Home remedy for itching after a mosquito bite. What to do if there is swelling, itching and redness after an insect bite? Remedies for itching from mosquito bites

With the advent of our favorite time of the year, we are increasingly arranging ourselves outdoor recreation. After that, unfortunately, not only positive impressions can remain, but also unpleasant consequences in the form of remaining bites from various insects. Not always even the strongest means of protection, such as creams and sprays, are able to protect against blood-sucking inhabitants of the forest. And not always these drugs can be used for young children. Therefore, you have to look for ways to get rid of itching after a mosquito bite, other insects at home.

Why do bites itch?

First of all, you need to understand why the area of ​​​​skin where the bite is left is itching so much? Mosquitoes and some other insects, piercing the skin, inject an allergic substance that contains histamine into our blood. It remains in the wound and causes discomfort.

If the mosquito is killed after it has had time to bite and drink blood, then the itching will be less, since it sucks all the poisonous substances back together with its saliva. Many have probably heard the opinion that only a female mosquito can bite. It really is. They need to replenish their iron and protein stores, which they need for reproductive function.

Someone absolutely calmly endures the uncomfortable feeling of itching, not paying attention to it. Someone already at the slightest reddening on the skin loses his temper. In any case, damaged areas of the skin should be treated immediately to exclude the possibility of further inflammation. Usually, such types of blood-sucking as mosquitoes, gadflies and some flies cannot provoke dangerous reactions with their bites, since they do not have a poisonous gland. But some types of mosquitoes are still able to carry an infection, such as fever or malaria.

Folk remedies for itching: how to get rid of itching after an insect bite

First of all, the bite site must be examined. Perhaps there is still an insect sting. If it was stinging, then with the help of tweezers the remaining sting is carefully removed, the place with poison is carefully scraped off. Disinfect the skin area and apply ice to cool. If within the first hour or two there were no suspicious symptoms, such as fever, nausea, shortness of breath, convulsions, then the bite was not dangerous to health. Otherwise, you should not use home remedies, but urgently consult a doctor.

To eliminate the itching, which is provoked by the bite of an annoying mosquito or other midges, you can use the simplest improvised means at home. Use the medicinal plant garlic. First of all, the skin should be wiped with a clove of fresh garlic or juice obtained from it. With severe redness and swelling, it is better to make a gruel by rubbing the garlic and apply it to the sore spot.

The following remedies are good for irritable itching:

A leaf of fresh cabbage - separating it from the head, you need to lower it for a few seconds in boiling water. The leaf will become soft and will adhere well to the skin. It is better to leave such a bandage on all night, securing the cabbage with a bandage or scarf. The beneficial components contained in this plant will draw out all the poison and pus from the area affected by insects.

Burdock is a plant whose leaf can replace cabbage. It is especially useful in the field.

The juice of a raw potato or a slice of a fresh potato will do the trick. It is better to leave a slice of peeled and washed root on the bitten area of ​​​​the body, securing it with any means at hand.

Soda solution is a proven remedy that removes the butt after bites. Add a teaspoon of salt and soda to a glass of warm water, stir and wipe the skin with a swab dipped in this composition.

Onions - for sure there is in every home. After finding the bite site, wipe the itchy area with a peeled onion slice, after a few minutes you will feel relief. The healing properties of onions have done their job.

Ammonia is a remedy that needs to be treated on the body area several times. It relieves puffiness well and cools the surface of the affected skin.

Tea tree essential oil - effectively fights itching, just two applications are enough to prevent inflammation and swelling.

Citrus fruits - juice from them is an excellent external antibacterial agent. A few drops will be enough to get rid of the desire to continue scratching the place bitten by insects.

Tea bag - Did you use a disposable tea bag? It is he who will help to quickly eliminate discomfort so that damaged skin does not itch.

The advantages of all of these methods is that they are quite suitable for young children. Not all babies are allowed potent antihistamines or ointments that an adult can use.

If there is not one, but many bites on the body after visiting the forest or other open places in nature, you can use a more global method. Take a bath with warm water, add a very strong tea leaves or apple cider vinegar. After taking such water procedures, the itching will pass.

Well saves and sea water. But, unfortunately, it is not always at hand, unlike sea salt. With its help, you can turn an ordinary bath into a sea bath. Baths with sea salt will soothe itchy spots in just a few minutes.

