How to behave during a thunderstorm: basic rules of safe behavior. How to protect yourself from lightning What can happen during a thunderstorm

A thunderstorm is a phenomenon that both fascinates and frightens at the same time, because it is impossible to predict where the celestial charge will hit. And although the probability of a direct lightning strike on a person is extremely small, there are many victims of this formidable element every year. Be that as it may, knowing how to protect yourself from lightning during bad weather certainly does not hurt.

Safety rules during a thunderstorm

1. What to do during a thunderstorm while in the apartment

During a thunderstorm, a person can feel safest only indoors. However, even here there is no 100% guarantee to remain unscathed if you do not follow the precautions:

During bad weather, do not go to the windows and do not go out onto the balcony;

Do not use a landline phone - if the house is poorly protected from lightning strikes or this protection is broken, an electric charge can pass through the wires and strike through the telephone receiver;

Refrain from using the shower and washbasin - in the event of a faulty grounding, water pipes can become an excellent conductor of electricity after a lightning strike. For the same reason, it is best to stay away from heating pipes;

Just in case, turn off electrical appliances from the network: at least - they can fail from power surges, as a maximum - a short circuit can lead to a fire.

2. What to do if a thunderstorm caught you outside

In an urban area, during thunderstorms, you can feel relatively safe, as there are many objects that are more attractive to lightning than a lone passerby. However, there were cases when the discharge hit a person, despite the fact that there were many more suitable targets around. Therefore, during a thunderstorm, it is better to find shelter in the house as soon as possible, or at least hide in the front door. While you're out and about, follow these guidelines:

No matter how strong the downpour is, do not use an umbrella - it can act as a lightning rod;

Do not hide under the canopy of city public transport stops - for the most part they are a metal structure, and metal is a good conductor, which increases the chances of attracting lightning;

3. What happens if lightning hits a vehicle

If during celestial flares you are inside a vehicle, be it a train, bus or car, you don't have to worry about your safety. Damage can be expected by the vehicle itself, and the driver and passengers have nothing to fear. The main thing is that the transport is hermetically sealed. In such cases, physics is on our side - according to the principle of the Faraday cage, a lightning discharge will flow over the surface of the case and go through the wheels into the ground.

4. How to protect yourself from lightning in a park or forest

Being among the trees, you should not look for protection in them during a thunderstorm, it is better to stay away from them, especially from tall specimens. Keep in mind that lightning, contrary to the prevailing myth, can strike the same place several times in a row, so you do not need to run to a tree that has already been attacked from the sky. It is also worth considering that an electric discharge, after a lightning strike, can spread along the ground up to 30 meters around.

To protect yourself from lightning in a forest or park, hide in the bushes - they almost never get a charge. Hiding in vegetation, crouch or squat, but do not touch the ground with your hands or "fifth point";

    Take note: the best guides among trees are poplar, oak, ash and willow - proximity to them does not bode well. But linden, walnut, spruce, fir and beech are less dangerous - they contain a large amount of oils, which increases the current resistance. This means that between oak and walnut, lightning will rather choose oak as a victim.

    5. How to save yourself from lightning in an open field

    Being in a “clean” field during a thunderstorm is extremely dangerous due to the fact that there are no high targets around that can attract lightning. Therefore, your primary task should be not to become the tallest object in the area.

    Do not approach hills, rocky hills. In this case, you should also stay away from shrubs;

    Try to find a lowland and hide there;

    Get down on your haunches and group into a baby pose. However, you should not lie down and lean on the ground with your hands - the more points of contact with it, the greater the chance of being hit by an electric charge that spreads along the ground after a lightning strike.

    6. What to do if a thunderstorm caught near a reservoir

    Hearing thunder while swimming in the lake - get out on land as soon as possible. Being in the water during a thunderstorm is extremely dangerous:

    Firstly, water is an excellent conductor, which means it readily attracts lightning;

    Secondly, when swimming in a pond, your head above the surface of the water surface will be the highest point, which makes it the number one target;

    Thirdly, due to the superconductivity of water, a lightning discharge can strike all living things within a radius of 100 meters from the point of impact.

    When in a boat during a thunderstorm, land on the shore as soon as possible. If this is not possible, you should put rubber boots, a life jacket or other things that do not conduct electricity under you. Crouch as low as possible and if there is a tarp, cover it so that rainwater flows overboard, but the edges of the polyethylene should not touch the water.

