What to do on a day off. Steve Jobs: prioritize. How to spend the weekend

WONDERZINE launches a new column on how to properly relax over the weekend in different life circumstances. Simply put, we give advice for all occasions - what to do so that by Monday morning you don’t feel overwhelmed and not ashamed of a senselessly spent weekend.

What to do on the weekend if you are alone? Not alone, but alone and with a great desire to restore the strength spent during the week. There are a lot of plans, but every time the everyday stagnation spills over into the weekend and repeats Groundhog Day. One day it's worth trying to act according to the plan. For example, like this:

Change your look for a while
and social circle

When you live according to one algorithm for years, the picture of the world is blurred, and the joy from every day you live goes away. Wait with accusations of banality: psychologists have found that even clothes can completely change our mood and behavior. For example, if you ask a person to wear a white coat, he will automatically perform the assigned work more attentively. The timid girl, dressed in tomboy style, straightens her shoulders and feels more confident.

It is possible to arrange cardinal reforms not only in clothes, but also in behavior and social circle. If among your friends and acquaintances there is a person whom you openly or secretly admire and would like to learn something from him (for example, make connections and easily communicate with people, manage a household or business) - become his partner for a day. Watch, learn and help.

Digital detox

A typical weekend scenario: as soon as we open our eyes, we get on the Internet and sit on it all day. Researchers talk about real addiction - every new photo, text, status update stimulates the release of the dopamine hormone of pleasure, and it encourages you to go to the social network again and again. As a result, the brain feels crowded and chaotic, memory suffers, the ability to create and plan, communicate live with loved ones, friends, make new acquaintances - we become autistic, withdraw into ourselves. Mood swings, fears, phobias, depression are also retribution for the habit of being "stupid on Facebook."

Digital detox (temporary exclusion of all electronic devices from life) is a proven way to protect the brain from information intoxication. The rules are the same as with a food detox. Start early - every day of the week, reduce your time on the Internet by 15 minutes. Don't take your phone with you when you go to dinner and don't put it next to your bed - buy a regular alarm clock. A digital detox is best scheduled on a day off from work, when you belong to yourself and can relax. Pick the sites or apps that you spend the most time on and ask yourself: what draws you to them so much? Try to find a replacement for them in real life. If you are inspired by art photos on Instagram, go to an art gallery. If you spend hours on fitness blogs, go jogging or skiing.

Tonight, when you turn your phone back on and you're flooded with filtered photos from friends' fun weekends on Facebook, remind yourself that social media only captures the most beautiful moments in others' lives. Most of them are far from being so radiant and remain behind the scenes.


Most of us treat training like bitter medicine: hard physical work in exchange for health and a slim figure. Few people think that the body is initially programmed to enjoy the movement (hence the expression "muscle joy"). After 40-50 minutes of strenuous exercise, the brain begins to produce cannabinoids - substances similar to those found in marijuana. They relieve anxiety, pain and create the so-called runner's euphoria ("runner's high"). Athletes describe it as a feeling of complete relaxation, pure delight, harmony with oneself and nature, "as if you are swinging on the waves of happiness." Women aged from Ages 18 to 63 can experience orgasms while exercising.Here's a ranking of fitness types in ascending order of enjoyment: walking, running, cycling, yoga, strength training, ab exercises.

This coming weekend, try doing your workout like it's a reward in itself. Concentrate on the pleasant sensations during the exercise. Finally, another inspiring argument in favor of Jane Fonda in favor of sports: “Perhaps the fastest way to clear the mind is to get the body in order. Get your thoughts out of your head and take care of your body."

creative date

If the words “going to an exhibition” or “excursion to the theater” make your cheekbones cramp, try creative dates. The author of the term, American director and screenwriter Julia Cameron, wrote a bestseller on this topic - The Artist's Way (by the way, a great idea for reading on the weekend). Choose one of your favorite activities (a visit to an art supply store, a spa, an Italian lesson, a field trip, a simple walk in the park) and go on a date with him. It is important not to take anyone with you for company and not to force yourself under pressure. On the contrary, in a creative date there should be spontaneity and time for yourself and what you sincerely love. No need to look up to anyone and look back, the more you behave like a child, the more ideas and insights come to mind.

