. Fireplace doors with glass perform a protective function. Let's analyze the types of fireplaces that are:

  • closed;
  • open.

Read also: Making a mini brick oven

Closed ovens have cast-iron doors that provide maximum safety for the room. The advantage of a closed fireplace is that it provides maximum efficiency.

The open type of the stove has heat-resistant glass, which makes it possible to observe the process of burning firewood. Fireplace door with glass can withstand high temperatures. It performs a protective function against the ingress of smoke into the room.

Making a glass door

Such a do-it-yourself fireplace door or oven door will weigh up to several tens of kg. in the event that cast iron or thick glass is used.

Glass should be used quartz, with a minimum linear expansion when heated.

Despite the fact that heat-resistant glass usually has a darkish tint, it still has good transparency.

  1. First you need to measure the dimensions of the fireplace. Then, according to these dimensions, a corner is cut out, which should be placed on a perfectly flat surface. It will then be inserted into the form.
  2. The square checks the correctness of all connections.
  3. All joints of the joints of structural elements are tacked by welding. Weld residue is removed.
  4. A frame is located on the metal sheet, and marks are made along the contour of the door.
  5. In the case of a metal sheet thickness of about 2 mm. - no need to weld a separate frame. Its contour is simply drawn with a size slightly larger than the size of the inner one. The overlapping position of the sheet will save the room from the penetration of smoke into it.
  6. With a cutting wheel or grinder, an element is cut out along the drawn contour.
  7. The curtains are attached to the frame by welding, after which a pre-prepared element is exposed. Just in case, the accuracy of the placement of curtains is checked, and final welding to the metal is carried out.
  8. The excess welding flows are removed, and the handle is attached.

So, a glass fireplace door with your own hands is not so difficult. The service life of such a door is quite large.

Glass screen for homemade fireplace

In order to make a glass fireplace with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • silicone sealant;
  • large window glass (4 pcs., each in the size of the side of the screen) or fire-resistant glass, can be smaller (4 pcs.);
  • hard rocks (decorative element);
  • iron grating or mesh;
  • iron box (according to the size of the base of the future screen).

Read also: DIY biofireplace fuel


So, let's start making the design with our own hands. We release silicone sealant with a thin layer on the edge of the glass (further on all 4 glasses). We fix the glasses at a right angle in the form of a fireplace screen and press firmly against each other for several minutes, and then until completely dry. Excess sealant is subsequently carefully trimmed with a blade.

Having connected the glasses, we formed a screen, now it is necessary to make a base. Silicone sealant is now applied to the bottom edges of the glass screen. Then the screen is firmly pressed against the surface of the iron box with its lower part. It is necessary that the sides of the box are so wide that, in addition to the glass, it is possible to fix the grate (mesh) on them.

If window glass is used, it is necessary to maintain the required distance from the location of the firebox so that the glass does not heat up.

If a refractory material is used, the screen can be installed in close proximity to the unit.


A jar with is installed inside the iron box right in the middle. A part of the prepared iron mesh is cut off in accordance with the internal dimensions of the fireplace (box) and placed inside the box on its sides. You can lay the mesh in several pieces if one part of it is not enough.

On top of the grid, stones are laid in a fairly loose layer. At the same time, it is necessary to leave gaps and space between the stones for air flow.

Here is a fireplace with glass with your own hands and ready!

Proper care

Choose the right glass for your oven. Glass must be protective. The temperature in the furnace can reach high values. Therefore, traces of soot remain on the glass. you need to follow the following rules:

  • Do not clean the glass when it is hot. So it can be damaged and leave defects on the protective layer.
  • Clean the fireplace with a special tool to avoid scratching the glass.
  • Do not use abrasives when cleaning the glass surface. After all, this can damage the polishing of the screen.
  • It is necessary to clean the product with a special agent after each furnace fire.

A fireplace is a thing, albeit not the cheapest, but those who have the opportunity and the place to install it do just that. There are several advantages that make this piece of furniture quite popular. First, it is effective as a means of heating. Secondly, the aesthetics of the appearance of the fireplace cannot be underestimated. Thirdly, you can make it yourself.