    7. How to determine the distance to lightning

    Thanks to the difference between the speed of light (flash) and the speed of sound (thunder), calculating how far or close lightning flashes from you is quite simple - count how many seconds pass between the flash and the thunder, and then divide the number of seconds by 3 and get the distance in kilometers that separate you. If thunder sounds after 3-4 seconds, it means that lightning strikes about a kilometer from you, and this promises danger and means it's time to look for shelter.

    8. What to do if a person is struck by lightning

    It is far from always that a direct hit by a lightning discharge in a person promises inevitable death for him - according to some reports, about 90% remain alive, although they receive serious body damage. Basically, the brain, heart and lungs suffer - it is through these organs that the main discharge passes. Therefore, in order to save the victim, it is worth immediately moving him to a safer place and checking for signs of life. If breathing and heartbeat are absent, start artificial respiration and heart massage. By the way, you should not be afraid to touch a person struck by lightning - the charge has already passed through him and will not shock you.

    These tips will help you protect yourself from lightning and better organize your actions so as not to get hurt during a thunderstorm. Take care of yourself.

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It is already May, which means that in our latitudes the time of thunderstorms has begun, which will subside only after the onset of winter cold. The Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev even dedicated a beautiful poem to the May thunderstorm, but we are in no hurry to romanticize this phenomenon, as it is fraught with dangerous and even deadly consequences. We will tell you why it occurs, how to behave during a thunderstorm under different circumstances, and how to provide first aid to a person affected by a lightning strike.

A thunderstorm is a natural phenomenon in the atmosphere in which charges of electricity accumulate inside the clouds, or between the clouds and the surface of the earth, and from time to time bright electric sparks appear. Such a spark is called lightning, and the sound effect that accompanies it is called thunder. Due to the fact that the speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, most often we first see lightning, and only then hear thunder. Usually a thunderstorm is accompanied by heavy cloud cover and a downpour, but it happens that lightning and thunder occur without visible rain - this phenomenon is called a dry thunderstorm.

What are the consequences of being struck by lightning

The current and voltage in a lightning discharge on earth are very high and in rare cases can even reach values ​​of 500 thousand amperes and 1 billion volts, respectively, and the temperature can exceed 25,000 degrees Celsius. However, among the victims of the lightning strike, there are many survivors. This happens because lightning strikes very quickly, and the discharge often passes through the human body in less than a second, leaving a burn at the points of entry and exit of lightning. At the same time, if the discharge was narrow enough in thickness, did not touch the vital organs, spinal cord or brain, then the victim can survive.

But even leaving a person alive, a lightning strike can cause him severe damage: brain contusion, paralysis, cardiac arrhythmia, memory lapses, pulmonary edema, vision problems, eardrum rupture, etc. In other cases, but it's about 43%, the person dies.

The consequences described above make a thunderstorm one of the most dangerous natural phenomena. We cannot manage it, but we can observe the utmost caution, which one day will save us from death. That is why it is important to know how to protect yourself from lightning and how to behave during a thunderstorm in different situations.

  • Do not take the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm as a joke: according to statistics, on average, one million people have two lightning strikes every year. That is, in Russia, lightning strikes about 250 people, in Ukraine - 90, etc. Think about it: these are rather big numbers, and there is always a chance of becoming a victim of the elements.

How to behave on the street

Most often, a thunderstorm catches us just on the street, while moving around the city. How to behave during a thunderstorm in such a situation? Of course, it would be best to find shelter in the building as soon as possible, for example, go to a store or an entrance. You can also go down to the subway or a dry underpass.

The main thing is to avoid open space where you will find yourself a free-standing and high target for lightning. Stay away from lone trees, tall buildings, poles and towers, metal structures, fences, fires, antennas, and power lines. Remove all metal jewelry and objects from yourself, put them in a leather bag or plastic bag.

Try not to talk on the street on a mobile phone, and if possible, turn it off. However, scientists are still arguing about this, but they still came to a common idea: it’s not so much the mobile phone lying in your pocket that is dangerous, but the one stretched out in your hand and raised up during a telephone conversation. The radio waves emanating from him during the call, and even at a height, increase the chances that lightning will strike exactly there, as in the most electrostatically charged place. At the same time, older models of phones are considered especially dangerous.

Another important rule on how to behave during a thunderstorm is not to open your umbrella. It will protect you from rain, but on the contrary, it can attract lightning with its raised metal knitting needles.