Arrange a general cleaning

Cold, darkness, dirt and chaos in the house, lack of sleep provoke bouts of gluttony - proven by scientific research. And on weekends, as a rule, overeating reaches a peak. Start your weight loss program not with a diet, but with a general cleaning. Give away or throw away unwanted items. Buy nice bedding and try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. If you are cold, wear more soft clothes.

Listen to the music

Ten minutes of good music can play the role of the most effective meditation and, in addition, act on the brain as a cardio workout: blood vessels are strengthened, memory and imagination work improves. Develop a sense of music - there is a melody in all the sounds around us, we just used to consider them noise.

Cosmetic procedures

Day off is the perfect time for spa treatments. If the budget is very small, you can limit yourself to massage. In a good salon, along with a massage, they offer free access to the hammam and the pool. You can conduct a full cycle of cleansing and nourishing the skin, relax muscles, relieve stress, reduce cellulite and swelling. To enhance the effect, on the day of your visit to the salon, eat at a minimum (prefer light dairy products, vegetables and fruits) and drink more water. After the massage, spend the rest of the day in relaxation and tranquility - no urgent meetings and parties.

Illustrations: Masha Shishova

A couple of free days will help to escape from the bored house. Go for a walk or hike. Set off for the night in the nearest picturesque place. Go fishing. You can lead the journey in a more cultural way - for example, visiting an old manor or a church in the suburbs. Or you can go on a weekend trip to another city. Having escaped from the stuffy Moscow, St. Petersburg or another large city, you will feel the sharpening of all feelings. And you can take a child on a short trip. Some tour companies also provide an interesting service - they offer weekend tours to seaside resorts.
Popular places for weekend tours are the beach resorts of Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Spain.

Get creative

A free day off, when you don't have to go anywhere, will be a great time to unleash your creativity. Perhaps you have long dreamed of learning to draw or write poetry. Or maybe you would like to play the guitar or dance. Dare! The Internet or special publications will help to master the basics of creativity. In addition, art schools often have weekend groups. You can create all day without fear of going to bed late again - that's what weekends are for.

Do a general cleaning

This activity is suitable for those who hate to spend time aimlessly. Take a whole day or even two full and high-quality cleaning. This will be very useful - you will get rid of small household chores on weekdays and will find the desired order for a long time. Make a clear plan of action and strictly adhere to it. The most important thing is to finally rake up all the garbage and throw out things that have not been used for a long time. Weekends are perfect for getting rid of old junk.

Get in touch with art

Make the day off a day of learning new things. Go for a walk around museums and exhibitions, attend an interesting lecture or master class. If you don’t feel like leaving the house at all, read a book that you bought a couple of months ago or arrange an evening of films by famous directors. Such creative days can also be spent in a company - after familiarizing yourself with art, you can discuss the emotions received.
Some museums are open for free on the last Sunday of the month.

Weekend brain development

Have you long wanted to repeat the English that you learned in your second year at St Petersburg University? Holidays are the perfect time to do it. You can repeat the rules, get dusty textbooks or go to courses, or you can just chat on the Internet and live with English-speaking people. If you are not interested in languages, remember what else you wanted to learn. Maybe you planned to grow professionally by mastering a couple of computer programs. Or you have hundreds of tutorial videos in your mailing list. Remember, a career depends not so much on education as on self-education. Successful people study on weekends too.

Weekends... This word sounds like music to everyone, except for only the most notorious workaholics who are ready to work without interruptions. For most people, the weekend is a time to take a breather, get some sleep…and then spend most of the time grocery shopping, cleaning, and cooking. And if you try to modify the script a little? And at least sometimes leave the weekend just to relax and have fun with family, friends and loved ones.

So how do you spend your weekend? In order for you not to leave a good mood, try to put all work problems out of your head. You should not take work home in the hope for Saturday and Sunday to “pull up your tails” a little (of course, we are not talking about rush jobs). Because if you spend the whole weekend, or even part of it, poring over various tasks, it is unlikely that you will be able to organize a good rest. And if you decide to take a break, then you will be haunted by remorse for the fact that time is running out, and you will not get to work in any way. Also, do not constantly scroll through certain working moments in your head. Let the weekend become a time of rest from work, because in this case, by Monday you will gain strength and rush into battle with renewed vigor! And the efficiency of your work will be much higher, and you will have time for much more than you would have done in the past two days at home.

