How to install the door in the bathroom and toilet yourself: instructions. Installing bathroom doors: sequence and video tutorial How to insert a bathroom door

If the owner's hands grow from the right place, then there are no difficulties with the purchase and installation of a door to the bathroom or toilet. However, when it comes to practice, there are many nuances that are difficult to guess in advance. The first thing to consider when choosing a door is that the door should open comfortably.
For example, if the area allows, it is better that the doors open inward. By doing this, you will reduce the likelihood of hitting household members passing by on the forehead. In general, this issue needs to be approached as efficiently and practically as possible. Well, about the rest of the subtleties and pitfalls, I will try to warn you in this article.

Door materials

Everyone knows that due to the high level of humidity in the bathroom and toilet, the choice of doors for them is somewhat specific, even if you have good ventilation in your house. In this regard, it is recommended to choose a door that is not afraid of moisture or steam, and at the same time it retains its appearance throughout the entire period of operation.

Frosted glass bathroom door

In addition, doors for bathrooms and toilets must also have fairly good heat and sound insulation. The main materials for these rooms are:

  • glass,
  • plastic,
  • MDF or chipboard,
  • wood.

Photo of a glass door with a pattern in the bathroom

Perhaps the most suitable material for the bathroom and toilet will be glass, since it is not afraid of either high temperature or deformation and possible destruction under the influence of water. In addition, it is environmentally friendly and hygienic, retains heat well and does not let in sounds. For toilets and bathrooms are made special high-strength glass. because to break their houses, you need to make a lot of effort.

Doors to the bathroom and toilet

Glass doors are in great demand because they have a lot of advantages, including a stylish design. The surface itself can be embossed, matte, tinted or covered with a mirror. They are also decorated with inserts of various materials, mosaics or beautiful drawings, which makes them the most original, and the room visually increases and becomes lighter.

Glass doors will perfectly fit into the home interior, becoming its decoration. But you have to pay for these advantages, and therefore such products have an appropriate price.

Photo of a glass door on rollers

A good choice for the bathroom would be plastic doors, which, like glass, are quite light and are not subject to deformation under the influence of moisture and temperature transfer, as well as retain heat well and don't miss the sound. Thanks to special coatings, plastic can imitate almost any material, including wood.

Of course, in terms of aesthetics, a plastic door looks a little worse than its glass and wooden counterparts, but this is easily compensated by the fact that they are inexpensive. which means that any average person can afford them. Plastic products are easy to care for - sometimes they will need to be wiped with a damp cloth, and if there is more severe contamination, then you will need to use a detergent.

Photo of a plastic door to the bathroom

Wooden doors can be safely called a classic, as they have been used since time immemorial. Yes, it is worth remembering that the tree does not like water and wears out quite quickly under the influence of moisture, but this does not mean that they cannot be used for baths and toilets.

For this wood must be of high quality(often use beech or oak), while properly harvested and dried.

If the doors will be installed for a bathroom or toilet, then in addition they must also be treated with an antiseptic and varnished. It is also desirable that the entrance be located as far as possible from sources of water and steam. As in the first case, the price of wooden doors is very high, and not everyone can afford them.

If you need bathroom and toilet doors that are not very expensive, then perhaps the most affordable option would be chipboard and MDF with laminate on top. They are tolerate moisture well and are varied. As for veneered doors, it is not recommended to install them in a bathroom or toilet, since natural veneer does not withstand humid air.

If you have a bathroom adjacent to the kitchen or another room, and there is not enough space to open two doors, think about installing sliding doors. Their photos can be easily found on the Internet.

Also don't forget that doors for bathrooms and toilets must have an air vent or at least a gap between the door leaf and the floor. In addition to the doors themselves, locking mechanisms and handles must be reliable, since, unlike other products, they will be used more often and, accordingly, are more subject to stress.

Photo of bathroom and shower doors

How to install doors in the bathroom or bathroom?

In order to protect housing from flooding, a threshold about 5 cm high should be provided at the place where the doors are installed, and the products themselves are installed higher than others by about 10 cm. Often, customers want doors in the apartment to be of the same type.

Accordingly, standard two-meter products are purchased for living rooms and in the bathroom, although for it the height is usually only 190 cm, that is, 10 cm less. As a result, you have to go to tricks in order to achieve the required normal delivery, and this is either a rework of the product itself, or the dismantling of the opening.

The thickness of the walls of the bathroom and the bathroom is small and often only 4-5 cm, and therefore, when choosing products it is important to choose the right size box. It should be about 1.5 cm thicker than the wall, so that the inner edge of the box is in the same plane as the wall of the toilet or bathroom, tiled. Otherwise, you will have to:

  • or thicken the walls,
  • or remove extra centimeters from the box.

In the latter case, you are unlikely to be able to paint the cut surface with the same quality as the other sides, and the cut line will immediately catch your eye, even if you close it with a casing.