When the storm overtook the transport

How to behave during a thunderstorm when you are in a car? In fact, this is a fairly safe situation, since even if lightning strikes directly into a car, the discharge will pass through the metal surface, and the passengers inside will not be affected. It is only important to stop driving, but do not park near power lines or metal structures, do not touch the metal parts of the car, turn off the radio, GPS, mobile phone, and close doors and windows tightly. The same applies to travel, for example, in a bus.

But open vehicles like a motorcycle or bicycle are dangerous and can expose you to a lightning strike. Therefore, we advise you to leave it, park it and look for shelter in the building, and if you are on the road, then get off it, get rid of metal objects, and find some hollow or groove below the level of the earth's surface in which you can sit down.

How to behave in the field and in the meadow

The situation is very dangerous when you are in the field during a thunderstorm, since, most likely, you automatically find yourself the highest point in the area. How to behave in such a case? First of all, you should stop moving and descend into some hollow or hole that is below ground level around. During a thunderstorm, even in hot weather, the air temperature drops and becomes colder, so we advise you not to lie down on the ground so as not to catch a cold, but to squat down. It will be great if you can cover yourself with some kind of jacket or raincoat.

You see individual trees in the field, a haystack - do not try to hide there! Keep a distance of at least 200 meters, as these free-standing objects are more likely to attract lightning. Avoid any heights.

What to do in a thunderstorm in the forest

If you find yourself in a forest, then this is not the most dangerous situation during a thunderstorm, because in such an area there are a lot of trees that serve as lightning rods, which practically eliminates the possibility of a discharge hitting the ground. How to behave? Stay away from the tallest trees. The ideal situation is when you can find a group of low trees, the distance between which will not exceed their height, and sit down at this point in the fetal position. For example, trees are approximately 4 meters long, and the distance to each of them is 4 meters - this way you get a kind of protective cone.

Move away from open lawns and do not pitch tents. Avoid campfires, as the plume of smoke can attract lightning and is a great conductor of electricity. We saw trees already beaten by lightning - stay away from them, the discharge can hit this place again.

It is worth remembering the species of forest trees: it is better to stay close to maples and birches, as well as conifers like pines and firs, but beware of oaks, poplars and elms, which lightning strikes more often than others.

When the storm caught by the pond

You should also be careful when you are near a pond. If you are on the shore, then try to move away from the water, at least a hundred meters, give up all your activities, including fishing. Do not think that the land will save you: lightning often strikes water bodies, however, a discharge of electricity can disperse not only through water, but also spread to wet soil on the shore, trees and shrubs growing nearby.

It is even more dangerous if you are in a boat at the beginning of a thunderstorm, and far from the shore. In this case, try to protect yourself as much as possible from contact with moisture, for example, put something dry underneath, for example, clothes, a life jacket. You will also need cellophane or an awning that you can cover yourself with from above: it should allow rainwater to drain overboard, but not touch the surface of the water. Of course, these things may not be on the boat, so it’s better to take care of safety in advance if you are going to go to the sea / river in potentially thunderous weather.

How to behave in the mountains

When a thunderstorm caught you in the mountains, you need to be extremely careful. Be sure to go down lower, so as not to remain at the top in any case. Move away from isolated objects like a lone tree, a large boulder, do not stand on cracks or the boundaries of different sections of the mountain surface. Find a cave or a niche in the mountains, you can hide there, but do not get closer than 2 meters to its walls.

If the storm starts dry, without rain, find a dry patch of rock, avoid moisture as it conducts electricity. If the downpour has gone, then beware of cracks filled with water. Also try to get away from the place where the boundaries of atmospheric fronts pass, clouds and fog thicken.

Another important rule is to remove all metal jewelry from yourself, get metal objects out of your pockets and bags. If time permits, put everything in a separate bag and tie it securely somewhere at least 50 meters away from you to pick up after the storm is over.

What to do during a thunderstorm at home

Even if you are in your "fortress", that is, at home, you should still think about lightning protection. Of course, your house must be equipped with a lightning rod without fail, and preferably with safety blocks on electrical distribution boards, which will provide protection against strong voltage drops.

But in any case, it is better to refuse to use any electrical appliances during a thunderstorm so that the equipment does not deteriorate: turn off your computer, router, TV, electric stove, washing machine, home landline phone, etc. - and we mean not just turn it off appliances using the buttons, and unplug them from the sockets. If possible, completely turn off the power supply in the house.