Weekend in the city

How to spend a weekend in the city? There are many ideas for this case. Start by studying the poster of the city - perhaps in the cinema or theaters there is a film or a performance that you have been planning to watch for a long time. Or maybe it's time to buy yourself or your family a few new clothes? Then you should visit the shopping center, where you can not only buy everything you need, but also have a bite to eat before further adventures. Those who are thinking can be advised to go to the zoo or the circus, watch an interesting cartoon in the cinema, eating it with popcorn and drinking juice, or visit any game center with an abundance of all kinds of entertainment that is dear to the heart of any child. If the weather is good outside, then it's time to get out to the park, take a walk and ride the children on the rides (by the way, adults can also ride on many modern rides, so you are provided with a portion of adrenaline). You can also go to the skating rink or go rollerblading. Can't you?

And if you don’t have any mood to get out of the house and go somewhere, then arrange yourself a real lazy day. All you need is a cozy blanket, a CD with your favorite movie and a plate of something tasty. Such a home weekend can be spent both alone and with the family - this will bring all the household members even closer.

Weekend in nature

How to spend a weekend in nature? Of course, such a pastime is more focused on the summer months, although if you wish, you can get out of the city in any weather (with the exception of rain and severe frost) - there is always something there, you can play snowballs and build snowmen - this is a great option for a family weekend that will be remembered for a long time both small and adults. In spring, you can look for the first flowers and collect bouquets, admire the awakening of nature and be glad that winter with its snows and frosts is left behind! Autumn is a great time for the most beautiful and vibrant photos against the backdrop of a golden-fiery carpet of leaves. If you are still thinking about how to spend the weekend with friends or family, then a joint trip out of town is what you need. You can rent a house at a suburban recreation center or even organize a two-day hike with an overnight stay in tents, or you can get out for one day - in any case, you are provided with a portion of good mood and vigor! And for lovers of outdoor activities, cycling or even horseback riding is perfect.

Holidays with loved ones

How to spend the weekend with your loved one? You can arrange a real one without waiting for February 14th. Go to a cafe or arrange at home, treat each other with pleasant surprises and confess your love again. And even if your chosen one is not particularly sentimental and romantic, such a weekend will not leave him indifferent. You can also go for a walk together with your loved one and just wander through the alleys of the park, holding hands and looking into each other's eyes. If you have similar musical tastes, you can go to a concert of your favorite artist.

Although you can spend the weekend with your loved one without leaving home. A nice DVD movie, cooking lunch or dinner together, a relaxing bath, candles and declarations of love - you and your loved one will want to repeat this weekend again and again!

Don't know what to do on the weekend in Moscow? Are you active and can't sit still? Does your soul need adventure? Then our ideas are for you!

Museum of Man, "Living systems"

A family educational and entertainment project that, in the form of a game, will reveal to us the secrets of the structure of the body and the secrets of the body's work. All exhibits can and even need to be touched, looked at and studied. Here you will be told not only about how the heart, lungs, stomach, etc. function, but they will also allow you to make a journey “into yourself” and experiment with your body!

Kremlin in Izmailovo

The Izmailovsky Kremlin is a magical place for a walk in Moscow , unique cultural and entertainment center. Here you can imagine yourself as the hero of any fairy tale. Painted towers and patterned towers, as if they had just stepped out of the pages of your favorite books. Here you will find a museum of Russian fairy tales, bread, marshmallows, chocolate, Chudo-grad, a museum of the history of vodka, animation, the Russian fleet, and even a museum of ill-mannered children. This is such an interesting combination!
By the way, be careful, you need to sign up for excursions in advance.

Where: in your area of ​​the city.

What else to do in Moscow? Visit the majestic cathedral that catches the eye! Organ music concerts are often held here. The atmospheric view of the cathedral and the wonderful music of an unusual instrument are two reasons to visit this interesting place.

Still not sure what to see in Moscow this coming weekend? Then you should definitely subscribe to our instagram - @idem_ gulyat, where every Friday we talk about the most interesting and free events of the weekend.

Maybe you prefer an active holiday?