Glass selection

Before proceeding with the installation or manufacture of a glass oven door, you must familiarize yourself with the requirements that it must meet. It should be said right away that the production process and raw materials for this part will depend on how you plan to use the fireplace or stove. If, for example, the object will be used as a means of heating, then at least a two-layer, and preferably a three-layer material is required. In addition to this requirement, there are a few more that must be met by furnace doors with glass for a stove, fireplace:

  • First, high resistance to elevated temperatures.
  • Secondly, service life. Most often, this parameter is specified in hours. That is, the time that the glass can withstand under thermal stress is indicated.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to take care of the overall strength of the door with glass. Most often, this parameter is indicated in millimeters and is up to 3 mm.
  • Fourth, the noise isolation effect. Of course, for some time the noise and hum of a stove or fireplace will please, but over time a person will get used to it and the constant noise will begin to interfere greatly, so providing sound insulation is also an important parameter for the door.

Glass materials and manufacturing

In order to create a do-it-yourself oven door with glass, you will need materials such as:

  • silicone sealant;
  • about 4 panes of glass suitable for the size of the screen;
  • stones for decoration;
  • metal mesh or grating;
  • a metal box, the size of which will match the size of the screen.

The device of the glass screen for the fireplace is quite simple:

  1. Silicone sealant is applied to all 4 panes around their edges.
  2. All glasses are fixed in such a way that a parallelepiped shape is obtained. It is important to observe right angles.
  3. The planes of the elements are firmly pressed against each other and remain in this position until the sealant has completely solidified.
  4. The remains of the substance that protruded beyond the plane must be cut off.

In such a simple way, you can make a screen for a fireplace.

Door with glass

Quite often it also happens that people already have a means of heating in the house, but at the same time they cannot use it. Sometimes fire safety requirements interfere, and sometimes the amount of soot that is created by the fireplace when it is kindled, especially in not too cold weather outside. For these reasons, the object cannot be used. The furnace door with glass for the furnace in this case will be the most indispensable assistant.

Description of the glass door

Installing a door with glass brings not only the aesthetic diversity of the design, but also allows you to constantly monitor the efficiency of the oven. However, there are several disadvantages that will have to be taken into account if a decision is made to produce such an element with one's own hands.

The first disadvantage is the low mechanical stability. Of course, high-quality heat-resistant glass with an increased protective characteristic will be used during production, but it can still break quite easily. Because of this, you must be extremely careful when removing soot from it.

The oven door with glass tends to get dirty pretty quickly. However, to eliminate this defect, a firing process is often resorted to.

The last disadvantage is the use of only wood fuel. It will be impossible to use coal as a furnace material in a furnace with such a door.

It is worth noting that quite often they resort to a combination of several materials in production. Some elements of casting or forging are often used to decorate and enhance strength characteristics. It is also worth answering that it is possible to use a cast-iron oven door with glass, that is, a combination of cast iron and glass.


The first thing to do before starting work is to create a drawing. Accuracy is the main concern in this section. If you make a mistake with the dimensions at this stage, then most likely, in the end, the object will turn out to be smaller or larger than necessary.

The second stage in the manufacture of the door is the availability of all tools and the purchase of material. In order to assemble such a thing, you will definitely need welding, a grinder, a cleaning circle, a hammer and a drill. The listed tools will come in handy if the door for a sauna stove with glass or for a fireplace is made from a combination of glass and cast iron or other metal.

Necessary materials for the production of dampers: metal, corner, handle, valve or glass. It is worth noting that the advantage of making such a door on your own is that you can purchase all the components in any store, and their cost is acceptable.

Stages of work

The first thing to do is cut out the corner. And then give the desired shape to the structure. In order to carry out this operation, it is necessary to lay out the corner on a flat surface, check the correctness of all connections, and then weld all the necessary details. After finishing work, you need to again inspect the door for correctness and compliance with the form.

Then, on a sheet of metal, it is necessary to mark the inner contour of the frame. After marking is completed and all measurements are received, they must be slightly increased and a small allowance left on each side. Taking into account these marks, it is necessary to cut the part with a metal grinder. Since the door is planned with glass, it is necessary to have a piece of heat-resistant material that will be mounted.

With the help of the same tool, glass is cut with the desired dimensions. Next, the curtains must be welded to the frame. After that, you need to grab them to the common door frame. When this operation is completed, you need to make sure that nothing prevents the opening and closing of the door. If this condition is met, then you can proceed to the final welding. The door handle is attached last.

Advantages of panoramic glass

Most often, in such homemade doors, it is recommended to use panoramic glass. It has such advantages as: high thermal stability and high degree of refractoriness of the material. Another very convenient property is safety when used in a bath. Panoramic glasses contain crystalline ceramics and quartz, which makes them absolutely safe. The mixture of these components eliminates any possibility of material explosion due to overheating.

Doors designed for fireplace inserts perform, first of all, a protective function, but also, to a large extent, are an interior decoration. In form, they can vary greatly, since it depends, first of all, on the configuration of the portal.