Also close all windows, vents and doors in the house, you can curtain the windows to make it calmer. Stay away from power outlets and plumbing - electrical discharge from a lightning strike can pass through it. But you can use a mobile phone while indoors - just do not call a person who is outside during a thunderstorm.

The risk of being struck by lightning remains until the last thunder strike, so be careful and if possible do not leave your home until this moment.

First aid for lightning strike

As we have already said, in most cases a lightning strike is still not fatal, although often the victim after receiving a discharge can indeed be unconscious, not show signs of life - and then he will need to do a heart massage and artificial respiration. It is very important that a person receives first aid on time - and how to provide it, you will learn more from the following video:

There are various natural disasters that are expressed in different ways. There are also all sorts of atmospheric phenomena that can be no less dangerous. Every time a storm hits, a lot of people suffer. And there are cases of death by negligence. Most often, misfortune occurs due to the fact that people do not always follow the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm. Here you will learn how not to get into trouble, no matter where you are.

This is characterized by very strong discharges of electricity in the zone of cumulonimbus clouds. In this case, lightning is accompanied by very strong thunder sounds. There are also cases when, along with a thunderstorm, a very strong wind is observed, which can sharply increase its speed. Sometimes a tornado appears.

Since lightning can provoke a fire, disruption of power lines, and human injury, it is necessary to know the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm. It is important where exactly you are during the elements. Be aware that the high temperature of lightning during a strike can kill. Those who survived after such a disaster received serious burns and injuries. Some of the victims were unable to recover from the shock.

How to know that bad weather is coming?

Before you figure out the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm, you need to learn how to determine its appearance. So, there are such harbingers of bad weather:

High air humidity, which can be seen from the long-drying dew.

Low flying and insects.

Slow drop in atmospheric pressure. Moreover, the decline can occur jerkily.

Cloudy in the morning, if before that at night you noticed the twinkling of stars.

If you feel that it has become too stuffy outside, it means that a thunderstorm will come soon.

Features of calculating the approach of a thunderstorm. Which tree is most often struck by lightning?

You have the opportunity to find out how close lightning flashes near you. This will give you a head start, and you can quickly hide from the weather. Calculating the approach of a thunderstorm is simple. You need to calculate the time between the thunder and the flash of lightning. The more seconds that pass between these events, the farther away the storm is from you.

Note that sound travels one kilometer in one second. That is, the more seconds between lightning and a sonic roar, the farther away from you is the epicenter of the storm. This means that you still have time to find shelter.

The rules of conduct during a thunderstorm will help you protect yourself from injury and even death. As for hitting a tree, the oak is most often hit (in more than 50 cases out of 100). The safest in the event of thunder and lightning is birch, as well as hazel, maple and laurel. However, this does not mean that you need to hide under a tree.

What to do if you are outdoors during a thunderstorm?

Now let's figure out how to behave if you did not have time to run home:

1. First of all, no need to run under a tree or a canopy. A tent made of material will not save you either.

2. If there are no buildings nearby, then try to find a depression in the ground. In this case, it is advisable to bend down, bring your legs together. Take off all items made of metal. Keep in mind that you can’t lie down and climb high hills is also not worth it.

3. Do not gather in groups of several people. Better to keep apart.

4. If you hear a persistent hum coming from nearby objects, or feel that the hair on your head has begun to rise, urgently change the location.

5. Never hold metal objects in your hands.

6. If a thunderstorm caught you fishing, then try to move away from the water as far as possible. The fact is that if lightning hits a body of water, it can kill you even at a distance of several kilometers.

7. It is also undesirable to be near a fire during a thunderstorm. Warm air attracts lightning better.

8. If you are near immediately run away from here.

9. If a thunderstorm starts, a tree is not the best object to hide.

If you are in the house

Now you need to find out what to do during a thunderstorm if it caught you in a building. Please note that even if you are at home, in order to protect yourself from a lightning strike, you must also follow some rules:

Try not to approach windows or turn on household appliances. Move away from plumbing pipes or other engineering systems.

Unplug your TV or other appliances from the outlet. Voltage fluctuations can damage them.

The house must be closed all doors, windows, chimney. Keep in mind that a draft can provoke ball lightning, so eliminate it.

