Congratulations on Tax Worker's Day. Russian Tax Worker's Day When is Tax Worker's Day

The Day of the Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation is celebrated in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2000 No. 1868 “On the Day of the Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation.” November 21, 1991 - By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 218, an independent State Tax Service of the Russian Federation was formed (previously it was part of the Ministry of Finance). By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 1635 of December 23, 1998, the State Tax Service of Russia was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties.

History of taxes in Russia

The Day of the Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation is an excellent occasion to look at a page of history.

The financial system of Ancient Rus' began to take shape only from the end of the 9th century, during the period of the unification of ancient Russian tribes and lands in connection with the adoption of Christianity in 988 - the baptism of Rus'. The main form of extortion into the princely treasury was Tribute.

After the overthrow of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the tax system was radically reformed by Ivan III (late 15th - early 16th centuries): Direct (poll tax) and Indirect Taxes (excise taxes and duties) were introduced, at the same time the first tax declaration was introduced - the Soshnoye Letter.

During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich (1629 - 1676), the Russian taxation system was streamlined. Thus, in 1655, a special body was created - the Accounts Chamber.

The era of reforms of Peter I (1672 - 1725) played a special role in the formation and development of taxation. It was at this time that the state turned into a secular society, and therefore church law was separated from civil law, which was focused on the needs of international trade. Western attitudes were implanted, which consisted of consistency with the law, and at this time the rapid development of industry began. The development of industry was preceded by a reform of the tax system. New taxes have appeared, even a tax on beards.

The poll tax accounted for half of all budgetary revenues of the empire. The following were introduced: stamp duty, per capita tax on cab drivers, taxes on inns, taxes on churches, and others.

During the reign of Catherine II (1729 - 1797), the management of state government bodies was improved: expeditions of state revenues, audits, and collection of arrears were introduced. For the merchants, a guild tax was introduced - a percentage fee on declared capital. It is characteristic that the amount of capital was recorded “according to everyone’s conscience.”

Tax system of Russia in the 18th century. differed in the collection of indirect taxes, their share amounted to 42% of treasury revenues. This time is interesting because in 1810 the State Council of Russia approved the program of financial reforms developed by M. M. Speransky (1772 - 1839). Many ideas for organizing government revenues and expenditures are still relevant today.

Beginning of the 19th century - the time of development of financial science. In 1818, N. I. Turgenev (1789 - 1871) published the work “Experience in the Theory of Taxes” - a thorough study of state taxation. “Taxes,” wrote N.I. Turgenev, “are the means to achieve the goal of society or the state, that is, the goal that people envision for themselves when joining a society or when forming a state” (N. Turgenev. Experience in the Theory of Taxes. 3rd ed. - M., 1937). He equated the demand to “destroy taxes” with “the destruction of society itself.” In his study, N.I. Turgenev proposed five Rules for the establishment and collection of taxes: “Even distribution of taxes” - taxes must correspond to the taxpayer’s income.

“Tax certainty” - uncertainty regarding the amount of taxes and the time of payment condemns the taxpayer to dependence on the arbitrariness of the collector. “Collecting taxes at the most convenient time” - reducing the tax burden involves not only reducing its quantitative value, but also its redistribution over time. "Orienting the greater part of the tax burden on net income" - more should be levied "on income, and on net income, rather than on capital itself." “Cheap tax collection” is the desire for the lowest possible cost of tax collection.

Almost two centuries have passed, and these rules are fundamental in the taxation of our days.

During the reign of Nicholas II, direct taxes became of great importance.

At the end of the 19th century, the poll tax was replaced by a tax on urban buildings; great importance was attached to quitrent - the payment of peasants for the use of the Land (the current land tax). New taxes have appeared, generated by new economic activities: a tax on auction sales, a tax on bills and letters of borrowing, taxes on the right of trading activities, a capital tax for joint stock companies, a percentage tax on profits, a tax on an automatic carriage, a city registration tax and etc.

The given examples from the times of Ancient Rus' show that over time, the number of taxes and the breadth of coverage of segments of the population for taxation purposes constantly increased, contrary to the common opinion that previously the freedom of entrepreneurial activity was incommensurate with the present, the population did not support the bureaucratic people at their own expense.

The State Tax Service (Gosnalogsluzhba, GNS) was created in accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 24, 1990 No. 76 “On the State Tax Service of the USSR”. Its legal status was determined by the USSR Law of May 21, 1990 “On the rights, duties and responsibilities of state tax inspectorates.”

On March 21, 1991, Law of the RSFSR No. 943-1 “On the State Tax Service of the RSFSR” was adopted. The fundamental document for the practical activities of the Russian tax service was Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 1991 No. 340 “On the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation.” This Decree approved the regulations on the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation, guarantees of legal and social protection of its employees, and regulations on the class ranks of employees of the State Tax Service.