Today, it is not difficult to buy a suitable option or order it in a specialized workshop, but if you have enough skill, then it is undoubtedly better to make the door yourself. This will save a lot of money. However, it should be remembered that, when starting to manufacture the element in question, it is necessary to select high-quality materials and prepare an accurate drawing.

How is a door for a stove or fireplace made with glass directly with your own hands? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Door specifics

Intending to make a door with glass inserts, it is worth, first of all, to decide on its style. It is important that it matches the general decoration of the room and the
specific case. So, for example, in small rooms it makes sense to make a double-leaf insert or rising up to save space. Both of these options are ideal for a corner fireplace.

The main point that should not be forgotten is the selection of glass. It must have a heat resistance of at least 800 degrees - it is to this temperature that a flame usually flares up.

The prepared glass is inserted into the metal frame of the door itself, and that, in turn, is hinged to the outer frame, which is fixedly fixed in the opening of the firebox. Wherein:

  • a seal is mounted on the inside so that smoke does not penetrate into the room;
  • at the bottom of the outer frame, holes are made with adjustable plugs for air to enter the furnace;
  • keep in mind that the metal tends to expand greatly when heated, so the gap between the transparent insert and the frame is not made too large;
  • when starting to manufacture, remember that the glass cannot be fixed tightly, because during installation it will need to be removed from the door;
  • strips of fiberglass are inserted into the frame for sealing.

Glass varieties

In general, only three types of glass are used to make a fireplace door. This is about:

  • tempered;
  • borosilicate;
  • quartz.

The first type is, in general, the most common glass that has undergone special hardening, during which it is initially strongly heated and then quickly cooled. As a result, it acquires a fairly high heat resistance and considerable strength. The finished product is almost impossible to scratch, and it can only be broken with a targeted blow.

Quartz glass is an almost chemically pure product that does not contain foreign impurities. Its production is a very long and laborious process, which explains the relatively high cost. This variety is distinguished by the ability to withstand even very significant temperature changes, which guarantees a long service life.

For borosilicate glass, silica and boron oxide are used. This mixture melts at a relatively low temperature, while the finished product comes out strong and resistant to mechanical damage and heat. At the same time, it retains great plasticity and is used for the production of objects of complex configuration.

Getting Started with Doors

It is important to understand that the finished product must meet operational requirements and provide the necessary safety. That is, on the one hand, holes should be provided for air access to the furnace (arranged in the lower part), and on the other hand, care must be taken to protect the room from:

  • smoke
  • sparks;
  • burning smell.

The main components of the fireplace door:

As an example, we use the basic, most simple version shown in this drawing:

What you need to cook

Of the tools we need:

  • electric drill or hammer drill;
  • angle grinder;
  • hammer weighing up to a kilogram;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • roulette.

The following materials are needed:

  • steel corner of the width that suits you;
  • metal strip;
  • loops (turned eccentric);
  • bolt;
  • opening handle.

You will determine the exact dimensions yourself and adjust the above drawing to fit them.

Work order

In principle, there should not be any difficulties with the implementation of the plan (if you have sufficient experience and accuracy). It should only be noted that it is much better to make a door before starting to build a fireplace, since the fasteners must be embedded in the masonry.

If we are talking about an existing heater, then the frame with glass is adjusted as accurately as possible so that the gaps around the perimeter are minimal. Fixation here is carried out using all-metal anchor bolts.

So, let's get to work:

  • we cut the prepared corner into the necessary fragments at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • all elements are welded into two frames, checking the accuracy with a square;
  • at the end we measure the length of both diagonals to make sure that the structure is even;
  • the frames are checked for compliance (they put one into the other);
  • weld the remaining parts (latch, handle, hinges);
  • metal influxes are removed with a sweeping circle;
  • glass is cut out in size and inserted inside, fastening with clamps;
  • test the finished product for performance and try on the furnace opening;
  • glass is removed again;
  • the metal part of the door is mounted in the fireplace;
  • gaps are sealed with heat-resistant sealant;
  • fix the transparent insert.

If you could not get fire-resistant glass, it is advisable to use sheet steel instead. To make such a product more decorative, you can use additionally finished forged elements sold in building supermarkets - they are placed on top of the sheet and fixed pointwise.