If this is about you, then be sure to check out our selections for outdoor activities in Moscow:

Shooting complex

Would you like to let off steam? Do weapons and danger beckon you? You have the opportunity not only to learn how to shoot from various types of weapons, but also to try throwing knives, imagine yourself as a resident of the Middle Ages and learn the tricks of shooting from a crossbow and a bow. There are a large number of shooting ranges and shooting clubs in Moscow, but we want to tell you about one more unusual place.

Play "Strelarium" - a game close to paintball, in which you will use a bow with safe arrows as a weapon. Such soft-tipped arrows will not harm a person, and at the same time will not change the flight path. A team game in which you will need to "survive" under the onslaught of the enemy and hit him.

Ticket price from 1200 rubles.
Where: Volgogradsky avenue, 32, building 13 and Myakininskoe sh., vl.1.

laser tag

Fights with laser weapons and immersion in an unreal space atmosphere, which makes you feel like the hero of the popular Q-zar game. Also, its important advantage is a sports fun game for any age.

Official site
Ticket price from 90 rubles.
Where: 5 clubs in Moscow, see the addresses on the website.

Boeing Flight Simulator

The Boeing 737 simulator in reality reproduces the situation of aircraft control. You will experience the same feelings that pilots feel in a real airliner. This is not just a simulation. You will learn what it is like to pilot during takeoff and landing, maneuvering, flying in a turbulence zone and much more!

Official site
Ticket price from 5000 rubles.
Where: Kutuzovsky prospect, 12.

Anti-stress attraction "Beat the dishes!"

The new project of the Museum of Illusions on Stary Arbat has gained immense popularity among those who want to “discharge” after a hard day or feel like a child who “everything is possible”!

When you buy a ticket, you get a stack of perfectly clean plates and two markers in different colors. With the help of markers, you can write your feelings, emotions on the plate and get rid of them by simply throwing the plate at the wall. This is not an ordinary attraction that will give you new emotions and help get rid of accumulated stress.

Official site
Ticket price from 300 rubles.
Where: st. Arbat, 16.

Bringing Down the House"

This is an upside down cottage. Here you move along the ceiling, and above your head are pieces of furniture and household items. This idea is a novelty for Russia, but is popular in Europe and Asia, as well as in America.

Official site
Ticket price from 350 rubles.
Where: st. Arbat, 16.

giant's house

This is a fairy tale for children and adults, which seems to have descended from the pages of a book about the country of giants. The most ordinary and familiar things take on "menacing" dimensions here. Huge cutlery, chairs, which can only be climbed with a ladder. A visit to the giant's residence is full of positive emotions and the opportunity to take original pictures.

Official site
Ticket price 350 rubles.
Where: st. Arbat, 16


An excellent replacement for the "classic of the genre" - the cinema. Here you can spend a pleasant evening with friends or even arrange a real tournament for the office cup with colleagues. All this is accompanied by a feeling of excitement, an interesting game and a snack in a good cafe.
By the way, if your loved one is planning a holiday soon, take a look at the selection, where you will definitely choose an interesting way to make his day unforgettable.

Where: in your area of ​​the city.

KSK "Bitsa"

A great way to spend your free time is to ride horses in the Bitsa equestrian center. Here you can not only learn horseback riding or go for a horseback ride, but also visit equestrian competitions.
By the way, to take a horse ride with a 60-70% discount, look here and see the current offers.

Official site
Where: Balaklavsky prospect, 33.


You can learn the secrets of the ocean and see the beauty of the sea depths with your own eyes in Moskvarium. We were amazed by the diversity of the underwater world. After the visit, I wanted to learn how to scuba dive and go somewhere closer to the Red Sea.

A trip to the aquarium will provide you with a dizzying experience for a long time. After all, only here you will be offered to swim in a huge pool in the company of dolphins! Yes, you heard right. Swimming with dolphins is an amazing experience, we experienced it ourselves! Incredibly friendly and sociable creatures.

Official site
Ticket price for swimming with dolphins from 3500 rubles.
Where: Prospekt Mira, 119, building 23.


Continuing the theme of water entertainment, we suggest going to the water park! Today, there are a large number of them in the capital. By the way, if you want to save money on this lesson, then you need to look at the coupon site, where there are always offers with discounts up to 60%! Most importantly, stay tuned!

Where: in your area of ​​the city.