The State Tax Service of the Russian Federation has inspections for the constituent entities of the Federation and for cities and regions, including districts in cities. It is a unified system for monitoring compliance with tax legislation and carries out its functions both in relation to federal taxes and regional and local taxes. This follows from the principle of unity of state tax policy. The State Tax Service serves as a centralized and independent system for monitoring compliance with tax legislation. Independence is understood, first of all, as independence from local authorities. The latter cannot change or cancel decisions of tax authorities or give them operational guidelines.

The main task of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation is control over compliance with tax legislation, the correctness of their calculation, the completeness and timeliness of the introduction of state taxes and other payments into the relevant budgets established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and its republics, state authorities of territories, regions, autonomous formations, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, districts, cities, districts within cities within their competence.

We sincerely congratulate tax workers on the holiday, Happy Tax Worker's Day of the Russian Federation!

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Taxman's Day, a professional holiday for tax service employees, has been celebrated in our country since 2000. The date of celebration falls on November 21.

How is Tax Worker's Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? The program of Tax Worker Day events is quite extensive.

Official congratulations on Taxman's Day are heard at a high government level, the best employees are presented with awards and bonuses, colleagues, friends and loved ones congratulate each other.

History and traditions of celebrating Taxman's Day

Let's talk about the history and other traditions of Tax Service Employee Day. The history of tax authorities in our country dates back to the 17th century.

During the reign of Peter the Great, 12 boards were created, four of which (the Chamber Board, the State Office Board, the Audit Board and the Commerce Board) were in charge of financial matters.

This service was reformed several times - under Catherine II, Alexander I, Alexander II, Nicholas II.

During the years of Soviet power, the tax service in our country actually had to be created anew.

During the NEP period, excise taxes were introduced on certain types of goods: salt, sugar, kerosene, tobacco products, matches, textiles, tea, coffee, vodka. In 1930, a system of regional, district and city tax inspectorates was created.

In the 1960s, when tax inspectorates were merged with state revenue inspectorates, mandatory payments were established for state enterprises, and an income tax on collective farms was introduced.

On November 21, 1991, by decree of the President of the RSFSR No. 229, the State Tax Service of the RSFSR was formed. In 1998, it was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties, and in 2004 - into the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Tax Worker Day of the Russian Federation was established by Decree of the President of Russia in 2000.

The Federal Tax Service (FTS) exercises control and supervision over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, the correctness of calculation and timely transfer of taxes and fees to the budget.

The Federal Tax Service employs about 170 thousand people. Their experience, responsibility and professionalism help ensure the filling of the state budget.

On Taxman's Day, we congratulate our colleagues, friends and loved ones on the holiday, and wish them success in their work, health and personal happiness.

The Day of the Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation is a professional holiday of employees of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation. Celebrated in Russia annually on November 21. Is a working day.

The Tax Service is one of the most significant structures in implementing the financial policy of the state, ensuring the economic stability of the country and the social well-being of citizens. The work of filling the budget treasury has always been a matter of particular importance, requiring the highest responsibility and professionalism.

Russian tax authorities are true professionals in their field. Competence and integrity, strict adherence to the law contribute to the creation of a favorable investment climate, sustainable economic development, and strengthening of the social sphere. People in this profession have the most modern technologies and working methods in their arsenal, which help increase the revenue side of budgets.

History of the holiday

Even under Peter I, 12 boards were formed, four of which were in charge of financial issues: the Chamber Board, the State Office Board, the Audit Board and the Commerce Board. In 1780, Catherine II created an expedition about state revenues.

In 1802, the manifesto of Alexander I “On the Establishment of Ministries” created 8 ministries: military ground forces, naval forces, foreign affairs, justice, commerce, public education, finance and internal affairs. The Ministry of Finance was in charge of government revenues and expenditures.

In subsequent years, reform of the Russian tax system continued. Thus, under Alexander II, in connection with the peasant reform (1861), the most important transformations were carried out: the system of collecting the fishing tax was changed, land taxation, income tax, zemstvo fees and taxes were introduced. And under Alexander III, the poll tax was abolished, the excise tax on alcohol was increased, an excise tax on matches and taxes on inheritance and money capital were introduced, and the institute of tax inspectors was created, who were ordered to send out pay slips and notices of due payments in their own hands.

And, of course, the reforms of Nicholas II, carried out on the initiative of Pyotr Stolypin, played a significant role in the development of the country’s tax system. It was he who developed the draft taxation system in Russia, which, in fact, provided for all the main elements of the modern tax systems of developed countries. And the result of all these activities was a well-functioning system of financial revenues.