It is impossible to heat the stove during a thunderstorm.

If she does appear in the house, try to move away from her as quickly as possible.

What to do if you are traveling by public transport?

A thunderstorm (you can see the photo in the article) is a serious atmospheric phenomenon, and you can’t hope for luck here, especially if you are driving a car, bicycle or motorcycle. If you are in transport, then follow these rules of conduct:

1. Stop the vehicle. At the same time, it should not stand near tall buildings, electricity transmission lines. You should not get out of the car. When doing this, try not to touch the metal panel or other parts of the vehicle. Close the windows tightly, turn off the radio. If you have a hardtop trailer, you can hide in it.

2. Wherever you are, you should not make phone calls. It is best to turn off the mobile device altogether.

3. If you were riding a bicycle or motorcycle, then try to stop as soon as possible and move away from the transport at least 30 meters.

4. Do not try to run away from ball lightning if it flies nearby. This will only bring her closer to you.

If it so happened that one of your loved ones was struck by lightning, you should immediately call an ambulance. You must do artificial respiration yourself.

During bad weather, try not to be nervous. This will only prevent you from remembering these rules and doing everything right. Try to be calm and focused. Behaving safely during a thunderstorm helps save lives and avoid injury. Be healthy!

Over the past few years, more than a hundred people have died from lightning strikes. In most cases, the trouble could have been avoided, but ignorance of elementary safety rules played a terrible role. Do you know how to behave during a thunderstorm? Will you be able to resist the forces of nature and save your own health and life?

During a thunderstorm you are at home

Did the storm catch you indoors? Do not rush to breathe a sigh of relief, because even the thick walls of the house are not a 100% guarantee of your safety. You better pay attention what should be your behavior:

  • Turn off all electrical appliances from the network, and even better, turn off the power supply in the entire house or apartment;
  • Close vents, windows, chimneys, balcony doors and curtains;
  • Check if there are drafts in the room - they attract ball lightning;
  • Move away from the windows at a sufficiently large distance;
  • Refuse to melt the stove or fireplace. The smoke coming out of the chimney has good electrical conductivity, and this increases the likelihood of a lightning strike on the roof;
  • How to behave? Stay away from antennas, wiring, front doors, walls with tall trees, and other objects related to the external environment;
  • Don't use your cell phone during a thunderstorm;
  • Try not to leave the house unless absolutely necessary.

The element caught you in transport

A thunderstorm can start suddenly, and you just won't have time to get home. Don't worry, a car is not the worst shelter from thunder and lightning. How should one behave in such a situation?

  • Stop your car away from trees and power lines. Driving in bad weather is extremely dangerous.– lightning flashes and heavy rain impair visibility on the road and can cause an accident;
  • Stop the engine, close all windows, turn off the radio and remove the antenna;
  • Do I need to get off my bike, motorcycle or moped during a thunderstorm? If you are moving in an open area, immediately stop and move thirty meters away from the transport. Otherwise, you will become the highest point on the ground for lightning. In the city, this rule is not necessary to comply with, because high-rise buildings are considered excellent lightning rods.

During a thunderstorm near a pond

Summer is the time for fishing, swimming, boating and heavy thunderstorms. If during a thunderstorm you find yourself near a pond, remember that this place is one of the most dangerous. How to protect yourself from thunder and lightning strikes?

  • If you are swimming, immediately leave the pond and move away from the water as far as possible;
  • Do you ride a boat or a catamaran? Row as fast as possible to the nearest shore, trying to duck as low as possible to the bottom.

Thunderstorm in the open

How to behave in open space if a thunderstorm is about to begin? Ideally, you need to hide in the nearest building. If she was not around, act according to the instructions:

  • Turn off all electrical appliances that are near you - tablet, mobile phone, player, GPS navigator, etc.;
  • Check for shrubs, trees, and power lines nearby;
  • Find some depression, hole or ravine. The ground must be dry and preferably sandy;
  • Remove all jewelry from yourself and place them at a distance of at least five meters;
  • Sit on your haunches, lower your head between your knees and wrap your arms around your legs;
  • Try not to move. Any movement, like heavy sweating, only attracts lightning;
  • Remember, lying on the ground is very dangerous;
  • During a thunderstorm in open space, it is strictly forbidden to hide near lonely trees, metal structures, large metal objects, mesh fences and wet walls.

If a thunderstorm happened in the forest

Despite the danger of the situation, you need to behave very calmly.