In extreme cases, you can use the most ordinary toothpaste. It must be applied to the itchy area. After a few minutes, a pleasant feeling of coolness from menthol will appear, swelling will pass.

Remember that when going to nature, you can protect yourself in advance from the reaction of the blood-sucking inhabitants of forests and reservoirs. Use protective ointments, fortunately, safe products have appeared on the market today, even for children from an early age. At home, do not forget to turn on the fumigator and protect yourself from mosquitoes with mosquito nets on the windows.

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Now some especially allergenic mosquitoes and midges have gone. Even people who have never suffered from allergies note that often an obscenely large blister swells at the site of the bite, which can take two or three days. This is especially dangerous for babies, because their bites, especially midges, can fester, because the child does not control himself, and can comb the wound with dirty fingers. Therefore, do not forget to put the latest generation of antihistamines in the country first-aid kit - Zodak, Zirtek, Claritin. Cheaper Tavegil and Suprastin can cause drowsiness.

Well, do not forget about the methods that will help you quickly relieve itching from bites:

1. It’s good if your “anti-mosquito” first aid kit contains cosmeceuticals(therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics at the intersection of cosmetology and pharmacology): "Rescuer", "Boro Plus", "Ambulance" and others. They do not contain substances that may be contraindicated in infants or pregnant women. But they contain thermal water and trace elements such as zinc, cuprum and others, which relieve itching, prevent infection and promote healing.

2. Therapeutic and prophylactic gels and creams type "Fenistil", "Bepanten". Now there are even special patches for itching and bites. As well as preparations in small tubes such as lipstick, which are convenient to put in your pocket.

3. Cool bite, you can even apply ice, only for a short time, just a couple of minutes. A cool compress will help relieve itching and swelling.

4. Helps with mosquito bites soda solution(one or two tablespoons of soda in a glass of warm water). You can wet a bandage or cotton wool and make a compress, or just moisten the bitten place more often.

5. A weak one will help relieve the pain from a bite of a malicious midge vinegar solution. For about a third of a glass, 1-2 teaspoons of 9% vinegar, the water should be slightly acidic so as not to burn the skin. You can also apply a compress or moisten more often.

6. Essential oils- tea tree oil, clove oil, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

7. Kefir, sour cream, natural yogurt - soften the skin, relieve itching and inflammation.

8. Any alcohol solution- from ordinary vodka to marigold tincture, valocordin and corvalol. As well as boric or salicylic alcohol. But this method is better suited for adults, it is better not to test it on children.

9. Tea bags or infusion tea disinfects, removes swelling, softens.

10. Well mashed to juice leaves of plantain, mint, bird cherry, parsley- all of them can relieve itching. The main thing is to grow in your country house in an ecologically clean place where exhaust gases do not reach.


If you are the owner of sensitive skin and the bites of mosquitoes and midges cause you strong and long-lasting irritations, you need to choose a local hormonal remedy before going to nature: experts will recommend what is right for you, depending on your skin type and on allergic reactions characteristic of you:

In no case should you be afraid to use hormonal creams - all such products are certified, they will not cause any harm to the body with local short-term use (from 2 to 10 days)! - assures the deputy chief physician of the "Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of the Moscow Department of Health" Natalya Zagorskaya. - To date, there are even such funds that are allowed for pregnant women and infants. The only condition is that you must choose a hormonal drug for yourself together with your doctor!

When we scratch a mosquito bite, we slightly scratch the skin and a slight pain temporarily drowns out the itch. Then the body releases some pain-relieving serotonin, we feel better. But then the bite itches even more, there are more scratches, in the end we are left with a wound, a scar, or even worse - with an infection. Therefore, you can not scratch. Here's what might help.

1. Medical supplies

The civilized way to solve the problem is to go to the pharmacy and buy medicine that will help with various mosquito bites.


We will need allergy pills, especially if the reactions are strong, there are many bites and they itch in such a way that it is impossible to endure. Cetirizine-based products work quickly, but be sure to read the instructions and check the contraindications before using them.


At the pharmacy, the pharmacist will suggest antihistamine ointments based on dimethindene. If you have already combed yourself, take an ointment with dexpanthenol so that the wounds heal faster.