Entertainment center "Roll Hall"

"Roll Hall" will always meet you with fun and surprise you with an incredible variety of recreation options. So, first things first.

Firstly, the center is famous throughout Moscow for its large indoor rollerdrome. Here you can ride in any weather, ideal coverage and comfortable temperature are provided to you.
Secondly, here you can play Q-ZAR (laser game). In a nutshell about what it is. You find yourself in a labyrinth, in the hands of a laser weapon, you are wearing a special vest that fixes "virtual wounds", i.e. How many times have you been hit by an enemy. You can play both as a team and in the "every man for himself" format. The task of the player or team is to score the maximum number of hit points.
Thirdly, there is a billiards club in Roll Hall! Here and so everything is clear.
Fourthly, in the center you can also enjoy bowling, immerse yourself in virtual reality, arrange a table tennis tournament and walk through the mirror maze.

Friends, in general, all 33 pleasures are waiting for you.

Official site
Where: Kholodilny Lane, 3.

Excursion to the ice cream factory "Chistaya Liniya"

And for dessert, catch another option for unforgettable entertainment for the sweet tooth - an hour and a half tour of the ice cream factory. Here you will get acquainted with the production technology of your favorite dessert, learn how to decorate ice cream, and at the tasting you will try several types of delicious treats. At the end of the event, photos and souvenirs from the factory await you.

What do you need days off for? For relaxation, you say. But after all, rest is different, which is probably why some have time to rest on Saturday-Sunday, while others did not even notice how two days flew by, but they didn’t really do anything, they didn’t even manage to relax. How to spend the weekend, so that you can relax and benefit?

So that the weekend does not go in vain you need:

First, say "No" to lying on the couch, watching TV, sitting at the computer. And say "Yes" to interesting recreation and entertainment.

Secondly, make a decision to do something unusual, useful, interesting, etc. every weekend.

Agree, the most vivid memories remain from something unusual. For example, you did something for the first time, or your friends prepared a surprise for you that you did not expect, or you visited a new city, country. To have as many such memories as possible, get out of your comfort zone more often.

There are many simple and interesting activities that will make your weekend enjoyable and memorable.

1. Trip to another city

In any city there is always something to see, something interesting and something that is not in your city. There will be more impressions if the trip is spontaneous. Come Friday evening to the station and buy a ticket for the next train. If you do not like long trips or spending the night in an unfamiliar place, you can always find interesting places and attractions nearby, within a few hours drive.

2. Have a party for the kids

Go with them to the circus, zoo or entertainment center and plunge into the world of childhood. Let yourself be a child and have fun from the heart. You can play board games or badminton with the whole family in the evening. Time spent with children is a wonderful rest for the soul and body.

3. Extreme weekend

If you want to add adrenaline to your routine life, try skateboarding, rollerblading, you can skydive, shoot paintball.

4. Have a subbotnik

It can be arranged both in your yard and at home. Do a general cleaning, well, if not in the entire apartment, then at least in one room or workplace, or on a computer. Throw away everything superfluous, all rubbish and rubble, and you will notice how much more spacious it has become. You will want to breathe deeply and enjoy the result.

5. Friends or relatives

Sometimes, for complete happiness, we lack the smallest thing, for example, a heart-to-heart talk or just chatting about nothing in a pleasant company. Go visit or invite guests to your place. Make gifts for people you love.

6. Camping

What could be better than a field trip? True, for many, outdoor recreation is associated with barbecue and booze. But it can hardly be called outdoor recreation. What is the use of nature and fresh air if you don't enjoy any of it? Try to go with friends or family to the forest or to the river, walk barefoot on the grass, arrange a photo session. You can rent horses or bikes and go for a ride. Better yet, go hiking.

7. Cultural weekend

When was the last time you were in a theater or a museum? Now there are many new theater and unusual exhibitions, among them there are free ones. Try to arrange a cultural holiday for yourself and you will have something to tell colleagues or friends. We are sure that you will remember such a holiday.

8. Engage in self-development

Attend some seminars or mini-course. Even if there is nothing remarkable in your city, there is always the opportunity to take a training online or download a course from the Internet. If a problem is eating you up and preventing you from enjoying life, sign up for family constellations. This is a very powerful tool. And remember, investing in yourself is the best investment.