Photo of a glass sliding door to the bathroom

If you have a veneered box, then it is all the more not recommended to cut off extra centimeters from it, since the remaining veneer will begin to flake off after a while. boxes also can be made from softwood and are covered on top with an MDF board and, if you start sawing them, they will simply crumble. In this regard, it is not recommended to experiment with cutting it, and it is better to close up the gaps between the wall and the architraves, for example, with plaster.

In order to avoid these unpleasant moments, it is recommended to take all dimensions in advance, since sometimes the dimensions of the doorways to the bathroom or toilet may differ from others.

But, if you have to shorten the doors, then it should be understood that this operation is real only with wooden products, and do not rush to rejoice - the price for such an alteration will be a damaged appearance and a reduction in service life. In the case of plastic or glass doors, you will either have to redo the opening or change the purchased product (worse if they were made to order). Therefore, study the option with the alteration of the opening.

If it is large, then you can build a wall with drywall. If, on the contrary, it is very narrow, then it is more likely that you will have to break the wall, which may affect its design as a whole. Therefore, it would be better to shorten the doors if possible.

If the walls of the bathroom or toilet are made of gypsum, then to increase the opening you will need about 10-15 minutes of work with the grinder. This job is very dusty, so eye and respiratory protection is recommended. But it is better to do it yourself than to find out the cosmic price of hired workers.

Photo of frosted glass door on hinges


Bathroom. Installation of doors to the bathroom and toilet

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that bathroom and toilet doors need some special ones - waterproof, almost plastic doors. Because standard "veneered" doors are poorly adapted to a humid environment. It's a delusion.

If there is a normally working exhaust hood in the bathroom, and the doors are installed correctly, i.e. there is a gap of 1.5-2 cm under the door, then ordinary, standard interior doors can be installed in the bathroom and toilet - from solid wood, MDF, veneered, etc. Of course, they must be of high quality and made competently. So, for example, veneered doors must be covered with a reliable and high-quality varnish.

If the moist air from the bathroom is not removed, and this happens, because. everyone and sundry is destroying our ventilation, then you need to eliminate the cause, i.e. treat the disease, not its symptoms. After all, high humidity in the apartment and in the bathroom is a danger to the health of the inhabitants of the apartment. Such a "trifle" is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance, it can become, for example, the cause of the appearance of fungus, mold. And this should worry the consumer much more than the safety of the veneered coating on the door.

Related video: Do-it-yourself bathroom door installation. How to properly install an interior door

Photo of a sliding door to the bathroom

Installing doors in a typical bathroom has a number of features. In panel construction, a sanitary cabin is placed in an apartment as a ready-made single block. However, despite the factory production, its walls can also have a significant slope, reaching 5-7 cm.

Moreover, in gypsum bathrooms, the surface of the walls may not belong to the same plane, i.e. different sections of the walls may have a different slope. Because If the interior doors to the bathroom and toilet remain closed for the most part, then one could come to terms with the disadvantage that they will spontaneously close and put the doors "on the wall", i.e. with the same slope.

But next to them at right angles to this wall there will be a kitchen door or a door to another room. So, installed vertically, it will only emphasize the slope of the "bathroom" doors and the curvature of the walls (for some reason, these walls are always tilted inwards). Therefore, the walls of the bathroom must be leveled, although this is an extra expense ($ 15-20 / m2), and the loss, albeit small, of usable area is not too spacious bathroom and hallway.

In addition to its own walls, the bathroom also has its own floor with a small threshold (about 5 cm) that protects the apartment from flooding. Therefore, interior doors to the bathroom and toilet have to be placed about 10 cm higher than the rest. As practice shows, most customers try to use doors of the same type for the entire apartment.

Photo of a standard MDF door in the bathroom

And it is not uncommon for the same standard two-meter doors to be bought for the bathroom and toilet, although the opening in a typical sanitary cabin is only suitable for doors 190 cm high. Therefore, quite often it is necessary to adapt the doors or opening to one or another door block.


Self fitting bathroom door

When a bathroom renovation is nearing completion, the question of installing a door becomes an issue. First, of course, it must be selected. There should be no problems with this, because now the choice is so huge that you can afford products of various price categories, and they will all look beautiful. It is only important to understand that the impression of the entire repair largely depends on the quality of the door. Therefore, they play the role of a kind of final accent in interior design.

Related video: Do-it-yourself door installation in the bathroom
Photo and video materials on the Web allow you to make a choice of the most elite door panels. And it doesn't have to be oak. It can be mahogany, larch, ash, maple, beech, walnut and cherry. In this case, the door frame must be made of a similar material. And when the model is selected, it remains only to install.

This procedure is on the shoulder even for an inexperienced person, you just need to follow simple recommendations. After all, this work, like many, has its own nuances, which will have to be taken into account. In many ways, this applies to the ideally vertical position of the door frame, as well as the horizontal position of the bottom and top of the door frame. After all, the possibility of the full functioning of the structure depends on this.