Useful in case of nasty reactions, when a mosquito bite swells up with a bubble ready to burst. The patch will cover the irritated area, protect it from dirt and from your nails.


Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is a quick remedy for itching. Reduces inflammation and at the same time disinfects scratches.

Essential oil

Tea tree oil, which dries the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect, will also help with mosquito bites.


If you have no contraindications to aspirin, crush the tablet, add a drop of water and make a paste that should be applied to the bite.

2. Home and folk remedies

It’s scary to realize this, but sometimes they work no worse than pharmacy ones. Lifehacker already, which will help with a mosquito bite, here are more options.

Cold water and ice

The reaction to the bite is often accompanied by swelling, the place swells and hurts. Periodically dip the bite site in cool water or apply ice. This will help reduce redness, remove the bump, and endure the itching.

Warm water and hot towel

Oddly enough, both cold and heat help with itching. Therefore, a warm shower will help if there are a lot of bites. In the shower, use ordinary soap and do not touch the washcloth so as not to injure the skin, and put a warm compress from an ironed towel on very itchy places.


Dissolve a couple of teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of warm water and apply this solution with cotton wool to the bites. You can make a small cotton compress.


Oatmeal will help, which must be boiled, and not just poured with boiling water. The flakes must be ground into dust in a coffee grinder or blender, mixed with water and made into a thick paste. Apply it on the bites, wash off after 10-12 minutes.

tea leaves

It is most convenient to apply a bag to the bite, which was previously wrung out and cooled.


Seriously, plantain. Or basil, which is now much easier to find in the kitchen than plantain on the side of the road. The leaf must be washed, cut or crushed (in a blender it will generally work well), and smear the bites with green mass. When not up to it, crush the leaf in your hand to bring some of the juice to the surface and apply to the bite.

3. When there is absolutely nothing at hand

If there is no chance to get to the pharmacy, kitchen or garden, and your hand treacherously reaches out to comb everything that itches, try to deceive your receptors.

Click to bite

Press firmly on the bite, it will become a little easier. The effect is temporary, you have to repeat it, but it's better than scratching yourself until you bleed: the bite will heal faster than scratches, and you won't infect the wound.

slap on the bite

Instead of scratching, slap the bite, even hard. This is analogous to scratching, only less traumatic - you will deceive the brain by causing slight pain.

The arrival of summer pleases with pleasant evenings, the opportunity to relax in nature, take a walk in the forest, go fishing or just sit on the banks of the river. And to fully enjoy all this, mosquitoes actively interfere. Bitten places itch unpleasantly, redden and hurt, so it is very important to know how to relieve itching at home. This is what will be discussed in this article.

What does a mosquito bite look like and why is it dangerous?

These insects do not have poison in their sting, so they cannot poison, but usually occurs at the puncture site:
  • skin redness;
  • edema.
This is due to the anticoagulants found in mosquito saliva, they do not allow the blood to clot and allow the insect to freely absorb it. For an adult, these bloodsuckers are usually not dangerous, although they cause a lot of inconvenience, but children, especially under the age of five, endure their attacks worse, they have a stronger reaction, up to the occurrence of abscesses. Basically, mosquito bites are dangerous in case of:
  1. If they cause an allergic reaction.
  2. If insects have transmitted any of the vector-borne diseases.
Allergy symptoms are:
  • significant, long-lasting edema;
  • headache;
  • fever and general malaise;
  • nausea.
In very rare cases, bronchospasm, rhinitis and urticaria have been observed. If there is no allergy and you have not become infected with anything, then it is not difficult to cope with the consequences of mosquito bites.

How to relieve itching at home from mosquito bites?