However, in connection with the revolutionary events of 1917, in the first years of Soviet power, the well-functioning tax system was practically destroyed. Its restoration began during the period of the New Economic Policy (NEP) - in the 1920s, when indirect taxes assumed predominant importance and excise taxes were introduced on a number of goods: salt, sugar, kerosene, tobacco products, matches, textiles, tea, coffee, vodka. The system of regional, district and city tax inspectorates was created in 1930.

The next reform of the country's tax system occurred in the 1960s, when tax inspectorates merged with state revenue inspectorates, mandatory payments were established for state-owned enterprises, and an income tax was introduced on collective farms.

In modern Russia, state tax inspectorates were created by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 76 of January 24, 1990, as part of the Ministry of Finance. On November 21, 1991, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 218, an independent State Tax Service of the Russian Federation was established. This date became the basis for the establishment of today's holiday.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1635 of December 23, 1998, the State Tax Service of Russia was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties, and in 2004 into the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

The holiday “Day of Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation” was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin No. 1868 of November 11, 2000 “On the Day of Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation”.

Holiday traditions

On this day, feasts are traditionally held among colleagues. The heads of the tax service present employees with certificates of honor and diplomas, and promote them in ranks and positions. Senior officials from the Ministry of Finance hold a ceremony to recognize the best employees. For outstanding achievements, he is awarded the badge of honor “Honored Worker of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.”

Congratulations in verse

Tax authorities today celebrate
Your own fun and personal celebration.
I sincerely congratulate you on this,
Let everything be fine in life.

Let work bring joy, pleasure,
Well, and of course, let it bring in income.
Let only the right decisions be made,
And may you always be lucky in everything.

The country is getting richer, growing, prospering
And money continuously flows into the treasury,
The tax inspector collects them,
Although his work is invisible to us.

Always attentive and polite at work -
Even if working days are often not easy.
May your hopes come true,
There is a flow of happiness to you, let there be no melancholy

Who is watching, and very strictly,
For paying taxes?
Who isn't used to fiddling?
It's you, tax man!

The state is grateful
Why are you working hard?
That the treasury is full,
The country is getting richer.

Congratulations on this day!
They know and remember everything about him.
Happy tax workers!
Honor, praise be to their names!

Congratulations in prose

Dear tax authorities! Congratulations on your professional holiday - Tax Worker's Day.

The stability of the financial system largely determines the successful solution of the main government tasks. Taxes and fees are the largest and main sources of filling budgets at all levels.

The normal functioning of the social sector, full and timely payment of public sector employees, and the state’s ability to invest in the economy and infrastructure development depend on the coordinated, efficient and high-quality work of the tax service. The most important area of ​​budget expenditures is the implementation of national projects that cover literally all spheres of life.

All this requires long-term and stable budget support. And here, as before, we count on the professionalism of the tax authorities, which does not raise any doubts.

I thank the tax authorities for their worthy work. I wish you good luck and success in your service, health and prosperity.

The Day of the Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation is celebrated on November 21, the same date was chosen for. This coincidence is not accidental, because accounting and taxation have gone hand in hand for several centuries. However, the holiday officially appeared not so long ago, in 2000, when the President of the Russian Federation signed the Decree “On the Day of Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation.”

The history of the Russian tax service began in 1573. When was the first body in charge of state revenues created? In 1653, the Trade Charter was approved, which defined the rules for calculating and collecting various duties. Further, the Order of the Great Treasury and the Burmister Chamber were established.

At the very height of his reign, Peter I created tax services - the Chamber College and the State Office Collegium. The great emperor at that time was waging endless wars and was in great need of additional funds, in connection with this he introduced various taxes. At that time, the board had a fairly developed network of various departments throughout Russia.

In 1755, the Chamber Collegium was replaced by the Treasury Chamber. And in 1780, at the direction of Empress Catherine II, another transformation of the tax service was carried out. The Treasury Chamber was replaced by the State Revenue Expedition - a real financial department.
It was thanks to Catherine that tax calculations became simpler and clearer, and rates were noticeably reduced. However, for non-payment of taxes, quite severe punishment was provided, even going as far as imprisonment.

Another reform took place thanks to Alexander I. He signed a decree in 1802 on the creation of eight ministries, among which was the Ministry of Finance, which regulates the tax sphere.

The official holiday, as mentioned earlier, arose not so long ago. But what date is Taxman’s Day celebrated in 2017 is of interest to many. This date is unchanged and very symbolic. On November 21, 1991, the Decree “On the State Tax Service of the RSFSR” was signed. And on the same day, although only 9 years later, the Decree establishing the holiday was signed. Since then every year November 21 The whole country celebrates Tax Day.