Photo of glass doors in the bathroom and toilet

A novice master can simply insert a box into a doorway, but this is associated with certain risks. For example, a gap may appear or the box, on the contrary, will jam. All problems can be fixed. If the design does not fit in the box, then you should not pick up a planer and try to squeeze it in.

It must be remembered that if the door and the frame were a single structure before installation, and after installation difficulties began, then there are problems with the correct installation. Therefore, you should follow certain rules or seek help from specialists. We will consider the option of how to do everything yourself.


Installing bathroom doors is not particularly different from installing other interior doors.

  • fittings,
  • roulette,
  • fastener,
  • box and door leaf,
  • tools: screwdrivers (screwdriver), electric jigsaw, puncher, grinder, impact drill and others.

Even before ordering, you should compare the dimensions of the opening with the manufacturer's standards, since the doors of such rooms may be unnecessarily narrow. You also need to make sure that the ventilation is effective. If there is high humidity in the room, there is mold or fungus, then you will need waterproof products. You can even choose plastic ones.

Photo of a sliding interior door

It is also necessary to check the verticality of the walls that are adjacent to the door in the bathroom. It often happens that they have an inclination inward, which causes spontaneous closure. If this does not suit you, then the walls will have to be leveled with plaster or drywall. This can be seen in photos and videos on the web.

It should be noted that the bathroom is always equipped with a small threshold to prevent flooding of other rooms. That is why the installation is carried out somewhere a few centimeters higher than in other rooms. If a standard door is required, it can be shortened.

Photo of doors to the bathroom and toilet from MDF with a glass insert

To shorten the structure, you need to saw off the lower connecting bar, and then remove the excess honeycomb filling. After that, the bar can be glued back, fit the box. However, one must take into account the fact that after such manipulations the entire door system is weakened.

You should also consider the thickness of the walls when choosing a door. It is often up to 5 cm plus the thickness of the finishing material. If the box is chosen incorrectly, you can cut off the excess from it.

Of course, you should try to avoid any adjustment processes, since this is fraught not only with a visual deterioration in the quality of the structure, but also with a decrease in its service life. It is better to try to go the other way. For example, increase the thickness of the walls.

If the threshold affected the fact that the door turned out to be large, but it is impossible to shorten it, you can increase the doorway. You need to draw a line along which to saw off the desired part. A steel strip passes through the upper part of the opening, so any manipulation can cause the structure to weaken, and this is fraught with cracks and other inconveniences in the bathroom.


Do-it-yourself bathroom door installation

Prepare the necessary materials in advance, and installing a bathroom door with your own hands will become a simple and interesting thing.

It is necessary to take into account all the nuances when choosing a bathroom door and planning its installation. Otherwise, in a few months you will have to redo everything again. You can trust experienced installers. Although it is not cheap, you can be sure of the result. Yes, and there is someone to ask in case of shortcomings.

But there are many of those owners who want to equip everything in their home with their own hands. For them, there are now many videos with detailed instructions on how to install a door to a bathroom or any other room.

Features of choosing a bathroom door

Doors made of combined materials are most suitable for the requirements. It can be chipboard, PVC or MDF. Such door leafs well tolerate changes in humidity and temperature inherent in sanitary rooms. It is better not to use solid wood - it will be difficult to protect it from moisture.

Veneer or lamination is chosen as a finish. The first option is more presentable, and the second one is more durable and resistant to mechanical damage. The main thing is that the veneer is covered with an additional protective layer of varnish.

Now the installation of glass doors with various decorations has become increasingly popular. This option is not afraid of water at all. But installation requires some experience, so it is better not to install it yourself.

Problems and nuances when installing toilet and bathroom doors in a panel high-rise building

From the variety of assortment, the appropriate option was selected. But before deciding how to install the door to the bathroom, so that everything is done correctly, you should take into account the experience of those who have already solved a similar problem.

Related video: Installing bathroom doors (part 1)
When installing a door in the bathroom, problems and nuances may arise

  1. In old panel houses, the same type of sanitary cabins were installed, the opening height of which is 190 or 200 cm. There are now plenty of models of various sizes, and you can easily find the right height. But with the thickness of the cabin wall and the door itself, everything is more difficult. The wall there is much thinner than the rest of the partitions in the apartment - about 4-5 cm. And the door standards are adjusted to fit the interior openings. Therefore, you need to choose their minimum thickness and think in advance how best to mask the gap between the casing and the wall (you can apply a layer of gypsum or use drywall).
  2. The threshold to the bathroom is an indispensable and necessary component of any doorway to this room. Its task is to prevent water from flowing out of the room in case of emergency pipe bursts. It must be left, and where it does not exist, it must be restored.
  3. Ventilation. When arranging the door to the bathroom, it is necessary to provide additional ventilation holes in the doorway. They can be done at the bottom of the canvas and closed with a decorative ventilation grill. Or leave a gap of 1-1.5 cm between the threshold and the door leaf.
  4. A big problem with many cabins is the slight slope of the walls, which seems to be invisible. But when installing a new door, it will be necessary to level it, and all these flaws of the Soviet builders will become noticeable. Here you will have to be smart and, with very noticeable slopes, somehow decorate these places.