Many owners of various fireplaces and large stoves often ask themselves the question - should I buy a door or is it better to save money? Each option has its pros and cons - it's nice to spend time near an open fire, you can admire the crackle of the fire, fry small portions of food, and enjoy the pleasant atmosphere. If there is a closed type of fireplace with doors, then a person feels safe, not afraid that a spark will fall out or smoke will go into the house. Having compared all the points, you need to decide whether to install a door for your fireplace or not.

The most popular material is heat-resistant glass doors, they are made using a special technology and can withstand temperatures up to 800 ᵒС. They can also open in different ways - single, be with 2 hinged doors, or rise vertically.

Glass doors come in different shapes:

  • Round convex;
  • oval;
  • Rectangular;
  • Trapezoidal.

The glass door that opens the fireplace or stove has a metal frame and a seal that allows the doors to be tightly closed. Most fireplaces are heated with ordinary wood, and sometimes with conifers, which are capable of emitting not only soot, but also tar.

To avoid rather troublesome cleaning, many fireplaces have a self-cleaning system.

The cleaning works in such a way that the air flow does not allow soot and resin to settle on the doors, so they do not get dirty.

Do-it-yourself fireplace door with glass

To get a beautiful fireplace door with glass, you need to prepare a metal frame of a certain size or frame elements. Next, they need to be welded to each other by welding, forming a piece of the desired length. Be sure to fix, and then clean the joints of the elements from the remnants.

Glass doors must not only be installed correctly, but must comply with the norms during their production in order to obtain a quality product as a result:

  • Production must be continuous, or with short interruptions;
  • Polishing is best done at high temperatures;
  • Also a key step is coating the glass surface with special chemical elements, thanks to them, it becomes much stronger.

You also need to pick up and weld curtains, the final step is to install glass doors in the finished frame and fix them. Be sure to protect your eyes from particles of debris and chips before starting work, and while working with welding, wear a special protective helmet. It is better to wear gloves on your hands, and while working with electric tools (grinder, emery), you must follow all safety rules.

Types of fireplace doors

There are some of the most popular materials from which doors are made so that it is not too hot near the fireplace. Forged - presented in the form of a lattice with a variety of patterns and ornaments made of steel. A fence of this kind does not fully fulfill its function, since a spark can fall out through the holes and smoke can seep through.

Such fences are used for modern style, indispensable classics, modern design.

Depending on the idea of ​​the stylist, you can also create interesting combinations of different materials with each other. Ceramic is obtained by firing clay at high temperature, this contributes to sufficient resistance of the material to open fire. Doors of this kind are often installed in ovens, if provided by the designer. This style adds charm and coziness, and it will create harmony in a rustic style home.

Metal blinds have a fairly attractive design, provide complete security. Such doors are made of cast iron, it has an increased resistance to high temperatures, but for greater reliability, an additional coating is also carried out using refractory enamel. These types of doors are used quite rarely, they need to be beaten very carefully so as not to get a rough room as a result.

There are different types of glass available:

  • tempered;
  • borosilicate;
  • Quartz.

Tempered glass is produced by first heating to a high temperature, then quenching. After such procedures, the glass becomes sufficiently resistant, both for high temperatures and for various damages that often occur in everyday life. Quartz doors are made of quartz or sand, there are practically no impurities. Such a material has a very painstaking and complex manufacturing procedure, but it is highly resistant to various temperature extremes, therefore it has an acceptable cost, but for many it is too high.

Borosilicate glass is made from substances such as silica and boron oxide. Due to the low melting point, they are not only resistant to very high temperatures, a variety of mechanical damage, but also quite plastic, when compared with ordinary glass. Doors of this kind can decorate and transform almost any interior, adding attractiveness, comfort and color to it, and in combination with forged elements, they will look elegant and stylish.

We put our own glass for the fireplace

Even when making glass doors with your own hands, they must have certain functions. Air must freely and unhindered enter the fireplace itself so that the fuel can burn well and efficiently. Also, sparks and fire should not be allowed to spread into the room itself. It is necessary to use only heat-resistant material that can withstand high temperatures and not burst during the combustion of the fireplace.

A glass door for a fireplace should consist of the following elements - a frame, a sash, a locking mechanism, a handle, a ventilation duct, and lamellar blinds. To install it correctly, you need to purchase all these components, and arm yourself with a set of tools. It is imperative to make all measurements in advance so as not to acquire excess material. First, a steel frame is made, then glass elements are carefully inserted into it, then the entire structure is installed with the help of canopies in its place. The final step is to install the handle and valve.

Installing a fireplace door (video)

In conclusion, it is worth noting that installing a door on a fireplace is not a difficult task, feasible for everyone. A well-made installation will allow you to safely enjoy the beauty of the flame.