The goals and objectives of the tax authorities are to account for the receipt of funds, the volume and timeliness of mandatory payments, as well as to protect the economic benefits of the Russian Federation. It is thanks to their well-coordinated work that it becomes possible to increase the size of social benefits, wages of employees of government organizations, reconstruction of roads and communications, etc. Currently, the goals of tax collection are very diverse. For example, in the Russian Federation new educational institutions, libraries, and sports centers are being built; it is necessary to pay wages to those who serve in the army, police, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Not only civil well-being, but also the faith of ordinary people in the state depends on the fruitful work of tax services.

It is customary to celebrate Tax Inspectorate Day at the highest national level. On Tax Authorities Day 2017 in the Russian Federation, gala receptions, festive concerts and many other entertaining cultural events are mandatory.

On Taxman's Day in 2017, tax workers will receive congratulations in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Poems will be read about how difficult and necessary this profession is.

The professional holiday is dedicated directly to those people who understand the peculiarities of legislation, where special importance is given to replenishing the country’s budget. Indeed, today filling the budget is practically the most important thing for the state. Therefore, tax worker’s day in 2017, what date and how to celebrate is of interest to almost every citizen.

Celebration date

Many people already know what day the tax worker’s day falls in 2017. Because this day is celebrated annually on November 21st. And although most people are faced with the inconvenience that this holiday does not always fall on the weekend, so on a working day they have to celebrate it with their family at home, but no one is very upset.

Officially, this professional day was established in 2000 and everyone who is directly connected with the tax service can safely celebrate the occasion, no matter what position the person holds. Undoubtedly, the holiday can be celebrated by relatives and close friends of tax service employees. Also students of specialized education and their teachers, because this is such an important day for them.

History of the professional holiday

It is now known what date we will celebrate Tax Worker’s Day in 2017, but I would like to dive a little into the history where this celebration originates. So, we can safely say that the date dates back to its creation in 1991. The signing of the corresponding decree was a little later. Thus, the president showed respect and importance of such an important profession.

Existing traditions of an important professional day

Undoubtedly, in organizations, employees have a feast at the end of the work process. And not just a few, but the entire team, including management positions, because in addition to the fact that all colleagues show respect for this day, important issues and their solutions are often discussed at this time.

Often such events cannot be held in the organization, so they are transferred to restaurants or cafes where they can be served like this. Then you can invite relatives or close people, so that they, in turn, will also be happy for the culprits of the professional holiday.

Celebrating an important celebration, it is said not only about the problems of this industry, but also about their changes. It is not uncommon for high-ranking officials to organize various types of awards. Where they congratulate colleagues on their achievements, perhaps reward them by presenting certificates and words of gratitude, as well as promote them in positions.

The importance of the profession

As you know, Tax Worker's Day is one of the important holidays of the country, on what date this event is celebrated and why everyone now knows, but many people are interested in the importance of this profession. Therefore, it should be noted that tax officials are primarily engaged in replenishing the state budget by collecting payments.

The responsibility of specialists is to monitor compliance with possible contributions to the state budget. If any violations are identified, then an inspection is organized. Violators may be subject to fines or criminal prosecution. This profession of a tax worker is mastered in higher institutions, where first the student receives all the knowledge necessary for work.

How to celebrate a professional day 2017. After all, on this day you want to please everyone who surrounds you, so there are many different congratulations.

For example, you can prepare a calendar for the next year, where you can mark all the employees of the enterprise. Of course, you shouldn’t forget that you need to please, not upset your colleagues. Also today, sweet treats come in handy. Therefore, in a confectionery shop or factory, you can order a cake where all the names of the employees will be indicated, and everyone will have to eat themselves.

If such jokes are appropriate, then for a comic cake with surnames you need to come up with jokes so that the loser eats a piece of cake with a colleague’s surname, that is, everything will turn out the other way around, you will not have to eat yourself.

It’s not uncommon for employees to come up with various interesting pranks. For example, attentiveness, intelligence and spelling speed. Many organizations have long been using a game such as “Write everything down!”

To play this game, you need to divide into two teams, preparing each with a piece of paper and a pen. After this, the presenter should lay out a lot of small office supplies on the table in front of everyone. Then a certain time is given, say 30 seconds, during which the player must have time to write down every single item laid out on the table in front of him. There is little time for this, so you need to do everything very quickly.

It is not uncommon for tax officials to make comic surprises to managers, where, when submitting regular indicators, they submit statistics indicating how many office supplies were spent during the year, but, of course, this can only be done if the manager understands this joke correctly. Because such pranks are not always appropriate.