The process of installing a door to the bathroom and toilet with your own hands

To work, you will need a drill with a screwdriver, a chisel and a hacksaw for wood, as well as a building level with a tape measure. And as consumables - self-tapping screws and carnations to match the color of the door, mounting foam and wooden wedges. If there is no experience, it is worth watching a video of the entire process, performed by the hands of experienced craftsmen.

Preparing the opening is an important step when installing a bathroom door.

  1. Opening preparation. Old doors are removed and any irregularities on the walls are leveled so that there are no ugly bevels during the installation of the platbands.
  2. Assembly of the door frame. It is best to do it on a level floor. To fit the size of the doorway, parts of the box are cut off and fastened with self-tapping screws, the holes for which are best drilled, otherwise the jamb and the canvas may crack at the places where they are screwed in.
  3. Installation of the box in the opening and its alignment. To do this, you need a level and wooden or plastic wedges. They need to be placed near the places where the box mounts will be screwed. This will not only allow alignment, but also protect the box from deflection when pulling it against the wall.
  4. Fixing the box with screws or anchors. There are several on each side.
  5. Filling the space between the wall and the box with mounting foam. At this stage, the canvas is again inserted into the door block. When dry, the foam will increase in volume by three to four times. Therefore, only a third of the void should be foamed, the rest of the space will fill itself. Foaming is done from the bottom up. It will take about a day for complete hardening, during which time the door cannot be touched and opened.
  6. Loop cut. After a day, the canvas is removed, and a loop is applied to its end, which is circled with a pencil. And then a recess is cut out along these contours with a chisel. From the top of the loop, they are located 15-20 centimeters, and from the bottom - 20-25. After screwing the loops with screws to the canvas, it is substituted for the box. And they are already fastened on the jamb, where it is also necessary to cut recesses.
  7. Insert handle with lock. As a rule, these are fittings in the form of a lever or a ball. There are practically no differences in installation. And if you watch a video with the installation of one option, then you can install the second one without any problems.
  8. Platband fastening with self-tapping screws or decorative carnations.

Photo example of exterior wall decoration with a door to the bathroom

Installing the door to the bathroom with your own hands, although a little time-consuming, but allowing you to hide the flaws of the builders, is a process. It is best to watch several videos that show in detail all the subtleties of this procedure. An extra hour spent on viewing will avoid gross and unnecessary mistakes.


Installing doors in the bathroom - the main steps

The time when the internal doors were the same in almost all ordinary apartments has already irrevocably passed. We can say that today the manufacturer pleases us with the proposed variety of models. This also applies to the door to the bathroom, which is subject to a number of more stringent requirements, which are due to high humidity in this room.

Choosing bathroom doors

Bathroom doors must be resistant to high temperatures and humidity, they must withstand even direct steam on their surface, while no deformation of the leaf should occur.

Scheme of assembling an interior door

Therefore, special attention must be paid to the choice of material from which the door will be made, as well as the method of protecting it from such influences:

  • The budget option includes frame doors, the base of which is made of cheap wood. The surface is covered with a more expensive finishing material - it can be laminated fiberboard or plywood, MDF.
  • More expensive types include veneered bathroom doors, which must be coated with moisture-resistant varnish if this was not done in the factory. True, such situations are extremely rare, the main thing is to pay attention to the operating conditions recommended by the manufacturer.

Installing a lock on an MDF door

Veneered bathroom doors

  • The door unit for the bathroom made of solid wood is considered a classic, the choice of door models is quite wide.

When choosing such a door leaf, you should take care of the treatment with moisture-proof compounds to prevent the possibility of deformation.

  • Recently, more and more often they began to use PVC or metal-plastic profile doors for installation in sanitary facilities.
  • The luxury class includes bathroom and toilet doors made of glass. Such doors differ in unusual design and will look worthy in any interior.

We hang the veneered door on the hinges

Bathroom glass doors

A few features of installing doors to the bathroom

There are a number of technical issues involved in installing different bathroom doors. All of them are connected precisely with the features of the operation of such premises.

Unlike other interior doors, bathroom doors are installed with a full frame that has a threshold. This, together with lowering the level of the floor in the room, prevents water from spilling throughout the apartment in case of emergency.

To ensure ventilation, the bathroom door should be installed using an increased gap between the threshold and the door leaf, it can reach 8-10 mm.

We will analyze the installation features of the most popular frame and wooden doors.

Preparing for installation

There are several ways to install doors, we would recommend mounting a prepared (hung) door block, it is more difficult to insert hinges onto a mounted frame. It is best to choose door models in which the canvas is already hung and a lock is embedded, but such products are much more expensive.

First of all, we assemble the door frame (loot). We connect the elements using self-tapping screws, the places where they are screwed in must be drilled with a drill of a smaller diameter, otherwise the material may crack, this is especially dangerous for MDF boxes.

The internal size of the box must take into account the appropriate gaps to allow the canvas to close freely.

The next step, which includes installing the door to the bathroom, inserting the hinges and the lock. It is carried out using a milling cutter and chisels. The distance from the edge of the canvas to the top loop should be 150 mm, the bottom - 200 mm. The hinges must be cut flush with the surface of the box and canvas.

The insertion of the lock must be carried out according to the instructions attached to the product. This process is quite difficult, it is better to entrust it to a specialist. After that, the door leaf is hung.

We foam the interior door

Door block installation

It is best to perform this process with an assistant, but with a certain skill, you can install the door yourself. We prepare the doorway, clean it from the remnants of plaster, debris.

Photo of the doors to the bathroom and toilet during installation

It would be best if the dimensions of the opening slightly exceed the size of the door block, this is necessary to adjust its position in various planes. We insert the block together with the hinged door into the opening, while opening the door, this will increase the stability of the block. We check the horizontalness of the threshold, align it with substrates if necessary.

Installation of doors in the bathroom begins with fixing the hinged side of the unit. The door is usually mounted flush with the lining of the corridor, while possible slopes are formed inside the bathroom. We adjust the verticality of the block installation in both planes, fix it in the required position.

This can be done by installing several substrates under the edge of the open door leaf, and in the opening at the attachment points there should be special gaskets that prevent the block from moving in it. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws, anchors, dowels - the choice depends on the weight of the door and the material of the wall. After that, we fix the feigned side of the door block.

Given that the door leaf may not be perfectly flat, it is best to expose this side of the block along the porch. To do this, close the door and achieve a snug fit of the canvas to the box. In this position, we fasten. For a quality door with this installation method, all levels will also be observed.

We blow out the slots in the opening with mounting foam, not forgetting to install several spacers in the block (through gaskets so as not to damage the surface), this will save it from deformation. After hardening, the foam is cut off and the platbands are installed.


How to install a bathroom door

Before you install a bathroom door, there are a few things you need to know. The room is constantly exposed to changes in temperature and humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously approach the choice of a door for this room. It must be resistant to water vapor and at the same time retain its color, geometry and structure for as long as possible.

To install the doors, you will need standard fittings. It does not require special processing. But handles, latches and latches should be looked after.

The technology for installing doors to the bathroom should take into account the dampness of this kind of room. Such a door differs from the interior door by an increased gap between it and the floor. This is required to install more ventilation for an often damp room. It also differs in the height of the threshold under the door.

Related video: Do-it-yourself bathroom door installation

Installing a lock on a bathroom door

Of the materials you will need a box, doors, anchor bolts, wooden wedges, mounting foam and self-tapping screws. During repair work, the opening leading to the bathroom must be waterproofed.

To do this, use a diffusion waterproofing tape with a self-adhesive backing. It is placed around the perimeter of the entire opening, as well as on the box. Of course, the surface must first be cleaned of dirt and dust deposits. And well primed.

Photo of the threshold in the bathroom in front of the door

Box mounting: features

An ordinary bathroom door differs from the standard one in width by about 10 cm. Therefore, before buying a door, you should make careful measurements and put them in a notebook. It is great if the frame and door leaf purchased in the store are the right size and ready for installation. It is enough to screw in the screws. In this case, no adjustment is required. The door is easily installed in its place.

To facilitate your work, you should assemble the design of the box and the door separately. All components, including doors, are laid out on the floor. Next, the box is collected around the door itself. Holes are drilled under the fasteners, everything is marked out, cut - in general, the box is thoroughly prepared for installation.

Otherwise, you will have to collect the loot - the door frame and the door itself. To do this, you need to do several sequential processes.

We make a threshold in front of the door in the bathroom

  1. Cut the box posts to a length of 2005 mm. There is a reason for this. The usual height of a bathroom door is 2000 mm. For gaps located above and below between the canvas itself and the box, you will need to use the remaining 5 mm.
  2. The next step is to trim the bottom and top of the loot. Their size includes 600 mm, 5 mm allocated for gaps, and double the thickness of the profile of the box itself. The usual door width in a standard bathroom is 600 mm, but if it is larger, then depending on the situation, we use from 700 to 1000 mm.
  3. The horizontal part of the box is processed. At the same time, a protruding piece of the profile is removed from its both ends. This is not just done. Remove it for the most part. For this, a cut is made using a jigsaw. After that, the unnecessary part is chipped off. For this, a chisel is driven from the end.

Collecting the door frame: the nuances

First of all, canopies (door hinges) crash. They are installed on the right or left rack, depending on how the door opens. They cut in from above and below from the edge at a distance of 200-250 mm. For this, a canopy is applied, outlined with a pencil and processed with a chisel. The groove for canopies is easier to make with a milling manual machine, if available.

Assembling the bathroom door frame

Next, the actual assembly of the box is carried out. On the floor, one long rack is connected to a short jumper. Next, 2 holes are drilled on the side of the rack. Self-tapping screws are screwed into them. They connect 2 parts of the box. Do the same with its remaining 3 corners. Lutka is ready. In the bathroom, it is much easier to install a door without installing a lower threshold.

How to install the door leaf?

The preparation of the door leaf itself consists in inserting hinges, latches and installing handles. Non-cut hinges are installed similarly to their installation on the door frame. To install the latch, you will need to drill a deep hole with a diameter of 25 mm from the bottom at a height of 850-900 mm. For this, a drill and a feather drill are used. Scheme of assembling a door leaf from two wings.

After that, holes are made for the handle. They are drilled through the canvas opposite the hole in the end. It is performed using a pen drill with a diameter of 20 mm. The main thing is not to spoil the door during the exit of the pen from the door. The best option is to drill the door on both sides.

Next, the latch is installed. Previously, before this chisel, a groove is inserted under the decorative overlay. In this case, the size is determined with a pencil in place. Attach the latch from the end. For this purpose, 2 small self-tapping screws, twisted with a screwdriver, are suitable. To install the handles, you will need to insert a square and fix it with a screw. Further, the desired latch hole is threaded into it, and the handle is attached to the canvas. After checking its work, the same is done with the second handle.

In the opening leading to the room, mount the box. To do this, a rail or profile is stuffed. They are placed at the top and bottom of the box itself, so that they go beyond the size of the loot by 10-15 cm. Nails are hammered with future overlap with their platbands. The profile will play the role of an emphasis. Next, the box is placed in the opening. In this case, the jumpers already determine the plane relative to the tile. The level defines the horizon.

You can insert a pre-measured box into the opening and jam it with wedges made of wood or plastic. At the end of the horizontal and vertical check with a plumb line and a level, the box itself is fixed with dowels (bolts) that run flush into the material itself. The wedged box is marked with anchors at the fixing points and drilled. Holes in the doorway are made in this way: they are marked through the box, which is removed, and drilled with a drill. Insert dowels. They mount the box and fix it, cut the hinges and hang the doors.

The door frame is foamed, filling the gap between it and the opening. This is done according to the instructions using a construction gun. Sometimes the foam squeezes the box and interferes with the installation of the canvas. To avoid this, install 3 or more spacers. Their size is larger than the canvas size by 5 mm.

Photo of doors to the bathroom and toilet

The foam dries in 6-24 hours. After that, the door is installed using canopies. Pay attention to the gaps under and above the canvas. As you know, installing bathroom doors is not as difficult as it seems, if you act carefully and prudently.

The bathroom or toilet follows the same principle as for another room, but there are a number of nuances. A gap is left between the floor covering and the canvas, which provides air exchange - ventilation. Be sure to install, protecting the apartment from accidental flooding. If the corridor is very narrow, do-it-yourself installation of doors to the bathroom and toilet is carried out so that the canvas opens into the bathroom.

When replacing doors in the bathroom and toilet, you need to choose the right design. Given the specific purpose of the room, the door unit needs to be resistant to dampness, with high sound insulation rates.

When choosing, you should first look at material:

  • PVC. The budget option made of plastic has a presentable appearance. The material is resistant to direct exposure to water, it is well cleaned from pollution.
  • . It is not afraid of moisture, looks beautiful, has a long service life. Modern bathroom doors are made of tempered glass, resistant to light blow.

  • . There is an opinion that it is unreasonable to install a door to the toilet, especially for a bathroom made of this material. Wood is afraid of dampness, deforms, is damaged by mold, rots. But if there is good ventilation in the bathroom, and water does not constantly get on the door, you can also purchase a wooden product.

  • Chipboard or . The door structure is beautiful, light, but made from waste wood. In a damp room, the canvas will not last long.

The next step is choosing a bathroom door according to designs. save space, but sound insulation will be at a low level. More often they prefer a block with a sash. It is necessary to have a threshold in the bathroom, but you should not make it high, otherwise visitors to the bathroom will stumble.

How to install the doors in the bathroom?

Before installing the door to the bathroom with a threshold, they are first prepared. It is important to take accurate measurements before buying. At swing doors, the lower part of the ludka protrudes as a threshold. However, boxes come with three elements. For such a frame, the threshold is made independently up to 5 cm high and the height of the opening is measured from it, taking into account the gap. The door to the bathroom will rise 10 cm higher compared to other interior passages.

The standard height of the canvas is 2 m. The opening to the bathroom is often 1.9 m. It will have to be expanded in height or the door shortened. This is not possible with glass and plastic models. In apartments, the thickness of the bathroom wall often does not exceed 4–5 cm. Ceramic tiling adds about 1.5 cm. The door frame should not exceed the thickness of the wall with cladding. Otherwise, you will have to build up walls or cut off part of the frame.

Required Tools

For dismantling old doors from the bathroom and preparing the opening you will need a tool:

  • Bulgarian;
  • perforator;
  • hacksaw;
  • mount;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer.

At installation new block needs the following tool:

  • level;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel;
  • miter box;
  • set of drills.

Of the materials, it is worth buying self-tapping screws, dowels, mounting foam, nails, silicone, wooden wedges for spreading the boat inside the opening.

Door frame installation

For the bathroom, they are installed with a threshold - the lower element of the frame. The jumper creates inconvenience when walking, but for the bathroom it is required. The threshold can be omitted if there is a difference on the floor between the bathroom and the corridor. However, specially raising the floor is very expensive and difficult. It is easier to install a frame with a threshold.

If the door frame consists of three elements without a lower lintel, the threshold for the bathroom is made from the following materials:

  • steel;
  • stainless steel;
  • bronze;
  • brass;
  • aluminum;
  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • concrete.

The bathroom threshold must meet the following requirements:

  • moisture resistance;
  • wear resistance;
  • lack of slip;
  • aesthetic combination with the box.

If the boat was sold disassembled, all the elements are assembled on the floor. If necessary, make adjustments in height. The gaps between the canvas and the boat on the sides and top should be 3–4 mm. From below, according to the new rules of GOST 6629-88, the gap between the floor and the canvas is maintained from 17 to 20 mm. The protrusion of the threshold above the tiled floor is 6 mm. The gap between the lower end of the canvas and the threshold is 6 mm.

On the rack, retreating from above and below 25 cm, mark the attachment points of the loops. Make a selection with a chisel and fasten the loops.

The assembled frame is inserted inside the bathroom opening, leveled, fixed with wooden wedges. The box is attached to the wall with dowels with self-tapping screws or anchors. After re-checking the level, the slots are blown out with mounting foam on one side. At least 3 hours do nothing with the frame. After the foam has hardened, the cracks are blown in from the back of the opening, the threshold is sealed with silicone from the side of the bathroom.

After a day, they try to loosen the box. The frame must be firmly held in the opening. If the structure staggers, additional anchors are driven in.

Door leaf installation

Begin with . Usually on the door of the bathroom and toilet put up a castle, latched on the inside. It is placed at a height of 85–90 cm from the floor.

  • First, a groove for the lock is selected at the end of the canvas with a chisel and a drill.
  • On the door mark the location of the hole for the handle. It must match the square slot of the inserted lock.
  • A hole is drilled with a 20 mm drill bit.
  • The lock is placed inside the groove, fastened with two screws to the end of the canvas.
  • A square is inserted into the hole, decorative overlays, handles are put on.
  • To the frame stand opposite the lock, the striker is fixed with self-tapping screws, having previously selected the groove for the latch tongue.

The place for the loops is marked by placing the canvas in the box. Under the loops with a chisel, grooves are selected, screwed with self-tapping screws. The canvas, equipped with fittings, is put in its permanent place.

Installation of platbands

The final installation of the bathroom door is. The slats are selected from the same material as the door block itself. Ordinary ones made of wood or MDF are attached to the end of the frame with nails, self-tapping screws, and glued. The top connection of the planks is made by cutting the edges at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. Telescopic

Doors to the bathroom differ from ordinary doors in that they are made of moisture-resistant material. Installing bathroom doors is also slightly different from installing doors in other rooms. This is due to the fact that in the bathroom the height of the threshold should be higher than usual, so that in case of flooding, water does not pour into other rooms.

And also it is necessary to make the gap between the floor and the door larger than when installing a conventional door for better ventilation.

This is due to the fact that the doors in the bathroom are constantly under the influence of moist air. Therefore, their surface must be waterproof and water-repellent. Doors are made of moisture resistant chipboard, MDF, PVC. To imitate a natural material, they are covered with veneer.

Veneered bathroom doors must be varnished. Also doors can be aluminum or metal-plastic.

Should be bought in advance. Usually it has standard sizes, but you may have to make it to order.

The door block for the bathroom is slightly narrower than that of ordinary interior doors. Its size can be 60 cm wide, 2.0 m or 1.90 m high, 10 cm lower than usual, taking into account the threshold.

The bathroom should be well ventilated. Therefore, there should be a gap of 6-8 mm between the door and the threshold, and preferably 10 mm.

Necessary tools and materials

To install doors with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • Electric drill;
  • Chisel;
  • Hacksaw for wood;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Building level;
  • Roulette.

Necessary materials:

  • Anker;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Wooden wedges;
  • Mounting foam;
  • Pencil;

bathroom door installation process

Installing the door in the bathroom is as follows:

It is better to assemble the box on the floor. So it will be more convenient for you to assemble it together with the door.

  • We fasten the parts of the door frame with self-tapping screws and adjust to the size of the doorway. It is better to drill holes for self-tapping screws so that the door leaf does not crack.
  • We measure the height of the doorway.
  • If necessary, cut the box with a hacksaw.
  • We install the box in the doorway. Align it with a level. For this we use wooden wedges.

Prepare in advance a few wooden or plastic wedges that are needed for installation.

We insert wedges between the door block and the wall

  • Wedges are inserted between the wall and the door block. They protect the box from deflection when fastening with screws.
  • We check the verticality of the installation of the door frame with a level.
  • We fix the door frame in the doorway with anchors or screws.
  • To do this, we drill holes in the door block with a drill in advance.
  • There can be several holes - 7-8 pieces on each side.
  • Then we remove the box and use a thin drill to make holes in the wall.
  • We insert plastic dowels into these holes.
  • Then again insert the door frame into the opening.
  • We fix the door frame to the wall by screwing the anchors (screws) into the dowels with a screwdriver.

Fasten the door frame to the wall

  • The space between the box and the wall must be filled with mounting foam.


Mounting foam, when dried, increases its volume by 5 times. This must be taken into account when filling the space between the wall and the door block.

  • Only 1/3 of the space should be foamed. The foam will then spread and fill the voids.
  • You need to foam from the bottom up.
  • The foam should harden. This usually takes about a day.
    The door must remain stationary.
    • Then we cut the loops. As a rule, two hinges are installed, but three pieces can be installed.
    • It is necessary to attach a loop to the end of the door. Trace the outlines with a pencil.
    • With a chisel, cut out a recess for the loops.

Cut grooves for loops with a chisel

  • We fasten the hinges with self-tapping screws to the door leaf.
  • The height of the top loop attachment should be 15-20 cm from the top edge.
  • The height from the bottom edge for attaching the loop is 20-25 cm.
  • Then we attach the hinges to the door frame.
  • We cut and fasten the lock.
  • Insert the door into the door frame.
  • We insert wedges between the door and the frame at a distance of 2 mm from above and 4 mm from below.
  • We mark on the box the place of attachment of the loops and cut out the recesses with a chisel.
  • We cut the loops.
  • We put the door on the hinges. It should open and close easily.
  • Next, we fix the platbands with self-tapping screws or decorative nails.

Doors to the bathroom: installation

Installing a bathroom door is an important and time-consuming process, as with. Theoretically, you can install doors with your own hands, using improvised tools. But if you have already spent money on a good quality door, then it is better to entrust its installation to professionals.

Because high-quality door installation requires special tools that are not always available. Usually at a cost, this comes out to about 2% of the total amount. But the door will look perfect. Video installation by professionals is presented below.

Installing the door in the bathroom: you can watch the video right now.

If there is a need to repair the door for the bathroom and toilet or it needs to be replaced, then problems can most likely arise. All experienced craftsmen know how to install a bathroom door, but if you want to do all the installation work yourself, you need to study all the subtleties of this type of work.

A bathroom is a room with high humidity and when choosing and installing a door, it is necessary to take into account some features.

Experts say that the installation of the door is almost no different from the rest of the installation work. But it is better to understand all the details so that later there are no problems.

Preparing the door frame

Installation of the door to the bathroom is carried out during general repairs in the house. During the completion of the repair, it is very important to prepare the door frame for do-it-yourself door installation. Before installing the door in the toilet, it is necessary to carry out high-quality waterproofing of the box so that moisture does not spoil the door in the future.

It is convenient to use a special waterproofing diffusion tape as a protective element. Due to the presence of a self-adhesive base, during repairs, the tape can be glued around the entire perimeter of the doorway or on the box. To do this, it is important to level and clean the surface with your own hands before gluing the tape.

Required Tools

When the issue of choosing and preparing the door with your own hands is resolved, you can proceed with its installation.

To perform all installation work, you will need the following tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • chisel;
  • crowbar;
  • self-tapping screws and anchors;
  • pencil;
  • gypsum plaster.

Door frame installation

When the opening for the door to the room is in order, the next step in the work is to assemble the door frame. If you purchased an already assembled door, then its installation will take little time. But if your door is disassembled, then the installation of the structure in the bathroom will begin with the assembly of the box, the door block, after which its final adjustment is made.

Work on the installation of the door frame is carried out in this way:

After preparing the loot, you can proceed to another stage of installation work.

Preparation and installation of the door leaf

To properly install the doors in the bathroom and toilet with your own hands, you need to prepare the door leaf in advance, which includes:

  • handle installation;
  • inset latches, hinges.

Inserting the hinges will take a little time, and if there are no canopies, then you can do the latch, since the hinges are already mounted.

When the replacement of the door is not needed, but it is only necessary to solve the problem with its restoration, it is not necessary to specially prepare the door leaf for installation.

To install the handle in the toilet with your own hands, you need:

After the door leaf is fully prepared for installation with your own hands, go directly to its installation:

door foaming technology

When repairing, it is very important to strictly observe the technology of using all the necessary building materials. Polyurethane foam requires special care in use.

In order to qualitatively foam extra empty spaces, the following rules must be observed:

  • before foaming the door, shake the foam can at least 60 times. Thus, the adhesive base is better dissolved, and all its characteristics will increase;
  • the gaps are pre-irrigated with water so that the foam adheres to the wall better;
  • foam 24 before use is kept in a warm place, since its temperature should not exceed 30 °. Otherwise, it will become liquid and drain from the treated surface.