  • Try to get out of the forest, or at least find an open area;
  • Turn off all electronics;
  • Take off your jewelry;
  • Do not hide near tall trees, especially if it is oak, pine, spruce or poplar. But maple, birch or hazel are extremely rarely subjected to lightning strikes;
  • Trees that have previously been hit by the elements should also be avoided. The earth in this area has a high electrical conductivity, and therefore can be very dangerous;
  • Squat down, lower your head and wrap your arms around your legs.

Thunderstorm in the mountains

How to behave in the mountains during a thunderstorm?

  • Move away from mountain ridges, peaks and sharp towering rocks;
  • Get down as low as you can;
  • Collect all metal objects (pots, mugs, ice axes, climbing hooks and other equipment) in a backpack and lower it down the slope with a strong rope.

There are no trifles during a thunderstorm. Re-evaluate your position in terms of security. The risk of being struck by lightning increases:

  1. Wet clothes and body;
  2. Tall trees;
  3. uplands;
  4. metal structures;
  5. Jewelry and mobile phones;
  6. Included electrical appliances;
  7. Clay soil;
  8. Proximity to fires and ponds;
  9. Fuss, running and sudden movements;
  10. People moving in tight groups.

It is difficult to resist the elements of nature, but with our recommendations you will succeed.

ADVICE. You should stay inside the vehicle if the interval between the spark discharge of lightning and the sound of thunder is up to 15 seconds.

Actions while on the plane

Having a metal body, the aircraft provides protection to passengers on the principle of the Faraday shield. And even if a lightning strike occurs directly on the plane (on the ground, at the time of flight), people will be reliably protected. A great danger is the sharply increasing wind and turbulence, which are the "satellites" of the thunderstorm. Therefore, pilots with experience try to "bypass" a thunderstorm.

What to do if you are at home

If you have a lightning protection system, you, your loved ones and property are not in danger. An external lightning protection system ensures the safety of the building during a thunderstorm, as a structure, from destruction and the occurrence of fires and fires to everything. This system intercepts direct lightning strikes and diverts them to the ground, protecting the building from damage and preventing fires.

Such systems should only be installed by qualified personnel. Lightning protection systems from the MZK-Electro company, made of high quality materials and meeting the necessary technical conditions and standards in the field of lightning protection, have proven themselves well. With us you will receive a free consultation and cost calculation in different price categories based on your preferences. Moreover, it can be either turnkey installation with the implementation of the entire range of works from design to commissioning, or separate installation or supply of components (we are a dealer of all well-known manufacturers of lightning protection equipment, so our prices are even cheaper than those of manufacturers)

However, external lightning protection will be most effective only when used in combination with internal lightning protection. In the latter case, surge protection devices (SPDs) are used. Internal lightning protection prevents failure of electronic and electrical devices susceptible to voltage surges due to the destructive effects caused by lightning.

What can you do during a thunderstorm?

Watch TV

Watching TV is allowed in any case, and if, in addition, your house has internal and external lightning protection systems that provide reliable protection for the building, property and people inside, then sudden problems in the power supply system and on the antenna line will also not cause you trouble.

Work on computer

To safely use a PC during a thunderstorm, it is desirable to have devices as part of the internal lightning protection that protect the equipment from surges. Such devices should provide protection for Ethernet, signal and power lines from sudden voltage changes caused by distant and direct electrical lightning strikes.

Conduct telephone conversations

A telephone conversation during bad weather is not dangerous if the communication line is protected from sudden voltage drops and lightning. Using a mobile phone is also safe.

Swim and take a shower

A lightning strike provokes the spreading of current through communication systems and structures made of metal. That is, if the external metal structures are not grounded, then from the outside you can easily get a drift of high potential through internal communications. For example, water pipes are. As a result, a person exposes himself to the danger of being struck by an electric shock. Therefore, it is better if the house is protected by such elements of the lightning protection system as surge arresters or other SPDs (surge protection devices).

First aid for a lightning strike

The severity of the injury may vary. So in some cases, there is a contraction of muscles, nervous cramps, pressure jumps, a person can breathe heavily. In more severe situations, he is unconscious and with signs of serious heart rhythm problems (slow breathing, very weak pulse, dilated pupils). In this case, it is immediately necessary to call an ambulance, and before it arrives, try to carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation (heart massage and artificial respiration).