Traditional medicine offers many effective recipes for relieving redness and itching after a mosquito sting. Many of them can be prepared from improvised means that are easily found in any home. The most popular include:
  1. Grind mint leaves into a pulp and apply to the affected area. This is a very well-known method among hikers who have a limited number of components on hand. Mint relieves inflammation well, and the bitten place will itch less after the first procedure. Many advise not to rub, but to chew the leaves, arguing that together with saliva, this plant acts faster.
  2. Mint toothpaste. If mint does not grow around you, you can use ordinary mint toothpaste instead. Such a recipe is not suitable for children because of their prone to allergic reactions, very delicate skin, but for adults it will be a real salvation. Squeeze a little paste onto the tip of your finger and without rubbing, just gently apply the product to the right place. After a single use, you will feel much better.
  3. Soda. We pre-moisten a cotton pad with clean warm water and dip it in baking soda poured into a clean saucer. We apply for one, maximum one and a half minutes, we repeat this manipulation three times a day. Relief occurs already after the first procedure, in case of severe scratching or with heavy damage - after the second.
  4. Alcohol tinctures or pure alcohol. We wipe the bitten places with a bandage soaked in boric or salicylic alcohol. Also, tinctures of valocordin, calendula, corvalol, which have a significant disinfecting and calming effect, are excellent for these purposes. This method is recommended for adult victims.
  5. Vinegar solution. This method will help against unpleasant, annoying itching after the attack of small midges or mosquitoes. For preparation, we take nine percent vinegar, additionally dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and periodically wipe the affected areas.
  6. Ice cubes. If, upon waking up in the morning, you find characteristic swelling and redness on your body, just take an ice cube from the freezer and apply it to the right places. Itching will become less and swelling will pass faster, as it will work as a "local anesthesia".
  7. Vodka with vinegar, water and validol. Such a solution can be prepared in advance before a trip to nature or a hike. To do this, take one large spoonful of vodka and the same amount of vinegar, pour them into half a glass of water and add two crushed tablets of Validol. Mix well and put in the refrigerator to cool. Wet the swab, wipe and apply on the blisters.

    Recipes for mosquito bites at home for children

    If an adult can force himself not to itch and not worsen the situation, and his skin is not so sensitive, and in general mosquito bites usually go away quickly and without consequences, then with children everything is a little more complicated. And the smaller your baby, the more problems with this.

    In order not to suffer with the consequences and not think about how to relieve itching at home, it is easier to take preventive measures. Since fresh air is very useful for young children, their rooms are often aired, they walk a lot on the street with them, and therefore it is important to protect them from midges and mosquito flocks. In this case, mosquito nets will be the safest way. They are installed on windows, thrown over strollers and cribs. If your child is still bitten, give him first aid:

    • try to explain to him that if you itch, it will only get worse;
    • cool the place with ice;
    • wash it with soapy water to remove bacteria;
    • for ten seconds, press down on the area with a fingernail, the blunt side of a pencil, pen, or other hard object.
    After all these actions, if you don’t want to use pharmacy repellents, it’s time to decide what to smear after your baby’s mosquito bites and move on to folk recipes, such as:
    1. Furatsilina solution. In half a mug of clean cool water, dilute one tablet of furacilin. To speed up the process, you can pre-crush it. Then we take a sterile gauze or bandage, fold it several times and soak it with the resulting solution. We apply and hold until it dries, then repeat the manipulations, do so until the itching and pain disappear.
    2. used tea bag removes swelling, drawing out excess liquid, thanks to the tannin contained in the tea. We just hold it for a couple of minutes on the bitten area.
    3. Onion. Here the active ingredient is onion juice, which disinfects well and relieves swelling, redness. You can simply apply a piece of onion for a few minutes or periodically lubricate with freshly squeezed juice. It is important to closely monitor the baby for the first couple of times, some children have an allergic reaction to onion juice.
    4. Lotions with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. We add potassium permanganate until a pale pink liquid is obtained. We dip the swab and make lotions.
    5. A bowl of soda. We mix a little liquid and a couple of tablespoons of soda in a saucer until a thick porridge is obtained. Apply to redness for ten minutes. Wash off with cold water.
    6. Garlic cloves with lemon juice. You can use a cut garlic clove by placing it on the itchy area for a couple of minutes. After that, rub the blister with lemon juice. Also, the child will feel much better if we make him a five-minute compress of gruel with a crushed clove of garlic and 1 tsp. lemon juice.
    7. A mixture of plantain and bird cherry leaves. This method is good on vacation, when you urgently need to calm the baby. We take a couple of fresh leaves, rub them together, trying not to lose useful juice and apply.
    If you notice that the blister has not gone away in a child for several days, then so that it does not fester, pediatricians advise lubricating it with brilliant green.

    If you want to use a medical remedy, then Fenistil gel for mosquito bites and a number of other drugs with a composition designed for patients of different age groups and with different levels of sensitivity are suitable, the main thing is to carefully read the instructions and follow it.

    Three ways to relieve itching at home, see the following video: